Copyright (C) 2021 Charalampos Mitsakis
Polysender is licensed under the terms of the PolyForm Internal Use License 1.0.0. This is a source-available license that permits use and modifications for internal business purposes only, while prohibiting distribution, SaaS, and service bureau use.
Third-party contributions are licensed under the terms of the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
As additional permission, you are allowed to contribute your modifications back as pull requests to this repository, provided that your contributions are licensed under the terms of the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0. By submitting a pull request you certify that you can and do license your contribution under the terms of the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0. Publicly maintaining an independent fork is not permitted. This additional permission does not allow you to modify the license, the additional permission, or the copyright notice.