In the spirit of open source software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project.
- by reporting incorrect documentation
- by writing or editing documentation
- by fixing issues
- by donating to Code for America
We use the GitHub issue tracker to track bugs. To submit a report:
Browse or search our issues to make sure it hasn't already been submitted.
When submitting a bug report, it's helpful to include any details that may be necessary to reproduce the bug, including:
- a screenshot
- your operating system (Windows 7, Mac OSX 10.9.2, etc.)
- your web browser and version (Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 27, etc.)
To submit a code change to the project for review by the team:
Setup: Install the code on your computer.
Branch: Create a topic branch for the one specific issue you're addressing.
Implement: Implement your bug fix.
Commit changes: Add, commit, and push your changes.
Pull request: Submit a pull request to send your changes to this repository for review.
If you use Sublime Text, please make sure to set your tab indentation to 2 spaces. We also highly recommend you use the TrailingSpaces plugin and set it to Trim On Save.