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Collection of the extension methods adding JMockit support to the Xtend.

Current release: (more info)

  • JMockit-Xtend: 0.2
    • Xtend: 2.6.0
    • JMockit: 1.10-1.11

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JMockit-Xtend provides a collection of the extension and helper methods to integrate the popular java mocking framework JMockit with the new Xtend language. The goal is not only to provide almost complete original JMockit API to the Xtend but also enhance the API using the power of the Xtend.

The optimal use of the JMockit-Xtend can to achieved together with Jnario.

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You can download JMockit-Xtend directly from Maven Central repository here or just add it as a maven dependency.


WARNING: JMockit needs to be before JUnit on your classpath.

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Version info

Date Version JMockit versions Xtend versions
09/22/2014 0.2 [1.10,1.11] 2.6.0

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New cool Xtend-driven API enhancements

Cool things first. Here is a brief overview of the new cool Xtend-powered API

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Simple mock definitions

JMockit-Xtend provides a set of convenient methods to define the mock configurations:


stub [
    permissionHelper.allowToSend       // non-strict expectations
    result = true

mock [
    permissionHelper.prepareOperation       // strict expectations
    permissionHelper.performOperation       // strict expectations

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any without cast

Thanks to the generic method definition is itn't necessary to cast the any to the expected type. You can do it though to enforce the type, if you want.

Warning: The any method can be used only with the non primitive type. For all primitive types the corresponding anyInt, anyLong, ... methods should be used. The violators will be punished with the NullPointerException.

stub [
    service.acceptString(any, any, any)
    stringBuilder.append(<String>any)    // Force to type to call the right method
    Math::max(any, any)                  // NullPointerException, use anyInt instead

For more information see Simple parameter matching with any() and with()

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Dynamic parameter matching

It's very easy to match the parameter using Xtend-Lambda Expressions:

stub [
    service.acceptString(with [ length > 5 ])

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Dynamic return value

It's also very easy to calculate a return value of the mocked method on the fly:

stub [
    service.generateEMail(any, any, any)
    result = [ String to, String subject, String body |
            To: «to»
            Subject: «subject»

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Differences to the original JMockit API

TODO describe:

  • Using with(T) matcher, if at least one matcher used
  • Using withDelegate(Delegate) instead of with(Delegate)

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import mockit.Mocked
import org.junit.Test
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.*

class MyTest {
    def void myTest(MyService service) {
        mock [
            result = "Hello World"

        assertThat(service.doGreeting, is("Hello World"))

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Expectations using mock []

The mock [] method is an alias to the JMockit new Expectations(){{ ... }} block, which is a strict by default.

mock [
    // Strict expectations
    // - default: times = 1
    // - order is important
    service.call3(1, 2)

JMockit Tutorial:

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Non strict expectations using stub []

The stub [] method is an alias to the JMockit new NonStrictExpectations(){{ ... }} block, which is a non-strict by default.

stub [
    // Non-strict expectations
    // - default: times = infinity
    // - order is't important
    service.call3(1, 2)

JMockit Tutorial:

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Dynamic partial mocking using mock(class) []

The mock(classOrObject) [] method can be used for the partial mocking.

mock(MyClass) [
    new MyClass().call1

You can also grab a mocked instance of the partial mocked class using closure parameter(s):

mock(Api1, Api2) [it, api1, api2 |

You may pass up to 5 classes or objects like this: mock(obj1, Class2, obj3, obj4, Class5). If you need to pass more parameters you should use more verbose syntax specifying the closure first:

    result = "obj1"
], obj1, Class2, obj3, obj4, Class5, Class6, obj7, obj8)

mock(class) or stub(class) methods can also be used to initiate a partial mocking:

mock(Class1, Class2)

Expectations about Class1 and Class2 may be specified later on:

mock [
	new Class1().method1

Defining single partial mock can be combined with creation of an instance of the partial mocked class:

val obj = mock(Class1)

mock [

JMockit Tutorial:

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Dynamic partial mocking using stub(classOrObject) []

The stub(classOrObject) [] method can be used for non-strict the partial mocking.

stub(MyClass) [

You can also grab a mocked instance of the partial stubbed class using closure parameter(s):

stub(Api1, Api2) [it, api1, api2 |

You may pass up to 5 classes or objects like this: stub(obj1, Class2, obj3, obj4, Class5). If you need to pass more parameters you should use more verbose syntax specifying the closure first:

    result = "obj1"
], obj1, Class2, obj3, obj4, Class5, Class6, obj7, obj8)

stub(class) or mock(class) methods can also be used to initiate a partial mocking:

stub(Class1, Class2)

Expectations about Class1 and Class2 may be specified later on:

stub [
	new Class1().method1

Defining single partial stub can be combined with creation of an instance of the partial mocked class:

val obj = stub(Class1)

stub [

JMockit Tutorial:

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Specifying count of iterations for mock/stub expectations

You can specify the count of iterations as a first int parameter of the mock/stub expectation block:

stub(10) [
    returns(1, 2, 3)

You can also specify the count of iterations and dynamic partial mocking objects at the same time:

stub(10, Class1, obj2) [
    returns(1, 2, 3)

or for that 5 partial mocking parameters:

    returns(1, 2, 3)
], 10, Class1, obj2, Class3, obj4, obj5, obj6, obj7, Class8)

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Creating fake instances using ins(class)

In mock[...] and stub[...] expectations blocks you can get a fake instance of any object using ins(class) method. This is particularly useful for partially mocking a class without handy constructor:

stub(ClassWithoutSuitableConstructor) [
	result = 1

Alternatively, you can use closure parameters as described in "Dynamic partial mocking" section:

stub(ClassWithoutSuitableConstructor) [it, instance|
	result = 1

Please note: instances created with ins(class) method are not initialized. Calling non-mocked methods on such instances my cause unexpected behavior!

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Using result=

The result= setter can be used to set one or more results or to throw an exception as a result of the mocked method call.

mock [
    result = "Hello World!"
    result = new NoMoreGreetingsException
    result = "Ok, the last one"

assertThat(service.methodReturningString, is("Hello World!"))
try {
    fail("Exception expected")
} catch (NoMoreGreetingsException e) {}
assertThat(service.methodReturningString, is("Ok, the last one"))

There are resultInt=, resultLong=, resultShort=, ... methods available to enforce the type casting and reduce the chance of the ClassCastException:

mock [
    result = 1L      // With postfix 'L'
    resultLong = 1   // Without postfix 'L'

JMockit Tutorial:

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Xtend-style dynamic result using result= []

The result= setter can be also used to pass a lambda expression instead of a constant result. The lambda expression will be evaluated each time the mocked method is invoked.

mock [
    result = [| id = id + 1 ]

    service.calculateSum(anyInt, anyInt)
    result = [ int a, int b | a + b ]

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Using returns()

The returns method can be also used to set one or more results but can't be used to throw an exception as a result of the mocked method call. For further information consult the JMockit documentation. (e. g.

mock [
    returns("Hello", "World!")
    returns("Ok, the last one")

assertThat(service.methodReturningString, is("Hello"))
assertThat(service.methodReturningString, is("World!"))
assertThat(service.methodReturningString, is("Ok, the last one"))

There are also returnsInt=, returnsLong=, returnsShort=, ... methods available to enforce the type casting and reduce the chance of the ClassCastException:

mock [
    returns(1L)    // With postfix 'L'
    returns(1)     // Without postfix 'L'

JMockit Tutorial:

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Using onInstance()

The onInstance method can be used to restrict an extected call to a single instance of a mocked class.

mock [


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Using times=

The times= (or setTimes()) setter specifies the number of the expected calls to the mocked method.

mock [
    times = 3

JMockit Tutorial:

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Using maxTimes=

The maxTimes= (or setMaxTimes()) setter specifies the maximal number of the expected calls to the mocked method.

mock [
    maxTimes = 5

JMockit Tutorial:

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Using minTimes=

The minTimes= (or setMinTimes()) setter specifies the minimal number of the expected calls to the mocked method.

mock [
	minTimes = 2

JMockit Tutorial:

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Simple parameter matching with any() and with()

The any(), anyInt(), anyLong(), ... and with(), withInt(), withLong(), ... extension methods are used to statically match the parameter of the mocked method.

WARNING: Unlike JMockit API, you have to wrap the concrete values within with\*() for every invocation, where one of the `any*()' methods are used.

stub [
    service.max(1, 2)               // ok    - no use of any()
    service.max(anyInt, with(3))    // ok    - using with() for the values
    service.max(anyInt, 3)          // ERROR - any() used, but the values without with()

    stringBuilder.append(anyChar)        // Match java.lang.StringBuilder.append(char)
    stringBuilder.append(with(3.3))      // Match java.lang.StringBuilder.append(double)
    stringBuilder.append(withFloat(3.3)) // Match java.lang.StringBuilder.append(float)

WARNING: Unlike JMockit API, there are any() extension methods, that has the generic definition:

public static < T > T any(Expectations expectations) throws Exception {
    return null;

As a result, the any() extension method can be used for all kind of parameters without casting. The down side of this method is, that it produces a NullPointerException each time it used with primitive type.

stub [
    service.max(withInt(1), any)            // NullPointerException: Xtend call any.intValue() where any == null
    service.max(withInt(1), anyInt)         // ok: anyInt == (int)0

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Parameter matching with JMockit with*() methods

Following JMockit with\*() methods are supported within "expectations" and "verification" blocks:

  • with(Object)
  • with(T, Object)
  • withAny(T)
  • withEqual(double, double)
  • withEqual(float, double)
  • withEqual(T)
  • withInstanceLike(T)
  • withInstanceOf(Class) Doesn't work with primitive types
  • withMatch(T)
  • withNotEqual(T)
  • withNotNull()
  • withNull()
  • withPrefix(T)
  • withSameInstance(T)
  • withSubstring(T)
  • withSuffix(T)

The JMockit with(Delegate) is renamed to withDelegate(Delegate) allowing the Xtend-lambda expression to be used with the simple with [] syntax

Following JMockit with\*() methods are supported only within the "verifications" block:

  • withCapture()
  • withCapture(Object)

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Xtend-style dynamic parameter matching using with []

The dynamic parameter matching can be accomplished using Xtend-lambda expression using the with [] extension method for the Object types and withInt [], withLong [], ... extension method for all primitive types.

stub [
    service.processString(with [ length > 5 ])
    service.processString(with [ it?.length > 5 ]) // Prevents NullPointerException if it==null
                                                   // If it==null then (it?.length) evaluates to 0
    service.processInt(withInt [ it > 0 ])

    service.processInt(with [ it > 0 ])  // NullPointerException: withInt should be used

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Mocking private methods

Private method mocking can be accomplished using one of overloaded invoke() extension methods:

stub [
    invoke(object, "methodName", param1, param2)
    result = "result"


JMockit Tutorial:

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Specifying default results

Other that in the JMockit the default results can be specified within the test class.

class MyTest {
    MyAPI api

    int a = -1 // Return -1 for all methods returning "int"

    IOException e // Throw IOException for all methods declaring IOException

    def void myTest() {
        assertThat(api.getInt(), is(-1))

JMockit Tutorial:

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  • README - summarize differences to the JMockit API
  • Iterated expectations
  • Explicit verification
  • Accessing private fields, methods and constructors
  • Cascading mocks
  • Capturing internal instances of mocked types
  • Automatic instantiation and injection of tested classes
  • Reusing expectation and verification blocks
  • State-based testing with JMockit
  • forEachInvocation (see
  • Add withNull(T) method to allow null parameter matching with invoke()

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JMockit-Xtend is dual-licensed (available under either MIT or EPL licenses):