Software requirements:
PostgreSQL 8.0 or later JBoss 4.0.0 or later
Localhost should be set to trust authentication in PostgreSQL (in pg_hba.con).
Run the provided installation script (sh Start JBoss and wait until it has started. Run the database configuration script (sh Log in to the admin interface:
http://localhost:8080/webvoter/admin.html with election name "test" and password "test".
Also, see the section JBOSS TROUBLESHOOTING at the bottom of this file.
The code supports the following structure:
External authentication is available at an URL This URL needs to be configured in elections table, column authurl
If you are using HTTPS and the certificate on the authentication server is not signed, create a keystore with the certificate:
keytool -import -file /path/to/yourcert.pem -keystore /etc/keystore.jks
Then start JBoss like this:
WebVoter consists of three distinct parts. The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database under user webvoter. This data is accessed via an EJB layer, which is contained in webvoter.jar. The presentation layer is contained in webvoter.war and consists of static HTML pages and dynamic JSP pages.
The database contains the following tables:
name (text) Primary key password (text) isopen (boolean) True if the election is open, false if closed. This affects certain admin interface functionality and of course prevents votes from added. This should be used to temporarily close the election, for example for the night. production (boolean) True is the system is in production. This affects certain admin interface functionality. The vote calculation is available only if the election is both closed and not in production. firstpassword (boolean) secondpassword (boolean) These control the usage of an external password and a single-use password. stv (boolean) Is the election STV or d'Hondt. government (boolean) Controls d'Hondt result calculation. True means that the candidates in a coalition are ordered by their respective votes. False means that party comparisons are used. authurl (text) URL to use if firstpassword is true.
name (text) Primary key together with electionname. electionname (text) Primary key together with name. References election table, column name. votes (bigint) Vote count. Updated at result calculation stage.
name (text) Primary key together with electionname. electionname (text) Primary key together with name. References election table, column name. votes (bigint) Vote count. Updated at result calculation stage. coalitionname (text) References coalition table, column name.
electionname (text) Primary key together with number. References election table, column name. number (integer) Voting number. Primary key together with electionname. lastname (text) firstname (text) random (double) Random number to use in case of ties. votes (bigint) Vote count. Constantly updated. partycomparison (real) coalitioncomparison (real) allcomparison (real) partyname (text) References party table, column name.
electionname (text) References election table, column name. Part of the primary key. personnumber (text) Part of the primary key. lastname (text) firstname (text) emailaddress (text) address (text) city (text) zipcode (text) votedate (timestamp) When the person has voted. votestyle (integer) 1 = paper, 2 = WWW. password (text) Second password to be used to confirm the vote. hasvoted (boolean) Has the person voted or not.
electionname (text) Primary key together with realid. References election table, column name. realid (text) Primary key. id (text) Groups the votes. candidate (integer) References candidate table, column number. rank (integer)
election (text) References election table, column name. Part of the primary key. languagecode (text) Part of the primary key. header (text) Header for all user interface JSP pages. footer (text) Footer for all user interface JSP pages. candidateheader (text) candidatefooter (text) wrongfirstpassword (text) wrongsecondpassword (text) novoterfound (text) successfulvoting (text) failedvoting (text) invalidnumber (text) gotohomepage (text) invalidlogin (text) confirmchoice (text) electionclosed (text)
You may need to do the following change in JBoss jboss/server/default/conf/standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml:
In PostgreSQL ...
Change java.lang.Boolean CHAR BOOLEAN
To java.lang.Boolean BOOLEAN BOOLEAN
This change solves a problem where the server throws an exception when the voter confirms the vote or an administrator tries to change the election status via the admin interface. The reason for this is that somehow my Eclipse mungles xDoclet generation so that the type-mapping fails.