In this puzzle, Thor is stranded on a rectangular grid and needs to reach a lightning bolt that is located at a specific position on the grid. The position of Thor and the lightning bolt are given as input to the program. Thor can move in four directions: North, South, East, and West. For each move, the program needs to output the direction in which Thor should move to get closer to the lightning bolt.
The solution uses a loop to iterate over the possible moves of Thor. At each iteration, the program calculates the direction in which Thor should move based on his current position and the position of the lightning bolt. The program then outputs the direction in which Thor should move and updates his position accordingly.
Initialization input
31 4 5 4
Output for a game round
# Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
# the standard input according to the problem statement.
# ---
# Hint: You can use the debug stream to print thorX and thorY if Thor seems not to follow your orders.
# lightX: the X position of the light of power
# lightY: the Y position of the light of power
# thorX: Thor's current X position
# thorY: Thor's current Y position
read -r lightX lightY thorX thorY
# game loop
while true; do
# remainingTurns: The remaining amount of turns Thor can move. Do not remove this line.
read -r remainingTurns
# Calculate the direction
# Determine the vertical direction (N or S) and update position
if [ "$thorY" -gt "$lightY" ]; then
elif [ "$thorY" -lt "$lightY" ]; then
# Determine the horizontal direction (E or W) and update position
if [ "$thorX" -gt "$lightX" ]; then
elif [ "$thorX" -lt "$lightX" ]; then
# Output the direction
echo "$direction"