LLRB can manage an in-memory instance of sorted index using left-leaning-red-black tree. LLRB is self balancing tree that supports all basic write operations, like create, update, delete. Additionally there is an MVCC (Multi-Version-Concurrency-Control) implementation of lef-leaning-read-black-tree.
- Entry also called as llrb-node has a key, value pair.
- Key are binary string that can handle comparision operation.
- Value can be a blob of binary, text or JSON. LLRB don't interpret the shape of Value.
LLRB without MVCC is a passive library that serializes all index-read and index-write operations using rw-lock. That is, all write and read operations are serialized, while there can be concurrent readers. Based on the operations, an LLRB instance will incur memory cost. Apart from that it is straight forward and should not throw any surprises.
When using MVCC, all index-write operations are serialsed but there can be any number of concurrent readers on a MVCC snapshots. Unlike LLRB, write operations don't block read operations. For each MVCC instance there will be single go-routine spawned to generate periodic snapshots.
Snapshots matter only with MVCC. For write intensive applications, it is recommended to use LLRB. While Read intensive applications might want to use MVCC and use concurrent readers to scale with number of cores.
Memory fragmentation is when most of the memory is allocated in a large number of non-contiguous blocks, or chunks - leaving a good percentage of total memory unallocated, but unusable by rest of the system. This can manifest itself as out of memory exceptions. Sadly this can happen to any process running on the machine, even though it is not at fault.
LLRB tree is built to handle large number of upsert/delete operations which can quickly lead to memory fragmentation. Especially when entries are deleted in a particular pattern, where each pool allocated from OS contains just few allocations.
A proper solution would be to have an allocator that can directly manage the the CPU/Memory virtual pages. Even then fragmentation issue won't be solved completely, and, having an allocator that is tightly bolted to bare metal will open up a new set of issues.
One idea that can be employed to avoid memory-fragmentation is to use copying-garbage-collection. LLRB does support Copying GC out of the box, but here is a set of limitations and recommentations that applications can use:
- Pointer re-write is not possible and not recommended.
- Allocate a new LLRB and start populating it with current set of entries.
- This means, holding an iterator for a long time.
- With MVCC, Iterations won't lock the writer and won't interfer with other concurrent readers. But if there are hundreds and thousands of mutations happening in the background, while the iterator is holding the snapshot, it can lead to huge memory pressure.
- If applications maintain a seqno for all mutations, then it is possible to build a piece-wise Iterator() that can be released for every few milliseconds. Refer #35.
Log-Structured-Merge (LSM) is supported at api level. Specifically with Delete API.
- Delete will simply be marked as deleted and seqno is updated to current seqno.
- For Delete operation, if entry is missing in the index. An entry will be inserted and then marked as deleted with its seqno updated to current-seqno.
- When a key is marked as deleted and Upserted again, the delete operation will get de-duped.
Package lsm/ provides a set of API that can do merge-get and merge-sort on LSM enabled data-structures.
CAS operations help in atomic updates to index entries. It ensures that index entry does not change between a previous read/write operation and next write operation. CAS operation has the following effects:
- If CAS is > ZERO, Get key from the index, and check whether its
matches with the supplied CAS value. - If CAS is ZERO, then it is equivalent to CREATE operation, and expects that the key is not present in the index.
If LLRB tree is holding only a subset, called the working-set, of an index, it is application's responsibility to do CAS match with full set of index and convert the CAS operation into plain Upsert operation.
Panics are to be expected when APIs are misused. Programmers might choose to ignore the errors, but not panics. For example:
- Validate() will panic if there is a fatal error.