Every night, a KudoScore is generated for every Ohloh Account and Project contributor (collectively called ‘participants’ here). These scores are derived from the Kudos sent between participants. You can read a general outline of the KudoRank algorithm here.
Not everyone has a KudoScore. Because KudoScores are calculated only once per day, new Accounts and contributors may not have a kudo score. On the Ohloh web site, unscored Accounts and contributors are displayed with a default KudoRank of 1.
- kudo_rank The KudoRank, which is an integer from 1 to 10. Higher ranks are better. KudoRanks are assigned on a curve, with a certain fraction of people receiving each KudoRank.
- position
An integer which orders all participants. The person with
equals 1 is the highest-ranked person on Ohloh.
KudoScores cannot be queried directly. They are always returned within an Account record.