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Greyprint is a set of templates with pre-made styles to assist icon, symbol, and glyph design. The templates are built for Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Affinity Designer, and Experience Design (XD). Greyprint also includes some handy Illustrator actions for common icon design tasks. All free and open source, released under the BSD license.

Download: Greyprint — 1.3 (version history)

Pre-made styles are available for Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, and Affinity Designer.


Here is an example using a Greyprint template and styles to draw a shuffle icon in Illustrator.

The 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% opacity styles can be used to construct guide shapes, or make positioning of other objects apparent. The black fill, white fill and stroke styles cover many commonly used styles, avoiding slow manual editing.

Greyprint exists to give you a bunch of white boxes to fill with your amazing icons, and the styles needed to build those icons quickly.

Using the Greyprint templates, I’ve been challenging myself to find the quickest way to create some common and not so common icons. I’ve collected lots of the icon speedruns in this Twitter Moment, and there’s more info in my vector icon speedruns article.

Short questions can be sent to @marcedwards or @bjango on Twitter. More verbose questions can be sent via the Bjango contact page. If you notice any errors, please let me know.

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