nekome [flags] [command]
- Show help
-u <userName>
--user <userName>
- Specify user to use
- Show version
Posts a tweet
If you omit the tweet statement, the editor will be activated.
nekome tweet [flags] [text]
:tweet [flags] [text]
-e <editor command>
--editor <editor command>
- Specify the editor to use for editing
- If omitted, the value of
is specified
-i <file path>
--image <file path>
- Attach the image
- To specify multiple images, separate them with
- Attach the image in the clipboard
- If the --image is specified, it takes precedence
-q <tweet id>
--quote <tweet id>
- Quotes the tweet with the specified ID
-r <tweet ID>
--reply <tweet ID>
- Send a reply to the tweet with the specified ID
Manage your account
nekome account [command]
Add account
nekome account add
Delete account
nekome account delete
Show accounts that have been added
nekome account list
Edit configuration file
nekome edit [flags]
-e <editor command>
--editor <editor command>
- Specify which editor to use
- If omitted, the value of
will be specified
Add home timeline page
:home [flags]
- Start stream mode
Add mention timeline page
:mention [flags]
- Start stream mode
Add list timeline page
:list [flags] <list name> <list id>
Add user timeline page
:user [flags] [user name]
Add a user's Likes page
:likes [flags] [user name]
Add seaech result page
:search [flags] <query>
Show the document
:docs [command]
Documentation for keybindings
:docs keybindings [flags]
Quit the application