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Local Chain and Cronos Stack

WARNING: All the accounts, keys and mnemonics in this repository are publicly exposed and must not be used in places with monetary value.

This project helps to quickly created a local CRO family chains stack using Docker with customizable configurations:

  • Chain
  • Cronos
  • IBC-channel

This is useful for performing experiments without setting up from scratch nor to interact with the public networks.


  • Docker

Quick Start

make all
make start
# Enjoy!

Custom Build and Configuration

make all command perform a series of make actions to create the default chain stack for you. Two of the major steps in the make all is make init and make prepare which are corresponding to the init and prepare Phases.

Init Phase

make init

Init phase creates the default configurations that are commonly shared between all the nodes. i.e. Binary, Configurations, Default accounts and Consensus params. These configurations are usually propagated too all the nodes.

If you want to change the network params, you can modify the assets in assets folder accordingly.

Prepare Phase

make prepare

Prepare phase propagates the assets and generate multiple validators and nodes depending on the setup. This phase are usually useful if you want to create distinctions between the nodes for your experiment.

Common Makefile Targets

Target Phase Description
make download-binary init Download or build binary from a specific version. You can specify the chain and hermes versions as specified in the Makefile header.
make init init Initialize the chains and hermes in the assets folder. This can be used to bootstrap the assets and ten that you can customize the setup.
make prepare prepare Prepare the runtime environment including preparing the default accounts with balances and generate the validators details.
make start runtime Start the runtime by creating and running all the chain nodes and hermes.
make stop runtime Stop the runtime.
make restart runtime Restart the runtime.
make logs runtime Follow the runtime logs.
make logs-crypto-org-chain runtime Follow the Chain runtime logs.
make logs-cronos runtime Follow the Cronos runtime logs.
make logs-hermes runtime Follow the Hermes runtime logs.
make tendermint-unsafe-reset-all N/A This action is non-reversible. Reset chain runtime to initial state.
make unsafe-clear-assets N/A This action is non-reversible. Clear assets folder except go/, shared/ and src/ folders inside.
make unsafe-clear-runtime N/A This action is non-reversible. Clear runtime folder.


A few handy commands are provided to help you pre-fill the connections details such that you can interact with local chain stack without a hassell:

Script Path Description
./cmd/chain-maind Interact with Chain. Behaves similar to chain-maind with extra features
./cmd/cronosd Interact with Cronos. Behaves similar to cronosd with extra features
./cmd/hermes Interact with Hermes. Behaves the same as hermes
./cmd/list-account List all account address, balances and private key

System Design and Defaults

This section covers the system design highlights and some of default values that you may be interested to modify.

Minimum Gas Prices


The default minimum gas prices of each chain is configured as below

Chain Minimum Gas Prices Chain 0.025basecro
Cronos 5000basecro,0stake

How to change

To change the minimum gas prices, there are two places you have to modify:

  • Chain configuration
    • assets/crypto-org-chain/home/config/app.toml and/or assets/cronos/home/config/app.toml
  • Hermes configuration
    • assets/hermes/.hermes/config.toml


IBC Channel Keep Alive Cron Job

To keep the IBC client active, an IBC transfer cron job is executed every regular interval. This interval can be configured in the docker-compose.yml. Default is to run every 1 minute.

Two accounts named relayer-keepalive are created in the created Chain and Cronos. IBC transfer cron job make uses of these accounts and transfer CRO to each other and trigger the client updates to keep the channel alive.

Project Structure

Folder Description
assets/ Build time assets including source file, binaries and configuration before copying to runtime
assets/cronos Cronos assets
assets/cronos/chain Cronos binary
assets/cronos/home Cronos initialized home folder. This will be copied to runtime on make prepare
assets/crypto-org-chain Chain assets
assets/crypto-org-chain/chain Chain binary
assets/crypto-org-chain/home Chain initialized home folder. This will be copied to runtime on make prepare
assets/go Cache folder for go build dependencies
assets/hermes Hermes assets
assets/hermes/.hermes Hermes initialized home folder. This will be copied to runtime on make prepare
assets/hermes/bin Hermes binary
assets/shared Shared folder that is mounted as /shared to the container when running ./cmd/chain-maind and ./cmd/cronosd
assets/src/cronos Cronos source code for custom build
assets/src/crypto-org-chain Chain source code for custom build
assets/src/hermes Hermes source code for custom build
cmd/ Contains commands to interact with the docker service as if running a local command
cmd/chain-maind An easy chain-maind CLI that has access to the local network
cmd/cronosd An easy cronods CLI that has access to the local network
cmd/hermes An easy hermes CLI that has access to the local network
cmd/list-account List all account address, balances and private key
cronos Cronos docker resources
crypto-org-chain Chain docker resources
docker Build docker resources
docker/scripts Scripts for build toolbox docker image
docker/buildpack.Dockerfile Base image Dockerfile with necessary build dependencies for all the images
docker/toolbox.Dockerfile Build toolbox Dockerfile
hermes Hermes docker resources
runtime/ Runtime environment of the chain services
scripts/ Scripts used by Makefile
docker-compose.yml docker-compose file generated by Makefile for the local network

List of Docker Images

make build-image creates the following Docker images:

Image Name Description
local-cro-chain/crypto-org-chain Chain chain-maind CLI and runtime
local-cro-chain/cronos Cronos chain-maind CLI and runtime
local-cro-chain/hermes Hermes runtime docker. It will create IBC channel if it is not created yet.
local-cro-chain/hermes-cli Hermes CLI

Docker Compose Architecture


A docker network named local-cro-chain-network is created upon docker compose creation. This allow you to run a docker container attaching to the network and interact with the services.


NETWORK_ID=$(docker network ls | grep 'local-cro-chain-network' | awk '{ print $1}')
docker run --network=$NETWORK_ID ...

Host Port Exposure

Unique ports are assigned the following services of each nodes and exposed to the host network. For the exact port number assignments, refer to the generated docker-compose.yml.

Service Applicable Chain Port Range
Tendermint Both 26650+
gRPC Both 9090+
LCD Both 1310+
Prometheus Both 8090+
ETH JSON RPC Cronos 8540+

Container Naming

Each docker compose service is assigned a unique name. This allow the host to retrieve the information of these services and interact programmatically. Refer to generated docker-compose.yml for the container name of your interest.

Example - Query Tendermint RPC of the 1st Chain validator:

HOST_PORT=$(docker inspect local-cro-chain-cronos-validator0 | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Ports."26657/tcp"[0].HostPort')
curl "${HOST_PORT}"

Custom SSL Certificate

If your network is behind a proxy or has self-signed certificates, you can force the build process to skip SSL verification. There are two options to do so:

1. Provide INSECURE_SKIP_SSL_VERIFY to make target

Note this is only respected by certain commands such as curl but not the others


2. Provide an optional certificates

If you have the SSL certificate, this is usually the more reliable way to avoid any SSL certification error arose from self-signed certificate.

  1. Copy your self-signed certificate to ./docker/certificates.pem.
  2. Run make target as normal.

Note ./docker/certificates.pem will not be committed to Git.