diff --git a/src/README.md b/src/README.md
index d040663..8135787 100644
--- a/src/README.md
+++ b/src/README.md
@@ -373,49 +373,53 @@ Time is in minutes, run Yolo with different hardware configurations GPU types V1
-## OpenISS-reid-tfk
+## OpenISS Person Re-Identification Baseline
-The following steps will provide the information required to execute the *OpenISS Person Re-Identification Baseline* Project (https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/openiss-reid-tfk) on *SPEED*
+The following are the steps required to run the *OpenISS Person Re-Identification Baseline* Project (https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/openiss-reid-tfk) on the *Speed* cluster. This implementatoin is based on tensorflow and keras
-### Environment
+### Prerequisites
-The pre-requisites to prepare the environment are located in `environment.yml` (https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/openiss-reid-tfk).
+#### Dataset
+ Using the Market1501 dataset which consist of
+ - Train images: 12,936
+ - Query images: 3,368
+ - Gallery images: 15,913
-Using a test dataset (Market1501) and 120 epochs as an example, we ran the script and the results were the following:
+ Running for 10 epochs as an example, the results for different Speed configurations were:
+ - Using GPU: 29 minute
+ - Using CPUs (32 cores): 6 hours and 49 minute
-Speed 1 GPU: 5hrs 25min
+#### Environment Setup
+ The environment setup instructions are located in `environment.yml` (https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/openiss-reid-tfk). Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed.
-Speed CPU - 32 cores: 2 days 22 hours
+### Configuration and execution
-TEST DATASET: Market1501
+- Log into Speed and navigate to your speed-scratch directory:
+ ssh $USER@speed.encs.concordia.ca
+ cd /speed-scratch/$USER/
----- Train images: 12936
+- Clone the GitHub repo from https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/openiss-reid-tfk
----- Query images: 3368
+- Download the dataset: Navigate to the `datasets/` directory, make the script executable, and run `get_dataset_market1501.sh`:
----- Gallery images: 15913
+ chmod u+x *.sh && ./get_dataset_market1501.sh
-### Configuration and execution
+- Download `openiss-reid-speed.sh` execution script from this repository.
-- Log into Speed, go to your speed-scratch directory: `cd /speed-scratch/$USER/`
-- Clone the repo from https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/openiss-reid-tfk
-- Download the dataset: go to `datasets/` and run `get_dataset_market1501.sh`
-- In `reid.py` set the epochs (`g_epochs=120` by default)
-- Download `openiss-reid-speed.sh` from this repository
-- On `environment.yml` comment or uncomment tensorflow accordingly (for CPU or GPU, GPU is default)
-- On `openiss-reid-speed.sh` comment or uncomment the resourse allocation section accordingly (GPU is default), make sure you only request CPU or GPU but not both
-- Submit the job:
+- In `reid.py` set the number of epochs (`g_epochs=120` by default)
- On CPUs nodes: `sbatch ./openiss-reid-speed.sh`
+- In `environment.yml` comment/uncomment the TensorFlow section depending on whether you are running on CPU or GPU. GPU is enabled by default.
- On GPUs nodes: `sbatch -p pg ./openiss-reid-speed.sh`
+- In `openiss-reid-speed.sh` comment/uncomment the resource allocation lines for either CPU or GPU, depending on the target node (GPU is default). Ensure that only one type (CPU or GPU) is requested.
+- Submit the job:
-Modify the script `openiss-reid-speed.sh` to setup the job to be ready for CPUs or GPUs nodes; `--mem=` and `gpus=` in particular, see more information about these parameters on https://github.com/NAG-DevOps/speed-hpc/blob/master/doc/speed-manual.pdf
+ For CPU nodes: `sbatch ./openiss-reid-speed.sh`
+ For GPU nodes: `sbatch -p pg ./openiss-reid-speed.sh`
diff --git a/src/openiss-reid-speed.sh b/src/openiss-reid-speed.sh
index cbad29d..efe7ec3 100755
--- a/src/openiss-reid-speed.sh
+++ b/src/openiss-reid-speed.sh
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-# Give job a name
-#SBATCH -J openiss-reid
+# Job name
+#SBATCH --job-name openiss-reid
-# Send an email when the job starts, finishes or if it is aborted.
+# Recieve email notifications when the job starts, finishes or fails.
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
-# Specify the output file name
-#SBATCH -o openiss-reid-tfk.log
# Set output directory to current
#SBATCH --chdir=./
+# Specify the output file name
+#SBATCH -o openiss-reid-output-%A.log
# Request Memory
-#SBATCH --mem=32G
+#SBATCH --mem=20G
# Request CPU - comment this section if the job needs GPUs
-##SBATCH -n 32
+##SBATCH -c 32
# Request GPU - comment this section if the job needs CPUs and uncomment the previous section
#SBATCH --gpus=1