Lesson 05: Software Development Life Cycle (Slides)
Please review the following resources before lecture:
- Software Development Life Cycle: Explained (Video)
- What is the "best way" to develop software applications? (Video)
- Write user stories.
- Submit a new bug to the repository.
- Do pre-work for lesson 06.
Write three user stories for any software of your choosing, existing or totally made up. Provide your responses in a README file that you create within your own uniquely named directory.
Find three bugs in the UTasks online todo app (need to create an account). Write up two GitHub issues in our code differently repository containing the following elements:
- A brief description of the problem.
- Detailed steps to reproduce the issue in a numbered list.
- The outcome you expected as a result of doing the steps.
- The actual result you got that was unexpected.
- At least one of your bugs must include a screenshot.