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Julien edited this page Jun 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

Backup a volume

By default, Bivac will backup your volumes every day but you may want to manually force a backup of a volume.

To do so, you must first list the volume to retrieve the one you want to backup:

$ bivac volumes
ID              Name            Hostname      Mountpoint      LastBackupDate          LastBackupStatus        Backing up
mysql           mysql           testing       /var/lib/mysql  2019-06-13 01:33:44     Success                 false
ssh_config      ssh_config      testing       /etc/ssh        2019-06-13 01:43:12     Success                 false

Let's say you want to backup the volume ssh_config:

$ bivac backup ssh_config
Backing up `ssh_config'...
ID: ssh_config
Name: ssh_sshconfig
Mountpoint: /etc/ssh
Backup date: 2019-06-13 09:35:38
Backup status: Success

        backup          [0]
                        Files:           0 new,     0 changed,    11 unmodified
                        Dirs:            0 new,     1 changed,     0 unmodified
                        Added to the repo: 702 B

                        processed 11 files, 299.375 KiB in 0:01
                        snapshot 1c21ee5b saved

        forget          [0] Applying Policy: keep the last 15 daily snapshots
                        snapshots for (host [testing]):

                        keep 15 snapshots:
                        ID        Time                 Host                                       Tags        Reasons         Paths
                        1c21ee5b  2019-06-13 09:35:32  testing                                                daily snapshot  /etc/ssh
                        1 snapshots

                        repository contains 18 packs (44 blobs) with 317.585 KiB
                        processed 44 blobs: 0 duplicate blobs, 0B duplicate
                        load all snapshots
                        find data that is still in use for 15 snapshots
                        [0:00] 100.00%  15 / 15 snapshots

                        found 42 of 44 data blobs still in use, removing 2 blobs
                        will remove 0 invalid files
                        will delete 1 packs and rewrite 0 packs, this frees 763B
                        counting files in repo

                        [0:00] 100.00%  17 / 17 packs
                        finding old index files
                        saved new indexes as [f027febd]
                        remove 2 old index files
                        [0:00] 100.00%  1 / 1 packs deleted


Congratulations, you've successfully backed up your volume! ๐Ÿพ ๐ŸŽ‰

Restore a volume

To restore a backed up volume, you can run the following command which will restore the latest snapshot in the volume:

$ bivac restore canary
Restoring `canary'...
ID: canary
Name: canary
Mountpoint: /var/lib/docker/volumes/canary/_data
Backup date: 2019-06-13 07:56:36
Backup status: Success

restore         [0] restoring <Snapshot 15583d4b of [/var/lib/docker/volumes/canary/_data] at 2019-06-13 07:56:13.905600644 +0000 UTC by root@testing> to /var/lib/docker/volumes/canary/_data/h3bf5TfCxKtisKYF
snapshots       [0] [{"time":"2019-06-13T07:56:13.905600644Z","tree":"e6790a6cf2fd100d01b3bcac795c8787411b0879c85d60514f109403d26890bf","paths":["/var/lib/docker/volumes/canary/_data"],"hostname":"testing","username":"root","id":"15583d4b11605ec552be08fd1fd76d7549aefa0104ab4111f629737d5c7f7a17","short_id":"15583d4b"}]

Manage a remote Restic repository

If you want to list volume's snapshots or retrieve some stats, you will have to use Restic and Bivac provides a good abstraction to do it.

Let's say you have volume called canary and you want to list the associate snapshots, then you'll simply run:

$ bivac restic --volume canary snapshots
ID        Time                 Host                      Tags        Paths
9d22678e  2019-01-13 03:35:01  canary                                /mnt/geoserver_geodata
1 snapshots

In case, you'd like to run a more complex command, you must use -- as follow:

$ bivac restic --volume canary -- forget --prune --keep-daily 15


My backup failed because the remote repository is locked.

The first thing to do is to check the date and the user who created the lock. From these informations, you should be able to determine if the lock is "legit" (a backup is running) or if it's a remnant of a forgotten backup. If you think it's safe to remove it, then you can run:

$ bivac backup [VOLUME_ID] --force

With the option --force, Bivac will unlock the Restic repository before doing a backup.