We recommend creating a package for each app, using the following manner to organize your project:
App # the app package
|-- example_config.yaml # example config for better understanding
|-- inference_app.py # inference app definition
|-- learning_app.py # learning app definition
|-- system.py # system definition
|-- natural # 'natural' means task level code, including task definitions,
task structures, task evaluators, and task2problem modelers.
We show these components in packages. They can also be modules (.py files).
| |-- evaluators # task evaluator
| |-- modeler # task to problem modeler
| | |-- dataprocessor # we recommend to develop reusable data processor
for building the modeler
| |-- resource # external resources
| |-- structure # structures for implementing the task data
| |-- task # task definition
| |-- utils # utilities
|-- rational # 'rational' means problem/machine level code, including definitions,
structures, evaluators, problem2machine modelers.
We show these components in packages. They can also be modules (.py files).
| |-- evaluators # problem/machine evaluators
| | |-- metrics # we recommend to develop reusable metrics
for building the evaluator
| |-- loss # loss definition
| |-- machine # machine definition
| |-- modeler # problem/machine evaluators
| |-- operator # operator definition
| |-- problem # problem definition
| |-- structure # structures for implementing the problem/machine data
We highly recommend user to implement their app using re-usable components.
You may notice that the tripmaster
project is also organized using above structure. So if you implement a component and
you think it may be helpful for others, you can easily find the correct folder to place the module and submit a
pull request
to tripmaster
When building the machine and the operator, we may need some statistics of the data, including the size of vocabulary,
the number of samples, etc. One can override the on_data_phase_finished
method to obtain the information to print it or
set the hyper_params of the machines and operators.
We recommend following procedure in training procedure:
- Use data_mode to generate the machine level data, and save the system without the machine and operator, to save the states of task, problem, and modelers.
- Set data_mode to False, load the saved system and the machine-level data for training.
- You can choose to training from scratch or continuing with existing results by setting the job.operation to
Through this way:
- You can debug and train your machine efficiently with machine-level data, without to build data from scratch each time;
- The status of task, problem and modeler are honestly saved, so even you use the macine-level data, you can still evaluate the performance in problem-level and task-level.