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The Intergovernmental Software Collaborative |
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Government hasn’t kept pace with advances in technology. Only 13% of major government software projects succeed, and the successful and failed ones alike cost 5–10 times more than they should. When these projects fail, so too do the public policy initiatives that depend on them—unemployment insurance, DMVs, healthcare exchanges, paid family & medical leave, etc.—leaving behind the millions of Americans who rely on those programs.
We are knitting together collections of intergovernmental agencies based on common needs to help them collaboratively procure, develop, and maintain the software that they all depend on. This will prevent 56 states, territories, and DC from buying 56 versions of near-identical, overpriced software, and instead allows them to procure high-quality, fair-priced software just once, and share it among themselves.
We hold monthly meetings of software collaboratives, both existing and aspirational. Join our mailing list if you’d like to be invited to future meetings.
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Housed at the Beeck Center at Georgetown University. Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and Blue Meridian Partners