diff --git a/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/gensim_w2v_google_exercise.ipynb b/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/gensim_w2v_google_exercise.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb9bf72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/gensim_w2v_google_exercise.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "3tQ9agNhCuA7"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### **gensim_w2v_classification : Exercise**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- In this exercise, you are going to classify whether a given text belongs to one of possible classes ['BUSINESS', 'SPORTS', 'CRIME'].\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- you are going to use **spacy for pre-processing** the text and **gensim to convert text to numbers** and apply different classification algorithms."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "ofUtLwvCATG1"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#uncomment the below line and run this cell to install the large english model which is trained on wikipedia data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# !python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "7X3B1t16CTAG"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#import api from gensim downloader module and load the 'word2vec-google-news-300'\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "_hu-InEjEECf"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### **About Data: News Category Classifier**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Credits: https://www.kaggle.com/code/hengzheng/news-category-classifier-val-acc-0-65\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- This data consists of two columns.\n",
+ " - Text\n",
+ " - Category\n",
+ "- Text are the description about a particular topic.\n",
+ "- Category determine which class the text belongs to.\n",
+ "- we have classes mainly of 'BUSINESS', 'SPORTS', 'CRIME' and comes under **Multi-class** classification Problem."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 224
+ },
+ "id": "6vn-QFK8CTDx",
+ "outputId": "3c883d1b-70d6-4b69-e22b-dca2e8fe61d1"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#import pandas library\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#read the dataset \"news_dataset.json\" provided and load it into dataframe \"df\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#print the shape of data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#print the top5 rows\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "KeqskgcECTFk",
+ "outputId": "00e48bd0-5220-41cf-c67e-b9002046cbd0"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#check the distribution of labels \n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 206
+ },
+ "id": "NhCfiihaHSoP",
+ "outputId": "24c01159-1993-45de-e368-e209c6e35c2c"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#Add the new column which gives a unique number to each of these labels \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#check the results with top 5 rows\n",
+ " "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "3BR4NrchH8ax"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Now we will convert the text into a vector using gensim's word2vec embeddings.\n",
+ "### We will do this in three steps,\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- 1. Preprocess the text to remove stop words, punctuations and get lemma for each word.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- 2. Get word vectors for each of the words in a pre-processed sentence.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- 3. Take a mean of all word vectors to derive the numeric representation of the entire news article"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "uMO6FaLDHSrE"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#use this utility function to get the pre-processed text.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import spacy\n",
+ "nlp = spacy.load(\"en_core_web_lg\") # if this fails then run \"python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg\" to download that model\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def preprocess_and_vectorize(text):\n",
+ " # remove stop words and lemmatize the text\n",
+ " doc = nlp(text)\n",
+ " filtered_tokens = []\n",
+ " for token in doc:\n",
+ " if token.is_stop or token.is_punct:\n",
+ " continue\n",
+ " filtered_tokens.append(token.lemma_)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " return wv.get_mean_vector(filtered_tokens)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "oZ6_L48ACTJQ"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#create a new column \"vector\" that store the vector representation of text\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 206
+ },
+ "id": "HKiYDkx7MUD6",
+ "outputId": "44dd0f12-9b93-4c61-a41b-dd5195a09ffb"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# print the top 5 rows\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "RN33REq1MERj"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Train-Test splitting**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "Zv1KVVq6CTK2"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#import the train_test_split\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#Do the 'train-test' splitting with test size of 20% with random state of 2022 and stratify sampling too\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "9dsTSIbhMOYt"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Reshaping the X_train and X_test so as to fit for models**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "Q3i8wLGwCTOW",
+ "outputId": "00b2df28-7363-4523-ca33-3c3c0ddacbc5"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#reshapes the X_train and X_test using 'stack' function of numpy. Store the result in new variables \"X_train_2d\" and \"X_test_2d\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "_wiG1QWtMpp0"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 1:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use Decision Tree as the classifier.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "lAakbqF-MJJr",
+ "outputId": "180add4f-f4f7-4a33-f319-3aac074d76ca"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier\n",
+ "from sklearn.metrics import classification_report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a Decision Tree model object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "zhM_5JfRM71N"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 2:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use MultinomialNB as the classifier after applying the MinMaxscaler.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "YMJLxZmqMj75",
+ "outputId": "6cdf468d-69a1-485f-df11-f19cae9372ea"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB\n",
+ "from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler\n",
+ "from sklearn.metrics import classification_report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#doing scaling because Negative values will not pass into Naive Bayes models\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a MultinomialNB model object \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings(scaled) and y_train\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "M01PKr8_NMnd"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 3:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use KNeighborsClassifier as the classifier.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "AaPLpci6Mj9j",
+ "outputId": "6bb46ebc-eb83-469b-be0b-940519fdd7cb"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a KNN model object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "wbvfcU3bNWYD"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 4:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use RandomForestClassifier as the classifier.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "V-Gu3HREMkBf",
+ "outputId": "9bce9078-5e89-4be9-eb75-a905397b17c6"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a Random Forest model object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "NGARs-VGN3B6"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 5:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use GradientBoostingClassifier as the classifier.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "wG5_sqe1MkES",
+ "outputId": "bb518b4a-1ba2-4304-d953-1e2276063ef6"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a GradientBoosting model object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "rdL1ogVuOCmx"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Print the confusion Matrix with the best model got**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 460
+ },
+ "id": "F6FGhChsMJL_",
+ "outputId": "691388a5-4fe6-444c-9e8a-9fd804ffa825"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#finally print the confusion matrix for the best model: GradientBoostingClassifier\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## [**Solution**](./gensim_w2v_google_solution.ipynb)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "collapsed_sections": [],
+ "provenance": []
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.8.10"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 1
diff --git a/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/gensim_w2v_google_solution.ipynb b/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/gensim_w2v_google_solution.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d6116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/gensim_w2v_google_solution.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "3tQ9agNhCuA7"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### **gensim_w2v_classification : Solution**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- In this exercise, you are going to classify whether a given text belongs to one of possible classes ['BUSINESS', 'SPORTS', 'CRIME'].\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- you are going to use **spacy for pre-processing** the text and **gensim to convert text to numbers** and apply different classification algorithms."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "ofUtLwvCATG1"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#uncomment the below line and run this cell to install the large english model which is trained on wikipedia data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# !python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "7X3B1t16CTAG"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#import api from gensim downloader module\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import gensim.downloader as api\n",
+ "wv = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "_hu-InEjEECf"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### **About Data: News Category Classifier**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Credits: https://www.kaggle.com/code/hengzheng/news-category-classifier-val-acc-0-65\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- This data consists of two columns.\n",
+ " - Text\n",
+ " - Category\n",
+ "- Text are the description about a particular topic.\n",
+ "- Category determine which class the text belongs to.\n",
+ "- we have classes mainly of 'BUSINESS', 'SPORTS', 'CRIME' and comes under **Multi-class** classification Problem."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 224
+ },
+ "id": "6vn-QFK8CTDx",
+ "outputId": "3c883d1b-70d6-4b69-e22b-dca2e8fe61d1"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "(7500, 2)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " text \n",
+ " category \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was ... \n",
+ " CRIME \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse \n",
+ " CRIME \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 2 \n",
+ " Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Mill... \n",
+ " SPORTS \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 3 \n",
+ " This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Sh... \n",
+ " SPORTS \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 4 \n",
+ " 7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legaliza... \n",
+ " BUSINESS \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " text category\n",
+ "0 Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was ... CRIME\n",
+ "1 Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse CRIME\n",
+ "2 Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Mill... SPORTS\n",
+ "3 This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Sh... SPORTS\n",
+ "4 7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legaliza... BUSINESS"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#import pandas library\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#read the dataset \"news_dataset.json\" provided and load it into dataframe \"df\"\n",
+ "df = pd.read_json('news_dataset.json')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#print the shape of data\n",
+ "print(df.shape)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#print the top5 rows\n",
+ "df.head()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "KeqskgcECTFk",
+ "outputId": "00e48bd0-5220-41cf-c67e-b9002046cbd0"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "CRIME 2500\n",
+ "SPORTS 2500\n",
+ "BUSINESS 2500\n",
+ "Name: category, dtype: int64"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#check the distribution of labels \n",
+ "df['category'].value_counts()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 206
+ },
+ "id": "NhCfiihaHSoP",
+ "outputId": "24c01159-1993-45de-e368-e209c6e35c2c"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " text \n",
+ " category \n",
+ " label_num \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was ... \n",
+ " CRIME \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse \n",
+ " CRIME \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 2 \n",
+ " Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Mill... \n",
+ " SPORTS \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 3 \n",
+ " This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Sh... \n",
+ " SPORTS \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 4 \n",
+ " 7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legaliza... \n",
+ " BUSINESS \n",
+ " 2 \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " text category label_num\n",
+ "0 Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was ... CRIME 0\n",
+ "1 Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse CRIME 0\n",
+ "2 Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Mill... SPORTS 1\n",
+ "3 This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Sh... SPORTS 1\n",
+ "4 7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legaliza... BUSINESS 2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#Add the new column which gives a unique number to each of these labels \n",
+ "df['label_num'] = df['category'].map({'CRIME': 0, 'SPORTS': 1, 'BUSINESS': 2})\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#check the results with top 5 rows\n",
+ "df.head(5) "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "3BR4NrchH8ax"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Now we will convert the text into a vector using gensim's word2vec embeddings.\n",
+ "### We will do this in three steps,\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- 1. Preprocess the text to remove stop words, punctuations and get lemma for each word.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- 2. Get word vectors for each of the words in a pre-processed sentence.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- 3. Take a mean of all word vectors to derive the numeric representation of the entire news article"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "uMO6FaLDHSrE"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#use this utility function to get the pre-processed text.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import spacy\n",
+ "nlp = spacy.load(\"en_core_web_lg\") # if this fails then run \"python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg\" to download that model\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def preprocess_and_vectorize(text):\n",
+ " # remove stop words and lemmatize the text\n",
+ " doc = nlp(text)\n",
+ " filtered_tokens = []\n",
+ " for token in doc:\n",
+ " if token.is_stop or token.is_punct:\n",
+ " continue\n",
+ " filtered_tokens.append(token.lemma_)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " return wv.get_mean_vector(filtered_tokens)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "oZ6_L48ACTJQ"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#create a new column \"vector\" that store the vector representation of text\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df['vector'] = df['text'].apply(lambda text: preprocess_and_vectorize(text))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 206
+ },
+ "id": "HKiYDkx7MUD6",
+ "outputId": "44dd0f12-9b93-4c61-a41b-dd5195a09ffb"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " text \n",
+ " category \n",
+ " label_num \n",
+ " vector \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was ... \n",
+ " CRIME \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " [0.0062062526, 0.007499068, -0.0018321582, 0.0... \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse \n",
+ " CRIME \n",
+ " 0 \n",
+ " [0.011932425, 0.043185577, 0.005834251, 0.0292... \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 2 \n",
+ " Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Mill... \n",
+ " SPORTS \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " [0.026129723, 0.018022463, 0.006559925, 0.0110... \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 3 \n",
+ " This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Sh... \n",
+ " SPORTS \n",
+ " 1 \n",
+ " [0.021925448, -0.00023149428, -0.022482838, 0.... \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 4 \n",
+ " 7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legaliza... \n",
+ " BUSINESS \n",
+ " 2 \n",
+ " [0.036470134, -0.023180826, 0.006566672, 0.030... \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " text category label_num \\\n",
+ "0 Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was ... CRIME 0 \n",
+ "1 Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse CRIME 0 \n",
+ "2 Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Mill... SPORTS 1 \n",
+ "3 This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Sh... SPORTS 1 \n",
+ "4 7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legaliza... BUSINESS 2 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " vector \n",
+ "0 [0.0062062526, 0.007499068, -0.0018321582, 0.0... \n",
+ "1 [0.011932425, 0.043185577, 0.005834251, 0.0292... \n",
+ "2 [0.026129723, 0.018022463, 0.006559925, 0.0110... \n",
+ "3 [0.021925448, -0.00023149428, -0.022482838, 0.... \n",
+ "4 [0.036470134, -0.023180826, 0.006566672, 0.030... "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# print the top 5 rows\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df.head()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "RN33REq1MERj"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Train-Test splitting**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "Zv1KVVq6CTK2"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#Do the 'train-test' splitting with test size of 20% with random state of 2022 and stratify sampling too\n",
+ "X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(\n",
+ " df.vector.values, \n",
+ " df.label_num, \n",
+ " test_size=0.2, # 20% samples will go to test dataset\n",
+ " random_state=2022,\n",
+ " stratify=df.label_num\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "9dsTSIbhMOYt"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Reshaping the X_train and X_test so as to fit for models**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "Q3i8wLGwCTOW",
+ "outputId": "00b2df28-7363-4523-ca33-3c3c0ddacbc5"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Shape of X_train before reshaping: (6000,)\n",
+ "Shape of X_test before reshaping: (1500,)\n",
+ "Shape of X_train after reshaping: (6000, 300)\n",
+ "Shape of X_test after reshaping: (1500, 300)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(\"Shape of X_train before reshaping: \", X_train.shape)\n",
+ "print(\"Shape of X_test before reshaping: \", X_test.shape)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "X_train_2d = np.stack(X_train)\n",
+ "X_test_2d = np.stack(X_test)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(\"Shape of X_train after reshaping: \", X_train_2d.shape)\n",
+ "print(\"Shape of X_test after reshaping: \", X_test_2d.shape)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "_wiG1QWtMpp0"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 1:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use Decision Tree as the classifier.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "lAakbqF-MJJr",
+ "outputId": "180add4f-f4f7-4a33-f319-3aac074d76ca"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " precision recall f1-score support\n",
+ "\n",
+ " 0 0.72 0.73 0.73 500\n",
+ " 1 0.69 0.64 0.66 500\n",
+ " 2 0.69 0.72 0.70 500\n",
+ "\n",
+ " accuracy 0.70 1500\n",
+ " macro avg 0.70 0.70 0.70 1500\n",
+ "weighted avg 0.70 0.70 0.70 1500\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier\n",
+ "from sklearn.metrics import classification_report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a Decision Tree model object\n",
+ "clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "clf.fit(X_train_2d, y_train)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_2d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n",
+ "print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "zhM_5JfRM71N"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 2:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use MultinomialNB as the classifier after applying the MinMaxscaler.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "YMJLxZmqMj75",
+ "outputId": "6cdf468d-69a1-485f-df11-f19cae9372ea"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " precision recall f1-score support\n",
+ "\n",
+ " 0 0.89 0.90 0.89 500\n",
+ " 1 0.91 0.86 0.88 500\n",
+ " 2 0.88 0.91 0.89 500\n",
+ "\n",
+ " accuracy 0.89 1500\n",
+ " macro avg 0.89 0.89 0.89 1500\n",
+ "weighted avg 0.89 0.89 0.89 1500\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB\n",
+ "from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#doing scaling because Negative values will not pass into Naive Bayes models\n",
+ "scaler = MinMaxScaler() \n",
+ "scaled_train_embed = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_2d)\n",
+ "scaled_test_embed = scaler.transform(X_test_2d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a MultinomialNB model object \n",
+ "clf = MultinomialNB()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "clf.fit(scaled_train_embed , y_train) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "y_pred = clf.predict(scaled_test_embed)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n",
+ "print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "M01PKr8_NMnd"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 3:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use KNeighborsClassifier as the classifier.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "AaPLpci6Mj9j",
+ "outputId": "6bb46ebc-eb83-469b-be0b-940519fdd7cb"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " precision recall f1-score support\n",
+ "\n",
+ " 0 0.86 0.95 0.90 500\n",
+ " 1 0.95 0.83 0.89 500\n",
+ " 2 0.89 0.91 0.90 500\n",
+ "\n",
+ " accuracy 0.90 1500\n",
+ " macro avg 0.90 0.90 0.90 1500\n",
+ "weighted avg 0.90 0.90 0.90 1500\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a KNN model object\n",
+ "clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 5, metric = 'euclidean')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "clf.fit(X_train_2d, y_train)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_2d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n",
+ "print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "wbvfcU3bNWYD"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 4:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use RandomForestClassifier as the classifier.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "V-Gu3HREMkBf",
+ "outputId": "9bce9078-5e89-4be9-eb75-a905397b17c6"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " precision recall f1-score support\n",
+ "\n",
+ " 0 0.87 0.92 0.89 500\n",
+ " 1 0.89 0.86 0.87 500\n",
+ " 2 0.89 0.89 0.89 500\n",
+ "\n",
+ " accuracy 0.89 1500\n",
+ " macro avg 0.89 0.89 0.89 1500\n",
+ "weighted avg 0.89 0.89 0.89 1500\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a Random Forest model object\n",
+ "clf = RandomForestClassifier()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "clf.fit(X_train_2d, y_train)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_2d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n",
+ "print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "NGARs-VGN3B6"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Attempt 5:**\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- use gensim embeddings for text vectorization.\n",
+ "- use GradientBoostingClassifier as the classifier.\n",
+ "- print the classification report."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 20,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "wG5_sqe1MkES",
+ "outputId": "bb518b4a-1ba2-4304-d953-1e2276063ef6"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " precision recall f1-score support\n",
+ "\n",
+ " 0 0.89 0.93 0.91 500\n",
+ " 1 0.91 0.86 0.89 500\n",
+ " 2 0.91 0.91 0.91 500\n",
+ "\n",
+ " accuracy 0.90 1500\n",
+ " macro avg 0.90 0.90 0.90 1500\n",
+ "weighted avg 0.90 0.90 0.90 1500\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#1. creating a GradientBoosting model object\n",
+ "clf = GradientBoostingClassifier()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#2. fit with all_train_embeddings and y_train\n",
+ "clf.fit(X_train_2d, y_train)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#3. get the predictions for all_test_embeddings and store it in y_pred\n",
+ "y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_2d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#4. print the classfication report\n",
+ "print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "rdL1ogVuOCmx"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "**Print the confusion Matrix with the best model got**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 21,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 460
+ },
+ "id": "F6FGhChsMJL_",
+ "outputId": "691388a5-4fe6-444c-9e8a-9fd804ffa825"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Text(69.0, 0.5, 'Truth')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 21,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": 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+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "needs_background": "light"
+ },
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#finally print the confusion matrix for the best model: GradientBoostingClassifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix\n",
+ "cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)\n",
+ "cm\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n",
+ "import seaborn as sn\n",
+ "plt.figure(figsize = (10,7))\n",
+ "sn.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt='d')\n",
+ "plt.xlabel('Prediction')\n",
+ "plt.ylabel('Truth')"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "collapsed_sections": [],
+ "provenance": []
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.8.10"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 1
diff --git a/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/news_dataset.json b/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/news_dataset.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d282dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/16_word_vectors_gensim_text_classification/news_dataset.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"text":{"0":"Larry Nassar Blames His Victims, Says He 'Was Victimized' In Newly Released Videos \u201cThat\u2019s my self-torture, I guess you could say. Yes, she was victimized. Yes, I was victimized, to myself.\u201d","1":"Woman Beats Cancer, Dies Falling From Horse ","2":"Vegas Taxpayers Could Spend A Record $750 Million On A New NFL Stadium Billionaire Sheldon Adelson wants the stadium to lure the Oakland Raiders to Vegas.","3":"This Richard Sherman Interception Literally Shook The World Richard Sherman is good at football.","4":"7 Things That Could Totally Kill Weed Legalization's Buzz ","5":"Face to Face with SHE -- Insights from WPP Stream Health and TEDMED 2014 Two weeks ago I attended WPP Stream Health in Orlando, the \"unconference\" hosted by Grey Healthcare and ended in San Francisco at TEDMED 2014. The theme of both gatherings was unleashing imagination and collaboration to redesign our approach to building a healthier world.","6":"Samantha Ponder Is Living Her Dream In Sports The former athlete stays close to her roots by following her biggest passion.","7":"Falling Palm Tree Kills Man Going To Funeral ","8":"Michael Phelps Qualifies For A Record Fifth Olympics Phelps is now the first male U.S. swimmer to make five consecutive Olympics.","9":"Bodies Recovered At Scene Of New York City Building Explosion ","10":"For the Love of Vibram FiveFingers The day after the lawsuit I was approached by a woman who said: \"I heard those were actually bad for you.\" I explained that misusing anything can be bad for you.","11":"Delaware Student Dies After Fight In High School Bathroom Two students were taken for questioning by police.","12":"A Meet-up With the Mustache-free Dan Snyder of the Washington Redskins It's not every day one gets to meet an owner of a National Football League team, particularly if you have a mustache -- unless you hang around St. Louis or Jacksonville.","13":"Where Does Chicago Go After More Than 750 Homicides? The city is wrestling with tough questions amid the highest rate of killings in almost 20 years.","14":"Maryland Police Charge 3 Church Leaders With Past Abuse Of At-Risk Teen Girls The victims, who are now adults, were enrolled in a church-run program designed to give troubled teens a safe place to live.","15":"What The Future of Work Will Look Like: Exploring Various Scenarios with PwC Toni Cusumano is the Principal and Technology Sector Human Capital Leader at PwC, and she and her team have been spending a lot of time exploring what the future of work is going to look like.","16":"How Freelancers Can Save Thousands on Their Student Loans All freelancers are looking for ways to save money. Instead of picking up more jobs or working extended weeks to pocket some cash, there may be a simple solution that can help you save each month.","17":"The empowering language of creativity ","18":"5 Stories You Didn't Know About Muhammad Ali The boxing legend probably wasn't the greatest actor of all time, but he was on Broadway.","19":"Here's Why The Olympic Diving Pool Turned Green (UPDATE: It's Spreading) It's not easy being green.","20":"iBridges: The Iranian Runaway Singularity iBridges, a non-profit organization incubated at the University of California, Berkeley, and powered by leading Iranian-American technology entrepreneurs, investors, and academicians, reached another milestone this month.","21":"East Village's Iconic Pommes Frites Plans To Reopen After Devastating Fire And former customers are stepping up to help.","22":"The High Cost of Fighting for $15 Raises would, of course, cost these billion-dollar corporations something. More costly, though, is the price paid by minimum-wage workers who have not received a raise in six years. Even more dear is what these workers have paid for their campaign to get raises. Managers have harassed, threatened and fired them.","23":"10 Best States For Business ","24":"The Day The NBA Wrapped Itself Around LeBron\u2019s Finger An inarguably way-too-in-depth diary of a bonkers NBA trade deadline.","25":"CC Sabathia Checks Himself Into Alcohol Rehab Center The Yankees pitcher will not participate in the playoffs.","26":"The Most Dangerous Sport in the World The ever-present danger is what makes BASE jumpers the most extreme athletes in the world. Many people call them daredevils; most people call them crazy. They know there's a good chance they'll die, but that's what makes them feel alive.","27":"China Wins Gold at Chess Olympiad in Norway The young Chinese team won the 41st Chess Olympiad in Troms\u00f8, Norway. They became the only undefeated team among 176 participating countries, winning eight matches and tying three, scoring 19 points.","28":"Texas Pastor Asks God To Strike Conor McGregor Dead The featherweight champion had recently suggested he could \"whoop [Jesus Christ's] ass.\"","29":"Lionel Messi Says Kobe Bryant Was The Reason He Got Into Basketball Game recognize Game.","30":"You Need to Know: The Minimum Wage Wars Restaurant workers and their pay have been making headlines for nearly a year now as fast-food employees protest for higher wages and the Obama Administration attempts to increase the minimum for all workers. Here's what you need to know about minimum wage.","31":"Golf's Green Dinos For it's first 80 years, females (including Rometty who showed up in pink) were denied the green jacket but allowed on the grounds during the tourney to \"entertain clients.\" That sent a powerful message about women's true place -- not only in the business hierarchy, but society in general.","32":"The Clemson-Alabama Result Will Come Down To These 3 Factors While Nick Saban goes for title No. 5, Dabo Swinney hopes to capture his first.","33":"8 Powerful Habits Of Profoundly Influential People Influential people have a profound impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exert so much","34":"Officers Fired Upon In Fatal Los Angeles Area Shooting A nearby school was on lockdown and two polling places were \"impacted,\" authorities said.","35":"Cops Could Soon Use 'Phone Breathalyzers' To Catch Texting Drivers The \"textalyzer\" would scan your phone for usage after a crash.","36":"Chipotle: Boston Illnesses Were Isolated Incidents Health officials are investigating whether 30 students were affected by E.coli.","37":"Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Ditches Facebook After Data Scandal \"It's brought me more negatives than positives.\"","38":"God Can Help Companies Turn Customers Into Daredevils ","39":"U.S. Opens Probe Into Russia Olympic Doping Prosecutors are believed to be pursuing conspiracy and fraud charges.","40":"James Harden Shows No Mercy To Wesley Johnson In Brutal Ankle-Breaker Johnson may have to go into hiding after this one.","41":"How Brexit Fits Into The New World Order What if the U.K.'s vote to leave the EU is not an isolated incident, but part of a populist trend that warns of more to come?","42":"First Openly Gay NFL Player Michael Sam To 'Step Away' From Football Sam's career in professional football has been beset by troubles after he made history with his draft in the NFL.","43":"What You Can Do To Help After The Oakland Warehouse Fire At least 36 people died in the fire, and as many as 20 tenants may have lost their homes.","44":"FBI Joins Investigation Of Fatal Plane Crash In Connecticut The plane, which crashed in the street, was supposed to land at Hartford-Brainard Airport.","45":"Verizon Now Officially Owns AOL \u201cAOL and Verizon\u2019s combined assets create an ability for us to blaze a new trail in a newly mobile and connected world.\u201d","46":"5 Things Your Business Needs for The Next Big Push in Growth \"Business as usual\" is a dangerous place to be. \"Business as usual\" is stagnation -- a plateau, a zone of zero growth, no momentum, and no velocity.","47":"Legal Challenges to a Contract's 'Fine Print' Contractual \"fine print,\" frequently called boilerplate, involves so-called standardized provisions that may surprise a party to the contract or are considered to unfairly favor a party. Based upon the specific facts, one or more of the following legal challenges to fine print may be successful.","48":"Remains Of Minnesota Boy Missing Since 1989 Found His parents became tireless advocates for missing children after his disappearance.","49":"Don't Tread On These All-American Uniforms ","50":"Jury To Weigh If Pulse Shooter\u2019s Widow Is A Monster Or Just Married One Opening statements in the federal terrorism trial began on Wednesday.","51":"Escort Who Gave Google Exec Fatal Heroin Shot To Be Deported To Canada Alix Tichelman's crimes are \"grounds for removal,\" an immigration judge rules after the Canadian citizen is freed from prison.","52":"He Knew He Was About To Die. So He Sent A Heartbreaking Message To His Family. ","53":"Wall Street Is Losing Confidence In Exxon Mobil Low oil prices strike again.","54":"UC Berkeley Women's Field Hockey Team Still Doesn't Have A Field Men's teams have gotten replacement fields, but the women's field hockey team has not.","55":"Listen To Chilling Audio Of A Boy Calling 911 During A Robbery \"I think they might be inside.\"","56":"Florida Man Head-Butts A Bus, Knocks Himself Out \"Criminals do silly things.\"","57":"WDBJ Chief: I'm Not Sure Whether I Want The Shooter To Live Or Die \"We're hurt enough that we want to express our anger.\"","58":"WATCH: Michael Sam Takes Down Johnny Football And His Celebration ","59":"Friend Of California Shooter Indicted On Gun, Terror Charges RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) \u2014 A grand jury has indicted the man who provided the guns used in the San Bernardino massacre on counts","60":"John Green Cares More About Loving His Work Than Finding An Audience The celebrated author of \"The Fault In Our Stars\" explains what motivates him to keep writing.","61":"Why Emotional Intelligence Affects the Bottom Line There are five parts of communication -- what's said, what's not said, words, tone of voice, and body language. Active listening is the process of fully attending to all parts of someone's communication.","62":"Three Arrested With Cache Of Weapons, Some Loaded, Near Holland Tunnel The FBI says the case has no \"terrorism nexus.\"","63":"5 Points To Consider When Negotiating Your Salary Rarely will an employer rescind an offer due to you negotiating.","64":"Preakness Tragedy: 2 Horses Die In First 4 Races Horse deaths on the racetrack, while alarming, are surprisingly common.","65":"How to Sell to the Informed Consumer Let's face it, today's consumer (read: buyer) has changed a lot. Customers seem to know more than ever before about your products and services.","66":"American Swimmer Jimmy Feigen Agrees To Donate $11,000 To Leave Rio He's the last Olympian involved in the Lochte scandal still in Brazil.","67":"The Feds Are Finally Cracking Down On Wall Street Bonuses They want to take back bonuses if traders take too much risk.","68":"'Every Corner' Of MSU Will Be Investigated Following Larry Nassar Sentencing \u201cNo individual and no department... is off-limits,\u201d Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said.","69":"Parental Leave Gets A Boost From Tech And Finance, And Workers Aren't Complaining But the benefits still aren't standard.","70":"'Why Did You Have to Wait Until I Resigned to Let Me Know You Appreciated Me?' A manager in one of my leadership workshops recounted the sad story of how one of her team members reacted to the heartfelt speech she had made recognizing his contributions on his last day with the company. Unfortunately, this scenario of \"too little to late\" is far from uncommon.","71":"ESPN Could Be Sold On Its Own Like HBO, Bob Iger Admits Would you pay over $30 a month for ESPN?","72":"Another Anti-De Blasio Banner Flies Above New York City ","73":"Passengers Brawl TWICE On All Nippon Airways Jet Bound For Los Angeles Just once wasn't enough!?","74":"Deck Collapse Sends Tourists To Hospital ","75":"Accused Killer Wanted 'Army Of People Who'd Do Anything He Asked' ","76":"12-Year-Old Boy Accused Of DUI After Dangerous Police Chase The child driver crashed head-on twice.","77":"The Great Ferguson Okey-Doke So rather than take the hit back in August, he used the grand jury for political cover. He could just say: \"See, it was the grand jury, not me, who said there wasn't enough evidence for an indictment. They did it, not me. I was just seeking the truth.\"","78":"Accused Golden State Killer Faces Four Additional Murder Counts Joseph James DeAngelo has now been charged in a dozen homicides.","79":"Another High School Football Player Dies He is the fifth high school football player to die in two months.","80":"For the Love of Golf National Golf Day was May 21, 2014. There are so many great things about golf that extend far beyond the actual sport.","81":"Thousands Gather To Mourn At Slain NYPD Officer's Funeral ","82":"The 'Lion King Cam' Is A Sports Thing Now And It Is Glorious Move over, kiss cam. There's a new schtick in town.","83":"NFL VP Doesn't Think It's Fair To Point Out That Rich People Are Rich \"It\u2019s not fair for you to bring up a person\u2019s net worth!\"","84":"Prospects Improve For Pit Bull Whose Mouth Was Taped Shut ","85":"World Bank Allows Tanzania To Sidestep Rule Protecting Indigenous Groups A loophole in the World Bank's policy protecting indigenous communities could allow governments around the world to displace locals in the path of agricultural development without restoring their livelihoods.","86":"This McDonald's Ad Beats Any World Cup Shot So Far ","87":"Most Americans Think Companies Should Do More To Help Working Parents Having children often makes it harder to advance in your career, according to a new poll.","88":"The Exact Moment Muhammad Ali Silenced His Critics \"Everybody stop talking now. Attention.\"","89":"British Airways Plane Catches Fire At Las Vegas Airport LAS VEGAS (AP) \u2014 An engine on a London-bound British Airways jet caught fire Tuesday while the plane was preparing to take","90":"Does Your Credit Card Offer Enough Travel Insurance? Read your card coverage carefully when you make your travel plans.","91":"Hunters Shot This Baby Orangutan, Then Left Him For Dead Luckily, little Didik was rescued just in time and is now on the slow road to recovery.","92":"Protect Older Persons From Molesters Originally posted on Kenya\u2019s Daily Nation A week after the world marked the International Day of Older Persons on Oct. 1","93":"Lawsuit Against Uber By Driver Charged With Murder A Hoax, Court Says The two-page hand-written lawsuit says it's Uber's fault Dalton is in prison.","94":"Giants Pitcher Downs 6 Beers At A Time ","95":"Big Banks' Mortgage Units -- Still Failing Customers -- Face New Restrictions ","96":"U.S. Wins First World Baseball Classic Title With 8-0 Rout Of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico came in with a spotless 7-0 record, but the Americans (6-2) were not to be denied.","97":"Trump\u2019s USDA Could Make Hog Workers\u2019 Jobs Even More Dangerous The government agency proposed a rule that would eliminate line speed maximums at hog plants.","98":"Cyber Fraudsters Reap Billions Through Email Wire-Transfer Scams Losses from these scams totaled more than $2.3 billion from October 2013 through February of this year.","99":"Arrest Made In Death Of College Student Beau Solomon In Italy A homeless man was taken into custody Tuesday on suspicion of aggravated homicide.","100":"Fugitive Learns The Hard Way Not To Post 'Wanted' Picture On Facebook D'oh!","101":"Ibtihaj Muhammad And The U.S. Women\u2019s Fencing Team Win Bronze Muhammad is the first U.S. athlete to win an Olympic medal in a hijab.","102":"The 50 Best Quotes From The 2015 Cannes Lions Festival In a follow up to last year's post, here is a fresh selection of quotes to close out the 2015 festival of creativity. I'm sure I missed other brilliant sound bites, so feel free to add to the list below. These are my personal selections, not those of Ogilvy.","103":"How We Built an Office That Works for Employees and Guests When visitors come into our new office in Midtown Manhattan, one of the first questions we often get is, \"Can I have my own desk here?\"","104":"Floyd Mayweather Made $300 Million This Year, And He's Spending Like It's Going Out Of Style Floyd Mayweather, one of boxing\u2019s all-time greats, has made an insane amount of money over the course of his career. He had","105":"Volkswagen Agrees To Pay $4.3B To Resolve U.S. Emissions Troubles Prosecutors also charged six Volkswagen executives and employees, for their roles in the nearly 10-year conspiracy.","106":"Verizon's \"Cut the Copper\" Stealth Plan: Thousands Were Held Hostage with No Phone Service for Months ","107":"Ban The United States From The Olympics The U.S. Olympic Committee enabled systemic sexual abuse in order to win medals. By what moral logic is that not worse than Russia's crimes?","108":"Car Thief Busted After Braking To Watch Eclipse, Buy Eye Mask: Sheriff \"He never saw it coming,\" authorities said of his arrest.","109":"This NFL Fan Map Breaks Down America's Real Rooting Interests ","110":"America's Underground Chinese Restaurant Workers ","111":"In Los Angeles, Bitter Tensions Over Where To House The Homeless Rile Communities Voters approved a plan for supportive housing, but disputes over where to put it have stalled progress.","112":"Driver In Crash That Killed Four Could Face More Charges Four others were seriously injured in the crash","113":"How Would You Feel If You Were Clayton Kershaw? ","114":"Civic-Minded Construction: Paying It Forward The U.S. Construction industry is a $1.73 trillion industry. Its more than 700,000 companies account for over 7 million American","115":"Teenage Boy Fatally Shoots High School Student In Her Bedroom: Police The 15-year-old also wounded the victim's mother before turning the gun on himself, police say.","116":"High School Basketball Star And 14-Year-Old Boy Killed In Florida Club Shooting \"This kid was going places,\" a friend wrote of Stef'an Strawder, 18, who died early Monday.","117":"Backpage.com Founders Indicted For Facilitating Prostitution On Site The federal government had seized the classifieds website, which featured ads for sex work, days before.","118":"Man Suspected Of Punching Rabbit During Fight About Women's Rights ","119":"Athletes Plead For Justice In Aftermath Of Alton Sterling Shooting \"This is what lynchings look like in 2016.\"","120":"Tony Hawk Finally Gets To Show Gravity Who's Boss \"Today we get to try some tricks that we've only ever dreamed about,\" the skateboarding legend said.","121":"LeBron James Wears A Safety Pin On The Cover Of Sports Illustrated Fashion statement? Yes. Political statement? Could be.","122":"NBC Commentator Whose Insensitive Japan Comments Sparked Furor Is Done Covering Olympics Joshua Ramo infuriated Koreans and others with comments about Japan and Korea's history that viewers said glossed over the two nations' troubled past.","123":"Male-Run Domestic Violence Group Apologizes For Telling ESPN Ray Rice Deserves Second Chance \"We recognize and accept that male entitlement played a role in our decision.\"","124":"24 Years Of America's Unemployment Rate In 10 Seconds ","125":"The Creative Lone Wolf The growing Creative Economy and the democratization of production is fostering a large generation of lone wolf professionals, competing fiercely for a place in the sun and their fifteen minutes of fame.","126":"'It Was An Execution': Wife Of Man Killed By Arizona Cop Speaks Out Laney Sweet's husband was shot with an AR-15 rifle bearing the inscription \"you're f**ked,\" court documents state.","127":"11 Mistakes You Make At Work Every. Single. Day. ","128":"A Major American Meat Company Is Going Big With Antibiotic-Free Pork Last year, it was all about poultry: Major fast-food companies like McDonald\u2019s announced that they would move away from chicken","129":"Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem Guilty Of Conspiring To Support ISIS In Texas Attack It is the first ISIS-related prosecution to reach trial in the U.S.","130":"'Hano! A Century in the Bleachers' Profiles Sportswriting Superstar in New Documentary A Day in the Bleachers is a baseball book but also a book about American culture at mid-century. We not only learn what occurred on the field but also about the observations and comments of the bleacher bums.","131":"'It's About A Sense Of Meaning' ","132":"Why A Higher Unemployment Rate Is Actually Good News This Time ","133":"Oklahoma Tackles the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic More than 6 million Americans abuse prescription drugs, and both the number of prescription drug sales and the number of prescription drug overdose deaths have quadrupled since 1999. Are doctors to blame?","134":"Olympic Doping Whistleblower Fights Back Against Russian-Backed Lawsuit The strange case of Grigory Rodchenkov, who blew the whistle on Russia's Olympic doping operation and fled to the U.S., takes another turn.","135":"3 Baton Rouge Officers Killed In 'Ambush-Style' Attack Governor Edwards called the shooting a \"diabolical attack on the very fabric of society.\"","136":"5 Athletes Who Announced Their Retirement In Memorable Fashion ","137":"Man And Girlfriend Allegedly Kill His Father And Oklahoma Officer Investigators say the shooting started with a dispute over a pickup truck.","138":"Texas Church Shooter Claimed He Used Dogs As Target Practice, Says Former Colleague His Air Force co-worker said Kelley told her he bought the dogs on Craigslist.","139":"Tour de France Cyclist Disqualified After Elbowing Rival And Causing Crash The shove by world champion Peter Sagan sent one rider to a hospital for evaluation.","140":"Search Underway After Texas Woman Falls Off Carnival Cruise Ship Samantha Broberg, 33, was sitting on a deck railing and fell backwards into the water, a Carnival spokeswoman said.","141":"Usain Bolt Ends Olympic Career With One More Gold The Jamaican may be the greatest sprinter of all time.","142":"Uber, Lyft Ban Far-Right Journalist Following Islamophobic Tweets Commentator Laura Loomer promised legal action against the ride-sharing companies.","143":"Photo Of Toddler Hanging On Hook Leads To Mom's Arrest (GRAPHIC PHOTO) ","144":"The U.S. Women's Soccer Team Won't Win A Medal At The Rio Olympics The team suffered a shocking defeat to Sweden in Friday's quarterfinal match.","145":"The White Paper Is Not Dead White papers seem to be falling out of favor. Perhaps our preferred screens have become too small and our attention spans too short. Or maybe it's the perception that white papers are only for large, corporations selling complex technologies.","146":"Soccer Player Mistaken For Terrorist In Belgian Hotel The police recognized him immediately and posed for a picture with him after the incident.","147":"Floyd Mayweather Beats Manny Pacquiao ","148":"An Open Letter To Brokers I come in peace. I have been hard on you in the past. At times, I was insensitive to the fact that you are husbands, wives","149":"Book Burning Sparked Florida Wildfire That Destroyed 10 Homes: Officials Nearly 400 acres has been swept up by the blaze near Jacksonville, Florida.","150":"Adapting Change to Fit Complexity Companies work hard to adapt to changing market conditions yet most achieve only incremental change. Worse, people become burnt out by one change initiative after another and are left wondering, \"What was the purpose?\"","151":"Body Of Missing Gravel Pit Worker Found Nearly A Week After Mine Collapse Another man is still missing after a mudslide at Green Brothers Gravel Pit near Crystal Springs, Mississippi.","152":"Chris Christie 'Would've Gone In And Cuffed' Laremy Tunsil Over Bong Video Since the president thing didn't work out, perhaps Christie can become the NFL's enforcer when his term as governor is up?","153":"Video Shows Officer Casually Ignoring Gunshot Call: 'Oh Well. Oh Well.' \"I know I got to go,\" the Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy says, \"but I\u2019m not going to go.\"","154":"5 Strategies for Finding Success in the Face of Failure Just when you think the way has cleared for a smooth ride, challenges come up just to keep life and business interesting. How do you find success in the face of setbacks? How do you keep a great attitude and set yourself up to win?","155":"These Two Little Kids Are Better At Soccer Than You Are At Anything They're on a Barcelona youth soccer team, obviously.","156":"Some Career Advice For President Obama Dear Mr. President: In just a few months, your career will undergo a dramatic transformation. You will leave the office of","157":"The Yankees And Red Sox Brawl Because That's How It Must Be Punches flew in the first series of the year between the rivals.","158":"Chlorine Trains Pose An Even Deadlier Threat Than Oil Trains Much has been said about the dangers of oil trains following several high-profile accidents, including a fiery 2013 crash","159":"The 5 Craziest Plays From The End Of The Packers-Cardinals NFC Divisional Game Did that just really happen?!","160":"UCSB Suspect's Rampage Started At Home: Sheriff ","161":"UFC Fighter Suspended 5 Years For...Wait, What? Smoking Weed?! Seriously, half a decade for marijuana.","162":"Philip Morris Says It's 'Trying To Give Up Cigarettes' In 2018 The tobacco company is pushing e-cigarettes instead, in what anti-smoking advocates are calling a \"P.R. stunt.\"","163":"The Scariest Job In America Americans think being a politician is scarier than being a mortician or an infectious disease doctor. In fact, there's no job in the U.S. that workers fear more than being an elected official, according to a nationwide survey by CareerBuilder.","164":"Watching Tiger Fail Is Less Fun Than I Thought I went from wanting the man to win every golf tournament to never wanting him to win another one. But now that I appear to have gotten my wish, it's turned out to be way less gratifying than I had hoped.","165":"Four Forces Facing the Global Economy Behind the numbers lies an unusually complex set of forces shaping the world economy. Some, such as the decline in the price of oil and the evolution of exchange rates, are highly visible. Some, from crisis legacies to lower potential growth, play more of behind-the-scenes role but are important nevertheless. Let me briefly review them.","166":"Woman Killed When Giant Tree Topples On California Wedding Party The tragedy may be linked to drought in the area followed by recent heavy rains.","167":"America's Tech Firms Must Not Aid Chinese Repression My late great father, California Congressman Tom Lantos, would often remind me with a wry smile: \"Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.\" I thought of this recently when an important human rights lawsuit against Cisco Systems began to make its way through the labyrinth of our legal system.","168":"Male Survivor Of Larry Nassar Hopes Former Gymnastics Doctor 'Rots In Hell' Gymnast Jacob Moore is the first male to publicly accuse Nassar of sexual abuse.","169":"Top Aides Were Aware Of Laquan McDonald Details Months Before Emanuel Says He Knew Mayor Rahm Emanuel has said he didn't understand the gravity of Laquan McDonald's shooting death at the hands of a Chicago","170":"U.S. Job Growth Just Slowed Down For The Third Month In A Row The U.S. economy added 156,000 jobs last month.","171":"Three Reasons to Steal, Not Copy: Here's How and Why I'm a true believer that nothing is really new in the world; it's just a constant rehash of old or existing ideas. What's new is how those old ideas are put together, mixed, mashed and clashed, and that is what makes things entirely new and special.","172":"Mirai Nagasu Inspired By Michelle Kwan, Also A Child Of Asian Restaurant Family They both know what it's like growing up with immigrant parents seeking the American Dream.","173":"Lawsuit Alleges Officers In Birmingham Schools Sprayed Hundreds Of Students With Chemicals ","174":"Former NFL Running Back Not Okay With Michael Sam's Display Of Affection ","175":"Leveling the Playing Field, Without Fear This National Girls and Women in Sports day, let's redouble our commitment to spreading the word about Title IX, including its anti-retaliation protections, address inequities with action, and ensure that female athletes have the chance to participate and excel in athletics.","176":"Former 'Redskins' Player Criticizes Name ","177":"Jerry Sandusky's Pension Reinstated By Appeals Court The former Penn State coach's payments stopped after his child sex abuse sentencing.","178":"Omni-Personal is What Makes Omni-Channel Retail Truly Disruptive Much has been said about Omni-Channel being retail's most recent disruptive boost. The approach, which leverages the power of technology and data to deliver consumers products and services across channels, has made retailers smarter and more nimble.","179":"Trump Administration's 'Alternative Facts' Inspires Baseball Team\u2019s Pig Mascot Name \"Alternative Fats will enter the field each game like no other pig before him.\"","180":"Some LGBT-Friendly Businesses Stayed Silent On Houston Equal Rights Ordinance Houston voters rejected the ballot measure last week.","181":"South Carolina Police Officer Killed While Serving Warrant The suspect called his mother before killing himself.","182":"C-suite Men Stepping Down For 'Work-Life Balance' Is No Step Forward Most of us can only dream of being in a position where we could make new rules the way that Schireson, Wong, El-Erian, and Pichette might have done instead of opting out. Let's hope that instead of these types of resignation letters becoming the norm in the name of work-life balance, we start hearing more about leaders who stay put and change the status quo.","183":"The NFL, MLB and Viagra: So Much for Family-Friendly Focus The incessant airing of Viagra's nauseating British-blonde-on-a-bed commercial during both this October's football games and throughout the baseball playoffs illustrates how tone-deaf the National Football League and Major League Baseball remain when it comes to truly embracing family viewers.","184":"Conservative Rage at Soccer and World Cup Is Nothing New Coulter buttresses her warning that the growing interest in soccer is a sign of our nation's moral decay with the facts that soccer \"is foreign... the French like it,\" it is \"like the metric system\" and, worst of all, \"You can't use your hands in soccer.\"","185":"That Barefoot Running Shoe Company Lied To Us All ","186":"Ocwen Financial: A Servicing Odyssey Remember that obstinate computer from Stanley Kubrick\u2019s 2001: A Space Odyssey \u2014 HAL 9000 \u2014 a machine with a will of its own","187":"Man Accused Of Killing Girlfriend On Hike Wanted Insurance Money ","188":"Stop Saying There Are No Qualified Women Out There Seriously, cut it out.","189":"8 NBA Draft Picks Tell Us The First Thing They're Going To Buy These guys just got a major pay raise.","190":"How Can Businesses Build Trust? Putting in place a new settlement on trust will not be easy. It will take time, commitment, hard work and investment.","191":"Women in Business Q&A: Tooba Marwat, Owner, Signarama ","192":"ESPN Turns 8 Athletes Into Marvel Superheroes In New Series Exclusive new images, courtesy of ESPN and Marvel.","193":"Winnie The Pooh Is Trending On Twitter For The Cutest Olympic Reason Awww!","194":"New Jobs For Lawyers, Coders, And Everybody Else The latest news about employment opportunities offers a comeuppance to those who enjoyed a bit of \u201cschadenfreude\" in the","195":"Olympic Rowers Will Compete In Poop-Filled Water Without Protection Do we really need the Rio Olympics to happen?","196":"Just Because Greg Hardy Was Nice Doesn\u2019t Mean He\u2019s A Changed Man His recent sit-down with ESPN was not indicative of anything.","197":"Tom Brady Apologizes For Wasting Our Time With 'Deflategate' \"I am sorry our league had to endure this. I don\u2019t think it has been good for our sport -- to a large degree, we have all lost.\"","198":"A Famous Hacker On What It Is Like Being Pursued by the FBI I surrendered to the U.S. Marshals Service after a week of constructively avoiding the FBI while I negotiated (through my attorney mostly, though at times in joint conference calls) with the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.","199":"HUGE Amount Of Cocaine Seized By U.S. ","200":"A Reason To Shop At H&M That Has Nothing To Do With Fashion It\u2019s one of just nine major companies that have at least 40 percent women in leadership.","201":"How to Pitch Investors Without Looking Like a Clueless, Lazy, Know-It-All For the past 8 years, I have been advising entrepreneurs on their growth and funding strategy. I've seen the worst and I've seen the best.","202":"Ohio Mom Pleads Not Guilty To Killing 3 Young Sons Out Of Jealousy The prosecution alleges the mom was jealous of the attention her husband gave the boys.","203":"Donald Trump Agrees Hosting Golf Tournament On Trump's Golf Course A Bad Idea Even Donald Trump thinks people should be backing away from Donald Trump.","204":"8 Arrested While Praying At Site Of Controversial Telescope In Hawaii Many Native Hawaiians consider Mauna Kea to be sacred land.","205":"Video Shows El Paso Officer Fatally Shooting Prisoner ","206":"Ex-Cop In Oklahoma Accused Of Raping 14-Year-Old Girl The victim's grandmother found photos and messages on the teen's phone.","207":"The Most Popular Brand In Each State Marketing agencies make it a priority to identify the nation\u2019s regional brand tastes \u2014 why people choose Coca-Cola over Pepsi","208":"1-Month-Old's Face Mauled By Ferrets In Philadelphia Home ","209":"Fairfax Cop Uses Stun Gun On Man Who Does Not Appear To Be Resisting \"He didn't see it coming.\"","210":"The Secret To Unlocking J.R. Smith's Best Work Is A New Lil Wayne Album, According To Math \"I get by with a little help from my friends.\"","211":"Louisiana Officers Arrested For Killing 6-Year-Old Boy Two Louisiana police officers were arrested after a car chase on Tuesday ended with the driver critically wounded and his","212":"Blackhawk Army Helicopter Crashes On Golf Course, Injuring Two People \u201cIt disappeared behind the tree line, and then we heard a big bang,\u201d a witness said.","213":"3 Dead After Gunman Opens Fire Inside Colorado Planned Parenthood One officer and two civilians were killed, and nine others were injured, during a lengthy standoff.","214":"Steve Tisch: Giants' Anti-Domestic Violence Message 'Not Connected' To Greg Hardy Hardy was found guilty of assault last year.","215":"Marriott, Starwood Hotels Merger Approved Marriott's acquisition will create the biggest hotel company in the world.","216":"Your Guide to SXSW Interactive 2015 At SXSW Interactive, it's all about community and innovation. It undoubtedly stands up to the self-proclamation as \"the place to preview the technology of tomorrow today.\"","217":"Say Hello To This 7-Foot, 440-Pound High School Football Player John Krahn is now striving to lose weight -- both to aid his current team and his future prospects.","218":"Credit Suisse Settles DOJ Case Over Mortgage Securities For $5.3 Billion The news came after Deutsche Bank agreed to a $7.2 billion settlement with the DOJ over its sale and pooling of toxic mortgage securities.","219":"Renovation Boom Revives A Deadly Demon For Massachusetts Workers By Beth Daley, Martha Bebinger and Colby Burdick This story was produced in collaboration with WBUR Public Radio and The","220":"Walgreens Is Suing Disgraced Blood-Testing Startup Theranos It's been a rough 13 months for the one-time Silicon Valley darling.","221":"Hurricane Harvey Continues To Drench Texas, And Small Businesses Are Stepping Up To Help Small Businesses As a kid growing up in my family\u2019s auto repair, paint and body business in Houston, Texas, my dad would always have our shop","222":"Lawyer Defends Fired Cop Who Killed Teen Football Player Lawyer defends fired cop who killed teen football player","223":"Judge Makes 17-Year-Old Spend Anniversary Of Killing In Solitary ","224":"3 Reasons Why The Patriots Might Repeat Belichick and Brady are everything.","225":"Tim Kaine's Son Arrested For Allegedly Rioting At Pro-Trump Rally \u201cWe love that our three children have their own views and concerns about current political issues,\u201d his father said.","226":"Qdoba Gambles on All-Inclusive Pricing How do you set your brand apart in a tough, competitive marketplace? Mexican fast-casual chain Qdoba is finding that the concept \"No charge\" can help.","227":"Tiger Solidifies Comeback With Stellar Second Round In Bahamas Woods got off to a fast start and fired a four-under par 68, tying him for fifth place in his first tournament in 10 months.","228":"Why the Future of Work Is All About the Employee Experience We have all heard of the customer experience, which is defined as the resulting product when a customer interacts with your brand. We're all familiar with both good and bad customer experiences, and we go through one or the other on a near daily basis.","229":"'All You Americans Are Fired' The H-2 guest worker program, which brought in 150,000 legal foreign workers last year, isn\u2019t supposed to deprive any American of a job.","230":"16-Year-Old Sydney McLaughlin Makes U.S. Olympic Team In 400 Meter Hurdles \"I don't get paid for this. I'm here just for fun.\"","231":"Nadal Out Of U.S. Open After Upset Loss To France's Pouille \u201cI learned that it\u2019s never over until the last point,\u201d said Pouille.","232":"Shooting Inside Packed Cincinnati Nightclub Kills One Person And Wounds 15 Authorities believe multiple gunmen were involved in the Sunday morning shooting, which grew out of \"some kind of dispute\" inside the bar, Police Chief Eliot Isaac said.","233":"Ronaldo's Abs Are The Champions Of Europe ","234":"Hollywood Cinematographer Arrested For DUI While Reportedly Driving With Son Stuart Dryburgh, who was nominated for an Oscar for his work on \"The Piano,\" was arrested in New York City.","235":"Violent Protests Erupt In Milwaukee After Police Kill Suspect At Traffic Stop A crowd of more than 100 people hurled rocks as police officers attempted to disperse the protesters.","236":"The Suprising Thing People Facing Federal Criminal Charges Learn Basically two things happen in court -- people try to get someone else's money or the government tries to get someone's freedom. People taken to court are either at risk of losing cash or going to prison.","237":"The Western World\u2019s In Crisis. Bring In The Women. We're turning to female leaders, but don't break out the champagne and Beyonce playlist just yet.","238":"Aaron Rodgers Says Colin Kaepernick Should Be On An NFL Team 'Right Now' What are you waiting for, NFL?","239":"Brand As Human ","240":"Chelsea Bomber Ahmad Rahimi Found Guilty Thirty people were wounded in the 2016 attack.","241":"Man Who Allegedly Shot NYPD Cop In Face Charged With Attempted Murder ","242":"Troubling Number Of People Killed By Georgia Police Were Unarmed Or Shot In The Back Nearly half the 184 Georgians shot and killed by police since 2010 were unarmed or shot in the back, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution","243":"Officials Haven't Found Evidence Linking Florida Shooting Suspect To White Supremacists (UPDATE) The leader of the Republic of Florida, a white nationalist militia, had initially told reporters the suspect participated in the group's drills.","244":"Philadelphia Transit Strike To End As SEPTA, Union Reach Deal: Reports (Reuters) - A six-day-old bus and rail strike in Philadelphia is set to end with a deal reached by the Southeastern Pennsylvania","245":"Can You Really Measure Whether a Leader Has Good Judgment? Put another way: judgment is hard to identify until you see its opposite on display. In our complex world with complicated decisions facing us every day, even the smallest insight can make the critical difference in outcomes.","246":"California Legislature Approves Ban On 'Redskins' Mascots Four high schools would have to choose a new mascot under legislation passed Thursday.","247":"Science and Bad Faith in the Deflate-gate Scandal As anyone who has been alive in America over the past week knows, the New England Patriots have been accused of deflating the footballs they used in the first half of their crushing triumph over the Indianapolis Colts.","248":"Women in Business Q&A: Amy Allen, Head of User Acquisition, Qmee ","249":"4 Marines Killed In Chattanooga Shooting Identified Lance Cpl. Squire \"Skip\" Wells in a photo from his Facebook page. \u00a0 Wells was a graduate of Sprayberry High School\u00a0in the","250":"Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: The Importance of Athlete Activists America has always had a complicated relationship with our athletes.","251":"After Serving 35 Years With No Conviction, Man Faces Retrial The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals overturned Jerry Hartfield's capital murder conviction in 1980.","252":"These Habits Of The World's Boldest People Will Inspire You To Take A Risk ","253":"Border Militia Co-Founder Convicted Of Child Molestation In Arizona An Arizona jury on Wednesday convicted the co-founder of a border militia group of molesting a 5-year-old girl but acquitted","254":"Police Chief Says He Shot His Wife Accidentally (UPDATE) ","255":"Links Suspected Between Severed Heads Found In Louisiana And Texas \"This could be a serial killer's dumping grounds,\" a criminologist said.","256":"There's Always Money for the Boss CEOs contended their corporations are too poor to pay overtime, but on their next quarterly call with shareholders, they'll brag about record profits. In 2013, corporate profits were at their highest level in 85 years. That same year, employee compensation was at its lowest level in 65 years.","257":"The Richest And Poorest Cities In America U.S. median household income increased in 2014 to $53,657, an increase of roughly $600 from the previous year. Still, U.S","258":"Is the Commissioner an Arbitrator? In the Brady case, if the parties are not able to settle the matter, the Federal District Court in Manhattan will have to determine whether the Commissioner's decision was \"arbitrary and capricious,\" not whether it \"drew its essence from the collective bargaining agreement.\"","259":"New Nike Ad Celebrates Marathon Runners Who Come In Last Just finish it.","260":"Baby's Body Found Buried In Sand ","261":"Golden State Forces A Game 7 In Epic Come-From-Behind Victory Klay Thompson hit 11 threes to keep them in it. Then Stephen Curry woke up.","262":"Wall Street Journal Ads Call Out The Paper\u2019s Bias On Climate Change Well, this is awkward.","263":"Killing the Moment -- It's Time to Do Your Events Differently My daughter called this afternoon after class and on her way to work at the library to tell me about how here teacher decided to dress down the class after they had all done small teaching sessions at a summer camp.","264":"Uh-Oh: Greece Is Probably Going To Miss Its Deal Deadline ","265":"Toddler Rescued From Car 14 Hours After Plunge Into Utah River ","266":"Giant Envy from a San Francisco Mets Fan Today I am a Bay Area resident with over 20 years under my belt. I support the local teams. They are two of the most exciting teams in baseball, but they are simply not mine. My heart is still with the Mets. And as hard as I have tried, I just can't quit them. I love them -- they are my team.","267":"Pilots' Harrowing, Triumphant Stories + Air Race Video (HuffPost Exclusive Video) ","268":"Real-Life Hamburglar Allegedly Breaks Into Five Guys, Makes Himself A Burger Some people will do anything for a Five Guys burger... allegedly.","269":"Exxon Adviser Resigns Over Oil Giant's 'Targeted Attacks' On NGOs In the face of public criticism, the oil giant has chosen to shoot the messenger, says Sarah Labowitz, a human rights scholar at NYU.","270":"Thousands Mourn At NYPD Cop's Funeral ","271":"Shooting At Connecticut House Party Wounds 13 Police believe there were at least two shooters.","272":"15 Cities With The Most High-Tech Jobs ","273":"Canadian Skier Suffers Possible Broken Pelvis In Olympic Horror Crash Christopher Delbosco received lengthy medical treatment on the course, before being taken to hospital.","274":"LeBron James Unanimously Wins The NBA Finals MVP He So Clearly Deserves \"Cleveland, this is for you.\"","275":"Leslie Jones And Adam Rippon Commentating On Figure Skating Is An Olympic Dream \"Every outfit she has put on, I want to wear to the club.\"","276":"Sikh Man, Recovering After Gunshot, Was Allegedly Told To 'Get Out Of Our Country' Police in Washington state are investigating Friday's shooting as a possible hate crime.","277":"Don't Rush the Marijuana Breathalyzer Into \"Zero Tolerance\" States As a criminal defense lawyer, I've handled a few DUI cases in my time. Still, the last thing I want is to share the road with an impaired driver. DUI defense isn't about supporting drunk or drugged driving; it's about making sure the legal system runs correctly.","278":"Roy Moore Win Means GOP Civil War? Please. Rich Man's Tax Cut Shows What Really Unifies Republicans Republican incumbents have been challenged and beaten by more extreme right-wingers.","279":"Uber Driver Arrested For Allegedly Raping Female Passenger ","280":"Women in Business Q&A: Evin Shutt, Partner and COO, 72andSunny As the first employee and only female partner at 72andSunny, Evin is a pillar of the agency and has led its evolution since Day 1.","281":"Officer Captured After Shooting Spree Leaves 3 Dead In Maryland Police say Eulalio Tordil, 62, fatally shot his wife on Thursday, and opened fire on two shopping centers Friday.","282":"Police Investigate Whether Killing Of Student Blaze Bernstein Was A 'Hate Crime' Samuel Woodward, 20, was charged Wednesday with the murder of his former high school classmate.","283":"Jail Riot Sparks At Least One Stabbing ","284":"The Ryan Fitzpatrick Era Must End For The New York Jets After a terrific 2015, the magic has ended and it's time to see what Bryce Petty can do.","285":"3 Do-It-Yourself Investing Pitfalls While the dangers of trying to do your own electrical work are more evident, do-it-yourself (DIY) investing also carries risks for those who aren't careful.","286":"Why South Florida Continues To Produce The Greatest NFL Talent In The Country \"We breed football here. We take football with a passion.\u201d","287":"USDA Spares Poultry Workers Faster Line Speeds, But Hog Workers May Not Get So Lucky Activists celebrated the decision, but remain concerned about the welfare of workers in hog plants.","288":"Establishing a Solid Legal Foundation for Your Business: Trademarks Before a trademark application is filed, a thorough and professional search should be conducted to rule out the likelihood of a competing mark already in commerce.","289":"WATCH: Woman Allegedly Posed As Sheriff, Rammed Other Car In Road Rage ","290":"Buffalo Bills Players Celebrated A Snow Day ","291":"Warriors Introduce Kerr as Head Coach Many thought the Warriors would've gone with a more veteran coach who can lead the team past the second round of the playoffs. But instead the owners and senior management wanted something different and less problematic.","292":"Obamas Welcome Athletes To Special Olympics LOS ANGELES (AP) \u2014 Michelle Obama has welcomed thousands of athletes to the Special Olympic World Games in Los Angeles. The","293":"Something Landed In Soccer Player's Mouth ","294":"Black Athletes Don't Work On A Plantation Donald Trump\u2019s demand while addressing an adoring crowd of white folks in Huntsville, Alabama that the rich, white, largely","295":"What This Millennial Did After Quitting Her Full Time Job I never thought I would fit the mold of the \"typical\" Millennial: the constant career changers, the unfocused, indecisive individuals, the entrepreneurs at heart and definitely not the company jumper\/quitters.","296":"Venus Williams Entered Intersection Legally Moments Before Fatal Crash: Police Authorities first said the tennis star was \"at fault\" for the deadly car accident.","297":"John Oliver Sticks It To 'A**hole' Yankees By Selling 25-Cent Tickets John Oliver is baseball's Robin Hood.","298":"3 Hurt In Machete Attack On University Of Arkansas Campus The suspect, who was also injured, was taken to a hospital and arrested.","299":"Bengals Win Because Of Science, Says Neil deGrasse Tyson The Coriolis effect, caused by the earth's rotation, explains why the ball bounced right after hitting a goal post upright.","300":"Cabbie Drives Self To Police Station After Getting Shot In The Face In East Orange EAST ORANGE, N.J. (CBSNewYork) \u2014 A taxi driver managed to drive himself to a police station to get help after he was shot","301":"Vandals Spray Private Jets With Graffiti At Los Angeles Airport, AGAIN The security breach is the second at Van Nuys Airport in two years.","302":"Mississippi Police Officers Shot And Killed, Suspect Steals Patrol Car ","303":"Flip Saunders Hospitalized Following Setback In Cancer Battle The Timberwolves said the head coach recently experienced complications from his chemotherapy treatments.","304":"Witnesses Record Horror Of Dallas Attack Michael Kevin Bautista streamed footage of the shootout with police.","305":"Grayson Allen Officially Becomes Villain After Tripping Opponent This is the second player the Duke guard tripped this month.","306":"Dramatic Surveillance Video Shows Kidnapped Woman Escape Car Trunk The kidnapper had been driving to ATMs, withdrawing money from his victim's account.","307":"Your Guide To Which Teams Are Having Sex At The World Cup ","308":"A Tribute to David Goldberg: Entrepreneur, Connector, Mensch David Goldberg was a power connector in the best sense of the word. Not just because he moved in some very powerful circles. It's not everybody who has Bono sing at their memorial service, or the top CEOs of all of Silicon Valley drop everything to attend.","309":"Gray Leads A's to Win Over Angels It's been awhile since these two teams have faced each other. Now it's a battle for first place and while the A's have held the position for half the season, the Angels now own it but in this much anticipated series will determine the better of the two teams.","310":"Sport and Society for Arete - Rio 2016 ","311":"Mechanic Stole City Bus Because He Was Late For Work, Police Say Gregory Jennrich, 31, has been charged with felony auto theft.","312":"Netherlands Survive Penalty Shootout ","313":"McDonald's Drops Rights to \"You Deserve a Break\" If you think that \"You deserve a break today\" is a bit corny, realize that a McDonald's executive raised that same objection when the line was pitched.","314":"Lemi Berhanu Hayle, Atsede Baysa Win The 2016 Boston Marathon The race is the world's oldest annual marathon.","315":"Miami Dolphins' Michael Thomas Fights Tears While Discussing Trump's Insults \"I take it personally.\"","316":"Jury Awards $3 Million In Damages Over Rolling Stone Rape Story The magazine reported that a female student as \"Jackie\" was raped at a university fraternity house in 2012.","317":"Tesla's Elon Musk Is Thinking About Designing An Electric Plane Your flight to Europe could one day be completely powered by rechargeable batteries. Elon Musk is convinced that some of","318":"Donald Trump Celebrates NFL Champions 30 Years After Suing League Who knows if he's still bitter over losing?","319":"Dead Dog Found With Note: 'We Beat It 2 Death Lol HAHAHA!' \"Nobody should have to go through this.\"","320":"F.C. Barcelona 1 - 0 Manchester United United only got the ball out of their half infrequently, typically on a counter attack, but they all came to nought... ...as","321":"Huh? Jameis Winston Puts On Pads, Helmet Despite Being Suspended ","322":"WATCH: Jon Stewart Gets Body-Slammed By John Cena Watch as the revenge-seeking wrestler gives the former talk show host an \u201cAttitude Adjustment.\u201d","323":"Woman Thrown Onto Subway Tracks After Being Groped By Stranger, Police Say \u201cIt\u2019s that nightmare every woman has in New York,\" the 22-year-old said of the attack.","324":"How Can Businesses Build Trust? Putting in place a new settlement on trust will not be easy. It will take time, commitment, hard work and investment.","325":"5 Things High Net Worth Individuals Need To Know About Medical Marijuana This is a development to watch - and one with many upside opportunities. But right now it feels like a green rush, so be careful you don't get caught up in the weeds.","326":"Football's Concussion Crisis Is Killing Former High School Players, Too Everyone knows about the NFL's association with brain injury. But people who never get there also face a very real threat.","327":"Death Row Inmate Loses Fight Over Kosher Food ","328":"Michael Jordan May Have To Admit He Is Not The Best At Something Well, this is new.","329":"3 Takeaways From The Ninth Circuit Ruling On NCAA Athletes The decision contains major implications for college athletes.","330":"Reporter Writes Glowing Article About Elon Musk But Leaves Out Key Details Recently, a major financial magazine published an article entitled \u201cThis Email from Elon Musk to Tesla Employees Describes","331":"'What Exactly Does The NFL Stand For?' ","332":"Ex-DA Expected To Be Key Defense Witness At Cosby Hearing Bruce Castor will be a key witness for the defense at a Feb. 2 hearing over what Cosby's lawyers have called a \"non-prosecution agreement.\"","333":"A New Deal For Farmers - How Founding Farmers Is Changing the Game ","334":"Canadian Judge Finds Radio Star Jian Ghomeshi Not Guilty Of Sexual Assault Three women told the court that Ghomeshi hit them, pulled their hair, or choked them during intimacy.","335":"Stepmom Says Teen Charged With Father's Murder 'Always Wanted To Kill' Him ","336":"Snapchat Is Reportedly Planning A $25 Billion IPO The company's value has soared in the last five years and it has more users than Twitter.","337":"Juvenile Detention Centers Are Not for Abused Kids Some juvenile detention centers may double as holding places for abused children, but they remain juvenile detention centers nonetheless. I am all too familiar with this phenomenon because, like the Tsimhoni children, my sister and I were incarcerated in a juvenile detention center for refusing to see our father at the age of 14.","338":"Suspects Chased By Cops Spin Doughnuts On Hollywood Street Only in L.A.","339":"MSU Students Wear Teal To Show Support For Survivors Of Larry Nassar's Abuse The color of Sexual Assault Awareness Month flooded MSU's Breslin Center at Friday's basketball game.","340":"Why Athletes Need to Exercise Their Influence: An Agent's Perspective From my perspective as an agent, I really do not see a downside to an athlete embracing this cause. I would gladly work for an openly gay player or a player who speaks up in support of the LGBT community.","341":"A Brief History Of The DeAndre Jordan-Mark Cuban Romance We now have somewhat of an idea of what it's like to break up with Mark Cuban, and it's scary.","342":"It's All About The American League At MLB All-Star Game CINCINNATI (AP) \u2014 Mike Trout flashed the skill that puts him at the front of baseball's new generation, just moments after","343":"Former Priest Convicted In Decades-Old Beauty Queen Slaying He \"was a wolf in priest's clothing,\" the prosecutor said.","344":"3 Surefire Ways to Increase the Reach of Your Blog Posts In this article I'll outline three great ways you can increase traffic to your blog and get more eyeballs reading your content.","345":"Title IX Celebrations Expose Inequalities In Sports For Women, Communities Of Color An Ernst & Young and espnW survey released last year found that among businesswomen occupying C-suite level positions, a","346":"Cop Under Investigation After Racist Michael Brown FB Posts ","347":"Hillary Clinton's Health Is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens) ","348":"Pfizer Is Abandoning Controversial Plan ","349":"NJ Priest Allegedly Points Gun, Threatens 8-Year-Old Cowboys Fan The priest is supposedly a New York Giants fan.","350":"Teacher: 'I Still Love' Tsarnaev After Bombing ","351":"Nicolas Cage Helps Raise Awareness About Missing Ohio Teen \"He said, 'I'm praying for you guys, I hope you find her.'\"","352":"Army Soldier's Lover Allegedly Stabbed His Wife To Death: FBI ","353":"Rutgers University Stabbings Leaves 3 Injured A suspect was also injured and taken into custody.","354":"Is Judge Shopping a Crime? Should It Be? For a justice system clamoring for greater transparency and fair play, it seems SDNY's actions do not always align with their expectations for others. Judge shopping is indeed \"unsavory.\" Is it a crime?","355":"Deadly Midair Collision Reported In Maryland ","356":"Google Takes the Mindfulness Revolution Downunder As humans we are peaceful and happy by nature, and mindfulness tools are proven techniques for us to learn to manage stress and bring more kindness and purpose into our lives, workplaces and the world around us.","357":"6 Content Marketing Strategies You Probably Aren't Trying Yet ","358":"Bill Cosby Accusers Can Describe 'Serial Nature,' Prosecutor Says The prosecution wants to bring in other women to testify about alleged sexual assaults.","359":"The Four Agreements for Business If we were not taught to honor our own emotions, if we are unable to disengage from figuring out how we're supposed to feel based on the thoughts of others, we are always in a disempowered state.","360":"25 Years To Life For Man Who Killed Family In Crash ","361":"10 States With The Slowest Growing Economies ","362":"Amazon Narrows Down Second Headquarters List To 20 Possibilities The places still in the running include 17 U.S. cities, one Canadian city and two other U.S. locations.","363":"It Is Time To Come Together And Finish What Colin Kaepernick Started It is hard to deny that Colin Kaepernick picked an excellent method to raise awareness to racial inequalities and injustice","364":"Arkansas Plans To Execute 2 Convicted Killers On Monday The last time a state executed two inmates on the same day was 2000 in Texas.","365":"United Airlines Pilots Arrested After Allegedly Found Drunk On Plane The pilots were reportedly arrested in the cockpit of the New Jersey-bound flight, just before it was set to depart.","366":"Postal Worker Caught On Video Hurling Packages Into Ravine ","367":"The Trump Administration\u2019s Underrated Threat To The IRS If further weakening of IRS funding doesn\u2019t do enough damage to the federal government\u2019s ability to collect revenue, an even more worrisome possibility looms.","368":"Courtspeak: How Words Can Both Move and Confuse Good trial lawyers understand the power of word distinction -- particularly in communicating with a jury -- and recognize that the legal system is a living, breathing creature that is held together by language.","369":"The Best NBA Rookie You've Probably Never Heard Of Brooklyn Nets first-rounder Caris LeVert is setting up for a strong rookie campaign.","370":"7 Things Attracting the Youth to American Manufacturing From procurement to design, building, delivery, and service, there's considerable opportunity -- not to mention massive room for growth -- at some of the world's largest companies.","371":"Have The Rams And Chargers Played Their Final Games At Home? This week's episode of \"The Second Half\" podcast discusses the NFL's possible moves to Los Angeles.","372":"How To Take Advantage Of Trending News Stories ","373":"7 Ways Your Content Could Turn Away a Visitor Fortunately, bounce rates can be reduced. There are several common content problems that turn users away, and understanding them can help you improve your content to retain the greatest possible audience.","374":"Mother On Trial For Hitting, Pinching Toddler During Long Flight Samantha Leialoha Watanabe allegedly smacked her daughter in the face and yanked out clumps of hair to keep her quiet.","375":"Why San Francisco Voters Need To Reject A Housing Moratorium Refusing to build new housing won\u2019t save the Mission. It\u2019s a strategy that has already failed the city","376":"A League of His Own: How Lewis Howes Went From Pro Athlete to Thriving Entrepreneur Lewis Howes is a former professional football player who turned a career-ending injury into a springboard into entrepreneurship. Starting with nothing but an obsession to learn about business and marketing, he has since built a multi-million dollar media empire.","377":"Nevada Ambulance Plane Crash Kills 3 Crew And Patient The plane crashed in a parking lot near an airport.","378":"New Year's Eve Revelers Pack NYC's Times Square Under Tight Security About 6,000 uniformed police officers will be patrolling the area where more than one million people are expected","379":"What Happens When Leaders Walk Their Talk What leaders say is far less important than what they do. That's one of the clearest conclusions we drew from a study, in collaboration with HBR, of 19,000 employees around the world, focused on how they experience their lives at work.","380":"Pay A-Rod If this were only about Alex Rodriguez, it wouldn't be as much of an issue for the players and fans. Rodriguez is hardly a sympathetic character, both on and off the field. He has almost zero charisma. But this is not just about Alex Rodriguez.","381":"Italy Fears Another Amanda Knox-Saga After American Found Dead Ashley Olsen, 35, was found in her Florence apartment with her neck bruised and scratched, police said.","382":"Katie Ledecky Breaks Her Own World Record For Fourth Rio Gold She's coming for your medal record, Michael Phelps.","383":"Bird With Golf Ball Manages To Be More Entertaining Than Golf This is how you go for a grand slam.","384":"Michigan Shooting Spree Suspect Says Uber App Controlled Him: Report The five-hour rampage left 6 people dead and two more injured.","385":"WATCH: Unbelievable Catch Saves No-Hitter ","386":"In a Cop Culture, the Bill of Rights Doesn't Amount to Much If you want a recipe for disaster, this is it: Take police cadets, train them in the ways of war, dress and equip them for battle, teach them to see the people they serve not as human beings but as suspects and enemies, and then indoctrinate them into believing that their main priority is to make it home alive at any cost.","387":"Look At How Uber's Top Leadership Has Crumbled CEO Travis Kalanick's resignation is only the latest departure from the ride-hailing company","388":"The Blue Man Group Has One More Reason To Be Blue After Costume Theft \u201cIf anybody sees any blue men running around, call 911,\u201d police said.","389":"There's A Mistake In 'Straight Outta Compton' You Probably Didn't Notice See anything wrong with the White Sox hat?","390":"Man Accused Of Calling In Bomb Threats After Missing Flight Svein Johannessen allegedly made two calls from inside Philadelphia International Airport.","391":"Bo Ryan Knows Basketball On Wednesday night at the Kohl Center in Madison, Wisconsin, Duke and UW met for perhaps the most anticipated basketball game of the year. Many people -- myself included -- picked Wisconsin to win.","392":"Chief Of New York City Corrections Officers Union Arrested For Fraud The powerful leader of the union that represents New York City correction officers, whose alliances with mayors and governors","393":"Here Are The Cities With The Highest Unemployment Rates El Centro, California, is No. 1.","394":"Getting Off the Linear Career Track It can be nerve-wracking for others to watch from the outside, especially those who grew up in a generation that touted climbing up the ladder in one company.","395":"So, Chris Christie Is No Longer A Candidate For This Sought-After Post The New Jersey governor won't be sitting around talking sports for a living.","396":"Former ESPN Analyst Curt Schilling: 'I Don't Have A Racist Bone In My Body' The former All-Star pitcher opens up on SiriusXM about his recent firing from ESPN.","397":"Snap Makes $3 Billion IPO Details Public Snap Inc could be valued at between $20 billion to $25 billion.","398":"Serena Williams Wins Wimbledon Final For 21st Grand Slam Title ","399":"Woman Bashes Roommate With Hammer When She Backs Out Of Suicide Pact: Cops Fiona Gordon-Macleod, 69, was allegedly furious that her 76-year-old roommate wanted to live.","400":"Antonio Brown's Touchdown Celebration Is Still Too Sexy For The NFL Even two thrusts gets you penalized.","401":"Google Reports Man Allegedly Sending Child Porn In Email ","402":"Try-Before-You-Buy: How More Americans Are Renting Products Lumoid CEO Aarthi Ramamurthy discusses the company's try-before-you-buy service. She speaks on \"Bloomberg \u2039GO\u203a.\"","403":"The 6 Biggest Lies Consumers Tell A Business Buyers are liars. That\u2019s not an accusation, just a fact. Remember that University of Massachusetts study that found 60 percent","404":"Don't Worry, The Baylor Kick Is Alive ","405":"The Worst Turf In the NFL Just Swallowed A Kicker's Foot Whole Not exactly a field of dreams.","406":"Starbucks Offering Employees Free Legal Advice On Immigration The announcement comes shortly after the coffee company's CEO pledged to hire 10,000 refugees.","407":"The Power of Doing Something Meaningful with Vivek Sharma, CEO of Movable Ink The world is peppered with insanely large problems. And while many try to address those problems with conventional remedies, the entrepreneur will reframe the problem.","408":"$2.5 Million Settlement For Family Of Inmate Who Died Of Thirst RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- The N.C. Department of Public Safety says its Division of Adult Correction has reached a $2.5 million","409":"Carly Fiorina Backer Once Said The Rich Should Get More Votes \"You pay a million dollars in taxes, you get a million votes,\" businessman Tom Perkins proposed.","410":"Mikaela Shiffrin Misses Slalom Podium After \u2018Virus-Kind Of Puking\u2019 Before Run The athlete was expected to win gold in her best event but ended up in fourth place.","411":"Rookie Alexander Rossi Wins The 100th Running Of The Indianapolis 500 \"There were moments where I was stoked, moments where I were heartbroken, moments where I was stoked again. I need to see a psychiatrist after this.\"","412":"How Noor Salman Became The Scapegoat Of The Pulse Massacre Prosecutors say she helped her husband's terror attack. Her supporters say she's innocent and the case is \u201crooted in gendered Islamophobia.\"","413":"Memo To CNN: This Isn't Lamar Odom CNN's coverage of the former Laker hits a snag.","414":"Christmas Eve Shooting Kills 1 At Louisiana Mall ","415":"Girls Charged In Slender Man Attack Will Be Tried As Adults The 13-year-olds could face decades in adult prison.","416":"European Central Bank Launches 1 Trillion Euro Stimulus ","417":"To The Woman With The Expired Coupon Your bullying tactics are exactly what makes me embarrassed to be a consumer.","418":"Oscar Pistorius Treated In Hospital For Wrist Injuries: Reports The Paralympic gold medalist is currently in jail for killing his girlfriend.","419":"Build It Like Chi Bang Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes. This one is chiseled as finely as a Michelangelo. As well he should be, his business is bodies. He is the founder and CEO of Chi Bang Bodies, an elite fitness training company from Boston.","420":"Bryce Harper Has 2 Words For Umpire Brian Knight, And They're Not Very Nice Stay classy.","421":"Tough NBA Player Does Cute Thing He asked a Special Olympics athlete for his autograph.","422":"It's Everywhere: In Employment Discrimination, The Law Usually Wins, Not You Sometimes the law is on your side in cases of employment discrimination. And sometimes it isn\u2019t. If you are a woman, person","423":"Michael Bennett Agrees To Three-Year, $31.5 Million Contract Extension With Seahawks Seahawks rewarded the back-to-back Pro Bowler with an unprecedented in-season contract.","424":"Gregg Popovich Breaks The Fourth Wall In Hilariously Uncomfortable Interview The NBA season isn't even here yet and Pop is at peak Pop.","425":"Ferguson Activists Press Ahead, Undeterred By Latest Shooting ","426":"Student Loan Borrowers Struggle When Co-Signers Die Or Go Bankrupt ","427":"Maria Sharapova: Russian banned for two years for failed drugs test Maria Sharapova has been banned for two years by the International Tennis Federation after failing a drugs test.","428":"Good News For Officer Shot In Face During Stop ","429":"Cam Newton Gives Reporter Hilarious Death Stare For The Ages Suffice it to say he does not think referee Ed Hochuli is telling the truth.","430":"Search Underway For 3 Kids Taken By Man Wanted For Child Porn: Cops The children are believed to be with Jason \"Travis\" Simon, 37, and his girlfriend, Sarah Joy VanOcker-Dunn, 36.","431":"Man Loses Fingers In Musket Misfire He put too much gunpowder in the weapon.","432":"Mom Turns In Son After Recognizing Photos In Brutal Sex Assault ","433":"Multinational Corporations Still Driving Tax Policy The power of the multinational corporations operating below the notice of the mainstream media has been clarified by two recent proposals.","434":"Girl Slammed In Face By Soccer Pro's Missed Shot ","435":"Inmates On The Run After Using Clothes To Rappel From California Jail The inmates somehow managed to cut through the Santa Clara County jail's bars, authorities said.","436":"Gun Stocks Climb After Las Vegas Shooting Heightened fear after mass shootings often leads to more gun sales.","437":"A Guy With 'Trump Sucks' On His Chest Was Cuffed At The NBA Finals How long until the election is over?","438":"Cops Catch Man They Say Stole Wedding Ring From Portland Stabbing Victim The suspect was seen after the attack with the victim's backpack.","439":"Authorities Identify Ahmad Khan Rahami As Suspect In Manhattan Explosion \u201cHe could be armed and dangerous,\u201d New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said, warning that residents should be vigilant and report sightings to authorities.","440":"Why Are We Arming Our Cops For War? ","441":"Texas Executes Man Convicted Of Killing 2 Subway Shop Workers During 2002 Robbery Edwards was convicted along with co-defendant Kirk Edwards, of killing Mickell Goodwin and Tommy Walker during a robbery.","442":"Women in Business Q&A: Joan Coraggio, Group Director at Saatchi & Saatchi LA ","443":"Ex-Sailor Executed For 1992 Murder, Dismemberment Of Crewmate Travis Hittson, 45, was convicted of murdering 20-year-old Conway Utterbeck during a weekend leave. A third sailor assisted in the gruesome coverup.","444":"Tray Walker, Baltimore Ravens Cornerback, Dies After Dirt Bike Crash He was just 23 years old.","445":"WATCH: Sergio Saves Real Madrid ","446":"Apple, Taxes, And The Social Contract Of Global Corporate Citizens Is Apple avoiding paying its share of taxes? \u00a0And why should I care?\u00a0 In light of this week\u2019s news that the EU wants Apple","447":"'Floyd Did Not Fight Like The Man I Expected' ","448":"Man Who Filmed Dying Teen Pleads Not Guilty CLEVELAND (AP) -- A man who posted a cellphone video of a grisly car crash that killed one teenage boy and critically injured","449":"The Drum Beat of Success (VIDEO with Sheila E.) Musical legend Sheila E. was literally born into the business, yet she paid more than her share of dues at the beginning of her career, playing to empty rooms and living from gig to gig.","450":"Stand\u200a\u2014\u200aOr Kneel\u200a\u2014\u200aFor Something If you\u2019re not outraged, you\u2019re not paying attention.","451":"Families Remember Victims Of Tragic Oregon School Shooting Our hearts go out to the families and survivors.","452":"Cops Find Doctors Slain Inside Boston Penthouse After Shootout With Suspect A search of the couple\u2019s home reportedly found blood on the walls as well as a scrawled message of retribution.","453":"Hear Me Out: WeTransfer & G-Star Team Up For 'Tone to Transfer: #TightOrWide Soundstage' As the music industry continues to grow and the record industry slowly starts to become a nostalgic reference artists are looking for interesting ways to expand their audience and share their art through strategic partnerships and 360 deals.","454":"Court Temporarily Blocks Release Of 'Angola 3' Inmate ","455":"9 Tips to Kick Your Business' Summer Marketing Campaign Up a Notch Summer is an excellent time to get out and about and promote your business. The sun is shining, people are enjoying themselves and everyone is more receptive to marketing campaigns. You'd be a fool to miss out at this time of year so here are nine tips to help get you started.","456":"Stephen Curry With Your Typical Around-The-Back-Two-Times Pass As one does.","457":"In the Trenches on Black Friday Only Sunday escapes without a retail handle. But you can bet your bottom dollar it won't be a day of rest for retailers. The relentless run continues towards Christmas and beyond, as merchants race to extract as many dollars from consumers as possible and keep their stakeholders happy.","458":"5 Bold Predictions For The Second Half Of The NBA Season Should the Cavs give up on Kevin Love and will the Warriors and Spurs make history together?","459":"An African Answer to Growth ","460":"You're Not Aiming High Enough: How to Network Up to Big Connections By networking up, you're attempting to meet the top players in your industry. This not only drives your income but also fuels your all-around sense of happiness. Just think about the positivity that's generated by bouncing ideas around with a bunch of the top go-getters in your field.","461":"Airline Passenger Helps Nab Alleged Child Molesters After Seeing Texts A preschool teacher seated behind a man reported seeing him send \"disturbing\" text messages about children, police said.","462":"KB Home Cuts CEO's Annual Incentive Payment In Response To Vulgar Rant (UPDATE) CEO Jeffrey Mezger's mouth is going to cost him money.","463":"At Least 40 Shot In Chicago Weekend Wave Of Violence ","464":"Cops Find $10 Million Worth Of Cocaine Inside Blinged-Out Horse's Head A U.S. national is among three men arrested over the plot in New Zealand.","465":"Think Summer Hours Are Enough to Make People Happy? While you may think giving your staff a couple of extra hours of free time a week is feeding their souls, you're wrong. Time off is always welcomed, but employee happiness and productivity are driven by much more than free afternoons.","466":"'Sharkwater' Filmmaker Goes Missing During Dive Off Florida Keys Rob Stewart, who was using rebreathing equipment, disappeared while exploring a shipwreck.","467":"Man Who Escaped Prison More Than 3 Decades Ago Captured He was serving 15 years for armed robbery.","468":"Social Media and PR Event Digital Marketing Success Facebook-promoted posts helped Loessfest 2014 in Council Bluffs, Iowa beat attendance goals by driving website traffic, raising awareness and reinforcing messaging through traditional radio promotion.","469":"The Founding Fathers Were (Mostly) All Entrepreneurs There are some inspiring tales of self-made men within their midst. So as we celebrate the 239th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, here's a breakdown of some of their stories.","470":"Chicago 'Suitcase Killer' Issues Startling YouTube 'Confession' Heather Mack appears to exonerate her boyfriend in her mother's murder in Bali.","471":"How Wearable Technology Will Change Social Media The ways we use a smart watch (or other wearable device) will gradually begin to evolve to better suit the device, and those changes will have a significant effect on the scope of social media and how businesses use it to interact with their consumers.","472":"Isaiah Thomas On His Unlikely Path To NBA Stardom The former Pac-10 Freshman of the Year is also the shortest player in NBA history to ever record a triple-double.","473":"These Bloody Dollhouse Scenes Reveal A Secret Truth About American Crime Look closely. Can you see it?","474":"Drunk Driver Falls Asleep On Busy Highway: Cops ","475":"Malcolm Gladwell: 'Football Is A Moral Abomination' ","476":"#NRAFairyTales Is Perfect Reply To NRA's Gun-Toting Red Riding Hood Would fairytales really have happier endings if there were more guns involved?","477":"Skier Lindsey Vonn Says She Isn't Representing Trump At The 2018 Winter Olympics He's not going to like this.","478":"Sheriff Suspends 10 Officers Over Beating Of Man On Horse ","479":"Man Vanishes In Wilderness Seeking Famous 'Hidden Treasure' Now, the man who hid the stash in the first place is leading the search.","480":"California Officers, Lawyer Arrested In Murder, Cover-Up Korey Kauffman had been missing since 2012.","481":"Ken Starr Interview Gets Really Awkward When A Certain Baylor Email Comes Up It's hard to watch someone change their mind -- twice -- about how to answer a simple question.","482":"Man Allegedly Lights Stranger On Fire At Denny's \"It wouldn\u2019t be that bad, could it?\u2019 No, it\u2019s worse.\"","483":"San Bernardino Shooting Report Details Heroism And Horror 3 workers tried to stop the attackers, the report revealed.","484":"Bernie Sanders Praises NBA For Moving All-Star Game Out Of North Carolina The league moved the game after North Carolina refused to amend or repeal its anti-LGBT \"Bathroom Bill.\"","485":"LIVE: World Cup Final ","486":"Use 'Your Story and Language' Wisely: For the Sake Of Your Business! Truth be known, I really don't care about anyone's story. I care about how they might help me with a problem I need solved!","487":"4 Things Your Dog Can Teach You About Customer Retention Like being a dog owner, managing relationships with your customers is a huge responsibility. It takes a whole lot of time and effort.","488":"Weinstein Company Files For Bankruptcy After Sale Talks Collapse The embattled film studio said Monday that it was also ending all non-disclosure agreements.","489":"This Is, By Far, The Most Humiliating Posterization Of All Time The dunker literally took a piggyback ride afterward.","490":"UFC Champion Jon Jones Sentenced In Hit-And-Run Case Involving A Pregnant Woman He won't have to serve any jail time.","491":"Washington State Bill Would Allow Guns In Sports Stadiums Teams fear safety issues.","492":"Man Accused Of Molesting 5 Kids ","493":"The Violence Spills Off the Field The NFL has not even begun to systematically examine holistically whether the on-field behaviors they champion translate into off-field recklessness. If NFL leadership fails to make that connection and render changes to the sport's culture of violence, then the banner of flag football may get the call to save the league even sooner than I once predicted.","494":"All This 108-Year-Old Wants Is To See The Cubs Win The World Series The team hasn't won the championship since 1908.","495":"Novak Djokovic Loses To Sam Querrey In Upset At Wimbledon The loss ends Djokovic's bid to become the first man since 1969 to win all four majors in a calendar year.","496":"Bring Your Brain to Work My wife, my infant son, and I arrived at the boarding door, baby in arm and bags in hand. That's when we found ourselves caught in an example of one of the biggest workplace problems of our time.","497":"Women in Business: Carolina Toro-Gerstein, CEO and Founder of Poncho Baby Inc ","498":"WNBA Stars Stand Up To Gilbert Arenas And His Sexist Comments \"Women were not put on this earth just for men to look at. We are people.\"","499":"Perhaps We Need Corporate 'Loyalty Oaths' We have drifted very far from our understanding of the relationship that is supposed to exist between We the People, our government, and the businesses that our government allow to exist.","500":"Teen Allegedly Shoots Family After They Wake Him Up For School His family says they had no idea he even had a gun.","501":"Everything You Need To Know About One Of Soccer's Most Confusing Rules ","502":"There Are Some Pretty Strange Jobs At The Olympics Like, why do Olympic swimmers need a lifeguard? \ud83c\udfca","503":"3 Seriously Injured In Grand Central Station Stabbing ","504":"Watch This Fake Promo For 2016 Cleveland Browns Season Tickets \"Attention, all Cleveland Browns fans!\"","505":"Samuel L. Jackson Is Live-Tweeting The Olympics, And It's Just As Awesome As It Sounds The actor takes his Summer Games very seriously.","506":"Colleagues Bid Stuart Scott An Emotional Farewell ","507":"Does Cyber Monday Still Matter? This Black Friday is set to be bigger than ever, with pre-sales already up 19 percent year over year, according to IBM. But there is huge overlap on product offerings for many big box stores and if social media is any indicator, the core opportunity (and challenge) is differentiation on anything other than price.","508":"Holly Holm Celebrates All Her Hard Work Finally Paying Off \"All the hours in the gym and all the years of dedication to help me get to this moment.\"","509":"9-Year-Old Girl Killed In Shooting Asked Police Days Earlier If They Could Keep Her Safe Zalayia Jenkins would have turned 10 this Tuesday.","510":"Chevron's Ecuador Plan B The big news this week in the Chevron-Ecuador saga is the Patton Boggs settlement with the oil giant, which should not be shocking to anyone following the financial troubles of the law firm.","511":"Philadelphia Cop Shooting Suspect Claims Allegiance To ISIS The city mayor calls the shooting a case of mental illness, not radicalization.","512":"Three Rules of Life We Need to Break in Business There are some rules of life that we need to question, especially if we want to succeed in business and leadership. These are three that stand out for me.","513":"2 Simple Strategies for Avoiding Entrepreneurial Burnout Owning a business is both a demanding task and taxing endeavor. It doesn't matter if you're a one-person show or a C-Suite executive: stress levels can become overwhelming and debilitating.","514":"NFL Wide Receiver Sues FanDuel For Using His Name To Make Money Pierre Gar\u00e7on accuses the daily fantasy sports site of acting without his consent.","515":"Russell Westbrook\u2019s Reaction To An Angry Fan Flipping Him Off Is Absolutely Perfect Too good.","516":"DeAngelo Williams Wants To Wear Breast Cancer Pink To Honor His Late Mom. The NFL Won't Let Him. He's lost loved ones to breast cancer, but that doesn't matter to the NFL.","517":"Ex-Volkswagen CEO Charged In U.S. Over Emissions Cheating Scandal Martin Winterkorn resigned soon after the scandal became public in 2015.","518":"Chicago Office Shooter 'Despondent' Over Demotion: Police ","519":"This Tennis Player Chose Sportsmanship Over An Extra Point Jack Sock is unlike any tennis pro you've ever seen.","520":"Colorado Man Arrested After Challenging Daughter To A 'Duel': Sheriff The challenge led to a brief shootout in the family's El Paso County home Wednesday, authorities said.","521":"Austin Police Department Apologizes For Officers' Rape Joke ","522":"Inside Big Pharma's Campaign To Put Us All To Sleep. One evening in the late summer of 2015, Lisa Schwartz was watching television at her Vermont home when an ad for a sleeping","523":"Thomas Piketty Feels The Bern The economist says Sanders is the only candidate who's willing to tax the rich.","524":"Seahawks Player Hugs Ref After Fumble-Return Touchdown, Is Promptly Penalized All you need is love.","525":"Drunk American Airlines Pilot Arrested Right Before His Flight FAA regulations bar any pilot from flying within eight hours of having a drink.","526":"The Job Market: A Game of Musical Chairs Over Hot Coals There's a common belief that people who don't have jobs somehow just aren't trying hard enough, and this belief is therefore based on the idea that there are enough jobs for everyone. To get a job, all one really needs to do is just go get one. But what's it really like out there?","527":"Texas Man Kills Co-Worker, Then Takes Own Life The gunman was heard shouting \"y'all ruined my life\" before he started shooting.","528":"Tourist Dies After Riding 'Star Tours' At Walt Disney World \"He did die where he said he wanted to die, so we\u2019re trying to get a little bit of solace in that.\"","529":"Alleged 'Nigerian Prince' Email Scammer Arrested In Louisiana He does not appear to be Nigerian or a prince.","530":"WATCH: Colombia Dazzles And Dances In World Cup Return ","531":"Michigan Man Killed After Shooting Deputy With Crossbow \"I thought I could see a cop drop, then I saw muzzle fire.\"","532":"Why The Clippers Should Trade Chris Paul The controversial organization must strike while the superstar is still hot.","533":"U.S. Sprinter Wins Gold Running In Teammate's Oversized Shoes Teamwork makes dreams work.","534":"Cop Car Found Torched In Florida With 'Black Lives Matter' Note: Police The explicit, handwritten note reportedly referenced the movement and two black men recently killed by police.","535":"Brooklyn Pizza Joint Nixes Obamacare Fee After Just One Day It was not a \"protest against Obamacare,\" the restaurant's co-owner said. But guests weren't happy about it.","536":"Michigan Shooting Spree Suspect To Appear In Court After Allegedly Killing 6 Jason B. Dalton is expected to be arraigned on multiple counts of murder.","537":"Eric Roberts, Ex-Trooper Accused Of Rape At Traffic Stops, Due In Court Several women have come forward.","538":"Uber Sacks Driver After Passenger Records Vile Homophobic Rant An Uber driver has been removed from the rideshare service after he was recorded hurling homophobic comments at an Australian","539":"Teens In Custody After Police Find 5 Dead In Oklahoma Home BROKEN ARROW, Okla. (AP) \u2014 Police in eastern Oklahoma say five people have been found dead and two teenagers were taken into","540":"Missing MetLife Employee Is 'Victim Of A Crime,' Cops Say The announcement comes a week after Danielle Stislicki's family told HuffPost they believe she was abducted.","541":"Teens Who Carry Guns Are Those More Likely To Engage In These Behaviors, Study Shows ","542":"Mike McDerment, CEO of FreshBooks, Talks About Almost Giving Up So why do you build a product? Do you do it for money? Fame? Bragging rights? In the case of Mike McDerment, CEO of FreshBooks, you do it because you see there is a problem with the current convention.","543":"Convicted Killer Guillermo Aillon Booted From Veterans' Cemetery Guillermo Aillon was convicted in the 1972 killings of his estranged wife and her parents.","544":"Hundreds Of Europe's Amazon Workers Plan Black Friday Strike The walkout threatens profits on one of the biggest shopping days of the year.","545":"Suspected Austin Bomber Dead In Confrontation With Police The suspect has been identified as 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt.","546":"Alleged Hospital Shooter Charged With Murder ","547":"Why This Live Nation Exec Quit The Business To Become A Meditation Guru \u201cI realized there had to be something more. This emptiness and lack of fulfillment I was feeling -- there had to be something more.\u201d","548":"#FacebookFail and the 'We Know Best' Folly of Corporate America ","549":"Women in the Boardroom It might be useful to look at some of the dynamics of the boardroom with a gendered lens (although I would quickly add, to focus on what is observed from the dominant group's members and those from the non-dominant group members).","550":"Cranky Employer Blames Texting Millennials For Economic Problems That's just ridic.","551":"Frank Gifford, Pro Football Hall Of Famer, Dies At 84 \"Frank's talent and charisma on the field and on the air were important elements in the growth and popularity of the modern NFL.\"","552":"Gunman Kills 5 In Georgia The suspect was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.","553":"Solidarity Demonstrations Take Over NFL Opening Weekend The movement has spread across the league following Colin Kaepernick's lead.","554":"Microsoft Slapped With Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Former technician Katherine Moussouris was told supervisors did not like her \"manner or style.\"","555":"Why The Kentucky Derby Horses Have Such Interesting Names This year's competitors include Free Drop Billy, Good Magic and Instilled Regard.","556":"YouTube Quietly Escalates Crackdown On Firearm Videos The video site is expanding restrictions following the Florida massacre.","557":"Dad Arrested In Death of 3-Year-Old Now Says She Choked On Milk Police say Wesley Mathews confessed to moving his daughter's body, which was found in a culvert. He initially reported her as missing.","558":"HBO Cancels Bill Simmons' 'Any Given Wednesday' The show didn't even last five months.","559":"HP CEO Says That Carly Fiorina Is Not Qualified To Be President \"Literally having some experience in politics is probably an important criteria,\" Meg Whitman says.","560":"Walgreens Broaches Possible Health Benefits Of Medical Marijuana National brands haven't taken a stance on weed yet, but they've been forced to acknowledge it.","561":"The Rio 2016 Volunteer Who Sets The Pace In The Olympic Velodrome Ivo Siebert is the unsung hero of the track cycling keirin event.","562":"DeAndre Jordan Re-Signs With Los Angeles Clippers DALLAS (AP) \u2014 DeAndre Jordan has backed out of a verbal agreement with the Dallas Mavericks to remain with the Los Angeles","563":"11 Law Professors Say Tom Brady Is Right And The NFL Is Wrong They seriously doubt the commissioner's objectivity.","564":"Obama Attends Women's NCAA Tournament Game, Cheers On Niece ","565":"Will Someone Please Give Robert Kraft A High-Five? ","566":"WATCH: The Funniest Penalty Kick Ever ","567":"8-Year-Old Boy With Down Syndrome Goes For The Touchdown ","568":"9-Month Old Shot By Father Cleaning Illegal Gun ","569":"Why It Should Matter That Hillary Clinton Was A Breadwinner She may be the first U.S. president to truly understand working mothers.","570":"Gerry Plaza: Don't Be Fixated on a Single Solution to Problems ","571":"The Workplace Revolution: Adding Company Culture to the Mix As more companies create inspired, innovative and hands-on environments, the demand for additional workplace benefits in the form of flexible hours, onsite daycare options and expanded healthcare provisions grows.","572":"Oklahoma Man Fatally Shoots 3 Alleged Teen Home Intruders \"This may be a case of \u2018stand-your-ground,\u2019\" a sheriff's spokesman said.","573":"Women in Business Q&A: Paula Long, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, DataGravity ","574":"The Places That Most Desperately Need A Higher Minimum Wage ","575":"Man Is Fatally Shot By Police Responding To Burglary At His Home \u201cThey shot the wrong guy,\u201d the victim's ex-wife said.","576":"This Black Woman Is Turning The White Investing World On Its Head Arlan Hamilton is investing in the brilliant startups traditional backers overlook.","577":"The Funniest Things That Have Happened During March Madness So Far A running list.","578":"'Jeopardy!' Subtly Joins Chorus Against The 'Redskins' Name Quiet protest for $600, Alex.","579":"SEC Chair Comes To The Defense Of... Wall Street? ","580":"5th Service Member Dies After Chattanooga Shooting A U.S. Navy sailor has succumbed to injuries sustained in this week's deadly Tennessee rampage, bringing the victim death","581":"Tesla Reports Quarterly Profits For First Time In 3 Years The report is a big boost for Tesla, which has struggled to merge bold innovation with the reality of markets.","582":"An Ode To Stephen Curry's Ridiculous Range After Thursday's 51-Point Outburst He's more efficient from around 28 feet than any of us could ever be from 2.8 feet.","583":"Lamar Odom Did Cocaine Before He Collapsed At Brothel: Sheriff The former NBA star's days-long bender also included 10 sexual performance-enhancing supplements.","584":"Zaevion Dobson Was A Hero. Now His Mother Is, Too. \u201cI\u2019m here to fight back,\" Zenobia Dobson said at the 2016 ESPY Awards on Wednesday.","585":"NFL Cheerleader Wiped Out By Cameraman In One Of Day's Biggest Hits She got up and kept on cheering.","586":"10 Ways To Revamp Your PR Strategy ","587":"City Seizes Family Dog Of 10 Years, Alleging He May Be Part Wolf (UPDATE) If a DNA test finds Capone is a wolf hybrid, he could be sent away or euthanized.","588":"White Man Allegedly Yelled 'Trump' As He Beat Up Muslim And Latino Men It was just another late Friday night at Wichita State University \u2014 so late that it might have been early Saturday.","589":"66 People Surf Their Way To Two World Records ","590":"Alabama Wants To Execute Man Despite Questions Of Mental Competency The state has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Vernon Madison's stay so it can move forward with his execution.","591":"Top-Tier Gymnast Maggie Nichols Says Larry Nassar Sexually Abused Her, Too Nichols wrote in a statement that she was the first to alert USA Gymnastics of Nassar's abuse in 2015.","592":"More Than 100 Dogs Rescued From Cramped, Filthy Cages In Puppy Mill Bust The smell of feces and urine was so strong at the Texas operation that investigators could smell it from the road.","593":"Apple's Big Event Didn't Impress Wall Street The stock was down nearly 2 percent.","594":"LeBron James' 2015 Finals Was Legendary, But Nothing Compared To This Few thought James would ever top his 2015 performance. Turns out, he only needed a year.","595":"Google Doesn't Want To Go It Alone With Driverless Cars ","596":"The Worst Thing About The East Coast Isn\u2019t The Weather At least, not if you're a West Coast sports fan.","597":"Two Sisters Win Two National Titles In One Afternoon, 27 Miles Apart \"It was a great day to be a Klunder.\"","598":"Is The #MeToo Movement Just For Outing Celebs And Politicians, Or Are Everyday Bosses Next? Now that the Angelina Jolies and the Ashley Judds and the Minka Kellys and the Reah Bravos (Charlie Rose) and the Megyn Kellys","599":"LeBron Doubles Down, Says He 'Will Not Just Shut Up And Dribble' The Cleveland Cavaliers star said he will \u201ctalk about what\u2019s really important\u201d when it comes to the state of race relations in America.","600":"Man Accused Of Killing Dad For Not Getting Him Fast Food Ronald Pritchett also allegedly stabbed his mother.","601":"Giants Kicker Josh Brown Admitted To Domestic Abuse, According To Police Documents \"I have abused my wife,\u201d the kicker wrote in a journal entry.","602":"USF Football Player Accused Of Firing Gun At Campus Dorm, Police Say Freshman Benjamin Knox was arrested shortly after the incident.","603":"Going Nowhere Fast at McDonald's Forget the salad wraps or apple slices -- McDonald's is now serving up an even more creative alternative, in an attempt to satisfy thousands of workers demanding fair wages and respect at the workplace.","604":"This Toddler Does The Best Stephen Curry Impersonation But can he shoot threes?","605":"Tiger Woods Arrested In Florida On DUI Charge The golfer says he had an \"unexpected reaction to prescribed medications,\" and that alcohol was not involved.","606":"Man Claims He's Infamous Alcatraz Escapee In Newly Surfaced Letter The letter says all three inmates survived the escape.","607":"San Diego Chargers Are Reportedly Moving To Los Angeles After 55 years, it looks like the NFL team will join the Rams in relocating to L.A.","608":"Donald Trump Is Even Taking Credit For Colin Kaepernick Becoming The NFL's Black Sheep \"They like it when people actually stand for the American flag.\"","609":"NBA Eastern Conference Playoff Preview With the Pacers in rapid decline and the Heat sliding not far behind, anything seems possible. Check that: almost anything (sorry, Charlotte). With hopes of early upsets, here are my picks for the first round of the Eastern Conference playoffs.","610":"New York Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Black Man On Brooklyn Street The man was pointing a pipe at people that police and 911 callers mistook for a gun.","611":"This Simple Fact Says Everything About The Sad State Of Minimum Wage Bonuses on Wall Street could be put to better use.","612":"Shaun White Dismisses Sexual Harassment Allegations As 'Gossip' He later admitted that \"it was a poor choice of words.\"","613":"Man Ran Meth Lab From Retirement Home: Cops ","614":"Hornets' Frank Kaminsky Will Stand By Chipotle, Damn It \"In sickness and in health.\"","615":"Employees Allegedly Paid In Meth For Their Bonus Police say each staff member was handed half a gram of the illicit drug.","616":"The NFL Should Release The Details Of Its Johnny Manziel Investigation Advocates say the NFL's brief statement on the case isn't enough.","617":"NFL Player Drew Stanton Celebrates Touchdown Like A Little Kid And it's perfect.","618":"Creator Wins Belmont Stakes By A Nose Creator came from behind and won with a fierce charge in the final stretch.","619":"10 Ways to Spot a Truly Exceptional Employee Dealing with difficult people is frustrating and exhausting for most. Exceptional employees control their interactions with toxic people by keeping their feelings in check.","620":"Chicago's Bloody July 4th Weekend ","621":"This U.S. City Is Welcoming Veterans With An Innovative New Program The Where Opportunity Knox initiative is connecting Army veterans to jobs and community life in the greater Louisville, Kentucky, area.","622":"Win at All Costs May Now Trump Beautiful Football but All Eyes on James, Neymar, Messi and Robben to Ignite ","623":"Michael Jordan Calls For Peaceful Demonstrations In Charlotte \"It is more important than ever that we restore calm and come together.\"","624":"Not a Zero-Sum Game: The Case for a Higher Minimum Wage The share of wealth controlled by the super-rich in the United States has actually increased about five percentage points (from 17 to 23 percent) since 2008. Is this the \"free market\" at work?","625":"Runner In Krispy Kreme Challenge Dies Following Chest Pains The 58-year-old man dropped out of the 5-mile race before getting to the part where runners down a dozen glazed doughnuts, organizers said.","626":"WATCH: Soccer Fan Delivers Series Of Expletives On Live TV ","627":"Shark Kills Teen Surfing With Family Off Western Australia's Coast A medium-sized great white had been spotted in the area twice in the past week.","628":"A Deeper Look at Cheerleading in NCAA Division I Schools Cheerleading requires serious discipline and more hours of hard work and training than most other collegiate sports. However, there's no glory, because when the cheer team takes the field or the floor, it is in support of the football or the basketball team. Thus, it requires a type of selflessness and humility that is rare in NCAA Division I collegiate athletes.","629":"Julian Edelman Had One Of The Most Mind-Bending Catches In Super Bowl History When you think back on Super Bowl LI, this is the play you'll remember.","630":"Beast Mode Travels In Style ","631":"Only 7 Percent of Licensed Gun Dealers Were Inspected Last Year Earlier this month, a jury ordered Badger Guns, one of the country\u2019s most notorious \u201cbad apple\u201d firearms retailers, to pay","632":"These Are The Parents We All Know From Little League Sidelines ","633":"Sergio Garcia's 13-Stroke Masters Hole Shows Even A Champ Can Epically Fail \"It's just one of those things,\" he said.","634":"The Leadership Paradox I suggest we need to step back and consider leadership as a phenomenon, and ask what we mean when we use the term. For example, it is almost impossible to imagine a leader as a solitary entity -- there are always others to follow. If this is so, then perhaps leadership is more of a social phenomena than the product of an individual's vision or some set of competencies.","635":"Gross Domestic Problem: Don't Shoot the Measurement As our economy exceeds the capacity of the planet to sustain us and future generations, we need to monitor the size of our economy more closely than ever. And there is no better measurement of the size of our economy than GDP.","636":"Nassar's Defense Attorney Says 265 Survivors 'Just Feel Like' They Were Abused Shannon Smith says she has a \"very hard time believing\" that all of these women and girls are telling the truth.","637":"Bode Miller Makes Dumb Comment About Marriage Slowing Olympic Skier The Olympian-turned-NBC analyst later apologized for the \"joke.\"","638":"The End Might Be Near For Brick And Mortar Black Friday U.S. e-commerce sales surged on Thanksgiving, raising questions about how many shoppers will show up for brick-and-mortar","639":"Police Identify Houston Mass Shooter Who Was Found With Nazi Paraphernalia Nathan DeSai was shot to death by police after wounding 9 people.","640":"How to Develop the Next Generation of Innovators: Stop Treating Everyone the Same Way What if we are going about jump-starting our own economy the wrong way? I'm not talking about any political party. I'm talking about our modest sensibilities: our belief that giving our best and brightest special consideration is elitist and wrong.","641":"Hostage Situation At Wisconsin Motorcycle Shop Ends With 1 Dead Two people were taken to the hospital and are expected to recover.","642":"2 Men Both Wrongfully Convicted For Same Crime, 17 Years Apart ","643":"Police Officer Who Killed Black Teen In Missouri Had Been Issued Body Camera, Wasn't Using It ","644":"How the New Flexible Economy Is Making Workers' Lives Hell We need a federal law requiring employers to pay for scheduled work. Alternatively, if American workers can't get more regular and predictable hours, they at least need stronger safety nets.","645":"Man Stumbles Across Portable Toilet Filled With Pot \u201cGot marijuana?\" local police wrote on Facebook. \"We do!\"","646":"Medics On Football Sidelines Must Have The Fortitude To Throw In The Towel For Players These professionals may be the last line of defense protecting players from longterm head injury.","647":"BLACK MONDAY: 6 NFL Coaches Now Fired With the 2015 regular season coming to an end, which coaches and GMs will get their walking papers?","648":"Goals 2017: Tax Planning & Timing ","649":"Florida Man Pleads Guilty To Hate Crime For Phoned In Mosque Threat Gerald Wallace could face up to 20 years behind bars.","650":"Robin Williams Once Compared Wall Street Traders To 'Junkies' ","651":"Bill Murray Was Sadness Personified After Wisconsin Won On Sunday And Frank Kaminsky was happiness.","652":"Michael Sam Says He's Returning To The University Of Missouri For Graduate School The athlete says he'll also \"train to get back to football.\"","653":"15-Year-Old Airlifted To Dallas Hospital After High School Shooting The 16-year-old suspect is in custody.","654":"Second Victim Dies After Shooting At Florida Gym The accused assailant, a former employee, shot himself after opening fire.","655":"Jim Spencer Died In A Pile Of Dirt. The Law Was Too Weak To Help. $41,600 in fines, no criminal charges. A plumber\u2019s death in a trench cave-in shows how the country values the lives of workers.","656":"College Football Playoff Teams Revealed ","657":"Cops Make Arrest In Infamous 'Golden State Killer' Case: Report It's been nearly 50 years since the first homicide.","658":"Making A Case For Antonio Brown To Be NFL MVP No wide receiver has ever won the AP's highly coveted award.","659":"Prep School Rape Suspect Ignored Girl's 'No' Plea: Prosecutor The jury heard closing arguments in the high-profile case on Thursday.","660":"It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before The World Got A Marijuana Food Truck ","661":"Dozens Injured In Mass Shooting At Arkansas Nightclub \u201cOn a Fourth of July weekend, where we wish to anticipate having fun with our friends and family, this is certainly a terrible, terrible tragedy.\"","662":"Chess Gems From Zurich The Zurich Chess Challenge was a festive six-grandmaster extravaganza played this month in the posh Savoy hotel. The American grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura benefitted from the last-minute change in the rules and blitzed his way to win the title.","663":"Women in Business: Debbie Chinn, Executive Director, Carmel Bach Festival ","664":"Judge Orders Release Of 'Making A Murderer' Subject Brendan Dassey The judge had earlier tossed out Dassey's confession.","665":"Microsoft Just Upgraded Its Parental Leave Policy It's now offering 12 paid weeks off for new moms and dads.","666":"Tulsa Police Shooting Victim Had PCP In System: Autopsy The man appeared to have his hands in the air before being shot.","667":"5 Stabbed In Popular D.C. Restaurant ","668":"Why the Sharing Economy Is Harming Workers -- and What Must Be Done It's possible to have a flexible economy and also provide workers some minimal level of security. A decent society requires no less.","669":"5 Moments From The World Series That Will Haunt Mets Fans For Years WARNING: The following post may contain elements that are not suitable for some Mets fans.","670":"15 Shot In Chicago On Sunday At least 15 people were shot, including two young children, in\u00a0shootings across Chicago since Sunday afternoon, police said","671":"This Woman Created A Resume For Airbnb And It Went Viral She highlighted a huge market that the company could tap into.","672":"California Rampage Shocks Those Who Knew Shooters \"This was a person who was successful, who had a good job, a good income, a wife and a family. What was he missing in his life?\"","673":"Off-Duty Cop Allegedly Shoots Woman In Head In Road Rage Incident ","674":"Big Data And Marketing Personas - A Perfect Match? Are big data and the all-important marketing persona really a perfect match? If you're in the marketing trench like I am every day looking for better ways to create targeted content that's delivered to targeted customers - Yep... It's a perfect match.","675":"How Past Mistakes Kill Your Future ","676":"LeBron James Says Orlando Shooting Puts Importance Of Sports In Perspective \"It's just a small matter of what reality really is.\"","677":"4 Steps to Being an All-Star Employee Here are a few things you can do right from the start that will help you avoid the ax and give you a firm foothold in the workplace. If you're in the position to hire, honing these attributes will also help you spot the same qualities in winners who will come work for you.","678":"Florida Police Release Eerie New Surveillance Video In Hunt For Suspected Serial Killer A \"person of interest\" was seen running from area after first Tampa shooting.","679":"Asian Markets Take A Tumble After U.S. Stocks Decline Asian shares fell sharply on Tuesday after Wall Street suffered its biggest decline since 2011.","680":"Man Allegedly Shoots Himself During Scuffle With Transit Cops They had told him to stop smoking in the BART station.","681":"'Belly Rub' The Cat Shot By Neighbor Out Of Fear Of Fleas: Cops ","682":"MSU Coaches Izzo And Dantonio Say They Won't Resign Amid New Sex Abuse Report A bombshell ESPN article raises questions about how the two men responded to sexual assault complaints involving their teams.","683":"Watch A Trucker Use Ninja Moves On Speeding Cellphone Thief Wow!","684":"11-year-old Burned After School Driver Asks Him To Move Power Line: Cops \"She shouldn\u2019t have asked a kid to get off the bus, at all,\" the boy's mom fumed.","685":"Photo Booth Snaps Mugshot Of Alleged Thief Stealing Cash Machine takes pictures if it's manipulated or damaged in any way.","686":"How Ads Know People in the New Media Scene ","687":"What Kind of Resources Are Your Humans? Do you invest in the organization you join, by bringing your best efforts to the table and having the right attitude for a long-term commitment, or are you simply doing the bare minimum and collecting a pay check?","688":"Customer Loyalty Management Via the Customer Service Silo Your customer service department is the most important. Here are four ways you can leverage your customer service team to effectively manage customer loyalty, build relationships and turn customers into fans.","689":"Women in Business Q&A: Loxa Beauty Co-founder & Managing Director, Janell Shaffer and Co-founder & Marketing Manager, Danielle McDowell Janell is the cofounder and managing director of Loxa Beauty. She began her career as \na project manager at Alt & Witzig Engineering in Indianapolis and after more than four years with the leading engineering firm in the Midwest, Shaffer took on the role as marketing manager of Vision Builders, LLC.","690":"Another Big Retailer Is Cutting Back On Selling Tobacco Products Tobacco sales are slowly turning to ash.","691":"The King Of Credit Card Fraud Gonzalez became a paid informant for the agency's office in Miami. Gonzalez's work was so impressive that he spoke at seminars and conferences, delighting in shaking hands with the head of the Secret Service. But this sly devil of deception had tricks up his sleeve all along.","692":"16 Skeleton Helmets From The Winter Olympics That Are Pure Fire On Ice Including \"Iron Man.\"","693":"Man Who Tried To Burn Ex-Girlfriend's House With Cheetos Is Convicted \"Oh my God, he tried to kill me,\u201d the woman said as she watched the blaze.","694":"These Workers Can Only Spend 6 Minutes In The Bathroom Each Day ","695":"Cosby's Legal Team Secures Imported Jury, Blames Press For Creating Bias The case is the only criminal prosecution resulting from accusations by more than four dozen women.","696":"Influential NBA Agent Dan Fegan Dead In Car Crash Two passengers riding with Fegan, his 5-year-old son and a 29-year-old California woman, sustained serious injuries and were airlifted to a hospital in Denver.","697":"Steve Kerr Got Super Mad And Smashed His Whiteboard Like The Hulk R.I.P. that whiteboard.","698":"No Retrial For White Cop Who Killed Unarmed Black Man Jonathan Ferrell \"Two years later, Jonathan Ferrell is still looking for help.\"","699":"The Super Bowl Could Cost San Francisco Taxpayers $4.8 Million And the city isn't even hosting the actual game.","700":"Uber Taps Eric Holder To Lead Investigation Into Sexual Harassment Claims A former employee blogged about her experience as an engineer for the company.","701":"Here Is President Obama's 2016 March Madness Bracket Like everyone else who fill out a bracket, he will probably be completely wrong.","702":"Ohio Police Officers Indicted In Killing Of Unarmed Man And Beating Case The two separate indictments come amid tension over police conduct in Ohio, where a teen with a pellet gun was killed by an officer.","703":"Woman Guilty Of Killing 6 Family Members At Christmas Eve Gathering Michele Anderson gunned down her relatives after a dispute over money.","704":"One Soccer Ball, Eight Minutes Of Madness That Don't Look Real ","705":"U.S.A. Beats Germany 2-0 To Advance To Women's World Cup Final Bring on the final!","706":"Jobs Report: Growth Slows, But Wages Rebound Strongly The participation rate remains near multi-decade lows.","707":"Baseball, Politics And Our Data-Driven Life This post first appeared at BillMoyers.com. Anyone who follows baseball, whose World Series ends this week, knows that the","708":"Florida Cop Accused Of Stealing Money From DUI Suspects The officer allegedly turned off his body camera before taking money from the suspects' wallets.","709":"Driver Faces Charges After Woman Dies Vomiting Out Car Window ","710":"PSA: Don't Be A Jerk. Clean The Snow Off Your Damn Car Already. It's dangerous. And you could face fines.","711":"Horse Racing Tested by the Test of the Champion Over the years as my naivet\u00e9 diminished, I gradually became aware of the realities of the sport and the way its heroes are abused and mistreated for our pleasure.","712":"WATCH: Stone Brewing Evacuates As Wildfire Approaches ","713":"10-Year-Old Drives Drunk Dad, Cops Say STILLWATER, N.Y. (AP) -- Police say an upstate New York man had his 10-year-old drive his pickup truck while he was sitting","714":"Seattle Seahawks Beat Carolina Panthers In NFC Divisional Playoff Game ","715":"John Orozco Breaks Down After Qualifying For USA Gymnastics Team Orozco, who competed on the Olympic team in 2012, has dealt with multiple tragedies in the last 16 months.","716":"Ex-TV Reporters Charged After Their Baby Tests Positive For Cocaine Somchai Lisaius, 42, and Krystin Sorich Lisaius, 26, face felony drug and child abuse charges.","717":"A-Rod Has A Bit Of A Hard Time During Yankees Wild Card Party Champagne parties sound fun but look cold.","718":"Area Man Swallowed Whole By Living, Breathing Tarp Sometimes you fold the tarp, sometimes the tarp folds you.","719":"Long Island Iced Tea Corp's Shares Skyrocket After Renaming Itself 'Long Blockchain Corp' The surge in the company\u2019s stock price lifted its market capitalization to $92 million from $23.8 million as of Wednesday\u2019s close.","720":"Safer Streets and Communities Start at Home The total number of American law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty by gunfire so far this year is 27, versus 16 last year. Some experts blame anti-government, and white supremacist groups, and gang violence for these increases, but I believe it's much more.","721":"Obama Should Price Carbon Emissions To Curb Climate Change, Report Argues When government agencies analyze energy projects, they don't consider the long-term costs of pollution.","722":"Fewer People Plan To Shop On Thanksgiving This Year ","723":"7 Must-Haves for Effective Meetings Running effective group meetings isn't hard -- it just takes planning, practice and a healthy sense of urgency. Your reward for all this discipline will be less stress, more time for the work that matters most and a team that thinks you walk on water.","724":"Understanding Criminogenic Behavior Among Juveniles The extent, nature and consequences of drug use in criminal behavior are well known and well documented in the literature.","725":"Cultural Fit: 5 Reasons Why I Shouldn't Work at Buffer The purpose of this article is not to criticize Buffer, their team or their culture because it works for them and they are doing very well. The lesson to be learnt here is you need to really think about where you apply as a cultural fit.","726":"Couple Who Took In Florida Shooter: 'This Isn\u2019t The Person We Knew' \u201cEverything everybody seems to know, we didn\u2019t know,\u201d James Snead said of the 19-year-old.","727":"Death Penalty Foe Allegedly Brings Meat Cleaver To Tsarnaev Sentencing ","728":"Uber Promises Investigation After Former Engineer Blogs About Rampant Sexual Harassment \"What she describes is abhorrent and against everything Uber stands for and believes in,\" Uber's CEO said.","729":"Powerball Ticket Sold With All Winning Numbers In $421 Million Jackpot The winner, who has yet to come forward, purchased the ticket in Tennessee.","730":"Meadowlark Lemon, Harlem Globetrotters Legend, Dead At 83 \"My destiny was to make people happy.\"","731":"Broncos Star Aqib Talib Shot At Night Club He's expected to make a full recovery.","732":"Rio Police Arrest Moroccan Olympic Boxer For Sexual Assault Hassan Saada allegedly assaulted two maids who work at the Village.","733":"NYC Takes Action After Drowsy Cab Driver Kills 88-Year-Old The city is moving to limit the number of consecutive hours taxi and limo drivers can work.","734":"An Open Apology To Smart Women Everywhere Women deserve more credit than we give them.","735":"Verizon Agrees To Buy Yahoo's Core Internet Business At $350 Million Discount The deal will combine Yahoo's search, email and messenger assets as well as advertising technology tools with Verizon's AOL unit.","736":"Woman Stabs Husband With Scissors After He Drinks Her Beer: Police \"If I still had arrest powers, I would have arrested them quite a few times,\u201d a neighbor said.","737":"The Fed and the Markets You've heard that old saying: \"Damned if they do and damned if they don't.\" That perfectly fits the Fed's situation when it comes to raising rates early in December.","738":"Cleveland Is Letting People Skip Court For The Cavs' Championship Parade The most Cleveland thing we've ever heard.","739":"'Affluenza' Teen Stall Tactics 'Delaying The Inevitable' While Asylum is unlikely, experts say Ethan Couch could use a human rights law to delay deportation.","740":"Design in Startups from the Get-Go There has never been a better time to start a company since there is an abundance of capital, talent and growth rate. The rules of game have changed from a \"make and sell\" mentality to \"how fast can one turn ideas\/knowledge.\"","741":"786 CHILDREN DEAD: Abuse, Neglect Reportedly Occurred In Plain View Of Authorities ","742":"Wyoming\u2019s Future Must -- And Will -- Depend On Innovative Gumption Minerals revenue and trickle-down buying power are stalled and slumping.","743":"Opening Day Baseball and the Office Even if you are not a fan of America's game, this time of year undoubtedly marks the beginning of something new. But what if the business world took a queue from baseball and companies had an opening day? Here are six-and-a-half reasons why they should.","744":"Cop Pleads Not Guilty In Killing Of Sam DuBose The cop's lawyer says his client feared for his life.","745":"Is There Any Way To Stop Ad Creep? By Mark Bartholomew, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Ethics lawyers and historians have argued that","746":"Sport and Society for Arete-Does Corruption Matter? Over the past few weeks, college sport has once again taken over the lead in ink and air time; not actually games, of course, but stories that illustrate the corruption of higher education in America by the presence of intercollegiate athletics on campus, or more precisely football on campus.","747":"4-Year-Old Driving Car Runs Over Toddler At Day Care ","748":"Uber Unveils 'Movement' Tool To Help City Planners Better Analyze Traffic Patterns Smart infrastructure decisions help everyone, including Uber.","749":"American Apparel Stores To Close After Canadian Purchase All 110 stores, as well as the company's Los Angeles headquarters, are slated to close by the end of April.","750":"Police Throw Rocks Back At Protesters In Baltimore ","751":"Colorado Mom Sentenced For Beating Wrongly Accused Man To Death ","752":"Dogs Get High After Alleged Drug Dealer Throws Heroin Over Fence Seventeen bags reportedly landed in a Colorado doggie day care's play area.","753":"After 30 Years, This Gay Olympian Is Getting The Recognition He Deserves Sometimes when the Internet speaks, the big corporations listen.\u00a0Consider the case of Greg Louganis, the award-winning Olympic","754":"Philadelphia Man Shot And Killed His Wife With Crossbow, Police Say The 41-year-old man will face charges for killing Pamela Nightlinger, 42.","755":"The Long and the Short of Creating Better Content ","756":"McKayla Maroney Signed Confidentiality Agreement With USA Gymnastics About Alleged Sexual Abuse Maroney's lawyer says USA Gymnastics broke the law by asking her to agree to the settlement.","757":"In 10 Years, We Will Have Zero Privacy It's no exaggeration to say that prospective bosses can know more about you than members of your immediate family know. All they need do is purchase the information from one of the hundreds of databases available.","758":"Mortician Who Inspired 'Bernie' Movie Sent Back To Prison For Widow's Murder He's been re-sentenced in the 1999 murder of 81-year-old Marjorie Nugent.","759":"Golf Teacher Admits To Molesting Kids, Trying To Have Them Killed ","760":"Woman Survives Setting Herself On Fire, Jumping Off Bridge: Police ","761":"Obstacles for Women in Business: The Comfort Principle Conscious awareness of the comfort principle is its cure. If I acknowledge that I am subject to this natural phenomenon, I can make conscious, deliberate choices.","762":"Dad Hits Teacher With Baseball Bat After 'Inappropriate' Texts Sent To Daughter ","763":"Craig Hicks Indicted ","764":"Seattle Seahawks Play Freezing Playoff Game Against Minnesota Vikings Seattle Seahawks vs. Minnesota Vikings","765":"Are You Ready For Some L.A. Football? In an era when cities are giving huge amounts of money to already wealthy owners (Cobb County is spending $368 million on a new stadium for the Braves), it's extremely refreshing to see a city like L.A. realize they are the ones with leverage.","766":"Russian Tennis Czar Insults Williams Sisters ","767":"Bitcoin Plummets On Fears Of Regulatory Crackdown, Hits 4-Week Low The latest tumble leaves bitcoin more than 40 percent down from the record highs of around $20,000 reached in mid-December, wiping about $130 billion from its \u201cmarket cap.\"","768":"Escaped Inmates Seen Near Pennsylvania Border, New York State Police Say ","769":"Polarize the 24\/7 Hustle Mentality and Focus on Becoming Productive Instead ","770":"If Your Office Put A Calorie Counter Next To The Staircase, Would You Still Take The Elevator? An Alabama hospital realized it needed to turn workers' health around. Here's its first step.","771":"Chattanooga School Bus Crash: No Drugs Or Alcohol In Driver, Death Toll Hits 6 The crash occurred on a road that wasn't part of the driver's designated route.","772":"The World\u2019s Greatest Crying Jordan Artist ","773":"Women in Business Q&A: Shelley Zalis, Founder of The Girls' Lounge Shelley has gone against the grain most of her career, starting in 2000 when she left the corporate world to pioneer online research. Shelley created OTX (Online Testing Exchange), which in just nine years became one of the largest and fastest growing research companies in the world","774":"Sugar, Corn Syrup Makers Square Off In Court Over Nutritional Claims The multimillion dollar trial started Tuesday.","775":"Are All Millennials Murderers? Millennials have been getting hammered by the media and their older counterparts for years and it really needs to STOP! I","776":"Surveillance Footage Shows Honolulu Police Officer Repeatedly Punching Girlfriend ","777":"3 Reasons To Be Angry About Equifax\u2019s Data Breach, And How You Can Protect Yourself Look\u2019s like the Attorney General is on it: For those who did take them up on their offer, it only seems to imply whether","778":"Mom Gets 18 Years For Poisoning Son Who Had Autism ","779":"Wait, I Need The T-Shirt Jahlil Okafor's Dad Was Wearing Last Night NEED.","780":"Launch a Competitor to Your Company Want to innovate and know your competition? Launch a competitor within your own company. Yes, internally.","781":"10 Recommendations for Entrepreneurs Who Hate Norms I suspect that there are really a lot of \"grown-up closet freaks\" out there who could be great entrepreneurs. We should really be enticing them to overcome their fears of thinking differently.","782":"Mentally Ill Inmate In Taser Death Was Fully Restrained ","783":"Trailblazing Women: Marilyn Johnson, CEO of International Women's Forum An interview with Marilyn Johnson, CEO of the International Women's Forum.","784":"Surprise Bidder For Weinstein Company Wants Embattled Studio To Be Led By Women Former Obama official and businesswoman Maria Contreras-Sweet has reportedly submitted an offer to acquire TWC for $275 million.","785":"Police Officer Jumps Out Of Helicopter To Tackle Suspect After Absurd Chase \"We do whatever it takes to get them into custody,\" the tactical flight officer said.","786":"Here\u2019s How The Government Could Close The Staggering Racial Wealth Gap The typical white household is almost 13 times richer than the typical black family.","787":"White Cop Detains Black Oakland Firefighter At Fire House ","788":"'Breastaurants' Thrive As The Restaurant Industry Struggles Serve that burger with a side of cleavage, and the crowds come pouring in.","789":"A Speech Is All About the Word 'About' Your customers expect you to aim for the center of their lives and to immediately grasp the predicaments they face every day. That means you need to talk about them, not just to them.","790":"Tech CEO Celebrates Marissa Mayer For All The Wrong Reasons Working 24\/7 shouldn\u2019t be an automatic badge of honor.","791":"Dez Bryant Breaks Foot, Still Loses Mind Celebrating Comeback Win Winning cures all.","792":"Boy, 11, Found Guilty Of Shooting 8-Year-Old Girl Dead Over Puppy Benjamin Tiller fatally shot McKayla Dyer in a fight over her new dogs.","793":"These Hilarious Quips About The Olympics Nail Exactly How We're Feeling Patriotic and sporty AF.","794":"USC Faculty Stabbed To Death On Campus A suspect had been arrested in connection with the killing of the man.","795":"Trade Deals Set Their Sights on Public Workers For much of this decade, Tea Party-backed lawmakers have been at war with public sector employees across the country. They've tried, and in a few cases succeeded, in taking away public servants' ability to collectively bargain. But now the battle is going abroad.","796":"Teen Does More Pullups In A Day Than You'll Do In A Lifetime This unofficial world record really raises the bar.","797":"Gonzaga And North Carolina To Face Off In NCAA Basketball Final \u201cIt\u2019s a dream to get (to the championship),\u201d North Carolina coach Roy Williams told reporters.","798":"Eyewitness Captures Moment Dallas Protest Turned From Calm To Chaos \"We were all in a panic. Everywhere I looked, people were crying and in disbelief of what they'd just witnessed.\"","799":"NFL Players Pay Tribute To Michael Brown ","800":"The Shocks Keep Reverberating This Glorious World Cup in Brazil This great World Cup 2014 of shocks and beautiful, counterattacking football continued on, in its three Friday games, with even more treats being offered up this weekend -- Germany vs Ghana on June 21, Belgium vs Russia, and Dempsey's USA vs Ronaldo's Portugal on June 22.","801":"After LA Sheriff's Deputies Fatally Shoot A Man, His Family Claims Excessive Force Deputies say the man was armed, but the victim's family calls the shooting unjust.","802":"Massachusetts Thinks Daily Fantasy Sports Needs Better Rules No one under 21 could play under proposed regulations from the state's attorney general.","803":"Biking On A Bus Is A Thing Now Burn calories while sitting in rush hour traffic.","804":"Dogs Recovering After Man Allegedly Beat Them With Sledgehammer Authorities say the attacker's girlfriend asked him to euthanize the Labrador retrievers.","805":"Veterinary Board Seeks To Revoke License For Texas Vet Who Killed Cat With Arrow Dr. Kristen Lindsey is appealing the decision.","806":"Walmart Is Always Watching Its Workers Walmart considered\u00a0the Organization United for Respect at Walmart, a group that asked for more full-time jobs with higher","807":"Ref Smashes Hulk's Goal ","808":"Do College Towns Really Need Tanks to Keep Them Safe? The people of Davis, California don't think so, as The New York Times reports this week. Their police department is returning the Pentagon's gift of a \"mine-resistant, ambush-protected\" motorized tank (MRAP).","809":"Want to Know How to Recruit a Terrorist? Just Ask a Gangster . . . In efforts to limit the radicalization of American youth by ISIS, it is wise to employ strategies that have been most effective in combating the recruitment of young people by domestic criminal street gangs.","810":"Police Arrest Waffle House Shooting Suspect, Ending Manhunt Travis Reinking, 29, was armed when he was arrested Monday, police say.","811":"Hate Crime Charged In Face-Biting Attack After Barrage of Anti-Muslim Slurs The ugly altercation in Virginia is part of a surging tide of incidents across the nation.","812":"Stadium Construction: A Political Barometer Politics is never divorced from sports, not even when it comes to the construction of stadia. Budgets however have recently thwarted plans in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to build a host of sporting facilities in a bid to either win votes or curry favour with youth and other segments of the population.","813":"Police Hunt For California Couple Missing On Big Sur Trip Their phones went dead the day they left more than a week ago.","814":"Can Trump Create Millions of Jobs? Don't Bet On It ","815":"You Didn't Think Riley Curry Was Going To Go Out Quietly, Did You? The trophy photoshoot was her finals.","816":"9 Terrifying American Murder Houses ","817":"Pro Surfer Fights Off Shark During Competition \"I just saw fins. I was waiting for teeth.\"","818":"Flavia Pennetta Beats Roberta Vinci To Win US Open Final The victory comes just one day after Vinci stunned Serena Williams in the semifinals.","819":"Why We Won't Have An Ebola Cure Or Vaccine For Years ","820":"Alaska Iditarod Musher Recounts Horrific Training Run Collision With SUV When an SUV slammed into musher Karin Hendrickson's four-wheeler Tuesday evening, she was thrown into the air and her dogs ran from the scene of the accident. She landed in a ditch about 20 feet away, then began making phone calls.","821":"Unearthed Audio Confirms First Game Of Basketball Was A Violent S**tshow \"I was afraid they\u2019d kill each other.\"","822":"Figure Skater Mirai Nagasu Becomes First U.S. Woman To Land Triple Axel At Olympics Nailed it!","823":"When Prison Guards Kill Inmates: Florida's Prison Massacre Revealed Allegations of horrific and widespread abuse of Florida prisoners -- a story broken recently in a series of articles by the Miami Herald -- serve to remind us that we cannot, and should not, forget about prisoners. Take, for example, Darren Rainey and Randall Jordan-Aparo, who purportedly died in unthinkably cruel ways at the hands of their guards.","824":"Insurance Giant Aflac Reportedly Sued For Worker Exploitation The company calls the allegations \"baseless.\"","825":"What Top Financial Consultants Think Every Entrepreneur Should Know about Overseas Living There's a \"secret\" just for entrepreneurs that top financial consultants are eager to share: Moving overseas can, in somecases, save you a bundle on your small business.","826":"Cops Say Florida Man Set Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend On Fire In Front Of Her 2 Young Kids Noel Grullon, 32, fled the scene after the alleged attack.","827":"Pennsylvania Wants To Use Science In Criminal Sentencing A FiveThirtyEight reporter tells HuffPost Live about the way \"risk assessments\" could change criminal justice.","828":"Sikh Student Shot Dead At California Home The murder of a Sikh boy, Gurnoor Singh Nahal, has been described \u201cas a bit of a head-scratcher.\u201d Police are investigating","829":"Andy Benavidez, Accused In Racist Assault, Claims He's 'Allergic To Black People' He reportedly wore a surgical mask during the fight so he wouldn't catch germs.","830":"Inmate Overdosed On Methadone-Soaked Underwear: Officials ","831":"It's Not You, It's Me: Are Your Behaviors Holding You Back? I recently made the leap from the relative comfort and security of the corporate world to running my own business. Oh, the expectations I had for my new life! I knew that when I was finally running my own show, I would be free to work in a way that reflected my true values of kindness, balance and peace - values that often seemed at odds with a successful corporate career.","832":"Redefining Success in 2015: How Much Is Enough? Pick an element of what it means to be successful and W. Brett Wilson has likely achieved it. He is one of Canada's most financially successful and well-known businessmen, he is an Order of Canada recipient, a best-selling author, and former television star of Dragon's Den, the Canadian hit series precursor to ABC's Shark Tank.","833":"Netherlands Wins World Cup Group ","834":"New York Prison Guard Pleads Guilty In Inmate Death Cover Up The case is one of a string of prosecutions targeting Rikers employees in recent years.","835":"Winning While Losing Shortly after the final was over on July 7, 1974, I took the train from Amsterdam to the German town of Solingen where I was scheduled to play an important international chess tournament.","836":"College Football's 5 Unexpected Heisman Trophy Hopefuls You don't want to miss these guys.","837":"These Countries Hate Their Government Most ","838":"IKEA To Roll Out Vegetarian Meatballs ","839":"Man Attacks Pregnant Wife With McChicken Sandwich: Cops ","840":"Olympic Skier\u00a0Gus Kenworthy Has A \u2018Game Of Thrones\u2019 Doppelg\u00e4nger \"I'm just saying we've never seen you at the same place at the same time.\"","841":"Aaron Hernandez's Lawyer Made A \u2018Deflategate' Joke During The Trial Hernandez stands accused of the murder of Odin Lloyd, a human being. The Patriots have been accused of deflating some footballs before a big game.","842":"REPORT: Donald Sterling Refuses To Pay $2.5 Million Fine For Racist Comments ","843":"Olympic Doping Bans On 28 Russian Athletes Overturned By Sport's Highest Tribunal Their results from the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi were also reinstated.","844":"The Rockets Looked, Uh, Unenthused After Harden Hit The Game-Winner Especially Dwight Howard.","845":"U.S. Soccer Suspends Hope Solo For 'Coward' Olympics Comments The goalkeeper called the Swedish national team \"cowards\" after USA lost to them in the Rio Olympics.","846":"Elementary School Teacher Accused In Rape Of Former Student ","847":"Gorgeous Properties for $200? WAY Out-of-the-Box, But Ingenious Being an Out-Of-The-Box woman myself for as long as I can remember (which is a kinder, gentler, more modern way of calling someone the Black Sheep of the Family), I love it when I find people accomplishing the ordinary by extraordinary means.","848":"Rory And Tiger Stop By 'The Tonight Show' ","849":"RG3 Suffers Another Injury ","850":"Are You In It to Win It or In It Not to Lose? Aspiring leaders have a vision, which is divergent from the past. We certainly can extrapolate essential learnings from past leaders. Leaders though start movements, they change the status quo, they listen to consumers and they have a vision. Their vision requires followers.","851":"5 Simple Home Office Changes, to Reduce Business Expenses Running a business costs money, it's a clear and indisputable reality of being a business owner. As a mom, I am always looking for great ways to save money at home, from ways to save on food, household supplies, clothing, and so much more, it only makes sense that I would apply the same strategies to my business.","852":"Minnesota Realizes 'FMUSLMS' Vanity Plate Maybe Isn't Such A Hot Idea The driver's alternative requests were \"PETALOL\" and \"8SLUGTHG.\"","853":"The Inevitable Happens After Man Drives Drunk To Police Job Interview No, he didn't get the role.","854":"Remains Found In Shallow Grave Likely Missing College Student Authorities said \u201ckey pieces of evidence\u201d indicate that they have found Zuzu Verk\u2019s body.","855":"Why Suing Your Bank Could Help Others Avoid Being Ripped Off The nation's consumer watchdog wants to help you sue financial companies for wrongdoing.","856":"Baby Dies After Dad Seen Allegedly Beating Him While Driving Jayceon Chrystie was just 4 months old.","857":"Ray Rice and Friends: Why Are We Surprised? Violence, on and off the field...","858":"Jordan Wins First-Ever Olympic Medal With Gold In Taekwondo \u201cIt\u2019s an indescribable feeling to win the first medal in the history of Jordan in all the sports,\u201d said Ahmad Abughaush.","859":"Drunk Man Incites Panic After Jumping On Bar And Praising Allah: Police Authorities say there is no threat to the man's Idaho community.","860":"Perdue Wants To Give Its Chickens Better Lives But there's still a long way to go.","861":"Why Companies Should Respond When Twitter Rage Spikes Clamming up could make things worse.","862":"Social Media Etiquette for College Students and Young Professionals The effects of social media are never more than a click away and everything you do can potentially be captured for the entire world to see.","863":"Texas Bomb Suspect's Family 'Devastated And Broken' Relatives of the suspected serial bomber said they were shocked to learn of his involvement.","864":"Judge Orders Chicago Police To Release Graphic Video Of Officer Shooting Teen 16 Times The teen's mom is worried the footage is so horrific it will start riots.","865":"Runner 'Attacked' By Rubber Band In Freakiest Track Mishap Ever \"He was tied up like Spider-Man threw something at him.\"","866":"Steve Wynn Steps Down As RNC Finance Chair Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations The billionaire was accused of decades of sexual abuse in a bombshell Wall Street Journal report published on Friday.","867":"5 Principles For Working With Someone You Don\u2019t Like One thing is certain in any business \u2013 not everyone you have to deal with will be like you, or will like you (and vice versa","868":"Fifth-Graders Arrested After Allegedly Planning Explosion A teacher tipped off authorities after finding a written plan to attack a nearby high school.","869":"Couple Face Cruelty Charges For Living In Plywood Box With Children Officials said the kids were not being held captive, but they did not have running water or electricity.","870":"Amazon Refuses To Comply With Police Request In Arkansas Murder Case Authorities are hoping the e-commerce giant's virtual assistant can provide a breakthrough.","871":"The Arizona Cardinals Tweeted The Michael Jordan Crying Face... And Twitter absolutely lost its mind.","872":"Women in Business Q&A: Michelle Forsythe, Co-Founder & CEO, NoteStream Michelle Forsythe is the Co-Founder and the Chief Executive Officer of NoteStream","873":"Michael Phelps Says That He's Now Ready To Retire \"No. I am NOT going four more years.\"","874":"Video Shows Officers Pepper-Spraying Restrained Man Who Says He Can't Breathe The disturbing video comes six months after another inmate sued the facility after a similar video surfaced.","875":"Body Found In Barrel Near City Hall ","876":"Once Totally Online, Rent The Runway Will Open More Real-World Stores ","877":"Legendary Sports Writer Frank Deford Dead At 78 Deford is widely regarded as one of the greatest sports journalists ever.","878":"Couple Charged With First-Degree Murder In Infant's Starvation Death ","879":"LIVE: PGA Championship Tracker ","880":"DOJ Releases Blistering Report On City's Juvenile Jails ","881":"Larry Nassar's Longtime Boss Reportedly Said In 2016 That He Thought Victims Were Lying \"Patients lie to get doctors in trouble,\" the former dean of MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine allegedly said.","882":"Here's Everything We Know About The Baton Rouge Shooter The attacker posted videos under a pseudonym in which he rejected peaceful protests to end systemic racism.","883":"Exxon Mobil Screwed Up Its Attack On Columbia For Climate Reports Bringing up its financial ties to the school was a bad move, experts say.","884":"Woman Awarded $100,000 For Starbucks Coffee Burns Joanne Mogavero suffered first- and second-degree burns after coffee spilled on her lap, her lawyers say.","885":"WATCH: Fight Breaks Out In Pittsburgh After Triple ","886":"Some TV Golf Fan Cost Lexi Thompson A Title By Emailing An Infraction To Tour \"Viewers at home should not be officials wearing stripes,\" Tiger Woods stated.","887":"Reinvent Yourself: Company Founder Secrets on How to Profitably Follow Your Passions Many of us feel like we are stuck on a path we can't change. Maybe it's the time already invested or fear that making a change could actually be a worse mistake. But the majority of successful entrepreneurs and professionals make a leap into uncharted territory.","888":"Cavs' Kyrie Irving: The Earth Is Flat, And 'They' Are Lying To Us He's not quite sure about dinosaurs either. \ud83c\udf0e","889":"Puppy-Kicking CEO Charged In Elevator Incident (GRAPHIC VIDEO) ","890":"Oakland Police Sued In Killing Of 'Unconscious' Man In His Car Demouria Hogg \"posed no reasonable or credible threat of violence,\" the wrongful death suit says.","891":"Condom Ads Show Couples Literally Sealed Together (NSFW) ","892":"Sepp Blatter Faces 90-Day Suspension From FIFA The FIFA president may finally be facing punishment.","893":"Brazilian Tennis Player Pulls Racist Eye Gesture At Line Judge In Japan The International Tennis Federation has fined Guilherme Clezar over the incident.","894":"Women in Business: Katie Shattuck Markov, Co-founder and CEO of MoveMeFit Katie Shattuck Markov is co-founder and CEO of MoveMeFit, which aims to transform your fitness experience by optimizing workouts for you. Prior to starting MoveMeFit, Katie worked in product management at SCIenergy, an energy efficiency Software-as-a-Service solution for building systems.","895":"Texas Cop Fired After Filmed Body Slamming Middle School Girl \"We want to be clear. We will not tolerate this behavior,\" the school's superintendent said.","896":"Can We Trust Uber? As I saw during my time in venture capital, it's the little things that reveal what a company is all about at its core.","897":"Hatchet-Wielding Attacker Shot Dead By 7-Eleven Customer, Deputies Say \"He probably saved lives in this case,\" an official said.","898":"Why People Rule The World In 2014 People are more empowered now than they've ever been. And they're having their say in ways they've never had before, heard by wider audiences and taken ever more seriously.","899":"Cliven Bundy Arrested In Portland As Oregon Occupiers Say They Will Surrender Thursday Cliven Bundy, the controversial Nevada rancher at the center of an armed standoff with federal officials in 2014, was arrested","900":"Detained Child Serial Killer Confesses To Murders, Rapes: Cops ","901":"Pregnant Employee Allegedly Kicked During Brawl At Texas Popeyes \u201cIf you see someone is pregnant, you\u2019re not going to hit them. I don\u2019t get that,\" the store owner said.","902":"18 Things We Learned About Nike By Reading Phil Knight's Memoir So that's why the boxes are orange.","903":"Doc Says There's A Reason His Semen Could Be On A Patient's Face He's charged with sexually abusing four women in ER.","904":"3 Ways Leaders Can Master the Law of Reciprocity As a leader, you must harness this incredible power. Not only will giving enrich the lives of those around you, but you'll also be rewarded with a sense of fulfillment, charisma and high-performing employees.","905":"Prisoner Takes Down Fellow Inmate During Vicious Attack On Officer Robert Hammock didn't mess around.","906":"Girl Abducted From Montana Park Found Alive; Suspect In Custody: UPDATED Maci Madelyn Lilley, 5, was found a few miles outside the Fort Peck Indian Reservation two days after she went missing.","907":"Hundreds Of Inmates Relocated After Texas Prison Uprising ","908":"Social Media Is Dead Actually, social media is slowly morphing into Digital Media -- an umbrella that covers Social, Mobile, Web, Games, and Apps.","909":"Florida Cops: 'We Are Coming To Drink All Your Beer And Kill N-----s' ","910":"For-Profit College Industry, in Freefall, Convenes in Florida While many of the big predatory colleges quit APSCU after the group failed in its lobbying mission, some honest owners of better-performing, often smaller, career colleges have told me they had already left in disgust because the group had become so dominated by arrogant, misbehaving schools and owners.","911":"Soldier's Lover Pleads Guilty To Murdering Wife Ailsa Jackson says Sgt. Michael Walker wanted his wife gone. He says he loved his wife, with whom he was trying to have a baby.","912":"7 Reasons Why Starting a Business Can Be Better for You Than Therapy At the end of the day, if you wish to be successful, you have no choice but to make peace with yourself, learn a thing or two, and move on, continually growing and embracing the process.","913":"7 Things That Prove It's Been A Loooooong Wait For A Triple Crown Winner ","914":"Top Factors for Improving Nonprofit Directors' Board Experiences Spencer Stuart, an international placement firm, recently asked 500 directors who serve on for-profit boards to name the top factors that would reasonably improve their board experience. Their answers also resonate in the nonprofit arena.","915":"5 Men Gang Raped Woman In New York Park, Police Say Authorities say each of the suspects took turns raping the 18-year-old.","916":"Man Accused Of Robbing Girl Scouts To Feed His Heroin Habit ","917":"Mom Who Recently Held Down 3 Jobs Wants Stable Home For Daughters Shannon White is thrilled to have a place to come home to. Now she wants her daughters to join her there.","918":"Why I Hate Labor Day Be honest: Labor Day only means one thing right now. And no matter how old you are, you still feel it deep in your gut: School is about to start and then your life is over.","919":"Elaine Dance Contest Is Almost As Hilariously, Painfully Awkward As 'Seinfeld' Episode ","920":"Girl, 4, Accidentally Shoots Herself And Her Mother In The Head \"Curious kids and loaded guns have deadly consequences,\" the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department later tweeted.","921":"Equifax CEO Steps Down In The Wake Of Major Hack A data breach at the credit monitoring company had exposed the private information of some 143 million Americans.","922":"'8 On 8' Brawl Ends In Officer Shot, Suspect Killed ","923":"Family Gunned Down By Stranded Driver They Were Trying To Help Only their daughter survived.","924":"College Football Is Rigged Against Black Head Coaches Fewer than 8 percent of top coaches in the biggest football programs are black.","925":"Eric Frein's Neighbors: 'We're Prisoners In Our Own Homes' ","926":"UNC downs Notre Dame to make Final Four as lone No. 1 seed UNC downs Notre Dame to make Final Four as lone No. 1 seed","927":"Why Self-Management Will Soon Replace Management We may think that the principles of self-management are newfangled and untested, simply because the majority of organizations we've experienced haven't used them.","928":"Missouri Executes Man Convicted Of Strangling 19-Year-Old BONNE TERRE, Mo. (AP) \u2014 A Missouri inmate who sexually attacked a 19-year-old woman before tying her to a cemetery tree and","929":"Trump Threatens BMW With Border Tax On Cars Built In Mexico The President-Elect said BMW should build its new car factory in the United States because this would be \u201cmuch better\u201d for the company.","930":"Psst! Disability Competitiveness: Pass It On! Just because I have a disability -- my right leg was amputated when I was 5 -- doesn't make me an expert on issues relating to disability and employment. Like everyone else, I have to work at educating myself on facts and realities for people with disabilities.","931":"Now Curt Schilling Thinks Lynchings Are Just 'So Much Awesome' This guy. Again.","932":"Magician Found Dead Inside Hollywood's Iconic Magic Castle Daryl Easton, 61, was due to perform at the private club when he was found dead, employees say.","933":"Former Versace Store Clerk Sues Over Secret 'Black Code' For Minority Shoppers An encrypted message was used to alert staff about customers, the lawsuit says.","934":"WATCH: Marshawn Lynch Wants Nothing To Do With TMZ Reporter ","935":"Students Charged After Tiny Explosive Found At Middle School (UPDATE) The device had the firepower of \"two large firecrackers.\"","936":"Teens and the Summer Job I've read articles knocking the teen sector for their lack of willingness to find a summer gig; but every young person I've encountered wants a summer job because they want money. The two sort of go hand-in-hand, yes?","937":"Four California Students Arrested For Plotting Mass Shooting Oct 4 (Reuters) - Four northern California students have been arrested for plotting to carry out a\u00a0shooting at a high school","938":"WATCH: It's Another Nightmare Start For Brazil ","939":"Uber Refunds Fares After Uproar Over London Terror Price Surge Prices soared as people scrambled to flee the London Bridge attack.","940":"It's Going To Be A While Before Uber Replaces Car Ownership Americans still love their cars.","941":"One Of Ben Carson's Craziest Ideas Is Coming True The U.S. is the world's hottest new tax haven.","942":"Chloe Kim\u2019s Dad Celebrates The \u2018American Dream\u2019 After 17-Year-Old\u2019s Gold Medal Win Kim Jong-jin quit his job a decade ago to support his daughter\u2019s budding snowboarding career.","943":"Why NJ Cities Are Working Together Crime recognizes few boundaries - urban or suburban. That's why it's so important to have police departments cooperate as regional crime fighters, especially to slow the movement of guns and drugs. But fighting crime is more than just good police work.","944":"Is The President Of Planned Parenthood Underpaid? The answer is almost certainly yes -- but that's not the point.","945":"Video Of Baby With Handgun In Mouth Leads To Couples' Arrest ","946":"Uber Resumes Self-Driving Car Program In San Francisco After Crash Uber\u2019s San Francisco program is currently in development mode. It has two cars registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, but is not transporting passengers.","947":"Man Trying To 'Enter Time Portal' Crashes Speeding Car Into Store, Cops Say Where this man was going, he didn't need roads.","948":"Olympic Gymnast Fights Through Tears And A Torn ACL To Help Team Make Finals Andrea Tobas put his knee on the line for his country.","949":"Bodycam Video Of Police Entering Las Vegas Shooter's Hotel Room Finally Released A Nevada Supreme Court has ordered Las Vegas police to release bodycam footage and audio from 911 calls from the night of the deadly rampage.","950":"Gender Pay Equity Is Even Farther Away Than Originally Thought The World Economic Forum said that it might take another 170 years for women and men to be paid the same.","951":"AT&T Customers Take to Twitter to Express Anger About Company Throttling Their Data Earlier this month, the Federal Communications Commission hit AT&T with a $100 million fine, accusing the company of throttling speeds for customers who thought they had unlimited data plans.","952":"Man Fined $100,000 After Shining Laser At Ferry, Injuring 2 Mark Raden's fine comes less than a year after he was accused of shining a laser in a police officer's face.","953":"Bryant Gumbel Thanked Donald Trump For NFL Rant, And For Good Reason The \"Real Sports\" host ended his show with a powerful message.","954":"A Unique Test For Solar When Hillary Clinton and\u00a0Donald Trump met for their first debate at Hofstra University last month, it\u00a0took less than 20 minutes","955":"Murders In New York City Hit Record Low ","956":"Choose Employees Like You're Planning on Climbing Mt. Everest A few weeks ago the crew and I from Behind the Brand made a road trip from LA and headed up North just past San Francisco to the little town of Petaluma in Sonoma County to visit the team from CamelBak.","957":"'This Isn\u2019t Pakistan, Bitch': Video Captures Driver\u2019s Racist Rant A case of road rage in Texas quickly escalated into a hateful and xenophobic diatribe.","958":"U.S. Department Of Education Increases Fines For Violating Jeanne Clery Act Campus Safety Law To $54,789 The U.S. Department of Education increased fines for violations of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy","959":"Police Search For Inmates Who Reportedly Escaped Through Hole Behind Toilet One of the men is considered dangerous.","960":"Will Anyone Be Watching The World Series? The Kansas City Royals are in the World Series for the first since in nearly three decades, but it still won't save one of the greatest events in sports. This is the harsh reality for Major League Baseball, who routinely used to draw 50-million plus to crown its champion -- like it did in 1985 when the Royals last made it this far -- but will very likely sink below the 20 million mark, where it has stood for a decade.","961":"Did This Cat Almost Bust A Thief Stealing A Donation Box? Daisy was filmed digging around in the suspect's bag, just seconds after he'd stashed the cash.","962":"Rafael Nadal Wins 10th French Open Title Nadal defeated Stan Wawrinka in just over two hours.","963":"5 Spectacular Police Screw-Ups Some forms of police conduct are split-second decisions gone wrong -- officers who are too quick on the trigger (or the Taser","964":"Mother Accused Of Scalding Toddler With Boiling Water, Pouring Bleach In Her Eyes ","965":"GOOD GRIEF: It's The Great Pumpkin Robbery, Charlie Brown! Thieves made off with 192 pumpkins worth as much as $3,000.","966":"Ukrainian Man Allegedly Posed As A High School Student For 3 Years Without Getting Caught \"I marveled at his maturity,\" a former school district official said.","967":"Equifax Clarifies Policy After Outcry Over Consumers' Legal Rights Following Hack When the company offered victims of the hack a free service, many pointed out a problematic clause in its terms of use.","968":"Sustainable Seafood Businesses Take On Tuna Tuna is critical to island economies, where it's an important source of protein and income for locals. And while the health of some tuna stocks has improved, long-term sustainability remains a challenge.","969":"ICE Lawyer Charged With Trying To Defraud Immigrants By Stealing Their Identities Raphael A. Sanchez allegedly targeted seven people whose cases were being processed by the agency.","970":"2015 Will Be Remembered As A Historic Year For Women In Baseball They broke MLB barriers for female coaches, players and announcers.","971":"Mine! Mine! Mine! Keeping Your Business Monies Straight Ever feel like you are part of that scene from a movie where the seagulls are fighting over a crab only it's your money and you are trying to keep a scrap of it? Here are some strategies to help you keep what is yours and ensure what you have collected for others is handled properly.","972":"Venture Capital Investing -- Less for Your Dollars Venture capital investing has a tendency to be boring. Unless you're a passive investor, it can give you a massive amount of work for a lot of risk with a diminished return. Of course as a passive investor, you merely just invest and sit back.","973":"Amazon Echo May Be Sending Its Sound Waves Into The Court Room As Our First 'Smart Witness' \u201cHey Alexa, will anything I say to you be used against me in a court of law?\u201d \u201cI\u2019m sorry, I cannot answer that question at","974":"Here's The Chess Match Between The Memphis Grizzlies And Stephen Curry ","975":"Economy Shrinks For First Time In 3 Years ","976":"Prison Escapee Caught In Florida After 56 Years On The Run ","977":"NYC Doc Found Stabbed To Death In Shower Of $2.8M Home Husband calls the cops, and then gets charged with murder.","978":"Student Athletes, Open Mics and NCAA Profiteers Andrew Harrison isn't even six months past being a teenager. Why is he required to table all of the emotions he must be experiencing and answer questions for the profiteers who enjoy the benefits of his labor, win or lose?","979":"Here's What We Know About Stephen Paddock, The Las Vegas Shooting Suspect Police said the \"sole aggressor\" of the mass shooting killed himself.","980":"Women in Business: Sandra Howard, Assistant Vice President-Advertising, AT&T ","981":"10 NFL Players Closing In On Big New Contracts ","982":"When Companies Serve Their Customers Too Well, Nobody Wins. But You Can. Is it possible for a company to be too good? Can a business outperform its competitors, spoil its customers, dominate the","983":"This Is The Most Important Thing To Remember When Choosing A Job It's not about the money, folks.","984":"Accused Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof To Have Jury Trial, Judge Rules The trial is scheduled to begin on Nov. 7.","985":"Sandra Bland Swallowed Or Smoked 'Large Quantity Of Marijuana' In Jail: DA Sandra Bland, the black woman found hanging dead in a Texas jail days after a traffic stop, smoked or possibly swallowed","986":"Linsanity Arrives in Los Angeles His time in Los Angeles will influence Asian Americans, particularly male youth, in countless ways (not to mention those jersey sales.) All eyes will be on the California native, to see what he'll do for Los Angeles.","987":"Chattanooga Bus Driver In Deadly Crash Was Speeding Before Veering Off Road 5 children were killed: a kindergartner, a first-grader and three fourth-grade students.","988":"We Are All Baltimore This might be a good opportunity to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Someone smart said that once. It might have been Buck Showalter. When the Orioles return from curfew-imposed exile, I'll be there. But this time I'll be rooting for Baltimore and not just the Orioles. We're all in this together, and it's time to start acting like it.","989":"Women in Business Q&A: Inna Marzan, CEO, Marzan Flowers Inna Marzan is the definition of the american dream. Born in Russia during very trying times, her family moved a few times and ultimately ended up in the U.S., where her parents hoped to provide a better more stable life for their daughters.","990":"Was A 9-Year-Old Girl Forced To Run To Death Or Was It An Accident? ","991":"Turkish Soccer: Illiberal President Erdogan's Latest Victim Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan's illiberal policies have targeted the media, the judiciary, the police, militant soccer fans, and anti-government protesters. Now they threaten to claim yet another victim: the game of football itself.","992":"Jay Cutler Wasting an Elite Bears Offense An ominous cloud hung over Chicago's fall chill all week. There was an uneasiness in the pit of Bears fans' stomachs they couldn't shake. Was the offensive explosion last week against the Atlanta Falcons an outlier? After Sunday's horrible 27-14 loss to the Miami Dolphins, the answer is a resounding yes.","993":"First Male Gymnast Accuses Larry Nassar Of Sexual Abuse Jacob Moore says in a lawsuit the now-imprisoned USA Gymnastics doctor molested him during treatment for a shoulder injury.","994":"Student Killed Herself After University Mishandled Her Rape Report: Suit Cherelle Locklear's mother accuses William Paterson University of failing to adequately investigate her daughter's attack.","995":"Playing Golf, and Other Mistakes CEOs Make When you become the head of a major company, you instantly join the ranks of the rich and famous. Ethical questions aside, new evidence shows that the perks of celebrity life are bad for companies. Here are six situations that CEOs might want to refuse.","996":"Search Continues For 3 Inmates Who Escaped From California Jail Sheriff\u2019s investigators Sunday were continuing to search for three dangerous prisoners who escaped from the Orange County","997":"Is This Thief A Ninja Or Just Some Guy In A Leather Jacket? \"I don\u2019t see too many swords,\" an officer said.","998":"Cal's Ryan Mason Throws The Most Precise Pitch You'll Ever See What an arm.","999":"Krugman Takes On 2016 ","1000":"EU Aims To Rule On Amazon's Luxembourg Tax Deal By July BRUSSELS - EU state aid regulators aim to rule on Amazon's (AMZN.O) tax deal with Luxembourg by July, two people familiar","1001":"If the Culture Fits... What Zappos and Other Employers Look For in New Hires Building a workforce where everyone \"fits\" doesn't imply homogeneity, which breeds group think -- a fatal flaw in a competitive global economy.","1002":"Premature Celebration Turns Long TD Pass Into Points For The Other Team ","1003":"In Defense of Matt Harvey The amount of vitriol unleashed on Matt Harvey for wanting a long, healthy career is stunning to me. We have derided the old days of the reserve clause when players were treated like chattel, yet we condemn a young man for heeding the word of his doctor.","1004":"Star Golfer Takes Leave Of Absence To 'Seek Professional Help' ","1005":"We Spoke To 'Will From Queens,' The Tearful, Passionate Mets Fan \"This is Queens, this is not the Yankees.\"","1006":"Women in Business Q&A: Cygalle Dias, Founder of Cygalle Healing Spa ","1007":"Ruh-Roh! Runaway 'Mystery Machine' Takes Police On High-Speed Chase Assemble the gang!","1008":"Georgia Cops Find Beheaded Voodoo Doll Outside HQ A disfigured lizard was also dumped outside Tybee Island Police Department's station.","1009":"Woman Jumps Into SUV And Stabs Denver Fire Chief, Police Say Chief Eric Tade was stabbed in the hand and leg.","1010":"Tesla Falls Yet Again As Wall Street Sobers On Stock ","1011":"The Bizarre Plot To Blow Up Target Stores To Tank Company Stock The suspect disguised bombs in packages of breakfast bars, pasta and stuffing mix, authorities say.","1012":"Polite Armed Robber Holds Up Pizza Place Because His 'Kids Need Christmas' The suspect remembered his p's and q's.","1013":"America's 9 Most Damaged Brands ","1014":"6 Things You Didn't Know About The Industry Of Death Walmart caskets come with free shipping, and other facts you might not know about the business of funerals.","1015":"Carjacking Victims ID'd ","1016":"John Hinckley Jr., Reagan's Would-Be Assassin, Released After 35 Years Hinckley shot Reagan after becoming obsessed with Jodie Foster in the film \"Taxi Driver.\"","1017":"This Is What A Real Fan Looks Like Whatever happens, this fan has already won the NBA Finals.","1018":"Ex-CHP Officer Who Punched Bipolar Woman Won't Face Charges No criminal charges will be filed against a former California Highway Patrol officer who punched a bipolar woman as she walked","1019":"Parents Turn Sexting Teen Daughter In To Police ","1020":"Derek Jeter Fakes Out Opponent To Start Double Play ","1021":"Accused Cop Killer Researched How To Elude Police Manhunts ","1022":"How Some Rich People Are Trying To Dismantle Inequality By Erynn Beaton, The Ohio State University; Maureen A. Scully, University of Massachusetts Boston; and Sandra Rothenberg","1023":"GBK's Pre-ESPY Awards Gift Lounge ","1024":"Here's The Trailer For 'Concussion,' The Movie That's Making The NFL Nervous NFL owners reportedly spent a significant amount of time in May plotting a response to the film.","1025":"There Were 2 Mass Shootings In Texas Last Week, But Only 1 On TV She left her husband. He killed their children. Just another day in America.","1026":"How 19 Big-Name Corporations Plan to Make Money Off the Climate Crisis According to some of the world's biggest companies, future disasters could also present lucrative business opportunities.","1027":"The ESPN Body Issue Normalizes Sexual Objectification ESPN is well aware that sex sells.","1028":"NFL Team Spends Days Hiding 'Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air' Lyrics In Cryptic Tweets This may be the best played thing the Panthers have done in a while -- on or off the field.","1029":"Learn Investing Tips From Property Transfers You may never be able to afford paying $100 million or so for your home, but you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have not contributed to the ability of your \"money manager\" to live a life of crazy excess off your back.","1030":"The SEC, CFTC and the Real-Time Risks in Today's Markets The new revelations surrounding the Flash Crash of May 6, 2010, once again brought to light an undeniable fact: U.S. regulators desperately need to boost their real-time surveillance capabilities.","1031":"Cubs Crush Indians To Send World Series To Game 7 One of the teams will end their drought on Wednesday.","1032":"How to Really Listen in a Difficult Conversation (6.2) It is precisely when listening is most important, that you want to listen the least.","1033":"Trapped Inside The Monster Energy Frat House A woman who worked at the drink company said she was sexually harassed and abruptly fired. This is what can happen when a boys club runs amok.","1034":"Donald Sterling Files For Divorce Amid Battle For Clippers Ownership The divorce filing comes amid a battle between the Sterlings that flared after the former owner was booted by the NBA over a leaked recording of him making racist remarks.","1035":"I-Corps @ NIH - Pivoting the Curriculum ","1036":"Florida Extends 'Stand Your Ground' To Cover Warning Shots ","1037":"Beijing, Brazil, 7-1: Awareness Shift in Soccer, Society While in my heart I empathized with the feelings of the people from Brazil, a country I love and whose soccer I admire, I also felt joy in seeing the fruits of the Klinsmann\/Low revolution in German soccer. The soccer they play today is a complete departure from the soccer German teams played prior to 2010 or 2006.","1038":"We Now Know The 4 Teams Battling For College Football's National Title As always, debate ensues.","1039":"Here's Why You Don't Bully A Poker Pro With 27.8 Million Chips In The Pot \"You're being abusive to me.\"","1040":"Charles Barkley Rips Donald Trump For Lumping All Muslims Together \"To try to divide and conquer, which is what the Republicans always do -- it's just sad.\u201d","1041":"World's Biggest Green Energy Company Files For Bankruptcy This is one of the largest bankruptcies involving a non-financial company.","1042":"SpaceX Executive Quits To Fight Trump As A Grassroots Activist \"The only reason to leave my dream job was to go and fight a nightmare.\"","1043":"Body Believed To Be Missing Girl Found In Trash Bin, Police Say Fifteen-year-old boy is being questioned by authorities.","1044":"We Stand Behind The USWNT As They Boycott 'Horrible' Conditions Our U.S. Women's National Team deserves better.","1045":"Trump Calls Central Park 5 Settlement A 'Disgrace' ","1046":"Dead Toddler's Father Pleads Insanity To Corpse Abuse MEDINA, Ohio (AP) -- A man charged with corpse abuse after a cable technician found his young daughter's decomposed body","1047":"Google Won't Do Business With Predatory Lenders Anymore It's about to get a little harder to find a loan with 1,000 percent interest.","1048":"California Border Patrol Supervisor Arrested Over Bathroom Camera ","1049":"J.R. Smith Ejected After Vicious Hit To Celtics Player's Face The Cavs went on to beat the Celtics anyway.","1050":"Ravens Running Back Justin Forsett Breaks Arm In Brutal Injury The injury could put him out for the rest of the season.","1051":"The Destructive Power Trips Of Amazon\u2019s Boss For his smallish stature, Amazon Boss Jeff Bezos has a booming, uproarious laugh. Unleashed during workdays, its sonic burst","1052":"Meet The 2016 Olympics Refugee Team These are some of the most inspiring athletes coming to Rio.","1053":"Former NHL Players Want You To Pay Attention To Hockey Concussions, Too Ex-hockey players met with members of Congress to show how damaging the brain injuries can be.","1054":"Body Found May Be Of Missing 3-Year-Old Left Outside By Dad: Police Sherin Mathews's adoptive father told police the girl was being punished for not drinking her milk.","1055":"Home Invasion Prompts Neighbors to Invest in Security The Lincoln-Highlands Association is a resident organization devoted to fighting crime in Oakland, California's Diamond District.","1056":"Man Accused Of Stealing 7,500 Pounds Of Candy Jesus Ibarra allegedly sold the sweet treats from his garage.","1057":"Wild Brawl Turns Yankees-Tigers Game Into Fight Club Players cleared both benches three times.","1058":"8 Secrets of Great Communicators ","1059":"Leader Of Oakland Artist Collective Sparks Outrage For Focusing On Himself After Deadly Fire Derick Ion's Facebook post didn't mention that many people had died.","1060":"Adventures of a Cranky Gambler The NFL season is finally here. Are you ready? I know I am. I'll confess to all of you nice people on the internet (just between us), that I have a bit of a football addiction. Some might even call it a gambling addiction.","1061":"The World's Favorite New Tax Haven Is The United States Moving money out of the usual offshore secrecy havens and into the U.S. is a brisk new business.","1062":"Sweden To Experiment With Six-Hour Workday ","1063":"How to Create a Culture of Innovation Often when I hear people talk about how to develop a culture of innovation, the keys proposed are passion, autonomy, collaboration and trust (PACT). Passion, in particular, has become the darling of hiring managers","1064":"Women in Business Q&A: Laura Tenison, Founder and Managing Director, JoJo Maman B\u00e9b\u00e9 ","1065":"Becky Hammon Keeps Killin' It, Will Be The First Woman To Coach All-Star Game It's just the latest step in Hammon's historic career.","1066":"Phoenix Woman Killed Herself In Back Of Police Van, Authorities Say The 39-year-old woman, who was under arrest for domestic violence, managed to escape her handcuffs.","1067":"5 Ways To Experience Flow And Get Crazy Productive The average person has 70,000 thoughts each day, and if you don't learn to organize them, they have the potential to wreak havoc on your productivity.","1068":"Walmart Partners With Conservative Group To Remove Cosmo From Checkout Lines \u201cThe real world took another step toward its slow and sure conversion to The Handmaid\u2019s Tale this week,\u201d a Vogue editor responded.","1069":"Twitter Is Reportedly In Sales Talks With Google And Salesforce The struggling social network is looking for a buyer.","1070":"Teacher Already Accused Of Sex Assault Re-Arrested ","1071":"Man Shot Dead By Oklahoma City Cop Was Deaf (UPDATED) Neighbors shouted at the officer that 35-year-old Magdiel Sanchez could not hear his commands.","1072":"More Than Friends: Jackson Introduces Fisher as Knicks Head Coach Even with his on-court play diminished due to age, OKC signed Fisher for the exact same reason KD admired him: because he set an example with his work ethic and was, as the saying goes, a great locker room guy -- always willing to mentor the next generation of players.","1073":"Olympic Cyclist In Intensive Care After Crash On Accident-Prone Course Dutch rider Annemiek van Vleuten suffered a concussion and three fractures to her spine during Sunday's brutal wipeout.","1074":"Walmart Ditches 'Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter' T-Shirt After Police Protest The Fraternal Order of Police has also complained to Amazon.","1075":"CUT ","1076":"There Were 'Likely' More Than 13 Deaths In Recalled GM Cars ","1077":"Another Big Company Steps Up To Improve Maternity Leave Primary caretakers who work at Nestle will get 14 weeks of paid leave.","1078":"Over 200 Former Penn State Football Players Want The Paterno Statue Back \"Joe Paterno has been cast in a negative light and we're trying to correct that narrative.\"","1079":"Lindsey Jacobellis Suffers Winter Olympics Heartbreak -- Again This was the snowboarder's fourth time competing and third time going home without a medal.","1080":"Serena And Venus Williams On A U.S. Open Collision Course Serena's trying to break her own shared record for grand slam titles.","1081":"Soldier Kills 2-Year-Old Daughter Because Of Dirty Diaper: Police ","1082":"Invite Your Customer Into the Boardroom Adding customer discussions to the Board agenda is an important part of a broader customer engagement strategy with the board, including the regular review of customer survey results, engagement metrics, segmentation reviews.","1083":"FBI Affidavit Details Ex-Sheriff David Clarke's Intimidation Of Fellow Passenger Feds dropped their case against him in May, but Milwaukee investigators determined he had abused his authority, the filing reveals.","1084":"HIGHLIGHTS: Colombia Takes Down Uruguay ","1085":"The Aha Behind Leading Aha Moments Leadership is not about the leader, but rather the leader's ability to inspire and enable others. Thus leadership Aha moments are not about the leader having the Aha, but enabling others to have their own Aha moments.","1086":"Leverage the Fuzzy Front End Between Accepting and Starting a New Job Many leaders fall into the trap of thinking that leadership begins on day one of a new job. But everything new leaders do and say, and don't do and don't say, sends powerful signals, starting well before they even walk in the door on day one.","1087":"4 Ways to Tell Clients Why You Are Valuable Communicating value isn't about a list of things you do or products you offer. It isn't even enough to share stories about people who have used your product or service or become involved in your cause.","1088":"The Great Transformation of the Organization Needs the How ","1089":"The Jenga World of Hiring The incentives to act quickly are there, but is hiring a replacement to fulfill that vacant position really the right move? It's hard to see what you need when you're in recovery mode.","1090":"Los Angeles Doctor Convicted Of Murder By Over-Prescription LOS ANGELES, Oct 30 (Reuters) - A Los Angeles-area doctor was found guilty on Friday of three counts of murder for over-prescribing","1091":"LeBron James And Kevin Durant's 'Secret' Rap Song Unearthed Give it a listen.","1092":"NY Jets Quarterback Geno Smith Injured After Being Punched By Teammate He's going to miss serious time, too.","1093":"Gordon Hayward Suffers Horrifying Ankle Injury During Celtics Opener Players and fans winced and looked away.","1094":"N.C. Governor Declares State Of Emergency Amid Violent Protests The killing of Keith Lamont Scott sparked clashes between protesters and police, who disagree on whether the man was armed.","1095":"Parker, Giant's Beat A's In Bay Bridge Series Sometimes even the best pitchers are nervous. What was supposed to be the matchup of the year turned out to be a game to remember for rookie Jarrett Parker.","1096":"Coalition Of U.S. States Signed Pact To Keep Exxon Climate Probe Confidential Besides Exxon, the agreement says other entities could be targeted if states felt they were delaying action to fight climate change.","1097":"Baltimore Prosecutor Throws Out 34 Cases After Officer Caught Allegedly Planting Drugs Body cam footage appeared to show one officer planting drugs at a crime scene, while two other officers looked on.","1098":"Why Big Corporations Like Gap And eBay Are Mobilizing Against Climate Change They're calling climate change \"one of America\u2019s greatest economic opportunities of the 21st century.\"","1099":"10 States That Drink The Most Beer ","1100":"Obamacare Is Spurring Startups And Creating Jobs ","1101":"High School Softball Coach Molested Young Student: Cops ","1102":"Building Brand Advocacy From the Inside Out To engage employees and inspire them to become ambassadors for your brand, approach them as you would your most valued consumers.","1103":"Insane Or Evil? Trial Fills In Details Of Colorado Movie Gunman ","1104":"New Video Evidence Emerges In Waco Biker Shooting ","1105":"Ferguson Protesters Chain Mall Doors Shut In Seattle: Cops ","1106":"Feds Charge Ahmad Khan Rahami For Planting New York, New Jersey Bombs Federal prosecutors portrated Rahami as a jihadist who begged for martyrdom and praised Osama bin Laden.","1107":"Cops Unveil New Tool In The Fight To Stop School Shootings ","1108":"The Creative Class With Peter Marino From Chanel boutiques in Paris and Beverly Hills to Christian Dior stores in Shanghai and New York, Marino is an interior Design Hall of Fame member.","1109":"Aly Raisman To Olympic Committee: Investigate USA Gymnastics Before They Elect New Leaders The Olympic gymnast wants every staff member who knew of Larry Nassar's history of abuse to be forced out of the organization.","1110":"Report: Match-Fixing Threatens World Cup ","1111":"Certainly Looks Like Some Weed Fell Out Of Kevin Durant's Car Last Night Live your best life, KD.","1112":"Uniqlo Jumps On The Happy Worker Bandwagon The company is testing out four-day workweeks in Japan.","1113":"Is Sustainability Like Being Pregnant? ","1114":"Attorney For Patrick Kane's Accuser Says Rape Kit Tampered With Thomas Eoannou said Wednesday the rape kit was anonymously dropped off at his client's mother's house.","1115":"Columnist Calls Out Marshawn Lynch To Explain National Anthem Sitdown \"If Lynch chooses not to explain ... he surrenders any power a protest might have.\"","1116":"Orlando Vigils Around The World Fight Hate With Love, Unity The LGBT community refuses to hide.","1117":"South Korea Touts Idea Of Co-Hosting 2021 Asian Winter Games With The North The two countries are still technically at war.","1118":"Mississippi State Pulls Off Ridiculous Win Against UConn, Ends 111-Game Winning Streak \"I'm over here like, dang, I just won the game.\"","1119":"Escaped Convict Richard Matt Killed ","1120":"U.S.A. Women's Soccer Beat Nigeria 1-0. Here's What Happens Next. The USWNT takes top spot in Group D.","1121":"Finally, Someone Got The Best Of Uber The battle for China is over. And Uber lost.","1122":"5 Signs It's Finally Time to Start Your Own Business Maybe you have a good idea. Maybe you have a handful of potential partners. Maybe you keep finding yourself daydreaming about the potential of owning your own business. Whatever the case, entrepreneurship is calling you, and you aren't sure whether you should keep plugging away in your safer, more stable lifestyle, or risk it all for a chance at something great.","1123":"TV Station: Romo 'Still The Gayest Player On The Cowgirls' ","1124":"Man Arrested After 5-Year-Old Son Fatally Shoots Himself With Gun Left In Glove Box The suspect faces a criminal negligence charge.","1125":"John 'Hot Rod' Williams Dead After Complications With Cancer He was 53 years old.","1126":"'Fight Club' Allegations At New Jersey Daycare Spark Outrage Prosecutors say workers encouraged toddlers to fight each other and filmed it","1127":"What America Looked Like The Last Time The Cubs Won The World Series As if you needed more proof it's been a while.","1128":"Cops Search For Motive In Deadly Federal Building Shooting Authorities revealed new details in the shooting that ended in the deaths of two people.","1129":"Marketing Titans: Annemarie Frank and Consumer Engagement ","1130":"Louisiana Cop Targeted Hispanic Drivers In Traffic Thefts: Police Police say Laquinton Banks stole more than $1,600 from motorists who didn't speak English.","1131":"Tennis Wunderkind Nick Kyrgios and the Rise of the Social Athlete: Are you not Entertained? For the most part, sport is about entertainment. Tennis matches, especially at night, are beginning to look and feel more and more like rock concerts. Right now, win or lose, Nick is adding to that experience in spades.","1132":"The problem with profits America is meant to be a temple of free enterprise. It isn\u2019t.","1133":"Michigan Hands Rivalry Game To MSU With Last-Second Fumble Always take care of the football.","1134":"Burglar Bursts Through YMCA Ceiling, Steals Toy Money Who's he trying to kid?","1135":"Should Kobe Bryant Just Hang it up? The guy can still score, put butts in the seats at the Staples Center and has 32,482 career points. Maybe if the front office can put some pieces around him going into the final year of his contract, just maybe we will see Bryant go out on his own terms.","1136":"Texas High School Football Players Blame Coach After Tackling Referee They claim they were following his orders.","1137":"Usain Bolt Is Just Too Flippin' Quick For This Flipbook Artist Catch him if you can!","1138":"No State Charges For Cops Who Shot And Killed Mexican Farmworker In Washington State Zambrano\u2019s death was among a series of police shootings across the United States that have put law enforcement agencies under scrutiny over their use of force against minorities.","1139":"Washington State Quarterback Tyler Hilinski Found Dead In Apparent Suicide Hilinski was widely expected to be the starter heading into the 2018 season.","1140":"How to Market Your Business While Traveling the World I was recently on an amazing cruise with my wife in the Caribbean. During this time, I was forced to work on\u00a0cruise Wi-Fi as well as internet hotspots. I was able to live the life I wanted while traveling the world... all while marketing my company\u00a0online. It actually grew ten percent while I was gone.","1141":"Best and Worst Terms for Your R\u00e9sum\u00e9 If you describe yourself as accomplished, obviously adjectives are not enough. Include some details about achievements that help the prospective employer believe that those are not just empty terms.","1142":"16-Year-Old Snowboarding Sensation Suffers Sickening Crash In Halfpipe Final Japan's Yuto Totsuka had to be taken down the pipe in a stretcher.","1143":"Baltimore Officers To Be Tried Separately Over Freddie Gray Death It's \"not in the interest of justice\" to try them together, a judge ruled.","1144":"How Malcolm Butler Went From Popeyes Employee To Super Bowl Hero \u201cThat just made me realize how bad I wanted it and how bad I really needed it.\"","1145":"At Least 7 Hurt In California Stabbings As Neo-Nazis, Protesters Clash Several victims suffered critical injuries.","1146":"The Missing Link: Moving Beyond First-Level Solutions to Women's Leadership ","1147":"Watch Selena Gomez Beat Out Ronda Rousey For 'The Bachelor' In 'SNL' Spoof BIEBER FOR BACHELOR 2017.","1148":"Women in Business Q&A: Louisa Benton, Executive Director, of the Hope for Depression Research Foundation Louisa brings the skills of over 20 years in non-profit leadership, education, journalism and public relations to HDRF. She has led the development efforts of several major non-profits including American Ballet Theatre, Theatre for a New Audience, and the American Associates of the Royal Academy Trust.","1149":"Mass Shootings Far More Common In The U.S. Than Any Other Country The incidents seem to accumulate at a staggering pace: Mass shootings in schools, movie theaters and other public places","1150":"Second Florida State Football Player Accused Of Punching A Woman Florida State indefinitely suspended leading running back Dalvin Cook after he was charged Friday.","1151":"PGA Tour Wives on Parenting The PGA Tour wives have a unique lifestyle that few experience. Particularly when it comes to raising kids, there are uncommon demands placed on the families.","1152":"U.S. And Canada Fight To Finish And Beyond In Winter Olympics Hockey \"The intensity is there every single shift,\" U.S. forward Amanda Kessel said after her team's 2-1 loss.","1153":"Business Meetings: Making a Good Impression There are several ways to guarantee that your next business meeting is a success. Making a good impression is key. Here are fifteen tips on how to do just that.","1154":"Girl Cries After MLB Star Traded; He Takes Her For Pizza ","1155":"Chad Johnson Says He Soaked Sore Ankles In Teammates' Urine That's disgusting, Ochocinco.","1156":"15-Month-Old Twin Girls Die After Being Left Inside Hot Car In Georgia Temperatures in the area reached above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with high humidity.","1157":"South Korean Court Sentences Samsung Scion Jay Y. Lee To 5 Years For Corruption Scandal Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee, who denied wrongdoing, has been in detention since February.","1158":"Poorest Americans Often Left Out Of Key Federal Aid ","1159":"The 5 Riskiest Picks In The 2016 NBA Draft Tons of talent, but hardly certainties.","1160":"Apple Apologizes For Slowed iPhones, Drops Price Of Battery Replacements The company dropped battery prices by $50, but some customers still aren't satisfied.","1161":"Dollar General To Create 400 New Jobs In Texas As It Expands In Rural America The discount chain is building a new distribution center in the Lone Star State to support its growing store count.","1162":"Meetings in Wonderland Too often, we embark on the journey like Alice in Wonderland, with only a vague destination in mind and no sense of the path it will take to get there. And then, because it feels like forward momentum, we schedule a bunch of meetings. We're moving now, aren't we?","1163":"Entrepreneurs Today Don't Need a Big Budget to Start It wasn't so many years ago that starting a new e-commerce business on the Internet was a complex custom development project, usually costing a million dollars or more. Now you can do it for free.","1164":"Man Held In San Francisco Jail Dies By Suicide Despite Warnings Could his death have been prevented?","1165":"Marine Returns Home And Surprises 10-Year-Old Son At Bat They're all safe at home!","1166":"Los Angeles Train Hits Car On Tracks And Derails, 21 Hurt ","1167":"$15: The New Eight-Hour Day When 200 New York City fast-food workers walked off their jobs in November 2012, their demand of $15 an hour seemed like a fantasy. But over the weekend, as more than 1,000 fast-food workers from 50 cities gathered in Chicago for the first-ever nationwide fast-food workers convention, the workers' call for $15 looked prescient.","1168":"Arsonist Who Took Selfie Video Sentenced To 20 Years For Wildfires Wayne Allen Huntsman will also pay $60 million for causing injuries to California firefighters.","1169":"Brad Stevens Is The Last Person To Blame For The Celtics' Woes A highly flawed roster has been exposed against the Bulls.","1170":"Dying Priest Who Killed Nun Can't Leave Prison ","1171":"Beyond Silicon Valley: Using a MOOC to Build a Community of Support for Global Entrepreneurs Lyubomir Hristev, 24, works at a marketing agency in Sofia, Bulgaria, and sports a neatly cropped black goatee. Tech savvy, creative, bursting with ideas, Hristev hails from a new generation of entrepreneurial Bulgarians.","1172":"One Hack That Turns a Loyal Customer Into a Lifelong Loyal Customer Loyal customers are great. Implementing little hacks to guarantee them into loyal-for-life customers like Starwood has done for me this morning? Priceless.","1173":"Area Man Yelling Courtside Is All Of Us During These NBA Playoffs He'd pull his hair out if he had any.","1174":"Here's What We Know About The U.S. Open Blimp Crash The pilot, who was wearing a fireproof suit, survived but has serious burns.","1175":"Ex-KKK Member Killed 3 Near Jewish Sites 'To Stop Genocide Against My People' \"I had no criminal intent,\" the shooter said.","1176":"Real Madrid Win Title After Shootout Drama Real Madrid beat city rivals Atletico on penalties to win the Champions League in Milan in a dramatic and fiercely-fought","1177":"David & Me Chronicles Rubin Carter's Fight to Free David McCallum as He Fights for His Own Life Young suspects like McCallum and Stuckey are like putty in the police's hands; they fold much more quickly under pressure.","1178":"Cause Marketing: It's All About Planning and Relationships However, just like any other marketing (digital or otherwise), success always boils down to relationships. Developing relationships with partner businesses... developing relationships with donors... and keeping those relationships going beyond the campaign.","1179":"Mindsets and Diversity: We All Have Mindsets! What is a \"mindset\"? How are mindsets related to gender and other kinds of diversity (or its absence)? Do we all have mindsets? If so, does that make us bad? Are they easy to change?","1180":"REPORT: NFL Commissioner's 'Ambiguous' Story On Ray Rice Under Fire ","1181":"Travis Kalanick Takes Leaves Of Absence From Post As Uber CEO The executive's mother died in a boating accident last month.","1182":"Badass Grandpa Uses Fancy Footwork To Trip Armed Suspect Fleeing From Cops Police said the man \u201clikely saved\u201d the 18-year-old suspect's life with his bold move.","1183":"Martin Shkreli Found Guilty On Several Counts Of Fraud The trial of the so-called \"Pharma Bro\" centered around his stewardship of two hedge funds.","1184":"At Least 26 Dead In Shooting At Texas Baptist Church The victims' ages ranged from 18 months to 77 years old.","1185":"This Silly NFL Gaffe Might Have Been Evidence Of A Concussion The Jaguars player went to block instead of going for the tackle.","1186":"Lover Of Ex-NFL Player Kills His Wife And Herself: Cops Police said the mistress was upset about a trip the NFL veteran planned to take with his wife.","1187":"Iran Deal Clears Way For More Cheap Gas That's bittersweet.","1188":"Suspect Arrested In Deadly College Shooting ","1189":"Are Parents the First, Best and Last Defense Against Mass Murder? I am utterly convinced that if every single parent paid attention to their children to the greatest degree possible, with no limitations or planned obsolescence, we would not be having as many of these dreaded conversations.","1190":"Mom Allegedly Claimed Daughter Was Kidnapped So Cops Would Find Her Car Turns out, the daughter was at a relative's house all along.","1191":"No, Drake And Serena Williams Are Still Not Engaged Let's pump the brakes on this one.","1192":"Author and Journalist Eric Brach on Why Net Neutrality Matters In light of the recent debates on tiered access to broadband service and whether telecommunication companies have the right to charge both content providers and home users (as well as the federal government's evolving stance on the issue) I sat down with Eric Brach.","1193":"Cop Raped Girl In Back Of Patrol Car While On Duty: Prosecutors ","1194":"This Labor Day - Make Safety a Priority in Your Workplace Labor Day is a time to pay tribute to the contributions workers have made to the prosperity of our country. But you probably don't think about workplace safety much. Most of us show up to work each day and we take it for granted that we will return home safely.","1195":"Bears And Jaguars Fans Fight Viciously Over Pretty Much Nothing No good can come of this.","1196":"World Cup Boosts Iran's Image and Highlights Political Sports Battles The Iranian team's performance so far with its 0:0 draw against Nigeria in its first World Cup match in which it was not defeated in its first tournament game as well as the encounter with Argentina, has spared Mr. Rouhani and his government being blamed for another failure.","1197":"Top 10 NFL Wide Receivers 2014: Megatron Slips And Antonio Brown Ascends ","1198":"La. Teacher Suspected Of Having Sex With Students ","1199":"MLB Player Breaks Bat... On A Whiff ","1200":"As Chipotle Tries Not To Make People Sick, It's Silent On One Important Issue Do restaurants need to waste a ton of food to keep customers from falling ill?","1201":"Here's What Everyone Who Doesn't Care About Soccer Is Thinking During The World Cup ","1202":"Unarmed Black Man Killed In 'Mind-Boggling,' Unjustified Barrage Of Police Gunfire: Lawyer An attorney for Diante Yarber's family called it the worst case of \"excessive and unnecessary force\" he's ever seen.","1203":"Odell Beckham Jr. Shines Over Darrelle Revis For Another Crazy Catch New York's two best football players went head to head Saturday night.","1204":"Solar Jobs Fell For The First Time In 7 Years In 2017. Now Trump Could Make It Worse. The new tariffs the White House announced last month are likely to make things worse for the industry.","1205":"3 Miami Dolphins Players Kneel During Anthem, Reversing Team Policy Head coach Adam Gase previously told players to stand or stay in the tunnel.","1206":"The Essentials of Email Marketing for Small Business Email marketing is the process of emailing to a database of customers or potential customers for the purpose of soliciting business, brand awareness or building loyalty and trust.","1207":"The White Castle Story: The Birth Of Fast Food And The Burger Revolution White Castle may have survived in the fast food industry for nearly 100 years, but the nation\u2019s original burger chain was never even supposed to be.","1208":"Teen Dies In Manure Pit ","1209":"Will There Be A Nielsen 2.0? Media buyers, prepare: The days of just one measurement provider may be numbered.","1210":"Doughnut-Eating Champ Arrested In Doughnut Shop Break-In D'oh!","1211":"What Is Your Family Mission? The starting point for this is often posing the question \"what is your family mission?\" And I would challenge all families to think in this way and ask themselves the same question.","1212":"New Gainful Employment Rule Is Weak, but Predatory For-profit Colleges Remain on the Ropes The administration had the opportunity, through a strong gainful employment rule, \u00a0to demand here and now that federal aid only go to career education programs that were truly helping their students. It\u00a0didn't seize the chance.","1213":"United Airlines: Protecting The Company Instead Of Its Customers At this point, it would be hard to find someone who has not seen the horrifying video footage of police officers forcibly","1214":"College Gymnast Found Dead In Dumbwaiter ","1215":"3D Photos: Seahawks vs. Packers The Seattle Seahawks kicked off the 2014 season against the Green Bay Packers. I shot the game with the Lytro light-field camera. Lytro pictures are interactive photos built for the web. The camera incorporates a new technology known as light-field photography.","1216":"Are You the Shark in the Pond? It's Time to Find a Bigger Pond Whether you've been in business for 10 days or 10 years, whether you've got $10,000 in revenue or $10 billion in revenue, there will be competition in whatever pond you're in. As the pond starts to fill up, even if you're at the top, someone or something is gaining on you to knock you from your perch.","1217":"Plane Catches Fire At Chicago's O'Hare Airport At least eight people were injured after an American Airline flight blew a tire on the runway.","1218":"ESPYS To Honor 15-Year-Old Who Died Shielding 3 Women From Gunfire Zaevion Dobson is what a true hero looks like.","1219":"Hockey Player Suffers Devastating Hit During Game ","1220":"Productive Flexibility: Building in a Buffer You can often adapt good ideas from the most surprising industries. For example, I have a friend who likes to read webcomics in his spare time, and he's always complaining because his favorite comics grind to a halt while the artists have to deal with life's unexpected curves.","1221":"Furor Mounts Over Clippers Owner Donald Sterling's Alleged Racist Rant An NBA team is a business, but it also carries the imagery of representing that city. Sports and athletes can provide opportunities for positive role modeling and influencing attitudes -- when turned negative, the effects ripple.","1222":"Person Of Interest Detained After California Mosque 'Firebombed' Riverside County sheriff's deputies called the fire at Islamic Center of Palm Springs arson.","1223":"Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Fracking Slows as Operators Watch Oil Prices When crude oil prices sank this winter, companies scaled back their fracking plans in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale deposit, running from central and southeast Louisiana into Mississippi. Exploration and drilling is mostly on hiatus there until crude rebounds, industry members said last week.","1224":"Young & Entrepreneurial: How Merrill Lutsky Sold His Y Combinator Backed Startup Before Returning to Harvard I was researching about student startup incubators when I came across Posmetrics Founder and CEO Merrill Lutsky while browsing through the list of student partners at Rough Draft Ventures, an investment fund that invests in student startups in the Boston area.","1225":"The NHL Should Not Make Definitive Statements About Their Rape Investigations \"The NHL has concluded that the allegations made against Kane were unfounded.\"","1226":"Man Crawls 3 Days After Surviving Crash That Killed Girlfriend Kevin Bell, 39, and Nikki Reed, 37, a mother of three, had been missing since Saturday.","1227":"Olympic Bobsledder Steven Holcomb Found Dead At 37 The gold medalist was discovered in his room at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid on Saturday.","1228":"CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Daycare Worker Kicks Toddler ","1229":"5 Vital Things to Bear in Mind Before You Sell Your Business ","1230":"Battling Blind Spots In Corporate Culture I still find it surprising when people make assumptions about me. What new colleagues and clients first see is that I\u2019m a","1231":"Has The College Sports Arms Race Spiraled Out Of Control? This week's \"The Second Half\" podcast explores how student fees finance college sports.","1232":"Egg Lobbyists Targeted Bloggers, Media To Fight Vegan Startup A government-controlled industry group targeted popular food bloggers, major publications and a celebrity chef as part of","1233":"LeBron James: The Dark Knight Returns Love him or hate him, LeBron James's announcement transcends the world of sports. And, when looking at his life and career, it is hard not to think of him as the NBA's version of Batman.","1234":"Prosecutor Scolded For Likening Escaped Inmate To 'Hannibal Lecter' Orange County's district attorney described Hossein Nayeri as \"sophisticated, incredibly violent and cunning.\"","1235":"Girl Hospitalized After Getting Boiling Water Poured On Face At Sleepover Her 12-year-old alleged attacker has been charged with assault.","1236":"Cops Walk Off Job At WNBA Game Over Players' Racial Profiling Protest Their union leader says he commends the officers for their action.","1237":"Economist Calculates Just How Inadequate Your State's Minimum Wage Is ","1238":"Obstacles to Creative Disruption ","1239":"Professional Athletes On How Fatherhood Has Changed Their Lives Shoutout to mom, too.","1240":"The NFL Will Implement A 'Rooney Rule' For Women The new rule aims to increase the number of female executives in the league.","1241":"Venus Fights To Bitter End, But Loses Quarter-Final Battle With Pliskova We won't be getting a Williams sister final after all.","1242":"Despite A Hefty Fine, J&J Still Made Billions From Risperdal So what's to stop this from happening all over again?","1243":"New MLB Rules Aim To Speed Baseball Games In 2018 There's now a limit on visiting the pitcher's mound.","1244":"A Sorrowful Farewell To Baton Rouge Officer Matthew Gerald \"Being a cop wasn't just what he did, it was who he was,\" the police chief said at the slain officer's funeral.","1245":"Man Allegedly Tried Snorting Cocaine During Traffic Stop The 73-year-old reportedly wanted a quick hit as a cop checked his documentation.","1246":"Man Who Allegedly Decapitated Wife Had Attacked Relative Before The violence was discovered Saturday when a neighbor went to check on Heisch and noticed her husband's arm was cut off.","1247":"LISTEN: 911 Call Appears To Contradict Cops' Narrative In Killing ","1248":"Coal Isn\u2019t Just Bad For The Air. It\u2019s A Huge Water Waster. Coal-fired power consumes 7 percent of the world's freshwater, Greenpeace says.","1249":"Artist Shot Dead While Working On Oakland Anti-Violence Mural The mural was supposed to inspire big dreams in the troubled neighborhood.","1250":"Ronda Rousey Fights Bethe Correia In UFC 190 Unbeaten Ronda Rousey on Saturday's #UFC190 fight: \"I'm going to beat up Bethe\"","1251":"5 Reasons Millennials Don't Trust Financial Planners Some millennials who would be excellent candidates for financial planning services never take advantage because they don't understand what it entails, the benefits of hiring a financial professional or even what type of professional they need.","1252":"Women in Business Q&A: Helena Plater-Zyberk, CEO SimpleTherapy ","1253":"The Challenge of Coming From the Outside to Take Over an Existing Team As the outsider, you've got to figure out who's who on the team. You have a lot of new relationships to build.","1254":"Shell's Arctic Ambitions Held Up in Seattle It is not at all clear that Shell will, in fact, move forward with drilling, even if it can obtain a city permit in time. It still needs to receive the necessary approvals from the U.S. Department of Interior for its drilling plans in the Chukchi Sea.","1255":"The 'Wisdom of Friends' Powers Brand Advocacy We are hearing so much now about social media creating a shift from \"the wisdom of crowds\" to \"the wisdom of friends,\" but what does that really mean for brand advocacy? A lot. It's this \"wisdom of friends\" that brings a new \"social power\" to Brand Advocacy.","1256":"2 Arizona Women Are Accused Of Performing Dangerous Dental Surgeries One alleged victim claims she got a serious infection after they extracted several teeth.","1257":"10-Year-Old Killed By Teen's Crossbow Shot After 'Disagreement': Sheriff The incident occurred in a treehouse; a 13-year-old friend is custody.","1258":"Texas Man Charged With Capital Murder In Adopted Daughter's Death The charge means Sherin Mathews' father could face the death penalty or life in prison if found guilty.","1259":"Guy In Trump Hat and 'Deplorables' T-Shirt Arrested At Texas Polling Place \u201cHe wanted to take a stand. Unfortunately, he was arrested and taken to jail.\u201d","1260":"Jared Fogle's Ex-Wife Sues Subway, Says Chain Hid His Sexual Misconduct Katie McLaughlin accuses the company of being \u201cdriven by sales rather than the safety of kids.\u201d","1261":"Belgians Suspect Dirty Water For Laser Sailor Illness \u201cThe judgment of the medical team is that the water is the likely cause.\"","1262":"Muslim Police Officer Says Fellow Cops Attacked Her, Tried To Rip Off Hijab She says she endured years of harassment from her colleagues at the NYPD.","1263":"Michael Phelps Wins 100 Meter Butterfly In Final Race Before Rio Olympics Phelps heads to Rio for his fifth and final Olympics, qualified in three events.","1264":"FBI Investigated Folk Singer Pete Seeger For Years They worried about Seeger's \"Communistic sympathies.\"","1265":"Man Arrested On Suspicion Of Burning California Woman To Death On Christmas Neighbors tried to help the victim, but she died at a hospital.","1266":"In Fatal Shootings By Police, 1 In 5 Officers' Names Go Undisclosed One evening last September, Pamela Anderson\u2019s 33-year-old son was threatening her and needed to go to the hospital for medication","1267":"The Manifesting List It can appear as though you are stuck in a vicious cycle or attracting similar situations, over and over? Check out this list on how you create this dynamic and how to gain more control.","1268":"There Are Now More Solar Jobs In America Than Oil Extraction Jobs Unfortunately, oil still pays better.","1269":"Valeant CEO Is Taking Medical Leave With Severe Pneumonia The troubled pharmaceutical company will be led by a group of executives until CEO Michael Pearson is well.","1270":"Girl Reveals Disturbing Details in Colorado Triple Killing ","1271":"Soccer Superstar Arrested For Domestic Violence ","1272":"Shot Fired Through Indiana Synagogue Was Meant To 'Instill Fear,' Rabbi Says \u201cThis is an individual just trying to make us afraid,\u201d said Rabbi Gary Mazo.","1273":"Two Teammates\u2019 Concussions Expose An Issue With The NFL\u2019s Policy Quarterbacks playing through concussions is becoming a worrisome trend.","1274":"Couple's 'Kinky' Night In Handcuffs Ends In Real Arrest The pair lost the key and called cops, who realized there was a warrant out for the husband.","1275":"Mass Shooting At New York Halloween Party Leaves 2 Dead, 5 Injured The search for a gunman remains underway.","1276":"Yahoo To Cut More Than 300 Jobs Earlier during the day said it would shut down its digital magazines.","1277":"What Happens After You Crack The Glass Ceiling For Erin Callan, it was a nightmare.","1278":"Man Freed 25 Years After Police Tortured Him Into A False Confession Shawn Whirl is the first of Chicago police torture victims to win a new trial.","1279":"The Olympic Gymnast Whose Leg Snapped Is Already Walking Again Here\u2019s to wishing Samir A\u00eft Said a full and speedy recovery.","1280":"Congressman Wants To Review NFL Domestic Violence Policies In Wake Of Greg Hardy Photos \"The employment of this individual is sending the absolute wrong message.\"","1281":"San Francisco-Area Police Beating Of Stanislav Petrov Leads To Lawsuit Police pursued the man who was allegedly in a stolen car in 2015. Security video captured the officers hitting the suspect after he fled on foot.","1282":"The Rio Opening Ceremony Put Climate Change Front And Center Brazil wasted no time with the whole world watching.","1283":"J.J. Watt Gets Two \u2018Saved By The Bell\u2019 Encounters In One Week Who wouldn't be so excited to get a shoutout from the one and only Kelly Kapowski?","1284":"Changing Prison From the Inside Out Millions of men and women in the country are paid slave labor wages and then charged for food and substandard medical care. They eat, sleep and bathe in dirty, overcrowded conditions--nowhere worse than in the South.","1285":"How to Beat Burn Out Burn-out is completely normal--but that doesn't make it pleasant. We all experience burn-out at some point.","1286":"The Usain Bolt-Andre De Grasse Bromance Got Memed, Obviously \"You're the best.\" \n\"No, you are.\"","1287":"New Video Shows Just How Nasty Eagles Fans Can Be As Super Bowl Nears What a foul-mouthed flock.","1288":"Helen Mirren Eloquently Smacks Down Drunk Drivers In Super Bowl Ad \"If your brain was donated to science, science would return it.\"","1289":"Why A Walgreens Boycott Could Be A Wakeup Call For Washington Walgreens becoming a \"foreign\" company is a slap in the face to Americans for a number of reasons. As Sorkin noted, they received $16.7 billion from Medicare and Medicaid last year, which is about 25 percent of its corporate revenues.","1290":"First Player Of Color In The NHL, The Son Of Chinese Immigrants, Dies At 94 Larry Kwong fought racism and discrimination throughout his journey to the professional leagues.","1291":"Why Smaller Teams Are Better Than Larger Ones This is going to be a two-part post. In this first part, I want to share research that I have come across around why smaller teams are better than larger ones.","1292":"An Evening With Peter Thiel One of our greatest concerns today is how technology will alter our lives in the decades to come. Part of the Science & Democracy lecture series at Harvard, Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal and Palantir, offered new ways to propel the masses forward during this revolution of information technology.","1293":"NBA Free Agency Winners And Losers The NBA's \"second season\" trumps all.","1294":"Police Chief Defends Vast Inequalities In Arrests ","1295":"TNT Crew Responds To Clippers Owner's Alleged Racist Tirade ","1296":"At 21, This Breakout NBA Star Has A Wellness Plan Even Mortals Can Follow Orlando's Aaron Gordon knows that \"if you develop the person, then the basketball player becomes better.\"","1297":"Robert Durst Pleads Guilty To Gun Charge, Setting Up Possible Murder Trial Prosecutors in California want Durst in connection with the 2000 killing of writer Susan Berman.","1298":"Check Out This Olympic Swimmer Literally Bowing Down To Michael Phelps We're not worthy!","1299":"7 Career Lessons Learned The Hard Way A successful career is a difficult and time-consuming journey. My hope is that these principles will help you avoid a few bumps along the way.","1300":"Meth Markets In America: Mom-And-Pop Shops And The Mexican Cartels Breaking Bad may have gotten a lot of the story right, from the family nature of the drug to the penetration of the industry by Mexican cartels. Our research reveals new information about the personal nature of meth markets, the unintended consequences of legislation put in place to curb its manufacture and use, and the drug's terrible impact on children.","1301":"In the Face of Fear, Organizational Leaders Need to Create Armies of Yes Men (and Women)! The message that employees should hear and pass along is \"yes.\" Yes, we want to hear from you. Yes, your opinion matters. Yes, you are valued. This message should be repeated throughout the organization, not only to employees, but customers as well.","1302":"Rachel Dolezal Faces Felony Charges For Welfare Fraud State prosecutors say almost $84,000 had been deposited into her bank account while she was receiving public assistance.","1303":"What Winning Really Means Yesterday, I led a workshop in large part about identities and what framework or lens we use with which we view the world","1304":"Assuring Price Integrity In a Dysfunctional Market: Introducing the HECM Reverse Mortgage Price Checker ","1305":"Main Streets, Malls And Sustainable Consumption We are in the midst of a number of fundamental changes in the nature of work and in the way we spend our time when we\u2019re","1306":"Man Dies Instantly After Setting Off Firework From His Head ","1307":"Growth Matters: Do You Know How To Drive It? One of the biggest enigmas in business may just have been cracked. After conducting an extensive study into how the world\u2019s leading companies drive growth, Brand Learning has uncovered the new Growth Code for future success. The code reveals what it takes in practice to create a growth-ready organisation, energised by involved employees and fuelled by momentum-driving leaders.","1308":"Drake Dancing Courtside At An NBA Game Can Only Mean One Thing HOTLINE BLING.","1309":"Dikembe Mutombo Swears There's No NBA Draft Lottery Conspiracy Nobody believes him though.","1310":"LIVE: Argentina vs. Iran ","1311":"Queen Marta Looks For Olympic Glory On Her Home Turf This might be the female Pel\u00e9's last major competition.","1312":"11 Countries Near Bankruptcy ","1313":"Jury Moves Closer To Death Penalty In James Holmes Trial \u201cIf the people haven\u2019t cried enough yet, prepare to cry a great deal more.\u201d","1314":"Cops Hunt Accused Gun Thief Who Sent Anti-Government Manifesto To Trump \"It's time for change,\" the suspect says in a video shared by police.","1315":"Nike Just Signed LeBron James For Life LeBron continues to make history on and off the court.","1316":"Ex-Cop Steven Zelich Pleads Guilty To Killing Woman, Ditching Body Zelich is also charged in the death of a second woman, whose body was found in a suitcase along a Wisconsin highway.","1317":"Bad Lip Reading Of NFL Players Is Back And Better Than Ever \"It's going to be fun playing the orphans this summer.\"","1318":"The Best Way To Deal With A Horrible Boss ","1319":"What's Not to Understand? Children Were Raped. I'm writing this to make a point that I feel can't ever become redundant. I seem to keep having to argue a very necessary objective regarding the PSU\/Paterno scandal and the NCAA sanctions. I suppose I'll keep reiterating as often as possible until people who don't get it, do.","1320":"Rescued Boater Denies Role In His Mom's Disappearance At Sea Nathan Carman was a suspect in the 2013 murder of his grandfather, which is still unsolved.","1321":"New Mexico Library Accuses Couple Of Urinating On Qurans Staffers say several copies of the religious book and a Bill Clinton autobiography were damaged.","1322":"My Father's Red Bat Lessons of Life, Death, Business and Living Well I keep my father's bat to remind me of two of my father's most important lessons -- one good, one bad and I'm not sure he intended to teach either one. He certainly wasn't conscious of it if he did. It doesn't matter, though, I learned them just the same.","1323":"LeBron James No Longer First Choice For Starting A New Franchise, Says GM Survey LeBron is on the wrong side of 30, after all.","1324":"Organized Labor Showing Signs of Life On Sunday, when 3,800 members of the United Steelworkers (USW) walked off their jobs at nine oil refineries across the country (including two in my home state of California), it marked the first national oil refinery strike in more than three decades, going all the way back to 1980. Congratulations, USW. With this strike, organized labor is finally showing signs of life.","1325":"Jamie Foxx Does A Really Good Doc Rivers Impersonation 'It's not on Blake.'","1326":"Man Who Called Terrell Owens A Racial Slur Cites Freedom Of Speech The video of the racist name-calling is difficult to watch.","1327":"Two Police Officers Killed In Palm Springs, California Shooting They were called to an apparent domestic dispute.","1328":"Cleveland Is Prepping For Clashes Between Police And Protesters At GOP Convention The city is so worried it is looking to insure against civil rights violations.","1329":"3 Secret Weapons for Handling Internal Conflicts To foster a good and harmonious work environment that champions collaboration and is free of discord, here are three important things that will improve the way all your team members react to conflicts.","1330":"The Olympic Committee Awards The 2024 Games To Macron, Not Trump News came from the International Olympic Committee that the 2024 Olympic games would be awarded to Paris, not Los Angeles","1331":"Why Your Boss Lacks Emotional Intelligence Whether you\u2019re a leader now or may become one in the future, you don\u2019t have to succumb to this trend.","1332":"NFL Health Officials Confronted NIH About Researcher Selection Three of the NFL's top health and safety officers confronted the National Institutes of Health last June after the NIH selected","1333":"Deputies Kill Woman By Tasering Her In Custody ","1334":"John Urschel On Why Kids Shouldn\u2019t Play Football Until High School \u201cBefore that, your body is not developed, your brain is not fully developed.\"","1335":"Man Gets Five Years For Raping Puppy ","1336":"Up To 60 Robbers Storm BART Train In Flash Mob Hold-Up They took travelers' valuables and were gone in 30 seconds.","1337":"Walmart Customer Fatally Shoots Teen Accused Of Stealing Diapers The customer said he felt threatened by the suspect and thought he had a weapon.","1338":"'Butt Crack Bandit' Caught On Camera Holding Duo At Gunpoint The man with saggy pants is wanted by cops in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.","1339":"Martyrdom Was Lunchtime Topic Of Conversation For Alleged Bomber ","1340":"Mets Advance To NLCS For First Time Since 2006 They will be facing the Chicago Cubs on Saturday.","1341":"Keith Olbermann Says NFL Should Suspend Tom Brady \"One day for the inflation, 364 days for everything else.\"","1342":"John Oliver Skewers NFL Commish For Losing 'Moral High Ground' To TMZ ","1343":"Son Of Cliven Bundy Arrested After Alleged Confrontation With Cops ","1344":"For Battered NFL Wives, A Message From The Cops And The League: Keep Quiet ","1345":"Proof That '90s Jingles Will Haunt You Forever \"I want my baby back...\"","1346":"Teen Vanishes After Moving To Atlanta To Start A New Life \"She was trying to prove that she can do it,\" her mother said.","1347":"Life Insurance Advisor: Out of the Closet I've called myself other titles, masking that my income comes from the life insurance industry. There are multiple reasons why my lifetime occupation became a semi-hidden secret. The industry itself went through the same kind of identity crisis.","1348":"Another Step Toward Ecological Seafood Menus In the seafood trade, you can reassert your civic right, whether chef or consumer, to know what you are buying, where it is from and how the fish you want was harvested, or raised. Still, your rights are only real if exercised.","1349":"What Stephen Curry Can Teach Entrepreneurs Stephen Curry, like Google and Harvard, provide great examples on the significance of a wow-factor for budding entrepreneurs. As evidenced, a wow-factor enables a start-up to gain momentum and traction.","1350":"First Degree Murder and Two Degress of Separation Make a 360 Degree Connection Although I don't make routine stops to read every story that pops up on my screen, for some reason that day, I did.","1351":"Autism Without Fear: Is Corporate Use of 'Emotional Intelligence' Grounds for Discrimination Under the ADA? The business world loves metrics. And in an era where data has never been more valuable, many executives believe there is a direct correlation between employee productivity and a high Emotional Intelligence score.","1352":"No, This Major Greek Lender Isn't Changing Its Tune On Austerity A new IMF paper questions the value of harsh measures, but it's not going to result in any major changes.","1353":"\u2018Acid Bandit\u2019 Wears Ridiculous Fake Beard In Terrifying Bank Heist The FBI warns the robber is armed and dangerous.","1354":"At Least 3 Dead, Several Injured In 7-Alarm Fire At Honolulu High-Rise People were reportedly trapped in the building more than an hour after the fire department arrived. The cause is not yet known.","1355":"Eagles Player Fletcher Cox Claims He's Never Watched The Super Bowl \"I don't watch sports.\"","1356":"Texas Lawmaker Recovering After Hit By Stray Bullet While Celebrating New Year \u201cIt felt like a sledgehammer hit me over the head,\u201d Rep. Armando Martinez recalled from a hospital.","1357":"Immediacy, Accuracy, Innovation - It's Required As innovation becomes a necessity for survival, so will immediacy and accuracy characteristics that make up the innovative process and the product.","1358":"Death Of High School Quarterback Evan Murray Ruled An Accident No head trauma was found in the autopsy.","1359":"Ezekiel Elliott Nails His Red Carpet Look ABSolutely stunning.","1360":"Gunman Kills Guard And Then Self At NYC Federal Building A gunman slipped through a side door of a Manhattan federal building late Friday, fatally shot a security guard, then killed","1361":"Why the United States Needs A \"Ladenschlussgesetz\" The U.S. will never prohibit stores from opening on Sunday. But after this past Thanksgiving, it does feel that the scales have tipped away from holding anything sacred --- or even special.","1362":"Dodgers Eagle Celebrates Independence By Flying Away During Pregame Ceremony The eagle hasn't landed.","1363":"Verizon NY Charged 'Basic Rate' Phone Customers Multiple Rate Increases for the Deployment of the FiOS, Title II, FTTP Broadband Networks ","1364":"Women in Business: Arlinda Lee, PhD, Senior Healthcare Analyst, MLV & Co Dr. Lee has more than ten years of experience as a senior analyst covering Biotechnology, with expertise in fundamental research and pipeline assessments across therapeutic areas. She holds a Ph.D. in Genetics and conducted her research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory through Stony Brook University and holds a B.A. in Molecular and Cell Biology with a double-major in Rhetoric from U.C. Berkeley.","1365":"Girl Reports Escaping Kidnapper By Jumping From Truck Onto Highway The 13-year-old told deputies that she had been sexually assaulted and injected with meth after being offered a ride.","1366":"Fake Target Employee Stole $40,000 In Merchandise, Police Say The suspect walked directly to the stockroom, where she allegedly filled a box with dozens of iPhones.","1367":"Woman Killed Trying To Stop Shoplifter ","1368":"Video Shows Dramatic Moment Police Swarmed Inland Regional Center Several staff members at the San Bernardino facility thought it was a drill.","1369":"The Bad Habit of Good Habits Routines become habits and habits can define a person to the point they stop defining themselves. If the formation of a habit is the beginning of such a process, can it be that intentional self-awareness leads to different results?","1370":"3 Important Financial Lessons For Recent College Grads ","1371":"Colin Kaepernick's Jersey Is Now The NFL's Best-Seller He's sold more in the last week than in the previous eight months.","1372":"How Sustainable Luxury Can Save The Planet ","1373":"Suspect In Shooting At Washington State Mall Captured: State Police He was taken into custody on Saturday evening.","1374":"LIVE: France vs. Germany ","1375":"Professionalism Behind the Wheel The way people handle themselves behind the wheel of a car can say a lot about how they conduct themselves in business. Our driving behaviors often reflect not only how we approach life, but also how we deal with others on a day-to-day basis.","1376":"Former NFL Player Lawrence Phillips Dead At 40 Prison authorities are investigating the circumstances of his death.","1377":"11 Ways To Involve Employees In Creating Company Culture There are a lot of different ways to create a company culture. One of them is getting employees involved in the process. This","1378":"Tom Brady Really Seemed To Hate His GQ \u2018Man Of The Year\u2019 Interview All 746 words of the back-and-forth can be summed up in two: No comment.","1379":"Elect To Watch All 13 Of Stephen Curry's Record-Breaking 3-Pointers Just wow.","1380":"ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack At Ohio State University ISIS news agency AMAQ described him as a \"soldier\" of the group.","1381":"Mexican Cross-Country Skier Finishes Last, Gets Tearjerking Hero's Welcome This is the Olympic spirit, right here.","1382":"The $11-Million Manhunt ","1383":"Trump Even Found A Way To Make His Charity Efforts Bad He is far from generous when it comes to giving away his money.","1384":"Curt Schilling Thinks ISIS Won The Democratic Presidential Debate Strong take, Curt.","1385":"The Age of the High-Flying Tech (HFT) Gadgeteer Is Upon Us--Flying Machines & New Wheeled Things. Put down your tablet--unless you're flying a gyrocopter or a \"drone\", or you're sailing on a fan or jet-powered hovercraft, or a two wheeled hoverboard... And look up in the sky for new high-flying tech (HFT) or down the street to see a pack of kids coming, each on some one-wheeled thing--something new is upon us.","1386":"The Virgin Way -- Richard Branson's BRAVE Leadership While Richard Branson's new book, \"The Virgin Way\" is \"about listening, learning, laughing and leading,\" applying the BRAVE leadership framework to the book's ten summary ideas yields highly applicable insights.","1387":"GIF: The Worst Attempt To Catch A Fly Ball ","1388":"Escaped Bull Runs Onto Soccer Field, Charges At Players Incredibly, no one was injured.","1389":"Yankees' Derek Jeter Ceremony Spurs Memories Of A Vulnerable Iron Horse Jeter\u2019s speech will not likely inspire great cinema. But Gehrig\u2019s did.","1390":"Uh, Rihanna Is Not About To Date Matt Barnes The pop star has shot down the rumors with seven exquisite hashtags.","1391":"St. Louis City Hall Meeting Interrupted By Brawl ","1392":"Video Shows Officers Recovering Missing Toddler In Bushes Near Home A K9 is credited with leading the officers to the 2-year-old boy.","1393":"Maryland Teen Allegedly Sexually Abused Child Since She Was 3 The 17-year-old is charged as an adult with raping the girl, now 9.","1394":"Columbia Suspends Men's Wrestling Team Over 'Racist, Misogynistic' Texts The texts were \"homophobic,\" too.","1395":"Trusting the Crowd and the Machines The business environment of the future needs to trust people and technology and provide flexibility and choice for employees to connect with complementary skills across a network, to work together on challenges, to learn fast, unlock their passion and improve performance.","1396":"4 Ways Your For-Profit Business Can Do \"Good\" Too many businesses are concerned with making money, and not about creating value. Moving into the new era of startups, we are discovering business models that are making not only a financial impact on our economies, but an environmental impact.","1397":"Georgia Man Shot By Police Who May Have Responded To Wrong Address William Powell was shot in the neck when a police officer fired his weapon after the 63-year-old did not comply with orders to drop his handgun.","1398":"Atlanta Police Officer Charged With Murder In The Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man The officer fired one shot and struck Devaris Caine Rogers, 22, in the head, a district attorney says.","1399":"Fergie's National Anthem Attempt Slammed As The 'Worst Rendition Ever' She attempted to put a jazz spin on \"The Star-Spangled Banner.\"","1400":"Dylann Roof Mentally Competent To Stand Trial, Judge Rules Earlier this month, defense attorneys had raised concerns for the first time about whether Roof was able to understand the nature of the proceedings against him and to assist in his defense.","1401":"Cops: Some Ferguson Protesters Cheered When Driver Slammed Into Officers ","1402":"Police Arrest Mom Of Man In Wheelchair Who Was Fatally Shot She allegedly beat the woman she suspected called 911 about her son.","1403":"Warriors 24-Game Winning Streak Ends With Loss To Bucks Heartbreak in Milwaukee.","1404":"Why Wellness Programs At Work Are Failing ","1405":"Louisiana Deputy Gets 40 Years In Prison For Killing Boy Derrick Stafford was convicted in the 2015 killing of a 6-year-old boy who died in a volley of gunfire after the officer chased his father\u2019s car.","1406":"'Living Wills' For Five Big Banks Fail U.S. Regulators' Test None of the eight systemically important banks, which the U.S. government considers \"too big to fail,\" fared well in the evaluations.","1407":"Man Dies Falling From Wall After Cops Use Taser During Chase He fell from an 8-foot wall.","1408":"Ahmad Khan Rahami Identified As Suspect In Manhattan Explosion Several people were detained late Sunday in connection with the bomb.","1409":"The Beginner's Guide to Invoicing + Infographic It can hurt your business, if the money is coming in late, or not coming in at all. The last thing that a business owner wants is for her bills to pile up, while the money floats in slowly or not at all, it is frustrating and can be detrimental to the business.","1410":"Exxon Shareholders Push Company To Be More Transparent About Climate Risks Meanwhile, President Donald Trump reportedly plans to pull the U.S. out of the historic Paris climate pact.","1411":"What Peyton Manning Did For A Woman Dying Of Breast Cancer Dear Peyton Manning, You took the time to read her letter. A letter that I can only imagine is one of thousands you receive","1412":"Timing Is Everything As McDonald's Tries To Reinvent Itself ","1413":"You Need to Know: The Debate Over Tipping Do you think we should throw tipping out the door? Or is it essential to keep your restaurant running? Here's what you need to know about the debate on tipping.","1414":"Soccer And The Supporter-Built Spirit \u201cOne way to determine what is missing in day-to-day American life may be to examine what behaviors spontaneously arise when","1415":"FIFA Finally Appoints A Woman To A Key Position Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura is FIFA's new Secretary General.","1416":"Manhattan District Attorney Vows To Stop Prosecuting Minor Marijuana Cases \u201cThe dual mission of the Manhattan D.A.\u2019s Office is a safer New York and a more equal justice system,\u201d said District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.","1417":"UNC Victim's Former Roommate Recalls Threats Before Fatal Shooting ","1418":"Maine Man Charged In 1980 Cold Case Murder Of Teenage Girl Philip Scott Fournier, 55, was taken into custody over the killing of 16-year-old Joyce McLain.","1419":"Fearing Father's Fury For Skipping School, Teen Kills Him With Crossbow: Cops ","1420":"After Being Called Out, Trump Hotels Join Federal Fire Safety List The change comes after a HuffPost report in July.","1421":"LIVE: Germany Takes On Portugal In Fierce Showdown ","1422":"Interruption Rich When combined with multiple electronic communication systems an interruption-rich work environment is created. Evidence shows exhaustion, error rates, stress, anxiety and physical ailments increasing with frequent interruptions.","1423":"Nothing To Fear But Yourself: Female Leadership Tools From A Fighter Pilot The inside of a F-14 tomcat cockpit is not that much different than the workplace. And Carey Lohrenz would know. The country\u2019s","1424":"Here's Why You Can't Attract, Develop and Retain Female Talent Do you remember Henry Higgins? He was a character, played by the actor Rex Harrison, in a 1964 movie called \"My Fair Lady.\" During the movie, Henry Higgins sings a song called, \"Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?\" and the last line of the song is, \"Why can't a woman be more like me?\"","1425":"When It Comes To The NFL, Trump Should Be Flagged And Ejected For Unnecessary Roughness President Trump has once again attacked the NFL for exactly the wrong reasons. He wants NFL owners to fire players who take","1426":"Not All College Football Teams Are Treated Equally Not all college football teams are treated equally. Some clearly get a pass when it comes to ranking, scheduling, who makes it to bowl games, and even the national championship. There's a clear demarcation between the \"old money\" and the \"nouveau riche.\"","1427":"Alteryx Data Breach Exposes Information On 123 Million American Households \u201cIf you\u2019re an American, your information probably was exposed,\" said the researcher who found the breach.","1428":"Obamacare Is More Unpopular Than Ever, Poll Shows ","1429":"Emergency Alert About Bombing Suspect Has New Yorkers On Edge Police wanted the public's help in their search for Ahmad Khan Rahami.","1430":"Muhammad Ali's Son Detained At Airport, Asked 'Are You Muslim?' Muhammad Ali Jr. is an American citizen with no criminal record.","1431":"Georgia Police Officers Both Die After Shooting Near College The suspect killed himself inside a home after a standoff with police.","1432":"Ken Griffey Jr. Cements Legacy With Hall Of Fame Induction The coolest player of the 1990s just got the recognition he deserves.","1433":"Work, Family and the White House ","1434":"The Killings Of Two Good Samaritans In Portland Can Only Be Called Domestic Terrorism As a minister in the United Church of Christ living just blocks from the incident, I am left sickened.","1435":"Georgia Executes Kenneth Earl Fults, Man Who Killed Neighbor Fults claimed he shot his neighbor in a \"dream-like state,\" which was determined to be a lie.","1436":"Trooper Sues After Being Forced To Alter Arrest Report Of Judge's Daughter Ryan Sceviour claims he was disciplined for including admissions of drug use and prostitution in his report.","1437":"Aboutreika: Bridging Egyptian Polarization or Signalling a Shift in Attitudes? Few are able to bridge Egypt's deeply polarizing divide between supporters and opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood following the 2013 military coup that toppled President Mohammed Morsi.","1438":"Why Companies Shouldn't Hide The Financial Risks Of Climate Change A formidable group, led by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, is pushing for more transparency.","1439":"Kansas City-Area Waiter Gets World Series Ticket As A Tip ","1440":"Apple Is Reportedly In Talks To Buy British Racing Carmaker McLaren This could be the latest sign Apple is getting into the car business.","1441":"Body Of Teen Girl Found In Texas Field Days After Father's Killing Authorities said this week they feared Adriana Coronado was in \"great danger.\"","1442":"Better Board Governance. Is It the Same for Both Business and Nonprofit Organizations? Several modest contrasts between the two entities reside in the relationship between board and staff. Many nonprofits are small organizations, with the staff being only one or two organizational levels below the board.","1443":"Crystal Lee: Aspire to Outdo Yourself Always stay humble and learn from your mistakes. Having a big head and thinking you are the best stunts your growth and lowers your creativity as well as passion. Always aspire to outdo yourself.","1444":"Flagstaff Police Officer, Suspect Dead After Shooting ","1445":"Silicon Valley CEO Says Trump Is 'On The Wrong Side Of History' Airbnb's Brian Chesky is not a fan.","1446":"Smart vs. Good Smarts are useful. But the character and heart of an organization will have a lot more to say about its long-term impact than its collective IQ.","1447":"Women in Business Q&A: Christine Wheeler, Founder and CEO of Drazil Foods Christine Wheeler is the founder and CEO of Drazil Foods, which produces Drazil Kids Tea, the first ready-to-drink herbal tea & juice blend for kids. Christine spent most of her career in Consumer Packaged Goods, mainly at Procter & Gamble.","1448":"Little League Team Called Out For Trying To Lose By Bunting Every At Bat PORTLAND, Ore. \u2014 Officials at the Little League\u00a0Softball World Series required teams from Washington and Iowa to play a tie","1449":"Turning Dream Jobs Into Reality: Photographer, Calliope Everyone has a \"dream job\" lying dormant in their hearts. Unfortunately, it's usually plagued by one negative thought: that it can't become a reality. But many people have turned their dreams into daily realities. How did they get there? What inspires them?","1450":"Charles Manson Gets A New Mug Shot The wrinkles on Manson's face make his swastika tattoo stand out.","1451":"Fed Upgrades The Economy, But Will Be 'Patient' Raising Rates ","1452":"Mom Gives Gang Member Son Ride To Shoot Someone: Cops ","1453":"'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch: What Happened? What's Next? Here's a look at what has happened so far and what could happen in coming days or weeks.","1454":"Suspicious Packages Sent To Oregon Government Buildings SALEM, Ore. (AP) \u2014 Authorities in Oregon are investigating suspicious packages sent to government buildings around the","1455":"Chipotle Doesn't Know When Carnitas Shortage Will End The hottest fast food chain in the country has been out of a key menu item for four days at hundreds of its restaurants.","1456":"8 Family Members Dead In Mass Shooting In Ohio, Authorities Say Other relatives have been warned to take \"particular caution.\"","1457":"Suspected Seattle Gunman Suffers From Severe Mental Illness: Lawyers ","1458":"Mylan May Have Overcharged U.S. For EpiPen By $1.27 Billion The amount is nearly three times a proposed settlement that the company announced in October.","1459":"Contentious Peru Goal Knocks Brazil Out Of The Copa America Centenario Television pictures showed Peru's Raul Ruidiaz grinning after the goal had been awarded but the Brazilian players were apoplectic with rage.","1460":"Janet Yellen Explains How The Fed Reduces Income Inequality In July, the Fed chair sparked controversy by suggesting the central bank couldn't address high rates of African-American unemployment.","1461":"Here's How The Married American Figure Skaters Celebrated Valentine's Day In Pyeongchang The skating duo married in 2016.","1462":"Are Life and Business Difficult? I will argue that life is difficult, even if you accept fully that it is difficult. It is difficult not because it is difficult -- though it often is -- but because we humans have a genius for making it difficult. And we have that genius because we are lost, strangers in a strange world.","1463":"Maryland Governor Commutes Sentences For Remaining Death Row Inmates ","1464":"Blatter's Call on Iran to Allow Women Into Stadia Reeks of Opportunism It will take more than a verbal statement to persuade either Iran of Saudi Arabia to lift restrictions on women's sports. To achieve that, Mr. Blatter would have to put a sufficiently high price tag on their failure to do so.","1465":"REPORT: Tom Brady Allied With Peyton Manning To Change Ball Rule In 2006 ","1466":"Lend These Guys $17,000 And Get Free Burritos For 4 Years ","1467":"What Women Can Learn From Paul Ryan. Really. Nevermind the hypocrisy, the man is on to something about work-life balance.","1468":"Lamar Odom Back In Los Angeles, May Need Kidney Transplant Welcome back to La-La land, L.O.","1469":"Ryan Lochte Doesn't Know What Yom Kippur Is Because He's Ryan Lochte Uh no, it isn't Canadian Thanksgiving, bro.","1470":"Crayola Unveils True-Blue Crayon, And You Get The Chance To Name It But will it ever help us forget Dandelion yellow?","1471":"Man Jailed for Swearing During 911 Call: The Sad Saga of Boyd Green and a Senseless Arrest Although Green v. Chitwood seems at first glance trivial, it is both the backstory and the vague terms used in statute that make Green's arrest so outrageous and egregious.","1472":"School Counselor's Family 'Will Never Get Over' Her Murder ","1473":"Wisconsin Apologizes For Mishandling Fans Depicting Obama, Hillary Lynching \u201cWe will learn from this incident and do better next time,\u201d the school's chancellor said.","1474":"Bergdorf Goodman's Swanky Black Friday Sale Is Nothing Like The Usual Frenzy Elsewhere ","1475":"Some Little Kid Decimated DeMarcus Cousins 8-2 In A Game Of One-On-One WE COUNT GOALTENDS HERE, MR. COUSINS.","1476":"Police Launch Investigation After Video Appears To Show Cop Shoving Man In Wheelchair Into Street ","1477":"My Super Bowl Victory in Weight Loss They say it is hard to repeat as Super Bowl champion but in the weight loss Super Bowl, I plan to rack up two in a row. Then a lifetime after that.","1478":"AT&T's--REDACTED--to the FCC's Requests about--REDACTED--Fiber Optic Deployment--REDACTED. AT&T must be investigated for its previous failures to fulfill basic commitments in prior mergers, especially the AT&T-BellSouth merger and the FCC should audit the new proposed fiber optic plans, not just take AT&T's word for it.","1479":"Top Soccer Official Says Trump Presidency Would Hurt U.S. World Cup Bid \"I think a co-hosted World Cup with Mexico would be trickier if Secretary Clinton isn't in the White House.\"","1480":"Michael Bennett Wants NFL Players To Be More Outspoken About Social Issues He believes they should follow the WNBA's lead.","1481":"How (Not) To Prevent The Next Big Financial Bubble The Federal Reserve is essential. But which tools it should use is up for debate.","1482":"LIVE: Argentina vs. Belgium ","1483":"Colombia vs. Greece: Follow Live ","1484":"The 'Adults Risking Babies' Lives For Balls' Epidemic Continues WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???","1485":"Michigan Man Sprayed Poison On Open Food At Grocery Stores, FBI Says Kyle Andrew Bessemer, 29, was charged.","1486":"New Jersey Train Was Going Twice The Speed Limit Before Crash: NTSB The engineer applied the brakes less than a second before the train crashed.","1487":"Rick Ross Wants You To Eat At His Restaurants, But Don't Bring Your Gun ","1488":"Memphis Police Find Almost 200 Misplaced Rape Kits From '70s ","1489":"6 Ways to Kill Your Employee's Productivity Wondering how to improve your team's employee engagement and productivity at work? An engaged, productive workforce is the lifeblood of company success. But sometimes leaders take the wrong approach and end up harming their workforce culture instead of nurturing it.","1490":"NFL Clubs Seek to Feed at the Public Trough Once Again The National Football League and its clubs have been leaders in this process of exacting tribute from the cities where their game is played. It starts when a club makes a demand on a city or county to improve its stadium or else! The \"or else\" is always the threat to relocate its franchise to another city.","1491":"This Is What The Future Of Fast Food Looks Like ","1492":"Texas To Execute Man For Murdering Boy And Drinking His Blood Pablo Vasquez, 38, will be put to death by lethal injection for the 12-year-old boy's gruesome killing.","1493":"The Road To Success Is Boring. And That's Ok. For a long time I was only \"half in\" my business. I had a good idea. It was sort of working. But life kept getting in the way. I always had a reason why today wasn't a good day to get really focused and productive.","1494":"Mark Zuckerberg Addresses Cambridge Analytica Incident As Facebook Fumbles We've been burned many times before. Why should we trust Facebook again?","1495":"911 Call: Police Chief Tries To Explain How He Shot His Wife ","1496":"South Carolina Floods Are A Small-Business Owner's 'Nightmare' \"How do you prepare for that? How does anybody prepare for that? You can\u2019t.\"","1497":"Charles Haley's Hall Of Fame Speech Was The Moment Needed On Mental Health Issues After the controversy surrounding Junior Seau's induction, Haley addressed his own mental health issues.","1498":"3 People Shot In 1 Week By Toddlers Wielding Guns ","1499":"Can you Turn Your Website into a Business-Building \"App?\" Every company has a website, right? It's almost as common as having a phone number these days. It's the Yellow Pages ad of the 21st century. However, most of these sites are just words and pictures on a page - a glorified brochure.","1500":"Massive Insurer Convinces Judge It Isn't Too Big To Fail Because it went \u200bso well\u200b the last time we let our too-big-to-fail institutions make their own rules.","1501":"USA Taekwondo Coach Banned From Sport Over Sexual Assault Accusations Jean Lopez has been accused of sexually abusing at least four female taekwondo athletes.","1502":"Ryan Lochte Gets 10-Month Suspension For Rio Scandal The punishment stems from false claims of a robbery during the Olympics.","1503":"Victor Cruz: NFL Players Need Guaranteed Contracts He's the latest player to call for better contracts as injuries and player safety get more attention.","1504":"Todd Gurley Talks His Health, Player Safety And Kobe \"I didn't actually like Kobe at first,\" says the Rams' budding superstar.","1505":"Delaware Prison Officer Dead After Inmates Hold Staff Hostage The uprising began midday on Wednesday and lasted overnight.","1506":"World Cup Hero Tim Howard Opens Up About His Return To Major League Soccer \u201cIt\u2019s hard to express in such a short period of time the raw emotion that goes into a decision such as this one.\"","1507":"Owner Killed, 5 Wounded In New York Nightclub Shooting The suspect was out on bail on another attempted murder charge.","1508":"Pop Had A Terrific Response When A Kid Asked If He\u2019d Win The Championship \"I don\u2019t know, but it\u2019s not a priority in my life. I\u2019d be much happier if I knew that my players were going to make society better.\"","1509":"States With Struggling Economies Aren't Feeling The Bern Despite higher unemployment, they keep voting for Hillary Clinton.","1510":"WATCH: Hail Storm Delays Soccer Match ","1511":"Why Schools Are Flooded With Threats After Mass Shootings The arrest of dozens of students since the Florida massacre spotlights a mental health epidemic.","1512":"Bringing Human Trafficking to Justice: The Civil Rights Division's Pursuit of Freedom, Rights, and Dignity For Victims of Human Trafficking Human traffickers target vulnerable members of our society, cruelly exploiting them for forced labor or commercial sex, depriving them of their rights and dignity, and using intimidation and fear to hold them in servitude right here in the land of the free.","1513":"2 People Injured In Indiana School Shooting A male student, believed to be the suspect, has been detained, according to police.","1514":"This Beagle Is One Helluva Goalkeeper And he can fetch the balls afterward.","1515":"Givers, Fakers & Fair Weather Colleagues ","1516":"Man Filmed Stuffing Python Down His Pants In Brazen Pet Shop Theft \"He's lucky it wasn't feeding day.\"","1517":"Man Arrested For Allegedly Burning, Decapitating Co-Worker ","1518":"Farmer v. Brennan and the Urgency of Ending Sexual Abuse in Detention While rightfully condemning the seven governors who are putting detainees in their states at continued risk of rape, some advocates and journalists have also questioned the value of the assurances offered by a majority of states.","1519":"Teracoin -- A Digital Currency Minted by the Labor Force I'd like to propose a digital currency that acts to balance the playing field. Start with bitcoin and let's make a few modifications.","1520":"Why Underwater Homeowners Won't Be Saved By Bank Of America's $17 Billion Deal ","1521":"This Enlightened CEO Takes Every Friday Off And You Should, Too Show this to your boss.","1522":"Judge Orders 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli To Forfeit $7.36 Million The former drug company executive was convicted in 2017 for defrauding investors.","1523":"Polish And Irish Soccer Fans Shame Hooligans With Heartwarming Embrace This is what sport is all about.","1524":"Women in Business: Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, Chairman and CEO, Hawthorne Direct ","1525":"Teacher Smoked Pot With Students, Sent Them Nude Photos: Cops ","1526":"Corporate Coalition Is Forming To Fight Mississippi's Anti-LGBT Law First Georgia. Then North Carolina. Now this?","1527":"New York City To Test Cars That Can 'Talk' To Each Other It's all part of a plan to reduce traffic deaths and reduce congestion and emissions.","1528":"Twitter Is The Latest Tech Company To Half-Heartedly Commit To Diversity The company wants to increase the number of women and minorities on its tech and leadership teams.","1529":"The Need for More Leaders and Less Bosses Do you work for a boss or with a leader? Are you a boss or a leader? This is an extremely important question where the answer is probably indicative of the climate in which you work and the success (or lack thereof) of change initiatives.","1530":"Suspect Arrested For Allegedly Killing Deputy In Gas Station Ambush Deputy Darren Goforth was pumping gas about 8:30 p.m. Friday when a man approached him from behind and fired multiple shots.","1531":"How to Become a Key Person of Influence ","1532":"Teaching Entrepreneurship: Educational Boondoggle or Brilliant Innovation? Entrepreneurship is today's cool kid on the block. But, for me, the question is this: Is it even possible to teach someone to become a successful entrepreneur in a classroom setting?","1533":"Dylann Roof Offers No Remorse As He Waits For Jury To Determine If He Will Live Or Die \"I felt like I had to do it, and I still feel like I had to do it,\" he said of killing nine black Bible study members in 2015.","1534":"Krugman: Conservatives Are 'Terrified' Of Piketty ","1535":"'Neo-Nazi' Teen Charged With Killing Girlfriend's Parents After They Reported Him Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn-Fricker were shot and killed after reportedly separating their daughter from the boy.","1536":"3 Modern Sales Practices Needed to Reach Buyer 2.0 Here we are in 2015 in a truly consumer-centered world. Gone are the days of street peddlers and door-to-door sellers and yet among all the change one thing is constant: Success in sales still requires a product\/service and sales strategy that evolves with the buyer, which is easier said than done.","1537":"USWNT Stars Lead The Way In Concussion Research For Female Athletes Their brain donations will help advance limited research on how concussions affect women.","1538":"Decades Of Sexual Abuse At Elite Connecticut School Documented In Report The abuse, which involves at least 12 faculty members, date back to the 1960s.","1539":"Britain's Growing Bookmaking Industry, And The Challenges Ahead While the spectre of Brexit continues to impact on the UK, there are some national industries that are continuing to thrive","1540":"CEO Who Led Indiana Boycott Supports Confederate Flag Removal ","1541":"Sport and Society for Arete - The Fearsome Foursome The much anticipated day of revelation has arrived. No, not the second coming of Bear Bryant, but rather the announcement from the Committee of Justice that on Sunday revealed the top four teams in college football.","1542":"After Years Of Mystery, Cops Finally Think They Solved Family's Murder ","1543":"Aaron Rodgers Finally Breaks His Silence On 'Bachelorette' Brother To say he doesn't really care.","1544":"Sport and Society for Arete-Baseball The playoffs opened September 30 with the Wild Card Game in the American League where the Kansas City Royals showed up as the surprise guest and host. Over and over again came the reminders that the Royals had not been in post-season play since 1985 when they won the World Series.","1545":"Police In LA Shoot And Kill Suspected Cruiser Thief After High-Speed Chase Officers opened fire after ramming the police car on Sunday night.","1546":"Tesla's Self-Driving Feature Has Regulators Scrambling ","1547":"Ex-NFL Player Antonio Armstrong And Wife Killed, Police Arrest Son The 16-year-old is charged with capital murder over the shooting.","1548":"Women in Business Q&A: Cyndie Spiegel Cyndie Spiegelis a Brooklyn-based Small Business Consultant, Coach, and Speaker specializing in strategy for creative entrepreneurs. Her motivational coaching and strategy sessions have inspired creative start-ups, independent entrepreneurs, and renowned luxury designers alike, helping them to develop extraordinary businesses and lives.","1549":"Wonder How This Guy Feels About This Cam Newton Article Now (Updated) This might be the king of hot takes.","1550":"Mercy Over Vengeance for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev We are Boston Strong in our resolve to remain united in the face of tragedy. We are Boston Strong in our ability to show mercy amid our grief. We are Boston Strong in our belief that in the midst of tragedy, we may now truly begin the healing process.","1551":"UFC Reinstates Former Champion Jon Jones He can return to the octagon effective immediately.","1552":"The NSFW Name-Pairing Of Butt And Fuchs Just Won The Olympics German teammates joined in Olympic legend forever.","1553":"Why the Worst Stadiums Host the Super Bowls Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, which is hosting the 50th Super Bowl (Super Bowl L), is regarded as one of the worst stadiums in the NFL, if not the worst. So why is it hosting the best game? It's all about rewarding teams with new stadiums, even if they aren't ready to host a Super Bowl.","1554":"Even President Obama Tells J.R. Smith To Put On A Shirt And that's an order.","1555":"Is Content Consuming You or Are You Consuming Content? Are you like me, always trying to carve out time from your day to read blogs, eBooks, whitepapers, attend webinars, watch videos and visit yet another website? Our challenge isn't finding the information, but finding time to read it.","1556":"Aspiring Female MMA Fighter Takes Drastic Measures To Make Weight ","1557":"Cops Accused Of Murdering Handcuffed Man With Stun Guns The local medical examiner ruled the death of Gregory Towns a homicide.","1558":"USC Coach Steve Sarkisian On Leave After Reportedly Showing Up \u2018In No Condition To Work' Athletic director says the second-year USC coach is unwell.","1559":"Stephen Curry Prepares Riley Curry For Upcoming NBA Season Riley's ankles need protection too, pops.","1560":"Martellus Bennett Says He Won't Visit White House For Super Bowl Honor \"People know how I feel about it.\"","1561":"'Call My Husband. I Just Killed My Baby' ","1562":"D'Angelo Russell's Kobe Impression Was, Uh, Awkwardly Accurate Likely more accurate than he meant it to be.","1563":"Man Allegedly Threatens To Cut Throat Of Off-Duty Muslim NYPD Cop \"Go back to your country,\" suspect told Aml Elsokary after shoving her son, cops say.","1564":"John Oliver Devotes 20 Minutes To Mocking Daily Fantasy Sports \"DraftKings even claims on its website that it\u2019s \u2018100% legal,\u2019 which is immediately suspicious.\"","1565":"FCC Petition for Investigation and Complaint Against Time Warner Cable and Comcast The Public Interest has been tarnished, stained and harmed and it is time for a course correction of oversight, accurate data, investigations and enforcement of the laws. It is time to not only re-evaluate the public policies that govern communications services in America, but fix what's broken -- finally.","1566":"Which NFL Teams Will Be Huge Disappointments? ","1567":"Atlantic City Casino Can Regulate Waitresses' Weight, Ruling Says The state appeals court said the casino's personal appearance standards are allowed.","1568":"Northwestern Football Players Won't Get A Union, But Their Fight Doesn't End Here After a setback at the labor board, the movement to unionize college athletes will have to agitate in other ways.","1569":"Kansas Chemical Leak Causes Respiratory Issues For More Than 100 Schools were evacuated and residents urged to stay indoors because of the spill at the facility.","1570":"Prison Officer Suspended In Connection With Escaped Killers ","1571":"Sony, Back In The Crosshairs, Defends 'Concussion' NEW YORK (AP) -- Nearly a year after the devastating hacking attack that leaked thousands of emails, Sony Pictures Entertainment","1572":"Philadelphia Using Grease To Keep Eagles Fans From Climbing Street Lamps The city workers are calling themselves the \"Crisco Cops.\"","1573":"These Roads Could Recharge Your Electric Car As You Drive The high-tech highways just might change the game for EV road trips.","1574":"US And Canada Promise To Lead World To Low-Carbon Economy This story originally appeared in The Guardian, and is republished here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. The US","1575":"Defense Looking For Jury's Decision In Boston Bombing Case ","1576":"Navy Hospital Staffers Removed After Sharing Disturbing Photos Of Newborns \u201cIt\u2019s outrageous, unacceptable, incredibly unprofessional, and cannot be tolerated.\u201d","1577":"What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Company Marketing utilizing inbound strategies, such as those utilized by digital marketing, has some amazing advantages and there's tons of studies to back it up. Not only can investing in digital marketing create more leads for your business, it can help you scale at a much faster rate by allowing you to automate many of the strategies.","1578":"11 Free Gifts Every Entrepreneur Seeking Success and Balance Should Give Themselves Sometimes we are so focused on our own beliefs that we forget that the only reason we are in business is because of other people. This is a humble reminder to take the time to get to know the people who are your customers and employees.","1579":"Bartolo Colon Hits First Career Home Run And Makes History Colon is now the oldest MLB player to hit his first career home run.","1580":"Millennials & The Music Business: Inverting the Hierarchy ","1581":"Why We Need To Slow Down \"The faster the world gets, the more you need to step back and appreciate everything that's old and slow.\"","1582":"LIVE: 2016 NFL Draft Live updates from the 2016 NFL Draft. Quarterback Jared Goff was selected by the Los Angeles Rams with the first pick Thursday","1583":"What Happened When A Fan Tried To Hug Tim Howard ","1584":"After Deadly Disputes, Policing Can Never Be the Same If you don't realize that a new day has dawned in law enforcement -- a day where a growing number of citizens automatically mistrust cops -- you might want to get back out on the street and walk a beat for a day or two.","1585":"Supreme Court Sides With Latino Man Who Says He Didn't Get a Fair Trial Miguel Pena Rodriguez says that a juror's racist remarks are proof he was denied a fair trial.","1586":"Passenger Disarms Knife Attacker On London Bus In Dramatic Struggle \"You'll never take my life!\"","1587":"Spurs Assistant Coach Becky Hammon Just Made History ... Again She continues her trailblazing role in the NBA.","1588":"Catholic Priest Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Woman On Plane ","1589":"Lamar Odom Facing Possible Felony Drug Charge Odom is still recovering from his October overdose.","1590":"As EPA Launches War on Emissions, U.S. Plays Catch Up With Europe on Renewables The United States is behind the curve when it comes to the percentage of renewable energy resources on its national grid. And with domestic oil and natural gas production increasing, low-carbon solutions may fall even further by the wayside.","1591":"Norovirus Outbreak At Winter Olympics Prompts Military Response Troops will replace hundreds of civilian security guards until they're determined to be \"well.\"","1592":"Ashton Eaton Holds On To Retain Title Of 'World's Greatest Athlete' The last time a U.S. decathlete achieved this feat was 1952.","1593":"LIVE: Ryder Cup Leaderboard ","1594":"'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch Deported From Mexico, Returns To Texas A call for delivery pizza tipped off authorities to Couch's whereabouts.","1595":"Suspect In Custody After Shooting At California High School, 1 Injured The victim is in stable condition after being shot in the arm.","1596":"The Dirt Wars: An Intimate Look at Convict Culture in American Prisons American prisons foster a culture of violence, hatred, bigotry and dominance. They take the criminally inclined, and not so inclined, and turn them into hardened convicts who, after a period of years, become dangerous men.","1597":"Teachers Praised For Heroic Actions In Louisiana Shooting \"Out of tonight\u2019s tragedy, you are beginning to hear stories of heroism and self-sacrifice.\"","1598":"The Least Healthy Countries In The World ","1599":"Pregnant Mother Of Twins Vanishes While Running Errands In New York Her vehicle and cellphone have been found, but there's no sign of her, the police said.","1600":"Sexual Harassment Comes At A Cost. So Does Speaking Up About It. And the price is often steepest for the women who can least afford it.","1601":"WATCH: Golfer Takes Out Frustration On Club ","1602":"At Least 10 Dead, More Injured, After Tornadoes, Floods And Storms Sweep Midwestern And Southern U.S. The death toll is expected to rise as recovery efforts continue.","1603":"Stop Playing the Gender Card We can take a page from the men's playbook and embrace being more masculine instead of complaining about how it's not fair. If men can \"woman\" up in the house in growing numbers, then women can certainly \"man\" up in the workplace at a faster pace. We would love to see women win this race to the finish line that is true \"balance.\"","1604":"Uber Faces Criminal Probe Over Software Used To Evade Authorities The criminal probe adds to the problems facing the struggling company.","1605":"There Was A Shooting Near The Golden State Warriors' Parade What a terrible shame.","1606":"The Hottest Snack In America Right Now Is Gourmet Dehydrated Meat ","1607":"Man Accused Of Killing 5, Kidnapping Estranged Girlfriend Police say the suspect broke into the house where his girlfriend was staying to escape his abuse.","1608":"Johnny Manziel Warned Ex-Girlfriend: 'I'll Kill Us Both,' Report Says Police said the woman told investigators the Cleveland Browns quarterback hit her repeatedly.","1609":"Texas Sheriff's Deputy Killed In Ambush At Gas Station The deputy was shot multiple times in an apparent ambush while pumping gas.","1610":"The Verizon Strike Is About More Than Dollars And Cents The real fight is over union jobs, period.","1611":"Officers Involved In Samuel DuBose Shooting Were Sued In Earlier Death Of Unarmed Black Man The two officers restrained a mentally ill patient while another cop shot him with a stun gun.","1612":"Louisiana State Trooper Shot In The Head During Traffic Stop Other drivers stopped to help.","1613":"Army Reserve Major Threatened Mosque Members With Bacon, Gun: Police The armed man reportedly threatened to kill a member and attempted to run over others.","1614":"Hate Is a Mental Health Issue Does someone who is mentally healthy commit unprovoked, premeditated murder? This type of overwhelming, all-consuming hatred cannot exist within an emotionally healthy human being.","1615":"How Jeff Bezos Became a Power Beyond Amazon More has gone right for Bezos lately than perhaps at any other time during his two-decade run in the public eye.","1616":"Whole Foods Is Cutting 1,500 Jobs \"This is a very difficult decision,\" the company said in a statement.","1617":"2 New York Detectives Charged In Alleged Rape Of 18-Year-Old The officers have pleaded not guilty to a 50-count indictment, saying the sex was consensual.","1618":"Drunk Man Allegedly Punches Sikh Cab Driver In New York And Steals His Turban The NYPD is investigating the assault, which took place just hours after a \"Turban Day\" celebration in Times Square, as a possible hate crime.","1619":"This Is What A Perfect Free Kick Looks Like ","1620":"Slain California University Stabbing Suspect Was Angry About Study Group Ejection, Authorities Say A two-page \"manifesto\" in Faisal Mohammad's pocket listed a specific target he planned to attack for removing him from a study group, police said.","1621":"'I Can't Explain Witchcraft': Adam Rippon Has A Perfect Response After Killer Routine \u201cYou\u2019re 28 years old, skating the best you ever have in your life. How do you explain that to people?\u201d","1622":"Kevin Garnett To Retire From NBA After 21 Seasons One of the league's most accomplished players, Garnett seems a safe bet for Hall of Fame induction.","1623":"$10.10 Minimum Wage Would Save The U.S. Government $7.6 Billion A Year \"Raising the minimum wage is one simple and long-overdue step toward rebalancing the social contract so that the private and public sectors are more equal participants in improving living standards for American workers.\"","1624":"360-Degree Video Technology Lets Newbies Like Us Surf Inside A Tahitian Barrel Thanks, virtual reality!","1625":"The Fed Is Trying To Keep Mortgage Rates Low With A Blog Post The central bank doesn't think interest rates will rise -- unless Wall Street misses the message.","1626":"Probable Demigod Robert Lewandowski Scores 5 Goals In 9 Minutes Somebody stop him.","1627":"Peanut Exec Faces Life Sentence For Shipping Tainted Peanut Butter He's been blamed for a salmonella outbreak that killed 9 people and left hundreds more ill.","1628":"Video Shows Jarring Crash Into Store That Injured Woman ","1629":"Woman Named 'Possible Suspect' In Husband And Toddler's Deaths ","1630":"Portion Of Atlanta Highway Collapses After Fire No casualties have been reported.","1631":"World's Top Banker Says Trump Would Choke The Global Economy IMF chief Christine Lagarde said the Republican candidate's antitrade policies could be \"disastrous.\"","1632":"Nonprofit and Business Directors Must Be Vigilant -- Board Liability Costs Could Be $2.2 Million! Based on the outcome of the Lemington Homes case precedent cited above, not being rigorous about their due care evaluation responsibilities can be very costly to nonprofit and possibly for-profit directors.","1633":"Olympic Skier Lindsey Vonn Gives Tearful Interview About Late Grandfather \"I\u2019m gonna win for him.\u201d","1634":"6 Fempreneurs Who Built a Business From Their Backpack Frustrated that the only opportunity you have to travel is during your daily commute to work? Bored of your monotonous 9-to-5? There's a new wave of female entrepreneurs proving that it is possible to combine a successful career with full time travel.","1635":"Why Do Some Borrowers Pay Higher Mortgage Interest Rates Than Others? I have been examining the CFPB tool to see how well it meets this challenge, and will report on it next week. This article lays the groundwork by looking at the different sources of rate differences.","1636":"Minimum Wage Raises Coming To 18 States On New Year\u2019s Day Some hikes are less than a quarter an hour. But when you're making minimum wage, every penny counts.","1637":"U.S. Men's Olympic Hockey Team Ends Olympic Run With Loss To Czechs The Czech team will now advance to the semi-finals.","1638":"Does China Really Have the Most Powerful Economy in the World? Market Watch columnist Brett Arends wrote that China has surpassed America as the number one economy, a move he claims may lead to a collapse of U.S. political and military hegemony. But does China truly have the strongest economy in the world?","1639":"Here's The 2015 March Madness Schedule For Saturday's Final Four Games Tip times for Saturday's Final Four games.","1640":"Houston Astros Head To World Series The Astros will face the Dodgers when the World Series begins on Tuesday in Los Angeles.","1641":"The Patriots Suffered A Nightmare In Denver The undefeated season is over, and Gronk is hurt.","1642":"Everyone Made The Same Joke About Election Night D\u00e9j\u00e0 Vu After The Super Bowl \"Bernie would have beat the Patriots.\"","1643":"Are Brick and Mortar Banks and Checking Accounts Dying Due to Digital Wallets, Prepaid Debit Cards, Etc.? ","1644":"NBCUniversal Invested $500 Million In Snap Inc As Part Of IPO \u201cWith the Snap investment, we have invested over $1.5 billion in promising digital businesses in the last eighteen months.\u201d","1645":"Ohio State Attacker Appears To Have Been Inspired By ISIS, Anwar Al-Awlaki The Muslim student plowed a car into people at the campus, then stabbed others.","1646":"USA Gymnastics Won't Seek To Punish McKayla Maroney For Speaking About Nassar Abuse The organization says it won't enforce a confidentiality agreement if the gymnast speaks against the disgraced team doctor.","1647":"Stephen Paddock\u00a0Had\u00a0Deadly But Legal Gun Device That 'Simulates Automatic Fire' Police found 12 firearms fitted with a \"bump stock\" device in the shooter's hotel room.","1648":"'Today I Die,' Says Gang Leader Who Killed Self After Shooting Firefighter \"We need EMS... we have a report of a firearm... firefighter shot.\"","1649":"Middle School's 'Ugly Kardashian' Trick Play Works Beautifully ","1650":"Please Stop Blaming Women For Making Less Money Than Men No, we're not \"bad negotiators.\"","1651":"Hewlett-Packard Is Laying Off Up To 33,300 Workers This is just the latest huge culling.","1652":"Australia's Jason Day Wins PGA Championship By Mark Lamport-Stokes KOHLER, Wisconsin, Aug 16 (Reuters) - Australia's Jason Day held his nerve to end five years of close","1653":"Legendary Coach Dresses Up Like Member Of KISS Because Midnight Madness ","1654":"Paid Family Leave Is Not Just A Women's Issue It is a business issue and an economic imperative.","1655":"What Is Causing the Drag? Using inflation-adjusted numbers, we indexed each component of GDP to 4Q07 levels, beginning with a value of 100 for each. We graphically display the results below, followed by some commentary.","1656":"3 USA Gymnastics Directors Resign In Larry Nassar Sex Abuse Scandal Many victims of the former team doctor blame USA Gymnastics for failing to stop the serial predator.","1657":"Suspect In Cop Killings Found Dead Inside Mississippi Jail Cell Homicide was ruled out, and investigators say suspect Marvin Banks may have died of natural causes.","1658":"Parkland High School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Has Been Receiving Tons Of Fan Mail In Prison Like many infamous prisoners before him, accused Florida gunman\u00a0Nikolas Cruz\u00a0is receiving\u00a0torrents of fan mail\u00a0from people","1659":"6 Ways To Create Experiences That Customers Crave ","1660":"Suspect In Oregon School Shooting Arrested ","1661":"Kelly Slater's Perfect Artificial Wave Could Change Everything About Surfing Even the pros are obsessed with this \"freak of technology.\"","1662":"Squirming On The Floor And A $200,000 Payout: Travis Kalanick's Last Months At Uber \"I'm terrible,\" he muttered, according to a devastating report from Bloomberg.","1663":"What To Buy On Black Friday At Target There's no waiting in line when you shop online \ud83d\udc81","1664":"Message To Uber\u2019s New CEO: Don\u2019t Forget Your Drivers The veil has lifted on Silicon Valley, revealing a culture rife with management and legal problems previously hidden behind","1665":"This Is Why You Don't Referee Drunk Two officials in the Czech Republic were banned after apparent drunken antics on the job.","1666":"Oregon Shooter's Mother Wrote About Guns In Online Forum Investigators say Harper-Mercer's mother has told them the son was struggling with some mental health issues.","1667":"How Would a Five-Year-Old Evaluate Your Airtime? What subject do you give the most airtime to? If someone asked your team what you care about, what would they say? How about your family? I regularly get a similar email from different people, in different jobs around the world that speaks to the issue of airtime.","1668":"Balancing Creativity Against Business in the Music Industry The single biggest challenge for an artist regarding the music business is the eye-opening truth they discover as they pursue their dream. The business side of music always reveals gut-wrenching realities.","1669":"The First Ad On An NBA Jersey Doesn\u2019t Look Bad At All So far, the ads look nothing like NASCAR.","1670":"Domestic Murder and Murder-Suicide: It's Not About the Relationship By relying solely on non-experts as sources of information, the media wittingly or unwittingly reinforces misconceptions about domestic homicides. Domestic homicides sometimes provide experts with the opportunity to call attention to the underlying realities -- but only when the media thinks to call us.","1671":"Women in Business Q&A: Stacy Doren, Vice President of Marketing, Levi's Stacy Doren joined the company in 1999 and currently serves as the Vice President of Marketing for Levi's Brand, Americas. Over the years she has gained a breadth of experiences working in all aspects of Marketing from Direct-to-Consumer to Wholesale to Brand, both Globally and Regionally.","1672":"What You Should Do If You Own A Volkswagen That Was Just Recalled Recalls can take as long as years, but many automakers offer loaner vehicles while you wait.","1673":"North Carolina Man Arrested After Allegedly Waving Shotgun At Cars And Firing Pistol At Deputy \"Nobody got hurt and that\u2019s a good thing.\"","1674":"Family Says Falling Snake At Disney World Bit Boy, Gave Grandma Heart Attack They're now planning on suing the park.","1675":"REPORT: NFL Player Got Special Treatment After Domestic Violence Accusation ","1676":"Digital Privacy Rights Upheld in Landmark Cell Phone Case The Supreme Court unanimously ruled today that police may not search information on an arrested suspect's cell phone without an additional search warrant. In two cases from both coasts, consolidated into a single opinion the Court held that the privacy interests in protecting the tremendous amount of personal information stored on cell phones outweighs the government's interest to its immediate access by police, even after a suspect is lawfully arrested. The cases decided today forced the Court to analyze a centuries-old constitutional amendment in light of modern technological advances.","1677":"The Secret of Great Communications: Dispel the Fog If asked, most executives will say that clear, compelling communication is essential to the success of their enterprise. The reality is that this is an area where so many organizations fall short.","1678":"NY Prisoners: We Were Brutally Interrogated After Two Inmates Escaped Night had fallen at the Clinton Correctional Facility when the prison guards came for Patrick Alexander. They handcuffed","1679":"Why FIFA Won't Disclose How Much It Pays Its Executives A lack of transparency at one of the world's most important sports institutions.","1680":"The Average NFL Career Lasts Just 3 Years. This Player Is Focused On What Happens Next. A productive NFL career has inspired Ricky Jean Francois to want more.","1681":"Report: Gawker And Hulk Hogan In Settlement Talks In Privacy Case A $140 million judgment led the media company to file for bankruptcy protection","1682":"How Microsoft Brewed Compelling Enterprise Marketing with Great Storytelling Microsoft's Dynamics product is a line of enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management software applications. Not exactly the type of content you'd search for on YouTube. But the product line's creative marketing team has been able to get viewers to do just that.","1683":"Why and How to Eliminate Mortgage Charges by Third Parties Third-party settlement costs could be eliminated by implementation of one simple rule: any service required by lenders as a condition for the granting of a home mortgage must be purchased and paid for by the lender.","1684":"Selfish Donald Trump versus Selfless Mother Teresa Mother Teresa has this week become a saint. A saint of Selflessness. At the same time, in the US, we have the Saint of Selfishness, Donald Trump with his red ties and bellicose divisive style. In echoes of Gordon Gekko, Donald once proudly declared; \"You can never be too greedy\"","1685":"Woman Faked Being Pregnant Before Kidnapping Baby, Killing Mom: Cops Police said Yesenia Sesmas, 34, knew the infant's mother for years before she took her life and then her child.","1686":"FTC Chief Downplays How Many Students DeVry Allegedly Defrauded The Federal Trade Commission's lawsuit suggests as many as 300,000 students were defrauded. The FTC's chairwoman said the figure is much smaller.","1687":"THE CFPB Launches No-Action Letters for Financial Innovations ","1688":"Josh Brown, New York Giants Kicker, Suspended One Game For Alleged Domestic Abuse His ex-wife told police he had been violent for years.","1689":"'Loud Noises,' Mistaken For Gunfire, Cause Panic At LAX Hundreds of travelers poured onto the airport's tarmac late Sunday.","1690":"Iran's Amazing Spider-Woman Climbs A Wall So Fast It Doesn't Look Real WHOA!","1691":"Sonny Gray Has Stellar Opening Day, Poised for Big Things in 2015 Lost in all the hype of the spectacular college hoops matchup between Duke and Wisconsin on Monday night was the incredible outing by Oakland Athletics ace Sonny Gray, who very subtly took a no-hitter into the 8th inning against the Texas Rangers.","1692":"John Calipari Hopes To Keep Improving As Kentucky Head Coach ","1693":"UCSB Shooting Victim's Father Blames 'Craven' Politicians, NRA For Son's Death ","1694":"Entrepreneurial Women: 3 Ways to Break Through Invisible Barriers to Growth. As a member of the National Women's Business Council, I've had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of female entrepreneurs. During our talks, I couldn't help but happen upon an interesting, yet frustrating discovery. 9 out of every 10 women I spoke with would rather stall their growth than ask for capital.","1695":"Pittsburgh Penguins Defeat San Jose Sharks 3-1 To Claim The Stanley Cup With the victory, the Penguins clinched the best-of-seven championship series 4-2 for the franchise's fourth Stanley Cup and first since 2009.","1696":"'Officer Slam' Threw Teen From Her Desk Over Cellphone, Lawyer Says She had refused to leave class because she \"thought it was an unfair punishment.\"","1697":"Video Shows Texas Police Officer Being Struck By A Car, Flung Into The Air Fort Worth Officer Matt Lesell was able to get himself off the highway and detain the driver who'd hit him.","1698":"Cop Shot Dead In His Patrol Car ","1699":"Northeast Ohio and the San Francisco Bay Area Have More in Common than NBA MVPs and Championship Games Whether it is on the basketball court or in the venture capital industry's efforts to advance the progress and impact of tech-based entrepreneurs, leaders from Silicon Valley and Cleveland have much to learn from each other.","1700":"Man Accused Of Keeping Woman In Crate Killed By Cops ","1701":"Lilly King Says The Best Part Of Winning Gold Was Doing It Clean King is becoming the conscience of Rio.","1702":"Focus On Micro Businesses For The Next 30 Years ","1703":"An Open Letter To The American Correctional Association Regarding The Plymouth County Correctional Facility Lannette C. Linthicum President of the Executive Committee of American Correctional Association 206 N. Washington Street","1704":"Women in Business Q&A: Carole Coleman, SVP, Karlitz & Company As SVP\/General Manager of Karlitz & Company, Carole Coleman's responsibilities include providing strategic direction, managing client and partner relationships, supervising staff, and new business development.","1705":"Women in Business Q&A: Heather Gordon Friedland, VP, Local and Seller Experience, eBay Heather Gordon Friedland is Vice President of Local and Seller Experience at eBay. She is the shopkeeper responsible for building products that help individuals and businesses sell and connect with buyers in eBay's global marketplace.","1706":"13-Year Old Vanishes After Cliff Jumping In Hawaii ","1707":"Man Suspected Of Shooting Idaho Pastor Who Led Prayer At Ted Cruz Rally Arrested The Secret Service reportedly took Kyle Odom into custody on Tuesday night after he allegedly threw unspecified objects over the White House fence.","1708":"Hidden Costs From Our Dependence on Fossil Fuels It is estimated that 80 to 85 percent of the energy consumed in the U.S. is from fossil fuels. One of the main reasons given for continuing to use this energy source is that it is much less expensive than alternatives. The true cost, however, depends on what you include in the calculation, and there are so many costs not figured in the bills we pay for energy.","1709":"Someone Cemented Puppies Inside A Fish Tank And Left Them To Die \"As I got closer, I saw these eyes peering out at me and they looked pretty desolate.\"","1710":"Ugg Is Sick Of Being Pigeonholed For Its Boots ","1711":"5 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Positive Once you have the right people in the room, it appears the secret to an effective meeting may lie in creating the right mood. Yes you heard me; it's all about the mood.","1712":"Barcelona Win La Liga With Win At Granada, Real Madrid Finish Second Barcelona have been crowned Primera Division champions for the 24th time after a Luis Suarez hat trick saw them to a 3-0","1713":"The Live Wire: Tsonga's Triumph Outside of Nadal, every member of the Big 4 rolled into Toronto for the Rogers Cup at the start of this week, and every single one fell to Tsonga.","1714":"Dazzling Customers in an Era of Extreme Expectations Across industries, across geographies, and across all demographics, companies are no longer winning consumer love against category competitors. Today the battle for consumer loyalty is against companies in any category that define excellent service, lightning fast responses, and bespoke experiences.","1715":"Our Long National Deflategate Nightmare Is Back With A Vengeance NOOOOOOO.","1716":"Georgia Children Shot Dead By Home Invader No adults were at the home when the killings occurred.","1717":"In Defense of College: What Peter Thiel Gets Wrong, Once Again The reality is that we are no longer preparing our children to work in factories; we are readying them for today's knowledge-based economy. This requires mastery of a wide assortment of technical skills, ability to work in groups, and continual learning.","1718":"Body Language Speaks Loud and Clear: Eight Tips To Getting It Right While I believe small talk is BIG, non-verbal communication is small-talk's best friend. As the saying goes: \"Actions speak louder than words.\" And it's a saying that rings true.","1719":"Remember When The Astros Moved The Date Of Taylor Swift's Concert? We were all making fun of them when they did it. Now, the joke's on us.","1720":"Suspect Arrested In Killing Of Rookie Police Officer And Civilian Woman Ronald Williams Hamilton is suspected of killing his wife and a police officer and wounding two other people.","1721":"20 Worst-Paying Jobs For Women \ud83d\ude20","1722":"Spurs Tribute Video Will Make Everyone Want To Be A San Antonio Fan ","1723":"Dylann Roof Gets Permission To Represent Himself At Trial He's accused of fatally shooting 9 people in a Charleston, South Carolina church.","1724":"Simone Biles Continues Her World Domination, Wins Third Gold Medal The medals just keep coming for the #FinalFive.","1725":"Let's Celebrate This Olympic Chest Bump Fail Practice up, fellas.","1726":"Officer Caught On Video Punching Woman Resigns Authorities said the video \"clearly depicts\" the officer striking the woman.","1727":"A Criminal Mastermind Might Be Closer Than You Think Those most deadly to us are those we cannot easily identity as masterminds. Normal people can become evil, and evil people can look normal.","1728":"Welcome to the Age of Context-Driven Sales and Marketing ","1729":"Why The Original Sriracha Is Finally Making Snacks ","1730":"It's Time to Declare Your Personal Independence Another Independence Day is upon us. This year, however, I'm calling on all those who yearn to be free of the shackles that bind them to a job or career, which is safe and known yet limiting and unfulfilling, to create the career of their dreams.","1731":"[Infographic] These 32 Steps Will Help Rank Your Local Business on Google Maps ","1732":"Tesla Isn't Sure Autopilot Was Enabled During Second Crash The company says it has been unable to speak with survivors or retrieve crash data.","1733":"My Favorite Billionaires I want to write today about the one topic that perhaps interests me above all others... billionaires. The reason that this topic interests me above all others is that I find it fascinating how these people got to where they are.","1734":"GIF: RG3 Still Doesn't Know How To Protect Himself ","1735":"DeflateGate: Another Image Blow to the NFL That is not Likely to Hurt Its Business They say that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That certainly appears to be true with the NFL. Over the past year it has been rocked by a series of brand-damaging events that have been magnified by media coverage.","1736":"Women in Business Q&A: Madison Robinson, Founder, FishFlops Madison Nicole Robinson is a 17-year-old designer best known as the creator of FishFlops\u00ae, a popular line of footwear for kids and young adults. Madison was born on Galveston Island, Texas and spent many days on Galveston beaches with her family.","1737":"After March 2, Reverse Mortgage Borrowers Will Have to Prove They Are Not Deadbeats Applicants with plenty of equity in their homes might find that the fully-funded Set-Aside imposes no burden on them at all, in which case the underwriting costs could be avoided. There is no reason why lenders and borrowers should not have that option.","1738":"Bear Eats Dead Man ","1739":"Women in Business Q&A: Nawal Motawi, Motawi Teleworks When the bug bit her, Nawal Motawi's life changed forever. Armed with a BFA in Ceramics and Figure Sculpture from the School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan, she was glad to have a job with one of America's most renowned centers of its kind.","1740":"Tennessee Teacher Was Driving Around With 3 Kids In Her Trunk, Say Cops Reports seem to indicate that the children were unharmed.","1741":"Native American Rodeo Breaks With DC Football Team's Charity Over \u2018Racial Slur\u2019 Name The Indian National Finals Rodeo is the latest organization to reject money from the Washington team's charitable arm.","1742":"Ian Schrager: The Private & Public Confessions Ian Schrager's trendy office in New York's Greenwich Village is bustling with activity on a humid, late September morning","1743":"USA Gymnastics President Steve Penny Resigns Amid Sex Abuse Scandal The U.S. Olympic Committee reportedly called for his ouster.","1744":"5 Reasons Shopping at Walmart Makes You a Scrooge This Holiday Season Employing this many workers may make the company seem virtuous and altruistic, but the business model is not a model other companies should emulate.","1745":"Don Draper and Steve Jobs Have Much in Common ","1746":"Doctor Earl's 29th Law ","1747":"Raiders Fans Welcome Division Rivals With Eggs ","1748":"Woman Maced 3 Wendy's Employees For Serving Stale Fries, Police Say Where's the beef? With the fries!","1749":"Court Ruling 'Unravels FedEx's Business Model' In Contractor Case ","1750":"The Rebound at Loftus Road, Manchester United Week 22 Recap After a home defeat against Southampton, Manchester United were eager to return to the field in search of three points against relegation-fearing Queen Parks Rangers.","1751":"Oregon Sheriff Still Won't Say College Shooter's Name \"You will not hear anyone from this law enforcement operation use his name.\"","1752":"The Stock Market Is Having A Really Bad Start To 2016 It ain't pretty.","1753":"Little Leaguers Booted From World Series Over Snapchat Post The undefeated softball team posted a photo of themselves giving their crushed competitors the middle finger.","1754":"Adorable Baseball Fan Can't Figure Out This Whole 'Hot Dog' Thing Hot dogs, like life at times, can be hard to take down.","1755":"Puff, Puff, Pink Slip: Legal Weed Use Still Carries Job Risk ","1756":"MLB Broadcaster Caught A Home Run... Then Threw It Back ","1757":"White Supremacist Charged With Terrorism After Alleged Attempt To Derail Train The FBI found weapons hidden in his Missouri home after he pulled the brake on an Amtrak train while armed.","1758":"Maine Police Ignored Her Pleas For Help Before Shooting Rampage, Survivor Says Five people were shot and two killed in spate of attacks.","1759":"Cristiano Ronaldo Snaps Family Photo To Bring Attention To Syrian War Ronaldo shared a photo of a soccer-loving Syrian boy who was so traumatized by the war he allegedly stopped speaking.","1760":"Paris Shooting Cases Demonstrate Spy Agencies' Limits ","1761":"Clean Energy Is Worth Trillions, John Kerry Says It could be bigger than the tech revolution.","1762":"The Campaign: Cameron Payne's Journey From Obscurity To The NBA Draft ","1763":"Pfizer Won't Let Its Drugs Be Used In Executions Anymore The move shuts off the last remaining open market source of drugs used in executions.","1764":"Addressing Domestic Poverty In Test City, U.S.A. \"If it works here, it'll work everywhere.\" And that includes putting entrepreneurship in every classroom starting here in Test City, U.S.A. Our hope is to generate more entrepreneurs who will break out of the cycle of poverty and then work to use those resources to help their communities.","1765":"Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?","1766":"Texas Babysitter Coerced 4-Year-Old Boy To Perform Sex Acts On Her: Police Esmeralda Medellin, 18, has been arrested and charged with aggravated sexual assault.","1767":"Finance Worker Allegedly Said He Fatally Stabbed His Small Pet Dog In Self-Defense Cops say they found only two small scratches on his arms.","1768":"Drug Detection Dog Dies After Handler Leaves Him In Hot Car Rest in peace, Totti.","1769":"Cristiano Ronaldo Reportedly Scores Another Baby-On-The-Way After Twins' Birth Photos and articles appear to confirm that the soccer star's girlfriend is pregnant.","1770":"Jerry West Talks Kevin Durant And Reveals The Team He 'Always' Wanted To Join The seven-time world champion believes that Kevin Durant deserves zero criticism for heading west.","1771":"Watch Doc Gooden And Darryl Strawberry Reunite In ESPN Films' Newest '30 For 30' An exclusive clip from ESPN's upcoming film \"Doc & Darryl.\"","1772":"Kobe -- Yes, Kobe -- Is Begging Teammates To Pass The Damn Ball And no, the irony is not lost on him.","1773":"Ohio State's Russell, Ohio's Ndour Named NetScouts Basketball Players of Week Freshman D'Angelo Russell had a pair of standout performances this week and proved that he's a legitimate one-and-done prospect.","1774":"Company That Imported Illegally Logged Timber Pleads Guilty To Environmental Crimes \"Lumber Liquidators' race to profit resulted in the plundering of forests and wildlife habitat that, if continued, could spell the end of the Siberian tiger.\"","1775":"USC Football Osa Masina Charged With Rape In Utah Masina could face a life sentence if convicted for the assault.","1776":"Nick Young Almost Blew Up His Hand With A Firework On 4th Of July Have we learned nothing from Jason Pierre-Paul?","1777":"The Nonprofit President\/CEO: How Much Board and CEO Trust Is Involved? The president\/CEO designation calls for a trusting relationship with the board based on mutual respect, drawing from the symbolism that he or she is the operating link between board and staff.","1778":"Why Millennials Aren't Forming New Households If the percentage of young adults who are living at home with their parents is still so high, how can the number of new households be growing?","1779":"Mizzou Football Players Celebrate University President's Resignation \"Social change is a beautiful thing.\"","1780":"Road Rage Video Shows Driver Crushing Veteran's Motorcycle With His Car \"I thought the guy was trying to kill us, obviously,\u201d the injured biker said.","1781":"6 Things That Always Go On Sale In June Cue the back-to-school savings.","1782":"Are Your Strengths Undermining Your Success? It sounds counter-intuitive but new research suggests while many workplaces have started to advocate the use of your strengths, there is a real potential for what you do best to become a career-limiting weakness.","1783":"Barcelona Hire And Fire Soccer Player On Same Day Over Old Tweets Sergi Guardiola's dream move to the Spanish giants lasted just seven hours.","1784":"Buffalo Bills Hire First Full-Time Woman Coach In NFL History Kathryn Smith will serve as a special teams assistant coach.","1785":"Armed Burglary At Fraternity House Leaves Engineering Student Dead A $20,000 reward is being offered for information on Joseph Micalizzi's shooting near the New Jersey Institute of Technology.","1786":"Why Smart Bosses Give Bad Employees a Raise Successful managers have the maturity to recognize that good employees may do things that look bad to others, but they may do them for important reasons. Here is why a manager might decide to give a raise to a \"bad\" employee.","1787":"Trump and Amazon: Are We Losing With All Our Winning? The crescendo of complex, interconnected social, political, economic, financial, and ecological crises now upon us may be the direct result of our hyper-competitive, \"winners and losers\" driven narrative.","1788":"World Cup Preview: Group E Players to Watch He was once compared to Brazilian striker Adriano, and fans will be hoping that his similar traits -- great strength and a rocket of a shot -- can blast Ecuador out of one of the easier groups in the tournament. They face France, Switzerland, and Honduras.","1789":"Here's How You Can Justify Buying A Powerball Lottery Ticket You can waste this $2 without feeling bad.","1790":"Dallas Shooting Suspect Confirmed Dead: Police ","1791":"The Death of Black Ad Agencies: Total Market Strategy As America becomes more multicultural, many corporations have begun taking a total market approach when trying to reach consumers, rather than looking at distinct cultural attributes of multicultural segments. This, according to my guests, is leading to the decline of long-standing black agencies.","1792":"Melinda Gates Lays Out Her 3 Goals For A Better World \"We have to keep stepping up these challenges.\"","1793":"U.S. Schools Have Already Faced 10 Shooting Incidents This Year A quarter of U.S. parents fear for their children's safety while at school, according to a Gallup survey.","1794":"NFL Players Buy Xbox For 10-Year-Old Boy Wearing Colin Kaepernick Jersey The players complimented his jersey before buying him a birthday gift.","1795":"They Accused Him Of Taking A Backpack. The Courts Took The Next 3 Years Of His Life. ","1796":"Ex-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer Investigated For Allegedly Assaulting Woman Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer is being investigated by the NYPD after allegedly assaulting a woman at the ritzy Plaza Hotel, sources","1797":"Missing Louisiana Teen's Sister: 'She Is Our Heart And We Want Her Home' Jacquelyn \"Daisy Lynn\" Landry vanished after leaving home to walk to a friend's house last week.","1798":"The Most Important Symbol for Investors Is 'DOL' The right decision by the DOL will help stop the rip-off of 401(k) participants by wolves in sheep's clothing, who misuse their privileged position as \"adviser\" to 401(k) plans to make unconscionable profits at the expense of employees. It's long overdue.","1799":"Felony Charges For Father Of Toddler Who Shot Pregnant Mom The father allegedly told his daughter, \u201cWhat did you do? Were you playing with daddy\u2019s gun? ... You aren\u2019t supposed to play with daddy\u2019s gun.\u201d","1800":"Russell Westbrook With The Classic Off-The-Back-Of-The-Defender Buzzer-Beater As you do.","1801":"An Equestrian Way to Mindfulness Whenever I ride adopting this body and soul approach, I forget about the rest of the things going on around me, and I experience a unique horse-rider performance and adventure. It is a mindful practice, in which the horse and I are in the present moment.","1802":"Nonprofit Boardroom Elephants and the 'Nice Guy' Syndrome: A Complex Problem Directors need to have passion for the organization's mission. However, they also need to have the prudence to help the nonprofit board perform with professionalism.","1803":"Oklahoma DA Tackles Defendant Running From Courtroom The DA who tackled the accused said the courthouse courtroom is like \"being in the Wild West.\"","1804":"Top Characteristics of a Great Leader I've personally been very fortunate to work with some amazing, influential, brilliant people over the course of my career. Some of these colleagues carried titles and others did not, however all possessed many of the qualities I deem to be that of a remarkable leader.","1805":"Florida Man Allegedly Decapitates Mother For 'Nagging' Him About Chores ","1806":"Watch: Warriors top Spurs, tie Bulls\u2019 NBA record with 72nd win The Warriors have done it.","1807":"New York Police Link Hate Crime Surge To Presidential Campaign Mayor Bill de Blasio blames Trump's \"horrible, hateful rhetoric.\"","1808":"Serena Williams Named Sports Illustrated's 2015 'Sportsperson Of The Year' This is the first time SI has chosen an individual female athlete since 1983.","1809":"Inequality on the Rise? Workers of America Adapt Hard times are here for many hard working Americans. Today we must adapt to the industrious ethic and shrewd decision-making it takes to get by. But adaptivity takes knowledge, skill and practice. Most of us get stuck in our chronic ways of responding to challenges at work and therefore miss opportunities to get things done and build stronger relations.","1810":"Houston Astros' Carlos Correa Proposes To Girlfriend On Live TV After World Series Win He'll walk away from the win with not one, but two rings.","1811":"If You Do The Work, No Force on the Earth Can Stand Against You -- 8 Simple Ways to Start Now Reality: the stuff you've been dreaming of, and wondering if you'll ever make happen, can start to become true for you in as little as the next 7 days -- so long as you're willing to make some fast changes.","1812":"University of Florida Defensive Back Arrested For Shooting At Girlfriend Deiondre Porter has since been suspended from the team.","1813":"Veterans Catch Attempted Murder Suspect While Playing Pokemon Go The men say they looked up when the game froze and saw the fugitive touching a boy at a park.","1814":"Uber President Jeff Jones Quits Amid Company Controversies The company's No. 2 executive resigned after just six months on the job.","1815":"Father Of Colorado Teen Dylan Redwine Arrested For His Son's 2012 Death Mark Redwine's arrest comes nearly five years after his 13-year-old son vanished during a court-ordered visit.","1816":"Thief Does A Little Dance After Stealing Wallet From A Car, Gets Jailed Kamayi Matumona's upbeat mood didn't last for long, say police.","1817":"English Soccer\u2019s Out-of-Nowhere Goal Machine Meet Jamie Vardy, the Premier League's leading scorer.","1818":"Chief Of New York City Corrections Officers Union Arrested For Corruption It's the first major prosecution amid state and federal corruption probes.","1819":"Pressure Builds On Judge Over California Sexual Assault Case \"Six months for someone who viciously attacked a woman, especially after she was so brave to come forward, is outrageous.\"","1820":"Five Soccer Cities Making America Great Again! * It should be noted that none of these teams are designated as D1 or Major League teams, yet I hesitate to label them minor","1821":"Munenori Kawasaki Was Drunk And Hilarious After His Team Clinched The AL East He was celebrating the Blue Jays' first AL East title in 22 years the right way.","1822":"Driver In Clown Mask Intentionally Hit Cyclist, Police Say ","1823":"Unleash the Rebels! Sometimes people get the \"rebels\" and the \"complainers\" mixed up, but there is a big difference between the two. When rebels criticize, they follow up their criticism with a suggestion for a solution. The complainers, however, they just love complaining.","1824":"This Little Kid Had No Idea He Was Playing Baseball With An Oakland A\u2019s Pitcher Talk about a home run! \u26be\ufe0f","1825":"Sports Writer Shares Racist Letter About Cam Newton \" ... Do yourself a favor and stay away from them as much as possible.\"","1826":"7 Missing, Dozens Injured After Overnight Explosion In Maryland About 30 people, including three firefighters, were treated for injuries sustained from the blast and blaze.","1827":"'Not Our Vision Of Justice': #BlackLivesMatter Condemns NYPD Cop Killings ","1828":"Please Stop Saying These Ridiculous Phrases At first, euphemisms surfaced in the workplace to help people deal with touchy subjects that were difficult to talk about","1829":"Celebrating the Humanitarian in Sport Just as we celebrate the athletes who score amazing goals and bring us fantastic finishes, it is equally important to celebrate the humanitarians who utilize the platform of sport to champion social issues and social change.","1830":"Sheriff Urges People To Carry Guns In Wake Of San Bernardino Shooting He did limit the call to \"licensed handgun owners.\"","1831":"$18 Derby Day Bet Wins Thrilled Texas Woman $1.23 Million It was like a \"mini-lotto,\" says the Pick 5 winner.","1832":"Imam And Friend Gunned Down After Prayer In New York City Police said the lone gunman shot both men in the head.","1833":"Legendary NBA Ref To Call it Quits Joey Crawford evokes strong emotions in basketball fans.","1834":"Michigan Man Charged With Threatening To Kill White Police Officers Nheru Gowan Littleton faces up to 40 years in prison over the alleged Facebook posts.","1835":"The 7 LinkedIn Job Search Mistakes That Might Be Costing You a Job LinkedIn works very well for the millions of people who make the effort to understand how to leverage it effectively. And those people are very likely not spending more than fifteen a minutes a day on LinkedIn, once they have a solid, complete Profile.","1836":"Mets' Wilmer Flores Cries During Game Thinking He's Been Traded It's gonna be OK, Wilmer!","1837":"F1 Driver Jules Bianchi Dies 9 Months After Suzuka Crash Bianchi is the first F1 driver to die from injuries during a race since F1 legend Ayrton Senna.","1838":"Chris Boswell Looks Like Charlie Brown In Worst Onside Kick Ever That's what you get for being too fancy.","1839":"This Tour De France Cyclist Has The Most Insane Legs Ever ","1840":"Amorous Couple Interrupts BBC's Live Olympic Coverage \"Apparently they\u2019re reading a book in a strange pose.\"","1841":"'Vampire Vet' Kept Dog Alive In Filthy Cage After Telling Owners He Was Dead ","1842":"NYC Is Even More Unaffordable Than You Think, In 6 Charts ","1843":"5 Types of Web Content for Driving Extra Traffic Trying out something new shouldn't be feared -- don't do it if it doesn't feel right, but perhaps you're going to surprise yourself by realizing that there are different types of people who consume different types of content.","1844":"Brazilian Soccer Superfan Clovis Acosta Fernandes Dead At 60 Images of a tearful Fernandes went viral during the 2014 World Cup.","1845":"6 Ways To Score Shopping Deals When You Left All Your Coupons At Home There\u2019s a reason you have a smartphone.","1846":"Cocaine Cowboy 'White Boy Rick' Could Be Released On New Law \"They put him away for life, they buried him.\"","1847":"The Karolyis Say They Had No Idea About Nassar Abuse At Their Training Facility Martha and Bela Karolyi of the elite gymnastics training center the Karolyi Ranch finally broke their silence on Larry Nassar.","1848":"Bruce and Elisabeth Percelay - How to Make a Dent in the World ","1849":"Investigation Underway After Alligators Found Eating Human Body In Canal \"Could it be a homicide, could it be a suicide, could it be natural, a fisherman? We don\u2019t know,\" police said.","1850":"Junior College Hockey Player Charged With Assault After Slamming Ref To Ice Only 39 seconds were left in the game.","1851":"Are Harper's dreams of Canada as energy superpower going up in smoke? ","1852":"Bank Accused Of Racist Lending Practices Settles Suit With New York State The settlement includes an $825,000 fund to boost homeownership in the neglected areas.","1853":"How to Be a Fighter With MMA Champ Anthony Pettis Lightweight champion MMA fighter Anthony Pettis stopped by What's Trending to show off his headphones, talk about the surging popularity of the UFC, and to talk about his signature move, a pretty badass jump kick.","1854":"Wands Raised To Honor Orlando Shooting Victim, 'One Of The Best Gryffindors The World Has Ever Known' The \"Harry Potter\" tribute honored Luis Vielma, a victim of the Orlando shooting.","1855":"'Psychopathic Predator' Caught On Mainland After Escaping From Hawaii Mental Hospital Randall Saito was found not guilty by reason of insanity in a 1979 killing.","1856":"Uber Has A Secret Program Called 'Greyball' It Uses To Evade Police \"I'm not sure there's anything illegal about it,\" a law professor told HuffPost.","1857":"Man Shoots Up Bathroom When Occupant Takes Too Long, Police Say He seemed a little flushed.","1858":"Barack Obama Reveals Which NBA Team He'd Want To Play For And the coach's response is pretty hilarious.","1859":"10 Cities Where You Don\u2019t Want to Get Sick About 440,000 people die in the United States each year as a result of a preventable hospital error. Despite the precautions","1860":"Michael Bennett Has Earned Our Respect. It's Time We Show It Outspoken and candid, the 31-year-old star defensive end is making a very positive difference off the field.","1861":"Scuba Diver Killed While Exploring Deadly Underwater Caverns New Mexico's Blue Hole has been closed to the public for 40 years, but Shane Thompson had permission to venture inside.","1862":"Female Guard 'Senselessly Murdered' By Inmate At Texas Men's Prison, Officials Say Mari Johnson was found dead inside the French Robertson Unit, near Abilene, on Saturday.","1863":"Boss Offers Free Caribbean Cruise to 800 Workers Incentive makes a splash with Iowa cabinet company employees.","1864":"Congressman Accused of Domestic Assault In a shocking video released by several news outlets, Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida is caught verbally assaulting and getting physical with a Politico reporter.","1865":"DOW PLUNGES Another plunge in the price of oil is driving stocks sharply lower in afternoon trading.","1866":"Snowmobiler Ambushes Iditarod Front-Runners, Runs Over Sled Dogs The alleged assailant killed Nash, a 3-year-old male dog.","1867":"Congress Is Facing Its Last Call to Stand Up for Fair Trade When we have complicated trade agreements that could put thousands of U.S. workers on the unemployment line and hamper this nation's economy, shouldn't our elected officials have a chance to review and make changes to them? After all, lawmakers have certainly spent significant time considering more frivolous matters in recent years.","1868":"Let's Watch A Golf-Playing Robot Hit A Par 3 Hole-In-One \"Eldrick\" knocked in the exact ace that Tiger Woods made famous.","1869":"This Is How Far Trump Will Go To Stop Staffers From Leaking Info A $10 million lawsuit has revealed a confidentiality agreement between the campaign and a former staffer.","1870":"Officers Fired Excessive Number Of Shots At Bank Robbers: Report \"There was no planned response for when the suspect vehicle stopped.\"","1871":"Father Kills 2-Year-Old Boy And Takes Own Life After 18-Hour Standoff, Police Say A female and \"several other people\" were allowed to leave the home, but the toddler remained inside with the suspect.","1872":"Texas Executes Adam Ward, Man Who Killed City Worker Ward's lawyers had sought to halt the execution, arguing he suffered from severe mental illness.","1873":"Former Neurosurgeon Who Maimed Patients Sentenced To Life In Prison Christopher Duntsch operated and people were left paralyzed. Two died.","1874":"A Currency Chapter in the TPP Will Not Diminish our Fed's Independence I'm sympathetic to the notion that since we already have lower tariffs than our trading partners, there are gains to be made on this front. But if the negotiators are truly saying we simply cannot have a trade deal that blocks currency managers, then maybe we shouldn't have a trade deal.","1875":"Former WWF Wrestler Severely Beaten Outside California Home \"He's really lucky to be alive,\" a neighbor said.","1876":"5 Tips to Boost Native Advertising Effectiveness ","1877":"Cheating in Athletics: The Real Cost of (a Lack of) Trust It goes beyond the dollars lost in endorsements to the broken families and friendships, and the derailed careers. The very integrity of our \"heroes\" and the games they play is sometimes called into question.","1878":"NBA Players Mourn The Loss Of 'Angel' Ingrid Williams One Day After Her Death Rest in peace, Ingrid.","1879":"4 Killed In Shooting Rampage At Pennsylvania Car Wash The gunman was on life support after sustaining a possibly self-inflicted shot to the head.","1880":"The Beginning of a New NY Jets Era The conclusion is inescapable: The New York Jets are entering a new era: They are willing to spend big but wisely. Team weaknesses are not wished away but addressed. The general manager and the head coach are on the same page.","1881":"Uber Wants You To Think It's Killed Surge Pricing. It Hasn't. Surge pricing is dead. Long live surge pricing!","1882":"Feds Raid Alleged 'Maternity Tourism' Hotels That Help Pregnant Foreign Women Give Birth In U.S. ","1883":"Surgical Tech In Needle-Swap Scandal At Swedish Medical Center Has HIV A surgical technologist accused of swapping needles to steal powerful drugs from Swedish Medical Center has tested positive","1884":"FIFA Official Jeffrey Web Pleads Not Guilty Of Corruption The crackdown on FIFA officials has entered the next stage.","1885":"Iowa Man Convicted Of Killing Pregnant Wife ","1886":"One Of The Most Insane Football Plays You'll Ever See ","1887":"The U.S. Is Number One -- In Weapons Sales Once again, the U.S. leads the world in weapons sales, notes SIPRI, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute","1888":"This Reporter Interviewed THE Adrian Peterson And Totally Failed To Recognize Him \"Your name?\"","1889":"How To Find Your Voice As A Leader And Speak Your Mind Chances are that as children, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama watched and admired a parent or another close","1890":"Mother Of 5 Dead In Supermarket Stabbing Police are still looking for a possible motive.","1891":"The World Bank's Role In A Bloody Land War ","1892":"RAW VIDEO: Man Threatens Parents, Children With Running Chainsaw ","1893":"Man Admits To Hit-And-Run That Killed 3 13-Year-Olds ","1894":"Reinventing Win-Win-Win Business Relationships People -- including your prospects and customers -- want to know that you care. Show them you have an interest greater than the money they are exchanging for the service you're delivering. It's about how you can positively impact their business, their customers and their lives.","1895":"Pfizer, Allergan Scrap $160 Billion Merger Over Tax Loophole Pressure The announcement followed the unveiling of new U.S. Treasury rules on Monday aimed at curbing such deals.","1896":"Serena Williams Beats Venus In US Open Quarterfinals It was the 27th match between the two sisters.","1897":"The Deadly Cost Of North Dakota's Gas Boom ","1898":"Teen Blinded In One Eye, But 'Lucky To Be Alive' After Duct Tape Challenge The 14-year-old was left suffering a brain aneurysm, a crushed eye socket, and needing 48 staples to his head from the botched escape game.","1899":"Arrested Gunrunner Smuggled Weapons By Bus Into NYC NEW YORK (AP) \u2014 A gunrunner who smuggled more than 100 weapons from Atlanta and Pittsburgh into New York City on cheap interstate","1900":"Former USA Gymnastics Doctor Larry Nassar Has 'Over 265 Identified Victims' Nassar's sentencing hearing for additional charges of child sexual abuse began Wednesday.","1901":"Environmental Innovation: Nice or Necessity? Environmental innovations are much more than nice; they are also fiscally sound practices that add value and provide a tremendous boost to the bottom line. And eventually, they have a domino effect","1902":"Alleged Oregon Shooter Was A Shy Recluse \"He was over 20 years old when we talked, but his mindset was like a teenager.\"","1903":"DraftKings Investigation Answers Just One Of The Questions Facing Daily Fantasy Sports Sites Probe clearing the employee at the center of the scandal won't end scrutiny of the industry.","1904":"Look At This Photo Of 9-Year-Old Katie Ledecky Getting Michael Phelps' Autograph Now, they're both Olympic champions.","1905":"Walmart Wants To Stick Groceries In Your Refrigerator While You're Away Sure, it's creepy, but so is summoning strangers to pick you up at home in their own cars.","1906":"$2,500 Reward For Info On Whoever Left This Puppy In A Freezing Trash Can Michigan Humane Society is begging the public for help.","1907":"Jared Allen Announces Retirement Like He's In A Classic Western Film The defensive end played his final season for the Carolina Panthers.","1908":"The 'I' in Team You can win a championship but still not be a great team. You can have many great players and not win a championship. That's because the whole is less than the sum of its parts.","1909":"Manhunt Underway In Memphis For Alleged Cop Killer \"He's a coward.\"","1910":"Hassan Whiteside's Sensational Journey To The NBA Was Worth The Wait Multiple pit stops in the D-League, China and Lebanon failed to derail the 26-year-old center.","1911":"Woman Allegedly Locks Disabled Sister In Closet For 7 Years The victim had little food, water, and only a bucket.","1912":"Manhattan Apartment Building Catches Fire; At Least 24 Injured Four of the injured are firefighters.","1913":"Next Year's Super Bowl Mascot Will Make You Hate Life Houston, we have a problem.","1914":"Women in Business Q&A: Bobbi Brown, Editor-in-Chief, Yahoo Beauty and Founder and CCO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics ","1915":"This Sound Bite Of A Boston College Senior Sounds Funny, But Is Actually Kind Of Sad Let the big man cry in peace.","1916":"5 Dead After Small Planes Collide In Midair SAN DIEGO (AP) \u2014 Five people were killed as two airplanes collided while nearing an airport in Southern California, authorities","1917":"Steph Curry Puts His Daughter on a Podium Instead of asking why Curry brought his daughter to the post game interview, we should be asking why don't more players do the same?","1918":"When You're the Witness With the Secret Video If you find yourself in the challenging position of having made such a recording, whatever you do, don't go it alone. Ideally, find that lawyer or advocate you can trust. If that is not realistic, find a person who recognizes that you will deliver the video, but who has your best interests at heart.","1919":"Explosive Documentary Links Peyton Manning, Major Athletes To Doping Ring The quarterback and his wife received human growth hormone in 2011, an alleged supplier asserts in a new undercover investigation.","1920":"Former Missouri State Senator Jeff Smith Reflects On Going From Politics To Prison Turns out what he thought was \"something fishy\" was actually something illegal.","1921":"Sit. Stay. Stay Away from Dog Treats from China! Large pet retail companies have announced that they've pulled the treats from their shelves, but products with \"Made in China\" buried in lines of small print (or in one case) hidden on the bottom of a \"pocket\" package are still available in supermarkets and large drugstore chains across the U.S.","1922":"Marcus Mariota Featured In Inspiring Beats By Dre Ad The video follows the Heisman winner through his hometown of Honolulu.","1923":"Why I Reached Out To Russell Simmons One week before screenwriter Jenny Lumet gave her very graphic account in the Hollywood Reporter of her allegation that music","1924":"WATCH: Incredible Real Life Version Of FIFA Video Game ","1925":"The Wilmer Flores Experiment Shouldn't Be Viewed as a Failure In the minds of most New York Mets' fans, the hunt for Jose Reyes' replacement -- now four seasons after his uncontested free-agent departure -- is still an ongoing journey. Needless to say, current Mets' shortstop Wilmer Flores' performance through May is doing little to inspire fans to move on.","1926":"Hiring Guru: Ed Young - A Pastor's Decisions Ed Young is the Senior Pastor of Fellowship Church, which is headquartered in Grapevine, Texas but has rapidly expanded across Texas, to Florida, London (UK) and online.","1927":"Witnesses Recount Horror At Orlando Nightclub During Mass Shooting \"We don't know why he chose our club ... It's a safe space and everyone knows that.\"","1928":"Um, Somebody Stole Tom Brady's Super Bowl Jersey \"You better look online,\" the Patriots' owner told the QB.","1929":"Keeping Up With Consumers: Shoppers Shop for That Unique Experience Do you really know who your customers are? What do they look like, and where do they live? To stay competitive and interesting, stores now need to give shoppers a good excuse to drop by.","1930":"Sacking Another Myth: The NFL and Goodell The myth has been repeated by nearly everyone that the owners won't fire Goodell because he has done an outstanding job and brought all NFL teams a tremendous increase in financial value. The truth is quite different, and the only thing overvalued is Goodell himself.","1931":"Chicago Police Body-Camera Rollout To Be Finished Early: Mayor It's a \"win-win for officers and the public.\u201d","1932":"Soon You Can Netflix And Chill From All Around The World Netflix announced it will expand to 130 more countries.","1933":"Subscription Business Models Are Startup Favorites Every new business quickly realizes that revenue coming in every period on a committed basis is the Holy Grail to survival and growth. According to many experts, getting new customers is five to ten times harder than getting additional revenue from existing customers.","1934":"Barber Who Slashed Customer's Throat Heads To Prison ","1935":"Report: New York Police Recruiting Muslim Informants ","1936":"Florida State Gunman Was Lawyer: Official ","1937":"Puerto Rico Policeman Kills Three Fellow Officers SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) \u2014 A Puerto Rico policeman fatally shot two high-ranking officers and a policewoman on Monday following","1938":"Volkswagen's Diesel Settlement Will Fund Range Of Clean Air Efforts The settlement would be the largest ever automotive buyback offer in U.S. history and most expensive auto industry scandal.","1939":"Workers at Louisiana Refineries Assess Tentative USW-Shell Deal The United Steelworkers Thursday reached a possible four-year pact with Shell Oil in a seven-state strike that spread to 12 refineries and three other plants. Three weeks ago, most of the USW's more than 700 combined members joined the walkout.","1940":"One Year Later, Arizona Real Estate Investor Still Missing What happened to Sidney Cranston remains as much a mystery today as it did when he vanished on June 16, 2015.","1941":"The Changing Holiday Shopping Landscape ","1942":"The 5 People You Need To Talk To About Money Now Let's start talking.","1943":"CEO Offers Hope to Formerly Incarcerated Some may find it strange that the CEO of a publicly traded company would speak with a man who served 26 years in federal prison. But Lew Cirne, founder and Chief Executive Officer of New Relic, took time out of a busy Friday to meet with me in his office.","1944":"Mike Tyson Busted His A** Trying To Ride A Hoverboard In this one way, Mike is like all of us.","1945":"Backpage CEO Likely To Walk From Pimping Charges As Judge Cites Shield Law The judge cited a shield law for tech companies that protects them from prosecution for content posted by third parties.","1946":"U.S. Labor Department Accuses Google of 'Significant' Gender Pay Gap Company discrimination is \"quite extreme, even in this industry.\"","1947":"Car Plunges Off 200-Foot Sea Cliff On Hawaii's Hana Highway The fall killed one woman and critically injured another.","1948":"Our Conversation on the Challenges and Possibilities of the Next 10 Years On Monday night we celebrated HuffPost's 10-year anniversary with a party at the Gramercy Park Hotel in New York City. And since HuffPost and Goldman Sachs have partnered for nearly three years to spotlight solutions around the world, we had a conversation about what we've learned and what's in store for the next 10 years. Here is a lightly edited transcription of our conversation.","1949":"Alaska Plane Crash Kills 1 Of 5 Aboard Several people were rescued from the crash which happened a month after a similar accident that killed nine.","1950":"Women in Business Q&A: Marilyn Johnson, CEO, International Women's Forum In her early career, she was an elementary school educator and a television personality, reporting news and weather. A graduate of John Marshall University, her advanced degrees are in Education, and she attended the Harvard Business School Strategic Leadership Forum representing Finance Sector Marketing for IBM.","1951":"Want to Increase Trust? Increase Your Say\/Do Ratio! ","1952":"How AT&T Execs Took Over The Red Cross And Hurt Its Ability To Help People WHEN GAIL MCGOVERN WAS PICKED to head the American Red Cross in 2008, the organization was reeling. Her predecessor had been","1953":"Shaquille O'Neal Finally Sinks A Free Throw, But In The Completely Wrong Sport Maybe he has just been playing the wrong sport his whole career.","1954":"Roger Goodell 'Open To Changing' His Disciplinary Role After 'Deflategate' The NFL commissioner's disciplinary authority has come under scrutiny since a federal judge overturned Tom Brady's suspension.","1955":"There Are Psychological Reasons Parents Are So Obsessed With Target Marketing experts, therapists and parents weigh in.","1956":"How To Stream Super Bowl LI Without A Cable Subscription It's going to be much easier than you think.","1957":"After Joyful Adoption Photo Goes Viral, Cops Say The Dog Has To Go Officials say he looks like a pit bull, which are banned in the township.","1958":"Report: Officers Justified In Fatal Shooting Of Ezell Ford ","1959":"Washington Wizards' Dynamic Backcourt Duo Of John Wall And Bradley Beal Is Making Waves ","1960":"Another Year without Celina Another year has passed, and it seems that we're no closer to justice for Celina than we were when the crime first occurred.","1961":"Security Guard's Home Reportedly Searched In Missing MetLife Employee Case Authorities were seen removing a mattress from the Berkley, Michigan, residence.","1962":"Friend Of Dylann Roof Charged With Lying To Federal Agents And Concealing Information He told the FBI that he had not known the specifics of Roof's planned attack.","1963":"2 Firefighters Shot, 1 Fatally While Responding To Call In Maryland The firefighters were responding to a routine welfare check.","1964":"Nintendo President Satoru Iwata Dead At 55 Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has\u00a0died of bile duct cancer, the video game company\u00a0said in a statement issued on Monday","1965":"NBA Star Gives Cell Number Out To The World, Tells Critics To Call Him Direct \"My phone\u2019s in my back pocket right now.\"","1966":"California Killer Is First U.S. Inmate To Have State-Funded Gender Confirmation Surgery Shiloh Heavenly Quine kidnapped and fatally shot a man in 1980.","1967":"Elon Musk Is Even Smarter Than We Thought It's an Elon Musk world, and we're just living in it. Before we bow down to a seemingly fearless and altruistic pioneer of electric vehicles and libertarianism, it's important to point out the ongoing contradictions with Musk and markets.","1968":"The Federal Reserve Board: The Best Weapon Against Discrimination? A high employment economy is an effective way to reduce racial discrimination in the labor market.","1969":"Amazon Rally Makes Jeff Bezos World's Fourth Richest Man Jeff Bezos has edged past Carlos Slim to become the world\u2019s fourth-richest person, buoyed by a 113 percent rally this year","1970":"I\u2019m Ready for New York Chicago made me who I am. But it\u2019s time for a new chapter.","1971":"International Operators of Equity Crowdfunding Sites Beware -- The SEC May Come After You Until the adoption of SEC rules to implement the crowdfunding exemption, operators of crowdfunding platforms should tread with extreme caution to ensure compliance with U.S. securities laws. Eureeca discovered this the hard way.","1972":"Sunday, Fun-day, Tax Freedom Day ","1973":"NCAA Pulls All Championship Events From North Carolina Over Anti-LGBT Laws \u201cWe believe in providing a safe and respectful environment at our events.\"","1974":"3 Reasons Obama's Oil Tax Would Be Good For America It would push gas prices up, but the planet will thank us.","1975":"Women in Business Q&A: Asha Sharma, COO, Porch.com Asha Sharma is the Chief Operating Officer of Porch.com. In this role Asha is responsible for building a truly great company that employees and customers love and achieves the company's mission.","1976":"Here Are The Manufacturers Bringing The Most Jobs Back to America Making America make stuff again?","1977":"Football Freeze! 7 Degrees Below Zero For Vikings-Seahawks Playoff Greetings from TCF Bank Stadium, where it is currently seven degrees below zero as players take the field for early warmups","1978":"Cop Killer Had Violent Criminal History, 'Estranged Relationship' With Family ","1979":"76ers Apologize For Not Letting National Anthem Singer Wear 'We Matter' Shirt \"The wrong decision was made.\"","1980":"Here's Your Chance To Attend Kobe Bryant's Last Game Or you could pay $700 for nosebleed seats.","1981":"Police Arrest 16-Year-Old Boy Suspected Of Killing Parents, Sister On New Year's Eve The teenager allegedly used an assault rifle to fatally shoot four people in his parents' New Jersey home.","1982":"Cops Foot $55,000 Bill For Cell Phone They Gave To Burglar Oops!","1983":"Man Dies After Police Use Pepper Spray During Arrest In Alabama He began having breathing problems after officers pepper sprayed him during a struggle, officials say.","1984":"Parents Apparently Overdose At Home, Baby Daughter Starves To Death Days Later The Pennsylvania couple likely died within minutes of each other.","1985":"Watch Hero Cop's Narrow Rescue Of Man Jumping From 6th Floor Just in the nick of time.","1986":"The Importance of 'I' in Team We've all heard motivational speakers tout the fact that there is no \"I\" in team. The clever wordplay suggests that for teams to be effective, they must shun individual egos in favor of advancing the mission of the team.","1987":"MEGA-MERGER: Anthem To Buy Cigna For $54 Billion NEW YORK (AP) \u2014 Anthem is buying rival Cigna for $48 billion in a deal that would create the nation's largest health insurer","1988":"Report: College Hoops Corruption Case Poised To Wreak Havoc On Top Programs The soundtrack to the three federal basketball corruption cases is essentially a ticking time bomb, which will inevitably explode.","1989":"When to Take a Bow? (Hint: Not When You Think) ","1990":"Market Manipulators Are Back in Season for the Fed \"Septaper\" Sequel: \"Septighten\" The summer is coming to an end without much success at the movie box office, but one \"sequel\" has emerged a winner this week although its ultimate fate awaits further developments.","1991":"Stephen Curry Hits 77 Threes In A Row At Practice The rest of the NBA is screwed.","1992":"Women in Business: Gloria Pitagorsky, Managing Director\/Executive Producer, Heard City Gloria Pitagorsky on if she maintains a work\/life balance: \"I don't, and I'm okay with that. We shouldn't kill ourselves striving for that perfect work\/life balance.\"","1993":"Don't Ask Sheldon Adelson for a Job ","1994":"Driver Sandwiched By 2 Semi-Trucks Describes Horrifying Crash ","1995":"Georgia Mayor Dies After Being Shot In Domestic Dispute The mayor's wife was interviewed and no charges have been filed in the case.","1996":"Why Aren't All Commercials As Good As The Super Bowl Ones? When we contrast Super Bowl ads with normal ads we learn a powerful business lesson: Being effective does not always mean being quality. It's a lesson many of us find hard to swallow. But it's bitter pill we all need to take.","1997":"Read Sydney Seau's Speech She Couldn't Give At The Pro Football Hall Of Fame The New York Times published the words she would have given to honor her father, Junior Seau.","1998":"Florida Police Report 2 Dead After Standoff At Panama City Apartment Complex The gunman was found dead after soaking his apartment in gasoline.","1999":"The Father's Day Note I Wish I Wrote Years Ago Father\u2019s Day. My father turned 91 just a couple of weeks ago, and it has been almost two years since the last time he recognized","2000":"New York Bomber Sought An ISIS-Inspired Attack With Failed Device, Investigators Say The suspect, Akayed Ullah, was the most seriously hurt in the rush-hour blast.","2001":"Labor Day and Why America (Still) Works Labor Day isn't the most celebrated of holidays on our calendar. It was birthed out of a movement to honor and respect the hardworking Americans who laid the foundation of our nation in the late 19th Century.","2002":"Rudeness, Responsiveness, Respect ... a Bridge Over Troubled Email Waters Do any of us get too many emails to be rude, not respond, and not show respect to those who are sending us matters of substance? And who gets to define what is and isn't a \"matter of substance?\"","2003":"Montreal Gearing Up To Sentence Huge Numbers Of Innocent Dogs To Death Proposed legislation could be disastrous for the city's pit bulls.","2004":"It's Michael Jordan's Birthday! Here Are 100 Incredible Photos. Unstoppable on offense at the basket or on the perimeter, Michael Jordan was a 14-time All-Star, nine-time all-defensive","2005":"Every Network Wants In On NFL's Thursday Night Football ","2006":"Group Files Complaint Against Judge Who Sentenced Man To Marry Girlfriend The judge had told the man he could go to jail for 15 days or marry his girlfriend within the month.","2007":"Former NFL Player And Super Bowl Winner Tyler Sash Dead At 27 A painkiller overdose lead to Sash's death.","2008":"Sport and Society for Arete: Rice and Goodell For those who wonder why the owners have supported Goodell through the recent missteps and blunders it is only necessary to look at what the labor settlement and television contracts have done to team values. A lot of money has been delivered to the owners by Roger Goodell's achievements.","2009":"Olympian Mirai Nagasu Reveals What It's Like To Compete On Her Period Anything you can do, Mirai can do bleeding.","2010":"Uber Ends Forced Arbitration In Individual Cases Of Sexual Assault, Harassment Victims will be free to go to court -- but a few caveats remain.","2011":"Why Human Connectivity Wins Over Data: Uber vs. Twitter in Sydney Focusing on where our humanity intersects with data is the future of work. Bringing the human element back into work will inevitably pay off in the bottom line as well. Reclaiming that is what all companies and individuals need to focus on in our world today.","2012":"Women In Sales: Moving Beyond Outdated Thinking On Your Path To Success As more women advance in the workplace, it's becoming clear that corporations seeking to achieve a balanced leadership agenda are better off not trying to make women think and act like men.","2013":"Will the World Cup Boost US Soccer Popularity? Will the excitement over the first round victory by the U.S. and its continued success be a game-changer for the future of the MLS?","2014":"Man Accused Of Paying Stripper For Lap Dance With Fake $100 Bill Stephen Gidcumb allegedly printed the counterfeit cash at home.","2015":"Jack Dorsey Still Won't Say If He'll Be Twitter's Permanent CEO He says he's focused on simplifying the service.","2016":"CNN: Email Reveals Former District Attorney Agreed Not To Use Civil Deposition Against Cosby (CNN) --\u00a0A former district attorney in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, claims he agreed more than a decade ago that his","2017":"4 More Reasons Wisconsin Should Make the College Football Playoff In other words, we can look at what some very smart people are saying and see in their words more than a glimmer of hope for the Badgers if they win on Saturday.","2018":"Several Injured By Accidental Gunfire At Waldorf Astoria Wedding Party ","2019":"Elon Musk's Tesla, SpaceX Join Companies Opposing Donald Trump's Immigration Order So far, there are 127.","2020":"Kaiser Carlile Dead After Getting Accidentally Hit In Head With Bat \"Please keep his family and our team in your thoughts and prayers.\"","2021":"Microsoft Just Took A Step Toward Actual Gender Diversity Soon three women will serve on Microsoft's board -- meeting the real threshold for gender diversity.","2022":"Orioles Player Scores A Standing Ovation At Fenway In Apology For Racial Slurs Boston fans threw food at Adam Jones and called him the N-word at Monday's game.","2023":"Sport and Society for Arete-Goodell's Press Conference Roger Goodell continued to play the role of Pete Rozelle, as envisioned by Roger Goodell. The arrogance was there, but the credibility was missing. The assertions of rectitude were repeated ad nauseam and they fell on deaf ears.","2024":"Claressa Shields Wants To Be Known As A Great Boxer, Not A Great Female Boxer Shields became the first American boxer to win two gold medals on Sunday.","2025":"What a Knife Can Tell Us About the O. J. Simpson Case - The New Yorker What was the murder weapon? And what happened to it? And how exactly did the murders take place in the crowded space in front","2026":"Seattle Seahawks Must Do These 3 Things To Win The Super Bowl ","2027":"WATCH: Cyclist Celebrates WAY Too Early ","2028":"Players Say The NFL Has An HGH Problem, Even If Peyton Manning Isn't Part Of It No matter what you think about Peyton Manning\u2014he used, he didn't use, you don't care either way\u2014one thing is certain in the","2029":"Back to Cash, Back to Basics -- Buying Stocks for a Discount It's a very choppy market and we've gone mainly to cash, but that doesn't mean we won't be agreeing to take other people's money in exchange for our promise to buy their stock if it gets 20% cheaper than it is now.","2030":"Young & Entrepreneurial: Second-Time Entrepreneur Shares The Realities of Starting-up After An Acquisition For Sean Conway, entrepreneurship was in his blood. Growing up in a household where his parents were both entrepreneurs, Sean knew from an early age that he wanted to be an entrepreneur as well. So at the age of 15, he started reading all the business books he could.","2031":"Four Things Mayor Ted Wheeler Can Do Today To Make Portland Less Racist Does he have the will?","2032":"Simone Biles Wins The Bronze Medal On Beam Biles made a rare mistake \u2014 but she got a medal and can still make history.","2033":"The Best Vines From Super Bowl 50 Super Bowl 50 was low-scoring, but if you spent most of your night watching these six-second Vines, it wasn\u2019t so bad!","2034":"David Denson Becomes First Openly Gay Player On MLB-Affiliated Team \"Talking with my teammates, they gave me the confidence I needed.\"","2035":"New Jersey Boys Survive 100-Foot Fall After Father Jumps With Them In His Arms \u201cIt\u2019s a miracle, honestly.\"","2036":"Teen Says MSU Is Still Billing Her Family For Appointments Where Nassar Assaulted Her A representative from the school said Larry Nassar's victims will not be billed.","2037":"Americans Take Gold, Silver In Men's Freestyle Halfpipe David Wise retained his ski halfpipe Olympic gold medal, while Alex Ferreira took silver.","2038":"9 Ways 'Wasting Time' Can Boost Your Career Reading blogs, watching videos on YouTube, or reading a book unrelated to your work are all things that really career-focused people sometimes see as wasting time. But actually, these activities can help us discover new things, make new connections, come up with innovative solutions, and challenge our current thinking.","2039":"New York EMT Suspended Without Pay After Helping Choking Child \"I'd do it again. If I know there's a child choking, I'm going to do my best to help her.\"","2040":"Even 'The Simpsons' Is Making Fun Of The God-Awful 76ers Just about everyone is joking on Philadelphia.","2041":"Police Pull Over Swerving Stolen Van, Find Kids With Taped Mouths Inside There was allegedly a gun on the floor and the woman driving said she was going into labor.","2042":"USMNT Calls For Respect Ahead Of World Cup Qualifying Match Against Mexico The rivals will square off just days after the election of Donald Trump.","2043":"Where Will Chinese Investors Go?: U.S. Policy May Force Many To Go To Australia And Britain It will be interesting to see whether the USA changes its policy on quotas because of a falloff in investment by these wealthy Chinese nationals -- and whether other nations try to take advantage of this falloff by changing their policies.","2044":"This Is Why We Should Pay Attention To Bernie Sanders On Social Security Because your 401(k) really might not be enough, a new report finds.","2045":"Controversial Headgear Mandate for Girl's Lacrosse Ignored Science Suffice it to say, the new mandate hasn't made anybody happy and has garnered plenty of vocal detractors (and rightly so), from US Lacrosse, the sport's national governing body to coaches who don't see the flimsy headband approved by FHSAA as serving any purpose.","2046":"Getting It Done: How to Be Strategic, Creative and Productive It is possible to get great work done -- to be creative, strategic and still be productive. You just need a roadmap. You need strong habits and rituals so you can spend your energy on your creativity and strategic stuff, not just managing your day-to-day.","2047":"Floor Pizza and the New Mediocrity As the quality of life continues to decline in America, I've been wracking my fevered brain for the single, perfect image to represent our downward spiraling dystopia. Like the \"Grand Unification\" theory sought by physicists.","2048":"10 Ways Ridiculously Successful People Think Differently Successful people come from all walks of life, yet they all have one thing in common: where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.","2049":"Chipotle Customers Haven\u2019t Forgotten The Chain\u2019s Food Safety Crisis A new poll shows why the fast-casual chain still might not be out of the woods.","2050":"What to Watch for in the FIFA Case, Part 3: The Special Problem of the 'Cooperating' Witness The announcements that several defendants in the FIFA case have pled guilty and are cooperating with the government signaled that this case will showcase one of the most controversial aspects of the American justice system.","2051":"10 Ways To Spot A Truly Exceptional Employee Take notice of what's not mentioned: coding skills, years of experience, business degrees, etc. These things matter, but they won't make you exceptional.","2052":"Staunch Sisi Supporter Calls for Opening of Stadia and Dialogue with Ultras A staunch supporter of general-turned-president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, has called on the government to allow soccer fans, a pillar of anti-government protest, back into stadia that have largely been closed to the public for nearly five years.","2053":"Gareth Bale's Inch-Perfect Free Kick Is Unfair, Unstoppable ","2054":"Sheriff: Dakota Access Construction Equipment Set Ablaze In Iowa Dakota Access suffered about $2 million in damages.","2055":"Teen Gets 25 Years In Mental Health Facility For 'Slender Man' Stabbing The 16-year-old girl was convicted for stabbing a classmate 19 times in 2014.","2056":"Exxon Mobil 'Misled' Public On Climate Change For 40 Years, Harvard Study Finds Researchers found a \"systematic, quantifiable discrepancy\" between what the oil giant said about climate change in private versus what it told the public.","2057":"Dan Marino Talks 'DeflateGate': Did It Give Tom Brady A Competitive Advantage? ","2058":"George Zimmerman Auctioning Off Gun Used To Kill Trayvon Martin Claims he'll use the money against Hillary Clinton, Black Lives Matter and the state attorney who charged him with second-degree murder.","2059":"Less Than 1 Ounce Of Marijuana Leads To Arrests Of More Than 60 Georgia Partygoers After no one admitted to owning the stash, police hauled in dozens of people because the pot was \"within everyone's reach or control.\"","2060":"High School Football Player Stabs Father After Argument Over Practice The 11th-grader has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.","2061":"For American Muslims, A Horrifying Runup To One Of Islam's Holiest Holidays Among multiple Islamophobic crimes, a man set a Muslim woman on fire in New York.","2062":"Brandon Roy Heroically Shields Children From Gunfire With Own Body Thankfully, the former NBA star is expected to make a full recovery after reportedly being shot in the leg.","2063":"Walmart's Biggest Problem ","2064":"Super Bowl Ads Are a Great Way to Waste Money ","2065":"9 Tips for Making Your Blog Better in 2015 New year, new outlook. The flipping of the calendar from 2014 to 2015 gives us all a chance to reboot and rethink. So why not take a fresh look at your blog? Here are nine tips that'll put your blog on the right track in 2015 and beyond.","2066":"Minnesota Police Officers Involved In Philando Castile Shooting Identified Minneapolis area police officer Jeronimo Yanez was identified as the patrolman who fatally shot Philando Castile.","2067":"Sheriff Says Man Killed With Hands In Air Possibly Had Knife There's a second video of the incident that authorities have not released.","2068":"Oakland Warehouse Party Fire Death Toll Could Reach 40, Officials Say Fire officials are still trying to determine how the blaze started.","2069":"Meet The World Cup's First Breakout Star ","2070":"Alabama Beats Clemson To Win National Championship Kings of college football once again!","2071":"Girl Sensation Returns To Football; SEE Her Get Ready ","2072":"Why Being Proud of the Little Things You do Will Help You in the Long Run We are amazingly brilliant and hard-working people. We manage family, work, friends, living spaces, school, exercise, cooking, coupon cutting, plant watering, voicemail listening, gas pumping and ALL of the other life things that we jam pack into each and every single day. That's a HUGE deal!","2073":"Coast Guard Calls Off Search For Passenger Missing From Cruise Ship Off Texas Samantha Broberg, 33, was reported missing and might have fallen overboard about 195 miles from the Texas coast.","2074":"Basketball Breathes New Life Into Brazil\u2019s Largest Favela \u201cWe have four principles here: leadership, respect, teamwork and living a healthy life.\"","2075":"\"Stand Your Ground' Defense Fails ","2076":"It's 2015. How Are We Still Having These Conversations? The person kicking ass in a negotiation might have ovaries, but that doesn't require her to smile sweetly and make sure everyone is okay with the outcome of the deal. She has an agenda, just like everyone else, and if her agenda wins, that does not make her a bitch, it makes her a success.","2077":"Police Probe Reports Of Armed Creepy Clowns Scaring Children A dad reports seeing one gunman and a man with a pipe running away in suburban Pittsburgh.","2078":"Here's The NHL Privately Discussing The Concussion Problem It Has Publicly Denied It took just eight words: \"Fighting raises the incidence of head injuries\/concussions.\"","2079":"38-Year-Old Vince Carter Gets Blocked By The Rim During Simple Dunk Attempt Half-man, half-a-man-aging.","2080":"Ho Ho Ha? Neymar Goes With Santa Look For Christmas ","2081":"WATCH: Johnny Manziel Takes An Aerobics Class In New Commercial ","2082":"Ethnic Tensions Spill Onto Iranian Soccer Pitches Against a backdrop of the violent redrawing of the map of the Middle East as minorities assert their rights, rebels challenge the existing order, and militant Islamists seek to carve up the post-colonial order, Iranian soccer pitches are signalling that the Islamic republic is not totally immune to the region's upheaval.","2083":"The Crying Knicks Kid Is Kristaps Porzingis' No. 1 Fan Now The Porzingis bandwagon squeezed on an infamous passenger this week.","2084":"New York Giants Bench Eli Manning As Disastrous Season Continues The team announced Tuesday that Geno Smith would replace the star quarterback.","2085":"Cleveland Police Search For Suspect In Facebook Video Killing The suspect is accused of taking the life of an elderly man who just happened to cross his path.","2086":"New Timeline In Vegas Shooting Raises Questions On Police Response Las Vegas police face new questions after it was revealed the gunman shot a security guard before opening fire.","2087":"Is Your Outdated Career Map Leading You Astray? If you have been tending to your career lovingly for many years, you will be able to visit your career map in light of this new discovery, decide what on the map still resonates with you and what doesn't (even massive changes will carry some elements of your \"old life\" into the new), and chart a new course.","2088":"Fed Lowers The Boom On Wells Fargo After Years Of Grotesque Scandals In an unprecedented move, the Fed ordered the bank to halt growth over compliance issues.","2089":"Man Who Allegedly Impersonated Justin Bieber Charged With More Than 900 Sex Crimes The 42-year-old faces charges including rape and indecent treatment of children.","2090":"Charlotte Observer Publishes Another Garbage Letter About Cam Newton No major newspaper would ever print a letter like this about Tom Brady.","2091":"The Lemon That Is Lululemon Lululemon's comments can and likely do cause negative social effects by creating a concept of the ideal fit female body as one that only can fit comfortably into its pants. It should begin to impose on itself an extra duty to be socially responsible.","2092":"1 Dead, 7 Injured In Shooting At San Diego-Area Swimming Pool The shooter had \"a beer in one hand and a gun in the other,\" one witness said.","2093":"Best Fits For NFL's Marquee Wide Receiver Free Agents ","2094":"How Three Consumer Brands Helped Dads and Kids Score a Touchdown on Super Bowl Sunday Three consumer brands helped dads and kids score a touchdown on Super Bowl Sunday. Nissan, Toyota, and Dove Men+Care focused their annual Super Bowl campaigns on celebrating dads.","2095":"Key & Peele Comment On The Most Outrageous End Zone Celebrations \"You just cannot eat the ball at this level of play.\"","2096":"Cubs Fan Recovering From School Beating Gets Support From First Baseman Henry Sembdner, 12, was put in a coma after he was allegedly assaulted by a classmate, his family said.","2097":"Reinventing America, The Forbes Summit in Chicago Part II These small, invitation-only congresses bring together Wealth, Politics, Business, and Government as well as Education and Disruptive Innovation and are a winning formula for stimulating growth, forging new partnerships, and in this case, the reinvention of industrial power.","2098":"That Feeling When You Get $40 Million For Sexually Harassing A Woman Roger Ailes is being paid quite handsomely to leave Fox News.","2099":"Listen To Iceland's Commentator Absolutely Lose It After A Goal Against England This is a work of art.","2100":"How Boards and Management Best Create Value Together At their core, Boards of Directors make strategic decisions and provide oversight, while Management makes recommendations and manages implementation. The best do these together, complementing and supporting the other's roles and strengths. So easy to say.","2101":"Gas Explosion At Florida Jail Kills 2 ","2102":"Teachers Accused Of Sex With Students Hit With Even More Charges ","2103":"Meeting Maradona: An Atl\u00e9tico Madrid Story I was first introduced to Club Atl\u00e9tico de Madrid while speeding along the winding, uneven and narrow streets of Madrid's La Latina district, perched precariously upon the back of a small motorcycle belonging to a maniacal Spaniard.","2104":"Snapchat Videos Show Couple Shooting Up Houston Neighborhoods \"They were dumb enough to post these publicly with a tagged location,\" said a Reddit user who reported the videos to police.","2105":"Police Chief Tries To Mend Fences After Killing Of Unarmed Man ","2106":"Shootout Leaves Black Man Dead And Officer Wounded \"This was not a racially charged incident,\" the police chief said.","2107":"Police Release Footage Of Man Who Died After Being Pepper Sprayed TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) \u2014 An Alabama police chief says he hopes releasing more than two hours of video and audio footage dispels","2108":"11 Essentials You Need To Host The Perfect Tailgate Party It's not just about the game.","2109":"Vince Carter Moved To Tears After Toronto Raptors Show Video Tribute ","2110":"Crude Oil Train Derails In Montana An oil train derailed Thursday in rural northeastern Montana, prompting the evacuation of some homes and leaving at least two of the cars leaking crude.","2111":"NYC Jail Violence On The Rise: Report ","2112":"Rats In The Cellar: The American Food Industry's Substandard Labor Conditions The American food industry is infested by poor working conditions, below average wages, and rampant discriminatory, abusive labor practices.","2113":"Egyptian Death Sentence for Soccer Fans Puts President's Iron Grip to the Test Egyptian-general-turned-president Abdel Fattah al Sisi's iron grip on dissident is likely to be put to the test with the sentencing to death of 11 soccer fans for involvement in a politically loaded football brawl three years ago that left 74 militant supporters of Al Ahli SC dead.","2114":"Hospital Launches 'Aggressive' Investigation After ESPN Obtains Jason Pierre-Paul\u2019s Medical Files Someone could very well be fired.","2115":"Should We Discharge Terminally Ill Inmates? Some people may quickly say that inmates are in prison for punishment and therefore they should not get healthcare paid for by taxpayers. That thinking is not consistent with our American values.","2116":"WATCH: J.J. Watt Makes Diving Touchdown Catch ","2117":"Teen Charged With Killing 8-Year-Old Maddy Middleton Was Nearby When Police Found Her Body Police say the 15-year-old lived in the same apartment complex as the victim.","2118":"Move the Crowd Ever since Zack Brown raised over $50K for his potato salad recipe on Kickstarter, the world has tried to make heads or tails over what the winning formula for a successful crowd sourcing campaign should entail. Enter Dekker Dreyer.","2119":"The Three Core Questions to Determine: When Is a Company Serious About Sustainability? Companies will maximize the success of their sustainability efforts by collaborating with NGOs. Companies bring valuable resources to bear in achieving social, environmental, and economic impacts.","2120":"Thoughts on the Future of Productivity: An Interview with\u00a0Brent Frei If it seems like there's an app for everything these days, you're right. What's the perfect or right tool?","2121":"Uber's Self-Driving Program At Risk As Judge Considers Heated Case Brought By Rival Despite ample evidence, Waymo so far lacks a \"smoking gun,\" the judge said.","2122":"The Sentence Is In For Aurora Shooter James Holmes The court will announce the jury's decision at 5 p.m. MDT today.","2123":"Roger Goodell Says NFL Wants Everyone To Stand For Anthem, But Won't Force Issue The NFL commissioner said players are \u201cnot doing this to be disrespectful to the flag, but they understand how it\u2019s being interpreted.\"","2124":"Beautiful Innovation Orphans Innovation orphans need to be adopted. Though they might not be invented here, or by you, they may be worthy of your support. Just be sure that you really love them.","2125":"7 Killed In What May Be Australia's Worst Mass Shooting Since 1996 \u201cI can only describe it as a horrific situation,\u201d a police commissioner said.","2126":"Escaped Inmate Richard Matt Was Drunk At Time Of Death: Autopsy A person as drunk as Matt is likely to suffer loss of balance and muscle control, vomiting and dangerously impaired judgment.","2127":"Why You Should Care About Your Boss\u2019 Health It's not easy being in charge.","2128":"LeBron James Wears Sneakers With Pointed Message To All-Star Game The Cleveland Cavaliers star's shoes had the words \"More Than An Athlete\" emblazoned on them.","2129":"What\u2019s Happening At Cal Shows The Crap Female Reporters Deal With If true, this is a classic example of a far-too-common abuse of power.","2130":"2 Inmates Reportedly Killed In Nebraska Prison Disturbance The deaths were described as murders but did not provide details about the incident.","2131":"Tom Cruise's Film Crew In Plane Crash That Killed 2 The twin-engine plane ran into bad weather.","2132":"Court Denies Final Attempt By Russian Athletes To Compete In Winter Olympics The Russians had appealed their exclusion from the games over the doping scandal from the 2014 Sochi Games.","2133":"How ESPN's Linda Cohn Stays Confident In An Industry Dominated By Men \"I deserve to be here.\"","2134":"David Stern Says 'Let's Go All The Way' With Legalized Sports Betting He thinks it's time.","2135":"Why Uber Is An Easy Target For Politicians Uber, which has run into regulatory roadblocks in numerous U.S. cities, has emerged as a polarizing symbol of the sharing economy.","2136":"The 'LeBron James' Kid Is Back We missed you.","2137":"Should I Apply for a Credit Card? Recent trends have shown that Americans, particularly millennials, are weary of using credit cards. The problem largely stems from the way credit cards are viewed today. They are typically perceived as a \"last resort\" for consumers who can't afford to pay for their purchases.","2138":"Dogs Trapped In Hot Cars Could Be Freed By Good Samaritans Under Proposed Florida Law \"We're a country that loves our pets.\"","2139":"The Joy of Being Wrong When a Subordinate Disagrees With You ","2140":"How to Keep Calm and Carry on When You Feel Ignored When you've tried so hard to address team members' emotional hurdles to accepting change and walked them through how to apply the change to their work situation, your blood can start boiling when you still don't see the desired results.","2141":"FedEx Admits That Not All Packages Made It In Time For Christmas But some heroic employees have volunteered to work on the holiday.","2142":"Germany Women's Soccer Beats Sweden For Historic Rio Gold It was Germany's first gold in women's soccer.","2143":"Vengeful Surfer Plans To Eat Shark He Says Bit Him Allen Engelman received 15 stitches after a spinner shark likely mistook his hand for a fish.","2144":"NYPD Releases 911 Transcripts, Footage Of Saheed Vassell's Final Moments Police fatally shot Vassell, an unarmed black man, on Wednesday.","2145":"Police Sgt. Scott Lunger Shot And Killed During Traffic Stop In California SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A San Francisco Bay Area police sergeant was shot and killed during an early morning traffic stop Wednesday","2146":"Rich People Have Access To High-Speed Internet; Many Poor People Don't Left behind at school, at home and at work: \"The civil rights issue of our time\"","2147":"In Gal\u00e1pagos, a Case of Suicide or Murder? Was it suicide or murder? The Ecuadorian government, hoping to answer that question, says it is reopening the case of the death of underwater filmmaker Valerie de la Valdene, whose body was found July 5, 2014 in her home on Santa Cruz island in the Gal\u00e1pagos.","2148":"Cam Newton Used The Most Carolinian Metaphor To Describe His Season \"It wasn\u2019t going to be instant grits,\" he said. \"It was going to be a process, like long-cooked collard greens.\"","2149":"Police Suspect 'Serial Bomber' In Deadly Austin Attacks Police say the latest explosion involved a bomb that may have been detonated by a trip wire.","2150":"This Firm Will Help Employees Pay Off Their Student Loans With the average student loan bill totaling over $35,000, the offer looks pretty attractive.","2151":"This Ex-NFL Player Is On A Mission To Become A Chess Master Having mastered football and math, John Urschel has his sights on chess.","2152":"Volkswagen's Emissions Scandal Is Getting Even Bigger More Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche owners could face recalls of their cars.","2153":"Big Business Is Leading The Charge On Gay Rights Now ","2154":"Why The 'Redskins' Name Can't Be Separated From The Bigger Issues Native Americans Face ","2155":"Seattle Shooting Near Trump Protest Leaves Multiple Wounded The shooting was not believed to be tied to the protests over Trump's election.","2156":"Metro Transit Police Officer In D.C Charged With Helping Islamic State 'The allegations in this case are profoundly disturbing.\"","2157":"Sacramento Kings' Darren Collison Arrested On Felony Domestic Violence Charge The league will be under pressure to respond swiftly and appropriately.","2158":"Police Thwart Plot To Steal Enzo Ferrari\u2019s Remains From His Tomb Members of a criminal gang allegedly wanted to hold his body for ransom.","2159":"Utah High School Stabbing Wounds 6, Including 16-Year-Old Suspect Victims were stabbed in either the neck or upper torso, before the attacker was taken down by stun gun.","2160":"9 Telltale Signs That It's Time To Quit Your Job Choosing to leave a job can be a gut-wrenching decision. You need to know that you\u2019re making the right choice.","2161":"Las Vegas Gunman Had 'Cache Of Weapons' The gunfire \"just kept coming,\" a witness said. \"It was relentless.\"","2162":"Adrian Peterson Defends Himself Against Damning Report ","2163":"Shotgun-Wielding Mom Scares Off Would-Be Intruder Banging Down Her Door \"He was running for his life and kept looking back.\"","2164":"(VIDEO) WPP Ups Investment in AppNexus as \"The only alternative to align with Facebook or Google,\" Martin Sorrell ","2165":"VW Sent Customers Letters In April Warning Of Emissions Glitch In April of 2015, Volkswagen of America, Inc. (VOWG_p.DE) sent letters to California owners of diesel-powered Audis and Volkswagens","2166":"Anything But Florissant How many have caught the irony in the word Florissant (\"flourishing\" or \"flowering\") in the strip of shops on West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson, Missouri, that were trashed and looted on the night of November 24 after a grand jury declined to indict white police officer Darren Wilson?","2167":"Uber, New York City Reach Tentative Truce On the heels of a days-long publicity war, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has tabled his plan to limit the number of","2168":"Cherishing the Kid Inside All of Us to Create Amazing Customer Experience: Steve Jobs Style The word magic takes me down memory lane, watching magic shows as a child was a roller coaster of delight, curiosity, wonderment, surprise and intrigue -- all rolled into one. For me, magic is a personal experience to cherish and the kid in me was overjoyed to observe its cross over to the professional side -- thanks to Steve Jobs.","2169":"NFL To Hold Moment Of Silence For Vegas Victims During 'Monday Night Football' ESPN has announced that it will air the national anthem and moment of silence, diverging from the network's previous plans.","2170":"Severed Pig's Head Found On Sidewalk Outside Mosque Surveillance video appears to show it being thrown from a pickup.","2171":"The INDEX: Award and Why It Matters for Innovation The INDEX: Award inspires designers and business leaders to pursue breakthrough innovations for some of the world's major challenges. However, is the INDEX: Award selection process conducive to identifying breakthrough innovations that will make their way toward successful implementation?","2172":"NYPD Kills Third Man In A Week ","2173":"Indians Fireworks Guy Accidentally Lets 'Em Fly After Kansas City Home Run He was all types of sad after making this mistake.","2174":"MLB Commissioner To Discuss Chief Wahoo Logo With Cleveland Owner After World Series \u201cI know that that particular logo is offensive to some people, and all of us at Major League Baseball understand why,\" Commissioner Rob Manfred said.","2175":"New Export Opportunities And Investment Strengthen Louisiana-China Ties By Sarah Wang, Project Assistant, East-West Center in Washington.\u00a0 Note: this article originally appeared in the East-West","2176":"Man Dies While Trying To Blow Up Condom Machine, Police Say Flying piece of metal hit 29-year-old in the head.","2177":"Police Eye Ex-Husband In Anne-Christine Johnson's Disappearance The missing mom once told authorities she feared her ex would \"hurt me or even kill me.\"","2178":"Oh Hey, Here\u2019s A Tiger Woods And Shooter McGavin Selfie Happy Gilmore conspicuously absent.","2179":"The Olympics: More Relevant Now Than Ever Before I have been obsessed with the Olympics for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, it was simply another attempt at","2180":"Donald Trump Would Wreck The U.S. Economy His proposals would cause a recession and maybe worse.","2181":"7 Ways Stand-Up Comedy Can Teach Us to Effectively Motivate Others What motivates us? What are the key drivers to motivating others? There are so many that resonate -- to deliver a message, to make a difference, to make an impact, to foster change, to create something new.","2182":"Astronaut Scott Kelly Is Psyched About The Private Space Industry The private space race, led in large part by Elon Musk's SpaceX, is a sign of things to come.","2183":"Staples Hack Affected Over 1 Million Cards ","2184":"2 Miami Police Officers Shot In Ambush-Style Attack \u201cThey were outnumbered and outgunned.\"","2185":"How Exxon Mobil And Koch Brothers Created A Culture Of Climate Doubt A new study finds that groups funded by the energy industry heavyweights use similar messages.","2186":"An NFL Guide to Employee Management Assessing and managing talent is difficult. If it were easy there would be fewer managers, classes on management, and self-help books! Why is it so hard?","2187":"Woman Alleges Rapper Young Lo Raped Her While She Was Trapped In Chris Brown's Home Prominent attorney Gloria Allred is representing the unidentified plaintiff.","2188":"Atlanta Falcons Beat Green Bay Packers To Reach Super Bowl The Falcons are headed to Houston.","2189":"Good Leaders Have Good Interfaces: How's Yours? The more aware you are of how you interact impacts others, the more likely you can lead them.","2190":"Alleged Dognapping Caught On Video ","2191":"Communicate Your Backstory to Connect If you intend to influence others, consider the backstory as the context -- and the gateway -- for your communication and connection.","2192":"Caster Semenya Cruises To Gold In 800m Final She was widely favored to win, and she delivered.","2193":"Falling Oil Prices Knocking Down America's Biggest Opponents ","2194":"2016 Presidential Advertising Focused On Character Attacks ","2195":"THIS Is What We Call Extreme Biking ","2196":"Officer Who Shot Tamir Rice: 'He Gave Me No Choice' ","2197":"Early Uber Investor Suing Former CEO Travis Kalanick For Fraud \"Kalanick intentionally concealed and failed to disclose his gross mismanagement and other misconduct at Uber,\" the suit claims.","2198":"Drug-Addled Puppy 'Looks Much Better' After Undergoing Doggie Rehab The dog was found in a motel room with meth, heroin and nicotine in his system.","2199":"13-Year-Old Boy Convicted Of Playground Murder \"He wanted to die, he wanted to end it all.\"","2200":"The Importance of STUDENT-athletes SNL ridiculed the deeply flawed system that allows athletes to attend college and even receive degrees without receiving an education. We found the skit to be entertaining, but deeply disturbing. Putting academic integrity before athletic success shouldn't be a late night punchline.","2201":"College Student's Bizarre Death Allegedly Linked To Frat Hazing The talented Bradley Doyley may have been forced to drink a toxic substance.","2202":"Amber Alert Canceled After 7-Year-Old Ariel Revello Found Safe Authorities say the boy's father may have taken him during a violent domestic dispute.","2203":"The Jacksonville Jaguars Want To Help You Catch 'Em All The Jaguars are hosting a very clutch Pok\u00e9mon Go safari night.","2204":"Man Who Killed Exchange Student Sentenced ","2205":"Subway Riders Rise Up To Clean Swastikas From New York Train \"Within about two minutes, all the Nazi symbolism was gone.\"","2206":"To All Corporations: This Is What People Mean When They Talk About Fairness As people, we've become accustomed to asking questions publicly, digging deeper and going past the advertising noise that bombards our senses every single waking minute.","2207":"11-Year-Old Driver Hits Woman With Car In Maui WAILUKU, Hawaii (AP) \u2014 Police say a pedestrian has life-threatening injuries after being hit by a car driven by an 11-year","2208":"The Awesome Power of Immersion Slowing down and going deep trumps speeding up and going crazy. Immersion trumps diversion. It's possible. Yes, it is. I have proof. And so do you, if only you would pause long enough to remember those extraordinary times when you unplugged and tuned in.","2209":"One Killed And Another Wounded At Texas Southern University Shooting HOUSTON (AP) \u2014 One person was killed and another wounded during a shooting at a Texas Southern University\u00a0student housing","2210":"Tonya Couch, Mother Of Fugitive 'Affluenza' Teen, Extradited To U.S. Ethan Couch's deportation was delayed by a Mexican judge.","2211":"An Amazing Thing Happened When Kevin Durant Visited 'School For Homeless Children' It was a heartwarming moment in Oklahoma.","2212":"Burglar Falls Through Ceiling Of Popeye's Restaurant In Hours-Long Robbery And it wasn't the popcorn shrimp he was after.","2213":"Pension Funds Tell Exxon To Tell The Truth About Climate Change Shareholders think the company isn't saying enough about the risks it faces.","2214":"The Puzzling Plummet Of RGIII Oct. 25, 2015. The final seconds tick down for a Washington Redskins 31-30 victory over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.","2215":"Elon Musk Apologizes For Tesla Workers Paid Just $5 An Hour By Subcontractor Tesla relied on cheap foreign labor to build a hi-tech paint shop in California, paying workers as little as $5 an hour, according","2216":"American Apparel Files For Bankruptcy The company's stores will continue to operate during restructuring.","2217":"Couple Hears Screaming, Finds Woman Trapped In Car For 2 Days \"This woman is lucky to be alive.\"","2218":"Autopsy Shows Police Shot Zachary Hammond In The Back And Side The local police chief had earlier said that Hammond was \"not shot from behind.\"","2219":"Draymond Green Short-Circuited Then Turned Off During Press Conference Does anyone have a Draymond charger?","2220":"The Missed Technology of People Networks ","2221":"Kobe Bryant Went Full Mamba On Trash-Talking Lakers Teammates Never poke the bear.","2222":"Can Regulation Provide Global Financial Stability? Achieving financial stability will continue to require risk management skills, good governance, personal ethics, and, above all, courage to act to prevent further deterioration of finance.","2223":"Outside Reviews Find Tamir Rice's Shooting Justified COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) \u2014 A white Cleveland police officer was justified in fatally shooting a black 12-year-old boy holding","2224":"TheFuturein5, Episode 28: What Is the Biggest Barrier to Change? In this episode of the Future in 5, I discuss what is the biggest barrier to change for organizations? In other words, why are some organizations not changing?","2225":"T-Wolves Owner Sets Timetable For Kevin Love Trade ","2226":"Do Nonprofit Directors Face Cyber Security Risk? If a nonprofit, like the one described, is attacked, not only will records be compromised, but also the reputation of the agency will be destroyed, probably along with the nonprofit organization itself.","2227":"Why Great Managers Are Great Talent Scouts Your talent is your tomorrow.","2228":"Psychiatrist In Jared Fogle Case Links Weight Loss And 'Mild Pedophilia' Not the best endorsement for the Subway diet.","2229":"The Drop In This Marching Band's Version Of 'Hello' Is Epic Just wait for it ...","2230":"Mindful Marketing Goes Mainstream: A Third Metric Live Conference Review If you are one of those highly accomplished, over-caffeinated, exhausted business leaders, you're in luck. It is now cool to admit it, and approach things in a healthier way.","2231":"Football Legend Joe Namath Might Donate His Brain For Research Namath has said his interest in neurological research was sparked by the suicide of ex-NFL star Junior Seau.","2232":"6 Ugly Facts About The Jets' Latest Debacle ","2233":"Man Jailed After He Says Cops Mistook Krispy Kreme Glaze For Meth The case exemplifies how wildly unreliable roadside drug tests are.","2234":"Toys R Us May Shut Down All U.S. Operations, Impacting Thousands Of Workers The liquidation could put up to 33,000 U.S. jobs at risk.","2235":"Manhunt For Escaped Prisoner Heats Up After Accomplice Killed ","2236":"He's Selling His Rio Silver Medal To Help A 3-Year-Old With Cancer You're a true champion, Piotr Malachowski.","2237":"Hispanic and Asian American Homeowner's Market Heats Up While the spring thaw is coming later than normal in both climate and housing this year, there are new signs that the market is picking up.","2238":"The Cup Overfloweth Most level-headed folks know that Ann Coulter is constantly baiting her readership, and it is very possible that her remarks about soccer were meant as satirical commentary. But it did cause me to wonder why more Americans seem drawn to soccer these days.","2239":"Cop's Conviction Brought Thousands Of Asian Americans Into New York's Streets On a Saturday in February, Chivy Ngo, who owns Mister Bo Ky restaurant in Brooklyn, took a rare three-hour lunch break, closed","2240":"This Is The First 10 Years Of Your Career You push the glass doors open for the first time. It's a beautiful office. One that only a huge multinational company like","2241":"The Ultimate Guide to Growth Hacking SEO. Social Media. Content marketing. They are all popular forms of marketing to drive traffic. Even so, if you think that you have all of your bases covered, if you are not yet leveraging the power of growth hacking, you are leaving a portion of your customer base untapped.","2242":"Man Allegedly Punches Disabled Veteran Over A Service Dog The attack was captured on video.","2243":"EU Antitrust Chief Expected To Charge Google On Wednesday: Sources Europe's antitrust chief is expected to hit Google on Wednesday with anti-competitive charges concerning its Android mobile","2244":"The Most Dangerous States In America ","2245":"Sam Fuld's Pro Baseball Journey Is Hardly Defined By His Diabetes \"Every day has its new challenge.\"","2246":"Trooper Deaths Highlight Special Dangers ","2247":"2 Horrifying Crashes Mar Men\u2019s Ski Halfpipe Event Kevin Rolland of France and Torin Yater-Wallace of the U.S. crashed into the lip of the halfpipe, derailing their medal hopes.","2248":"Tennessee Mother Charged After 4 Children Stabbed To Death The children, aged 4, 3 and 2 years old, and 6 months old, were found shortly after noon on Friday in an apartment.","2249":"Was the NJ Supercross Awesome? Fuggetaboutit! The first Supercross race to take place anywhere in the Northeast in 23 years is now in the record books.","2250":"Colorado Man Allegedly Shoots Son Dead After Mistaking Him For Intruder Frank Leo Huner Jr. faces a second-degree murder charge.","2251":"Where Tsarnaev Relatives Go In Boston, Media Will Follow ","2252":"Nothing Better Than Aaron Rodgers And Chris Paul Taking Trick Shots Goofy stunts. Serious skills.","2253":"Arizona Executions Impeded By Drug Supply Running Dry The state is being challenged by inmates who claim the use of the drugs is unconstitutional.","2254":"Missing 6-Year-Old Texas Girl Found In Louisiana Authorities say the girl was taken by her mom's ex-boyfriend.","2255":"Why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Matters Some people say it is a waste of water, while others say it's a publicity stunt. Some people have criticized the campaign by associating it with \"slacktivism.\" Why throw a bucket of ice water over your head when you can simply donate the money straight to the organization?","2256":"Surprise! Amazon Seems To Think You're Pregnant A mass email told customers they'd received a gift from their baby registry. Problem was, many aren't even expecting.","2257":"Sanders And Trump Have Something In Common, Bloomberg Says \"I'm not trying to knock Donald Trump, but...\"","2258":"Froome Cements Tour Great Status With Third Title The Team Sky rider becomes the first to retain his title since Miguel Indurain in 1995.","2259":"Garbage Truck Driver Miraculously Survives Plunge From Highway Ramp The terrifying accident was caught on the vehicle's dashcam.","2260":"Dirk Nowitzki Mocks Donald Trump In Fake Ad Campaign \"I'm Dirk Nowitzki and I approve this message.\"","2261":"5 Tips to Successful Content Marketing 2. Know your audience","2262":"A U.S. Cyclist Made Sure She Won Gold, Then Collapsed To The Ground Soon after, Kristin Armstrong's son rushed out to give her a hug.","2263":"12 Ways to Be Richer a Year From Now Without even knowing you I'd be willing to bet that the New Year's resolutions you made at the beginning of the year didn't materialize. There's no point agonizing over that -- it's what happens to most people.","2264":"Because Sexual Abuse Is The Old Normal Don\u2019t let Bill O\u2019Reilly dominate any part of our culture again.","2265":"It's Time to Enfranchise People With Felonies There's no public safety justification for stripping people of their right to vote. In fact, it's more likely that exercising the right to vote contributes to normalcy and law abiding behavior than the opposite.","2266":"WATCH: Neymar Out For World Cup With Fractured Vertebra ","2267":"Frozen Learning to love technology, to embrace it and use it well, may involve early crashing into each other, but in the long run, it can be a great tool of connection.","2268":"NFL Teams Honor Paris Victims With Touching Tributes Teams and fans showed solidarity with Paris in Sunday's games.","2269":"Why Venmo, And Every App Like It, Is So Annoying To Use There's really no way to make moving money faster.","2270":"For A First-Time Marathoner, There's Strength In Numbers Running used to appear on my to-do list somewhere after \"read the dictionary\" and before \"get a lobotomy.\" Now I'm training for my first marathon -- the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon. Previously, my longest run of all time was somewhere around 3 miles.","2271":"49ers Stunned In OT Loss To Chargers hings just keep getting worse for the Forty-Niners. After blowing a huge lead the San Diego Chargers fought back and tied the game to force an overtime and came away with the 38-35 victory over San Francisco. Nick Novak's 40-yard field goal sealed their win in OT.","2272":"NBA Power Play Fails ","2273":"Yao Ming Has Doubters, But He\u2019s Unquestionably A Hall Of Famer The dominant \"Great Wall Of Yao\" provided a bridge to the NBA's future.","2274":"NFL Contenders And Pretenders Which of these hot starting teams is for real?","2275":"Please Take Me Off Your List, Petco Try as hard as she might, Michelle Blanchard can't get off Petco's email list. What will it take to get the company to stop","2276":"Women in Business Q&A: Anna Perelman CEO and Co-Founder, Stell\u00e9 Audio Couture ","2277":"The Story Behind The Craziest Corporate Collapse Of The Last Decade This is madness.","2278":"Protesters Arrested After Rappelling NFL Stadium To Hang Banner They're going after Bank of America inside Bank of America Stadium.","2279":"Fight In Bathroom Stall At Giants Game Shows Fans Flush With Anger Hopefully no one was hurt.","2280":"Philadelphia Police Fatally Shoot Man After He Stabbed 2 Children He also assaulted his teenage daughter and two other women.","2281":"U.S. Figure Skater Nathan Chen Redeems Himself With Record-Setting Skate Chen's free skate performance was an epic comeback after a disastrous week.","2282":"NBA Forward Cleanthony Early Shot In Robbery This is the second time that a Knicks player has been robbed in two weeks.","2283":"WATCH: 'Reckless Play' Injures Star, Shakes Up NHL Playoffs ","2284":"Man To Be Executed For Rape, Murder Of 15-Year-Old Girl \"The delay in executing these two is just nuts because it didn't have anything to do with their guilt.\"","2285":"George R.R. Martin Spent The Day At Jets Training Camp Instead Of Writing Those Books We Need He's a Jets fan, which explains an awful lot about \"Game of Thrones.\"","2286":"Bismack Biyombo Has Become The Unlikely Answer To Raptors' Prayers The 23-year-old Congolese center has gone from reserve to shot-blocking, sterling starter.","2287":"Here Are Five Heisman Hopefuls Not Named Jameis Winston ","2288":"Harbaugh Gone, 49ers Hunt for New Head Coach In his four years as head coach, Harbaugh led the 49ers to two NFC Championships and the Super Bowl. How is this not enough for a team that hadn't made it to the playoffs since 2002. Every players dream is to win a Super Bowl but the reality is, only a few teams who get the chance.","2289":"CEOs Favor Hillary Clinton Over 'Businessman' Donald Trump More evidence the corporate world can't stomach Trump.","2290":"Dodgers Co-Owner Magic Johnson Goes Bonkers Watching Team Romp To World Series \"That's what I'm talking about, baby!\"","2291":"Man Pulls Gun On 6 Kids For Damaging Donald Trump Sign: Police The suspect admitted he had no real proof that they destroyed the sign.","2292":"How to Leverage Intuition in Decision-making It may feel safer to rely on logic or the opinions of others, but your gut instinct isn't just a willy-nilly mush of emotions, it's the sum of the subtle information that your brain has collected, but hasn't yet fully processed. It's your own inner wisdom.","2293":"Houston Quarterback Appears To Seize After Brutal Hit, Continues Playing Minutes Later Tom Savage was finally pulled from game due to a concussion.","2294":"Here\u2019s An Innovative Way To Get More Women Into The Boardroom Sukhinder Singh Cassidy came up with the perfect solution to one of the lamest excuses in the tech industry.","2295":"America Inc. Needs Attitude Adjustment to Reach Full Potential Abroad ","2296":"Elon Musk Predicts The Cause Of World War III (And It's Not Donald Trump) Tesla CEO issues a dire warning.","2297":"Rape Survivor's Son Petitions The NCAA To Ban Violent Athletes \"The truth is that some rapists and criminals just happen to possess outstanding athletic ability.\"","2298":"Ohio Officer Ray Tensing Trial: Judge Declares Mistrial In Police Shooting Of Samuel DuBose Body-camera video showed the officer shoot DuBose after pulling him over for a missing license plate.","2299":"High School Football Players Secretly Record Girls In Locker Room: Cops ","2300":"Black Cat Runs Onto Hockey Rink, Likely Dooming San Jose Sharks How's this for an omen.","2301":"Police Uncover New Leads In Child's 17-Year-Old Murder Mystery ","2302":"The San Francisco Giants Made Their Own 'Full House' Intro And It's Perfect Whatever happened to predictability?","2303":"Police: Man Fatally Shoots Self While Demonstrating How To Clean Gun Josmel Herrera was on a video call with a relative when he accidentally shot himself.","2304":"6 Scary Stories That Will Make You Rethink The Black Hole That Is The Internet ","2305":"This Tom Brady Courtoom Sketch Is Much Better Than The Last One Although its artist says, \"I still think I made him look like Lurch.\"","2306":"Packers Stun Lions With Stupefying, Game-Ending Hail Mary 61 yards. Wow.","2307":"4 Secrets To Great Meetings From Silicon Valley Greats ","2308":"Video Shows 8-Year-Old With Autism Taunted, Abused By Bus Driver \"It's clearly despicable,\" said an attorney for the girl's family.","2309":"CVS Still Sells Oreos, But Wants You To Walk More To Find Them And, hey, maybe you'll get distracted by some healthy food along the way.","2310":"Sheriff In Sandra Bland Case Tells Pastor: 'Go Back To The Church Of Satan' \"His behavior and his intimidation is completely inappropriate. I've never been disrespectful to him.\"","2311":"Idaho Police Department Thanks 'Heroic' Nurse For Standing Up To Utah Cop \u201cProtecting the rights of others is truly a heroic act.\u201d","2312":"Oregon College Shooter Identified As Chris Harper Mercer Reports say the shooter had three handguns and an assault weapon.","2313":"Tom Brady Has This Wish For Radio Host Who Insulted His 5-Year-Old Daughter The Patriots quarterback addressed the situation at a Super Bowl press conference.","2314":"Building Better Connections With Our Kids How many times have we allowed the demands of our businesses to shut out the needs of our families? Do that enough and we're left lacking meaningful connections and relationships with the most important people in our lives.","2315":"Man Opens Fire On Chicago Subway Train: Police ","2316":"Lead from Within: Become a Leader with a Personal Mission When you think of a great leader who comes to your mind? Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, Tony Hsieh, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, or Martin Luther King, Jr.? What are some of the characteristics that we are able to witness from these wonderful leadership role models?","2317":"Wall Street Turmoil Worsens As Dow Jones Plunges 1,000 Points The benchmark S&P 500 and the Dow industrials confirmed they were in correction territory.","2318":"Tim Tebow Smacks Walk-Off Home Run, Plays Like He Belongs In Baseball He has an 11-game hitting streak.","2319":"Bill Clinton Could Be The 'First Spouse' Hillary Was Punished For Being No one expects this guy to bake cookies or host teas. And that's good news for America.","2320":"Here Are The Most Popular Throwback Jerseys In Each State Kobe's pretty most popular in a lot of states, but not in California.","2321":"Jury Begins Deliberating Fate Of Shooter In Colorado Movie Theater Will jurors believe that he was guilty by insanity?","2322":"Ben & Jerry's Won't Rename 'Hazed & Confused' The company says the ice cream has nothing to do with hazing.","2323":"Royal Rumble Winner Rumors! Will Kenny Omega Make His WWE Debut? | WrestleTalk News Jan. 2017 ","2324":"Judge Orders Leonardo DiCaprio To Give Deposition In 'Wolf Of Wall Street' Lawsuit The plaintiff sued in 2014 for more than $50 million, claiming that he was defamed in the film.","2325":"Twitter Will Pay Its New Executive Chairman A 5-Digit Base Salary Omid Kordestani joined Twitter from Google earlier this week. His base salary at Google was $237,500, almost 5 times as much.","2326":"Reputation Recovery and Management Leading a \"perfect\" life -- very low-profile, never breaking any laws, never participating in any form of social media, never doing anything that might draw negative attention -- does not ensure a clean personal reputation in 2014 or beyond, unfortunately.","2327":"VW Warns Staff Of Impending 'Massive Cutbacks' \"I will be very open: this won't be painless,\" the new CEO said.","2328":"FALLEN ARCHES: McDonald's Struggles To Get Back On Top ","2329":"Controversial Call Has Major World Cup Consequences ","2330":"Getting Off the T Train Before kickoff on game day, in NFL locker rooms all over the country, players wait in line to drop their pants. We call it","2331":"Shell To Cease Costly Alaska Arctic Exploration An exploratory well drilled to 6,800 feet found oil and gas but not in sufficient quantities.","2332":"NFL Referee Ed Hochuli Denies Cam Newton\u2019s Ageism Allegations How old is \"old enough\" to receive fair treatment from refs?","2333":"Honolulu Police Officer Indicted On Charges Of Assault, Theft, Property Damage ","2334":"Watch A Kebab Shop Owner Stay Super Chill During An Armed Robbery \"I was sure he would not shoot me. He came to rob me, not to kill me.\"","2335":"Man Buried Alive In Sand Tunnel Collapse Was 'A Perfect Son': Family ","2336":"Indian Cops Arrest Alleged Kingpin Behind U.S. Tax Scam The scam reportedly targeted thousands of Americans, netting more than $300 million.","2337":"Ride-Hailing Drivers Probably Make Even Less Than They Think, MIT Paper Finds Uber called the methodology and findings of the working paper \"deeply flawed.\"","2338":"A Deadly Secret: States Refuse to Share the Source of Lethal Injection Drugs in Executions A botched execution also erodes public confidence because it means that something went wrong with the very process of death, which we have entrusted to our leaders. When a government hides information such as the source of drugs used in lethal injection, it erodes the public trust.","2339":"Health Insurer Cigna To Buy Express Scripts For About $54 Billion The combined company will be led by current Cigna Chief Executive Officer David Cordani.","2340":"Former Manson Family Member Patricia Krenwinkel Seeks Parole For 1969 Killings She has been in prison longer than any other female in California history.","2341":"Kershaw, Dodgers Shutout Giants Ryan Vogelsong got off to a great start. He retired the first nine batters he faced but unraveled in the fourth. Again he got no run support as the Giants got shutout 5-0 by the Dodgers.","2342":"Mom Says She Pulled Gun On Teens Threatening Her Son Police are still trying to piece together exactly what happened.","2343":"Tom Brady Asks Why His Friendship With Donald Trump Is Such A Big Deal Super Bowl\u2013bound QB opens up about their relationship.","2344":"Washington's NFL Team Is In Desperate Need Of A History Lesson The owner who chose the team's controversial name was for 24 years considered \"the leading racist in the NFL.\"","2345":"Giants Unravel, Dodgers Even The Series It was a rough night if your name is Tim. The Dodgers returned the favor after begin shutout last night. Tim Hudson gave up four runs in the first while both he and Tim Lincecum allowed four more hits in the second.","2346":"Gunman Kills Teen, Police Officer In Shooting Spree ","2347":"North Carolina Man Charged With Trying To Aid Islamic State, Justice Dept. Says A court complaint alleges that Erick Jamal Hendricks told an unnamed person his goal was to create a sleeper cell for carrying out attacks in the U.S.","2348":"3 Shot, 1 Dead In Shooting Near NY's Penn Station \"This kind of thing doesn't happen over here.\"","2349":"Dave Mirra's Father Fights Back Tears Talking About His Son The late BMX star was inducted into the USA BMX Hall of Fame on Saturday.","2350":"Are Your Meetings Collaborative... or Just Crowded? Four Factors to Consider. We were helping our client Sandra spring clean her meeting calendar last week paying particular attention to her recurring meetings -- those time sucking (and often soul sucking) meetings that once calendared, never seem to go away.","2351":"LIVE: Brazil vs. Colombia ","2352":"More Immigration Means Higher Wages For All Workers As diversity increases, both at the city and the workplace level, so does productivity.","2353":"Has Melo Made Up His Mind? ","2354":"Gymnast Simone Biles Leads The U.S. Team To Rio Some stars from London Olympics also make the squad.","2355":"Pete Rose, The St. Louis Cardinals and the Need for Consistent MLB Ethics Policies The newest revelations about Pete Rose betting on baseball, something that had long been suspected is a sad coda to a sad story about one of baseball's all time greats. Rose's efforts to finally make it to the Hall of Fame had been getting some traction earlier in the year, but that has changed now.","2356":"Women in Business: Q&A with Sarah Merrion Isaacs, CEO of Conventus ","2357":"6 Honest Mistakes That Can Get You Fired There are so many things that can get good, hard-working people fired. Honest mistakes often carry hard-hitting consequences","2358":"Second Shooting Reported At College In 24 Hours ","2359":"New York City Might Force Uber To Allow In-App Tipping For Drivers \"It\u2019s just not possible to make it on straight UberX rates.\"","2360":"Illinois Cop 'Carefully Staged Suicide,' Committed Crimes, Investigators Say The officer\u2019s death prompted a massive and costly manhunt.","2361":"The Nation Is Giving Workers 4 Months Of Paid Parental Leave The Nation magazine, to be clear. The U.S. still offers no paid leave to parents.","2362":"Top 10 College Basketball Seniors Of 2015 Like fine wine, these guys have only gotten better with age.","2363":"Former New Orleans Saints Footballer Will Smith Shot Dead The Super Bowl winner was reportedly killed, and his wife injured, after a minor traffic collision.","2364":"Steve Wynn Out As CEO And Chairman Of Wynn Resorts The Las Vegas mogul has been accused of abusing and sexually harassing casino workers for decades.","2365":"Native Americans Who Can't Afford Heat Take Desperate Measures To Stay Warm \u201cOut here, it feels like we\u2019re in our own world. It doesn\u2019t feel like the U.S. It feels like a third-world country.\u201d","2366":"Some RadioShacks Will Survive After All A court approved a plan to salvage RadioShack by co-branding most of its 1,740 surviving stores with cell phone provider Sprint.","2367":"Why Facebook Is Having A 'Goodfellas' Moment ","2368":"A Fan Got A Tattoo Of Jose Bautista's Bat Flip That didn't take long.","2369":"Photos Show 'Person Of Interest' Linked To Body Parts In Suitcase ","2370":"Staff Interacted Several Times With Vegas Mass Shooter, Hotel Says But it's still not clear if workers saw Stephen Paddock \u2014 or his arsenal \u2014 the day he killed 58 people.","2371":"Elon Musk Isn't Afraid Of A Rival Electric Car From Apple The Tesla chief said it's an \"open secret\" that Apple is making its own electric vehicle.","2372":"Bill Cosby Found Guilty In Sexual Assault Retrial The 80-year-old comedian was accused of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004.","2373":"NBA Rookie Is Literally Watching His Own Back Thanks To Tattoo You do you, Rondae.","2374":"TSI NFL Draft Series: Mock Draft, Taking on Mel Kiper Jr. (Part 4) ","2375":"Companies 'Doing the Right Thing' -- For Young Employees With Cancer Today's column will look at two more companies that \"did the right thing\" for their employees impacted by Cancer. I'll profile the two young women and how their diagnosis was treated.","2376":"Mike Trout Leads Angels' Resurgence Don't look now, but baseball's hottest team is the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, who entered the All-Star break with a 57-37 record, 1 1\/2 games behind the first place Oakland Athletics in the American League West.","2377":"Elderly Man Allegedly Punched In The Face Over Costco Nutella Samples \"It's a shame that it had to come to this over a Nutella sample.\"","2378":"Tesla Just Unveiled The Quickest Car You Can Actually Buy A new battery upgrade extends the range of the car, too.","2379":"Make America Safe Again Through six months of Donald Trump the progressive resistance has been united by opposition to his policies. \u00a0The good news","2380":"Steve Nash Announces Retirement From The NBA Nash played 19 years in the league.","2381":"These Clips Of Stephen Curry's Third Quarter Wednesday Night Are Unreal How many times have we had to write some version of this headline?","2382":"Growing Discount Airlines Learn The Hard Way You Can't Leave Workers Behind ","2383":"Virginia Just Became The First State To Regulate DraftKings And FanDuel The new rules will provide at least some oversight of the scandal-plagued daily fantasy sports industry.","2384":"Alex Rodriguez To Retire, Will Play Last Game On Friday \"Saying goodbye may be the hardest part of the job\" says the player, who will serve as special adviser through 2017.","2385":"Feds Deny NYPD Cop Killer Had Ties To Black Guerilla Family Prison Gang ","2386":"The Worst Economies In The World ","2387":"The 5 Safest Picks In The 2016 NBA Draft \"Safe\" is a relative term, but these five players are as safe as it gets.","2388":"Report: Revolving Door Gave Goldman Access To Fed Secrets ","2389":"How A Little Tech Glitch Took Down The NYSE For 3.5 Hours And you thought the latest iPhone update was a hassle.","2390":"Venus Williams Breaks Down About Deadly Car Crash After Wimbledon Win \"There are really no words to describe ...\"","2391":"Why You Need Emotional Intelligence to Succeed When emotional intelligence first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70% of the time.","2392":"Seattle Cop Won't Face Charges For Seriously Injuring Handcuffed Woman ","2393":"Police Arrest 14-Year-Old In Sexual Assault Streamed On Facebook Live An arrest warrant has also been issued for a 15-year-old boy, Chicago police announced Sunday.","2394":"A Love Letter to Tony Romo Not a single \"Romo hater\" has a legitimate reason for their position in my opinion. Sure, you haven't won a Super Bowl, but I highly doubt than any other quarterback would have won a ring on those teams.","2395":"CVS Is Reportedly In Talks To Acquire Aetna The pharmacy chain's move is likely motivated by concerns Amazon could enter the health care sector.","2396":"Stabbing At Miami's Art Basel Gallery Mistaken As Performance Art At least one witness thought the fight was a performance with fake blood.","2397":"Man Set Groomsmen's Cars, Homes On Fire After Marriage Failed: Cops \u201cThey didn\u2019t even reach out to me or care one bit.\u201d","2398":"Women in Business Q&A: Linda Mummiani and Caitlin Ewing, Executive Creative Directors at GREY NY Perhaps it was destiny that Linda would come to be a creative director. Raised in an artistic collaboration between her parents, a French fashion designer and an Italian Pastry Chef, she was exposed to line, drama, precision and movement before she could hold a crayon.","2399":"Officer Draws Gun On Man Filming Him, Asks If He's 'Constitutionalist Crazy Guy' The man filming said he was trying to protect himself.","2400":"On Cyber Monday, Consider All The Workers Who Bring You That Stuff Shopping online means we rarely encounter any of the workers who make it possible.","2401":"The Case Against The Bernanke-Obama Financial Rescue ","2402":"Cops Hunt For Suspects In Carjacking That Killed Kids ","2403":"11-Year-Old Kills Missouri Teen In Murky Home Shooting Police said the teen was an intruder, but witnesses said younger boy went on attack.","2404":"Snoop Dogg for CEO of Twitter ","2405":"Golden State Warriors Remain Undefeated Their magical season continues.","2406":"Indepreneur Rising Here are some tips I've shared with hundreds of indepreneurs that have proven useful when they \"step out on their own,\" and face the world with nothing behind them, other than what they're offering and their network of family, friends and associates.","2407":"Protests Clog Up Rio Hours Before Opening Ceremony \"We want to show the world that we won't stand for this totally illegitimate president.\"","2408":"Janice Dickinson Says She Won't Feel 'Vindicated' Until Cosby Is Jailed Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault last week, but sentencing has not been set.","2409":"Paul Krugman Warns Of Unprecedented Corruption Under Donald Trump \"Expect to see lots of privatization and a general shift from transparent to murky ...\"","2410":"4 Dead As Hostage Standoff Ends At California Veterans Home Three female employees and the gunman were all found dead after a daylong siege.","2411":"2 Dead After Rare Tornadoes Rip Through Central Florida Tornadoes are not common in the area, but more likely during El Ni\u00f1o systems.","2412":"The Best Meme Of The Winter Olympics Belongs To Scott Moir \"This should be one of those Canadian Heritage Moments.\"","2413":"Does TCU Deserve to Be in the College Football Playoff? The TCU Horned Frogs are currently 6-1 and 3-1 in the Big 12 conference. Their only loss of the season came against the Baylor Bears, who at that time was ranked fifth in the AP Poll and they only loss by three points 61-58.","2414":"The 10 Safest States In America ","2415":"J.J. Watt Has More Touchdowns Than Some Of The NFL's Biggest Offensive Stars ","2416":"What Can We Learn From Mizzou? Missouri football players help bring major change to campus, providing a glimpse of the power college athletes can have.","2417":"Houston Lawyer Shoots 9 Before Shot Dead By Police The man was in a military-style uniform with Nazi items, and police found thousands of rounds of ammo in his car.","2418":"Canadian Hockey Fans Rescue U.S. National Anthem, Prove They're The Nicest ","2419":"Cigarette Giants Plan Landmark Merger ","2420":"Paranoid Pot Grower Calls 911 On Himself After Hearing Helicopter, Cops Say \"I'm the guy they're looking for,\" Jasper Harrison allegedly told police.","2421":"Notorious Drug Smuggler To Be Released From Prison ","2422":"Cop Shoots Family Dog During 5-Year-Old's Birthday Party \"Opie wasn\u2019t a dog,\" the boy's mom said. \"He was our family.\"","2423":"Teen With Autism Sings A Wonderful Rendition Of The National Anthem He's an old pro at this.","2424":"Seattle-Area House Party Shooting Leaves 3 Dead Many of those present were young.","2425":"Easter Bunny Gets Hopping Mad In New Jersey Mall Brawl Somebody needs to review his mall bunny training.","2426":"Why Bosses Should Snoop On Employees Less Having a monitored desk could be worse than having no desk at all.","2427":"4 Lessons Prison Taught Me About Power and Control It's comforting to think that we have control over our surroundings and environment, but this does not make it so. Humans can have control over our actions and influence our environment, but we are still always subject to the whims of a universe we cannot understand.","2428":"Californian Confesses To Cold Case Slaying In Emotional TV Interview God made him want to clear his conscience, he says on camera.","2429":"Wells Fargo Settles Mortgage Case For $1.2 Billion The bank admitted to deceiving the government with \"years of reckless underwriting.\"","2430":"University Of Louisville Forced To Vacate Championship After Sex Scandal The punishment stems from a basketball team staffer paying prostitutes to have sex with players and recruits.","2431":"Warriors' Stephen Curry And Family Help Feed 400 Families In Need He's just as big a star off the court as on.","2432":"Washington Woman Believed Kidnapped For Ransom Found Dead (UPDATE) Sandra Harris's remains were found two days after her husband said she was taken against her will.","2433":"Do You Have a Simple Interest Mortgage? This is a good time, therefore, for borrowers to make sure that their mortgage has not been converted into a SIM, and if it has, to develop a plan for protecting themselves. It isn't all that difficult once you know the drill.","2434":"Graphic Police Dash Cam Video Shows Fatal Shooting Of Unarmed Man National outcry over police shootings brings old footage to light","2435":"Educating for Democracy: Collegiate Sports and March Madness The fundamental problem confronting Division l athletic programs comes at a time in which an increasing trend in higher education is becoming more obvious: education, except for the elite schools, is now run on a business model to the detriment of good teaching and good learning.","2436":"Yahoo's Marissa Mayer Loses Bonus For Handling Of 'Security Incident' About 500 million Yahoo users' accounts may have been compromised in the 2014 hacking.","2437":"Rosy View of SEC Regulation at Odds With Reality In an increasingly frantic effort to derail new protections for retirement savers, SIFMA, the self-described \"voice of the U.S. securities industry,\" has purchased yet another study that purports to show why a pending Department of Labor (DOL) proposal to require all financial advisors to put their customers first is unnecessary and inappropriate.","2438":"Man Brought Gun To School Shooting, Wanted To Protect Sister ","2439":"Comcast Apologizes To Man Who Was Fired After Complaining Of Nightmare Service ","2440":"Price Wrong and Lower Your Profits ","2441":"VW Built Several Devices That Evaded Emissions Tests * VW changed cheat software for new engine types - sources * VW used different defeat devices in Europe, United States * VW","2442":"'Inside The NBA' Tried To Talk E-Sports And Everything Went To Hell Shaq got into it with an e-sports guy, then Barkley started saying Barkley things.","2443":"Another Morning, Another Shooting Well here we are again. Waking up to reports of a mass shooting. This time in Orlando.","2444":"NBA Star Reveals Struggle With Panic Attacks And How Men 'Suffer Silently' Kevin Love of the Cavaliers wants men to know that it's OK to talk about mental health.","2445":"Women in Business: Monique Oxender, Chief Sustainability Officer, Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. ","2446":"What Makes a Leader? Similar to the point above, just because you have a C-level title, doesn't automatically make you a \"leader.\" I often stress the fact that you don't need a title to lead. You can be a leader in your workplace, your neighborhood, or your family, all without having a title.","2447":"Women in Business: Monica Noh, Founder of Carte Blanche ","2448":"Search For Missing 5-Year-Old Leads To Body In Family's Restaurant The girl's parents, who reported her missing Monday, now face charges over her death.","2449":"San Bernardino Officials Fight Back Tears To Praise Community Spirit The county's health director, who survived the shooting, relived how the victims held each other as the attackers opened fire.","2450":"U.S. Swimmer James Feigen Says Peeing Outside Rio Gas Station Was 'Regrettable' \"I would like to apologize for the serious distractions from the Olympics, Rio de Janeiro and Team USA,\" he said.","2451":"The Moral Dilemna -- Who You Endorse In Your Career ","2452":"Pulse Nightclub Shooter's Father Revealed As Former FBI Informant Lawyers for Noor Salman, the gunman's widow, have asked the judge to toss the case against her.","2453":"Police Find Recorded 'Confession' On Austin Bomber's Cellphone \u201cThis is an outcry by a very challenged young man.\u201d","2454":"What's Really Going On With Twitter? ","2455":"The Apple Watch: More Evidence the Gang of Four Are Becoming Banks Since many are focusing on the elegant design and capabilities of this new product, I would not add much value to do the same. I prefer to discuss the Apple Watch as another step in Apple's game plan to turn itself into a bank.","2456":"Germany Can't Handle Ghana In World Cup Thriller ","2457":"Tom Brady Is Ready To Make A Deal According To Some Reporters -- And Not According To Others Someone, please put an end to this madness.","2458":"Yet Another Reason To Love Legos Some toy blocks are outshining gold.","2459":"Education Department Letting For-Profit Schools Off Because They\u2019re \u2018Too Big To Fail,\u2019 Report Says Banks aren't the only \"too big to fail\" companies that put taxpayers at risk.","2460":"How To Find Work You Love Lessons from four years of learning about joyful, meaningful work.","2461":"Kobe Right About Ego-and-Greed-Driven AAU Basketball The Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant recently came out ripping AAU basketball while saying young players in Europe are much better prepared than their United States counterparts. 'AAU basketball,' answered Bryant when asked what's wrong with basketball in the United States.","2462":"Baylor Rape Victim Hires Same Lawyer As Jameis Winston Accuser The Baylor player was convicted of sexual assault earlier this month.","2463":"Colorado Springs Shooting Rampage Leaves 4 Dead, Including Gunman Four officers fired back, killing the suspect.","2464":"Uber Paid 20-Year-Old Florida Man $100,000 To Keep Quiet About Data Breach The breach exposed the personal data of 57 million Uber users.","2465":"'F**k Muzlim' And 'Terroist' Spray-Painted On Muslim Man's Car The act of vandalism is the latest in a string of alleged anti-Muslim crimes during the final week of Ramadan.","2466":"Why Major League Baseball\u2019s All-Star Game Is Americana The death of America\u2019s All-Star Game has been protected, even promoted by nay-sayers who say the times have passed it by","2467":"Video Shows Child Trying To Wake Mom Who Allegedly Overdosed Police around the country say they're seeing similar scenes on a regular basis.","2468":"Snow Volleyball In The Olympics? Pyeongchang Exhibition Plants The Seed The sport was held as an Olympic demonstration event on Valentine's Day.","2469":"A Mosque In Rhode Island Was Vandalized After The Nice Attacks Someone smashed the windows and painted \"Muhammad Prophet of butchers\" on the building.","2470":"Former NBA Player Jay Williams Predicts 'Collapse' Of Amateur NCAA System The ESPN analyst shares his vision for the future of college athletics.","2471":"Bud Norris Thinks Foreign Players Need To Respect 'America's Game' If They Want 'Our American Dollars' \"They Took Our Jerbs\" strikes again.","2472":"ESPN To Have First Female Analyst Call Top Soccer Tournament On U.S. TV A former U.S. Women's National Team star will make history as part of ESPN's broadcast team for this summer's European Championships.","2473":"Search For Killer Underway After Google Employee Found Dead In Woods Vanessa Marcotte's death came just days after another New York City jogger was found dead. Police say the cases are not related.","2474":"Video Shows Cop In School Grabbing Teen By Neck, Slamming Him To Floor The officers were supposed to be de-escalating the situation.","2475":"Antonio Cromartie Shuts Down Coach's Son For Making Fun Of Him On Twitter Never a good idea to make fun of an NFL player if you're the coach's son.","2476":"Topless Protester Arrested Outside Bill Cosby Retrial A woman chanting \"women's lives matter\" reportedly jumped in front of Cosby as he made his way to the courthouse.","2477":"NFL Star Takes Away His Sons' Participation Trophies \"Sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better.\"","2478":"USA's Virginia Thrasher Wins First Gold Medal Of 2016 Rio Olympics The 19-year-old held her nerve against two Chinese Olympic champions to clinch the women\u2019s 10m air rifle event.","2479":"Man Convicted Of Pushing Wife From Rocky Mountain Cliff On Anniversary His first wife also died under suspicious circumstances while he was alone with her.","2480":"Text Analytics 2014: Q&A with Fiona McNeill, SAS Fiona McNeill\u00a0is Global Product Marketing Manager at\u00a0SAS, co-author of The Heuristics in Analytics: A Practical Perspective of What Influences Our Analytical World. The following are her December, 2013 Q&A responses.","2481":"Woman Sues Former Employer After Rush-Hour Traffic Schedule Request ","2482":"Mother Of Slain Aurora Teen Calls Out Bernie Sanders On Gun Control She accused the Democratic presidential candidate of laughing about gun violence and having no compassion for victims.","2483":"Pregnant Woman Robbed While Having Labor Contractions \"Who robs a pregnant woman?\" the victim wants to know.","2484":"Rancher Dies In Shootout With Deputies Planning To Kill Bull Jack Yantis, the bull's owner, arrived with a rifle just as deputies decided to put down the animal.","2485":"Thousands Of Crime Victims Get Worrying Notices About Perpetrators ","2486":"How to Manage Your Personal Brand Make no mistake: If you have a Facebook account, an Instagram page, a Twitter profile, you are a brand. Every time you upload a photo, add a link, or post an update, you're putting into the world another idea of yourself and what you stand for.","2487":"The Real Bill for ObamaCare ","2488":"The Remarkable Legacy of Warren Bennis ust as Peter Drucker was \"the father of management,\" Warren Bennis will be remembered as \"the father of leadership.\" It was Warren who first said leadership is not a set of genetic characteristics, but rather the result of the lifelong process of self-discovery.","2489":"These 29 Photos Of Procrastination Porn Will Cure Your Boredom ","2490":"Going On Vacation? Don't Pack Your Email Some can't relax unless they know there are no fires burning at work, so they check email surreptitiously while their travel companions are planning the day's excursion. Not me, not anymore.","2491":"Jilted Ex-Boyfriend Sends Nude Photos Of Teacher To Students, Staff: Police ","2492":"Networking Made Easy: 8 Conversation Starters For Those Who Don't Know Where To Start Done right, networking can be the silver bullet for building your profile, gaining new business opportunities and building your career. But what happens when you show up to an event and just can't find ways to engage with others?","2493":"Dallas Police Chief Who Guided Force During Sniper Attack To Retire Brown managed the response to a shooting that killed five officers.","2494":"Woman Says Cops 'Murdered' Brother In Tussle After Breaking Into Home Without Warrant North Carolina sheriff's deputies reportedly broke down John Livingston's door.","2495":"Greg Hardy Is Going To Play On Sunday Without Ever Apologizing Nearly a year and a half later, Greg Hardy has yet to apologize for his domestic violence offense.","2496":"The Creator Of The Regal Cinemas Rollercoaster Animation Has Died John McLaughlin, the man behind the beloved rollercoaster voyage into Regal Cinema's feature presentations, has died at the","2497":"Dummies Arrested After Bragging About Alleged Burglary On Facebook Derp.","2498":"Could-Be Phil Jackson On A City Bus Is The Beaten Commuter In All Of Us Whether it's really him or not is beside the point.","2499":"DraftKings, FanDuel Permanently Ban Employees From Playing Daily Fantasy The moves follow a scandal that brought public and congressional scrutiny to the industry.","2500":"U.S. 'Shib Sibs' Win Olympic Bronze And Everybody's Hearts The sibling figure skaters' performance set the internet ablaze.","2501":"Man Jailed in Suspected Hate Crime After Mosque Worshiper Is Stabbed in California He allegedly attacked a Muslim in a scuffle outside Simi Valley Islamic center.","2502":"How to Forecast the Environment for Success How can we forecast our environment so that we are aware of its influence over us and how we can use what we learn to our success? There are three interconnected stages of importance here: anticipation, avoidance, and adjustment.","2503":"Philippine Government Seeks Custody Of US Marine In Transgender Woman's Death ","2504":"Ikea\u2019s New Project Will Create Jobs For Syrian Refugees The company plans to employ Syrian refugees living in Jordan to produce a new line of handwoven rugs and textiles.","2505":"States Where It's Hardest To Find Full-Time Work ","2506":"Who Wanted This Dentist Dead? \"She admitted that she conspired with an unnamed individual.\"","2507":"The Driving Force Behind the U.S. Oil Boom Behind the stardom of the explorers and producers who have put themselves on the revolutionary shale map and absorb most of the risk--are the service providers who make up a highly lucrative market segment.","2508":"LeBron James Talks Vandalism, Racism: \u2018Being Black In America Is Tough\u2019 \"We got a long way to go for us as a society,\" James said at a conference after a racial slur was spray-painted on his home.","2509":"The Simple Way A Tech Company Is Keeping Women From Quitting Adobe proves that if you give great maternity leave bennies you'll earn women's loyalty. Because, duh.","2510":"Young Marcus Mariota Fan's World Comes Crashing Down Mid-Breakfast Like all our worlds do.","2511":"Hundreds Arrested As Fast-Food Workers Strike Across The Country ","2512":"Businesses Must Connect to People for Real Success Entrepreneurship is more about building a business than inventing a product. It's more about the quality of the execution, rather than the quality of the idea. Most importantly, it's more about being a proactive leader.","2513":"Aspiring Pastor Accused Of Murdering Wife Blames It On Cough Syrup \u201cI have blood all over me, and there\u2019s a bloody knife on the bed. And I think I did it,\u201d the man told a 911 dispatcher.","2514":"Escaped Inmates Had a 16 Hour Head Start And Likely Help From Inside Jail officials didn't realize that the three inmates, charged with violent felonies, were missing until long after they vanished Friday.","2515":"12 Powerful Photos That Will Change The Way You Look At The World Cup ","2516":"Ravens Take Out Rival Steelers In Playoff Grudge Match ","2517":"Manhunt Ends For Suspect In \u2018Execution\u2019 Of California Deputy \u201cDennis had a very special relationship with young people and a special place in our hearts at the sheriff\u2019s office.\u201d","2518":"Pressure Mounts On Credit Suisse CEO To Quit ","2519":"Oklahoma Woman Who Plowed Into Homecoming Crowd Was Not Drunk, Court Papers Show TULSA, Okla. (Reuters) - A woman accused of killing four people and injuring dozens more at Oklahoma State University\u2019s Oct","2520":"Feds Investigating Exxon On Climate Change The investigation has been called a \"moment of reckoning\" for the corporation.","2521":"People Are Listening and You Haven't Said a Word Yet This means your appearance, your body language, and the way you carry yourself are identifiers of what you are about. Think of it like being the front cover of a book; the content could be extraordinary, but if it doesn't scream \"pick me up!\" only a select few actually will.","2522":"The Uncommon Reasons for the Rise of Stress Do you feel like there is an unlimited supply of stress in this world? No, not the kind of stress that comes with growth. Unfortunately, it is the kind of stress that comes with being stuck. Common sense says that your growth is hugely influenced by the right investments you make in yourself.","2523":"The Hard Truth About the Current State of Soft Skills in the U.S. The tradeoff between hard and soft skills appear to be most at play in professional capacities such as accounting, finance and law, where people are trained and hired for their extreme analytical capabilities.","2524":"Texas High School Football Coach Recants Statement Saying He Ordered Players To Hit Referee He says he lied to protect the kids.","2525":"Two killed, Four Wounded In Louisville Park Shootings Two men were dead at the scene, and the wounded suffered non-life-threatening injuries, police spokesman Dwight Mitchell said.","2526":"Mother Of Pittsburgh Pirates Catcher Elias Diaz Kidnapped In Venezuela Details about Ana Soto's disappearance have not been released but the Pirates issued a statement confirming she was in danger.","2527":"A New England Patriot Will Play On The U.S. Olympic Rugby Team Nate Ebner will be the only active NFL player representing his country in Rio.","2528":"This Video Will Show You Just How Slow Baseball Has Become ","2529":"Your Consumer Rights Are Disappearing, But Here's How To Protect Yourself Now It's not your imagination. Your consumer rights are vanishing. Not a day seems to go by that you don't see news of another","2530":"Men Cleared Of Murder After Decades In Prison To Get $1.6 Million ","2531":"NBA Owner Vivek Ranadiv\u00e9: Welcome to Civilization 3.0 ","2532":"Watch Weightlifter Celebrate Olympic Bronze With An Epic Backflip Good job, Aurimas Didzbalis!","2533":"Trucker's Scarily Close Call Shows Just Why Stop Signs Must Be Obeyed A \"few seconds either way and the outcome could have been terrible,\u201d he says.","2534":"Patriotism And Protests Part Of Super Bowl Kickoff Close to 500 demonstrators are reportedly gathering at a park nearly two miles from the stadium with plans to march on the Super Bowl.","2535":"Uber Finds Itself In More Legal Trouble, This Time With The Justice Department The DOJ is looking into claims Uber might have violated foreign-bribery laws.","2536":"National Anthem Protests Spread In NFL Opening Games The demonstrations for social justice, sparked by 49er Colin Kaepernick, have spread around professional sports.","2537":"Eight Hurt When Roof Collapses During Early St. Patrick's Day Party In California ","2538":"Mob Attacks Teen Asylum-Seeker In London, Leading To Multiple Arrests Police said the attackers asked Kurdish-Iranian teen Reker Ahmed where he was from before beating him.","2539":"Austerity Is Poisoning The Economy, In 2 Charts ","2540":"Here's The Hollywood-Worthy Rio Gymnastics Story You Didn't Hear Houry Gebeshian's story belongs on the silver screen.","2541":"Dear Pro Athletes, Stop Playing With Fireworks Two NFL players have lost fingers in the last week alone.","2542":"3 Steps to Help Our Children Earn An \"A\" In Personal Finance ","2543":"Dozens Of Teens Detained In Brawl At Arizona State Fair ","2544":"A Violent Criminal's Athletic Record Doesn't Matter. End Of Story. It's time to stop giving a free pass to men who commit heinous acts.","2545":"Hope Solo Stars As U.S. Women's Soccer Beats France At Olympics Solo kept France scoreless as the Americans earned their second victory in Rio.","2546":"71-Year-Old Woman Shot In The Leg While Knitting Inside Her Home Officers recovered five shell casings near a basketball court across the street.","2547":"Buffalo Bills' A.J. Tarpley Retires From NFL At Age 23, Citing Concussions More and more players have been quitting pro football because of health fears.","2548":"Ayesha Curry Says Game 6 Of The NBA Finals Was 'Absolutely Rigged' Steph Curry's wife later deleted the comment, saying she'd reacted \"in the heat of the moment.\"","2549":"Largest Private Prison Contractor Slashes Jobs After Losing Federal Business The Department of Justice\u2019s decision to phase out privatized prisons is eating away at the CCA's profits.","2550":"Stephen Piscotty Injured In Horrific Outfield Collision (GRAPHIC VIDEO) The Cardinals rookie suffered a 'head contusion' in the incident.","2551":"Cities That Work for Everyone Cities, some would argue, are the world's greatest inventions, bringing productivity and opportunity to billions. But for many, cities are a hellhole of poverty and violence offering no visible way out.","2552":"Giant Man Shakes Hands With Normal-Sized Reporter Trust us. The San Antonio Spurs' Boban Marjanovi\u0107 is gargantuan.","2553":"2015's Most Amazing Images From Business And Industry What a year.","2554":"This Is Why You Don't Mess With The Garbage Man ","2555":"How Mark Zuckerberg Should Give Away $45 Billion For a long time, the way philanthropy worked was simple: Rich people gave their money to museums and churches and opera houses","2556":"Horrific Footage Of Ray Rice Punching Fianc\u00e9e Leaks ","2557":"Remember the Old Days When Bad Guys Robbed Banks? It used to be that bad guys, called bank robbers, robbed banks. Now the banks are robbing us. Authorities just fined five of the world's largest global banks $5.7 billion for rigging benchmark interest rates. This brings the tally of fines assessed seven top banks in Europe and the US to roughly $10 billion.","2558":"Cleveland City Council Votes To Raise Minimum Age To Buy Tobacco Products To 21 The measure is part of an effort to block teenagers and adolescents from getting addicted to tobacco.","2559":"Deadly Shooting At Texas High School Police say a shooter is dead and another is person injured.","2560":"Multimillionaire CEO Caught On Tape Kicking Puppy (GRAPHIC VIDEO, UPDATE) ","2561":"NBA Pulls All-Star Game Out Of Charlotte Over 'Bathroom Bill' The league is apparently looking at New Orleans as the replacement city.","2562":"7 Challenges Successful People Overcome ","2563":"These Are The Victims Of Terrorism In Colorado Springs A 36-year-old mother. A 29-year-old Iraq vet. A 44-year-old police officer.","2564":"Paul Pierce And Wizards Are Eliminated In Heartbreaking Fashion It's difficult to watch.","2565":"New Stanford Criminal Justice Study Right, But Incomplete and Misleading Giving up on talking about race or facts because of the Stanford study would be a sad high-jacking of criminal justice discourse in our country.","2566":"When The Minimum Wage Goes Up, Women Win \"You\u2019re not only increasing women\u2019s economic security\u201d by raising the minimum wage, says one researcher. \u201cYou\u2019re also increasing equality.\u201d","2567":"New Jersey's Consumer Advocate Takes the Verizon-NJ Board of Public Utilities' 'Stipulation Agreement' to Court On May 27, 2014, the New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel filed with the Superior Court, Appellate Division, a Notice of Appeal to halt a stipulation agreement between the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) and Verizon New Jersey (VNJ) to erase a 20+ year plan called Opportunity New Jersey.","2568":"New York Mets Win Game 3 Of 2015 World Series The series is now 2-1 heading into Saturday's Game 4.","2569":"Rio Police Arrest Second Olympic Boxer Over Sexual Assault Namibia's Jonas Junius allegedly assaulted a room maid in the Olympic village.","2570":"Skier's Epic Fall Leads To 7 Flips And 1 Incredible Video WHOA!","2571":"O.J. Simpson Released From Nevada Prison Simpson won his parole in July after 9 years in prison.","2572":"Suspected Drunken Driver Smashes Into Helicopter \u201cYou\u2019ve got to be pretty drunk.\"","2573":"Will TPP Kill the Post Office? Will TPP enable the privatizers to declare things like our beloved U.S. Postal Service, schools and roads to be \"commercial activity\" that competes with private companies? How about our parks, libraries, public pensions and other public services?","2574":"New United Airlines Policy Scraps Last-Minute Boarding for Crew Members \u201cThis ensures situations like Flight 3411 never happen again,\u201d a spokeswoman said.","2575":"Uber Halts Self-Driving Car Fleet After Crash In Arizona No one was injured when an SUV flipped on its side in Tempe.","2576":"Five Tips to Transform Talent in the Workplace If you look at all these questions, the underlying issue is talent. How to attract, recruit, hire, onboard, mentor, develop, coach and lead a team of people who fit the organizational culture and produce results for your organization.","2577":"Elizabeth Warren Seems To Be Staking Out Her Place In A Clinton Presidency Watch out, Wall Street.","2578":"The Top 10 Reasons the Economic Recovery Is as Dull as a Dead Parrot An economy with nobody working is boring. The share of the population that is working simply has not recovered.","2579":"PGA Golfer Robert Allenby Kidnapped, Beaten In Hawaii ","2580":"Amtrak Engineer Was Not Using Cell Phone During Philadelphia Crash: NTSB Report ","2581":"McDonald's and Walmart Raise the Floor on Wages: Six More Moves for Business on Inequality ","2582":"Woman Bitten By Police Dog As She Slept Is Challenging How Cops Use Dogs The San Diego Police Department trains dogs to enter a building and bite the first person they find.","2583":"Wrigley Field Turns 100, And It Hasn't Lost A Step ","2584":"6 Insanely Complicated Murder Plots (That Actually Happened) Murder, at its core, is relatively uncomplicated. One person, either out of anger or the promise of some kind of personal","2585":"105-Year-Old Man Sets Cycling World Record If this doesn't inspire you to get off the couch, nothing will.","2586":"Let's Watch Gilbert Arenas Smash His Own Mercedes With A Cinder Block Shall we?","2587":"Hawaii Swimmer Rips Out Shark's Eye To Survive Attack Tony Lee, who lost one foot, was holding the eyeball when he finally escaped to the surface.","2588":"Burger King Deal With Tim Hortons May Be Disastrous For Rainforests ","2589":"The Death of Email The complete elimination of email is highly unlikely, at least for the foreseeable future, however some companies are embarking on a journey to do just that, at least for internal communication and collaboration purposes.","2590":"Ohio Is About to Outlaw ... Bestiality It's legal in nine states","2591":"Man Shot And Critically Wounded In Dallas Cowboys Parking Lot The shooter was reportedly encouraged by a crowd to kill the victim.","2592":"Coal Companies Paid Lobbyists Millions Before Going Bankrupt And then they cut employee benefits.","2593":"8 NFL Moments That Couldn't Have Happened Without Fingers There's no \"I\" in phalange.","2594":"Chipotle CEO Predicts The Demise Of 'Irrelevant' Fast Food Chains ","2595":"ISIS Sympathizer Allegedly Threatens Co-Worker With Beheading ","2596":"Report Criticizes Private Mississippi Prison After Deadly Riot ","2597":"Uber Halts Self-Driving Car Tests In California, Where It Didn't Test Much Anyway The consequences of a fatal crash in Arizona continue.","2598":"Here's Another Way Uber, Lyft Are Beating Taxis \"The wheels on the gig-economy go 'round and 'round...\"","2599":"Kansas City Royals Lead World Series 3-1 NEW YORK (AP) \u2014 The Kansas City Royals keep finding new ways to win this October. And now with one more victory in November","2600":"Donald Sterling: 'It Wasn't Me' ","2601":"Is This Johnny Manziel's Last Chance In Cleveland? Plus, some thoughts on football being a \"fun-house mirror\" for America.","2602":"Muslim Veteran Who Served In Iraq Finds 'Terrorist' Written On His Locker Mohamed Abbas says he's been targeted in the workplace many times for his religion.","2603":"Looks Like O.J. Simpson Will Be A Free Man Very, Very Soon As soon as Sunday, even.","2604":"5 Reasons People May Not Be Following Your Leadership There are times throughout a leader's tenure that they must look behind them and see if anyone is following. We've probably all known \"leaders\" who were leaders in name only. Losing your influence often does not happen quickly but, rather, happens over a period of time.","2605":"How The U.S. Marshals And Bureau Of Prisons Are Trying To Break My Hunger Strike He seems surprised by the litany, caught off guard by how fervent I am while in such a weak state. I also sense a beating","2606":"How FICO's New Credit Score Will Impact Consumers Fair Issac Corp., the creator of the widely used FICO score, is switching up how it computes credit scores. The new score, known as FICO 9, will be rolled out to the three major credit bureaus this fall. But what does this mean for consumers?","2607":"Legacy Wars: Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates Not long ago, Malcolm Gladwell made a bold prediction: Fifty years from now, Apple will be around and Microsoft will be gone, but Bill Gates will be remembered -- and Steve Jobs won't. As surprising as it seems, Gladwell might be right.","2608":"The World Cup Winners Selfie Is The Best Ever ","2609":"Plane Crashes Into Maryland Home, Kills 3 ","2610":"Lender Discrimination May Be Pushing Black Churches Into Bankruptcy Predominantly African American congregations make up one-fifth of U.S. religious congregations but three-fifths of church","2611":"The Most Popular Stores In America Walmart is the most popular store in America. More than half of all shoppers in the country visit a Walmart location in a","2612":"LeBron James, Meet Harrison Barnes Harrison Barnes gets his NBA Finals moment.","2613":"Campbell\u2019s Super Bowl Ad Pays Tribute To The Heroic Sports Mom Get your hankie out.","2614":"Flight Attendant Told Eagles Fans To 'Tone It Down' -- They Didn't These fans are flying high.","2615":"Art Thief Busted Seeking Presidential Pardon In Stolen Car: Cops \u201cHe was looking to be pardoned by the Obama administration before the Trump administration came in.\u201d","2616":"Tennessee Shooting Suspect Texted Friend An Islamic Verse Hours Before Attack Hours before the Tennessee shooting that killed five U.S. servicemen, the suspected gunman texted his close friend a link to a long Islamic verse that included the line: \"Whosoever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, then I have declared war against him.\"","2617":"This Video Game Could Change Business School Forever -- And It's Actually Fun We got to test out a new game that's supposed to be better at teaching strategy than a professor is. Here's what we found.","2618":"Woman Dies After Getting Arm Stuck In Donation Box Investigators believe she had her arm in the bin when her step ladder collapsed.","2619":"Officer Boasts Of 'Annual Michael Brown Bonus,' Prompts Investigation \u201cWe understand the post is controversial,\" the St. Louis Police Department said.","2620":"McDonald's All-Day Breakfast Is Hurting Franchises But Boy, Are Those Hash Browns Good Many franchisees say that the new meal option is losing them money.","2621":"Newlywed Couple Crash Cars Into Each Other In Fatal Accident ","2622":"Jerry Sandusky Heads Back To Court To Overturn Child Molestation Conviction The former Penn State assistant football coach is serving 30 to 60 years in prison after being convicted of molesting 10 boys.","2623":"Companies Should Be Forced To Disclose Climate Risk, Unilever CEO Says \u201cWe must hold each other to account on #ParisAgreement.\u201d","2624":"NFL Names Pizza Hut Its New Official Pizza Sponsor After Dropping Papa John's Here's the deep dish.","2625":"White Supremacist Found Guilty In Charlottesville Beating Of Black Man A jury recommended a 10-year jail sentence and $20,000 fine for the attack on DeAndre Harris.","2626":"Talent Analytics: Old Wine In New Bottles? A day does not pass without my receiving multiple emails announcing webinars, publications, and workshops focused on talent analytics. Talent analytics has become an important area in both consulting firms and corporations.","2627":"You Probably Don't Know These Consumer Laws -- But You Should It might be a stretch to say that American consumers are legally illiterate. After all, don't we watch Law & Order? In fact","2628":"EU Court Issues Landmark Data Ruling BRUSSELS\/LUXEMBOURG, Oct 6 (Reuters) - A deal that allows thousands of companies to transfer data from Europe to the United","2629":"11 Gifts For Sports Loving Fathers, According To Real Dads ","2630":"UPDATE: 2 Marines Dead After Military Aircraft Crashes At Bellows Air Force Station In Hawaii ","2631":"Just Vengeance In late January of last year, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it would be seeking the Death Penalty in the case against Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Many were outraged.","2632":"Krugman: Why America Is Still Stuck ","2633":"Florida Sheriff's Deputy Cleared In Death Of Man Carrying Air Rifle Broward County Sheriff\u2019s Deputy Peter Peraza argued that the 2013 shooting was in self defense.","2634":"WATCH: Truck Plows Into Stolen Car, Ends Reckless Joyride ","2635":"911 Calls Shed Light On What Happened During Orlando Nightclub Shooting \"He's going to kill us,\" a man whispers to a 911 dispatcher in one call.","2636":"Virginia Tech Student Allegedly Stabbed 13-Year-Old Girl To Death, Says Prosecutor The victim's mother spoke out about her daughter's life.","2637":"Why We Need to Stop Measuring Success in Six Figures At my very first \"career\" job, my salary was $28,000 a year. After years of working low paying jobs to pay my college expenses and subsist, I thought I had it made. I was happy and ready to take on the world.","2638":"Derrick Rose's Kid Is Seriously The Coolest Kid In The World Bow down.","2639":"The 5 Most Memorable Commercials of 2014 This year, viewers were treated to memorable spots with all forms of wit and creativity, featuring everything from the Super Bowl, to the Olympics, to Mother's Day.","2640":"Rock Band Won't Rock Because Hedge Fund Pill Guy Bankrolled Label \"I don't want to be attached to that person.\"","2641":"Is Johnny Manziel Tempting Fate? A whole industry has developed which has nonstop reporting of arrests, domestic problems, money issues, and alcohol and drug abuse by these stars. This requires the athlete to be extra scrupulous in where and how he is seen in public. Venues like Las Vegas can be especially challenging.","2642":"CVS Agrees To Buy Aetna In A $69 Billion Deal Aetna Inc\u2019s board of directors approved the deal on Sunday, for approximately $207 per share in cash and stock.","2643":"NFL's Todd Heap Runs Over Daughter In Deadly Accident While Moving His Truck The tragedy occurred in driveway of his Arizona home.","2644":"Ted Cruz Was Wrong About The Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect A Colorado voter registration form listed Robert Dear as female, sparking some speculation that he is transgender. Officials","2645":"Officer And Suspect Dead After Shootout In New Mexico The suspect had three active arrest warrants.","2646":"Man Jailed 6 Months Despite Alibi Showing Him Nowhere Near Murder ","2647":"Find Grace in the Moment Ten years ago, I had an 'aha' that helped me become happier, and more effective at work. It happened when I was in Chicago to run a seminar. From the moment I came up on stage, I could tell that the attendees didn't want to be there.","2648":"Down the Talent Drain: Where Are All the Female Leaders? The increasing influence of women is challenging us all to adapt and realign ourselves to the needs of a new society. Engaging women in the workplace, especially at the leadership level, is an essential part of the new collaborative economy.","2649":"Delta State University Shooter Left Apology Note Before Killings \"I am so very sorry. I wish I could take it back.\"","2650":"Why the Story of Muhammad Ali's Rebellion Matters Today: Part 4 Recently, several St. Louis Rams players protested the Ferguson non-indictment, pantomiming \"hands up, don't shoot\" as they came on the field. But in the '60s, the intersection of sports, politics and religion reached its zenith in the person of Muhammad Ali.","2651":"6 Things to Do If You Work for a Jerk Rude, abrasive and downright hostile people are a fact of life. We have no choice in that. The choice we do have is how we handle them -- by not letting their problems feed our own.","2652":"Blue Jays And Rangers Brawl After Rougned Odor Punches Jose Bautista In The Face OUCH!","2653":"USWNT Lawyer Says U.S. Soccer Distorted Pay Numbers The federation is \"comparing soccer balls to beach balls\" in pushing back against the women's equal pay complaint, the lawyer said.","2654":"Women in Business: Kate O'Brien Minson, President and Co-Founder, Integrated Listening Systems Kate has lived and breathed the therapeutic application of sound for nearly two decades. She has managed numerous centers over the years, trained thousands of therapists on the application of listening therapy, developed guidelines and protocols for listening equipment, and in the process developed a rare level of experience in clinic management.","2655":"The Death Of Victoria Gray: How Texas Jails Are Failing Their Most Vulnerable Captives If a reporter asks John Gray to do an in-person interview, he insists that the backdrop is the same: The Brazoria County","2656":"Class of 2014: Tips for Renting Your First Post-Grad Apartment You've got your diploma and a killer new job, now all you need to do is find a place to live! Relocating and landing your first apartment can be stressful, but we're here to help.","2657":"Explosion Levels One Home, Damages Dozens Others ","2658":"How to Beat the Competition When possible, before going to events, learn about who will be in attendance. This way, you can determine if it even makes sense to register. Depending on the size of the event, one competitor shouldn't make a difference.","2659":"3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Relationship With Money Money, just the mention of it can stir strong emotions. Whether we have little or a lot, we all have a connection to its use and acquisition. There are people who brazenly grab and grasp for all they can and others who vilify its unequal distribution.","2660":"How To Rid Your Life Of FOMO. (If I Can Do It, Anyone Can.) I'm not saying it's easy...","2661":"Angry Customer Unleashes 13-Foot-Long Python In A Los Angeles Sushi Restaurant Maybe he just should've left a bad review on Yelp.","2662":"Lawyers Can Keep Bras On While Entering Maine Jail: Sheriff \"I appreciate that [the sheriff] recognizes that I shouldn't have to take off my clothes to see my clients.\"","2663":"Russian Olympian Who Wore 'I Don't Do Doping' Shirt Fails Doping Test Bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva was the second Russian athlete to fail a doping test at the 2018 Winter Olympics.","2664":"Washington D.C. Officer Shoots Woman Carrying Knife Video purportedly shows the tense encounter.","2665":"Man Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For Taping Dog's Mouth Shut The puppy underwent reconstructive surgery after her muzzle was painfully bound with electrical tape.","2666":"Depraved Hearts? Once upon a time police, they said, were a child's best friend; the friendly cop on the corner with the big belly and the funny hat patted lost kids on the head and returned them to their mammas. Of course that was true -- a gazillion picture books said so.","2667":"Football On Thanksgiving Is Nearly As Old As The Holiday Itself The two were destined to be together from the beginning.","2668":"Home Health Aide Charged With Assaulting Architect I.M. Pei Pei told police that 28-year-old Eter Nikolaishvili grabbed his right forearm and forcefully twisted it Dec. 13.","2669":"Dominique Wilkins On How The NBA Can Fix The Dunk Contest Bring back the high-fliers.","2670":"Social Selling Is Simple....When You Follow One Golden Rule On February 4, 2014 Mark Zuckerberg sent the world a Facebook status update marking his company's 10th anniversary. There are now more than 2 BILLION active social media users worldwide and over 75% of those are active mobile users.","2671":"Walmart Pulls 'I Can't Breathe' Ad After Eric Garner Decision ","2672":"Alabama Executes Torrey McNabb Last night, the state of Alabama executed Torey Twane McNabb. After McNabb refused a last meal and was strapped to the gurney","2673":"A.J. Green: It's Super Bowl Or Bust For The Bengals Cincinnati's superstar receiver desperately wants to change the playoff narrative for his team and his city.","2674":"Man Sentenced For Fatally Beating 9-Year-Old Boy Over Birthday Cake Robert Wilson will spend the next 30 years behind bars.","2675":"6 Family Members Dead In Apparent Domestic Violence Mass Shooting \"It's just a shock,\" said a neighbor. \"This is a close-knit neighborhood.\"","2676":"Almost Everything You've Read About Amanda Knox Is Wrong When I wrote, \"Amanda Knox is innocent,\" I believed it. I continue to believe it. The innocence is clear once you navigate the twisted, false and misinterpreted information published every day. That's the issue. There's a lot of faulty reportage out there.","2677":"WATCH: Argentina Wasted Its Best Chance Against Germany ","2678":"Baby Watching Her Olympian Dad Compete On TV Will Give You Gold Medal Feels She's got her cute mojo working for Canada's Winter Olympics curling team.","2679":"Florida Man Accidentally Shoots Himself In Penis After Sitting On Gun Cedrick Jelks, 38, may face criminal charges for possession of the firearm.","2680":"Police Arrest Suspect In Road Rage Slaying Of 4-Year-Old Girl Lilly Garcia was riding in the backseat with her 7-year-old brother when someone in a Toyota opened fire on the family as they traveled down the main east-west freeway in Albuquerque.","2681":"Exclusive: Air Bud Predicts Who Will Win The Super Bowl In The Dog's First Ever Interview Yes, the real Air Bud from your childhood.","2682":"Nobody Can Fill This Baseball Manager's Shoes When It Comes To Freaking Out ","2683":"Anna Kournikova Dancing With Her Bouncing Baby Is The Cutest Thing The score is love-love.","2684":"This Baseball Team Learned There's A\u00a0Wrong Way To Celebrate\u00a0Japanese Culture Many fans were pissed after seeing the minor league team's offensive tweet.","2685":"Gun Possession Charge Dropped For Man Who Can't Use Arms TRENTON, N.J. (AP) \u2014 A man who can't use his arms because of a spinal condition has had a New Jersey gun possession charge","2686":"Pete Carroll Explains Why Your Workplace Should Encourage Teamwork \"It's the feeling that everyone brings to the workplace that will bring out their best. They'll work harder,\" the Seahawks coach says.","2687":"Feds Investigating Forcible Ejection Of Passenger On United Flight Airlines are required to have \"fair boarding\" procedures, a Department of Transportation statement says.","2688":"Report: K.C.'s Pro Stadiums Put Fans' Health At Risk With Food ","2689":"Suspect In Murder Of Pregnant Mother Added To FBI's 'Most Wanted' List Shanika Minor is only the 10th woman to be placed on the list since 1950.","2690":"Data Data Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Use...Or is There? ","2691":"Here's How To Watch The 2014 World Cup Online ","2692":"Meet Our First \"Grow Your Value\" Finalists The \"Grow Your Value\" bonus competition drives home the message that it is important for women to both learn their value and communicate it effectively.","2693":"USA's Maya DiRado Wins 200-Meter Backstroke At Rio Olympics For Fourth Olympic Medal DiRado, intending to retire from swimming after the Games at age 23, is capping her career in epic fashion.","2694":"Nevada Legislature Approves $750 Million Tax Subsidy For Las Vegas NFL Stadium It's the largest stadium subsidy in American sports history.","2695":"From Test to Taste: The Journey Of A Coffee Bean The coffee you depend on to start your day is even more complex and nuanced than you realize.","2696":"Can a Rookie Get Lucky? The A's have finally figured out how to win games. Collectively the offense has improved as well as the defense.","2697":"Even Russell Westbrook Had To Admit This Russell Westbrook Impression Is Pretty Good A guy made a video in which he does a Russell Westbrook impression. It was funny. So funny, in fact, that even the Oklahoma","2698":"Health Care Costs Are Still A Crushing Problem Andrew Luccock pays about $1,700 per month for health insurance for his family of 5 \u2014 and still expects to pay more than","2699":"9 Dead After C-130 Military Cargo Plane Crashes In Georgia The plane and its crew had been actively involved in hurricane relief efforts.","2700":"Colin Cowherd Likens Cam Newton To Donald Trump In Problematic Segment Uh-oh.","2701":"WATCH: U.S. Gets Even With Sensational Goal ","2702":"How to Express Your Truth With Honesty and Respect (6.4) The secret to effectiveness is being right, right? Wrong. The secret to effectiveness is being right together.","2703":"Chicago Police Commander Goes To Trial For Allegedly Putting Gun In Suspect's Mouth Glenn Evans faces charges of aggravated battery and official misconduct for the 2013 incident.","2704":"Human Legs Found Near Downtown Connecticut Train Tracks (UPDATE) Cops are investigating as a possible homicide.","2705":"How 'Shareholder Value' Is Killing Innovation The prevailing stock market ideology enriches value extractors, not value creators.","2706":"Meteorologist Charged With Growing Pot, Storing Weapons Police say they recovered seven marijuana plants and a cache of firearms and ammunition.","2707":"Sylvester Stallone Denies Sexually Assaulting 16-Year-Old Fan In The '80s A 1986 police report said the girl was allegedly forced into having a threesome with the actor and his bodyguard.","2708":"New Details Emerge In Zimmerman Road Rage Incident ","2709":"Creating Leverage Where None Seems to Exist If you're put on a college waitlist, do you view that as a polite \"no\" or an invitation to launch a campaign? If your buyer raises objections to your sales pitch, do you view that as the beginning of the end or a request for more information?","2710":"Jeremy Lin Makes It A Gold Christmas For Lakers ","2711":"These Are The Most Googled Halloween Costumes In Each State ","2712":"Tony Romo Pulls Off Incredible Escape And Throws Long TD ","2713":"Missing Teens' Boat, Cell Phone Found Nearly A Year After Boys Were Lost At Sea The mother of one of the boys hopes the iPhone will reveal what happened to them.","2714":"Biting Argument Over Trump May Cost Man His Ear Pittsburgh police said the suspect bit off a \"significant portion\" of another man's ear.","2715":"Russia Loses Appeal Against Paralympics Ban The imbroglio centers on a report that found the Russian government and the FSB covered up hundreds of doping cases across the majority of Olympic sports, as well as Paralympic events.","2716":"Here's What Big Banks Won't Say About Their Anti-Coal Pledges Those promises likely won't cost them their billions of dollars in lending business.","2717":"iconic32 Launches in New York City With Common and Malik Yoba With the star power of rapper\/actor Common and actor\/entrepreneur Malik Yoba, iconic32's launch party demonstrated how simple it is to be a force for social good while also enjoying the privileges of being among the world's leading consumer classes.","2718":"Could This Man Die Because His Lawyer Was An Alcoholic? ","2719":"Why Tsarnaev May Never Make It To The Death Chamber ","2720":"Why LeBron Wanted to Go Home There was shock and surprise as Twitter blew up around 12:30 p.m. EDT on Friday as LeBron James announced his much-awaited decision via Sports Illustrated \"I'm Coming Home.\" I was not surprised at all. I totally understood. Where you grew up is part of your soul.","2721":"Michael Phelps Breaks 2,000-Year-Old Record For Individual Olympic Titles Modern man rewrites ancient history.","2722":"Veteran Suing After Town Demolishes Home As He Has Surgery The 69-year-old returned from Florida to find his Long Island home gone.","2723":"U.S. Women\u2019s Ice Hockey Team Crushes Finland, Heads To Olympic Finals This is the third Winter Olympics in a row that the U.S. women's ice hockey team has made it to the finals.","2724":"This Law Lets Abused Animals Get Their Own Advocates In Court Connecticut is the first state to pass this kind of legislation, a professor says.","2725":"LA Lakers Purge Front Office As The Magic Johnson Era Commences The shocking move comes just two days before the NBA trade deadline.","2726":"Baseball Announcers Go Crazy After World's Chillest Batter Catches Pitch \"Ooh. Did he catch it? YaaaHAAAAAH, Wooooo!\"","2727":"Drew Brees Has A Dream He'd Like To Sell You With the Saints QB leading the way, AdvoCare is using its sports ties to build a nutrition empire. But is the company really pushing false hope?","2728":"Ohio Police Kill Man Who Attacked Restaurant Diners With Machete \"There was no rhyme or reason as to who he was going after.\"","2729":"Martavis Bryant's 'Crotch Catch' Is The Best Touchdown Of The NFL Playoffs This is an all-time great NFL postseason touchdown catch.","2730":"Stop Selling. Right Now. Stereotypical salespeople are always selling. They're aggressive; they never take no for an answer; they are always supposed to be closing. But your best salespeople know when to stop selling.","2731":"How The Daily Fantasy Sports Industry Turns Fans Into Suckers In my early 20s, I developed a gambling problem that I\u2019ve since learned to spread out over a variety of low-stakes games","2732":"4 Strategies NASA Used to Market the Moon Most people look at NASA as a space agency and at my childhood projects as natural activities. However, NASA is probably one of the most successful marketing agencies in the 20th century and my childhood is evidence of its enduring influence on society.","2733":"3 UCLA Basketball Players Arrested In China On Shoplifting Charges One of them is LiAngelo Ball, brother of Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball and son of outspoken sports dad LaVar Ball.","2734":"Man Celebrating 22nd Birthday Vanishes Outside Boston Bar, Family Says Zachary Marr was last seen around 1:40 a.m. Saturday, according to police.","2735":"Stolen Taco Truck Hits School Bus, Crashes Into Propane Tanker Somehow, this was not a Will Ferrell movie.","2736":"The Search for a New Nonprofit CEO Needs To Be Realistic Boardmember.com in its October 11, 2012 issue carries an op-ed item by Nathan Bennett and Stephen Miles titled, \"Is your Board About to Pick the Wrong CEO.\" Although targeted to for-profit boards, all of the five items listed can be applied to nonprofit boards. Following are my applications to nonprofit boards.","2737":"Thief Nabs $1.6 Million Bucket Of Gold Left On Back Of Truck: Cops \"As I would say, this leprechaun grabbed a pot of gold,\" a police detective said of the brazen theft.","2738":"Twin Sisters Charged With Prostitution ","2739":"ESPN's Interruption Of Dabo Swinney Interview Is Friggin' Funny That uncomfortable behind-the-scenes silence.","2740":"Dwyane Wade Plays Dodgeball Against Civilians, No Injuries Reported \"Flash\" is back, but in scary dodgeball player form.","2741":"Raj Rajaratnam's Brother Found Not Guilty Of Insider Trading ","2742":"Jack McCullough Freed After Wrongful Conviction For 1957 Murder New evidence corroborated an alibi for McCullough.","2743":"WATCH: Late TD Pass Keeps Lions' Winning Streak Alive ","2744":"A Late Candidate For Most Awkward Handshake Of The Year Courtesy of Kobe Bryant.","2745":"U.S. Charges Iranians For Global Cyber Attacks The attack pilfered more than 31 terabytes of academic data and intellectual property.","2746":"Jeff Bezos Stands Up For Diversity In Post-Election Email To Amazon Employees \"It\u2019s not only that diversity and inclusion are good for our business. It\u2019s more fundamental than that \u2014 it\u2019s simply right.\"","2747":"P2P Lending Is Dead First, disco bit the dust. Then, punk rock keeled over. Now, peer-to-peer lending has been annihilated. Who murdered P2P? Wall Street.","2748":"10 Cities Where Wages Are Soaring ","2749":"This Is The Last Time We\u2019ll Ever Be Able To Scream About Roger Goodell\u2019s Paycheck So let's do it right: $34.1 MILLION!?!?","2750":"American Pharoah Does It Again! The Triple Crown winner American Pharoah wins Haskell in return.","2751":"Positive Thinking: A Brief User's Guide Positivity has its limits. And, taken in excess, optimism can become dangerous: for too much positivity begins to replace actual creative action and takes over as a self-deceptive force.","2752":"Cleveland Radio Host Spouts Misogynistic Crap After Bills Hire Female Coach He actually said \u201cthere is no place for a woman in professional sports.\u201d","2753":"What You Don't Know About Overnight Success I've been fighting this thing for 32 years. \"Overnight\" success doesn't happen overnight for most people. The media delivers this bad news and perpetuates lies making you believe that you are a failure because you didn't see the same results from your efforts.","2754":"Broncos' Aqib Talib Hilariously Wipes Out During Postgame Interview \"I came in too hot!\u201d","2755":"Mindfulness at Work: An Upgrade in Professional Consciousness Imagine for a moment that you were a computer. What sort of error messages would you have seen already today?","2756":"Most Men Don't Care About Diversity In The Boardroom Many of the boys in the boys club seem OK with the status quo.","2757":"Leadership Matters: Gratitude Leads to Greatness On Thanksgiving, most of us reminisce about the good times. We say thanks for all the gifts we've been given. But it's extremely valuable to practice gratitude for the challenges in our lives.","2758":"The History of Professional Basketball in San Diego, 1967-1972 When the Houston Rockets and the Los Angeles Clippers advanced past the opening round of the 2015 NBA playoffs, it was somewhat surprising that there was nary a mention from sports journalists and fans alike of the franchises' histories in San Diego.","2759":"It's Time For The New York Mets' Annual Million-Dollar Giveaway July 1 means one retired player gets $1.19 million.","2760":"Do You Work With a Credit Hog? Every one of us has a strong bias to remember events in a light that is most favorable to us. This drill exposes that bias and makes us consider the possibility that someone else's perspective is closer to the truth.","2761":"This CEO Is Famous For His Social Activism, But He's Silent On Trump Though Marc Benioff fought for LGBT rights, he's mum on the presumptive GOP nominee.","2762":"The Best Advice For Becoming A Super-Productive Business ","2763":"Here Are The Biggest Companies By Revenue In Each State ","2764":"Real or 'Fake,' Violence Against Women is Never Funny During Game 2 of the playoff series between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Chicago Bulls, the Cavaliers ran an ad depicting a man slamming his girlfriend to the ground when he saw she was wearing a Bulls T-shirt.","2765":"WTO in Seattle - 15 Years Ago A generation ago, trade deals were about trade. They were really boring, with incomprehensible names. The WTO broadened those goals from boring tariffs to policies that are normally settled through democratic accountable political processes.","2766":"Arianna Huffington's 5 Secrets To Thriving At Work \u201cWe think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work instead of the quality of time we put in.\"","2767":"There Are No Words To Describe This Little Steven Adams Fan But we will try. Oh, yes, we will try.","2768":"A Blueprint for Local Police Reform to Improve Legitimacy While we certainly don't have all the answers, it's time to start talking about and funding constructive ways to reform policing to quell anger by improving legitimacy and community relations.","2769":"Founder Leadership Models If you can navigate a leadership model that keeps the founder involved and engaged in the business as it scales, it meaningfully improves your odds that startup magic will happen.","2770":"Donald Trump Thinks 'San Francisco' Is Playing In The NBA Finals \u201cYou have San Francisco playing the game tonight!\"","2771":"Suspected Chelsea Bomber Allegedly Attacked Family In 2014 Like many men who commit atrocious acts of mass violence, Ahmad Khan Rahami is accused of first targeting those closest to him.","2772":"Man Accused Of Killing Five People At Florida Airport Indicted On 22 Criminal Counts Esteban Santiago, 26, is accused of opening fire in the baggage claim area of the Fort Lauderdale airport on Jan. 6.","2773":"Florida Dad Let Teen Daughter Dance, Do Drugs At Strip Club: Cops The suspect's lawyer says dancing on a stripper pole is not simulated sexual intercourse.","2774":"New York Mets Pull Off Rare Putout After Hit Nails Pitcher In The Foot Baseball fans, score this one as a 1-3-1 out. Yes, really.","2775":"NBA Sets a Moral Compass the NFL Can't Follow Like Lebron James, the NBA appears dedicated to setting a proper example. Like Johnny Football, the NFL has continually skirted responsibility for its actions and realities.","2776":"Accused Fake 'Teen Doctor' Malachi Love-Robinson Arrested Again The 18-year-old is accused of defrauding an 86-year-old woman who he \"treated\" for stomach pain.","2777":"Warriors Face Off With Cavaliers In All-Or-Nothing Game 7 It's on.","2778":"5 Teens Charged In Attack On Girl At Brooklyn McDonald's ","2779":"FCC Gives Stamp Of Approval For AT&T And DirecTV Merger The $48.5 billion deal would create the country's largest provider of cable or satellite TV.","2780":"Lindsey Vonn Falls Short In Likely Last Olympics Run Her teammate Mikaela Shiffrin instead took silver in the women's combined.","2781":"Atlanta Motel Standoff Ends With Suspect Stabbing Himself DECATUR, Ga. (AP) \u2014 A standoff at a motel outside Atlanta that involved a number of children ended Tuesday morning with the","2782":"Why Manufacturers Should Support Ending Crude Oil Export Ban The largely unanticipated boom in oil production in the last five years has revived a debate over whether the United States should reverse the forty-year old ban on exports of crude oil.","2783":"J.R. Smith Cried In A Postgame Tribute To His Father, And You Will Too No, you weren't chopping onions while watching this.","2784":"NYPD Cop Didn't Use Excessive Force In Fatal Shooting, Jury Finds A civil jury cleared Sergeant William Flores, who shot a man in the head after the suspect fell to the ground.","2785":"'Random' Shooting Rampage In Houston Leaves 2 Dead, 6 Wounded May 29 (Reuters) - Police in Houston killed a gunman on Sunday in a chaotic shootout that left one other person dead, six","2786":"Why I'm Standing with Walmart Workers This Black Friday The workers who help Walmart make unimaginable profits in turn receive poverty wages, unaffordable health care and irregular schedules, including hours kept at part-time as a way of denying access to paid sick days.","2787":"Victoria Azarenka Freaked Out On Court When She Found Out The Broncos Won The tennis player seemed more excited about Peyton than advancing in the Australian Open.","2788":"Abusive Mother Tried To Sew Daughter's Mouth Shut: Cops ","2789":"College Student Killed While Playing 'Pokemon Go' He was gunned down in a busy San Francisco park.","2790":"Report: 2 Baylor Football Players Investigated After Sexual Assault Accusations The school has been hit with sexual assault scandals in the past.","2791":"British American Tobacco Agrees To Buy Rival Reynolds For $49 Billion The deal will mark the return of BAT to the lucrative and highly regulated U.S. market after a 12-year absence.","2792":"This Soccer Referee Has A Unique Method To Explain His Calls He's standing up for his decisions on the pitch.","2793":"Soccer Player Punished For Giving Middle Finger Files Lawsuit Against UConn Noriana Radwan's lawyer said male student-athletes often receive more lenient punishments for more serious misconduct.","2794":"Here's D-Rose's Version Of Events Regarding His Alleged Sexual Assault Rose's legal team insists that all acts were consensual.","2795":"Firefighter Arrested In Love Triangle Murder ","2796":"These Are The Victims Of The Santa Fe High School Shooting Authorities confirmed the deaths of 10 people in the mass shooting. Here are their stories.","2797":"Man Trying To Prove Gun Won't Fire Shoots Self In Head Don't point guns at people, or yourself.","2798":"New York Policeman Tearfully Describes Shooting Unarmed Black Man \"His eyes were rolled back,\" rookie police officer Peter Liang said, his voice breaking. \"He was just laying there very still.\"","2799":"The Detroit Pistons Made A Sick Supercut Of Obama Rapping 'Jumpman' \"Drummond, Drummond, Drummond this boy's up to something!\"","2800":"Cleveland Indians Set Record For Longest Winning Streak In Over A Century The Indians have outscored their opponents by a whopping 137-34 margin during the streak.","2801":"Rob Gray's Man Bun Just Won The NCAA Tournament The Houston guard, who scored the winning basket, has game to go with his signature style.","2802":"Can a Nonprofit Find Strategic Ways to Grow in Difficult Times? Nonprofits have always had to struggle to meet their client needs, even when economic conditions and social turmoil were much less constraining than today. How can mid-level nonprofits uncover growth opportunities in the present environment?","2803":"WATCH IT: Brawling Brothers Slam Car Into Police Cruiser Video shows one of the two siblings clinging to the hood of their moving car.","2804":"Don\u2019t Let Stephen Curry Overshadow Russell Westbrook\u2019s Historic Season 2015-2016 Westbrook is the closest we\u2019ve gotten to a modern incarnation of Oscar Robertson.","2805":"Vanderbilt University Freshman Pitcher Dies In Drowning Accident He'd been on a fishing trip with friends.","2806":"New York Giants' Victor Cruz Reveals His Secret To Staying Sane Essentially: get your mind right.","2807":"Here\u2019s How You Know The Economy Is Not Growing Fast Enough The Federal Reserve is acting cautiously. If they're concerned, chances are you should be, too.","2808":"Police: Man Killed By Officers Was Holding Phone, Not Gun An attempted murder suspect who was fatally shot by Las Vegas police was holding a cellphone that was mistaken for a gun","2809":"Chris Christie Nabs Foul Ball At Mets Game, And No One Celebrates The crowd booed even as the New Jersey governor handed the ball to a child.","2810":"Child Sex Offender Awarded Joint Custody Of Victim\u2019s Kid: Attorney The woman, who was 12 when she was impregnated, seeks protection from her attacker under the federal Rape Survivor Child Custody Act.","2811":"ISIS Has Euro 2016 In Its Sights, German Spy Chief Says Europe's biggest soccer tournament could be under threat.","2812":"Tech Giants Rail Against Donald Trump's Immigrant Ban In Legal Brief \"American workers and the economy will suffer as a result\" of the executive order.","2813":"Sean Rooks, NBA Coach And Former Player, Dead At 46 The ex-center collapsed in a restaurant after interviewing for the Knicks' assistant coaching job, reports say.","2814":"Strangling Suspect Allegedly Told Friend 'Nobody Saw Sh*t' ","2815":"How Good Do You Want to Be? ","2816":"Two-Factor Authentication: An Interview with Paul Lanzi of Remediant ","2817":"How Imani Boyette's Love For Basketball Helped Her Overcome Depression The WNBA player has faced depression since childhood.","2818":"Women in Business: Q&A with Denise Lee, Founder of ALALA ","2819":"Two NYPD Officers Stable, Suspect Dead Following Bronx Shooting One suspect died from apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.","2820":"Is Prostitution Just Another Job? Chelsea Lane was a freshman at Reed, the esteemed liberal-arts college in Portland, Oregon, when she first became \u00adinterested","2821":"REPORTS: Patriots May Have Used Deflated Balls During Win Over Colts ","2822":"Alleged Torture Of Gay Black Man Leads To Hate Crime Charges For 2 Men If convicted, both could face up to life in prison.","2823":"Sandwich Chain Jimmy John\u2019s Plans October IPO The deal will value the company around $2 billion, people who have seen the deal documents say.","2824":"Brazil's Passion Trumped Logic -- And That's a Good Thing t's hard to think that Russia, or Qatar, or frankly anywhere could match that atmosphere.","2825":"Applebee's Customer Allegedly Attacked For Speaking Foreign Language She says she was speaking to a relative in Swahili when a stranger smashed a beer mug in her face.","2826":"Chinese Diver Pops The Question In Olympically Romantic Proposal Qin Kai asked He Zi to marry him after her medal ceremony at Rio 2016.","2827":"Krugman Slams Democrats Against Obamacare ","2828":"Ricardo Lockette Needs Neck Surgery After Sunday's Big Hit Sad news after a scary play.","2829":"George Zimmerman Accused Of Stalking Detective Working On Trayvon Martin Film Zimmerman appeared to threaten to feed the investigator to an alligator.","2830":"Congressional Watchdog To Investigate Wall Street Regulation This is the first probe to consider whether regulators are \"captured\" by banks they monitor.","2831":"The Warriors Should Go For The NBA's All-Time Win Record Greatness like this simply doesn't come along often.","2832":"Women in Business Q&A: Fiona Smythe, Vice President of Strategy, mscripts ","2833":"Here's Why Small Businesses Are More Important Than You Ever Imagined ","2834":"Bungling Bicycle-Riding Robbery Suspect Is Foiled By Wet Weather Oops!","2835":"Foul-Mouthed State Prosecutor Berates, Threatens Uber Driver \"I want the cops to come so that they can f**k you up, that\u2019s what I want,\" she can be heard saying in an audio clip.","2836":"37 Tons of David Victorson: A Tale of Ballsy Redemption \"In a time of universal deceit,\" George Orwell once said, \"telling the truth is a revolutionary act.\" That maxim certainly applies to David Victorson's book, 37 Tons.","2837":"Dean Foods Ex-Chairman, Pro Gambler Charged With Insider Trading Phil Mickelson named as a relief defendant in a civil lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.","2838":"U.S. Electric Sector Expected To Hit Lowest CO2 Emissions In 20 Years This will be the first time the industry emits fewer than 2 billion metric tons since 1995.","2839":"The Cost of Arrogance Athletes are a special case in our society, because their gifts are recognized so young, and they are rewarded for those gifts so young that they can easily get wrapped in a cloak of entitlement.","2840":"Two Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide At UCLA The campus is safe after a two-hour lockdown.","2841":"Credit Card Fraud: What You Need To Know Bruno Buonaguidi, Universit\u00e0 della Svizzera italiana If you are the owner of a credit or a debit card, there is a non-negligible","2842":"A Lesson in Crisis Communications, Courtesy of DiGiorno It's a PR and moral nightmare, and the deepest fear of most handlers of a brand's social media presence. It's also one of the most easily avoided, and most difficult to fix: the ever-present Twitter Blunder.","2843":"Second Girl Sentenced For \u2018Slender Man\u2019 Stabbing Morgan Geyser was convicted for stabbing a classmate 19 times in 2014. The victim survived.","2844":"What They Won't Tell You About Your 'Free' Credit Report If your New Year\u2019s resolution includes a financial tune-up, then you\u2019re probably about to pull your \u201cfree\u201d credit report","2845":"Baseball Gods Choosing A Team In NYC New York has two baseball teams. The New York Yankees and the New York Mets. For as long as I can remember, except for the","2846":"You Could Go Clubbing To This NHL Montage ","2847":"This Country Will Vote On A $25 Minimum Wage ","2848":"Officer Kills Allegedly Armed Suspect In Boston ","2849":"Mounting Evidence Indicates Ryan Lochte Fabricated Rio Robbery Story Brazilian police say Lochte\u2019s teammates admitted it was a lie.","2850":"New York vs. Los Angeles, Round 11 ","2851":"Women in Business: Sandra Kessler, Good Feet Franchise \"They first should find a business that fits their personality, something they will be passionate about, and that passion becomes their strength and confidence to be a strong and successful business owner.\"","2852":"Team USA Wows With Historic Performances, Wins Bronze In Figure Skating Team Event Canada captured the gold medal and the Olympic Athletes from Russia team clinched the silver.","2853":"The Man Who Shot At George Zimmerman Has Been Released On Bond ","2854":"Diana Taurasi Becomes WNBA's All-Time Leading Scorer Congrats to this wonder woman.","2855":"Bernie Sanders Tried To Make Daily Fantasy Sports Illegal Enough damn commercials!","2856":"Patriots Celebrate Super Bowl At Trump's White House -- Some Of Them, Anyway A team spokesman criticized photos showing a bigger turnout for an Obama Super Bowl celebration.","2857":"What We've Lost Since Ethan Saylor's Death During these last two years, #JusticeForEthan has evolved from the demand for answers regarding one man's death to the rallying cry focused on the need for change. Despite all that has been lost -- and it is far too much -- there is now a spotlight on where changes need to come.","2858":"When A Shooting Threat Was Made At My Child's School I can\u2019t even begin to wrap my head around what would provoke a student to write such a horrific message...","2859":"Cuts Like a (Gravity) Knife: New York Court Holds Strict Liability Applies to Gravity Knife Possession ","2860":"Man Confesses To Killing Woman Who Didn't Want To Date Him, Police Say He told a detective it was \"easy\" to do.","2861":"3 Simple Steps Towards Mindfulness After 22 years in the workforce, I recently set out on a quest for a greater sense of purpose in my job. What I found had a profound impact on my life both at work and at home. Enter: Mindfulness.","2862":"Girl, 11, Finds Wanted Man Hiding Inside Her Bedroom Closet \"I started screaming bloody murder.\"","2863":"Duke Beats Michigan State To Advance To NCAA Championship Game ","2864":"And The Heisman Goes To... ","2865":"Do Directors View Their Nonprofit Boards Through Rose-Colored Glasses? Having served as a volunteer director, board chair and consultant, I am often tempted to call it the nonprofit \"mistake.\" It is, in some instances, a perception that may blindside the director and stunt the growth potential of the organization.","2866":"Baltimore Cop Shoots, Wounds Man Who Ran Car Into Cruiser The suspect was shot in the face.","2867":"8 Ways To Get People To Take You More Seriously ","2868":"4 People Shot And Killed At Texas Apartment Complex A child was among the victims.","2869":"Mom Denies Girls Were Held Captive, Tortured With Music Sophia Richter says her girls were never mistreated, though police say abuse was ongoing for years.","2870":"Gunman Robs Florida Blood Bank, Tells Staff He's Hungry The suspect fled with an undisclosed amount of cash.","2871":"Teen Obsessed With 'Dexter' Given Life Sentence After Dismembering Girlfriend ","2872":"Women in Business Q&A: Jean Shafiroff Jean Shafiroff, philanthropist, is actively involved as a volunteer fundraiser and leader of several charitable causes. Her managerial skills, compassion, generosity and enthusiastic dedication are among her strongest traits.","2873":"Carson Wentz Is Exceeding Even The Loftiest Expectations In Philly The five-time national champion is already setting NFL rookie records.","2874":"Even Stephen Colbert Is Ripping Steph Curry's Shoes \"How much money do I have to donate to NPR\u2019s pledge drive to get them as a gift?\"","2875":"Here's Where Your Taxes Go The government spends about $1 on healthcare of every $4 that Americans pay in federal income taxes.","2876":"Obama Ridiculed For Sluggish Moves On College Accreditation The Education Department has the power to put dodgy accreditors out of business, but won't use it.","2877":"Game-Changing Plays from Week 12 in the NFL To highlight the Live ScoreCaster, we will take our in-game technology, Live ScoreCaster, to the next level to review the game-changing plays from the NFL and what the game would have looked like if the plays had turned out differently.","2878":"So You're Hiring a Consultant? -- A Few Do's and Dont's After close to 30 years in consulting, we're proud to say we've worked with and for executives from some of the finest companies in the world. In many cases, these relationships have long outlasted the engagements that gave rise to them.","2879":"NFL Player J.J. Watt Tells Houston He's 'Devastated' After Serious Injury \"All I want to do is be out there on that field for my teammates and this city,\" he wrote in an emotional tweet Monday.","2880":"Why Connecting Is Superior Given this 24\/7 access to infinite information, why do most people still think success is all about being the smartest person in the room? You're meant for so much more.","2881":"Timothy Geithner Tried To Quit Three Months Into Treasury Secretary Stint ","2882":"Lady Gaga Will Sing The National Anthem At The Super Bowl Yaaaaaas.","2883":"The House Just Voted To Give Wall Street Billions From Americans' Retirement Savings Brokers are allowed to give you bad advice. The House wants to keep it that way.","2884":"Even The Lions Outside The Art Institute Of Chicago Have Cubs Fever Sports fans can be such animals.","2885":"6 Shot During Vigil For Homicide Victim In Chicago A 12-year-old girl was among the victims.","2886":"Tesla Unveils The D At Event In LA ","2887":"Serena Williams Now Has More Grand Slam Wins Than Any Player Ever \"308 sounds pretty good.\"","2888":"Man Dies After Breaching TSA Checkpoint At Honolulu Airport The man was unarmed and did not have a plane ticket.","2889":"Plane Crashes Into California Driveway, Killing 2 \"A few seconds later it was followed by sounds like a car crashing.\"","2890":"Wildfire Burns Cars On California Freeway Fire on the highway","2891":"U.S. Ice Dancing Team Breaks Down After 'Heartbreaking' Mistake \"It's just kind of a given that you don\u2019t fall,\" NBC's Terry Gannon says.","2892":"GoFundMe Raises Over $160,000 For Family Of Man Killed In Apparent Hate Crime The victim \"was a brilliant, budding engineer who had a bright future ahead of him.\"","2893":"Rio Olympics Diving Pool Mysteriously Changes From Blue To Green Officials were still investigating what could have changed the color.","2894":"Sandy Hook Families Get $1.5M Settlement From Lanza Estate Lawsuits against the Newtown school board and the maker of the assault-style rifle Lanza used are unresolved.","2895":"Survivalist Sentenced To Death For Murder Of Pennsylvania State Trooper Eric Frein was convicted of murder after the fatal shooting of a state trooper and a massive manhunt in Pennsylvania.","2896":"Jimmy John's To Get Rid Of Controversial Noncompete Agreements In New York Go ahead, make sandwiches wherever you want in the Empire State.","2897":"Wrestling Great Ric Flair Has Surgery After Medically Induced Coma \"Still a long road ahead,\" a rep tweeted.","2898":"The Case Against Raising Interest Rates To raise rates now would be an unfortunate signal from the Fed that the current job market is as good as it gets.","2899":"Investing Facts You Probably Don't Know Consider these investing facts, which may cause you to dump your \"market-beating\" broker, fundamentally change the way you invest and increase the possibility of reaching your goal of retiring with dignity.","2900":"5 Things You Might Not Have Known About Serena Williams She's been a public figure for two decades, but here are some lesser-known facts about the tennis star.","2901":"Video Shows Dramatic Confrontation Between Police, Suspect Before Fatal Shooting \"Put the gun down. We don't want to kill you. Just drop the gun.\"","2902":"Robbers Who Make Victims Strip Still On The Loose ","2903":"Eric Berry Back To Practice 8 Months After Cancer Diagnosis The Pro Bowl safety was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease last December.","2904":"HIGHLIGHTS: Costa Rica Stuns Uruguay In World Cup Upset ","2905":"Listen To Angry Woman Dial 911 Over Wrong Pizza Toppings She could have received a refund... had she not eaten half the pie by the time police showed up.","2906":"19 Severely Neglected Dogs Discovered In 'Unventilated' U-Haul; 2 Arrested For Animal Cruelty The dogs were living in their own waste, caged without food or water.","2907":"Magic Responds To Clippers Owner's Alleged Racist Rant ","2908":"Trump Is Even Less Popular Than United Airlines But both are pretty unpopular right now.","2909":"Death Sentences Decline In U.S. As Public Attitudes Shift The number of new death sentences in 2016 is expected to hit 30, a low not seen since the U.S. Supreme Court declared existing death penalty statutes unconstitutional in 1972.","2910":"Grandpa Leaves Girl In Desert With Gun To Get Cheeseburger: Cops \"He told her it was to shoot the bad guys,\" sheriff says.","2911":"Severed Foot Discovered In Berkeley BART Station \"An unusual start to the workweek.\"","2912":"This Is How It Feels To Lose A Gutsy NFL Game Chin up, Philip Rivers.","2913":"Prisons Without Walls: We're All Inmates in the American Police State \"Free worlders\" is prison slang for those who are not incarcerated behind prison walls. Supposedly, those fortunate souls live in the \"free world.\" However, appearances can be deceiving.","2914":"Russian Athlete Dedicates Olympic Medal To \u2018Unfairly\u2019 Banned Compatriots Speed skater Semen Elistratov is reportedly under investigation by the IOC for his comments.","2915":"Start Planning for the Future It is time to start planning for the future and the future of your taxes is in about 240 days. That is when the IRS is expected to start processing 2014 tax returns (assuming no late tax legislation changes or other IRS delays) and you will be able to file your taxes and receive your refund.","2916":"Cops Deciding Whether To Charge Man Who Allegedly Killed Burglar ","2917":"2 Killed, Including Police Officer, In Louisiana Domestic Dispute Two people are dead after the suspect unleashed violence on the town of Sunset.","2918":"The Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment: What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us To assert that economists are having trouble figuring out the relationship between inflation and unemployment is like saying chefs can't figure out what to do with salt and pepper. It's that fundamental. Yet, we're befuddled, and that has powerful policy implications.","2919":"What Are the Biggest Health Risks for NASCAR Drivers, Aside From Car Crashes? I can only speak for NASCAR, but car crashes are not in fact a big health risk for NASCAR drivers. Due to all the increased safety measures since the fatal crash that killed Dale Earnhardt in 2001, there has not been a driver fatality in a NASCAR race since 2001. Crashes are one of the least hazardous aspects of the sport.","2920":"Tampa Bay Rays Catcher Hits Home Run, Promptly Injures Himself While Rounding The Bases Worst. Home run. Ever.","2921":"Man Stabs 3-Year-Old Daughter, Dies In Police Shootout ","2922":"States Smoking The Most Smuggled Cigarettes ","2923":"Muslim Man Beaten Outside Florida Mosque Attended By Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen There was disagreement on whether the attack was racially motivated.","2924":"What I Wish I Knew When I Felt Stuck in a Toxic Workplace True story: I was once part of a toxic team at work. I was negative and complained a lot. I barely slept. I was constantly in fear of looking stupid. The office felt like a black hole. I was stuck. Now that I'm out on the other side I know that challenge was designed to teach me the most important lesson of my life.","2925":"High Schooler Scores Touchdown With Jaw-Dropping Front Flip ","2926":"Veteran Reportedly Helped Guide Dozens To Safety During Orlando Shooting The former Marine said he wished he could've \"saved more.\"","2927":"5 Times to Pick Up the Telephone Instead ","2928":"Police Raid On Cold War-Era Nuclear Bunker Yields $1.2 Million Worth Of Weed \u201cAlmost every single room had been converted for the wholesale production of cannabis plants.\"","2929":"Suspect In Murder Of Louisiana Cop Arrested After Manhunt The suspect already had an arrest warrant on a charge of attempted second-degree murder.","2930":"The Biggest Scam of Them All? Only a tiny percentage of active fund managers demonstrate evidence of skill. Identifying them prospectively is exceedingly difficult and, even if you could do so, it's unlikely their stellar performance will persist.","2931":"The Savings And Stability Of Public Banking There needs to be much more education of state legislators and the public at large.","2932":"Trump Declares A Trade War He started off sounding like Bernie Sanders. Then he sounded like Donald Trump.","2933":"8 Plays That Prove The Warriors And Thunder Should Match Up Every Night Thursday was the must-see rematch. So here are the must-see replays.","2934":"Why We Should Tip Service Workers Generously Just because you don't see a tip jar doesn't mean that tips aren't appropriate or welcome.","2935":"Charges Filed In Murder Of 9-Year-Old Chicago Boy Tyshawn Lee Chicago Police Superintendent said that two other men are also suspected in Tyshawn Lee's murder.","2936":"St. Louis Police Officer Fatally Shoots Armed KFC Robbery Suspect St. Louis police said the officer shot the suspect after he refused to lower his weapon.","2937":"3 Simple Steps to Take Back Control of Your Business Day Debbie owned a $12 million\/year marketing firm that worked with fortune 500 clients. She had so much opportunity to grow, but because she was totally overwhelmed he left each day feeling drained and disempowered to continue to scale.","2938":"What to Watch for in the FIFA Case, Part 5: Vague Laws and Prosecutorial Discretion It's increasingly clear that prosecutors have essentially unbounded discretion in deciding whom to charge in a case like this, and extraordinarily broad legal weapons to use against their chosen targets -- a troubling combination for anyone concerned with the rule of law.","2939":"Why The 'Deflategate' Ruling Could Finally Limit Roger Goodell's Power A federal judge on Thursday dealt a \"very big blow\" to the NFL commissioner's disciplinary authority.","2940":"Stephen A. Smith To KD: 'You Do Not Want To Make An Enemy Out Of Me' The war of words between Smith and Kevin Durant is getting awkward.","2941":"Uber Didn't Tell Its Drivers In Singapore Their Cars Had Been Recalled Then one caught fire.","2942":"Police Officer Accused Of Posting Nude Photos Of Estranged Wife On Internet The officer allegedly wrote this his wife wanted to have sex with strangers.","2943":"Airline Under Fire For Offensive World Cup Tweet ","2944":"NBA Union Likely To Soon Start Paying Ex-Players\u2019 Health Care Costs A great move by the union to help struggling former players.","2945":"New Yorker Accused Of Hate Crime In Attack On Asian Man While Yelling 'White Power' The racist assault on a Manhattan street appeared to be random.","2946":"Only Mother Nature Could Stop Alabama ","2947":"Ronda Rousey Is Over Talking About Floyd Mayweather \"I don\u2019t need his name for attention.\"","2948":"Olympic Champion's Grandma Wins Gold For Her Twitter Game This #OlympicNan is one of a kind.","2949":"Mathew Ward: Be Willing to Work Your Way Up Ever wondered what it's like to jump-start your career in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region? Mathew Ward, Managing Director for APAC at Lotame Solutions, recommends using your 20s to figure out your true passion and aspirations in life and then working hard toward achieving them.","2950":"Dysfunctional Levels in Nonprofit Boards and Organizations Article and studies from a Google search on \"Dysfunctions in Nonprofit Boards & Organizations\" yields 445,000 items in .32 of a second. These items show dysfunctions on charter school boards, church boards, health care boards, trade associations, etc.","2951":"How Marketing Leaders Can Secure a Seat in the C-Suite ","2952":"Hating Your Job Might Be Making You Sick Work-related dissatisfaction in your 20s and 30s can lead to health issues in your 40s, a study suggests.","2953":"Corporations Are Trying To Sell The GOP's Narrative On Tax Cuts Bonuses for workers are smart PR, but they don't mean Republicans' trickle-down fantasies are coming true.","2954":"Woman Allegedly Attacks Cop With Bayonet After Leaving Psych Ward She hid under a blanket before swinging at the officer with an 18-inch blade.","2955":"Roger Federer Wins Record Eighth Wimbledon Title Federer claimed victory in less than two hours.","2956":"32 Prison Guards Fired Amid Outrage Over Inmate Abuse ","2957":"Brains, Guns, and Preventable Murder The Isla Vista mass murder is proof that we are past the time to break the nexus between guns, murder, and mental illness. And we should do that by enacting rigorous new gun-control legislation that takes account of an individual's fitness to own lethal weapons in light of what we are learning about the human brain.","2958":"Facebook Defends Its Use Of Secret Courts To Handle Sexual Harassment Cases The tech giant is standing behind its use of forced arbitration, a practice criticized for silencing women.","2959":"Novak Djokovic Beats Roger Federer In Four Sets To Win Wimbledon It is his third Wimbledon title.","2960":"Ball: Good Or Bad For Black Fathers? The detention of LiAngelo Ball and his two UCLA basketball teammates and Trump\u2019s tout of his role in getting them released","2961":"NFL Investigating Jameis Winston After Uber Driver Says The Quarterback Groped Her The Tampa Bay player previously faced a civil suit over rape allegations.","2962":"Steve Kerr Gave An Impassioned Plea For Gun Control That Everyone Should Hear Kerr's father was killed by two gunmen in 1984.","2963":"Missouri Football Coach Backs Away From Student Activists \"This was strictly about me supporting my players and nothing else,\" Mizzou coach Gary Pinkel said.","2964":"Army Football Team Brings French Flag Onto Field At West Point A winning gesture.","2965":"Teen Made Up Clown Attack To Avoid Being Fired For Lateness, Police Say Cops have charged 18-year-old Alexsandra Conley with making false alarms.","2966":"Beats Headphones Banned From World Cup Sidelines ","2967":"Vanderbilt Football Team Deletes Extremely Regrettable Tweet How did no one realize this was a bad idea?","2968":"Missing Boy Found Alive Near Remote Mountain Lake \"It's like finding a needle in a haystack.\"","2969":"Women in Business Q&A: Jenny Q. Ta, Founder, Sqeeqee Jenny Q. Ta is the founder and CEO of Sqeeqee, the first-of-its-kind social networthing\u2122 site. Launched in 2014, the site gives individuals, businesses, celebrities, politicians, and non-profit organizations the ability to monetize their profiles in unprecedented ways.","2970":"Markets Tumble Amid Brexit Chaos The vote to leave the EU has sparked a panic among investors around the world.","2971":"Seattle Star Megan Rapinoe Blasts Soccer's World Body As 'Old, Male And Stale' FIFA \"doesn't care about female players,\" the World Cup winner says.","2972":"Dozens Of Gravestones Toppled, Broken At Philadelphia Jewish Cemetery The incident follows a wave of anti-Semitic acts in the U.S.","2973":"Steph Curry Takes Hard Fall, Leaves Game With Head Contusion ","2974":"Suicide Suspected In Death Of Army Vet Charged With Executing Her Dog On Video Marinna Rollins and her boyfriend were accused of tying the pit bull to a tree and shooting it several times.","2975":"Neo-Nazi Site Daily Stormer Retreats To The Dark Web Web host Namecheap became the latest in a string of tech companies to refuse service to the website.","2976":"7 Incredible Things That Happen Once You Learn To Enjoy Being Alone One result of all this social connection is that many of us rarely have any time alone. While we're told that this connectivity is a good thing and that being around other people is necessary for a fulfilled life, you can certainly have too much of a good thing.","2977":"Entrepreneurs: Let's All Get Better at Balance One of the struggles of running a business is the need to make decisions around your time. I made a bad decision the other day -- although I don't know how it could have turned out differently.","2978":"What The Video Shows Vs. What The Officer Claims About Sam Dubose's Killing The prosecutor says Ray Tensing's body cam video shows he was lying.","2979":"Chris Broussard Apologizes For Saying Mark Cuban Drove Around Looking For DeAndre Jordan Unfortunately for DeAndre, Cuban knows EXACTLY where he lives.","2980":"10 Worst Paying Cities For Women ","2981":"Female Firefighter's Suspected Suicide Sparks Cyberbullying Probe The investigation comes just days after 31-year-old Nicole Mittendorff's death.","2982":"Woman Who Drove Off Cliff With Twin Sister Arrested For Her Murder -- Again Alexandria Duval was apprehended Friday in upstate New York.","2983":"Golden State Warriors Remain Undefeated After Beating Nets It's like clockwork for them.","2984":"California Cheerleaders Win The 'Right' To Be Treated Like Normal Workers \"We would never tolerate shortchanging of women workers at any other workplace.\"","2985":"Time To Tax Netflix? Some Cities, And A State, Think So Imposing taxes on streaming services like Netflix and Spotify angers consumers, but cities need the cash. By Elaine S. Povich","2986":"SFPD Says It Wants To Protect Sex Workers; Still Employs Cop Accused Of Statutorily Raping One The officer is accused of having sex with Celeste Guap when she was only 17.","2987":"The War On Meetings They\u2019re boring. They\u2019re useless. Everyone hates\nthem. So why can\u2019t we stop having meetings?","2988":"Charlottesville Rally Organizer Jason Kessler Indicted On Perjury Charge \"I\u2019ll admit that what I did was not legal.\"","2989":"Black Friday Shoppers Brawl Over Barbies, TVs, Bargains ","2990":"San Francisco Area Deputies Charged Over Videotaped Beating Video shows the deputies punching and hitting Petrov with batons at least three dozen times as he screams \"I'm sorry,\" \"Help me,\" and \"Oh my God.\"","2991":"Big Oil Finally Admits Climate Risks -- To Its Business AND The Planet For decades, oil companies have tried to ignore the truth about climate change.","2992":"Man Accused Of Shooting And Burning 2 People After Refusing To Pay Cab Fare James Edward Loftis claims he shot the men after they forced their way inside his home demanding money, according to police.","2993":"138 Were Killed Last Year In Record Number Of U.S. 'Active Shooter' Attacks It\u2019s the first time an annual death toll in active shooting incidents exceeded 90 since the FBI began tracking the crimes in 2000.","2994":"World Anti-Doping Agency Confirms Attack By Russian Hackers The hackers said they obtained info on Serena Williams, Simone Biles and others.","2995":"Another Sandy Hook Playground Is Desecrated, and a Connecticut Woman Springs Into Action Vandals destroyed a statue of a toy solider dedicated to a 6-year-old hailed for his heroism during the massacre. Now Kellie","2996":"18 Ways You Can Tell You've Become A Nationals Fan ","2997":"Georgia Tech Beats Florida State On 78-Yard Return On Final Play ATLANTA (AP) \u2014 Call this one Kick Six, The Sequel. It may have ended Florida State's national championship hopes. Lance Austin","2998":"LeBron And Friends Opened The ESPYs With A Speech You Need To Hear \"The urgency to create change is at an all-time high.\u201d","2999":"LOOK: That Moment When You Realize You Scored The Winning Goal In The Champions League Final ","3000":"5 Interview Questions You Should Always Be Prepared To Answer 1. Walk me through your r\u00e9sum\u00e9.","3001":"Man Arrested After Attempting To Breach Cockpit During Flight To Honolulu Police say the suspect had been drinking. FBI escorted him off the plane in handcuffs.","3002":"Wisconsin Man Accused Of Sending Manifesto To Trump Arrested After Manhunt Joseph Jakubowski, 32, was taken into custody on Friday morning.","3003":"Remembering to Give a Positive Review ","3004":"Carli Lloyd Wins FIFA's World Player Of The Year Award The World Cup final hero just got what she deserves.","3005":"Republicans Just Don't Get It There is a reason why it has taken so long to emerge from the Great Recession. And the Republican leaders of the House and Senate with their new majorities exemplify why we have barely emerged from it.","3006":"Muhammad Ali's Death Met With Outpouring Of Remembrances R.I.P. to The Greatest.","3007":"A Sad Cautionary Tale of Fraud It's your money. Don't let anyone -- including family members -- scam you out of it.","3008":"Can You Fight Off a Police Dog? I was a police canine handler for 8 years. My dog Bach was as gentle as a puppy unless he was provoked or he detected a threat against me. I had absolutely no problem bringing him into preschools and letting the children pet him and play with him. He was a part of our family, and with 4 sons, the house was always full of kids.","3009":"'Kaep'tain America: This Is What A Patriot Looks Like He gave up his dream of playing football for the people.","3010":"Man Dies After Getting Pepper Sprayed By Police ","3011":"Kelly Slater Just Built A Perfect Artificial Wave -- And It May Save Surfing But he won't reveal where this \"freak of technology\" is.","3012":"Nick Goepper Scoops Slopestyle Silver, Plans To Savor Second Olympic Success Goepper admits he struggled to deal with the media attention following his bronze medal at Sochi 2014.","3013":"Oil Boom Leads To Crime Spike In Western State ","3014":"Indiana Officer Fatally Shot By Man In Overturned Car He Was Trying To Save In 2015, Lt. Aaron Allan was recognized as officer of the year.","3015":"Slovenian Ice Hockey Player Fails Doping Test, Has To Leave Olympics It's the third proven instance of doping so far at this year's Games.","3016":"Mississippi State University: Student's Threats Led To Lockdown, No Gun Found \"I saw people jumping out of first floor windows.\"","3017":"Why Pay Secrecy Needs to End Instead of spending more time and money on keeping pay information secret, how about administering pay correctly so that there is nothing that needs to be kept secret?","3018":"SI's American Pharoah Cover Epitomizes Everything Wrong With Society This problem is not SI. The problem is all of us.","3019":"Bitcoin Halving: It Happened! ","3020":"Maame Biney's Pioneering Run At The Winter Olympics Is Over The first black woman to make a U.S. Olympic speedskating team was eliminated in a 1,500-meter short-track heat.","3021":"Wildeman Tried To Kill Pregnant Girlfriend With Car: Cops ","3022":"8 'Yogi-isms' That The Hall Of Fame Catcher Definitely Said We don't know if a lot of the Hall of Fame catcher's quotes are accurate, but these ones are.","3023":"1 Dead After Shooting At Delta State University The campus is still on lockdown.","3024":"Hiring Guru: Nationwide Debt Direct Hires for Service Jeffrey DeLage is Chief Operating Officer of Nationwide Debt Direct. They start the process of caring for consumers with the hiring process.","3025":"Stephen Curry Signs An Insane Deal With Golden State Warriors Even LeBron is applauding this one.","3026":"U.S. Corporations Have $1.4 Trillion Hidden In Tax Havens, Claims Oxfam Report US corporate giants such as Apple, Walmart and General Electric have stashed $1.4tn (\u00a3980bn) in tax havens, despite receiving","3027":"Why Bernie Sanders Wants To Make Credit Rating Agencies Into Nonprofits The presidential hopeful says the industry has a major conflict of interest. He's not wrong.","3028":"Bank Customer Holds Would-Be Bank Robber At Gunpoint ","3029":"Baby Boy Dies After Being Left In Hot Car For 40 Minutes The child's toddler sister survived.","3030":"Judge Dismisses Domestic Violence Charges Against Ray Rice; Now What? It's important that we continue discussing domestic violence, but it's also important that we take action to ensure victims get the justice they deserve and abusers get the help they need.","3031":"How Many Of These Iconic Cartoon Mascots Can You Actually Name? After all these years ... do you actually know the head Keebler elf's real name?","3032":"How One California City Pays Its Most Violent Offenders To Stay Out Of Trouble ","3033":"Florida Airport Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago Appears In Federal Court Santiago could face the death penalty if convicted on charges that include carrying out violence at an airport and killing with a firearm.","3034":"Andy Murray Beats Milos Raonic To Claim Second Wimbledon Title By Martyn Herman LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Andy Murray put the finishing touch to an almost faultless fortnight to claim","3035":"Wife Found Dead Days After Police Say Her Husband Died In Fiery Crash ","3036":"Farmer's Wife Accused Of Murder After Body Found In Pile Of Manure ","3037":"New York City Wants Uber To Hand Over Passengers' Trip Data The city's Taxi & Limo Commission doesn't have the best track record at keeping rider data private -- but neither does Uber.","3038":"This City's Pit Bull Ban Has Failed Miserably To Prevent Dog Bites Advocates have said for years that breed-specific legislation just doesn't work.","3039":"'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli Gets 7 Years For Defrauding Investors He made headlines by jacking up the price of a lifesaving drug.","3040":"Bosnian Soccer Star Pulls Down Greek Opponent's Shorts. World Blushes. Pantsing is now an international sport.","3041":"IndyCar Driver Justin Wilson In Coma After Crash Wilson crashed after hitting debris during the race.","3042":"Police Recover Body Of ESPN Writer's Missing Son ","3043":"Eugene Monroe Retires Early Over Concussion Fears \"Has the damage to my brain already been done? Do I have CTE? I hope I don\u2019t.\"","3044":"MLB's Tribute To Derek Jeter Is Second To None ","3045":"Pokemon Geeks Bring Guns To Championship: Cops \"My AR-15 says you lose.\"","3046":"How the Washington Nationals Won Over a Young Atlanta Braves Fan If Major League Baseball wants to keep winning fans back, and promote good sportsmanship, they'll do the little things like this.","3047":"Muslim NYPD Officers Ask For Meeting With Trump Over Hate Crime Spike Election rhetoric is a key factor in the attacks, says a letter requesting a sit-down with the president-elect.","3048":"Cowboys' Decal Proves Roger Goodell Is A Joke Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL.\u00a0 He\u2019s the most powerful man in sports.\u00a0He runs a league that practically prints money","3049":"Dog Shot And Tied To Railroad Tracks Needs Help ","3050":"The Man Who Murdered Two Officers, Then Himself ","3051":"Police ID Suspect In New Orleans Shooting That Wounded 17 NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The New Orleans police have identified a suspect in a shooting last weekend at a playground that wounded","3052":"The Key To Winning The Super Bowl: Looking Good Out There? \"Quarterbacks who literally 'looked good' saw more dollars in their paychecks.\"","3053":"Marshawn Lynch Showed Up On Game Day Wearing 'Everybody vs. Trump' Shirt \"And with the pants sagging ... extra petty. I'm here for it all,\" Jemele Hill tweeted.","3054":"The Financial Crisis Film 'Boom Bust Boom' Falls Prey To The Big Problem It Addresses Our biases nearly always get the best of us.","3055":"What Do Banks Have to Hide From CFPB's Efforts to 'Make the Market for Credit Work Better'? This month, two different but powerful Wall Street bank lobbies launched self-serving attacks on the Consumer Financial Protections Bureau's most recent efforts to make banking markets more transparent. What do the banks have to hide?","3056":"Starbucks Says Anyone Can Now Sit In Its Cafes -- Even Without Buying Anything The new policy was unveiled weeks after the controversial arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia Starbucks.","3057":"Northern Iowa Beats Texas On Insane Buzzer-Beater Welcome to March Madness.","3058":"Uber Should Pay Drivers Minimum Wage, UK Court Rules Uber will appeal the decision.","3059":"Limbo For Michael Slager, Ex-Cop Filmed Shooting Walter Scott In The Back A circuit judge said he would need more time to decide whether to grant bond.","3060":"What Your Work Lunch Really Says About You ","3061":"Mom Charged In Disabled Child's Death Could Get $1 Million ","3062":"Retired Cop's Beloved Dog To Be Auctioned Off 'Like A Shovel' The officer wants to adopt the police dog, but state law is in the way.","3063":"SPLIT! ","3064":"Computer Glitches Force IRS To Stop Accepting Electronically-Filed Tax Returns The IRS anticipates some of the systems will remain unavailable until Thursday.","3065":"Pasco Police Shot Mexican Migrant From Behind, New Autopsy Shows ","3066":"Cyclist Suffers Terrifying Fall At The Edge Of A Sheer Cliff Watch out!","3067":"NBA Game Delayed Due To A Pickle -- Yes, You Read That Right Your move, NFL fans.","3068":"Man Who Kept Woman Chained In Container Admits To Killing 7: Sheriff Todd Kohlepp, a registered sex offender, reportedly admitted to the killings after the woman was found on his South Carolina property.","3069":"Markeith Loyd, Suspect In Florida Police Officer's Slaying, Captured In Orlando Loyd is also wanted for the December murder of his pregnant former girlfriend.","3070":"Doctor Says Lover Gave Him Poisoned, 'Sweet' Coffee ","3071":"Pete Carroll Got Totally Wiped Out By A Ref On The Sideline Ouch.","3072":"Giants Are World Series Champions! ","3073":"Officer In Michael Brown Case Testifies In Front Of Grand Jury: Report ","3074":"Washington State Shooting Leaves 5 Dead The man reportedly killed himself in front of law enforcement.","3075":"Hey Zuckerberg, Here's a Suggestion: Add a Classic to Amp Up Your Book Club That a famous young CEO is encouraging people of all ages to engage with books--any kind of books--is good thing. It demonstrates that even a busy executive with a household name recognizes the benefits of taking time out of his day to enjoy literature that provides a bit of reflection. It would be even more encouraging if he would add some classics to his list.","3076":"Huy Fong CEO Fears New Sriracha Rivals Heinz and Tabasco launched their own versions of the hot sauce.","3077":"How Do You Grow An Audience? I recently gave a talk on audience growth, and while I don't have all the answers, I do know a few things. I've learned both from my own experience and that of the people I work with (some of whom have much larger audiences than mine).","3078":"Swimming With the 'Sharks': Barbara Corcoran Shares the Three Traits of Successful Business Leaders As one of the stars of ABC's high-stakes reality show \"Shark Tank,\" Corcoran goes head-to-head with four other self-made multi-millionaire tycoons, bidding on the business ideas of budding entrepreneurs hoping to make their dreams a reality.","3079":"Serena Williams Speaks Out On Police Violence, Dallas Shooting \"I feel anyone in my color in particular is of concern. I do have nephews that I'm thinking, 'do I have to call them and tell them, don't go outside.'\"","3080":"2 Dead After Police Cadet Opens Fire On Ex's House ","3081":"FBI: Suspected Islamic State Backer Held For New York Attack Plot \"The FBI remains concerned about people overseas who use the Internet to inspire people in the United States to commit acts of violence where they live.\"","3082":"Marlins 2B Dee Gordon Suspended 80 Games For PEDs Reigning NL batting champion Dee Gordon of the Miami Marlins was suspended 80 games for testing positive for a performance","3083":"A Sort Of Creepy Reason To Love Costco ","3084":"Pokemon Go Players Robbed At Gunpoint, Police Say Be careful out there.","3085":"Body Of Missing Real Estate Agent Found In Shallow Grave ","3086":"Here's The Absolute Best NFL Catch Of The Year So Far Cole Beasley makes like Odell Beckham Jr. for the Cowboys' highlight reel.","3087":"Tim Tebow Dismisses Rumors He's Speaking At GOP Convention \u201cIt\u2019s amazing how fast rumors fly, and that\u2019s exactly what it: a rumor.\"","3088":"Brand Integrity: Where's the Beef ","3089":"Teacher Who Survives Impalement By Trailer Hitch Waits 6 Hours For Help ","3090":"Woman Fined $1,000 For Trashing Boss's Office With Silly String Samantha Lockhart was found guilty of vandalism.","3091":"5 Essential Steps For Tackling Your Income Taxes Here are five important tips to help take the mystery out of tax preparation. These recommendations and resources show how a little preparation and organization can help ease the worry at tax time.","3092":"Nurse Barred From Jail After Allegedly Performing Exorcism On Inmate The inmate, who allegedly received the exorcism instead of medical help, later died.","3093":"John McEnroe Thinks He Could Beat Serena Williams Sure, John. Sure.","3094":"Six Years Later, We're Still Litigating the Bailouts. Here's What We Know. ","3095":"Telling Stories Stories convey information in a very unique way. Plus, they're so much more interesting and engaging than facts, bar graphs or pie charts.","3096":"Report: LAPD Clears Officers In Fatal Shooting Of Ezell Ford ","3097":"In A Win For Waymo, Judge Rules Uber Lawsuit Will Go To Trial Uber had sought a private resolution by arbitration.","3098":"Employment Falls In September After Hurricanes Harvey And Irma Undercut Economic Activity It's the first time employment has fallen in seven years.","3099":"A-Rod To Retire At End Of 2017 Season NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) \u2014 Alex Rodriguez is going to call it quits after his contract ends.","3100":"Mississippi State Football Player And Father Die In Car Accident Keith Joseph Jr. was just 18 years old.","3101":"Theranos Responds At Length To Wall Street Journal Investigation The blood-testing company says the Journal isn't telling the truth.","3102":"3 Tips For Improving The Productivity Of Your Sales Team ","3103":"The Problem With Asking Football Players To Act Like White Guys Besides all the obvious stuff.","3104":"How to Prevent Pre-Trial Publicity From Contaminating Fair Trials When police are permitted casually to release incriminating information to the press, we may enjoy the gossip, but we cannot responsibly claim we treat defendants fairly.","3105":"REMINDER: Michigan Taught Notre Dame How To Play Football ","3106":"The 45-minute Mystery Of Freddie Gray's Death ","3107":"Trump Says NFL Players Unwilling To Stand For Anthem Maybe 'Shouldn't Be In The Country' \"I don\u2019t think people should be staying in locker rooms,\" Trump told Fox News. \"You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn\u2019t be playing.\"","3108":"Pfizer Will Buy Allergan In Massive $160 Billion Deal It will be the biggest deal ever in the healthcare sector.","3109":"Minnesota Mom Accused Of Beating, Enslaving Chinese Woman As Her Nanny Lili Huang, 35, faces five felony counts related to human labor trafficking.","3110":"Inmates Stab Officer, Set Fires In Alabama Prison Riot The officer was treated with non-life threatening injuries.","3111":"Defendant Snatches Bailiff's Gun, Kills Himself At Courthouse Eric Barnett wasn't handcuffed at the time.","3112":"San Bernardino Shooters Had Target Practice Days Before Attack, FBI Says The FBI said they'd been radicalized \"for quite some time.\"","3113":"Man Who Shot Judge Is Father Of Steubenville Football Player Convicted In 2012 Rape Case Judge Joseph J. Bruzzese Jr. is expected to recover.","3114":"What's Diversity Got To Do With It? By Ruben Cantu Over the past five years, the landscape of the Austin tech startup scene has changed. Some would argue the","3115":"Ray Rice's Pyrrhic Victory Nothing good for \"number 27\" will come out of this proceeding. On the other hand, for those men and women who are victims of domestic violence, the public attention focused by the Rice proceeding might make more people aware of this societal scourge.","3116":"Davidson College Moves to a Big-Time Athletic Conference: Cui Bono? The college community has been told, over and over again, that Davidson College will have raised its national profile. But that profile in national surveys is a rather high one, for the right reasons, when recruiting students.","3117":"Pro-Gun Group Backs Down After Chipotle Rally Backfires ","3118":"Hip Coffee Chains Are Selling Out, And That's OK Coffee snobs are worried, but they shouldn't be.","3119":"Katy Perry To Perform The First Shoppable Super Bowl Halftime Show During Perry's show, using either ShopTV or shop-enabled tweets sent out through the game, fans will be able to check out a variety of products being sold during the performance. Upon finding something they want to buy, fans will complete the purchase from their couch by using Visa Checkout.","3120":"Toddlers Die After 'Intentionally' Left In Car By Teenage Mom: Sheriff Witnesses reported they heard the kids crying and told her to bring them in.","3121":"Dad Charged After Cops Find Body Near Where Toddler Was Left Outside For Not Drinking Milk Police say the body is \"most likely\" that of Sherin Mathews, the 3-year-old Texas girl missing for more than two weeks.","3122":"My Husband is Right: You Can't Trust Online Reviews Not only did my undercover work fail to provide a way of breaking into writing, it proved that my husband is right and that I shouldn't rely on online reviews if I'm looking for a new air conditioning unit or appliance to give as a wedding gift.","3123":"Cruise Ship Comes Within Feet Of Colliding With Jet Skiers Shouts of \u201cOh my God! Oh my God! No, get in!\u201d are heard in video footage.","3124":"Game 1 Of World Series Broadcast Interrupted By Outage And we're off to a great start.","3125":"It Hurts Just To Watch This Pro Surfer's 'Cartoon-Like' Wipeout Garrett McNamara \"skipped like a stone and flew into the air\" in \"maybe one of the worst wipeouts ever filmed.\"","3126":"Why Everyone Needs a Do Over: Q&A with Jon Acuff This past year, I experienced my first Do Over moment. I was suddenly laid off from a startup and left scrambling to rebuild my career. It worked out for the better when I found an exciting new job, but for a few months there, the future got scary.","3127":"Uber Fined $7 Million For Hiding Information Uber refused to turn over info to California regulators, and now has to pay the price.","3128":"Four Men Shot Dead In Car ","3129":"Taxi Driver Calls John Elway The Greatest Quarterback, Unaware Elway Is In His Car \"C'mon, man, you serious?\"","3130":"Marlins Dee Gordon Suspended For 80 Games For PEDs He will be ineligible for post season play should the Marlins make it that far.","3131":"The Oil Lobby Has A Pretty Predictable Response To Obama's Oil Tax Proposal The proposed fee would raise prices by about 24 cents a gallon.","3132":"5 Tips for Consumers With Bad Credit Many things today rely on credit scores -- anything from getting approved for a credit card to landing an apartment. With enough patience and financial prudence, you can turn yourself into a lean-mean-credit-mastering machine.","3133":"Darren Sharper May Have Penis Monitored As Part Of Probation, Report Says ","3134":"Brazilian Police Arrest Olympics Official For Scalping Tickets Patrick Hickey is the head of the European Olympics Committee.","3135":"The Hidden Price of Mindfulness Inc. With so many cashing in on the meditation craze, it\u2019s hard not to wonder whether something essential is being lost.","3136":"Joel Embiid Is The Answer To Cleveland's Prayers The moribund Cavs have once again been given basketball's gift of gifts, winning the lottery for the third time in four years. And while they can choose between the supremely talented Andrew Wiggins, Jabari Parker and Julius Randle, Joel Embiid is their best choice.","3137":"The Future Of Stand-Up Paddleboarding Will Melt Your Brain What is this sorcery?","3138":"Watchdog Probes Alleged 'Profiling' Of Somalis At Minneapolis Airport WASHINGTON, May 5 (Reuters) - A U.S. Homeland Security Department watchdog unit is investigating alleged \"profiling\" of Somali","3139":"Wells Fargo Will Pay $190 Million To Settle Customer Fraud Case Wells Fargo will pay $185 million in penalties and $5 million to customers that regulators say were pushed into fee-generating accounts that they never requested.","3140":"Verizon's Stealth Plan for 'Shutting Off the Copper' in New York City and Locations in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania Has Started Verizon doesn't say as there was no information supplied with the filing about how many customers would be impacted or even how many lines are in service that are based on copper.","3141":"Marchinonne's Bet Against History The news that Fiat-Chrysler is the latest auto-maker caught having massively \u2013 and probably illegally \u2013 exceeded allowable","3142":"Video Sparks Investigation Into California Cops Who Beat Suspect ","3143":"Grand Jury Close To Decision In Police Chokehold Death ","3144":"Facebook Announces Four Months Of Paid Parental Leave For All Employees It'll be available to employees regardless of gender or location.","3145":"Here's How Americans Spend Every Minute Of Their Days ","3146":"Subway Received A 'Serious' Complaint About Jared Years Ago The company says it regrets that the complaint was not properly handled.","3147":"Sharing Economy Leaders Will Be the New \"Demons,\" as Airbnb and Uber Leapfrog Over Traditional Hotels and Taxis The sharing economy sector - where people with average holdings use their homes, cars, skills, and tools to make a living and pay their bills - passed a major milestone in 2014: it generated its first billionaires - the founders of room-sharing site Airbnb.","3148":"Suspected MS-13 Gang Member Arrested In Park Stabbing, Dismembering: Cops Miguel Angel Lopez-Abrego, 19, is believed to be one of 10 people who lured a man to his death in Maryland.","3149":"Oregon Man Who Beheaded Mom's Cat Learns His Fate The suspect told police the cat was evil.","3150":"Blake Embarrasses KG With Emphatic ... Wait, Other Way Around?! Are our eyes deceiving us?","3151":"Drive-By Shooters Open Fire On Car, Killing Toddler ","3152":"Boston Marathon Bombing Trial Delayed By Jury Selection ","3153":"Suspect Tells Cops Stabbing People 'Better Than Doing Meth' ","3154":"The Toxic Boss Syndrome How many of us can relate to the movie Office Space and the infamous boss Bill Lumbergh? Most people would say that they can easily point to a boss that they currently have or have had who could have served as a role model for the movie character.","3155":"Judge Weighs Bid To Dismiss Child Sex Abuse Claim Against Cosby Cosby lost a previous bid to fend off the same lawsuit on similar grounds last year.","3156":"How Do Retail Stores Profit From Black Friday Sales? In-store sales, like coupons and other similar concepts, are a form of price discrimination which can allow a business to make substantially more money.","3157":"Lawyer For Patrick Kane's Accuser Quits Case Over Rape Kit Concerns He's still confident in the accuser's allegations against Kane.","3158":"World Bank Finally Boosting Oversight Of Projects That Displace Millions New measures follow ICIJ and HuffPost investigation that revealed bank wasn't enforcing its own rules","3159":"Silicon Valley Titan: Trump's Business Record 'Mediocre' At Best \"The astonishing thing about Mr Trump\u2019s business career \u2014 given what he received \u2014 is not how much he has achieved but how little.\"","3160":"Police Arrest Naked Man Who Jumped Onto Moving Truck Near Dulles Airport He crashed into two cars and assaulted a driver before stripping off his clothes and jumping onto that truck.","3161":"Chrome Co-Owner Slams Belmont Winner: 'This Is The Cowards' Way Out' ","3162":"Man Rigged Front Door To Try To Electrocute His Pregnant Wife, Police Say The suspect also prematurely changed his relationship status on Facebook to \"widowed.\"","3163":"Google This: Best Way To Handle A Hostile Co-Worker Who Shows Gender Bias Answer with facts and evidence.","3164":"Carmelo Anthony Calls For Gun Control After Cleanthony Early Shot \"We have to do something.\"","3165":"Woman Found Frozen To Death After Meeting Neighbor For Drinks ","3166":"The 'Most Dangerous' States In America ","3167":"5 Identity Theft Facts That Will Terrify You Identity theft was the number one consumer complaint at the Federal Trade Commission last year. So far in 2015, the data breach problem that drives so many identity-related crimes has gotten worse. The massive compromises at Anthem and Premera alone put a combined 91 million records in harm's way.","3168":"7 Ways To Prevent Work Burnout The last time I spoke to Emily she was on the verge of tears -- she's tired and overwhelmed. If you can relate, try these tricks to fight off burnout at the office.","3169":"Will Ferrell Is Really Pumped About The USA-Germany Game ","3170":"Hunter Fatally Shoots Woman He Mistook For A Deer On Thanksgiving Eve The victim, Rosemary Billquist, was walking her dogs close to her home in western New York state.","3171":"Wall Street Exec Tried To Scam People With \u2018Brazen\u2019 $95 Million Fraud, Feds Say Andrew Caspersen is allegedly guilty of a cartoonish Wall Street fraud scheme.","3172":"Police Violence: The Symptoms Of Deeper Societal Issues? ","3173":"REPORT: ESPN Suspends Another Host For Domestic Violence Comments ","3174":"5 Years After Miller v. Alabama, Looking To The States For Justice Five years ago this week, as another term of the United States Supreme Court was coming to an end, I can still recall the","3175":"Rewarding Brand Switchers at the Expense of Loyal Customers Will Ruin Your Business Mobile service providers are doing it. Banks are doing it. Just about every company, run by people without marketing brains, is rewarding brand switchers at the expense of their loyal customers. That is what is happening under the guise of attracting new business.","3176":"3 Steps To Take Before Buying a Used Car When you're buying a used vehicle, you're taking a chance buying somebody's problems. But having said that, cars are made so much better today than they were a generation ago. Here are three things to do before you purchase a used vehicle.","3177":"Driver Detained At White House After Alleged Car Bomb Threat A robot was reportedly brought in to inspect the vehicle on Saturday night.","3178":"New England Patriots Player And Assistant Help Thwart School Shooting Threat See something, say something.","3179":"Shock and Awe What is your most important (valuable\/profitable) prospect group? What's your shock-and-awe package and campaign? Create one this week.","3180":"Up To 2,000 Teens Close Down Kentucky Mall No arrests were made, and the mall reopened a day later.","3181":"Dexter Manley Apologizes For Offensive Joke About Black Quarterbacks The ex-NFL player said that they like running \u201cbecause they\u2019re probably used to running from the law.\"","3182":"Police Hunt Child Kidnap Suspect With Third Eye Tattooed On His Forehead He\u2019s wanted over an alleged attempted kidnapping of a young girl.","3183":"The Stock Market Trick Energy Companies Are Using To Survive Plummeting Oil Prices Energy companies that issued new share offerings this year have done better than average.","3184":"Eugene Kaspersky: Cybersecurity Criminals 'Are Getting More And More Professional' ","3185":"'Rocks for Jocks' at UNC Post-secondary education is absolutely critical in today's job market, except if you are among the few elite athletes who can succeed, at least in the short run, without a bachelor's degree.","3186":"Billionaire Pharmaceutical Company Founder Charged In Opioid Bribery Case John Kapoor, 74, stepped down as chief executive of Insys Therapeutics in January.","3187":"Bill Gates Urges 40-Year-Old Microsoft To Look Ahead ","3188":"Pulse Nightclub Shooter\u2019s Widow Found Not Guilty Of Aiding Her Husband\u2019s Attack Noor Salman's family said she was a victim of Omar Mateen's violence, not his collaborator.","3189":"DOJ Sues JPMorgan For Racial Discrimination The suit claim that the bank charged African-American and Hispanic borrowers more than white borrowers with the same credit profile.","3190":"Jail Is Sinking Families Into Poverty, And Women Pay The Most \"There's a lot of shame around it, and you think you're the only one going through it, but you're not.\"","3191":"\u200bA \u200bCourageous Reporter And A Corrupt Chinese Communist Official According to documents released by the court on September 24, Liu Tienan was accused of accepting about $5.8 million in bribes from five companies between 2002 and 2012. Liu Tienan also received a Porsche and a Beijing villa.","3192":"Airbnb Throws A Bone To City Governments After defeating a proposal to clamp down on short-term rentals in San Francisco, the company wants to play nice.","3193":"Hackers Cracked 10 Financial Institutions ","3194":"Steelers Owner Dan Rooney Dead At 84 Rooney was admitted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2000.","3195":"Why Starting a Company Is a Crazy Thing Starting a company is a crazy thing. The very hubris it takes to set out on your own and believe you can create something from nothing should equally qualify and disqualify you as an entrepreneur.","3196":"Why Goals Are Landmarks Meant to Be Passed, Not Reached Like reading a map, we look for two things -- where we are now, and where we want to go. We then connect the two dots with a path that guides our direction. Once we get to where we're going, the map gets tossed back into the glove box. But in life, our destination doesn't define the end of a trip, only a stop over. What then?","3197":"Police: Man Accused Of Sexual Assault Blames 6-Year-Old Victim ","3198":"Concrete Wall 1, Eastern Michigan 0 ","3199":"Second Ex-Student Admits To Placing Noose On Ole Miss Statue The rope was hung over the memorial to James Meredith, the school's first black student.","3200":"5 Teams Not In Power 5 Conferences That Could Crash The College Football Playoff ","3201":"6 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Even if You Don't Feel Like it ","3202":"Families Speak Out About WDBJ Shooting Victims \"They were just bright and shining stars who brought so much joy.\"","3203":"Subprime Auto Loans Are Hurting The Poor ","3204":"5 Tips for a Mindful 2015 The start of another year -- a great time to check on the state of your mindful leadership practice! At the Institute we talk about three key practices we employ to develop our focus, clarity, creativity, and compassion.","3205":"Chinese Economic Growth Hits 6-Year Low But it's not as bad as people feared.","3206":"The Refreshing Reason Google's CFO Is Leaving ","3207":"The One Thing Your Company Can Learn From Google\u2019s Diversity Debacle Why your diversity and unconscious bias training is failing: Google made headlines over the weekend when a 10-page manifesto","3208":"For Black And Hispanic New Yorkers, There Are Broken Windows Wherever They Go ","3209":"International Intrigue and the NBA Indiana's Paul George had yet to be wheeled into the operating room, and the naysayers and sports pundits were speculating as to the response of the Pacers' Larry Bird and his fellow NBA front office cohorts.","3210":"Police Hunt For Man Traveling The Midwest And Stealing Rogaine The suspect, who is bald, reportedly has taken thousands of dollars of the hair-growth formula from multiple stores.","3211":"Police Release Body Cam Video Of YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam Asked if she wanted to hurt herself or anyone else just hours before shooting, she told California officers: \"No.\"","3212":"Man Chokes Woman He Met Online Because She Was Different In Person: Cops ","3213":"How Amazon Is Holding Seattle Hostage The city wants to tax large corporations to pay for homeless housing, but Jeff Bezos isn't pleased.","3214":"The Hottest Cars at the Geneva Auto Show You can count on the semi-annual Geneva auto show to bring out the most outrageous pieces of automotive design. In the heart of Europe, the show is a magnet for high-end manufacturers and well-heeled car enthusiasts looking for their next conspicuous ride.","3215":"Unleashing the Potential of Women Business Owners The integration of more women suppliers into the global value chains of multinational corporations is a powerful mechanism to help women grow their business, generate wealth, create jobs, and contribute to the vibrant prosperity and wellbeing of their communities.","3216":"Alleged New Orleans Airport Attacker Dies In Hospital ","3217":"Tennis Pro Loses Match For Calling Himself A 'Stupid Person' That's a tough way to bow out.","3218":"Two Fundamentalist Mormon Towns Are On Trial And The Evidence Is Adding Up The Justice Department says they denied access to water and police protection to nonchurch members.","3219":"UFC Unveils Strawweight Championship Tournament Twenty-one years after the the Ultimate Fighting Championship broadcast its first open-weight competition in 1993, the world's largest MMA promotion is returning to its roots with a single-elimination tournament to crown its initial women's 115-pound title holder.","3220":"Coaching Carousel Spins in NFL Black Monday in the NFL saw four more franchises fire their head coaches along with two general managers. Clearly there are situations where a head coach may have lost the ability to motivate his team or lost control of how to fix a losing situation and a change is needed. History shows however that stability at the coaching level is a key to success.","3221":"Women Describe Rampant Groping, Sexual Harassment At Verizon-Contracted Warehouse Verizon launched an investigation soon after HuffPost reached out for comment.","3222":"Top U.S. Soccer Official Pledges To Push For Better Pay For Women Not necessarily equal with the men's pay, but better.","3223":"Using The United Fiasco To Flourish In The Future How many \u201cexperts\u201d does it take to offer commentary and advice on a customer service catastrophe? The apparent answer is","3224":"Georgia Executes Gregory Lawler For Killing Police Officer, Despite Autism Defense Lawler's attorneys called for clemency, arguing he had recently been diagnosed with autism.","3225":"Ask Your Employees These 4 Simple Questions to Elicit Productive Feedback As an entrepreneur or executive, you often get caught up in the \"bigger picture\" and the intricacies of your leadership role. But by doing so, it is possible to become disconnected from your impact on employees, customers and suppliers.","3226":"Death Threats Against Bowe Bergdahl's Family Investigated By FBI ","3227":"Video Shows Biker Gang Pounding Driver On California Highway Police are searching for more than a dozen suspects involved in the attack.","3228":"Parkland Could've Been Worse. Vegas Could've Been Worse. They Can Always Be Worse. And if we continue to do nothing about mass shootings, there's no reason to believe the next one won't be.","3229":"Tom Brady Says Patriots Visiting Trump's White House Isn't Political \u201cPutting politics aside, it never was a political thing.\"","3230":"Suspect In Custody After Robbery Turns To Hostage Situation At Florida Bank At least 11 people were held hostage.","3231":"Portugal Defeats France 1-0 To Win Euro 2016 Championship PARIS (Reuters) - Substitute Eder scored in extra-time to give Portugal a 1-0 win over hosts France in the Euro 2016 final","3232":"Tim Cook Sends Memo To Reassure Apple Employees After Trump's Win \"Apple\u2019s North Star hasn\u2019t changed,\" the company's CEO wrote to U.S. employees Wednesday.","3233":"9-Year-Old Rugby Player Dominates Like A Man Among Boys \"Beast Mode\" indeed.","3234":"Former Neo-Nazi Tells Cops He Killed 2 Friends Who 'Disrespected' His New Islamic Faith Devon Arthurs said he had \"a common neo-Nazi belief\" with his roommates before he converted, according to Tampa police.","3235":"Richard Sherman Wants Billionaires To Pay For Their Own Damn Stadiums Sherman said that'd be a top priority if he ever gets a desk in the Oval Office.","3236":"Suspect Deported 5 Times Before Alleged Murder ","3237":"Michael Sam Is Ready To Play Football ","3238":"Air France Cancels More Flights As Strike Stretches On ","3239":"No Evidence That Man Who Attacked Cop Was Part Of Organized Cell, FBI Says Comey declined to say whether Archer had been radicalized.","3240":"Justin Bieber Misses The Mark In Defending Floyd Mayweather Bieber's defense of his good friend fails to address Mayweather's reality.","3241":"The Cleveland Cavaliers Are No Longer Championship Contenders Despite the excitement over the Tyronn Lue hire, Cleveland has limped to an 11-6 record under its new head coach.","3242":"Dylann Roof Gets Famed Anti-Death Penalty Attorney For Federal Trial David Bruck previously defended Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.","3243":"WATCH: This Flop Helped Save The 49ers From Hail Mary TD ","3244":"Cultivating Our Young Athletes If a player is a star in high school, the idolization starts early. The loudest voices in the athlete's ear say, \"You'll be a pro someday! Yes, do your schooling, but you don't have to work too hard because one day you'll be rich!\"","3245":"Women in Business Q&A: Raina Penchansky and Karen Robinovitz, Partners at DBA ","3246":"Oakland Fire Is Deadliest In U.S. Since 2003 As officials finish recovering bodies, the district attorney is exploring the possibility of criminal liability.","3247":"3 Bad Assumptions About Networking for Your Job Search Many job seekers have told me how much they hate networking for their job search. They don't like meeting strangers, particularly when they (and the strangers) have \"an agenda.\"","3248":"Clowns Assaulted Haunted House Visitors With Sex Toys: Lawsuit ","3249":"The Kansas City Royals Love 'Trap Queen' More Than You Fetty Wap said, \"Hey, what's up? Hello?\" to the team on Tuesday.","3250":"Nurturing the Startup Juggernaut Startups are the juggernauts that discover new markets, which drive growth and wealth creation in our economy. It's in our interest to nurture the ecosystem that allows startups to thrive.","3251":"Chipotle Is Closing All Restaurants Next Month For A Food Safety Meeting You'll have to find somewhere else to eat lunch on Feb. 8.","3252":"Time Matters It's almost impossible to stop yourself from procrastinating or wasting time if you are not engaging in activities that matter to you. And organizing your time around yourself is no easy task. You must take time, each and every day, to check in with yourself. Are you on track?","3253":"Criminal Justice System Disenfranchises Former Convicts Looking For Work ","3254":"Poison Profits Lead paint is making New York City\u2019s children sick -- and some landlords see it as the cost of doing business.","3255":"This Hardcore Street Sport That Has Flourished In Chinatowns For Decades ","3256":"72-Hour Suspension For Trooper Who Ran Red Light, Killing Woman Timothy Fagin ran a red light while chasing a driver who wasn't wearing a seatbelt.","3257":"Passing Driver Fatally Shoots Gunman Attacking Arizona State Trooper \"I don't know that he would be alive today\" without the help, says chief.","3258":"5 Ways the IRS Scammers Could Have Stolen All Those Tax Returns Whether data compromises give rise to breaking news stories or pounding headaches, anything less than a zero-tolerance attitude toward identity-related crimes won't get us to the place we need to be.","3259":"Katie Nolan Shuts Down All The Idiots Who Have A Problem With A Female NFL Coach \"People get jobs for a number of reasons -- until they do something that proves they don\u2019t also deserve the gig, who *&^%$#@ cares?\"","3260":"A Running Tally Of How Athletes Are Scoring The Drake-Meek Mill Beef The final count is in and it doesn't look good for Meek.","3261":"New York City Considers Divesting From Walmart Over Gun Sales \"Our public money must not be invested in companies that fundamentally undermine our public safety.\"","3262":"Some NFL Team Owners Want Ray Rice To Get A Second Chance Is the league readying for Rice's return?","3263":"An Important Reminder That The Pay Gap Is Not Just A 'Women's Issue' It's just simple economics.","3264":"Man Says Horror Dental Procedure Left Him Toothless \"I just want to get teeth in my head and go on.\"","3265":"Simone Biles Even Wins When She's In A Post-Surgery Stupor This is comedy gold.","3266":"Teen Arrested After Video Of Vicious Attack On Boy With Autism Emerges ","3267":"Can You Spot What\u2019s Wrong With The Memphis Grizzlies\u2019 Valentine\u2019s Day Graphic? Matt Barnes as your poster boy for love -- really?!","3268":"Nothing Says March Madness Like A Coach Stripping To The Waist \"It's the happiest I've ever been in my life,\" Nevada coach Eric Musselman said.","3269":"Suspect In Custody After Hostage Situation In Alabama Credit Union Office Several hostages were held in an office near the University of Alabama.","3270":"Braxton Miller At Wide Receiver Had LeBron James Going Wild Braxton and LeBron are too cute.","3271":"WATCH: Ball Boy Gives Up His Body For Line Drive Foul Ball ","3272":"WATCH: John Oliver Tackles Redskins' Name, Destroys Team Owner ","3273":"2 Los Angeles Cops Charged With Sexually Assaulting 4 Women While On Duty One of the officers allegedly told a victim, \"Why don\u2019t you cut out that tough-girl crap.\"","3274":"Why Eating Better Starts With Changing Our Work Habits Our American culture of overworking is contributing to our diet-related problems. But that could be changing.","3275":"Joe Arpaio Is Still Guilty Despite Presidential Pardon, Judge Says The former sheriff's request to wipe out his criminal conviction was denied.","3276":"Veterinarian Accused Of Smuggling Heroin Inside Puppies' Bellies If convicted, Andres Lopez Elorez faces up to life imprisonment.","3277":"Every Curling Stone Ever Used In The Olympics Has Come From One Tiny Island \"Paddy's milestone\" has provided the stones for every single competition at the Olympic Winter Games.","3278":"What's Next For NBA In Donald Sterling Case From A Legal Standpoint? ","3279":"Paul Pierce Hit A Game-Winning Bank Shot Against The Hawks ","3280":"Blake Griffin Reportedly Injured His Hand Roughing Up A Clippers Employee Well, that's quite the plot twist.","3281":"An Olympic Gymnast Just Broke His Leg In The Most Stomach-Churning Way Warning: These photos are not for the faint of heart.","3282":"Big Banks Raise Rates As Investors Bet They'll Benefit From Fed's Move Banks appear to be among the biggest beneficiaries of the Federal Reserve's decision to increase the cost to borrow.","3283":"It Takes a Crowd: Transforming Venture Investing I believe crowdfunding can transform (and improve!) venture and other \"private market\" investing in a number of ways.","3284":"Krugman: The Right Fears Democracy ","3285":"Meet The Iraqi Refugee-Turned-UFC Fighter ","3286":"Reckless Indiferrence: Irresponsible Sports Writing Is Creating A Culture Of Sexism Violence against women: we know it exists.","3287":"Lawsuit: Chicago Police Entered Family's Home, Shot Their Dog, Won't Explain Why The city won't turn over records about the bizarre incident.","3288":"LeBron Asks For Forgiveness With Cupcakes ","3289":"5 Reasons You Will Fail At Working From Home We live in an age of technology, where many tasks can be easily and efficiently completed through a computer. Companies and","3290":"12-Year-Old LeBron James Jr.'s New Highlight Reel Is Sick The son also rises.","3291":"Investing Advice For Women Isn\u2019t Sexist; It\u2019s A Necessary Corrective Wall Street legend Sallie Krawcheck explains.","3292":"Rethinking The Rooney Rule There have been growing pains as the NFL tries to implement the rule. But with the league on the right track, it\u2019s not time to slow down.","3293":"Cop Who Shot Flagpole-Wielding Attacker Appears Justified, Chief Says ","3294":"Mattress Store To Reopen 'As Soon As Possible' After Absurdly Offensive 9\/11 Ad \"We are truly sorry and regret the pain we have caused. We ask for forgiveness.\"","3295":"Chipotle's Sales Still Tanking In Wake Of E. Coli Outbreak The burrito chain saw sales fall 15.2 percent in the last quarter.","3296":"Russian Long Jumper Darya Klishina To Compete At Rio Olympics After Appeal Upheld \u201cThe athlete established that she was subject to fully compliant drug testing, in and out of competition, outside of Russia.\"","3297":"Once Again! What Does Nonprofit Board Oversight Mean? ","3298":"Chip Kelly is his Own Worst Enemy Coach Chip Kelly has come under fire, with some saying he may be gone after the season is over. After back to back 10-6 seasons, the Eagles are 4-7 without showing much sign of improvement. The problem is Chip Kelly. He is his own worst enemy.","3299":"Michael Bennett Might Be The NFL's Worst-Compensated Star One of the league's most prolific defensive linemen is also its 27th highest-paid.","3300":"Whole Foods Fights To Keep Corporate Board 'Clubby' ","3301":"WATCH: California Chrome Wins The Preakness ","3302":"U.S. Fourth-Quarter GDP Rose At A 0.7 Percent Rate The growth pace was in line with economists' expectations and followed a 2 percent rate in the third quarter.","3303":"Killer High On Crack Gets 100 Years For Strangling Teacher ","3304":"Grandpa Deserves Gold For Best Olympic Celebration After Usain Bolt's Win This is how you do it!","3305":"Beyond the Numbers: Boston's Olympic Opportunity The Olympic movement is changing, and it needs great change agents. Boston, I believe in you. We are in this with you. It's time for America to unite around the true opportunity of Boston and its promise to the world as a potential host city of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.","3306":"Man Caught Having Sex With Donkey Demands Judge Give Him Jail Time Gideon Swartzentruber was initially only sentenced to probation.","3307":"Why Colin Kaepernick Refused To Stand For The National Anthem Before A 49ers Preseason Game \"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,\" the quarterback said.","3308":"Toddlers Have Shot At Least 23 People This Year This past week, a Milwaukee toddler fatally shot his mother after finding a handgun in the back seat of the car they were","3309":"Philadelphia Officer Ambushed And Shot While Sitting In Police Cruiser The suspect ran away, but was quickly apprehended by other officers.","3310":"Women in Business Q&A: Darline Jean, COO, PulsePoint My parents always stressed education and hard work. I grew up the third of four children. My older brother was only two years older and growing up as the middle kids, we were always very competitive with each other.","3311":"Why Onboarding New Funding Is Like Onboarding New People Onboarding is a crucible of leadership. Done right, it accelerates progress. Done wrong, there's pain for all involved. This is true for onboarding new people and for onboarding new rounds of funding.","3312":"'Glee' Star Naya Rivera Charged With Domestic Battery Husband Ryan Dorsey says she struck him on the lip and head.","3313":"Supermarkets Are Key To Making America Stop Wasting Food Grocery stores throw out a stunning amount of food. But they can change.","3314":"I Miss Black Friday \"Black Friday\" was organic back then. Retailers didn't fabricate the day, shoppers turned it into a retail holiday and retailers embraced them. It was driven by the shoppers, nothing else. Then somewhere along the say, it turned into a fiasco","3315":"Why We Need To Save The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumers need protection from misbehaving companies.","3316":"The Rebirth of Stakeholder Capitalism? In retrospect, shareholder capitalism wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Look at the flat or declining wages of most Americans, their growing economic insecurity, and the abandoned communities that litter the nation.","3317":"Um, What Is Going On Here? A bologna cake?","3318":"NBA Guard Shoves Knocked-Out Tooth Into Sock Before Continuing Play Germs be damned.","3319":"David Beckham Puts The Daily Mail In Its Place Over Parenting Article \"You have no right to criticize me.\"","3320":"A Controversial Shot Clock Call Gave Wisconsin A Clutch Basket In Their Win Over Kentucky ","3321":"Uber Recognizes New York Drivers\u2019 Group, Short Of Union Uber announced an agreement on Tuesday with a prominent union to create an association for drivers in New York that would","3322":"Women in Business Q&A: Sam King, Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development, Veracode Ms. King serves as a mentor for the Boston Product Management Association and is an executive member of the working mothers group in her town. She loves to travel and enjoys rock climbing and yoga.","3323":"The NFL Fined A Player $5,000 For Wearing These Patriotic Shoes The colors were fine, but the words \"proud\" and \"brave\" were too much.","3324":"Steelers Coach Incensed By Headset Situation At Gillette Stadium \"We were listening to the Patriots radio broadcast for the majority of the first half on our headsets.\"","3325":"Tim Howard Speaks Out About Growing Up With Tourette Syndrome ","3326":"His Son-In-Law Was Killed. Exactly 24 Years Later, He Confessed: Cops \"I think his conscience was bothering him,\" the sheriff said.","3327":"How Does a Nonprofit Board Know When a CEO Is 'Just Minding the Store'? Making changes in the governance or operations of a nonprofit is difficult; culturally changes can only take place after a long tenured CEO leaves.","3328":"Kobe Bryant Became Giddy When He Heard A Former NBA Coach's Praise \"That's like the coolest thing I've ever heard, dude.\"","3329":"Having Safe Food Means Treating Restaurant Workers Better More employers are offering food workers better pay and benefits than perhaps ever before, but there's still a long way to go.","3330":"Not All Netflix Workers Will Get 'Unlimited' Parental Leave DVD workers will be left out, the company confirms.","3331":"8 Entrepreneurship Lessons From a Venture Capitalist In her role as operating partner, Heidi Roizen is on the backlines of the deals where she manages the younger deal team, evaluates entrepreneurs and gives advice. Her experience of having played both the part of entrepreneur and venture capitalist has given her tremendous insight into what makes for a successful relationship.","3332":"Man Suspected Of Killing Texas Deputy Had History Of Mental Illness Miles is facing capital murder charges in the slaying of Harris County Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth.","3333":"Phillies Cole Hamels No-Hitter Is Cubs' First No-Hit In 50 Years A historic day for the 31-year-old lefty.","3334":"LIVE: Brady vs. Manning Patriots vs. Broncos","3335":"Solar Energy Just Eked Out A Major Win In California In a 3-to-2 decision, California's Public Utilities Commission just barely voted to uphold the policy.","3336":"Jason Pierre-Paul Is Already Joking About Losing A Finger Too soon? NAH.","3337":"Managing the Unknown: A Light Footprint Strategy Persistently sluggish economic growth in Europe and relentless recession in most of the continent's southern countries has stoked up dangerous political and social tensions within countries and between EU member states. Both developments are unsettling the European project.","3338":"Leadership Lessons From Science ","3339":"Suicides In Jails On The Rise: Report Report comes in the wake of Sandra Bland's death behind bars.","3340":"A Better Leader by Sitting in Front of Your Computer? ","3341":"Action to Achieve Inclusive Capitalism by Roger Martin For the past quarter century, capitalism in the advanced economies has moved forward in an impressive but not inclusive fashion. The winners are clear. First, it is industries that trade outside of their own local area, such as pharmaceuticals or software.","3342":"Divorce Lawyers Brace For 'Tsunami' After Ashley Madison Hack \u201cThe attorneys are unavailable because there are so many people calling right now.\u201d","3343":"I Ate Thanksgiving Dinner With My Identity Thief for 19 Years Estimates vary, but somewhere between 10 and 16 million Americans are defrauded each year in this way. Thanksgiving can be an awkward time of year for some victims, since family members account for more than 30 percent of the identity thieves.","3344":"Is Your Marketing Old School? What About Your Customers? Marketing can be one of those disciplines when tactics and strategies vary greatly based on the industry your business is in. Some businesses prefer traditional media, direct mail and face-to-face personal selling.","3345":"Apple Might Release An Electric Car In 4 Years The rumor mill keeps on churning.","3346":"ANOTHER Child Dies After Being Left In Car ","3347":"Here's What It Was Like To Watch Brazil Win Soccer Gold In Rio Brazil's first gold medal in men's soccer helped avenge a devastating World Cup defeat two years ago.","3348":"Women in Business Q&A: Leana Greene, Founder and CEO, Kids in the House ","3349":"Gap To End On-Call Scheduling For Workers The changes will make it easier for employees to plan their lives outside of work.","3350":"Work The Way You Know it is Dead I don't mean that work doesn't exist and that we should all just drop what we are doing and quit our jobs. In fact, far from it.","3351":"5 Lessons From Big Business That I\u2019ve Gladly Taken Home Major corporations get a bad rap, in the media and online. It's not hard to understand why - as in so many other things, the","3352":"New Jersey Congressman Wants Review Of Daily Fantasy Sports Rep. Frank Pallone says \"murky\" legal landscape around the fast-growing industry merits scrutiny.","3353":"The Cleveland Browns Reportedly Want Johnny Manziel To Dump His Girlfriend. They Should Dump Him With domestic violence allegations hanging over Manziel, it's a cowardly request from the NFL team.","3354":"Is It Safe To Eat At Chipotle After The E. Coli Outbreak? The recent news about an outbreak of food poisoning at Washington state Chipotle restaurants may have you wondering if it's","3355":"Inmates Help The Injured After Prison Bus Crashes Into Semi \"Everybody's seen the movies and I thought, 'Oh no, I'm gonna have inmates scatter and we're gonna have 50 fugitives.\"","3356":"Should the Red Wings Sign Daniel Alfredsson? Much to the disappointment of his grand plan - Alfie didn't win a cup by signing with the Red Wings in July 2013 for one year. He did record a respectable season, with 18 goals, and 49 points in only 68 games.","3357":"Ex-NFL Cheerleader Sentenced For Raping 15-Year-Old \"At the end of the day, there's nothing that we can do to take this pain away from him,\" the victim's father said.","3358":"Women's Soccer Star Says U.S. Team Is 'Fighting For Bigger Picture' Equality Carli Lloyd joins \"The Second Half\" podcast to talk about turf, the future of women's soccer and that World Cup goal.","3359":"Video Of Miko Grimes\u2019 Arrest Outside Of Miami Dolphins\u2019 Stadium Goes Viral A handcuffed Grimes stopped struggling only when threatened with a Taser.","3360":"Ex-Mayor Kills Wife In 'Final Act Of Love' ","3361":"Cheap Oil Is Taking A Major Toll On Pirates Low prices are making oil tanker heists off Africa's western coast not worth the risk.","3362":"Was It His Belly Or His Penis? Skin Doc Faces Sex Abuse Allegations \"He took advantage of me. ... It wasn't right.\"","3363":"Women in Business Q&A: Traci L. Fiatte, Group President, Randstad Staffing ","3364":"A College Football Recruit Is Taking Violence Against Women More Seriously Than Mississippi State Once again, on-field results have trumped off-field considerations.","3365":"Knife 'Found' At O.J. Simpson's Former Home Ruled Out As 1994 Murder Weapon \"We don't know if it's a hoax, but there's no nexus to the murders.\"","3366":"New York Mets Advance To 2015 World Series The sweep of the Cubs sends the Mets to the World Series for the first time since 2000.","3367":"Michigan Teen Believes Shirt Was Left On Her Car Windshield As A Trap Police said they \"can\u2019t definitively say whether kidnapping or abduction was the end goal.\"","3368":"How To Eliminate The 'Benevolent Sexism' That Plagues Working Women Tupperware CEO Rick Goings said the problem -- and the solution -- begins at the top.","3369":"The Corporate Diversity Charade The dirty little secret of corporate America and the practice of diversity is that 25 years after establishing \"diversity\" offices, most companies have not developed a mature understanding of how diversity can contribute to their bottom lines.","3370":"The Rating Game It's hard to find a restaurant that doesn't now place a little card at your table inquiring if the establishment was: (a) really awful; (b) tolerable; (c) sublime.","3371":"Love, Faith, and the New York Rangers: Why I Finally Became a Sports Fan I should not have been thinking about hockey at my dear friend's father's funeral. However, on May 4, 2014, at age 44, I publicly declared myself a New York Rangers fan, and today, I still can't remember what else I used to think about.","3372":"'Playing Possum' Helped Victim Survive On-Air TV Shooting Writings and evidence seized from Flanagan's apartment showed the man \"closely identified\" with people who have committed mass murders.","3373":"Wells Fargo Account Scandal Prompts Criminal Investigation In California The bank is accused of opening millions of unauthorized customer accounts and credit cards.","3374":"Women in Business Q&A: Naama Bloom, Founder and CEO, HelloFlo Naama Bloom is the Founder and CEO of HelloFlo, an everyday health and wellness resource for women and girls with sponsorships in place with Tampax, Always, LUNA Bar, and others. You may recognize the company from its viral ad campaigns, Camp Gyno and First Moon Party.","3375":"1 Person Dead After Shooting At Nashville, Tennessee, Mall A suspect is in custody.","3376":"This Will Be Mark Zuckerberg's Biggest Challenge As A Philanthropist Unfortunately, personal reputation often gets in the way of philanthropy.","3377":"Oregon Shooter Ranted In Manifesto About Not Having Girlfriend He wrote something to the effect of: \"Other people think I'm crazy, but I'm not. I'm the sane one,\" an official said.","3378":"Muhammad Ali Calls For Iran To Release Jailed WaPo Reporter He's still got it.","3379":"Illinois Teen Delia Ann Stacey Texts 'Help' And Disappears: Cops Authorities say Delia Ann Stacey told her family she was going to visit a friend.","3380":"This Old Photo Of Simone Biles And Laurie Hernandez Foresaw Olympic Greatness They were on the path to the Olympics together before they even knew it! \ud83c\udfc5","3381":"Police Want your Home Video Surveillance Footage ","3382":"Aly Raisman Sues U.S. Olympic Committee For Silence On Larry Nassar \"I refuse to wait any longer for these organizations to do the right thing.\"","3383":"ESPN Reporter Confirms LeBron's Own Announcement ","3384":"New Developments In Hate Crime Murder ","3385":"Doctors Forced Wrongfully Accused Pregnant Woman To Take Laxatives: Suit ","3386":"Christy Sheats Killed Daughters To Make Husband \u2018Suffer,\u2019 Sheriff Says \"Mr. Sheats will have to live the rest of his life with this horrible memory.\"","3387":"The $17K Watch and the Art of Deflection The art of deflection is practiced by smart marketers all the time. It is your responsibility to be aware and look out for the underlying motivation in an offer and how it is packaged. It's not easy to spot it as the crowd starts talking about what the marketer wants them to talk about.","3388":"Adnan Syed Of 'Serial' Just Got A Big Boost In His Quest For Freedom Top criminal defense organizations threw their weight behind Syed's push for a new trial.","3389":"Frustrated Father Says Cops Won't 'Do Anything' About Missing Daughter \"I don't care whether they are kidnapped or a runaway; they are still missing and may be in danger.\"","3390":"Report: Florida State Investigating Jameis Winston ","3391":"California Authorities Launch Manhunt After Series Of Random Shootings Targeting Drivers Witnesses described the suspect\u2019s vehicle as a dark-colored pick-up truck with oversized tires.","3392":"Joe McKnight Dead At 28 The former NFL running back died of a gunshot wound sustained during an argument in Louisiana.","3393":"Ferguson Police Officer Shot ","3394":"If Kobe Bryant Plays Beyond This Year, He\u2019s Playing With The Lakers \"I\u2019m a Laker for better or worse.\"","3395":"Subway Worker Remains Totally Chill, Tells Robber To 'Get A Job' \"I don\u2019t know what took over me.\"","3396":"Johnny Weir Says He's A Commentator, Not A 'Complimentator' NBC's Olympic figure skating analyst explained his unvarnished talk about the competitors.","3397":"Urban Headwinds, Suburban Tailwinds Although home prices are rising faster in urban neighborhoods, population is growing faster in suburban neighborhoods. Consumer preferences and the aging of the population are tailwinds for suburban growth; so are falling oil prices if they stay low long-term.","3398":"Now LeBron James Is Helping Ohio Parents Get Their GEDs Too His new partnership covers test fees and provides free bus passes and HP laptop computers.","3399":"Suspected Kalamazoo Mass Shooter Faces 6 Counts Of Murder Jason Dalton, an Uber driver, allegedly picked up passengers in between the shooting rampage.","3400":"Woman Arrested After Her Pit Bulls Attack Man In Violent Video A good Samaritan intervened, only to get mauled himself.","3401":"Police Probe Johnny Manziel Over 'Possible Assault' On Ex-Girlfriend The Cleveland Browns quarterback has not been arrested.","3402":"Reported Rapes Go Through The Roof On Game Day At Big Football Schools College football culture is causing hundreds of reported rapes every year, new research indicates.","3403":"Twin Dies After Fall From Escalator In World Trade Center Transit Hub Jennifer Santos fell as she was trying to retrieve her sister's hat, said officials.","3404":"Woman Arrested After Newborn Baby Was Found Hidden In Hotel Toilet ","3405":"Workers At Donald Trump's Las Vegas Hotel Vote To Unionize Hillary Clinton attended a protest to support the workers in October.","3406":"Wells Fargo CEO Should Resign Over 'Egregious Fraud' With Fake Accounts, Lawmakers Say Lawmakers called for the CEO to resign, and for the bank to be broken up.","3407":"Accused Cop Killer Gets Halloween Cancelled ","3408":"Adorable Cat Really Wants To Play Olympic Beach Volleyball She thinks she's part of Team USA.","3409":"Erin Andrews On The Problematic Double-Standard Between Male And Female Sportscasters The Fox Sports host says the way she's treated sometimes makes her \"salty.\"","3410":"What You Think About, You Bring About Our behaviors are a lot like viruses in that they are infectious and easily copied by others. It's human nature for people to unconsciously copy examples that are modeled for them, good or bad.","3411":"At Least 4 Dead After Train Struck Bus Carrying Senior Citizens In Mississippi \u201cIt\u2019s a terrible, chaotic scene,\u201d the local police chief said.","3412":"Big Ten Network's Dave Revsine Talks College Football Then and Now Dave Revsine, the Big Ten Network's lead studio host, stopped by The Interview Show to talk about his book on the beginnings of college football, The Opening Kickoff --\u00a0and how the game has changed and remained the same since then.","3413":"Why Calls for Boycotts Always Hurt The Wrong People American hotel workers are not highly paid to begin with, and they deserve a lot better than a bunch of celebrity reactionaries preventing them from doing their jobs.","3414":"LeBron James On Recent Police Killings: 'It's A Scary-Ass Situation' \"If my son calls me and says he\u2019s been pulled over ... I\u2019m not that confident that things are going to go well and my son is going to return home.\u201d","3415":"Ivanka Trump\u2019s Jewelry Business Sought Visas To Hire Foreign Workers She's taking advantage of a policy her father wants to end.","3416":"Former UFC Fighter Ryan Jimmo Dies After Hit-And-Run Incident The 34-year-old shares the record for fastest knockout in UFC history.","3417":"Walmart Stores Forced To Give Raises The minimum wage is going up in 21 states.","3418":"Square's Latest Move Is, Sadly, Rare For A Tech Startup The company just named a second woman to its board.","3419":"Marshall Manning Stole The Show During Dad's Postgame Press Conference Peyton has a cute, shy kid.","3420":"Tim Tebow Makes Eagles Debut, And It's The Most Tebow Thing Ever \"It was just a lot of fun to be out there and play ball again.\"","3421":"Miami Heat To Wear Patches In Honor Of Parkland Shooting Victims The team plans to wear the patch all year to commemorate the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.","3422":"Ammon Bundy Arrested, Follower Killed, During Confrontation With Law Enforcement In Oregon Killed was Robert \"LaVoy\" Finicum, who had acted as spokesman for the militants.","3423":"Street Magician Tried To Make Woman's Bikini Disappear, Police Say This trick was no treat for the victim.","3424":"Martina Navratilova: Sports Governing Bodies Must Take Responsibility For Human Rights The tennis legend challenged FIFA and IOC officials to be \"leaders\" against abuses.","3425":"'Making A Murderer' Directors Don't Think Steven Avery Is Guilty Of Murder \"My personal opinion is that the state did not meet its burden.\"","3426":"Doesn't Cortana Know That Disparaging Siri Reflects Negatively on Her Parents? Good marketers know that when a company \"badmouths\" a competitor, it is (more often than not) a big mistake -- especially when the company being disparaged has Apple's track record of success.","3427":"Mets Pitcher, Who Starred In Anti-Domestic Violence Ads, Charged With Domestic Violence The #NotAFan campaign pulled the ads with Jeurys Familia from its site.","3428":"When Is Regulation Excessive? What matters is whether the objectives of regulation are being achieved.","3429":"Waco Biker Gang Members Surrender After Release On Low Bond ","3430":"Let This Kid's On-Point Bat Flip Guide Your Monday He has no haters, and neither should you.","3431":"2 Dead In NYC Home Depot Shooting ","3432":"Kelly Slater Lands Surfing's First 540, Confirms He's A God ","3433":"The Five Reasons We're Most Excited About College Basketball This Season Will everyone be chasing Melo Trimble and the Terps?","3434":"Eagle Scout Finds Remains Of Suspect In 2010 Shooting The 23-year-old spent his school break on a search for the body.","3435":"Can Big Data Save the World? This paradigm shift demands that leaders evolve along with their organizations. To be successful, leaders must learn the skills to connect, empower, motivate, mentor, train, and inspire their valuable human capital.","3436":"Now This Is A Truly Innovative Way To Distract Free Throw Shooters Ah, the old \"have a baby in front of the free throw shooter\" trick.","3437":"Women in Business Q&A: Stephanie Streeter, CEO and Director of Libbey Inc ","3438":"Man Pulls Gun On Clerk Over 'Faulty' Penis Pump The adult video store worker said the problems were down to \"operator error.\"","3439":"Naked Drunk Driver Crashes Car While Having Sex At The Wheel, Police Say An infant was in the vehicle's backseat at the time, according to authorities.","3440":"L.A. School District Reaches $88-Million Settlement In Sex Misconduct Cases At Two Campuses The Los Angeles school district will pay $88 million to settle sexual abuse cases at two elementary schools where complaints","3441":"University Of Minnesota Football Team To Boycott Over Suspensions 10 players were suspended, which some teammates contend was unjust.","3442":"This Young Carolina Panthers Fan Is Happiness Personified You have never been happier than this little girl.","3443":"3 Amazing Strategies To Becoming Highly Successful Becoming a highly successful person is not a reactive series of events. There is a purposeful strategy. There is a broader vision or a dream that you must be obsessed with and work towards every day.","3444":"9 Terrifying American Murder Houses ","3445":"MMA Fighter Arrested For Alleged Assault On Porn Star ","3446":"Michael Vance, Oklahoma Man Charged With Double Murder, Shot Dead In Shootout After Weeklong Spree He was killed by police after a caller reported a car matching one allegedly stolen by Vance was seen near Hammon, in western Oklahoma.","3447":"Man Killed By Michigan Police Wasn't Targeting Them, Cops Say \"We understand people will be hot. We understand people will have their own opinions. I think we can agree to disagree peacefully,\" one official said.","3448":"Boxer Stephen Smith Nearly Loses Ear. We Nearly Lose Our Lunch. (GRAPHIC) \"Hopefully all will heal well.\"","3449":"NSFW VIDEO: Raptors Exec Has Toronto's Profane NBA Playoffs Rallying Cry ","3450":"School Resource Officers Accused Of Using Excessive Force (VIDEO) ","3451":"This CEO Will Send Your Kids To School, If You Work For His Company Well here's an employee perk you don't see every day.","3452":"Another High Profile Murder Case In South Africa ","3453":"Fort Worth Police Officer Critically Wounded After Making Traffic Stop Police \"flooded\" the area to pursue an outstanding suspect.","3454":"Victoria Azarenka Calls Out The Most Tired Double Standard In Tennis \"Let's put aside the noise and how she looks.\"","3455":"A Rare Peek Inside Amazon's Massive Warehouse ","3456":"Todd Bowles Has Taken The Jets From Really Bad To Really Good New York's 3-1 start is its best in five years.","3457":"Police: Person Detained Over Arson At Southern California Mosque The mosque is about 75 miles from San Bernardino.","3458":"Player Sucker-Punches Referee In Cheapest Of Cheap Shots \"There's no possible defense for an assault of this kind.\"","3459":"President Obama Pardons MLB Great Willie McCovey For Tax Evasion \"I want to express my sincere gratitude.\"","3460":"Edits To Wikipedia Pages On Cop Killings Traced To NYPD Headquarters: Report ","3461":"Maraschino Cherry Factory Owner Fatally Shoots Self During Drug Raid ","3462":"The NYC Police Union Has A Long History Of Bullying City Hall ","3463":"CEO Explains How To Defeat Donald Trump Without Stooping To His Level Taking the high road.","3464":"What Do Goldman Sachs and the St. Louis Cardinals Have in Common With Your Business? It's too late for Goldman Sachs and the Cardinals get ahead of their brand and reputation issues but it's not too late to your organization to take control of your brand and reputation by crossing the bridge to strategic integration.","3465":"Tech CEO Who Quit To Be A Better Dad Just Got A New Job He had a nice year off.","3466":"Even Prison Officials Want To Curb Solitary Confinement The heads of prisons across the country call for a big reduction in the use of solitary.","3467":"Jessica Mendoza Joins ESPN's 'Sunday Night Baseball' Full-Time Mendoza keeps making history!","3468":"Trump Needs To Stop Pretending He's King Midas We ain't saying he's a gold digger, but...","3469":"Suspected Purse Snatcher Filmed Running Over, Killing Woman The 65-year-old woman had just finished loading groceries into her car when a man pulled her to the ground and ran her over multiple times, police say.","3470":"The 10 Oldest Company Logos in the World ","3471":"Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville State police and national guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters.","3472":"How Clothing Designer Eileen Fisher Came To Embrace The Masculine It had a lot to do with structure -- corporate structure.","3473":"Albuquerque Shooter On The Loose; Gunman Leaves 1 dead, 3 injured ","3474":"Hockey Legend Having Trouble Speaking After Stroke ","3475":"John Harbaugh Supports Donald Trump's Plan To Build A Border Wall \"Build a wall, it's not that hard,\" the Baltimore Ravens coach said at a press conference this weekend.","3476":"Patrick Kane's Rape Accuser Withdraws From Investigation She said the investigation has put too much stress on her and her family.","3477":"Steph Curry Appears On A 'Family Guy' Episode And Of Course It's A Winner But this press conference looks a bit different.","3478":"D.C. Cop Stiff-Arms Defender In Snowy Football Game This cop is playing to win!","3479":"Los Angeles Thieves Steal Second Ambulance In A Week Crooks hear the siren song.","3480":"Ezekiel Elliott Donates His Entire Being To The Salvation Army After TD Now that's giving generously.","3481":"Gender Equality And The Invisible Problem In The Workplace In a small, unassuming room on a university campus in the mid \u201980s, one man sat amongst eleven women. They were meeting to","3482":"Tax Tips for Dads Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Whether you are crawling on the floor with your new baby or walking into the real world with your college graduate, here are a few pointers on how to save some money come tax time.","3483":"Ex-Husband Of Missing Mom Arrested ","3484":"Fla. Man Accused In Killing Of Wife, Friend, Pastor ","3485":"Cowabunga! Brazilian Rodrigo Koxa Breaks World Record Surfing 80-Foot Wave \"I got a present from God,\" the gutsy surfer said at a World Surf League ceremony.","3486":"Bikini-Clad Attackers Gang Up On Woman In Disturbing Video, Cops Say The beating left the victim with serious injuries.","3487":"America's Most Profitable Products ","3488":"Two-Time Wimbledon Tennis Champion Petra Kvitova Attacked At Her Home \u201cIt was a random criminal act.\"","3489":"Amazon Says It Plans To Add 100,000 Jobs Most of those positions will probably be in the retailer's growing number of fulfillment centers.","3490":"You\u2019re Hired! Change The Process To Fill The Gender Gap So Women In Tech Win The women in tech pipeline problem starts not with whether or not a male or female candidate is hired, but how a candidate","3491":"Civilian 'Guard' Fires Gun While 'Protecting' Recruiting Center Volunteer civilian \"guards\" have been kicked off the grounds outside a military recruiting center in Lancaster, Ohio, after","3492":"Watch Agile Burglar Break Into Jewelry Store Through Ceiling The suspect went full \"Mission: Impossible\" for the raid.","3493":"Darius Fleming Says He Saved A Woman From A Burning Car, Then Played A Playoff Game (UPDATED) The Patriots linebacker is a real-life superhero.","3494":"Uber Suspends Operations In Nevada ","3495":"WATCH: Former British Open Champ Makes Embarrassing Putting Fail ","3496":"Let's Get Real: Prison Is No Place for Elitism Targeting corruption in prison education programs without targeting it elsewhere only serves to limit options for an already-disadvantaged population without solving any wider problems.","3497":"Tech Consultant Arrested For Murder After Wife Vanishes During Cruise Maritime authorities alerted police after noticing the mom was missing during a head count of disembarking passengers.","3498":"Man Pulls Gun On Taxi Driver, Oblivious To The Waiting Cop Behind Them \"It was like a vision of God when I saw those lights.\"","3499":"The Cosby Verdict Won\u2019t Fix A Broken Legal System He was found guilty, but the system is still stacked against victims.","3500":"Jen Welter To Become First Female Coach In NFL With Arizona Cardinals She's believed to be the first woman to join an NFL coaching staff.","3501":"Landon Donovan Proves He's A Seriously Good Sport After World Cup Snub ","3502":"Donald Trump Has No Idea Whether His Company Provides Child Care It definitely does not, though it does have some perks for the kids of hotel guests.","3503":"We All Should Give Rhythmic Gymnastics The Respect It Deserves They make a hard thing look so easy.","3504":"Where Will LeBron Land? ","3505":"Why We're Still Fighting the Last War on Trade Policy Is it true that companies trying to manufacture in America, workers, communities and environmentalists need the President to explain their interests to them, as if 25 years of lived experience with NAFTA-style trade deals haven't been sufficiently clear?","3506":"Who's Winning: You Or The City? Take This Quiz To Find Out. ","3507":"These Recent Mass Shootings Went Mostly Overlooked The deadliest incidents understandably generate the most intense interest. Meanwhile, the everyday gun violence that plagues","3508":"OK Pats Fan, Now That's A Bit Much \u00a1Viva la Patriots!","3509":"Serena Williams Wins 22nd Grand Slam Title Williams beat Germany\u2019s Angelique Kerber 7-5 6-3 to claim a seventh Wimbledon singles title.","3510":"Impossible Goals and My Quest to Lose 175 Pounds Some people think aiming to lose 175 pounds is insane. For me, it is the only way to get there. When I've set \"impossible\" goals in a business setting, I've always made them. I get excited and motivated. Small goals don't interest me at all.","3511":"Tina Frost, Las Vegas Shooting Victim, Wakes From Coma The 27-year-old from Maryland took her first steps since the massacre.","3512":"6 Cuban Volleyball Players Charged With Rape In Finland The alleged attack took place at a hotel where the national team was staying in July.","3513":"3 Injured In Shooting At South Carolina Elementary School A teen armed with a pistol was seized. The suspect's father was found shot to death nearby.","3514":"Is This Unborn Baby Dabbing? You tell us.","3515":"Rape Victims In U.S. Made To Pay Part Of The Medical Bill \u201cWith other violent crimes, victims are not responsible for paying for the damage that results from the crime.\"","3516":"Trump\u2019s Tax Giveaway To Wall Street Is Shameful Under Trump\u2019s plan, tax-dodging banks would pay even less.","3517":"Speed Dating Your Way to a Startup Soulmate ","3518":"The NFL Still Says Kaepernick Isn\u2019t Being Blackballed, Here\u2019s Why They\u2019re Wrong Owners and league executives have made clear they're asserting their ideological dominance over the players fueling the league.","3519":"Shoplifter Shot And Killed After Running Over Deputies Amos Frerichs \"used his vehicle as a weapon,\" police say.","3520":"Secrets Of The Yahoo Sale \u2018Book\u2019 Reveal Financial Meltdown And Big Bet On Mobile Voice Search According to some pages from the \u201cbook\u201d that Yahoo bankers have given out to prospective buyers, the financial situation","3521":"(VIDEO) AOL Sees Growth in Programmatic TV with 58 Ad Campaigns Up ","3522":"Women And Minorities Are Punished For Promoting Women And Minorities At Work: Study ","3523":"Erin Andrews Awarded $55 Million In Peeping Tom Lawsuit The sportscaster had sued over a video shot of her through a hotel room peephole.","3524":"Man Lived Alongside Dead Father's Body For Four Months Kenneth Brown was reportedly propped up in his favorite armchair.","3525":"WATCH: Dad Gives Foul Ball To Son.. Who Throws It Back Onto Field ","3526":"Rob Gronkowski Made An Incredibly Dirty Hit On A Defenseless Buffalo Bill Tre'Davious White is under observation for a possible concussion.","3527":"Kenya's Stanley Biwott, Mary Keitany Win At NYC Marathon NEW YORK (AP) \u2014 Kenya's Stanley Biwott and Mary Keitany swept the titles at the New York City Marathon on Sunday. Keitany","3528":"The Chilling Texts A Mother Received From Her Son In Orlando Gay Bar: 'He Has Us' (UPDATE) The last text she received said: \"He's in here with us.\"","3529":"How The Payment Industry Is Innovating In 2016 ","3530":"A Young Adam Rippon Dreams Of Olympic Glory In Adorable Throwback Video \u201cAll the little things that your coach tells you, you always have to remember them.\"","3531":"Minnesota Governor Calls Mosque Bombing An Act Of Terrorism No one was injured in the blast at the Islamic center in Bloomington.","3532":"Usain Bolt's Smiling Face Is The Newest Olympic Internet Meme Say cheeeeeeeese!","3533":"Early Uber Investors Call On Company To Change 'Destructive Culture' \"Uber has had countless opportunities to do the right thing\u200a.\"","3534":"A Young Steph Curry Predicted His Future In A 1990s Burger King Ad Now people are asking for a Steph-Riley sequel.","3535":"Police: Driver Stranded In Blizzard Shot And Killed Man Who Tried To Help Him A Claremont man was in the Catawba County Jail on Saturday charged with murder after he allegedly fatally shot a good Samaritan","3536":"Amazon Vastly Improves Parental Leave Benefits The online retail giant offers paternity leave for the first time.","3537":"U.S. Basketball Team Plays Rock, Paper, Scissors In Rout Of China So this is how game decisions are made at the Olympics!","3538":"Sanders' Economic Plan Torn Apart By Former Clinton, Obama Economists They say a new analysis of the plan makes \u201cclaims that cannot be supported by the economic evidence.\"","3539":"Every Inspirational Visionary Has a Crystal Ball... How Well Can You Read Yours? By removing yourself from the pressure, following these steps, and embracing the potential and opportunity of your own \"crystal ball,\" you can bring your vision to life.","3540":"This '80s-Inspired Video Might Be The Goofiest NHL All-Star Bid Yet ","3541":"Zero Jail Time For Cop Who Assaulted Disabled Man In Hospital Convicted of felony assault. Sentence: probation and community service.","3542":"Radio Host Defends 'F**k' Tweet At 98-Year-Old Nun And Team Chaplain \"I don't regret the joke,\" Cody McClure said of his message about Sister Jean of Loyola University Chicago.","3543":"'Coffee With A Cop' Helps Officers And Civilians Find Common Ground The events are a small, positive step in many cities where trust is broken.","3544":"State Attorney General Calls Fantasy Sports 'Illegal Gambling' Tennessee is the latest legislature to address the issue, as it looks to tackle gambling laws.","3545":"Coroner Reclassifies A Man's Suspicious Death After HuffPost Investigates An incarcerated woman said that she and her partner were involved in Shawn Arthur's death.","3546":"Maybe The Federal Reserve Has Been Right About The U.S. Economy All Along Hard as it may be for its legion of economic, political and media critics (and even some of its own members) to accept, the most recent bullish jobs report from the Labor Department looks like a ringing endorsement of Federal Reserve policies and perspectives on the economy.","3547":"Competitive Gamer Counts His Chickens Before They Hatch; Chickens Die \"WHAT ARE YOU STANDING UP FOR \u2026 WHY?!? WHY?!?!\"","3548":"Authorities Say Texas Man Is Hindering Investigation Into Slaying Of Wife, Child Police say they're unable to \"move ahead\" with the case now that the man has lawyered up.","3549":"Reporter Amelia Rayno Writes Of Sexual Harassment From Minnesota AD Teague Norwood The Star Tribune's Amelia Rayno shares her chilling story.","3550":"2 Toddlers Injured When Bouncy House Flies Away ","3551":"America\u2019s Incarceration Crisis: Are We \u2018Doomed To Repeat The Same Failed Policies\u2019? In this week\u2019s episode of \u201cScheer Intelligence\u201d for KCRW, Robert Scheer speaks with James Forman Jr. The Yale Law School","3552":"Former South Carolina Police Officer Reportedly Gets Probation For Black Man's Slaying \"We couldn't ask for a better outcome as far as the sentence is concerned.\"","3553":"Jerry Jones Stands By Greg Hardy After Deadspin Article Photos showed Hardy ex-girlfriend severely bruised after altercation.","3554":"Draymond Green Follows Flagrant Foul On LeBron James With Flagrant Mock Warriors Coach Steve Kerr calls it a \"normal foul.\"","3555":"NYPD Officer Shoots Woman Who Tried To Attack Him With Baseball Bat, Police Say Authorities are now investigating why the officer did not use a Taser instead.","3556":"American Pharoah Ends Career With Breeders' Cup Win LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) \u2014 Triple Crown champion American Pharoah took charge out of the gate, winning the $5 million Breeders","3557":"Drunk Driver Found Hiding In Nativity Scene After Crashing Car: Police \"Not even the baby Jesus could save him,\" one Twitter user quipped.","3558":"Muslim Advocacy Groups Urge Compassion And Unity Following New York City Attack \u201cAn attack on one of us is an attack on all of us, and we will never stand for violence against those who are innocent.\u201d","3559":"Learning About Effective Leadership by Rappelling Waterfalls In executive coaching, I have clients hurtling themselves toward a goal. They want to get \"there\" no matter what. Then there are the adrenaline junkies who enjoy the risk of chaos, taking pride in not needing methods and plans.","3560":"'Friday Night Lights' School Embroiled In Sex Scandals ","3561":"Rams, Cowboys Can't Play Nice At Joint Practice, Brawl Instead A play date gone bad.","3562":"Here Is The March Madness Weekend TV Schedule All the times, networks and matchups you need.","3563":"I Won't Be Coming Home for Christmas: The Christmas Experience in Prison While it doesn't even come close to mom's egg and sausage Christmas brunch, I try to pick up a few seasonal items in my prison's commissary. Is it depressing? Yes. Does it hurt? Yes. But it is all that I have.","3564":"Teen Attacks Paramedic Who Stopped Ambulance Sex Session ","3565":"Would The NFL Owners Really Listen To Kaepernick? What would happen if they did?","3566":"Amateur Golf's Quiet Savior Being that golf is one of the most expensive sports to play, pricey items like golf clubs, attire, and greens fees often make the game cost-prohibitive for today's youth. Not surprisingly the National Golf Foundation has reported a precipitous decline in participation, threatening the game's future.","3567":"Cop Shoots Woman's Dog, City Refuses To Pay Vet Bills ","3568":"Solidifying a Gold Standard TPP The next round of TPP negotiations begin in Hawaii on Monday and it is highly probable that this meeting could be one of the last before the pact is finalized. As we reach the potential end point, effective IP protections cannot be overlooked.","3569":"Donald Trump To Push His 'America First' Agenda On Elite 'Globalists' In Davos Trump was never invited to attend the World Economic Forum as a businessman.","3570":"Texas Cop Survives Attempted Ambush, Shoots Suspect Four teenage boys are suspected of the attempted attack.","3571":"Wikileaks Revealed Massive Political Corruption: Where's The Coverage? ","3572":"New York Mets Pitcher Jenrry Mejia Permanently Suspended By MLB New York Mets relief pitcher Jenrry Mejia has been permanently suspended by Major League Baseball for his third performance","3573":"Woman Hires Hitman Because Her Grandkids Got Lice, Police Say Police said the suspect admitted saying she wanted someone killed, but said it was just a joke.","3574":"4 Killed After Truck Flies Off San Diego Bridge Onto Festival 60 Feet Below Authorities said the truck's driver survived and was later charged with driving under the influence.","3575":"It's Time For Corporate America To Stand Up To Republican Climate Deniers Countering global warming is not just a moral imperative. It also makes good business sense.","3576":"Emotional Intelligence Can Boost Your Career And Save Your Life ","3577":"Shake Shack Soars In First Few Minutes Of Trading ","3578":"Video Could Be Key To Finding Alleged Killers Of Cop Charles Gliniewicz Images on the video matched the description of the two white men and one black man suspected in the case","3579":"Someone Just Bet A Ridiculous Amount On The Eagles In Super Bowl One of the biggest Las Vegas sports bets in recent history is riding on Philadelphia's underdog team.","3580":"The Serious Price Of The Hyper-Convenient Economy Apart from sensual appeals, the chief marketing wave in our country is selling convenience. It has reached a level of frenzy","3581":"Officer Shoots Rock-Wielding Man At Dallas Airport Police say the man was involved in a domestic dispute and rushed the police officer.","3582":"Iowa\u2019s 60 Million Laying Hens Aren\u2019t Being Monitored By Food-Safety Inspectors In 2010, 550 million eggs were recalled after thousands of people were sickened with salmonella in an outbreak tied to farms","3583":"Detroit Pistons' Stan Van Gundy Blasts Donald Trump And Those Who Voted For Him \"We should be ashamed.\"","3584":"Historic Scottish Golf Course Votes Against Admitting Women Members Muirfield will be removed from the list of courses that host Britain's Open championship as a result.","3585":"Alex Wubbels, Utah Nurse Arrested For Doing Her Job, Reaches $500,000 Settlement Wubbels said she will donate part of the money to help others obtain body cam footage from police.","3586":"Black-White Wealth Gap Has Reached A 24-Year High ","3587":"Atlantic City Could Look Vastly Different in 2017 ","3588":"5 Ways To Check References To Avoid Toxic Employees Have you ever attempted to check references before hiring, and run into a brick wall with the former employer giving you","3589":"Relative Of Missing Texas Girl Taken Into Custody After Remains Found \u201cHe is the only suspect we have at this time,\" authorities said of Kayla Gomez-Orozco's family member.","3590":"Man Allegedly Beats Turtle To Death With Hammer, Claims Self-Defense The reptile's shell was broken and its head crushed.","3591":"Veteran's Wife Alleges Cops Assaulted Him At An Ole Miss-LSU Game \"YOU ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW. THIS IS NOT OK.\"","3592":"Officer Who Arrested Utah Nurse In Viral Video Is Now Under Criminal Investigation The nurse refused to let Detective Jeff Payne take blood from an unconscious patient without having a warrant.","3593":"Job Growth Slows In Last Two Months, Unemployment Still 5.1 Percent (Updates with labor market figures) * Nonfarm payrolls increase 142,000 in September * Unemployment rate steady at 5.1 percent","3594":"The Paralympics' Origin Story Is A Moving Lesson In Caring For The Forgotten Paraplegics were depressed and discarded. Then one doctor had an idea: Let them play sports.","3595":"Why You Should Lead Outside In Instead Of Inside Out The most effective leaders think outside in: outside first, inside second. The true measure of success is not in the organizations, infrastructure or people leaders attract and develop, but in what those organizations, infrastructure and people get done for others.","3596":"Equifax Says Hack Potentially Exposed Details Of 143 Million Consumers The company said criminals had accessed details including names, social security numbers, and, in some cases, driver\u2019s license numbers.","3597":"Floyd Mayweather Retires From Boxing \"I've accomplished everything in this sport, there's nothing else to accomplish.\"","3598":"9-Year-Old Drove Drunk Man To Gas Station To Buy BBQ Sauce: Cops The man's blood-alcohol content was allegedly several times the legal limit.","3599":"Reporter Helps Driver Escape Sinking Vehicle On Live TV \"I don't know what to do!\" the driver called as his car sank with him inside.","3600":"Former Texas Prosecutor Disbarred For Sending Innocent Man To Death Row Charles Sebesta lied and presented false testimony against Robert Carter for the murders of six people.","3601":"Man Cited For Driving Motorcycle Through Crowd Of Trumpcare Protesters The suspect was the administrator of a \u201cWhite Privilege Club\u201d Facebook group, where he called his wife a \u201cslant eye import.\"","3602":"Here's Why You Don't Ask NBA Star Chris Paul A Dumb Question \"Seriously, right?\"","3603":"Freediver Breaks His Own World Record, Days After 'Terrible' Return To Surface William Trubridge descended to a record depth of 407 feet.","3604":"Abby Wambach Asked For A 'F**king Goal' And Got One Talk about a motivational speech.","3605":"Panthers Quarterback Cam Newton Wins NFL MVP Did you expect anything else?","3606":"Wait, Uber Is Giving Up How Much Money To Replace Travis Kalanick? A deeper look at the value of one man (and why Uber is still moving on).","3607":"Demolishing The 7 Myths Propping Up Fossil Fuels It's time to set the record straight.","3608":"Chicago Cop Shoots Dead Teen, 55-Year-Old Woman \"We're thinking the police are going to serve us, take him to the hospital. They took his life.\"","3609":"Yorkie Puppy's Adventure In Cocaine Trade Ends Safely, Police Say Here's another reason to microchip your pets.","3610":"Serena Williams Pays Homage To Her Sister In Cute Instagram Post \"She has my heart.\"","3611":"Watch Officer React When Murder Suspect Grabs His Gun \"Kill me!\" suspect says.","3612":"Krispy Kreme Acquired For $1.35 Billion German firm JAB is going into the doughnut business.","3613":"Woman Found Naked In Bushes Near Disney World May Have Been Raped Authorities have released images of a person of interest in the case.","3614":"NYPD Union Leader Lashes Out At Mayor Again ","3615":"10 March Madness Stars Who Improved NBA Draft Stock The Most These prospects have shined during the NCAA Tournament.","3616":"\u2018Nobody Speak\u2019: How Billionaires Are Silencing the First Amendment When documentary filmmaker Brian Knappenberger set out to make a film about Hulk Hogan\u2019s lawsuit against Gawker Media, he","3617":"The Golden Touch of a Chicago Cab Driver I do branding for a living and so I appreciate the confidence Estaifan has in who he is and what he stands for. He uses his life experience to connect with others and make even a short cab ride a memorable experience.","3618":"Jared Fogle Blames Victim's Parents In New Court Motion Court filing claims the parents should also be named as defendants in lawsuit against the former Subway pitchman.","3619":"America's Competition Fetish Kills Creativity and Produces Human Sheep In the view of Margaret Heffernan, author of A Bigger Prize: Why Competition Isn't Everything, and How We Do Better, teaching competition from the earliest years produces adults who fail at creative thinking and generates a society where cheating is incentivized and people never learn to collaborate. In the following interview, she explains why this failure puts us all at risk.","3620":"A Disturbing Look At America's Domestic Violence Problem It was just a few minutes into 2016 when shots rang out in El Cajon, California.","3621":"School Bus Driver Arrested On DUI While Taking 28 Kids Home Witnesses called police when the driver got stuck trying to turn the bus around.","3622":"Six-and-a-Half Odd Tips to Win Your March Madness Office Pool As my wife can attest, sports consume an embarrassingly high percentage of my television viewing and internet surfing. With a healthy base of sports knowledge, one would think I would be an expert at the March Madness office pool. But nay!","3623":"Photos Emerge Showing NFL Star's Horrific (Alleged) Domestic Violence Barefoot and frightened, Nicole Holder walked as fast as she could through the darkness, and the moment she saw the cops","3624":"Dunkin' Donuts Accused Of Taxing Non-Taxable Items HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) \u2014 Two lawsuits accuse Dunkin\u2019 Donuts franchises in New Jersey and New York City of charging sales tax","3625":"Saints Star Does Not Care About NFL's New Rule Right Now ","3626":"Putting Calorie Counts On Fast Food Menus Won't Make People Eat Less, Experts Say ","3627":"What Not To Do When You And An MLB All-Star Both Catch A Ball TFW you realize you're struggling with an All-Star for a foul ball.","3628":"Man Throws Chainsaws At Cops During High Speed Chase He told the cops he'd taken meth.","3629":"Couples Want To Lean In Together, But They Need Employers To Change Too ","3630":"Paintball Gun-Wielding Robbery Suspect Shot, Killed The customer who shot him was a licensed concealed carry holder.","3631":"Baltimore Orioles Executive Passionately Defends Freddie Gray Protesters The COO of the team said focus should be on cities like Baltimore are suffering, rather than ballpark protocols following the protests.","3632":"Suarez's Bite Felt Strongest in Uruguay The reactions this has solicited may seem absurd to anyone outside Uruguay, and several people have asked me: \"How on earth can you defend him?\" But demonizing Suarez doesn't do justice to the situation either.","3633":"Former NYPD Detective Gets Emotional Over Dallas Shooting \"I hope people can appreciate what these police officers did,\" said Harry Houck.","3634":"A Vengeful Stephen Curry Humiliated Delly Over And Over On Sunday The Dellavedova era ended at roughly 10:30 p.m. EST on Sunday.","3635":"America Is Globally Shamed For Its Pathetic Minimum Wage ","3636":"Jack Dorsey Bought A Bunch Of Twitter Shares, And It's Working Out Great The interim CEO purchased 31,000 shares Monday.","3637":"Man Confronts N.J. Officer Searching Van Apparently Without Permission The undated video shows a plainclothes officer walking away when the man filming the incident questions him.","3638":"Ex-Officer Convicted In Matthew Ajibade Case Allowed To Serve Time On Weekends A former Georgia sheriff\u2019s deputy, convicted for using a stun gun on a restrained detainee who later died alone in his cell","3639":"Is Adversity Foe or Friend? -- Answer the 3 Questions of the Entrepreneurial Challenge It's not just entrepreneurs that can turn adversity into opportunity. All people face startup-like challenges. And we all benefit from learning and perseverance. I believe much hinges on how we exercise our free will to create a personal resiliency.","3640":"Helping a Person Live Like They Were Dying Lori sought a medical solution to help her lose weight and the solution caused her body to die. I've been fortunate that my weight loss surgery has been a success in its first month and that maybe the medical world has found a solution that works for people like me. The attempt with diet pills was definitely not the answer.","3641":"Critics Make the Best Innovation Evangelists With every important innovation comes resistance. The more meaningful the innovation, the more resistance you'll meet. And if you don't encounter any resistance, then you're likely doing it wrong: you need to take more risks and increase the speed and magnitude of your project.","3642":"What Time Is The Super Bowl? The answer might disturb you.","3643":"How Prepared Are Directors for the Challenges of the Nonprofit Culture? Once acclimated to the unique challenges of the nonprofit culture, serving on the board can provide an exceptionally rewarding experience. Directors will have a chance to work with others who are dedicated to the work of serving people with significant personal needs.","3644":"Investigators Piece Together Portrait Of Tashfeen Malik Tashfeen Malik's path to accused mass killer in California began in a small city on the Indus River in Pakistan's Punjab","3645":"Who's On First? This Triple Play Shows How Random The Yankees' Infield Has Gotten ","3646":"Suspect In Pennsylvania Shooting Rampage Found Dead (UPDATE) ","3647":"Dallas Officer Shot At Home Depot Dies. 2 Others Still In Hospital. Officer Rogelio Santander, 27, died the day after the shooting.","3648":"East Baton Rouge DA Recuses Office From Alton Sterling Shooting Probe The district attorney has a personal relationship with one of the officers' parents.","3649":"Let Us Never Forget That A Flick Of The Balls Turned The NBA Finals LeBron James literally put his balls on the line for the city of Cleveland.","3650":"Walgreens Is Walking Out On Scandal-Struck Theranos It's been a rough month for the blood testing startup so far.","3651":"NFL Player Injured Himself While Celebrating ","3652":"Police Battle Spike In City Violence After Years Of Decline Numerous cities have seen a spike in homicides this year.","3653":"The Limits Of Obama\u2019s Favorite Economic Theory Sometimes a nudge isn't enough.","3654":"'How David Beats Goliath': A Trial Lawyer's Guide to Financial Management If you don't have experience in the arena of contingent-fee law firms, then you may wonder exactly how they make money if they happen to lose a case. The answer is that they don't. There is no catch with contingent-fee law firms. If they lose the case, they don't get paid.","3655":"Suspect In Murder Of Student Blaze Bernstein Claims He Was Hitting On Him: Report Police found Bernstein's body, which had been stabbed over 20 times, in a park in California last week.","3656":"Woman Accused Of Riding Sea Turtle Arrested In Florida A Facebook photo appears to show her and another woman harassing the protected species.","3657":"Yet Another Toddler Accidentally Shot And Killed His Mother The 2-year-old grabbed a gun his mom's boyfriend had left in the car.","3658":"Why Cops Call This Accused Kidnapper 'Dumbest Criminal Of The Year' The suspect told his victims to meet him the next day with $1,500. Guess what happened.","3659":"Infamous Cristiano Ronaldo Sculptor Gets Another Try At The Soccer Star's Bust It's a \"Ronal-Do over.\"","3660":"10 Harsh Lessons That Will Make You More Successful Everyone fails in life, and failure can be a crushing experience. The only thing that separates successful people from the rest is how they respond after they fail.","3661":"Former Mayor Busted For Alleged Child Porn ","3662":"SEC Sweeps NCAA Track & Field Titles It was another successful meet staged at Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon as 43,419 fans attended the four-day event, including the third-highest NCAA Championship single day crowd of 12,947 on Saturday.","3663":"San Diego Police Fatally Shoot 15-Year-Old Who Was Holding A BB Gun Police said the officers \"feared for their safety\" before striking him \"multiple times.\"","3664":"Ohio Gun Shop Owner Is Shot And Killed During Gun Safety Class Students were performing drills when a weapon discharged, shooting James Baker, 64.","3665":"Improvise - Great Leaders Say Yes First When leaders exhibit improvisational behaviors (such as flexibility, positivity and humor) people connect with them. Leaders build trust with their teams when they are positive, and those teams in turn, engage and want to perform.","3666":"New York, Boston And D.C. Could Eventually Be One Gigantic City Welcome to the megacities of the future.","3667":"Couple Threatened With Jail For Overdue Library Books Talk about throwing the book at them.","3668":"Texas, Alabama Halt Executions; Florida Puts Convicted Rapist And Killer To Death Texas Gov. Greg Abbott commuted the death sentence of a convicted murderer less than an hour before he was set to be executed.","3669":"CEO Slashes $1 Million Salary To Give Lowest-Paid Workers A Raise ","3670":"8 Stupid Office Rules That Drive Everyone Crazy Companies need to have rules\u2014that\u2019s a given\u2014but they don\u2019t have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at creating order. I","3671":"Dwight Howard Challenges Heckler 'To Come Out Here' Easy now, Dwight.","3672":"4 Bikers Shot In Waco With Same Rifle Type Police Use It was not clear whether any bikers had similar guns to the police that day.","3673":"Amonderez Green, Teen Shot Near Ferguson, Was An Avid Rapper \"Sometimes I just feel like I gotta admit\/ That I don't know this s**t.\"","3674":"Hit Man Hired By Rabbi Set For Release Near Killing's Anniversary ","3675":"Texas Mom Arrested After Children\u2019s Bodies Found Under Neighbor\u2019s House Sheborah Thomas faces two counts of capital murder after her kids, ages 5 and 7, were found dead Sunday.","3676":"Esurance Takes Down Billboards With Seemingly Smutty Typo ","3677":"The 2016 Super Bowl Commercials You Need To See Dogs dressed up as hot dogs, Drake and more.","3678":"Women in Business: Q&A with Stella Goulet, CMO at Avanade ","3679":"Interview With Amanda Barbara of Pubslush, Crowdfunding for Authors ","3680":"Wimbledon Star Forced To Leave Court After Suffering Knee Injury \"Help me, help me, please!\" Bethanie Mattek-Sands could be heard shouting.","3681":"The 30 Most WTF Moments Of The 2014-2015 NBA Season These are all freaking hilarious.","3682":"2 Florida Men Accused Of Stealing Enormous Power Pole After Irma Police in Jacksonville found the gigantic pipe strapped to the roof of a vehicle.","3683":"15-Year-Old Boy Sexually Assaulted At McDonald's ","3684":"Katie Ledecky, 18-Year-Old U.S. Swimming Sensation, Accidentally Breaks World Record \"I was barely even focusing on this morning's swim.\"","3685":"Judge Rejects Sumner Redstone Bid To End Viacom CEO Lawsuit The case will proceed in Massachusetts.","3686":"Sheriff Wants To Make It Hard For Heroin Dealers To Sleep At Night In Bizarre Video \u201cWe are coming for you. Run.\"","3687":"Woman Survives 7-Story Plunge From Parking Garage In BMW Authorities just released the shocking video.","3688":"LeBron James Answers All-Star Voting Question With A Fine Trump Diss Burn.","3689":"Pro Football Hall Of Fame Won't Let Junior Seau\u2019s Family Speak At His HOF Induction SAN DIEGO \u2014 Junior Seau\u2019s induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame was always going to be awkward, a chance to celebrate","3690":"Las Vegas Cop Killers Wore Diapers During Walmart Siege ","3691":"Everybody Deserves a Second Chance, Right? What this boils down to is second chances. New starts. Fair shots. Sounds very American to me. As a criminal defense attorney who has represented many individuals charged with criminal acts, I have seen first-hand those clients who have a lot to offer society, but are shut out because of an isolated mistake.","3692":"Our Message Against Anti-Muslim Hate On San Bernardino's Hallowed Ground Introduction Good morning, and thank you so very, very much for the privilege of speaking to you in peace today away from","3693":"Global Pioneers Are Inventing a Better Future Beginning with the Revolutionary War, America's capacity to care for our multitude of physically and mentally wounded warriors has proven woefully inadequate.","3694":"These Companies Are Sticking By The NRA (UPDATED) Many brands that offered discounts to NRA members are dumping the gun group after its furious response to the Florida mass shooting.","3695":"Gunman's Hatred For Women Revealed In Chilling 'Manifesto' ","3696":"Dominant Teams and Close Campus Proximity Makes 2015 Final Four Tickets Most Expensive Since At Least 2011 Three No. 1 seeds are still afloat and plenty of rich storylines exist. Along with Kentucky's pursuit of the perfect season, three remaining schools are within 350 miles of Indianapolis, allowing ticket prices on the secondary market to reach record-breaking highs in 2015.","3697":"Snap Shares Tumble As Short Sellers Move In It's ugly.","3698":"Badass Female Hurdler Finishes Final Collegiate Race After Rupturing Achilles She says she never really even thought about stopping. \ud83d\udc4f","3699":"Aroldis Chapman's Trade To Los Angeles Dodgers Reportedly On Hold For Domestic Violence Probe \"We are aware of the situation and have commenced an investigation,\" Major League Baseball said in a statement.","3700":"10 Winning Distinctions: What My Champion Racehorse Taught Me About Winning Watching this year's Kentucky Derby winner, California Chrome, made me reflect on my own peak experience as an owner in a racehorse who also wasn't expected to become anything special amongst the 30,000+ racehorses that are born each year.","3701":"Plainclothes New York City Police Detectives Shoot And Kill Suspected Robber In Manhattan ","3702":"'The Innocence..Is Gone': Accused Marathon Bomber Heads To Court ","3703":"Suspected Serial Killer Arrested After 5th Homeless Attack: Cops [UPDATE] Jon David Guerrero's arrest in the savage attacks on San Diego's streets comes four days after another suspect was released.","3704":"Officers Injured As Seattle Protests Turn Violent ","3705":"Arian Foster: 1; Houston Media: 0 ","3706":"Global Soccer's Backslapping, Backstabbing Backroom Deal-making Politics World soccer is about to get another taste of the global soccer's wheeling and dealing with the likely election of Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, the head of the Association of National Committees (ANOC), the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and the influential Solidarity Commission of the International Olympic Committee.","3707":"Son Of 'Mother Of The Year' Explains His Scolding During Baltimore Riots ","3708":"Dread Performance Reviews? This Company's Getting Rid Of Them Company joins the ranks of several other big-name firms that have similarly overhauled employee review systems in recent years.","3709":"My Cartoon Diary Of The Super Bowl Football, commercials, Timberlake and Proust.","3710":"Poodle 'In Good Health' After Found Locked Inside Discarded Suitcase A dog walker is credited with finding the little animal, since named Donut.","3711":"Remains Identified As Missing Virginia Teen ","3712":"How The First National Podcasting Conference Launched With A $30,000 Kickstarter Campaign ","3713":"Bethany Hamilton Pulls Off Huge Upset In Fiji Surf Competition The shark-attack survivor and new mom proves yet again that you can do whatever you set your mind to.","3714":"Ohio State Attacker May Have Been Inspired By Overseas Militants, FBI Says Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a 20-year-old Muslim student at the school, plowed into pedestrians with a car and then exited the vehicle to stab other victims on Monday.","3715":"Muslim Teens Beaten Outside Brooklyn Mosque, Rights Group Says The attack early on Sunday was at least the third involving Muslims in the U.S. in recent days.","3716":"Will the United States End Up Like Greece? The Risks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership For years people have been running around Washington yelling that the United States was at risk of becoming Greece. There may actually be a basis for such concerns, but not for the reason usually given.","3717":"Five Social Media Predictions for 2015 The successful convergence of context, content and targeting involves moving away from traditional segmentation, that forces people into static buckets, and towards technology that gets to know people better. This will seriously impact how marketers think about their customers and audiences.","3718":"Women in Business: Three Generations of Women in Radio: Renee Roth, Jo-Ann Silverstein and Rachel Roth With Mother's Day in mind, here are three generations of women -- grandmother, mother, daughter -- who have all worked in radio over the last century.","3719":"3-Year-Old Missing After Left Outside For Not Drinking Milk: Cops Sherin Mathews' dad allegedly took her outside at 3 a.m. as punishment. When he returned she was gone.","3720":"Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #4: Bust Up Wall Street When the Wall Street bubble burst in 2008 because of excessive risk-taking, millions of working Americans lost their jobs, health insurance, savings, and homes. But The Street is back to many of its old tricks. And its lobbyists are busily rolling back the Dodd-Frank Act, intended to prevent another crash.","3721":"Pastor Ripped For Posting Video Of Woman In Wheelchair Towed By Truck \"I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart.\"","3722":"Cop Caught On Video Attacking Bystanders Charged With Civil Rights Violations (GRAPHIC) ","3723":"Woman Alleges She Was Forced Into Sex With Prince Andrew As A Minor ","3724":"Someone Abandoned 2 Sick Foals In A Field And Left Them To Die Thankfully, the ponies were found in time and are now well on the road to recovery.","3725":"Kobe Is Dismantling The Lakers, But Not For The Reasons You Think The Black Mamba needs to relinquish his tight grip on the Lakers offense.","3726":"Ohio Police Officer Killed After 911 Warning Of Man Hunting Cops Danville Officer Thomas Cottrell was found dead just hours after a woman warned that her ex-boyfriend was looking to kill.","3727":"Hits To The Head That Don't Cause Concussions Can Still Hurt You They can bring about subtle but lingering changes in the eyes\u2019 ability to focus, according to new research.","3728":"Oklahoma Labor Commissioner Slain In Restaurant Costello's 26-year-old son, Christian Costello, was arrested for first-degree murder.","3729":"10 Reasons To Work With A Broker During Your Next Office Search Just like attorneys and medical professionals, commercial brokers have specialized knowledge that can prove invaluable during an office search.","3730":"More Than A Third Of People Shot By LAPD In 2015 Were Mentally Ill The report found a marked increase in the shooting of mentally ill people from the previous year.","3731":"Baltimore Police Officer Testifies In His Own Defense At Freddie Gray Trial Officer William Porter told jurors that he didn't call an ambulance for Freddie Gray because Gray was alert, appeared uninjured and didn't complain of any pain or wounds in the back of a police van.","3732":"Keeping the Lights on, Part 2 Dealing with these trends and issues requires forward thinking by investors, power companies, legislatures and regulators. That is difficult because we do not have a consensus national energy plan to provide reasonable certainty about which investments will pay off.","3733":"Tipsters Help Cops Search For Motive In Theater Attack Cops are interviewing victims and witnesses and hoping to discover why the killings happened.","3734":"'The Worst Of The Worst' Aren't The Only Ones Who Get Executed (INFOGRAPHIC) ","3735":"Wealthy Texas Couple Accused Of Enslaving Young Woman For 16 Years One of the suspects is the son of Guinea's first president, CNN reports.","3736":"Can a Nonprofit Organization Have a President\/CEO and an Executive Director? ","3737":"No Freedom For 'Making A Murderer's' Brendan Dassey, Court Rules Dassey's murder conviction was overturned in August by a judge who said his confession was coerced.","3738":"Gymnast Bounced From Olympics For All-Night Drinking, Team Says Yuri van Gelder still had the ring finals left.","3739":"The Cloud and Your Business: What You Need to Know in 2017 ","3740":"Rob Gronkowski Doesn't Flinch At Mention of 'Retirement' \"I'm definitely going to look at my future, for sure.\"","3741":"Selling Back To The Public What It Already Owned: 'Public-Private Partnership' Shark Bait In the public-private partnership, the private entity rakes it in \u2013 and the public is thrown into crisis.","3742":"Sing Sing Prisoners Redefine 'Paying A Debt To Society' With an overwhelming 2.2 million people behind bars, it\u2019s tempting to focus reform efforts on those convicted of non-violent","3743":"Pennsylvania Man Charged With Murdering Teen In 'Savage' Road Rage Incident The victim had just graduated from high school.","3744":"Casino Bus Slams Into NYC Building NEW YORK (AP) \u2014 A casino bus crashed into a three-story brick building Monday, sheering off a large part of the structure","3745":"Airline Passenger Arrested After Allegedly Saying, 'I Kill White People Like You' ","3746":"Cristiano Ronaldo Leaves Euro 2016 Final In Tears After Knee Injury He tried to play through it too.","3747":"Facebook Finally Yanks Virtual Reality Shooting Game At CPAC, Apologizes \"Bullet Train\" featured players firing on virtual people in a train station just days after the Parkland high school shootings.","3748":"What It's Like To Spend Father's Day In Prison ","3749":"Soccer Coach's Viral 'Scorpion' Kick Wows From The Sidelines Put yourself in, coach.","3750":"Could This Be the End of the Kellen Moore Experiment? A few months ago, Kellen Moore's career took one step forward. By the start of minicamp, it took two steps back when Lions GM Martin Mayhew verbally slapped it away.","3751":"The WTO Gave Environmentalists A New Reason To Oppose The TPP India's solar subsidies have been ruled illegal under international trade law.","3752":"Roger Goodell Pens Letter To NFL Teams, Believes 'Everyone Should Stand' The commissioner glosses over why athletes are kneeling in the first place.","3753":"4 Barriers to Scaling Your Company Here is a summary of the conclusions we drew about the four barriers to scaling your company -- and how you can get through and past each one. You'll notice that each of these barriers is about your mindset first, and the business only second.","3754":"This Is What A Woman Looks Like Are we seriously asking whether women like Serena Williams can be both athletic and beautiful?","3755":"The Need for Private-Public Partnerships Against Cyber Threats -- Why A Good Offense May be Our Best Defense. The Internet has delivered on its promise of social and economic progress. Unfortunately, it has also delivered unprecedented opportunities for scaling global conflict, terrorism, criminal activity, state and industrial espionage and vandalism. These risks continue to expand.","3756":"Living Local: The Rise of Local Currency Look to any local high street at the moment and you will see an economy on the rise. After years of high street collapses, financial crises and economic downfalls, local businesses are finally on the up and it's all thanks to one thing in particular.","3757":"8 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Lead With New Work Models As an entrepreneur, you need to be aware that the notions of work are changing just as fast as the technology for products. It's an opportunity for innovation that cannot be ignored as a success and competitor differentiator.","3758":"U.S. 'Shib Sibs' Win Over The World In 2018 Winter Olympics Debut Brother and sister Alex and Maia Shibutani took second in the team event short dance.","3759":"Introducing the Manageable Mortgage ","3760":"Fracking's Unexpected Benefit: U.S. Manufacturing Oversight, Accountability If the U.S. is to reap the maximum benefits from the development of this resource, whether in manufacturing or in the quality of life of its citizens, it needs coherent federal strategies and partnerships that will build public appreciation of the impacts in all dimensions, and at global, national and local scales.","3761":"New Details Emerge In Forgotten Murder That Snared Attorney, Highway Patrolmen Those arrested either played a part in the killing of the 26-year-old Korey Kauffman or helped cover it up, officials said.","3762":"Man Emerges From Below NYC Sidewalk To Attack Restaurant With Smoke Bomb ","3763":"After Lawsuit, City Agrees To Stop Forcing Women To Pay Fee For Not Pressing Charges Against Abusers On June 10, 2016, police were called to the Columbus, Georgia home of Cleopatra Harrison. Harrison, then 22, told the officer","3764":"New Year's Eve Fire Kills 3 In New York City ","3765":"16 Times Floyd Mayweather Jr. Bragged About Having More Money Than You ","3766":"WATCH: Annoyed Tiger Drops F-Bomb On Camera Crew ","3767":"Equifax Hack Proves Strong Passwords Aren't Enough Plain and simple: The days of a single \u201cstrong\u201d password being enough security to access and manipulate your bank and brokerage","3768":"Did Verizon Short Change \"Upstate\" New York and are POTS Customers and Low Income Families Paying for Fiber Optic Services They Will Never Get? ","3769":"U.S. Men's Olympic Hockey Team Includes First Black Player In 98-Year History \u201cI just think I\u2019m another kid going to play in the Olympics.\"","3770":"Georgia Executes Its Oldest Death Row Inmate For 1979 Murder Brandon Astor Jones killed a convenience store manager during a 1979 robbery.","3771":"Bill Simmons Admits He Was 'A Jackass' After Interview Simmons implied no one he respects still works at ESPN, then remembered many of his friends do.","3772":"The Baltimore Ravens Are Considering Signing Colin Kaepernick The team has had \"direct discussions\" with the controversial quarterback.","3773":"Native Groups Want A Promise Not To Say That Racist Team Name At The Super Bowl They're asking CBS to commit now, just in case.","3774":"Not To State The Obvious, But Women Are The Stars Of The Olympics How can you watch Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky and say women's sports aren't awesome?","3775":"Microsoft's Brad Smith: U.S. Laws On Technology Are Outdated ","3776":"Preparing Americans For The Workforce of Tomorrow, Today Growth and opportunity require robust new business creation.","3777":"Zenefits Once Told Employees: No Sex In Stairwells Zenefits\u2019s new chief executive, David Sacks, last week banned alcohol in the office of the health-insurance brokerage startup","3778":"Atlanta Braves Teach The World A Lesson In Respecting Lil B Is it really so hard to bow down to The Based God?","3779":"The Downing of Germanwings: Lufthansa's Responsibility Lufthansa may yet, as it has signaled, release all the relevant documents, admit it's own responsibility, and pay generous compensation to the families of the victims. But if history is any guide this will not happen without a fight for full disclosure of the facts surrounding this horrific event.","3780":"Home Invasion Ends in Death Can something like this be prevented? Most likely, even though we don\u2019t have the details.","3781":"1 Dead, 3 Hurt In Stabbing On UT Austin Campus A suspect with a large hunting knife was captured.","3782":"15 Tips to Prepare for Big and Small Security Threats ","3783":"Mom Who Hit 3 Teens With Car Was Filming Baby While Driving: Cops ","3784":"The Selfie Girls Everyone Mocked Use Their Fame For Good They turned down free tickets and asked for donations as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.","3785":"Donald Trump's 2012 Yankees Tweet Proves There Really Is A #TweetForEverything Yes, even for Major League Baseball.","3786":"Seahawks Fan's Lame Letter Calling Cam Newton 'Classless' Goes Viral She was upset that Newton tossed the \"12th man\" flag after the Seahawks-Panthers game.","3787":"Father Charged After Dresser Deaths Of Toddlers ","3788":"Cracker Barrel Fires 73-Year-Old Veteran Who Gave Food To 'Needy' Man ","3789":"Big Business Demands Donald Trump Keep U.S. In Paris Climate Pact Failure to do so \u201cputs American prosperity at risk,\u201d more than 300 U.S. companies say in an open letter to the president-elect.","3790":"Some Guy Bungee Jumps Using Only His Bare Hands To Hold On Would you trust your hands to save you?","3791":"Ex-Cop Who Held Gun To Man's Head Over Alleged Illegal Parking Is Sentenced The incident was captured on cell phone.","3792":"How Police Failed To Stop A Former NFL Star's Rape Spree ","3793":"Tom Brady Reps On Deflategate: NFL Trying To Mislead For Suspension Brady's reps say the whole thing -- evidence and punishment -- is bogus.","3794":"Texas State University Halts Greek Life After Fraternity Pledge Dies Alcohol is suspected in the death of the 20-year-old Phi Kappa Psi pledge.","3795":"Housing hotspots and rampant speculation could lead to another crush ","3796":"Report: Roger Goodell Alive At 57 No, he's not dead, internet.","3797":"The Lakers-76ers Game Is Going To Be Absolutely Hilarious The worst game of the season? Or the best game of the season?","3798":"Hometown Hero Larry Holmes Steps Out From Muhammad Ali's Shadow Underrated but quietly one of the greatest.","3799":"Women in Business: Sarah Hoit CEO and Co-Founder, ConnectedLiving ","3800":"Death Row Roulette: Innocence Revealed As long as we have the death penalty, we run the risk that the State will take the life of the wrong person. Little offends democracy more than the State killing -- or even almost killing -- an innocent person.","3801":"Hugging Etiquette: The Dos and Don'ts of Showing Affection In the Workplace Hugging and touching someone, especially in a business setting, can oftentimes be misconstrued and lead to controversy or confusion. Before you go in for the big hug, consider the following seven tips.","3802":"Backlash After Report Calls Killing Of Tamir Rice 'Objectively Reasonable' CLEVELAND (CN) - On the heels of a new report justifying the police shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice last year, Rice's","3803":"CHARTS: How Much More Expensive Life Has Gotten Since We Last Raised The Min. Wage ","3804":"Damian Lillard To Make Mom Proud And Graduate College \"That was something that I told my mother I was going to do.\"","3805":"Paying Women's Soccer Players Fairly Doesn't Even Begin To Rectify The Discrimination Problem Fairness starts with investment. And that\u2019s true across all professional sports.","3806":"Bruce Davis Eligible For Parole For Charles Manson Family Murders It's the fourth time the board recommended releasing the convicted killer.","3807":"Ich Bin Ein Cavalier: What We Can Learn From LeBron, German Soccer and the Spurs I want to congratulate LeBron James, Germany and the San Antonio Spurs on their recent wins -- before they fade from our minds -- and for demonstrating to the world, and each other, how inspirational leadership works and what it takes to build a winning organization","3808":"Murder Suspect Sent Taunting Messages From Slain Girl's Phone: Prosecutors ","3809":"Apple, Amazon, YouTube Urged To Pull NRA TV Channel \u201cIt\u2019s time for tech leaders to acknowledge their role in helping the NRA spread this dangerous content and cut it out.\"","3810":"Fireworks Accidents Kills 1 And Injures Several At Texas School ","3811":"Cavaliers' Championship Window Is Quickly Closing LeBron continues to dazzle, but his teammates are floundering.","3812":"Help! UPS Ruined Bridesmaid's Big Day When the UPS store slaps the wrong label on Susan Baker's package, it threatens to ruin her daughter's special day. What","3813":"World's Most Elusive Fugitive Has Now Been On The Lam For 60 Years John Patrick Hannan escaped from prison in England in December 1955.","3814":"Newborn Found Abandoned In Church's Nativity Scene The baby's umbilical cord was still attached.","3815":"We're Going Back To Counting Calories...And Here's Why That's A Good Thing ","3816":"This Company Is Getting Rid Of Bosses ","3817":"Florida Tiger That Killed Zookeeper Is Now Receiving Threats One of the Palm Beach Zoo's four Malayan tigers killed Stacey Konwiser, a keeper and tiger expert, last Friday.","3818":"\u2018Opie And Anthony\u2019 Ex-Host Charged After Woman Live Streams Alleged Assault Anthony Cumia was arrested shortly after his 26-year-old girlfriend accused him of breaking her hand in a Periscope video.","3819":"MGM 'Confident' That Police Are Wrong About Las Vegas Shooting Timeline Mandalay Bay's parent company offered its own timeline of events, which differs from the one released by police.","3820":"Incarceration and Communication: Why Meaningful Social Relationships Matter What is the impact on American cultural and social relationships when we, as a nation, allow corporations to profit from incarcerating more and more of our very own citizens?","3821":"Chili's Hit By Data Breach, Credit And Debit Card Information Compromised The breach is believed to have occurred between March and April.","3822":"States With The Most Big Spenders ","3823":"Tim Tebow Organizing Over 200 Proms For People With Special Needs Way to go, Tim.","3824":"Sex Predator Trooper Advertised 'Traffic Stop Sex' On Craigslist He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for violating women's civil rights","3825":"World's Most Innovative Companies Asia declares a new primacy on the list, particularly with Japanese firms and, perhaps most notable of all, the first China-based company to make the annual ranking. Concurrently, some traditional powers, including the United States and France, have ceded representation among the Top 100.","3826":"Leprosy Scare At Ohio Prison ","3827":"How To Stream The Super Bowl Online For Free In 2016 CBS Sports has got you covered.","3828":"NBA Announcer Quickly Realizes His Accidental Double Entendre It came out all wrong.","3829":"Young Soccer Player Learns The Hard Way That Life Is Pain Sources say he may never recover.","3830":"5 Exciting Startups to Inspire Any Entrepreneur in 2015 In 2009, when the Great Recession really got rolling and layoffs were abundant, there was a silver lining. A lot of wannabe entrepreneurs got the kick in the pants they needed to start their business.","3831":"Man Can't Have Pension of Wife He Killed: Judge A man who admitted stabbing his wife to death in 2011, but was found not guilty by reason of insanity can not get her $21,000","3832":"Shaun White Is Damn Near Perfect In His Winter Olympics Comeback The two-time gold medalist notched a spectacular score in halfpipe and is on his way to the final.","3833":"IBM Systems CMO: 10 Ways For Marketing To Deliver Business Value Doug Brown, is Chief Marketing Officer for the IBM Systems Group, part of IBM Systems and Technology, which generates annual revenue of $20 billion.","3834":"Arrest Made After Missing Teen's Body Found Decapitated Along River Lee Manuel Viloria-Paulino, who was last seen Nov. 18, was found dead on Thursday.","3835":"For the NCAA, There is No Sideline The threat of SB 101 becoming law has thrust the NCAA into a unique position. The NCAA has an opportunity to have an impact beyond sport by speaking out against this discriminatory law.","3836":"Beware, College Hoops Fans: 'March Sadness 2016' Video Will Have You In Tears Break out the tissues -- we\u2019re looking at you, Michigan State.","3837":"Darrelle Revis To Be Charged In Fight That Leaves Two Men Unconscious \"He was the victim,\" the player's lawyer said.","3838":"Melo's Hat Game > Knicks' Triangle Offense ","3839":"These Men Finally Understand How Bad Women Have It In Sports Media Female sportswriters face a unique strain of harassment.","3840":"Attorneys for 'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch Ask To Have Him Released Couch is serving 720 days in jail -- 180 days for each of the four people he killed while driving drunk in 2013.","3841":"This $1,000 Pill Shows Why Fixing Health Costs Is So Hard ","3842":"Jose Mourinho And Manchester United Agree Manager Deal A deal has been agreed for Jose Mourinho to become Manchester United's new manager, after three days of talks.","3843":"Al Roker Goes In On Ryan Lochte, Becomes Internet Hero The NBC anchor was not going to let Billy Bush go soft on Lochte.","3844":"Women in Business Q&A: Eileen Campbell, CMO, IMAX ","3845":"Moneyball, Lawyers and the Vanderbilt Baseball Mama Walker Buehler was a key contributor to Vanderbilt's national championship baseball team last year. According to the Vanderbilt Hustler, Vanderbilt's student newspaper, Buehler is listed as high as the second best overall prospect in the upcoming Major League Baseball draft.","3846":"#TBT To The Great 1980s Llama Bubble ","3847":"Why Won't Frontier Fix My Landline? When the phone company can't get Cheryl Roy's phone line right, is she owed anything for the hours of wasted time? Question","3848":"Colin Kaepernick\u2019s Pig Socks Can\u2019t Be As Bad As This Football Team\u2019s Name Washington's NFL team continues to resist pressure to change its name to something less offensive.","3849":"Syrian Refugee Yusra Mardini Was Already A Winner Before She Topped Her Rio Olympics Heat She's a real Olympic heroine.","3850":"'Affluenza Teen' Ethan Couch Released From Jail After 2-Year Sentence Couch, who killed four people in a 2013 drunk-driving crash, wants to go forward \"as a law-abiding citizen,\" his lawyers said.","3851":"Tesla Now Has A Major Warren Buffett-Backed Rival In China ","3852":"Eric Weddle Fined For Watching Daughter's Halftime Performance The San Diego Chargers docked the safety $10K.","3853":"Business Etiquette: 10 Office Pet Peeves If you spend most of your week in an office environment, you probably know that working closely with colleagues can be a productive, rewarding experience. You also know that their quirks, bad habits, and thoughtlessness can slowly drive you insane.","3854":"Bayer Makes Move For Monsanto In Global Agrichemicals Shakeout Any deal could raise U.S. antitrust concerns because of the overlap in the seeds business.","3855":"Ex-NFL Star Darren Sharper Gets 18 Years In Prison For Serial Rape \"Go to hell,\" one victim told him in the courtroom.","3856":"2 Virginia Tech Students Charged In Missing 13-Year-Old Girl's Murder Natalie Keepers and David Eisenhauer, arrested one day apart, face charges in the murder of Nicole Madison Lovell.","3857":"What Exxon Knew About The Melting Arctic All Along Back in 1990, as the debate over climate change was heating up, a dissident shareholder petitioned the board of Exxon, one","3858":"MyFitnessPal Security Breach Affects 150 Million Users, Under Armour Reports The company alerted its app users four days after learning of the hack.","3859":"From Gates To Zuckerberg To... Kalanick? What Went Wrong With Uber CEO In his early days growing Microsoft, Bill Gates was reported to be the original enfant terrible. Very tough on people and","3860":"Man Caught with 51 Live Turtles In Pants Pleads Guilty To Smuggling Kai Xu, 27, was busted after seen with \"irregularly shaped bulges\" under his sweat pants.","3861":"Match Fixing Suspicions Hit Australian Open MELBOURNE, Australia \u2014 A major sports gambling website suspended betting on Sunday for a mixed doubles match at the Australian","3862":"Women in Business Q&A: Lauren Bigelow, CEO, Growth Capital Network Lauren Bigelow has served as the CEO of the Growth Capital Network (GCN) since 2010. With this platform, Lauren and her team have managed programs for the innovation and entrepreneurial community including the Accelerate Michigan Innovation Competition, the Midwest Greentech Entrepreneur Academy and the Midmarket Capital Survey.","3863":"Will Ferrell Ends Remarkable Dodgers Career With 0.00 ERA What a legend.","3864":"Women in Business Q&A: Jennifer Fitchen, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP Jennifer Fitchen is a partner in Sidley Austin LLP's Palo Alto office. The views expressed in this article are exclusively those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Sidley Austin LLP and its partners.","3865":"D'Angelo Russell Is Going To Catch Hell From Kobe Bryant For This Although, isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery?","3866":"For-Profit Company Threatened To Jail People For Not Paying Traffic Fines, Lawsuit Says ","3867":"The Dumbest Mistake That Smart People Make It was a little past 1:00 a.m, and I sat alone at the dining room table. If only I had listened to my tired body and gone to sleep, I might have saved a friendship and a business partnership.","3868":"Gold-Rush Era Nuggets Stolen From Wells Fargo Museum ","3869":"Officer Shot In The Head While Trying To Help Motorist Dies \"Tragically these things happen far too often around the country.\"","3870":"Ladies From the Shark Tank Excellent advice from two ladies continuing massive growth of their now successful business, a business we're sure to see a lot of in the years to come, and proof that anything is possible.","3871":"Ex-New Orleans Cops Plead Guilty In Post-Katrina Killings The former officers were convicted in 2011 over an incident in which police fired on unarmed people walking over the city's Danziger Bridge in September 2005.","3872":"Ex-Prosecutor Accused Of Wiretapping Married Cop She Wanted To Romance Tara Lenich plotted a \"long-running scheme\" to forge court documents to spy on her would-be lover and a co-worker.","3873":"Dad Shoots Daughter While Teaching Her About Gun Safety Police say the shooting of a 12-year-old girl was accidental, but they are investigating.","3874":"The Obama Administration Could Repeat Its Biggest Mistake Of The Financial Crisis The government has vowed to punish executives for corporate wrongdoing. Will it follow through?","3875":"Serena Williams Reminds Us To 'Rise Up' Over The Haters In Poignant Ad Beats by Dre commercial tells the story of the 21-time Grand Slam winner's victories -- and the adversity she's faced along the way.","3876":"NFL's Rookie Head Coaches Bring Hope, But Face Uphill Battle Toward Success ","3877":"Lamar Odom's Speech Is Improving During Therapy, Family Says One step at a time.","3878":"Golden State Warriors Beat Pacers And Remain Undefeated And they do is win, win, win no matter what.","3879":"Cop Shoots Other Cop During Bust ","3880":"2-Year-Old Killed In Chicago Shooting Streamed On Facebook Live In four days, three children in Chicago have died because of shootings.","3881":"Inside A Florida Fight Club's Quest For The High Seas It was supposed to happen on the Blood Boat. Two cruises, departing June 3 and June 5. The Bimini SuperFast, three days","3882":"How I Became Interested in the Death Penalty and Why I'm Against It It is easier to dismiss someone as being \"evil\" than to face the tangle of social failures that we're all complicit in. It's easier to hate the adult than to ask what made a child grow up wanting oblivion and finding fulfillment in a killing.","3883":"Registered Sex Offender Allegedly Caught Working As Petco Santa Claus Company says the Santa is \"no longer at Petco.\"","3884":"Former NFL Player To Sue Minnesota Vikings Over Investigation Into Anti-Gay Allegations ","3885":"Pele Hospitalized For Back Surgery The legendary soccer player elected to have the surgery, and is recovering","3886":"Hard Not to See Bias in Michael Sam's Draft Fall In today's NFL full of pass-happy offenses and hybrid defensive fronts, football reasons alone can't justify why an award-winning pass-rusher like Sam fell so far in the draft.","3887":"Here's Why We Say The Expression 'Hands Down' A little slice of trivia to wow your friends during the Kentucky Derby.","3888":"'Affluenza' Mom Tonya Couch Has Curfew Eased So She Can Find A Job The judge's decision comes six months after she allegedly helped her son jump bail and flee to Mexico.","3889":"How to Change Your Manager's Mind There are always situations where you can influence a manager. Launching a new project. Brainstorming a product or service. Taking the business to the next level. But many people fail to see their power in these situations.","3890":"Trailblazing Women: Angela Lee, Assistant Dean, Columbia Business School\/Founder, 37 Angels Angela Lee is an educator and entrepreneur who inspires in both the classroom and the investment arena. As Assistant Dean at Columbia Business School, Angela is a highly rated instructor of leadership and innovation.","3891":"DNA Swab Nabs Suspect In Vanessa Marcotte's Killing Police say he is being held on a $10 million bail.","3892":"Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Steering Wheel Popped Off And He Continued Racing Like A Boss \"I just grabbed the shaft and steered the car that way,\" he later said of the scary incident.","3893":"Even Brazilian Icon Rivaldo Thinks We Should Stay Away From Rio 2016 \"You\u2019ll be putting your life at risk here.\u201d","3894":"49ers Introduce 19th Head Coach The 19th head coach of the 49ers has been the defensive line coach for the past eight seasons. He also served as the interim head coach for the final game in 2010 after Mike Singletary was fired.","3895":"Video Shows Parkland Deputy Never Entered School As Mass Shooting Happened Inside He knew there was a shooting, but chose not to enter the building.","3896":"Olympic Curler Matt Hamilton Has A Super Doppelg\u00e4nger Wahoo!","3897":"Sports Illustrated's New Rio Olympics Cover Nails It The greatests, indeed.","3898":"Here's What 'Breastaurants' Really Think Of Their Customers ","3899":"A Year Ago Today, Tom Brady Said 'Balls' A Bunch In A Presser Balls, balls and more balls.","3900":"Chipotle Pork Shortage Is Proof Of A Larger Problem Facing The Food Industry \u201cWe would rather not serve pork at all, than serve pork from animals that are raised in this way.\u201d","3901":"Dodgers' Adrian Gonzalez Refused To Stay At Trump's Hotel In Chicago \u201cI didn\u2019t stay there,\u201d the Mexican-American first baseman said. \u201cI had my reasons.\u201d","3902":"Man Hits Red-Light Camera, Drives Off With It, Police Say ","3903":"A Cheap Investment That Could Return Millions ","3904":"Are You a Leader or a Follower? ","3905":"Russia Banned From Track Competition Indefinitely, Olympics Included \"This has been a shameful wake-up call.\"","3906":"Kroenke's Plan Is Best Chance for NFL in LA St. Louis Ram owner Stan Kroenke's plan to build a state-of-the-art football stadium in Inglewood near Hollywood Park is the most promising opportunity for the return of the NFL to Los Angeles in many years.","3907":"Women in Business Q&A: Alana, Juliette and Nicole Feld, Feld Entertainment ","3908":"3 Dysfunctional Ways We\u2019ve Adapted To The Hell Of The 24\/7 Workplace It's not pretty.","3909":"Video Shows Terrifying Moment When Bus Crashes Into 8 Cars ","3910":"Taxpayer Costs For Arias' Defense Top $2.7 Million ","3911":"Tesla Owners' Full-Page Newspaper Ad Gets Elon Musk's Attention ","3912":"Pilot Killed After Hospital Helicopter Crashes And Burns ","3913":"Police Arrest Mississippi Man Over Stabbing Death Of 2 Nuns Rodney Earl Sanders, 46, faces two counts of capital murder.","3914":"2 Killed When Police Helicopter Crashes While Responding To Charlottesville Riot The crash happened seven miles from the white supremacy rally.","3915":"College Mouth My daughter is about to graduate from college and was fortunate enough to receive a job offer from a great company. While I'm thrilled for her, I'm simultaneously terrified -- this gives me only a few short weeks to eradicate what we're calling, around my house, a bad case of College Mouth.","3916":"Women in Business Q&A: Sarah Clatterbuck, Director, Web Development, LinkedIn Corporation ","3917":"Trial Begins For White Supremacist Frazier Glenn Cross Though Cross allegedly shot at Jewish sites, the three people he's accused of killing were not Jewish.","3918":"Snap's Shares Pop After $3.4 Billion IPO The owner of the popular disappearing-message app has a market value of roughly $24 billion.","3919":"Trustee Defends MSU President, Dismissing Sex Abuse Reports As \u2018Nassar Thing\u2019 \"There\u2019s so many more things going on at the university than just this Nassar thing,\" he said.","3920":"These Are The 3 Police Officers Killed In The Baton Rouge Attack The slain lawmen include a new father, a 24-year sheriff's veteran and a rookie who had served multiple tours in Iraq for the Army.","3921":"Here Are Some Secrets From HP, Unilever And Other Highly Sustainable Companies ","3922":"Apple Hit With Lawsuits After Admitting It Intentionally Slowed Down iPhones One lawsuit claims the tech giant engaged in \"deceptive, immoral and unethical\" practices.","3923":"Trump Praises San Antonio Spurs, A Team That Rejects Trumpism In Every Way The NBA franchise embraces immigrants and women and stands against bigotry.","3924":"Coloring Outside the Lines I had dinner with my brother and his family the other day. At the restaurant, his son the kindergartner, is coloring with crayons. He is trying like crazy to color inside the lines, his tongue is sticking out with maximum concentration.","3925":"Ex-Pro Boxer Killed 18-Month Old Baby And Her Mother, Cops Say ","3926":"FBI Investigating California Massacre As 'Act Of Terrorism' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE One startling disclosure came from social media network Facebook, which confirmed that comments praising","3927":"This $130 Million Hyperloop Hotel Lets You Zip Between Cities Without Leaving Your Hotel Room The actual technology to build a Hyperloop Hotel does not currently exist. But that's not to say it couldn't happen sometime","3928":"Spending Time or Spending Money - The Secret Decoded If there are two things that we don't have in abundance but we wish we did, they would be time and money. Naturally, if people have been using them in conjunction with each other for so long, there must be a reason why. So what is it that so intimately connects these two things?","3929":"Tim Tebow Swings At First Minor League Pitch, And Hits A Homer Maybe this whole \"baseball career\" thing could work out.","3930":"Tom Bosworth Comes Out In Hopes People Will Focus On His Athletic Feats, Not His Sexual Orientation \u201cHopefully in two or three years' time, coming out won't be a news story.\"","3931":"D'Angelo Russell Nails An Awesome Not-Quite-Full-Court Shot Pretty, pretty, pretty good.","3932":"Women in Business Q&A: Kathrin Lausch, Executive Producer, Ntropic Kathrin Lausch serves as Executive Producer of visual studio Ntropic in the New York office. Kathrin was born and raised in Europe, where she later studied marketing, advertising, and entertainment law and earned degrees from both the University of Munich and the University of Geneva.","3933":"Kenny Sailors, Jump Shot Pioneer, Dies At 95 A basketball legend, a veteran, a mentor, and a beloved friend and family man.","3934":"City Sues Pharma Company Over OxyContin Black Market Everett accuses Purdue Pharmaceuticals of turning a blind eye to boost profits.","3935":"NFL Players And Team Owners Can See 'Concussion' For Free \"This is a movie for the players.\"","3936":"Mother Watches As Her Sons, 2 Others Gunned Down In Chicago Restaurant A lone gunman opened fire just before 4 p.m. at the Nadia Fish and Chicken restaurant in the South Shore neighborhood.","3937":"Week 16 Fantasy Football Focus We projected a down week for Rodgers last week, but he bounces back into the top three this week against a bottom ten pass defense that will be without its best pass rusher this week.","3938":"High School Girls Relay Team Ditches Baton For High Jump Bar, Still Kicks Butt They set the bar pretty high for future meets.","3939":"'It's Possible But Not Probable' ","3940":"Fan Dies After Collapsing At Chiefs-Bengals Game Police and paramedics tried to revive the man at the stadium.","3941":"Etan Patz Trial Focuses On Day Boy Vanished ","3942":"More Details Emerge On FIFA Brothers Use of U.S. Banks ","3943":"Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan CEO, Gets Millions In Cash Bonus ","3944":"Woman Downloaded Child Porn To Frame Hubby: Jury ","3945":"Ronda Rousey Knocked Out By Holly Holm In 'Unthinkable' UFC Loss The former undefeated women's bantamweight champion was toppled in the second round.","3946":"Bikram Yoga Founder Ordered To Pay Nearly $1 Million In Sexual Harassment Suit Bikram Choudhury was ordered to pay $924,500 on Monday to a former legal adviser.","3947":"Another Huge Company Is Harnessing The Power Of Mindfulness Salesforce employees will soon have access to a mindfulness room on every floor.","3948":"San Francisco Radio Stations Ban Lorde's 'Royals' Until After World Series ","3949":"Women in Business: Nancy Mahon, Senior Vice President, Global Philanthropy and Corporate Citizenship, for The Est\u00e9e Lauder Companies Inc. and Global Director of the M\u00b7A\u00b7C AIDS Fund ","3950":"Shooting Rampage Results In 'Mass Casualties' At Orlando Gay Nightclub ORLANDO, Fla., June 12 (Reuters) - A gunman killed at least 20 people and injured 42 others in a crowded gay nightclub in","3951":"Shooting Outside San Francisco School Leaves Multiple Students Injured Four male suspects were seen fleeing the scene.","3952":"Olympic Ski Champion's Epic Wipeout Makes The Media Eat Snow Too Austrian Matthias Mayer wasn't the only one who went flying.","3953":"Jake Olson, A Blind Long-Snapper, Practices With USC Football Team He's on his way to making his football dream come true.","3954":"Progressive Groups Fight Vegas NFL Stadium After Nevada Senate Approves $750 Million Tax Subsidy Grassroots groups warn lawmakers \"there will be consequences.\"","3955":"Drake Tries To Play Soccer, But Ends Up Breaking Things Heads up!","3956":"What Game of Thrones Can Teach Us About Spa Retail Training Changing the way your therapists deliver customer service at your spa through training is no easy task. Game of Thrones shows us that the road to success may be rife with drama but in the end for your customers, brand and team, it will be worth the journey.","3957":"Report Alleges Rampant Sexual Misconduct At Dallas Mavericks \u201cIt was a real life Animal House,\u201d one former employee said.","3958":"After Criminal Leak Case, Goldman Changes Its Revolving Door Policy Trying to put the \"Government Sachs\" label to rest.","3959":"The Best Race of Iditarod 2015 Didn't Take Place in Front of Huge Crowds or a Television Audience The best race of Iditarod 2015 didn't take place in front of huge crowds or a live television audience. Instead, the battle for 12th place played out over 11 hours of dramatic racing featuring the most terrifying windstorm many mushers had ever witnessed.","3960":"Cleveland Fires 6 Officers Involved In Deadly 2012 Police Chase Cleveland officials said Tuesday they're firing six police officers involved in a 137-shot barrage that killed two unarmed","3961":"Collective Intelligence and Bottom Line Impact When we think about the bottom line in business, whether in the corporate arena or the entrepreneurial space, the immediate jump in processing is fiscal -- how much value do we have in terms of cold hard cash?","3962":"Verizon To Make Bid For Yahoo As Google Considers Jumping In Verizon Communications Inc. plans to make a first-round bid for Yahoo Inc.\u2019s Web business next week, and is willing to acquire","3963":"Chattanooga Shooter Probed For Ties To Terrorist Groups CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) \u2014 Hailey Bureau still recalls the quote her high school classmate Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez selected","3964":"The Tennis Racket Betting worth billions. Elite players. Violent threats. Covert messages with Sicilian gamblers. And suspicious matches at","3965":"Cop Who Killed Church Drummer Corey Jones Fired From Department Jones was on the phone with roadside assistance when he was shot.","3966":"Nonprofit Boards Prepare -- The Millennial Workforce Is Coming! Yes, the millennials are coming! The research shows that their values relate well to missions of many nonprofit organizations. To interest the best and the brightest, nonprofit workplaces, as experienced by older generations, will need to change in strange ways!","3967":"World's Dumbest Shoplifters Literally Run Into The Police At Costco Suspects are accused of taking $2,200 in merch from the warehouse club.","3968":"Couple Robs Woman While She's Having Epileptic Fit ","3969":"Authorities Suspect Lamar Odom Overdosed On Cocaine, Other Drugs The good news is that his health has reportedly improved as of late.","3970":"Facebook Didn\u2019t Seem To Care I Was Being Sexually Harassed Until I Decided To Write About It Two months ago, a pro-Trump Facebook group posted my photo and asked its 72,000 members if they would \"smash or pass.\"","3971":"Teen Clogs Up 911 Lines In \u2018Dangerous\u2019 Twitter Stunt Meetkumar Hiteshbhai Desai, 18, faces three felony counts of computer tampering.","3972":"Man Missing After Explosion Was Saving Up To Return To Home Country ","3973":"Jodi Arias Jury Unable To Reach Unanimous Decision ","3974":"Donald Trump's New York Modeling Agency To Shut Down The company has been accused of booking jobs for immigrants without obtaining proper work visas.","3975":"16 Senators Back U.S. Women's Hockey Team's Fair Pay Boycott The team's players \"deserve fairness and respect,\" Elizabeth Warren and other senators wrote in a letter to USA Hockey.","3976":"Women in Business: Theresa Roemer Theresa Roemer is the CEO of Theresa Roemer, LLC and a small business owner who specializes in business philanthropy. She owns several home goods companies in Houston, Texas and is a partner in Roemer Oil.","3977":"Volkswagen To Stop Delivery Of 2016 American Diesel Models WASHINGTON (AP) \u2014 Volkswagen plans to withdraw applications seeking U.S. emissions certifications for its 2016 model Jettas","3978":"It's Time for a New Playbook: Transgender Inclusion in Sports Trans visibility might be increasing in everyday society but this trend is not translating to the sports world in the same way it has for LGB players. Out-of-date policies have to be combated, dismantled and replaced with policies that respect transgender identities.","3979":"Pit Bull Mauls 9-Year-Old Girl To Death On Play Date Police killed dog when it charged at them.","3980":"Erin Andrews Took A Stand For Women Everywhere, And The Jury Noticed \"She did it, I think, out of principle,\" one juror said.","3981":"4 Things You Need To Know About The Latest Jobs Report America's economy is chugging along.","3982":"What's Wrong With James Harden? He needs to get back to doing what he does best.","3983":"Serena Williams Sings 'Under The Sea,' Slays Karaoke Set Just a little U.S. Open tune-up.","3984":"FIFA'S Blatter Butters Up Putin To Push 2018 World Cup Both leaders, embroiled in controversies, put on a show to boost the 2018 World Cup in Russia.","3985":"Ibtihaj Muhammad Reveals She Was Detained By U.S. Customs Without Explanation \"I can\u2019t tell you why it happened to me, but I know that I\u2019m Muslim,\u201d the U.S. citizen said.","3986":"Bob Costas Doesn't Have Time For Your Bulls--t Pitching Performance Seriously, does this look like the face of a man who messes around?","3987":"'Bankers Building Houses Is Not Necessarily The Best Use Of Their Time' ","3988":"Woman Accused Of Smuggling Cocaine Inside Coffee Bags That's not creamer!","3989":"Roger Federer Posts Saddest Tweet Of The Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony \ud83d\ude22","3990":"'Kayak Killer' Gets Up To 4 Years In Prison For Fianc\u00e9's Death But Angelika Graswald's defense attorney said she may be out on parol by next month because of time served.","3991":"Larry Nassar Sentenced To 40 To 175 Years In Prison For Child Sexual Abuse \"I've just signed your death warrant,\" Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said to the former USA Gymnastics doctor.","3992":"If You\u2019re On The Internet Talking About A Shooting, Remember These Things Misinformation spreads like wildfire after a shooting. But it doesn't have to.","3993":"Aly Raisman And Colton Underwood Are Dating Because Some Things Are Good Love is real.","3994":"Two Men Allegedly Beaten By Mob Over Confederate Flag Decal \"If I want to fly the Confederate flag, it's my right,\" alleged victim says.","3995":"2015 Is Off To A Violent Start ","3996":"Majors Now Own Tiger ","3997":"World Cup Hero Delivers (Another) Must-See Wonder Goal ","3998":"Why Careers Are a Thing of the Past In short, millennials don't like commitments, and jobs are no exception. The average millennial is expected to change between 15 and 20 jobs in the course of his or her working years; long gone is the lifelong loyalty to a corporation with steadfast servitude for years on end, waiting for the next promotion.","3999":"Elementary School Teachers Ate Pot-Laced Brownies Left In Lounge Three educators got sick from eating the tainted food.","4000":"40,000 Verizon Workers Go On Strike They've been working without a contract since August.","4001":"Richard Sherman: Roger Goodell Should Have To Face The Press, Too ","4002":"Man Arrested After Shooting At Fiancee's Attempted Abductors \"If these guys come back I'm afraid to call police,\" the victim said. \"They're not on our side.\"","4003":"FIFA Under Fire For Allegedly Giving Bonuses To Top Execs ","4004":"The 15 Best Twitter Jokes About Mike Carey After He Blew It Again \"Let's go to Mike Carey to find out what the call isn't.\"","4005":"The NBA Shows Its Love For Gregg Popovich After Wife's Death \"It's bigger than winning and losing,\" Warriors star Kevin Durant said.","4006":"Ex-MLB Prospect Cut By Team After Video Of Him Beating Girlfriend Surfaces \"There is no choice but to sever the relationship,\" the team manager said after seeing the footage.","4007":"I Went to My First Major League Game 50 Years Ago -- And All Hell Broke Loose I was 6 years old when I went to my first Major League game on October 2, 1964. The Philadelphia Phillies beat the Cincinnati Reds, 4-3, at Crosley Field in Cincinnati, Ohio.","4008":"Czech Ester Ledecka Stuns With Super-G Gold Medal Win American Lindsey Vonn missed the podium with a slip and near crash.","4009":"At Vigil For Florida School Shooting Victims, Students Chant 'No More Guns!' \"Stricter gun laws,\" 17-year-old Arianna Ali said about preventing a future tragedy.","4010":"This Is The Most Annoying Sound You Won't Hear During World Cup ","4011":"Lionel Messi Suffers Left Knee Injury He'll be back before the holidays.","4012":"Cutest Little Baseball Player Stops At First To Tell Dad He Loves Him Your kid is not cuter than this kid.","4013":"If It Were Up To Us, This Angry Mets Fan Would Do The Commute Report Every Day This is just Game 1.","4014":"Too Big To Nail? After the feds hand down a massive fine, J&J's stock price surges.","4015":"Wrongfully Convicted Man Reflects On 30 Years Behind Bars ","4016":"Alaska Air To Buy Virgin America For $2.6 Billion The move will expand Alaska Air's presence on the U.S. West Coast.","4017":"Bush Bailout Chief Channels Bernie Sanders' Call To Break Up Big Banks Neel Kashkari is on Sanders' side when it comes to big banks. Hillary Clinton and Obama are on the other.","4018":"Pelicans' Bryce Dejean-Jones Dies From Gunshot Wound Police allege a resident shot the 23-year-old guard after he broke into his apartment.","4019":"Protesters Clash With Police As New Unrest Grips St. Louis ","4020":"Arnold Palmer, Legendary Golfer, Dead At 87 Palmer is credited with making golf the internationally popular sport it is today.","4021":"It\u2019s Official: Los Angeles Once Again Has An NFL Team The St. Louis Rams can move for the 2016 season.","4022":"Self-Driving Uber Blows Through Red Light On First Day In San Francisco Uber blames it on human error and suspends the driver. State demands tests stop.","4023":"State Trooper Accused Of Raping Woman Gets Just 6 Months In Jail As part of a plea deal, Samuel McHenry admitted only to sexual misconduct.","4024":"How to Make Daily Progress in Your Business Progress is important to growing your business, and you must take daily action in order to make progress. The key is pacing yourself. Get a clear vision of where you want to go and then determine what you can do daily to get you closer to your goals.","4025":"UCLA Gunman Killed Estranged Wife Before Campus Attack The 31-year-old had been dead for some time when they discovered her, police said.","4026":"Gunfire Outside Colorado State Capitol Forces Brief Lockdown Witnesses say they saw a person pull a gun and shoot at a car while walking near the Capitol.","4027":"Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas In A Bruising Workplace SEATTLE \u2014 On Monday mornings, fresh recruits line up for an orientation intended to catapult them into Amazon\u2019s singular","4028":"Fifth-Grade Girl Flings Buzzer-Beater From The Other 3-Point Line Alexis with one hand. For three. BANG!","4029":"World Bank Fails To Stop Attacks, Arrests Of Villagers Protesting Big Projects Human rights campaigners say the bank's response borders on \"complete apathy.\"","4030":"IMF May Be Right in Suggesting Countries Raise Fuel Taxes It's tough to find any drivers who relish digging into their wallets to fill up at the pump. According to the International Monetary Fund, though, not only should fuel taxes jump by more than 50 percent, the increase should have Canadians whistling a happy tune. Now, here's the real kicker: The IMF is right.","4031":"Women in Business Q&A: Christyn Wilkins and Callie Brackett, We Tie the Knots Founders We Tie The Knots co-founder Christyn Wilkins thrives on the rewarding feeling of \"creating something out of nothing.\" The desire to be a pioneer--the first to do something and break traditional boundaries--were early indicators that this Georgia-raised entrepreneur with a knack for entertaining, would one day launch a business of her own.","4032":"B2B and Social Media Content Marketing ","4033":"Are Consumers Still Consumers? I don't think we should call them consumers anymore. Sure, they consume our products, but they are so much more important that to us than just that. They participate in our brand, keeping it vital and relevant in their lives. They make our brand, well, our brand.","4034":"If information is power, how powerful is your team? ","4035":"\u2018Execution-Style\u2019 Killing Of 3 Young Men Sparks Outrage (UPDATE) Two of the young men were Muslim, but local police do not believe it was a hate crime.","4036":"How Do I Get My Program Up and Running? Follow This Order of Implementation Formula So, you just walked out of a meeting with the C-suite and you've been tasked to implement a new program across the organization. You get back into your office and reality sets in as you mumble to yourself, \"How do I start this?\"","4037":"Top 80 US Real Estate Crowdfunding Sites Open New Doors in 2015 The evolution of crowdfunding as a new investment vehicle in the US real estate industry has been remarkable in the past few years. Since the JOBS Act was passed into law in 2012, platforms specializing in crowdfunding real estate projects have mushroomed across the country.","4038":"Are You Promotable? Maybe your company is going through some internal shuffling and you're expecting your dream job to open up. Or, maybe you've been disappointed a few too many times by other people getting promoted ahead of you. Whatever the reason, you want to make certain now that you're ready to move up.","4039":"Woman Says Kids Tried To Carjack Her With Highway Dummy The kids claimed they were just trying to prank an unsuspecting motorist.","4040":"DreamWorks CEO To Elon Musk: 'You Saved My Life' Jeffrey Katzenberg is really grateful for his Tesla Model S.","4041":"Austrian Snowboarder Markus Schairer Breaks Neck After Terrifying Crash Video shows the athlete landing flat on his back after a jump.","4042":"Here\u2019s The Scary Truth About Workplace Stress We asked Americans how they feel about their jobs. The results weren't pretty.","4043":"Navigating Emotional Labor At Work There is a generally-unspoken, but well-understood rule of the workplace: keep your emotions, unless they are positive, tightly","4044":"Estranged Husband Faces Murder In Wife's Fatal Stabbing ","4045":"Gawker Media Founder Faces Personal Bankruptcy A judge refused to extend protections shielding Nick Denton from liabilities.","4046":"Tom Brady Punishment in Context As expected, Tom Brady filed his appeal last week. The NFLPA made the letter public on Friday, making the main appeal points available for all to see. They make three points, one of which we are going to discuss.","4047":"Child Predator Asks Boys, 'Do You Want To Be Scared?' A predator has been roving around Puyallup, Washington state where he's tried to lure young children into his vehicle, police","4048":"Florida Teens Still Missing After Coast Guard Finds Their Capsized Boat NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath has also joined the search.","4049":"Freaky Diving Video Is The Greatest GIF From Rio 2016 So Far This deserves an Olympic gold medal.","4050":"Does Minimum-Wage Fight Invite Minimum Morality? I happen to believe government budgets are a moral issue because they reflect priorities. My moral barometer for measuring societies includes how it treats its young, elderly and those on its margin -- economically and socially.","4051":"Shooting Near Seattle Homeless Encampment Leaves 2 Dead, 3 Wounded Police are searching for two suspects who fled into a nearby wooded area.","4052":"Prosecution Focuses On Etan Patz Murder Suspect's Drug Use ","4053":"The Customer Is Mostly Wrong One of the more iconic phrases in customer service is \"give 'em the pickle,\" drawn from a story by Bob Farrell regarding an unhappy customer who couldn't get extra pickles for his hamburger.","4054":"Email Subject Lines Are Like Newspaper Headlines ","4055":"Man Who Carjacked Woman In Labor Gets 5 Years A gun was pointed at her as she went into labor.","4056":"Young, Unarmed Black Man Killed By Cop Didn't Want To 'Die Too Young' \"I don't feel protected by the police.\"","4057":"'These Are My Brothers' ","4058":"Driving Your Startup With Fear Has Bad Consequences Trying to be a business leader by instilling fear in your employees and partners is never a good approach, but it is particularly devastating in a startup. Yet I see this approach used all too often by new entrepreneurs, most of whom are not natural tyrants, but who are fighting to mask their own internal fears and insecurities about starting a business.","4059":"Anheuser-Busch Delivers A Bunch Of Beer In A Self-Driving Truck AMERICA!","4060":"Berkeley Mayor: Antonio Martin Is Not Michael Brown ","4061":"Streaker Interrupts NFL Game And Radio Announcer Kevin Harlan Goes Wild \"That was the most exciting thing to happen tonight.\"","4062":"Donald Trump Says Tom Brady Helped Him Win Massachusetts Primary Because of course he did.","4063":"Leo Express: A Gleaming New Train Service Coming to a Station Near You Amazing new business models are rare ... even in this time of great 'disruption.' Many start-ups position themselves as disrupting because they feel they have to or die. So they reach.","4064":"The Real Hospital Experience Doesn't Come With a Mint on Your Pillow, But Should It? At the heart of the patient-centered care movement is dignity and respect -- for a patient to feel heard, safe, and informed. We can't do it with pillow mints alone.","4065":"Hiring Guru: Luis Namnum of Occidental Vacation Club Reviews Hiring for Service ","4066":"Prep School Grad Acquitted Of Felony Rape, Guilty Of Misdemeanors He admitted deleting 119 Facebook messages, including a boast that he \"pulled every trick in the book\" to have sex with her.","4067":"#117-Ranked Denis Istomin Defeats 6-Times Champion Novak Djokovic In Australian Open Upset The 30-year-old played the match of his life to hand Djokovic only his second defeat in 41 matches at Melbourne Park since 2011.","4068":"From Boy Band To Business Leader: What C-suite Executives Can Learn From Kevin Jonas I'll be the first to admit that I didn't give much thought to the idea of Kevin Jonas as a businessman. He's a musician. An actor. But a business mogul?","4069":"Rafael Nadal Out Of Australian Open After First-Round Loss Rafael Nadal suffered his first round-one exit at the Australian Open as Fernando Verdasco recorded a stunning five-set win","4070":"Stephen A. Smith Had An On-Air Temper Tantrum Over Kevin Durant Leaving OKC He also tweeted that the move was \"weak.\"","4071":"Two Big Tobacco Companies Want To Merge ","4072":"Why This Preschool Just Wrote Goldman Sachs A Check The company helped fund a preschool program that's working for the kids and paying off for the investors.","4073":"Maui Football Coach Arrested For Allegedly Sexting Student ","4074":"San Francisco Power Outage Hits 90,000, Business District Affected Officials said an incident at a San Francisco substation caused the outage.","4075":"NFL Star Announces His Baby's Death In Devastating Message After Game Marquise Goodwin caught a long touchdown pass in a game hours after his newborn son died.","4076":"D.C. Soccer Club Takes Drastic Measure To Keep Megan Rapinoe From 'Hijacking' Game The soccer star echoed Colin Kaepernick's message during a recent match.","4077":"Several Eagles Players Already Planning To Skip White House\u00a0Visit At least three players say they won't go, if invited.","4078":"Wilmer Flores\u2019 Friday Night Was Straight Out Of A Hollywood Movie \"You couldn't write that. You guys couldn't come up with that.\"","4079":"North Carolina Tops Gonzaga To Win Sixth NCAA Title The Tar Heels lost to Villanova last season on a last-second shot by Kris Jenkins.","4080":"Coal Baron Promises Huge Layoffs, Then Tells Workers To Vote Trump Problem is, coal mining jobs aren't coming back -- even under President Trump.","4081":"Airbnb Gained A Very Powerful Friend In Warren Buffett ","4082":"Man Robbed Own Grandmother, Forced Her To Drink Alcohol: Police ","4083":"What Happened When This Major Company Got Rid Of All Its Bosses Without hierarchy, there is chaos.","4084":"Protests After Wisconsin Police Fatally Shoot Black 19-Year-Old ","4085":"5 Key Takeaways From Week 1 Of The Bill Cosby Trial Accuser Andrea Constand broke her silence in powerful testimony.","4086":"Nike CEO Promises Soccer Sales Will Keep Soaring After World Cup ","4087":"This Startup Wants To Make Overpaying For A Tiny NYC Bedroom Seem Cool You will either love or hate this place.","4088":"Family Of Chattanooga Shooter Proclaims 'Horror' At Massacre \"For many years, our son suffered from depression. It grieves us beyond belief to know that his pain found its expression in this heinous act of violence.\"","4089":"Adam Rippon Will Now Bring His Witchcraft To NBC's Olympics Coverage He's sure to have two famous viewers in Britney Spears and Reese Witherspoon.","4090":"2 Florida Deputies Shot Dead While Eating At Chinese Restaurant The unidentified gunman was found dead outside the restaurant. Officials have not given a motive.","4091":"Shootout With Hit And Run Suspect Leaves Utah Cop, Suspect Dead Officer Douglas Barney, a married father of three, was fatally shot while helping search for Cory Lee Henderson and his passenger Sunday.","4092":"Volkswagen's Emissions Scandal Just Got So Much Worse The auto giant admitted to a cheating on a CO2 emissions test, too.","4093":"Paul Allen Looked Petrified During Steph Curry's Absurd Overtime Can someone check on Paul?","4094":"One Great Thing You can do for your Business Career in 2015 Many of you are saying to yourselves, -- \"Hey, I am already there. I already have 500 connections.\" But let me be clear: Being on LinkedIn is far different than making it useful.","4095":"Young Mother Killed By Reckless, Drunk Driver, Police Say ","4096":"Enormous, Humongous March Trade Deficit Creating Jobs Elsewhere We should demand balance. Trade partners should agree to actually \"trade\" with us, not just sell to us. We should also balance the interests of working people, the environment and other stakeholders with the interests of businesses in our trade negotiations.","4097":"Woman Accused Of Choking Teen Who Blocked View Of Disney Fireworks A Michigan woman's Magic Kingdom fairy tale took a dark turn this week, according to Florida police.","4098":"Charges Announced For Bay Area Cops Linked To Sex Scandal Officers allegedly gave a teen info about police operations in return for sexual favors.","4099":"Gunman Opens Fire At Candlelight Vigil For Baltimore Shooting Victim Four women and one man were wounded in Monday night's incident.","4100":"Chipotle Founder Calls Competition From Fast Food 'A Joke' ","4101":"Curating Relationship Building to Accelerate Onboarding ","4102":"Videos Capture Moment Gunman Opens Fire At Istanbul Nightclub Dozens of victims at the popular hot spot were foreigners.","4103":"'Criminal Minds' TV Show Teaches Murder Suspect To Hide Bodies: Cops A 25-year-old Florida woman was charged with murder after allegedly killing her father and 6-year-old daughter and then using","4104":"Ex-Wall Street Banker Convicted Of Giving His Father Insider Tips \u201cI never gave my father information so he could trade on it.\"","4105":"The Internet Can't Get Enough Of The Freakiest Game Ending Ever Ball is stuck on the rim, stuck in time.","4106":"Donald Sterling's Estranged Wife Says She'll 'Eventually' Divorce Him ","4107":"Teen Targeted In Portland Hate Attack Thanks Men Who Died Defending Her \"Without them, we probably would be dead right now,\" Destinee Mangum said.","4108":"Larry Nassar's Longtime MSU Boss Arrested On Sexual Misconduct Charges William Strampel is also accused of willfully mishandling the abuse claims against Nassar.","4109":"A Youth Soccer Team Beat Their Opponents, Then Comforted Them And the video is now going viral.","4110":"LeBron James Nails Incredible 3-Point Buzzer-Beater To Seal Game 5 For Cleveland Game-winning shot puts Cleveland up 3-2 in playoff series against Indiana.","4111":"Man Loses Job, House, Reputation After Police Wrongly Charge Him With Child Rape ","4112":"These Are The Victims Of The Deadly Oakland Warehouse Fire Officials confirmed that victims included children and foreign nationals from Europe and Asia.","4113":"Suspect Arrested For Fatal Bourbon Street Shooting ","4114":"Irate Hotel Guest Crashes Truck Through Lobby, Nearly Crushing Staff He said he wasn't bluffing, and he proved it.","4115":"Man With Parkinson's Takes On 'American Ninja Warrior' Course, Inspires Us All \"The hardest step is that first step. Once you take that first step, the rest of it comes easy.\"","4116":"Goodbye And Good Riddance To Floyd Mayweather Just don't let Floyd ride into the sunset a fighter first and a beater second.","4117":"Chris Bosh On Skip Bayless: People 'Play Characters' The Miami Heat star also talks about the challenges and advantages of post-LeBron life.","4118":"Trans-America Record On The Horizon: 3,100 Miles To New York City Hall Ultra-runner Pete Kostelnick hit the road on September 12th, his 29th birthday, commencing his journey from San Francisco","4119":"Mariners Hisashi Iwakuma Throws Historic No-Hitter It was the fifth no-hitter in Mariners history, and the first of Iwakuma's career.","4120":"9 Cars That Disappeared In 2014 ","4121":"Home Storage Gold IRA - Is it Against IRS Regulations? As the global financial situation continues to deteriorate - a slowdown in China, loan default by Greece, disarray in the European Union, and weak energy prices - people are becoming increasingly concerned about how they will protect their money in the event of another financial meltdown.","4122":"5 Habits of Leaders Who Create Change ","4123":"Swiss Skier Joel Gisler Plunges 15 Feet In Brutal Crash During Olympic Halfpipe Ouch!","4124":"Consumers Now 'Think Like An Expert' With New Real Estate Search Tool ","4125":"Failing My Way to Success in Brazil In order to succeed in foreign countries a startup needs to know the language and the culture of the country they operate in or they're doomed to failure. This week I'm going to tell you how I failed my way to success in Brazil.","4126":"Jail Bans Use Of Tasers After Shackled Woman's Controversial Death ","4127":"Alina Zagitova Gives Olympic Athletes From Russia Their First Gold Medal Of Pyeongchang Games OAR skater Evgenia Medvedeva won silver while Canada\u2019s Kaetlyn Osmond took the bronze.","4128":"5 Tech Companies With Fewer Workers Than HP Just Laid Off Hewlett-Packard plans to lay off the equivalent of three Facebooks.","4129":"This U.S. Runner Predicted Her Olympic Trip On Twitter 5 Years Ago \"In 2016 I will be 22, graduated from a school I have not chosen yet, and going to the Olympics,\" she wrote. She was right.","4130":"17 People Injured In Shootout At New Orleans Playground \"I am disheartened and I am outraged at an unbelievable level,\" said New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu.","4131":"The Odell Beckham-Josh Norman Matchup Was Everything We Hoped For And more!","4132":"21st Century Fox Reportedly Looking To Sell Majority Of Company To Disney The deal would leave behind a much smaller Fox focused on news and sports.","4133":"The Job Market Is Still Years Away From A Full Recovery ","4134":"WATCH: Gregg Popovich Couldn't Take Reporter's Question Seriously ","4135":"New Mexico Man Accused Of Killing Wife, 4 Children A New Mexico man is accused of fatally shooting his wife and four daughters in their family home and then fleeing in his","4136":"Piketty: Bill Gates Told Me He Doesn't Want To Pay More In Taxes \u201cHe told me, \u2018I love everything that\u2019s in your book, but I don\u2019t want to pay more tax.'\"","4137":"5 Cars Derail After Trains Collide In Virginia Authorities say a freight train was struck from behind by a second train traveling in the same direction in Virginia, causing one locomotive and five empty cars to derail.","4138":"Guy Reportedly Caught On Video Stopping Traffic So He Can Moon The Police No butts about it.","4139":"Worker Dies At Minnesota Vikings' Stadium Construction Site The stadium's 1,300 workers have halted any further construction.","4140":"The Architect of Germany's Third Industrial Revolution: an Interview with Jeremy Rifkin The architect of Germany's energy revolution, economist Jeremy Rifkin, argues that green energy critics have it backwards when it comes to the impact of renewable energy on economic growth.","4141":"Child's Casket Containing Human Organs Found On Pennsylvania Sidewalk \"It looked like something straight out of 'Thriller,'\" a witness said.","4142":"A Huge Motherhood Challenge That Companies Are Finally Starting To Address Hello, from the other side. Please hire me.","4143":"America's Largest City Is Failing Its Young People Millennials in New York are more educated than the previous generation, but they're stuck in bad jobs with paltry pay.","4144":"Soda Taxes Can Work. Here's How. ","4145":"Nationals Star Loses Perfect Game On Final Out ","4146":"Jen Welter Says Women NFL Coaches Could Help Domestic Violence Problems \"You have an opportunity to make them better men and not just better football players.\"","4147":"FBI Captures 'Top 10 Most Wanted' Fugitive In Los Angeles Marlon Jones was wanted in connection with a fatal shooting at a birthday party.","4148":"Watch Emmitt Smith's Hilarious Reaction To Steve Harvey's Miss Universe Gaffe He said what we were all thinking.","4149":"Why Facebook and Twitter Alone Can't Build Brands Too many businesses lunge toward the latest app or social media stunt without considering their identity as a brand, and how their media strategy works. In the process, consumers end up confused and detached.","4150":"Shaunae Miller's Dive To The Finish Line Just Inspired The Best New Olympics Meme The internet's reaction gets a gold medal in hilarious. \ud83c\udfc5","4151":"Meth Found In Child's Halloween Candy Prompts Warning From Wisconsin Police Local authorities urged parents to inspect their children's candy before letting them eat it.","4152":"Why Law Firms Fail Smart people overestimate the importance of being a smart person. To be the best lawyer, or the best collection of lawyers, is not enough; it doesn't even guarantee you stay in the game.","4153":"Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Kills 4 BYRON, Maine (AP) -- Four people from Massachusetts have been found dead in a Maine cabin due to apparent carbon monoxide","4154":"Authorities Chase Alleged Gunman Wanted In Quintuple Homicide Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino may be armed with an AK-47, police say.","4155":"Apple Annual Profits Fall For First Time In 15 Years The fall continues.","4156":"What is the Downtown Podcast? An Interview With Dylan Jorgensen Personally, I think the guests we have had on from Singularity University have been my favorites so far. People like Dr. Omri Avirav\u00adDrory and Austen Heinz have really stretched my thinking about what viable business models might come with the future of bio and nano tech.","4157":"Check Out This Pot-Slinging Catapult Found On Mexico's Border The contraption was being used to hurl bundles of marijuana into the U.S., officials said.","4158":"Stephen Curry Is The First Unanimous MVP In NBA History The 28-year-old has cemented his place as the greatest shooter in the game.","4159":"All for What? Evaluate Your Life Day Mark your calendars. October 19th is National Evaluate Your Life Day. Didn't know there was such a thing? Me neither, until a colleague forwarded a list of off-beat holidays you can celebrate in October.","4160":"NFL Fumbles The NFL is a huge business, but with its success comes great responsibility. Yet the owners and commissioner of the NFL have been more committed to protecting their business than in getting out ahead on several key social issues that have faced the league. Where is the leadership?","4161":"Build Rapport With the Right People (Almost) Automatically One of our keynote speakers made the point that it's our authentic, human side -- the side we try to keep hidden from the world much of the time -- that makes all the difference to people.","4162":"Son Possibly Made Withdrawal With Dead Mom ","4163":"Why Doug McDermott Will Not Become the Next Adam Morrison First, he's coming into a much better situation in terms of what team he was drafted to, compared to Morrison joining the expansion Bobcats and becoming the most leaned-on player right away with the highest expectations.","4164":"Aircraft Laser Strikes Soar To All-Time High Despite the threat of hefty punishment, laser pointers remain cheap and offenders are rarely caught.","4165":"Startup Seed Funding for the Rest of Us When you set out to raise money, you think you're doing it based on the strength of your ideas, but most investors are looking equally if not mostly at the team.","4166":"2015 NBA Mock Draft: Analyzing Karl-Anthony Towns, Jahlil Okafor And So Much More ","4167":"Man Sets Himself On Fire At Columbus City Hall In Ohio Three workers from the city's Recreation and Parks Department helped put out the flames.","4168":"9 Of The Boldest Buildings In The History Of The World\u2019s Fair Saint Louis Art Museum Location: St. Louis, Missouri Year: 1904 Architect: Cass Gilbert More: 22 Incredible Indian Palaces","4169":"Succession Planning for Business: What You Need to Know Now About the Call You Never Want to Make Psychics aren't the only people asked to predict the future. When it comes to succession planning, lawyers ask their business clients to do it all the time. My discussions about succession planning often start out somewhat reminiscent of Alice's chat with the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.","4170":"With Urban Hospitals in Decline, One Hospital Changes the Rules of the Game When access to care and population health of a distressed community are on the line, urban hospitals like BMC can and should look outside of traditional negotiation tactics to fulfill their role in serving their community. If they do not, we may not have the ERs to meet the newly insured population.","4171":"Man Who Killed Adrian Peterson\u2019s Son Sentenced To Life In Prison Joseph Patterson was convicted of second-degree murder in September.","4172":"Russia, Qatar Might Lose World Cups ","4173":"Seahawks' Ricardo Lockette Retires With Life-Threatening Neck Injury \"I'd rather walk,\" the 29-year-old wide receiver said.","4174":"Corporate America's Staggering Sexism, In 1 Chart ","4175":"U.S. Soccer Bans Headers For Kids Under The Age Of 11 The rulebook was changed in response to a 2014 lawsuit by parents and players.","4176":"Warriors Coach Steve Kerr Says More Gay Athletes Need To Come Out \"It's still not where it needs to be in terms of total acceptance.\"","4177":"Biggest data leak in history reveals the global reach of dirty money Over a year ago, an anonymous source contacted the S\u00fcddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) and submitted encrypted internal documents from","4178":"2018 Is Already Off To A Violent Start There were several shootings around the U.S. on New Year's Day.","4179":"New York City's Public Advocate: More Needs To Be Done To Protect Children From Lead Paint Poisoning It's \"unconscionable\" that landlords are violating the law, Letitia James says.","4180":"Officer Pulled From Patrol After Video Appears To Show Him Spraying Bikers Police in Fort Worth, Texas, say they are reviewing body and dash cam footage of the incident.","4181":"The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make At Work We\u2019ve all heard of (or seen firsthand) people doing some pretty crazy things at work. Truth is, you don\u2019t have to throw a","4182":"Cognitive Dissonance on Greenhouse Gases The time has come to break through the cognitive dissonance and come up with a coherent plan. The Post is right -- doing nothing is simply not a viable option.","4183":"Is Your Job Search Too Old-Fashioned? If you are over 40 or it has been more than three years since your last job hunt, you are probably unaware of how much recruiting and hiring practices have changed recently, particularly with the growth of social media and also with the tough job market we have been experiencing.","4184":"Final Four Crashers: College Basketball's Top Mid-Major Teams Of 2014 ","4185":"'Incendiary Device' In Austin Injures Worker. Police Not Linking It To Package Bombs. \"There was no package explosion,\" police say.","4186":"Salesforce CEO Takes Radical Step To Pay Men And Women Equally \"My job is to make sure that women are treated 100 percent equally at Salesforce in pay, opportunity and advancement.\"","4187":"(VIDEO) Simulmedia Making Its TV Upfronts Debut ","4188":"Ali Proves He's Also The Greatest On Twitter With Mayweather-Pacquiao Tweet ","4189":"Predicting the US economy with Post-it Notes ","4190":"Woman's Daring Escape From Alleged Intruder Caught On Camera ","4191":"Ryan Lochte Apologizes For Behavior In Rio But he's not really changing his story.","4192":"Grandma Stabbed Her 7-Year-Old Grandson To Death: Cops ","4193":"The Prodigal Son This is and isn't about LeBron James returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers. This is about a man growing up and breaking free. To understand the magnitude of LeBron's decision, we need to examine the Decision.","4194":"One Map That Shows How The Middle Class Is Getting Squeezed People just aren't earning as much as they used to.","4195":"Young Fan Runs Onto Court To Give Carmelo Anthony A Hug Technical foul?","4196":"Trump Proposes Slapping $100 Billion In New Tariffs On Chinese Goods The additional tariffs were being considered \u201cin light of China\u2019s unfair retaliation\u201d against earlier U.S. trade actions, Trump said.","4197":"Christian Pulisic: The Making Of A Young Man Ready To Step Up The tiny village of Tackley, eight miles north of Oxford, has probably not nurtured too many elite sportspeople, but it was","4198":"U.S. Women's Soccer Beats China 1-0, Advances To Semis USA! USA! USA!","4199":"Elon Musk: Tesla Autopilot Update Could Have Prevented Fatal Crash The new system will rely on foremost on radar to detect obstacles, rather than primarily on cameras.","4200":"'Unicorns' May Be Rare, But Here\u2019s What\u2019s Really Unusual In Tech There are only two women CEOs out of 84 major startups. That's apparently progress.","4201":"Job Applications To Dallas Police Surge Following Shooting The department had been struggling to recruit new officers.","4202":"Dow Plunges Nearly 1,600 Points In Biggest Intraday Point Drop In History The drop came as investors grappled with rising bond yields and potentially firming inflation.","4203":"Q&A: Reigning Scrabble Champion Reveals His Favorite Letter, Fun Tricks And Embarrassing Stories \"I think people should be a little more shortsighted.\"","4204":"Etan Patz's Killer Sentenced To At Least 25 Years In Prison Pedro Hernandez was convicted for the infamous 1979 New York abduction of the child on the milk carton.","4205":"S.C. Man Wanted White Supremacists To Kill Black Neighbor, Burn Cross In His Yard: FBI Brandon Lecroy, 25, was indicted by a grand jury on charges of murder for hire.","4206":"SUNDAY: 'Soul-Crushing' Subzero Temperatures Expected For NFL Playoff Game Cris Collinsworth remembers the wind knifing his bones when he moved from the Bengals' locker room to the artificial turf","4207":"Justice For Tulsa -- And Olivia Hooker He cradled the baby girl in his arms. \u00a0But he did not beam with pride; instead, his face took on the sober look of someone","4208":"Human Foot Washed Ashore In Canada Is 13th Found Since 2007 \"It's just a freak thing,\" said the man who made the most recent find.","4209":"LA Police Kill Suspect In Stabbing Spree Two victims were in critical condition but the injuries to the third were not life-threatening, police said.","4210":"Qatar May Have 'Bought' The World Cup, But Can It Pay For It? ","4211":"Dead Vermont Women Were Related To Social Worker Shooter \"Both doors were wide open, and I walked into the living room, and that's where I saw my mom dead.\"","4212":"#ExceptionalCareers Series: Enron and the Company Culture Factor in our Career Choices This April, a company of twelve Duke undergraduate actors will act out Lucy Prebble's award-winning play, ENRON on campus. Through their involvement, the students have gained valuable insights into the decisions they will make in their own careers, and how they will judge the values of companies and corporate leaders.","4213":"9 Habits of Profoundly Influential People Influential people aren't buffeted by the latest trend or by public opinion. They form their opinions carefully based on the facts. They're more than willing to change their mind when the facts support it, but they aren't influenced by what other people think, only by what they know.","4214":"Woman Stops Alleged Bank Robber By Crashing Into Him ","4215":"Alabama Officer Indicted For Allegedly Slamming Indian Man To The Ground ","4216":"Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn More Like Facebook Here's what you need to know to look smarter and more hirable.","4217":"Elon Musk Is Feuding With Yet Another Person Who Dared Criticize Tesla This time it's a financial journalist who asked about the deadly \"Autopilot\" crash.","4218":"David Dao, Dragged United Passenger, Suffered Broken Nose, Missing Teeth, Lawyer Says \"Are we gonna continue being treated like cattle?\" attorney Thomas Demetrio said Thursday.","4219":"5 Reasons Jameis Winston Could Become The Second-Ever Repeat Heisman Champion ","4220":"What Qualities Set You Apart in Business? Why would someone choose to do business with you? Because you have taken the time, and put in the effort to give them your best self.","4221":"Ferguson Protesters Met With Racist Opposition ","4222":"7 Honest Mistakes That Can Get You Fired Digital media is far from the only way that people slip up and lose their jobs. People get fired all the time for seemingly innocent mistakes. While we snicker behind our coffee cups at the more egregious examples, there are still plenty of other ways to get fired that may surprise you.","4223":"3 Reasons Saying 'Good Job!' Isn't Good Enough to Motivate Your Team When someone tells you \"good job\", what can you actually do with that? Sure, it's nice to hear, but don't you want to know more information? For instance, what exactly was good? What should you continue doing? What might you need to do differently next time?","4224":"Rory McIlroy Pulls Out Of Olympics Over Zika Fears Several other major athletes have pulled out of the Olympics over Zika.","4225":"LeBron James Says Locker Room Talk Isn't What 'That Guy' Thinks It Is Extra points for referring to Donald Trump as \"that guy.\"","4226":"Bad News For Trump Is Good News For The Stock Market There was a slight bump in the S&P 500 as the FBI director announced the findings of an investigation into Hillary Clinton's personal email use.","4227":"Jameis Winston: A Case of Product Versus Reputation In many ways, Winston represents the perfect reputation zeitgeist for the NFL. He's an awesome football player with perceived character issues. That makes him less likable, and in the case of some Tampa Bay fans -- particularly women -- he hurts the overall experience.","4228":"Uber Riders In NYC Not At Risk Of Ebola, Uber Says ","4229":"NBA Stars And Coaches Share Heartfelt Stories About Flip Saunders Rest in peace to the ever-humble Flip Saunders.","4230":"How Sophia Broke the Rules for Advice Based Businesses You see Sophia completely smashes the myth that advice based business has to be done face to face -- and in particular that financial advice has to be face to face -- and cannot be done online.","4231":"Female Sportscasters Reveal Their Own Harassment Woes Even before revelations that the reporter Erin Andrews was secretly videotaped naked by a stalker in a hotel room in 2008","4232":"WATCH: Patriots' Trick Play Sparks Comeback Win ","4233":"Photos Show Workers Around The Country Striking For $15 Minimum Wage People are asking for a livable wage.","4234":"Hidden-Camera Video Reveals Chicken McNuggets' \u2018Disturbing Secret\u2019 The graphic video has prompted McDonald's to cut ties with one of its chicken suppliers. A criminal investigation has also been launched.","4235":"Family's Fatal Cliff Car Crash Likely Was Intentional, Police Say A couple and their six adopted children are believed to have been killed.","4236":"3 Dead After Car Plows Into Group Of Trick-Or-Treaters \"It just didn't look real ... like this is a Halloween joke.\"","4237":"Why Rafael Nadal is (Still) my Hero and is the True GOAT In this article I will start with stating why Rafael Nadal is my hero, why he should be all of ours, and why he is the greatest example in tennis today of prevailing against human suffering.","4238":"Maryland Shooting Suspect Eulalio Tordil Charged With Murder Tordil is suspected of killing his wife, two strangers and wounding three others in a two-day shooting rampage.","4239":"Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra ","4240":"For Women, New Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi Is Almost Certainly An Improvement The bar is low, of course.","4241":"The Management Consultant's Guide to New Years Resolutions How do you pick just one resolution for the new year? Exercise more? Save more money? Spend more time with family? The list of potential resolutions is quite overwhelming.","4242":"Amazon Still Pretty Angry About That New York Times Story Jay Carney offers detailed response to front-page story -- two months later.","4243":"California Shooters Likely Planned Multiple Attacks: Officials By Mark Hosenball and Diane Bartz WASHINGTON, Dec 6 (Reuters) - U.S. investigators are increasingly convinced the California","4244":"Accused Colorado Clinic Shooter Hoped Fetuses Would Thank Him For Stopping Abortions Robert Lewis Dear is charged with first-degree murder and attempted murder.","4245":"Steve Nash Responds To Injury Critics With Emotional Letter ","4246":"American Pharoah Takes The Triple Crown ","4247":"Rich White Men Need To Stop Questioning Equal Pay In Tennis It's not always about you.","4248":"Second Person In Custody In Connection With Killing Of 4 In Pennsylvania Cosmo DiNardo has already confessed to his involvement in their deaths.","4249":"It\u2019s Not Getting Any Easier For Women To Become CEOs The U.S. welcomed one new female chief executive last year.","4250":"Suspect In 5 Weekend Murders Also Eyed In Toddler's Death MODESTO, Calif. (AP) -- Police said Monday that a suspect in the homicides of five people whose bodies were found in a Northern","4251":"ESPN Host Apologizes For 'The Most Egregious Error Of My Career' ","4252":"Police Hope To Use DNA To Catch The Zodiac Killer \"We could finally have answers to one of the greatest whodunits of all time,\" a criminologist said.","4253":"The Heaviest-Drinking Countries in the World ","4254":"Greece and the U.S. Senate: Economics for the 99 Percent The re-shuffle of the last U.S. election that put austerity-minded Republicans in power has ironically resulted in a new anti-austerity economist being hired by Senator Bernie Sanders in the Senate Budget Committee.","4255":"Frein's Sister Questions Brother's Injuries ","4256":"Police Hunt Bad Santa Claus Who Stole Helicopter The Saint Nick tied the pilots up at a small farm outside Sao Paulo, Brazil.","4257":"Want To Make A Difference? Don't Be A Hedge Fund Manager ","4258":"Animal Cruelty Accusations Lurk Beneath Kentucky Derby Grandeur ","4259":"Culture and Experimentation -- With Uber's Chief Product Officer If you want to create a successful, hyper-growth company, you've got to focus on creating the right culture and learning how to rapidly experiment. In this blog, I continue my discussion on these two key subjects with Jeff Holden, a brilliant entrepreneur and executive.","4260":"Ken Starr Resigns As Baylor Chancellor Amid Football Rape Scandal Starr, the university's president until last week, is stepping down as a \"matter of conscience.\"","4261":"U.S. Stocks Soar To Have Best Day Since 2011 Dow surges more than 600 points, biggest daily point gain since 2008; S&P 500 rises 3.9%, biggest rally since 2011.","4262":"6 Ways To Grieve And Cope After A Mass Shooting Shocked. Fearful. Uncertain. These are all emotions that many of us find ourselves navigating after several churchgoers in","4263":"Irish Rowers Deserve Gold For Funniest TV Interview At Rio 2016 Brothers Paul and Gary O\u2019Donovan are being hailed as \"Ireland's gift to the world.\"","4264":"Given Uber's Past Troubles, This Should Come As No Surprise Uber is pulling out all the stops.","4265":"Business Gains Are Doubled When They're Done With Love If you're focused on the profit of your work, things are only good when there's a profit. But, if you're passionate about the purpose of your work, you can always look in the mirror and be proud of your day.","4266":"Jimmy Kimmel's Own Winter Olympics Produce Another Gold Medal Moment \"I think they're even better than the expensive Olympics,\" the host said.","4267":"Teen Allegedly Beaten Over Snarky Texts Requires Brain Surgery For Injuries ","4268":"Man Busted For Selling Drugs And Stolen Guns From Driveway, Feds Say Andres Zamora was allegedly receiving tens of thousands of dollars in Social Security disability payments while selling the illicit goods.","4269":"Kiss FAIL ","4270":"Possibility of Escape I'm here among women, some of whom, I've been told, are supposed to be \"hardened criminals.\" Fellow activists incarcerated in men's prisons likewise concur that the system is futile, merciless and wrongheaded. Our jailers, I'm convinced, can see this.","4271":"Real Estate Shell Companies Are Stealing Homes In The Shadows Relying on the secrecy of limited liability companies, white-collar thieves are targeting pockets of New York City for fraudulent","4272":"NFL's Bad Actors and Head Injuries If the \"bad actors\" are acting badly because of severe, or too many, hits to the head, shouldn't everyone, especially the NFL, want to know it?","4273":"How Competent Are Nonprofit Boards In Strategic Planning? Nonprofits board interests vary widely. Because many directors are not deeply knowledgeable about the mission field, the management and staff take responsibility for the plan's development and implementation.","4274":"Georgia Executes Man For Killing His Mother's Friend Brian Keith Terrell, 47, was put to death for the June 1992 killing of John Watson.","4275":"Ray Rice Isn't the Only Monster in the NFL It seems that we can only count on the National Football League and it's teams to do the right thing when there are no more lies to hide behind. The money they make and the appearances that they try so hard to keep up are their main focus.","4276":"Pepsi Launches 60-Calorie Soda With Controversial Ingredient ","4277":"Killer Mike Wants You To Move Money Into A Local, Black-Owned Bank Before It's Too Late \"Bank black, bank small and bank local.\"","4278":"Transcending the Game: The Human Side of Sport The outcome of the game was clearly not what he was hoping for, but his commanding presence on the field - Nick doing what he always does - could not have been a more appropriate way for him to honor his courageous sister's life.","4279":"Armed Robber Wears 'Deadpool' Mask To Hold Up Ohio Bank Police say he fled with around $2,000.","4280":"This Bunny Is Safe After Teen Attack, But Image Shows New Rabbits In Possible Danger An image on social media shows two rabbits inside a small glass tank.","4281":"Profit Sharing: Labor's New Opportunity The stand-out national problem we have today is that in recent decades, profit sharing examples in industry have declined and fallen out of media attention. Profit sharing was commonplace in the first half of the 20th century, but several decades of strong post-World War II growth persuaded many American managers that regular wage and benefit increases could effectively share the wealth with the workforces.","4282":"Melo Is Staying In New York ","4283":"Two Women Who Broadcast Islamophobic Mosque Visit With Children Are Indicted The women were charged with third-degree burglary and aggravated criminal damage.","4284":"Signed Jose Fernandez Baseballs Wash Ashore Near Fatal Miami Boat Crash A beachgoer reportedly found a bag containing four autographed balls and the star pitcher's checkbook.","4285":"Muhammad Ali Denounces Donald Trump's Plan To Shut Out Muslims His response came two days after Trump questioned whether Muslim sports heroes exist.","4286":"Women in Business Q&A: Michelle Atkinson, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Energizer Household Products 'I came to Energizer fourteen years ago because of the brands. Energizer Household Products has two strong, global brands -- Energizer and Eveready -- which I am more enthusiastic about today than ever.'","4287":"Takata Corp. Files For Bankruptcy Following Massive Airbag Recall It is the biggest bankruptcy of a Japanese manufacturer.","4288":"Screw What He Thinks if you don't want to actually find yourself SAYING \"screw you and your opinion\" then you can keep at least SOME of your own opinions to yourself for now. Your partner is there to be your partner. If you need a coach, get a coach.","4289":"Sports Illustrated Predicted Astros Would Win 2017 World Series Years Ago (UPDATE) The magazine appeared to foresee another key development in series.","4290":"Judge Orders Man Accused of Tweeting Threats To Never Tweet Threats made on social media are still real threats.","4291":"Young Celtics Fan Uses Grown-Up Word It's only Game 1, kid.","4292":"Buffett Defends Berkshire's Coke Stake, Warns On BNSF Billionaire says it's wrong to blame calories alone for rising obesity levels.","4293":"Report: Uber Board Accept Holder's Recommendations, Discuss CEO Kalanick's Absence The recommendations included imposing new controls on company spending, human resources and other areas where executives had wide discretion.","4294":"Necrophiliac Nurse Sentenced ","4295":"5 Habits Of Highly Mobile Executives ","4296":"Blue Jays Slugger Continues Hot Streak ","4297":"Ferguson, the Murder of Michael Brown, and the St. Louis Cardinals Some folks say baseball has nothing to do with race relations in St Louis, but as a native St. Louisan, I beg to differ.","4298":"Why Dying In America Is Harder Than It Has To Be ","4299":"Cop Who 'Loves Playing With Dead Bodies' Tickled Deceased Suspect: Police ","4300":"The Term 'Black Friday' Has Lost All Meaning ","4301":"Ryan Lochte Admits He 'Over-Exaggerated' Rio Robbery Story The gold-medal Olympic swimmer has been accused of fabricating an account of being robbed at gunpoint.","4302":"Bill Murray Had The Best Interview With Cubs President Theo Epstein After The World Series Champagne everywhere.","4303":"Florida Mom Allegedly Threatens Day Care Worker With Machete The suspect currently does not have custody of the kids.","4304":"Man Who Wants US Nuclear Codes Donald Trump Spent Charity Funds On A Tim Tebow Autograph A breach of IRS rules? Maybe. A breach of ethics? Definitely.","4305":"Gamer Dies After 3-Day Binge At Internet Cafe ","4306":"Twitter Really Couldn't Handle Mayweather's Fight Night Ski Mask Even \"Grey's Anatomy\" star Jesse Williams couldn't resist a good jab.","4307":"Johnny Manziel Says He's Going Sober On July 1 Just one more party real quick.","4308":"'Smallville' Actress Allison Mack Is Charged With Sex Trafficking The actress is accused of recruiting women who were forced to engage in sex with a cult leader.","4309":"Imagine Being Able To See The Doctor And Get Medicine At Work At some companies an on-site clinic is already a reality.","4310":"Toddler Suffocates Under Beanbag Chair When Day Care Worker Sits On It \"How did they lose track of him?\"","4311":"Dad Who Poisoned Children's Pizza Sentenced ","4312":"Greg Hardy Explodes On Cowboys Sideline But Goes Quiet Postgame The hot-tempered Hardy got into it with coaches, players and media on Sunday night.","4313":"Chobani Sues Alex Jones For Posting Vicious Fake News Stories The yogurt company says the falsified reports led to customers' calls to boycott their products.","4314":"Where's the Ref? FIFA -- A Sports Body Playing Without Rules Football, or soccer as it is known, is a game of two halves. It's a game with rules and a referee. FIFA, the governing body for football, follows neither the rule of law or has the oversight of a referee.","4315":"Powerball Jackpot Skyrockets To $900 Million The odds of a winner are climbing, too.","4316":"Siblings From Parkland High School Write Essays To Say 'Never Again' \"This is the last school shooting that\u2019s going to happen. Never again shall we allow this to happen.\"","4317":"Father Drowned Family In Murder-Suicide, Police Say ","4318":"Tampa Bay Rays Go All Out To Help Orlando Victims The goal: To raise money and donate blood for victims of Sunday's attack.","4319":"Donald Trump: Stop Attacking Rich, Successful, Good-Looking Tom Brady \"Leave Tom Brady alone!\"","4320":"Bachelorette Party Crashes BBC's Live Olympic Coverage The perils of live TV.","4321":"Sabra Recalls Hummus Products Over Listeria Concern, Again The voluntary recall affects some hummus and spread products made before Nov. 8.","4322":"Charles Barkley, Lakers Fan Trade Jabs About Weight, Ends In Tie Score And it looks like nobody got hurt.","4323":"Drake's Super Bowl Ad Makes You Wanna Call Someone On Your Cell Phone Rapper earns his championship \"Bling\" with T-Mobile.","4324":"Japanese Gymnast Racks Up A $5,000 Pok\u00e9mon Go Bill In Rio Which is particularly strange given that there are no Pok\u00e9mon in Rio.","4325":"Texans Teammates Argue About Existence Of Dinosaurs Over Twitter A natural history museum employee even chimed in with support.","4326":"100 CEOs Have As Much In Retirement Funds As 41 Percent of U.S. The retirement savings accumulated by just 100 chief executives are equal to the entire retirement accounts of 41 percent of U.S. families -- or more than 116 million people, a new study finds.","4327":"Lax FIFA Policing of Political Interference in Soccer Focuses on Egypt World soccer body FIFA has dispatched investigators to Egypt to probe allegations of government interference as the country prepares for potentially risky bids to host two international tournaments, the 2017 Beach Soccer World Cup and the 2018 FIFA Under-17 Women's World Cup.","4328":"Robin Wright Explains Why She Fought For Equal Pay For 'House of Cards' Claire Underwood would be proud.","4329":"As T-Mobile Rises, Questions Emerge Over Treatment of Workers, Consumers And yet T-Mobile has risen more rapidly than ever.","4330":"Jared Fogle's Victims To Benefit From Groundbreaking Plea Deal The disgraced Subway pitchman will pay his 14 victims $1.4 million in restitution.","4331":"Police Seek 'Cute,' 'Handsome' And 'Well Dressed' Con Man He allegedly made several high dollar purchases using cloned credit cards.","4332":"Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf Resigns In Wake Of Bank Scandal Wells Fargo & Co\u2019s veteran chairman and chief executive officer, John Stumpf abruptly departed on Wednesday bowing to pressure","4333":"Georgia State Coach Gives Heart-Wrenching Press Conference After Loss ","4334":"Detroit Lions Players Donate 94,000 Bottles Of Water To Flint, Michigan Awesome display of generosity by these Lions players.","4335":"One Out Away: What It's Like To Lose A Perfect Game In The Ninth Inning Max Scherzer lost a perfect game with two outs in the 9th inning. A former pitcher with the same experience explains how it feels 30 years later.","4336":"Can You Turn Your Investment Loss Into Tax Savings? Before your holiday to-do list gets too overwhelming, take the time to review your investments -- both winners and losers -- to see if balancing capital gains and losses could lower your tax bill. It's not a difficult process, but it does take some careful calculations.","4337":"Dog Found Alive With Crossbow Bolt Shot Through Head (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) ","4338":"Another Mass Shooting And More Prayers. America Has Officially Given Up. We have become so inured to gun violence, we barely register it anymore.","4339":"ESPN Analyst Blames 'Liberal Media' For 'War On Football' \"War on Christmas,\" meet \"war on football.\"","4340":"Manhunt Underway For 3 Inmates Who Escaped Maximum-Security Jail The men, who authorities say cut their way through steel bars, face charges including murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, and torture.","4341":"Earning Less Money Isn't A Choice That Women Just Make The pay gap is a complicated cultural stew.","4342":"'Bipartisan Beer' And The Telling Tale Of Anheuser-Busch\u2019s Super Bowl Ad Telling a company\u2019s heroic \u201cheritage story\u201d has become a popular marketing tool.","4343":"Phony Service Dogs Nothing drives me crazier than people with phony service dogs. I can't count the times I have been at a well-attended event to find a cute Pekinese decked out in a tiny service dog vest. This \"service dog\" spends most of the evening barking and nipping at heels when he is placed on the floor.","4344":"Tom Brady Beats NFL In Deflategate Case, Suspension Nullified Brady has been vindicated -- for now.","4345":"Video Captures A Violent Brawl Between KKK And Protesters In Southern California Several Klan members were arrested this weekend after stabbing three people who were protesting their rally.","4346":"Best Life\/Career Advice: Relationships Trump Jobs! When someone tells me they are too busy at work to attend my Christmas Party, I hear, \"You are not important to me Mark. My job is far more important than our relationship.\" Let me give you five good reasons to value your family and friends over your job.","4347":"The New Black Friday Means Lines But Less Frenzy At Kmart, Sears ","4348":"German Team Doctor Recommends Olympians Drink A Beer After Competing The country currently has 10 gold medals, the second-most of any nation.","4349":"Police: Gunman Killed After Ambushing Officers Near Chicago July 12 (Reuters) - A man who opened fire on police with a\u00a0 shotgun was killed as\u00a0 two officers returned fire at a suburban","4350":"How Digital Tipping Could Make Us More Generous Customers Or just develop a guilt complex.","4351":"Colleges Face Student Protests Over Fossil Fuel Investments Student protesters are trying a new strategy to convince their schools to dump investments in companies tied to climate change.","4352":"Filipina Model Says Woman Punched Her In Garage, Called Her \u2018Chinky Eyes\u2019 \"When something like this happens it breaks your confidence,\" the victim said.","4353":"Golfing Your Way to Success: The Power of Connections Through Sport Have you ever wondered what golf has to do with success? If, like for many of us, it has never crossed your mind, allow me to share the new insights I have gained about golf through the online Global Latino Summit.","4354":"Cardale Jones Just Tore Into The NCAA For Exploiting Its Athletes \"It's deeper than athletes thinking we should get paid.\"","4355":"Derrick Rose Gang Rape Allegations Are 'Completely False,' Says Lawyer An unidentified woman claims she was drugged and raped by Rose and his friends.","4356":"U.S. Real Estate Predictions for 2015 When it comes to all things related real estate, some real estate forecasters have labeled the housing market in 2015 to be nothing short of mysterious.","4357":"Neighbor Opens Fire As Father In Clown Mask Chases Child The dad said he wanted to scare his daughter into behaving, but she ran screaming into a stranger's home.","4358":"Japanese Stocks Plummet 5 Percent, The Worst Weekly Drop Since 2008 Traders said that investors feared Japanese exporters' hopes of earnings growth will suffer if the yen strengthens further.","4359":"Police Seek Public's Help In School Counselor Murder Investigation ","4360":"Olympian Gus Kenworthy Burns Ivanka Trump: 'TF Is She Doing Here?' The first daughter led the U.S. delegation during the Olympics closing ceremony.","4361":"LIVE: Underdogs Costa Rica And Greece Battle In Knockout Round ","4362":"How to Be an Entrepreneur Who Doesn't Suck Here's the sugar-coated version of what I'm about to say: Starting your first company comes with a learning curve. Now here's the harsh-but-true version: A lot of new entrepreneurs just plain suck at being the boss.","4363":"Michael Phelps Teaches 7-Month-Old Son Boomer To Swim Underwater The kid handled it like a champ.","4364":"Gunman Kills Professor At Delta State University The victim has been identified as Ethan Schmidt, a history professor.","4365":"Turns Out, Michael Phelps Was Listening To Future During 'Angry Face' \"Stick Talk,\" to be exact.","4366":"2 Men Stabbed To Death Standing Up To Muslim Hate In Portland Police arrested a 35-year-old man with white supremacist ties after the attack.","4367":"Man Pleads Guilty To Murder Of Indian Man After Yelling 'Get Out Of My Country' He still faces federal hate crime charges.","4368":"Brad Paterson: Push Yourself and Think Big ","4369":"Digital Video is Killing TV? Six Reasons That's Crazy Talk ","4370":"America's Least Common Jobs ","4371":"Slain Priest Requests Mercy From The Grave Years before his homicide, Rev. Rene Robert said he did not want his hypothetical killer to pay the ultimate price.","4372":"House Fire Kills 6 ","4373":"7 Ways to Spice Up Your Email Signature Effective personal branding can even help you land your dream job. An often overlooked way to showcase what you bring to the table lies in your email signature.","4374":"Veterinarian Accused Of Shooting Neighbors' Dog In The Head The vet had allegedly sent hostile texts to the owners about the dog's barking.","4375":"10 Brands That Will Disappear In 2015 ","4376":"Mom Allegedly Suffocated Baby, Posted RIP Pic On Facebook ","4377":"Don't Count On 'Me Too' To Sway The Bill Cosby Jury The Me Too movement has launched a national discussion on sexual violence. But experts are skeptical about its power inside a courtroom.","4378":"Russell Westbrook Lost In One-On-One To A Seventh-Grader Your classic David vs. Goliath story.","4379":"Reviled Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli Resigns TRENTON, N.J. (AP) \u2014 The pharmaceutical executive reviled for price-gouging resigned Friday as head of the drugmaker Turing","4380":"Mom Accused Of Injecting Feces Into Cancer-Afflicted Son\u2019s IV Bag Tiffany Alberts was allegedly trying to get her 15-year-old son moved to a better facility.","4381":"NFL Player Ryan Broyles Lives On $60K-A-Year Budget \"When I come to work, I don't think about the money, man,\"","4382":"Thanks, Obama, For Confirming That It's Totally Fine For Powerful Men To Cry Finally, in 2016, crying is not a sign of weakness.","4383":"Miami Marlins Pitcher Jose Fernandez Killed In Boating Accident The 24-year-old was reportedly one of three people who died in the crash on Sunday.","4384":"Reignite Your Crazy Hopes For LeBron James Starring In 'Space Jam 2' We got a real jam goin' down.","4385":"Ray Lewis Posts Preview Of Awful-Sounding Song On Instagram It's not too late to back out, Ray.","4386":"Search Underway After Woman Reportedly Jumps Off Carnival Cruise Ship Rina Patel, 32, went overboard southwest of the Bahamas early Wednesday, officials said.","4387":"America's Top Young Adult Workforces: A Rust Belt Rebirth? I know, people tend to take the current state of a region and erroneously think it's been that way forever, or that it will stay that way forever. But the vitality of urban areas are fluid -- prone to decline and rebirth, just like everything else.","4388":"Kings Fall to Clippers Without Cousins It was announced before the start of the game that both DeMarcus Cousins and Rudy Gay will be out of the lineup. But midway through the first quarter Gay checked in and added some spark to an already dominant offense. The Kings got off to one of their best starts while maintaining a good pace with the Clippers.","4389":"Group Wants Special Prosecutor In Police Killing Of Farmworker ","4390":"Simone Biles Was The U.S. Flag-Bearer At The Closing Ceremony And It Was Glorious Team USA members selected Biles to be the flag-bearer following her historic performance.","4391":"Armed Suspects Used Periscope To Hunt For Man: Sacramento Police Viewers watching on Periscope egged on the suspects and encouraged them to use the gun.","4392":"Educator Cuts Deal In Teacher Cheating Scandal ","4393":"Meet The First UFC Fighter To Wear A Turban To A Match Arjan Singh Bhullar is the UFC's first Sikh and first fighter of Indian descent.","4394":"Good Samaritan, Cops Save Kittens Left To Die In Suitcase Video caught someone throwing the felines over a fence.","4395":"Social Media and the Introverted Leader Interestingly (and fortunately), using social media has been key for finding the balance that lets me think, work and connect most productively.","4396":"Is No One Legally Liable for a Defectively Installed Handicap Accessible Shower Bench? ","4397":"Teenager With Replica Gun Shot By Los Angeles Police Wanted To Die: Police Chief The boy was holding a replica gun, police said.","4398":"Women's Basketball Team Declined Trump's White House Invitation For The Best Reason Burrrrrn \ud83d\udd25","4399":"This Fact About The Clippers Sale Will Enrage You ","4400":"Why Everyone Should Just Stop Yelping After reaching Elite status, I ceased Yelping and later deleted my account.","4401":"WATCH: Breathtaking Proof Basketball Transcends Borders ","4402":"Boston Men Involved In Terror Probe Allegedly Planned To Behead Cop ","4403":"NBA Coach Whose Father Was Killed By Extremists Says Banning Muslims Is 'Horrible' \"If anything, we could be breeding anger and terror.\u201d","4404":"Old School Is New School We live in the age of the \u201cNext Big Thing.\u201d The latest and greatest smartphones are released every twelve months, rendering","4405":"Yogi Berra and the Greek Debt Crisis There is still time for Greece to snatch victory from the jaws of a looming defeat. The Summer has arrived and throngs of tourists will descent upon some of the most beautiful islands in the world, providing a much needed lift to the economy.","4406":"A British Olympian Was Allegedly Robbed At Gunpoint In Rio \u201cRio is NOT a safe environment,\" British officials told their delegation.","4407":"Millennials: The WHY Behind Favorite Brands Last week, we polled 150 Millennials about their favorite and least favorite brands. I was struck by a few common threads from within the data. There were patterns I found compelling, particularly given that this poll was unsolicited -- there were no dropdowns or menus to choose from.","4408":"Fox Sports 1's New Football Ad Is Sexist, Stupid and Popular ","4409":"5 Keys to Product Differentiation for Fun and Profit ","4410":"Firefighter Charged With Torching His House, Blaming It On Anti-Cop Suspects A spray-painted message on the home read: \u201cLie with pigs, fry like bacon.\u201d","4411":"Daniel St. Hubert and Why the Criminal-Justice System Needs More Mental-Health Oversight Can we force medication after an inmate's release without infringing on the person's right to refuse treatment? Should we make forced medication a condition of parole? If so, how do mental-health departments and corrections departments handle the logistics of ensuring that a parolee or released convict is getting the treatment and\/or medication that he or she needs?","4412":"This Is Not Your Typical Sweatshirt It's supposed to be so well-made that it'll last 30 years -- or the designer will replace it for you.","4413":"LeBron Got Hit In The Face With A Ball And The Internet Lost Its Mind DUCK!!!","4414":"New Jersey Teen Admits He Plotted To Kill Pope Francis During U.S. Visit The 17-year-old could face up to 15 years behind bars.","4415":"Want to Be More Memorable? Create Your Own Personal Connection Story ","4416":"Build Loyalty -- The Cost -- $00.00 Remember your customers are humans just like you. They want the most and the best for what they are paying. Within the bounds of your bottom line -- give it to them.","4417":"Parody Proves Racism Finally Eliminated From The NBA... Unless You Count Native-Americans ","4418":"Tesla's Robot-Snake Will Charge Your Car And Give You Nightmares \"Does seem kinda wrong :)\"","4419":"Mistrial Declared For Cop Charged With Killing Jonathan Ferrell The jury deadlocked after four days of deliberations.","4420":"'Mr. Cub,' Chicago Baseball Legend Ernie Banks, Dead At 83 ","4421":"Recent MLB Incidents Reveal Warped Ideas of Manhood in Sports The definition of manhood in our sports culture is archaic. It's as if SportsWorld has been frozen in time - Neanderthal time.","4422":"Papa Tossed! Pizza Chain Orders Up New CEO. Papa John's has parted with its longtime CEO and founder John Schnatter.","4423":"Teen Whose Arm Was Severed In Botched Sneaker Theft Deserved It, Attorney Says The 17-year-old's arm was ripped off after his alleged victim drove an SUV into him, surveillance video shows.","4424":"How One City Decided To Stop Jailing People For Unpaid Traffic Fines The El Paso City Council today moved today to curb the practice of routinely locking people up for unpaid traffic fines without","4425":"United States Wins 1,000th Olympic Gold Medal That's a lot of victories.","4426":"A Serial Killer Dubbed The 'Angel of Death' Dies After Prison Beating The former nurse's aid was serving multiple life sentences after admitting to killing three dozen people.","4427":"The 15 Best Heisman Trophy Candidates One of these guys will (probably) take it home.","4428":"Here's What We Know About Bill Cosby's Defense Team 'Plucked from relative obscurity to lead a sprawling flock of lawyers.'","4429":"Top 10 YouTube Channels for Leaders Over the last year I've subscribed to a number of YouTube channels that have consistently helped me identify new trends, understand best practices, and spot high-impact opportunities. Here is a list of my favorites.","4430":"Riley Curry Does The 'Nae Nae' In New Video, Is Still Awesome Jeremy Lin made the new video, but Riley stole the show.","4431":"Prosecution Scores Two Big Wins In Freddie Gray Case The judge called the defense's argument \"condescending.\"","4432":"The Post Office Lost $2 Billion In Just 3 Months ","4433":"Police Capture Ahmad Khan Rahami, Manhattan Bombing Suspect He was arrested after a shootout in Linden, New Jersey.","4434":"Andrew Wiggins Demoralizes 7-Footer With Potential Dunk Of The Year R.I.P. Omer Asik.","4435":"Americans Work Too Hard ","4436":"Manny Pacquiao Seeks Mercy for Filipino On Death Row The woman was sentenced to death for drug trafficking.","4437":"Watch A Self-Described 'Despicable' Pet-Care Company Owner Kick Dog In Elevator ","4438":"Be a 'Don't Knower': One of Eileen Fisher's Secrets to Success Today, Eileen Fisher, Inc. employs over 1,100 people, has over 60 retail stores, and will likely generate over $300 million dollars in revenue in 2015. Between then and now, despite her success, Fisher never lost her \"I don't know\" approach.","4439":"Women in Business Q&A: Justine Roberts, Founder and CEO, Mumsnet ","4440":"Trade Unions Test Qatari Sincerity With Demands for Labor Reform International trade unions have stepped up pressure on Qatar with a series of demands, a majority of which the Gulf state could implement without having to reform its autocracy or threaten the privileged position of its citizenry who account for a mere 12 percent of the population and fear that change could cost them control of their culture and society.","4441":"2015: The Trend Line for Communications Services -- Phone, Broadband, Internet, Cable TV & Wireless -- Sucks As a telecom analyst for over 30+ years, I've been tracking the trend lines of communications services. And from the customer perspective -- your perspective -- 2015 will be like watching a train wreck in slow motion -- and continue over the next few years.","4442":"Fire Consumes North Dakota Church Owned By White Supremacist Craig Cobb, who recently bought the historic property, claims the fire was \u201c100 percent arson.\u201d","4443":"Lax Supervision Plagued Officer Sex Cases, AP Investigation Finds WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) \u2014 As darkness falls, the most tattered section of this town's main drag feels more desperate","4444":"France Takes First Step Toward World Cup Redemption ","4445":"Priest Collared For Requesting Oral Sex In The Park, Sheriff Says \"My whole family, they are shocked over it.\"","4446":"Get LinkedIn to Recruiters for Your Job Search Although under-used by average LinkedIn members, LinkedIn Groups can be critical to a successful job search because they enable you to communicate directly with recruiters. And vice versa.","4447":"Even An Astronaut In Space Is Watching The Super Bowl We are not alone.","4448":"Watch Surfers Get Demolished On The Sport's Most Beautiful And Dangerous Wave You won't be able to look away.","4449":"Usain Bolt Has Never Run A Full Mile, According To His Agent No, seriously.","4450":"Who Has Two Thumbs And Is Wrong About The Financial Crisis? This Krug man.","4451":"Helen Maroulis Beats A Legend To Win First U.S. Gold In Women's Wrestling \"Really, I just did this?\"","4452":"The Feminine Plural Today's women have little in common with the figure of the typical housewife who dominated the 80s. Yet, marketers seem to be struggling to adapt their discourse to these changes and translate this evolution into relevant and engaging communication that really speaks to women.","4453":"Big Companies Backing Obama's Climate Agenda Also Fund Its Enemies Some U.S. corporate giants fail to put their money where their mouths are.","4454":"The Real Secret To Chipotle's Success ","4455":"These Capybaras Don't Care About Your Pitiful Olympic Golf Course It's their world. We're just trying to win gold medals in it.","4456":"Darth Vader Interviews For Fort Worth Police Job May the police force be with you!","4457":"The Triple Crown Drought Continues ","4458":"NYPD: Assailants Shouted 'ISIS' While Beating Man In The Bronx The attack comes amid increasing anxiety in the United States over the threat posed by Islamic State.","4459":"Burned Car Tied to Murdered Girl: Cops ","4460":"Just Do It: Cut Corporate Taxes and Create Middle-Class Jobs A comprehensive modernization of the U.S. corporate tax system can be enacted in a fiscally responsive, revenue-neutral way.","4461":"Muhammad Ali Hospitalized With Respiratory Issue Few details were released about his current state of health.","4462":"From Loud Chewing to Cherry-Tomato Spewing: The Five Senses of Office Pet Peeves Are you sitting at your desk right now with your earphones in pretending to listen to music while secretly avoiding your annoying coworker? Well, you're not the only one.","4463":"Woman Accused Of Heinous Sex Crimes Against 3-Year-Old And Dog ","4464":"Don't Be A Product Leader Still Failing In Business In building successful businesses, I find that creating a new and innovative product or service is usually the easy part. The hard part is providing the leadership required to align and motivate all the constituents and players -- from engineers, to investors, vendors, and ultimately customers. Great entrepreneurs are not just idea people and then managers, they are extraordinary leaders.","4465":"Carmelo Anthony Randomly Ran A Mini-Marathon Mid-Game Not one, not two, not three steps ...","4466":"Police: Man Robs Bank, Buys Christmas Tree, Uses It To Hide Not a great plan.","4467":"Volkswagen May Never Recover From This Mess \"If VW gets its reputation back, it will be clawing up the side of a very high mountain.\"","4468":"'Suspicious Package' Explodes In New Jersey As Bomb Squad Robot Tries To Disarm It Bag containing explosive devices was found in a wastebasket.","4469":"Indian Grandfather Paralyzed By Alabama Cop Was Not Threatening, Colleague Testifies The trial is underway for an officer caught slamming an Indian man to the ground.","4470":"Social Workers Face Manslaughter Charges In Detroit Toddler's Death Prosecutors accuse two women of failing to protect 3-year-old Aaron Minor after his mother was flagged to Child Protective Services.","4471":"Under Armour Ad Multiplies Its Stars To Mesmerize Stephen Curry, Jordan Spieth and Misty Copeland log their reps to greatness.","4472":"Weekend Sailing Trip Leaves 3 Texas Boy Scouts Dead The boat may have hit a power line stretching across the lake, electrocuting the Scouts.","4473":"Oakland Warehouse Manager Has Meltdown During Live TV Interview About Fatal Fire He said he\u2019d rather let the victims\u2019 parents \u201ctear at my flesh than answer these ridiculous questions.\"","4474":"Photos From The Townville Elementary Shooting Scene Two students and one teacher were injured.","4475":"Glenn Greenwald Questions If Chattanooga Shooting Was Terrorism And if so, is the U.S. government guilty of the same thing?","4476":"Ronda Rousey Attends Marine Corps Ball And Keeps Her Chin Up \"I'd probably stay on my couch, crying and eating ice cream ... if he hadn't asked me.\"","4477":"NFL Hall Of Fame To Allow Junior Seau's Daughter To Speak After All The daughter of the late Junior Seau will be able to speak live during the Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony after","4478":"Tesla Announces Major Upgrade To Original Roadster ","4479":"Tom Brady's Latest 'Deflategate' Appeal Rejected By Federal Court Brady's slated to serve his original four-game suspension.","4480":"911 Calls From Parkland Shooting Reveal Terror Of Parents Desperate For Answers One girl hid in a room the gunman shot into. It was her birthday.","4481":"Economists: NCAA's Latest Argument Against Paying Players Is \u2018Nonsense' The NCAA's latest scare tactic appears error-ridden.","4482":"If Great Workplace Cultures Outperform the Pack Why Aren't More Companies Switching? It's no secret that when employees can take their whole selves to work, performance exceeds far beyond companies relying on the 'tell-sell' and if that doesn't work, then 'yell' approach.","4483":"The States With The Strongest Unions The strength of organized labor in the United States depends largely on political and economic forces. Because these factors","4484":"Is Your Business Taking Over Your Life? It's so easy to allow your business to overtake your life. It's so easy to let your drive for success and your passion for what you are doing lead to 70-80 hour work weeks with no days off. It's so easy to put your life on the back burner.","4485":"Jason Pierre-Paul Made A Fireworks Safety Video For Fourth Of July Listen to a man who knows the dangers all too well.","4486":"Trump Pays Penalty For Ethically Questionable Political Donation The donation came as Florida's attorney general was considering joining a lawsuit against Trump's for-profit school.","4487":"Dan Snyder Invents His Own Definition For 'Redskin' ","4488":"SMB Cyber Security Basics and Breach Response One data breach could mean financial ruin for a SMB, so it is important to react quickly in case of a breach. If your business has been breached, here's what to do.","4489":"Fred DeLuca, Co-Founder And CEO Of Subway, Dead At 67 The rags-to-riches sandwich magnate turned a small sub shop into the world's largest fast-food empire.","4490":"Trial Over Walter Scott Killing By South Carolina Police Deadlocks Over Holdout Juror Fleeing a traffic stop, Scott was shot by the officer and the incident captured on video.","4491":"The Euro May Already Be Lost This entry has been co-written with Dr. Heikki Koskenkyl\u00e4 and Dr. Peter Nyberg. The 1st of January 2017 marked the 18th anniversary","4492":"Someone Tied A Hedgehog To A Tree With A 'Makeshift Crucifix' Of Shoelaces The perpetrator in Wales barbarically left the little creature to die, but it survived.","4493":"This Squirrel Just Cheated Death On The Olympic Snowboarding Course This is nuts.","4494":"South Korea Reportedly Bans 36,000 Foreigners From Attending The Olympics Security is going to be tough at the Winter Games this year.","4495":"Baby-Boomer Downsizing? Perhaps Not So Fast ","4496":"Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Robert Lewis Dear Has Unsettling Past \"If you talked to him, nothing was very cognitive,\" a former neighbor said.","4497":"The 10 Best U.S. Cities For Retirement Next question: When is too early to start counting down the days until retirement?","4498":"Larry Nassar Sentenced To 40 To 125 Years On 3 Additional Child Sexual Abuse Charges He's already been sentenced to 40 to 175 years on other abuse charges.","4499":"Twitter Cuts 9 Percent Of Workforce As Revenue Growth Slows The social network has been struggling to sign up new users amid competition from nimbler rivals such as Instagram and Snapchat.","4500":"White Sox Wish Mediocre Former Minor Leaguer A Happy Birthday Has anyone even heard of this guy?","4501":"Idaho Man Imprisoned Woman As Sex Slave: Prosecutors ","4502":"A Solution To The Massively Disengaged Workforce [Slide Deck] ","4503":"Amazon Just Beat Oil Giant Exxon Mobil In A Major Way It's a sign of a changing global economy.","4504":"What Makes You...You? The hardest and most important work within the future of work centers on one thing: personal accountability in decision-making. Yet this goes far beyond getting things done responsibilities. The future needs you -- the real and deeply profound you.","4505":"Branson Pickle: Billionaire's 'Space'-Adventure Folly In the end, it is Branson, propelled by an overarching sense of boyhood adventure, or desperate folly, and rocketing to establish himself in the pantheon of brave travel pioneers, who has become entangled in a Gordian knot of his own vainglorious making and from which he does not know how to untie himself.","4506":"Declining Population Could Be Hit To Global Economy ","4507":"Mississippi River Seeing Near-Record Flood Levels As Death Toll Climbs Illinois' governor has declared disasters in seven counties as hundreds of homes face a rare winter flood being blamed for at least 20 deaths.","4508":"Mom Claims Amber Alert Pushed Her To Kill Kids \"If people want to call me a monster that's fine,\" Amber Pasztor said in a jailhouse interview.","4509":"Why Networking Should Be Your Top Priority Networking is by far the highest return on investment for your business. Networking is not only fun, but also essential for building your brand.","4510":"Lamar Odom's Condition Reportedly 'Deteriorating' The situation remains fluid.","4511":"18-Year-Old Indiana Man Arrested For Planning To Join Islamic State WASHINGTON, June 21 (Reuters) - An 18-year-old man who planned to fly to Morocco and travel to Islamic State-controlled territory","4512":"D'Angelo Russell Is Making Things Awkward With Kobe Bryant Again Because the first time wasn't enough.","4513":"Brazilian Goalie Scores Own Goal In The Flukiest Way Possible ","4514":"Charlotte Police Killing Leaves City On Edge Police and protesters disagree over whether Keith Lamont Scott was armed.","4515":"Mini Darth Vader From That Super Bowl Ad Doesn't Look Like This Anymore ... mostly because -- spoiler alert -- he's not Darth Vader.","4516":"Team Canada Deserves A Podium Spot For This Olympic Bus Sing-Along \"I'm bleeding maple syrup from this.\"","4517":"Astros Player Suspended For 5 Games For Racist 'Slant-Eye' Gesture Yuli Gurriel apparently made the gesture in reference to Yu Darvish, who was born in Japan.","4518":"Zach LaVine Dunk At All-Star Contest Is Unbelievable ","4519":"Why Magic Johnson's 55th Birthday Is A Huge Milestone For HIV\/AIDS Awareness Life expectancies for people living with HIV have increased greatly since Magic announced his own diagnosis in 1991.","4520":"NYPD Union Has Attacked Every Mayor In Recent History ","4521":"Sheriff Charged In Real Estate Agent's Shooting Was 'Practicing Police Tactics' ","4522":"Ohio State Quarterback Cardale Jones Hospitalized For Headache He was taken to an emergency room on Wednesday night.","4523":"Women in Business Q&A: Denise G. Tayloe Co-Founder, CEO & President, PRIVO ","4524":"Tesla Accuses Journalists Of Attacking Workers At Gigafactory One employee was injured when a journalist reportedly struck him with a Jeep.","4525":"Cop Who Killed Unarmed Motorist Lying On Ground: 'He Made Me Do It' \"I didn't want to have to shoot him, but he made me.\"","4526":"The Ring's the Thing Back in 1977, I was in the office of Cincinnati Stingers owner Bill DeWitt, getting ready to sign my contract for the World Hockey Association team. I put down the pen for a moment and told Mr. DeWitt a story.","4527":"The Great Million-Dollar Candidate: Part 1 A question that comes up frequently is, \"What makes a great million dollar candidate?\" So here are three attributes that hiring companies and Executive Recruiters look for in \"A\" (the best) candidates.","4528":"Google Airs Eye-Opening Ad On Trans Athletes Before Caitlyn Jenner's ESPYs Speech Introducing Jacob, a man who just wants to find a gym.","4529":"Kid Sinks Impossible Basketball Shot, Is Blown Away By His Own Magnificence Peak.","4530":"Prosecutor Refutes Patrick Kane Rape Kit Tampering Claims Erie County District Attorney Frank Sedita called the claim a \"bizarre hoax.\"","4531":"Job Growth Cools, Unemployment Rate Falls To 4.5 Percent Job growth slowed sharply in March amid continued layoffs in the retail sector.","4532":"2 Guns Found at Hospital Shooting Suspect's Home ","4533":"Video Released Of Deputy Accidentally Shooting Suspect He Meant To Taser ","4534":"NYPD Officer Stripped Of Badge, Gun After Deadly Road-Rage Shooting Surveillance video has raised doubts about officer Wayne Isaacs' claim that he fired in self defense after being punched.","4535":"Tennis Player Gabriella Taylor Possibly Poisoned At Wimbledon \"We feel this could not have been an accident,\" her mother says as police investigate.","4536":"Game 1 Of The NBA Finals Devolved Into A Series Of Dick Jokes Delly grabbed Iggy\u2019s junk and the internet had a field day.","4537":"Georgia Duo Sentenced To Years In Prison For Terrorizing Birthday Party With Confederate Flag The pair faced some of the most serious charges out of 15 members of the group \u201cRespect the Flag\u201d indicted over the incident.","4538":"Kobe Bryant Signs Stephen Curry's Jersey After All-Star Game Game recognize game.","4539":"Teen Allegedly Posed As A State Senator And No One Noticed For Weeks \"They could easily have Googled me and they didn\u2019t.\"","4540":"19-Year-Old Arrested After Parents Found Shot Dead At Central Michigan University Police said the shooting was a result of a \"domestic situation.\"","4541":"Famous Olive Garden Critic's One Suggestion: More Olives ","4542":"How Upcoming FICO Credit Score Changes Might Rock the Economy The aftermath of this change could be felt in the banking industry, the real estate market and it could even force interest rates higher. And that's just for starters.","4543":"Calm Yourself, NFL Fan Of A Winning Team: My Team's Losing If MY team isn't winning, then nothing else matters, right?","4544":"Corrupt Execs, Corporate Accountability and Human Rights: Untangling the Net Around Corporate Criminal Prosecutions The potential that Nike may not face charges connected with the recent FIFA scandal would be all too consistent with the trend of corporations getting away with criminal activity, with hugely detrimental effects for the protection of human rights.","4545":"Slain Cameraman Honored Remembering one of the two victims of the on-air shooting.","4546":"Cam Newton Gave All Five Of His Touchdown Balls To Kids On Sunday Now that's how you respond to criticism that you aren't a role model.","4547":"Tom Brady Is Still Confused As To Why People Care What He Thinks About Trump Brady just wants everyone to leave him alone, so he can Make The Patriots Great Again.","4548":"San Francisco Deputies Charged For Allegedly Forcing Inmates To Fight The district attorney says guards in a county jail watched as prisoners were pitted against each other.","4549":"Russia, Qatar World Cups Linked To 28 Acts Of Possible Money Laundering The office of Switzerland's attorney general says it now has 81 \"suspicious activity reports\" filed by banks in the country.","4550":"WATCH: Everyone Gets A High-Five After Hole-In-One At U.S. Open ","4551":"Omar Mateen Identified As Orlando Club Shooter \"He was always angry, sweating, just angry at the world,\u201d one former co-worker says.","4552":"Looks Like The Pope Just Became A Chicago Cubs Fan Not a bad person to have on your side.","4553":"Car Mows Down Pedestrians On Las Vegas Strip, Killing 1 And Injuring Dozens The female driver left the scene, but was later taken into custody.","4554":"Verizon New York 2016 Annual Report Reveals Massive Financial Cross-Subsidies. State Investigation Heats Up; FCC\u2019s Deformed Accounting Rules To Blame At the core of this, Verizon NY is still the state-based telecommunications utility serving the majority of New York State","4555":"Huge California Gas Leak Will Come To An End In February, Utility Says A relief well that the company began drilling in early December should reach the bottom of the 8,500-foot-deep well by late February or sooner, at which time it will be permanently taken out of service.","4556":"WATCH: Belichick's Reaction To QB Question Says It All ","4557":"WATCH: Minor League Brawl Spills Into Seats ","4558":"Kanye West Did That Hilarious Smile-Frown Thing Again LMFAO.","4559":"A Cavs Fan Said He'd Eat His Shirt If The Warriors Won, So He Did Say what you will, but PARTYxDIRTYDAN is a man with integrity.","4560":"The Robots Are Coming For Wall Street When Daniel Nadler woke on Nov. 6, he had just enough time to pour himself a glass of orange juice and open his laptop before","4561":"McKayla Maroney Says She Told Olympic Coach Of Nassar Abuse In 2011 Maroney told \"Dateline\" she reported the abuse to John Geddert during the 2011 World Championships, but he did nothing.","4562":"Cop In Walter Scott Shooting Reportedly Heard Laughing Afterward ","4563":"Mexico Deports American Polygamist Suspected In 3 Killings Orson William Black, who fled sex charges in Arizona 15 years ago, was turned over to police.","4564":"Selecting the Right Executive Recruiter aka No Sales Weasels Please! My name is Mark Wayman, and for the last eleven years I have owned an Executive Recruiting firm focused on gaming and high tech. My model - only represent executives I know personally, or executives that are referred to me through my network.","4565":"North Carolina Man Broadcasts His Own Killing On Facebook Live Police say 55-year-old Prentis Robinson may have been targeted for outing suspected drug dealers on the video streaming platform.","4566":"Chicago Blackhawks Player Andrew Shaw Apologizes For Homophobic Tantrum \"I know my words were hurtful and I will learn from my mistake.\"","4567":"Lakers Fan Is Like 'Screw This' And Puts On A Warriors Jersey Mid-Game These are the darkest of days for Lakers fans.","4568":"Here's Everything We Know About The San Bernardino Attackers Police identified the killers as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27.","4569":"This 14-Year-Old Running Champ Is Racing Against Her Own Body ","4570":"Pet Health Insurance ","4571":"Manson 'Family' Member Seeks Parole For 1969 Murders Leslie Van Houten is serving a life sentence.","4572":"Woman Allegedly Steals Cash From Girl Who Lost Her Family In A Fire The suspect was a volunteer for a group that opened and organized mail and gifts sent to the child.","4573":"Alaska's Prudhoe Bay Loses Top Spot Among U.S. Oil Fields The oil field, home to the huge hydrocarbon reservoir that inspired construction of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline and kicked off an economic boom that transformed the state, now ranks third in the nation for remaining oil reserves.","4574":"Crocodile Stoned To Death By Visitors At Tunis Zoo \"You cannot imagine what animals endure,\" says vet.","4575":"Big Business Finally Learns That Wellness Is Good Business 2014 has been the year when the discussion of well-being has migrated from health and wellness magazines to business magazines. Wellness, and how to integrate it into our work lives, has become the hottest topic in the business pages. And that should come as no surprise. Because, though it would be nice if this change were simply because of altruism, what's happening is that big business is finally realizing that the health of their employees and the health of their bottom line are inseparable. In other words, big business has learned that wellness is good business, even in the boiler room of burnout -- Wall Street and the financial sector.","4576":"Are Newspapers on the Ropes? There is no question about it: most newspapers in the United States are on the ropes. They are not yet down and out, but they are close to that knockout blow. I know this, as most of you readers do, from personal experience.","4577":"Fossil Fuels Are A Terrible Investment, And They're Only Going To Get Worse Dirty energy stocks are tumbling.","4578":"80 Percent Of Female Restaurant Workers Say They've Been Harassed By Customers ","4579":"eBay Pulls Offensive Coffee Mug Showing Skeletal Madeleine McCann \"The seller needs to develop a conscience,\" said a victim advocate.","4580":"The Most Powerful Writing About Gun Violence Published In 2015 Selections from exceptional journalism we read this year.","4581":"Rockies Shortstop Jose Reyes Arrested For Domestic Violence He is accused of attacking his wife at the Four Seasons in Maui.","4582":"These Skiers Are On Course To Become Afghanistan's First Ever Winter Olympians \"Two years ago when they first started, they couldn\u2019t ski parallel, but now they are racing.\"","4583":"Rabbi David Rosen: Don't Blame Muslims For The Paris Terror Attacks ","4584":"Dow Plunges Amid Wall Street Fears About Trade War The drop comes on the heels of an action by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on up to $60 billion of Chinese imports.","4585":"Are Careers Dead? ","4586":"Listen to Your Heart, Even When It Breaks My forehead throbbed with tension. It hurt to swallow and my eyelids were red, puffy and raw. I didn't care and let the tears out. They were extra salty as they combined with the sweat caked onto my face before landing at the corners of my mouth.","4587":"Women in Business Q&A: Deepa Miglani, Vice President of Growth & Marketing, TheLadders ","4588":"Why Even Women At The Very Top Can't Get Equal Pay The downsides of not being in the old boys' club.","4589":"LeBron Reaches Out To Sick Teen: 'Together We Will Change The World' Way to go, King.","4590":"Theranos To Lay Off Hundreds Of Workers, Close Wellness Centers The move impacts workers in Arizona, California, and Pennsylvania.","4591":"10 Behaviors That Could Launch Your Career You're going to be successful at some things and you'll fail at others. One of the best things you can do through it all is to own it. People will respect you for that. Why? Because you're willing to show them that you'll own it through both the good and the bad.","4592":"Super BEANS!! Half-baked in Boston...","4593":"Suspect Arrested In Connection With College Basketball Player Death The 23-year-old was killed Tuesday afternoon.","4594":"Dozens Of Leads, No Arrests In Ferguson Police Shooting ","4595":"Mom Accused Of Poisoning Son With Prescription Drugs For A Year The boy was allegedly treated at two different hospitals.","4596":"Mom Fights Off Mountain Lion After It Attacks Her 5-Year-Old Son The mother wrestled the boy away after hearing his cries from outside their home, authorities said.","4597":"Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say \u201cIf you\u2019re not outraged, you\u2019re not paying attention,\u201d read Heyer's last public post on Facebook.","4598":"The Chasm Between The 1 Percent And The 99 Keeps Growing Get your pitchforks.","4599":"'Miracle On Ice' Veteran Wants Congressional Scrutiny On NHL Concussions \"I am hopeful Congress will turn the attention they have shown other sports leagues on this issue toward the NHL.\"","4600":"Bystander Opens Fire On Suspected Home Depot Shoplifters It's unclear if the woman, who had a concealed carry permit, will be charged.","4601":"Police Hunting For Baby Allegedly Thrown In Creek By Mom Police are scouring a creek outside Myrtle Beach, SC, for a missing infant who disappeared under suspicious circumstances","4602":"Are People Using Apple Pay, Other Mobile Payments? New technology that lets us pay for things with our phones sounds pretty amazing, right? It's convenient. It's easy to use. It could revolutionize the way we pay for things, making cash and credit cards obsolete. So now that the technology is here, everyone should be clamoring to use it, right?","4603":"Gisele B\u00fcndchen Has A Word With Eagles Players After Super Bowl The supermodel wife of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady encountered victorious Philadelphia players in a stadium hallway.","4604":"Judge Closes Hearing On Roof's Mental Fitness For Self-Representation The judge also banned relatives of the victims from attending the hearing.","4605":"Ancient Gravestone Used As Battering Ram In Lightning Jewelry Store Heist Precious gems gone in 30 seconds.","4606":"Ronda Rousey's Mother Blasts Her Coach In Brutal Takedown \"She trained with an idiot who's a fraud.\"","4607":"Rotating Restaurant Crushes Young Boy To Death The tragic accident happened just a few feet from his family's table.","4608":"U.S. Stocks Fall After Chinese Markets Plummet Losses in China were bad enough to close stock markets for the day.","4609":"T-Mobile Agrees To Acquire Sprint For $26 Billion U.S. regulators are expected to grill the companies on how they will price their combined wireless offerings.","4610":"DC Sniper Fights His Life Sentence ","4611":"4 Ways the Free Market Has Wall Street on Its Heels The human genius has come to the rescue and has practically put a nail in the coffin by creating technology that has Wall Street more frightened than ever.","4612":"Like Prince, A Majority Of Americans Don't Have A Will If this is you, here's why you need to change that.","4613":"See If Your Next-Door Neighbor Is A Toxic Dump An interactive map created by media artist Brooke Singer shows the 1,300-plus toxic sites scattered across the U.S.","4614":"This Brazilian Gymnast Is Wowing The Hometown Crowd In Rio Fl\u00e1via Saraiva is getting ready to go up against Team USA.","4615":"Teacher Accused Of Sending Racy Photos To Students Is Fired Sheriff's investigation ongoing.","4616":"1 Of 3 Orange County Fugitives Captured As Manhunt Continues SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) \u2014 Police captured one of three fugitive inmates on Friday after they escaped a week ago from a California","4617":"The 9 Most Misleading Product Claims ","4618":"Five Lessons of Being a Multi-Millionaire ","4619":"Aggressive Bystanders Thwart Carjacking ","4620":"How to Become a Great Listener Most people aren't great listeners. While someone is talking to them, they are more than likely thinking about what it is they are going to say when it is their turn. Sometimes, there is a game involved like: My Story is Better Than Your Story.","4621":"Report: NBA Didn't Take Action Regarding Donald Sterling's Ugly Past ","4622":"Former NFL Kicker Dies In Car Wreck ","4623":"College Could Be Free In America If Corporations Paid Reagan-Era Taxes Governments could be receiving an extra $167 billion annually if corporations paid Reagan-era tax rates.","4624":"Man Accused Of Assault With Frying Pan, Bamboo Stick Police said they noticed drops of blood on the suspect's eyeglasses.","4625":"5 Key Actions To Maximize Entrepreneur Productivity If you define your self-worth as an entrepreneur by how busy you are, it's time to find another lifestyle. For survival, entrepreneurs need to be all about accomplishing results that matter for themselves, their team, and their customers. That's productivity.","4626":"5 Reasons Your E-Commerce Business Growth Is At A Standstill When the chips are down and your business isn't moving inventory, it can be incredibly frustrating and confusing.","4627":"Greg Hardy Briefly Changed His Twitter Bio To Something, Uh, Interesting You can understand why he quickly changed it to something else.","4628":"8 Stories From The Allen Iverson Doc That Will Change The Way You See Him There's more to the legendary player than you think.","4629":"Under Attack, DraftKings Said To Ask Partners To Pull Back As part of a massive advertising blitz that eventually drew regulators\u2019 attention, daily fantasy sports operators spent money","4630":"This Lakers Season Is Driving Me Crazy This is what an existential crisis looks like.","4631":"Oklahoma Senator Who Endorsed Trump Faces Child Prostitution Charges Sen. Ralph Shortey was under investigation after he was allegedly found in a motel room with a boy last week.","4632":"Selfie-Finance This past month I became parent to a teenager. Among the obvious anxieties this rite prompted, I also had the pleasure of learning American teens have been deemed \"mediocre\" when it comes to personal finance.","4633":"FAA Approves Amazon For Drone Testing, Again ","4634":"EpiPen Maker Mylan Flees Overseas To Avoid Taxes After 2013 School Access To Emergency Epinephrine Act EpiPens have had their price increased by over 500%, sparking outrage from consumers and political figures alike. Senator","4635":"Protests Erupt After Video Shows Off-Duty LAPD Cop Firing A Gun In Dispute With Teen The white off-duty officer confronted the Latino boy after he walked across his property, police say.","4636":"This Amazing Goal Defied Physics And The U.S. Goalkeeper ","4637":"Long Island Limo Crash Kills 4 Women The SUV is said to have t-boned the limo, the second deadly crash on Long Island in recent days.","4638":"This May Be The Most Sweeping Set Of Animal Protections Ever Announced Tens of millions of animals will be spared from suffering. \ud83d\udc14","4639":"Mom Sentenced For Encouraging Boyfriend's Sex Assault On Baby ","4640":"You Can't Always Get What You Want It's not about changing your life, your job. It's about making space by un-cluttering your schedules; it's about accumulating less and focusing on the quality of your time and concentrating on doing a little more of the things you really enjoy; the things that matter.","4641":"Recycling Opens the Door to a Circular Economy Recycling is critically important, but it's only one part of a larger, globally emergent environmental paradigm known as the Circular Economy. As we look forward to America Recycles Day, we are reminded that we have so much more to do.","4642":"Search For Country Music Singer Heats Up After Friend Found Dead \"We are trying to think of a scenario where he is still alive -- hoping against the odds.\"","4643":"Hidden Covert Cameras found in Woman's Home ","4644":"Lululemon Partners With Dalai Lama, Enrages Critics ","4645":"Trailblazing Women: Kelly Hoey, LP at Laconia Capital Group & Angel Investor With a reputation for providing practical and actionable networking guidance, Kelly empowers with frameworks to take opportunities to the next level of growth. \"Stop committing random acts of networking\" is her frequent (and favorite) advice.","4646":"12 Photos Of Brazil Having One Big National Sad ","4647":"NFL Used Deeply Flawed Data To Deny Link To Concussions: NYT The National Football League was on the clock.","4648":"Man Jailed For Social Security Scam Set Up By Late Father In 1945 Nicholas Severino Jr. continued cashing checks his father received under fictitious name.","4649":"Chess Champions in America The center of professional chess in America is Saint Louis, Missouri. For the last six years the U.S. championship was held at the local Chess Club and Scholastic Center. With Nakamura absent this year, all eyes were on Gata Kamsky, the defending champion and the oldest participant. Could he still defend the title at the age of 39?","4650":"Iman Shumpert Says He Looks Just Like An 'Empire' Character, And He's Right He's not wrong.","4651":"American Jimmy Walker Wins PGA Championship SPRINGFIELD, New Jersey (Reuters) - American Jimmy Walker relied on clutch putting to clinch his first major title by one","4652":"Martin Shkreli Jailed Over Hillary Clinton Post Shkreli was convicted in August of defrauding investors of two hedge funds he ran.","4653":"'Goodfellas' Trial Shows How Good Luck Cracked A Legendary Mob Robbery Take a look at the \"old-school Mafia guy who's going to go down fighting.\"","4654":"Apple Watch Faces Major Challenge In Fashion Industry ","4655":"DraftKings Scandal Means Fewer Horrible DraftKings-Sponsored Ads It's the one good thing to come out of this daily fantasy sports scandal.","4656":"4 Dead, Dozens Injured After Car Plows Into OSU Homecoming Crowd The driver was allegedly drunk.","4657":"Meet The Pro Bowl Snub Team ","4658":"Is The Federal Reserve Printing A Free Lunch? I continue to believe that this grand Keynesian experiment will end in tears. Furthermore, when it ends badly, future generations will not be able to believe our stupidity.","4659":"How The San Bernardino Killers Exploited A Loophole To Legally Obtain Assault-Style Rifles In California It's called the \"bullet button loophole.\"","4660":"Judge Gives Teacher Who Had Sex With Student 30 Days, Calls Her 'Dangling Candy' ","4661":"Grand Jury Begins Hearing Evidence In Tamir Rice Killing The prosecutor has been a target of criticism by activists and attorneys for Tamir's family for what they perceive as delays in presenting evidence to the grand jury.","4662":"Car Plows Into Diners At Pizza Place ","4663":"Texas Halts Execution Of Non-Triggerman Over Questions Of 'Dr. Death' Testimony Wood was convicted as an accomplice to murder, with a controversial psychiatrist testifying that he would commit more violence.","4664":"Iceland's Excitable Soccer Commentator Gets The Black Metal Remix He Deserves It's a match made in heaven, or hell.","4665":"8 Ways To Get People To Take You More Seriously If you really want to be taken more seriously at work, you should start by looking in the mirror and doing what you can to increase your influence.","4666":"Maryland Man Arrested For Trying To Aid ISIS Dec 14 (Reuters) - A Maryland man has been charged with attempting to provide material support to Islamic State, the Justice","4667":"Kentucky Man Arrested For Shooting Down Neighbor's Drone \"I have a right as an American citizen to defend my property.\"","4668":"Security Guard Fatally Shoots Unarmed Man Playing Pokemon Go He played Pokemon Go as a way to connect with his kids and grandkids.","4669":"FIFA Passes Reform Package In Bid To Shake Off Scandals They are the deepest reforms in its 112-year history.","4670":"Change-Readiness: How Nimble Are You? What makes one country better prepared for change than another?","4671":"Embed Routines and Rituals (Principle No. 5 of the 7 Principles of Personal Effectiveness) ","4672":"Dash Cam Video Shows Seconds Before Unarmed Man Killed By Cops In the video, you can hear the 12 shots the officer fired at the unarmed man looking for help after an accident.","4673":"Nintendo's Pokemon Boss To Become Company President The video game company's previous president, Satoru Iwata, died in July.","4674":"Rush Limbaugh Defends Harvard Soccer Team's Sexual Scouting Report \"This kind of thing happens and it's largely human nature.\"","4675":"Huckleberry Finn Charged With Sexual Assault He's being held on a $25,000 bail.","4676":"3 Questions You Need To Ask Now For 2015 Success Right now is the time to re-evaluate your marketing in terms of the new expectations your customers have developed in the past 6 months.","4677":"REPORT: Officer Who Fatally Shot Michael Brown Recounted A Struggle ","4678":"Another Arrest In Brooklyn Bridge Attack On Cop During Protest ","4679":"Airbnb Tackles Immigration Ban In Powerful Super Bowl Commercial \u201cWe believe no matter who you are, where you\u2019re from, who you love or who you worship, we all belong.\"","4680":"How to Really Connect With Customers To click with customers in a way that sticks with them, think of every interaction as the ultimate first impression. If your brand was at a party, would people be drawn and completely engrossed in conversation, or would they be hiding behind the bean dip?","4681":"Cop In Ferguson Suspended For Video Of Bigoted Views ","4682":"Top 5 Tips for Helping Lead a Productive and Happy Team I am managing a team of 11. My main goal is for them to be happy and productive. How do I optimize that experience for them? By not micromanaging and allowing them to work where they work best.","4683":"The Fall of Robert Griffin III -- Is it Fair? In the contemporary, \"nothing matters but this game\" NFL, spurred on by constant criticism in talk radio and social media, the slow development of a quarterback is not allowed. Win or be benched is the new mantra.","4684":"Dollar Shave Club Just Got Bought For Many Many Many Dollars A big day for the men's grooming company.","4685":"4 Signs You're a Wannabe Business Owner ","4686":"Russian Hockey Players Sing Banned Anthem At Olympic Medal Ceremony The men's team sang their country's hymn over the sound of the Olympic anthem after winning gold against Germany.","4687":"How to Use VoC Insights from Employees & Customers to Improve Experiences We are often asked what sources of VoC insights should be used to improve the company's customer experience. And often, these insights are right in front of you--from your own customers and employees.","4688":"Yelp Employee Fired After Public Post To CEO Saying She Can't Afford Food \"Here I am, 25-years old, balancing all sorts of debt and trying to pave a life for myself that doesn\u2019t involve crying in the bathtub every week.\u201d","4689":"Ronda Rousey Defeats Bethe Correia By Knockout In 34 Seconds The star fighter extended her jaw-dropping record with a knockout right punch, ending the fight in the first round.","4690":"Newcastle May Have Already Won Super Bowl Ad Ambush ","4691":"Mason Madness: Inside The Most Unlikely Run In NCAA Tournament History \"When there\u2019s no fear in a team or trepidation, that\u2019s when things like that happen.\"","4692":"Trump Could Trigger The Longest Recession Since The Great Depression, Report Says Yikes.","4693":"UAB Running Back Greg Bryant Declared Brain Dead After Shooting (UPDATED) Bryant, a former Notre Dame player, was living in Miami and had joined the Blazers in January.","4694":"Police Officer, Girlfriend Beaten And Robbed In Hit-And-Run ","4695":"Investment Crowdfunding Draws a Crowd It's getting crowded in the investment crowdfunding space, and that's excellent news. Almost any asset can benefit from investment crowdfunding and, as more types succeed, that will cause still more niche platforms to launch.","4696":"Follow Live: U.S. vs. Portugal ","4697":"Mike Tirico Says Goodbye To ESPN In The Best Way Possible So classy.","4698":"Orlando Shooting Funeral Procession Hit By Car, Officers Injured Hundreds of people blocked members of the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church who showed up to protest at another funeral.","4699":"10 Startup Practices That Usually Lead to Disaster Duffy emphasizes the often overlooked personal side of entrepreneurship, including balancing finances, relationships and your health. I am paraphrasing here, based on his book, ten of the top failures we both see in the early stages of entrepreneurship.","4700":"Carbon Monoxide Leak At Hotel Pool Leaves 1 Teen Dead, 12 People Hospitalized Hotel staff found several youths lying motionless on the pool's deck after CO levels reached 16 times the safe limit.","4701":"LeBron James Signs 3 Year, $100 Million Contract With Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland led his hometown to its first NBA championship in 2016.","4702":"Stan Wawrinka Beats Novak Djokovic To Win U.S. Open Third seed Wawrinka beat Djokovic in four sets, claiming his third grand slam title.","4703":"10 Best-Paying Jobs for High School Graduates ","4704":"Michael B. Jordan Hopes 'Creed' Will Give Boxing New Life \"We want to rejuvenate the sport of boxing.\"","4705":"Truck Slams Into Mardi Gras Parade Crowd In New Orleans, Injuring Dozens Police said the driver was \"highly intoxicated.\"","4706":"Saints Fan Steals Ball, Breaks Bengals Fan's Heart ","4707":"ESPN Welcomes Curt Schilling Back Even After His Disturbing Hillary Clinton Comments The former MLB pitcher said Clinton \"should be buried under a jail somewhere.\"","4708":"Millennials Can Afford To Buy A Home In These States There have been\u00a0a handful of reports\u00a0over the past year detailing why millennials are no longer buying homes. In addition","4709":"Psychologist Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Patients With 'Touching Therapy' ","4710":"Sorry, Hipsters: These Mainstream Beers Will Soon Be 'Craft' Too ","4711":"LeBron James Once Gained 7 Pounds In A Single NBA Playoff Game Teammates who reportedly saw the scale confirmed the story.","4712":"Women in Business Q&A: Katie Moore, Program Director, Animal Rescue, International Fund for Animal Welfare ","4713":"The Gentle Strength of Mindful Leadership Let's face it, you don't typically get hired so you can be nice. You get hired to get things done. This is especially true as you climb higher up the corporate ladder.","4714":"Man Accused Of Killing NYPD Officer Pleads Not Guilty ","4715":"NYPD Cop Indicted On 40 Charges Related To Rape Of Young Girl Joel Doseau allegedly met the girl online and lied about his age.","4716":"Killing Spree Ends In Deadly Motel Standoff Suspected killer William Boyette Jr. died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Alleged accomplice Mary Craig Rice was taken into custody.","4717":"Fire Breaks Out In New York City Building ","4718":"NYPD Officers Fire 84 Shots At Suspect, Miss 83 Times \"I couldn't believe how long it was going on.\"","4719":"Obamacare Critics Just Lost Another Talking Point ","4720":"Dining Etiquette: 7 Foods Not To Order On A Job Interview Pick and choose with caution.","4721":"The End Of Maternity Leave As We Know It? And you should feel fine.","4722":"Report: Marines Probed For Posting Nude Photos Of Female Colleagues Photos of the service members were reportedly shared on a closed Facebook page.","4723":"EU Fines Truck Makers Record $3.2 Billion For Price-Fixing Cartel Daimler and Paccar are among those penalized for the practice that spanned 14 years.","4724":"Indianapolis Colts' Edwin Jackson Killed By Suspected Drunk Driver Jackson and his Uber driver were struck on the side of an interstate highway in Indiana.","4725":"Brazil Police Free Mother-In-Law Of Formula One Impresario, Arrest 2 Suspects Aparecida Schunk, who was kidnapped on July 22, was unharmed.","4726":"Documents: Woman Admits Cutting Fetus From Stranger's Womb ","4727":"Whether You're A Business Or Building A Personal Brand, 3 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need A Mission Statement A large percentage of companies, including most of the Fortune 500, have corporate mission statements. According to Randell","4728":"A Brief History of The 2016 Presidential Candidates Playing Sports Were they really playing for the love of the game?","4729":"AT&T Agrees To Buy Time Warner The colossal merger could reshape the media ecosystem -- if regulators let it happen.","4730":"Hyatt Hotels' Payment System Hacked By Credit-Card Stealing Malware It's not yet known if the attackers succeeded in stealing payment card numbers.","4731":"New Videos Show Aftermath Of Police Shooting Rock-Throwing Man Yes, he threw rocks, but was he a \"lethal threat\"?","4732":"This Bible-Era Solution For Saving Food Is Making A Comeback Make America glean again.","4733":"University Professors Form Coalition To Fight For NCAA Pay They have their work cut out for them.","4734":"Will Tsarnaev Testify In Own Defense At Marathon Bombing Trial? ","4735":"Cavaliers' Kyrie Irving And J.R. Smith Silence Golden State With Game 3 Heroics They silenced the critics as well, combining for 50 points as Cleveland cruised to victory.","4736":"8 Schools That Have Dropped The 'Redskins' Name Washington's NFL Team Still Won't Change Indiana's Goshen High School became the latest to ditch the controversial mascot last week.","4737":"Floyd Mayweather Retires With Perfect 50-0 Record: 'Tonight Was My Last Fight' The undefeated boxer confirmed his retirement after besting UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor on Saturday night.","4738":"Warren Buffett Rails Against Fee-Hungry Wall Street Managers \u201cWhen trillions of dollars are managed by Wall Streeters charging high fees, it will usually be the managers who reap outsized profits, not the clients,\u201d the billionaire said.","4739":"Gunman's Attempt To Rob Pokemon Go Players Ends In A Shootout A gamer was also wounded in the gunfight in a Las Vegas park, police say.","4740":"Peyton Manning Made The Perfect Face Right Before He Got Sacked Perhaps the best Manning Face ever.","4741":"Is Your Innovation Stuck? 5 Ways to Rethink Your Approach Everywhere I go, I hear people talk about disruption and innovation. They desperately want to upend their business and be the champion! But instead, they talk, they make changes and ideas get lost.","4742":"Golden State Warriors Path To Championship Begins In Bed It's all about \ud83d\ude34.","4743":"Amazon's Enormous Same-Day Delivery Growth May Come At A Price ","4744":"Judge Blocks Attempt To Halt Deposition Of Bill Cosby's Wife The defamation case was brought by seven women against the disgraced entertainer.","4745":"Man Falls Asleep At Intersection. What Cops Say Happens Next Is Pure Florida ","4746":"And The State With The Strongest Unions Is... ","4747":"4 Tips for Female Executives As They Climb the Corporate Ladder Women frequently do not have the same level of support or development opportunities that men enjoy -- because they lack peers and mentors. Here are some tips I share with the female executives I coach, as they climb the corporate ladder.","4748":"Tampa Police Arrest Suspect Amid Serial Killer Fears Howell Donaldson III is accused of killing four people in the same neighborhood in a matter of weeks.","4749":"Pedro Martinez Doubles Down: Tanaka Still 'Not The Tanaka I Saw' The Tommy John Epidemic?","4750":"WATCH: The Best Tips And Tricks For Tackling Black Friday Shop according to deal rather than according to store.","4751":"The New Way Police Are Surveilling You: Calculating Your Threat 'Score' While officers raced to a recent 911 call about a man threatening his ex-girlfriend, a police operator in headquarters consulted","4752":"Here's The Job That's Most Unique To Each State ","4753":"Ohio Reviewing High School's Use Of Caged Live Tiger Mascot Obie the tiger cub won't be making appearances at one high school anytime soon.","4754":"Facebook Recognizes Everyone Needs Paid Time Off. Not Just Parents. All employees will now get 6-weeks paid family leave, on top of 4 months off available to moms and dads.","4755":"Everest Tragedy Exposes Big Business Interests At Play ","4756":"Real Criminal Justice Reform Requires Listening to Those Most Commonly Impacted by Crime Growing political unity on the Left and Right on the need for criminal justice reform is an important development. But if bipartisanship fails to incorporate the experiences and voices of those previously ignored, it won't lead to the breakthrough we need.","4757":"Dozens Injured In Long Island Rail Road Derailment No one was killed, and early reports indicate that there were no serious injuries.","4758":"Detroit Pastor Fatally Shoots Attacker During Church Service, Police Say \"He had been threatening him to do bodily harm,\" an official said.","4759":"Oakland Raiders' Charles Woodson To Retire After Season This is his 18th year in the league.","4760":"Florida Woman Arrested For Allegedly Riding A Horse While Drunk \"She not only put herself and the horse in danger, but also anyone who was driving on the road,\" local sheriff Grady Judd said.","4761":"Aretha Franklin Serenaded America With 5-Minute National Anthem Spectacular.","4762":"Muslim Teen Who Went Missing After Reporting Hate Crime Has Been Found She had said three men on the train tried to rip her hijab off. Now she's charged with filing a false report.","4763":"American Airlines Denies It Discriminated Against Muslim Passenger Mohamed Ahmed Radwan said a flight attendant told him \"I'll be watching you\" before getting him kicked off a flight.","4764":"How Has Women's Entrepreneurship Day Made a Real Difference? ","4765":"The New York Giants Are Even Worse Than Last Season New season, same \u2019ole Big Blue.","4766":"Mikaela Shiffrin Wins Gold In Women's Giant Slalom It was her second gold medal ever after her 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics win.","4767":"Paddlers Find Dead Dog Tied To Shovel Stuck Underwater The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is investigating.","4768":"Man Throws Girlfriend, Her Pet Raccoon Against Wall: Cops ","4769":"Matthew Centrowitz Becomes First American To Win 1500-Meter Since 1908 He stunned pre-race favorite Asbel Kiprop of Kenya.","4770":"MLB's First Player Just Took A Knee During The National Anthem Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell became the first MLB player to take on the silent protest.","4771":"WATCH: Becks Gets Slimed ","4772":"Women in Business Q&A: Kristen Hamilton, CEO of Koru How has your life experience made you the leader you are today? \"This is an ongoing process. I try hard to be 'always learning.'\"","4773":"Colin Kaepernick Is Going To Start On Sunday It will be the first time the San Francisco 49ers quarterback has played all season.","4774":"Caitlyn Jenner and ESPN's Arthur Ashe Award A sport is \"a contest or a game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other.\" This is the definition that has been engraved as the meaning behind the word \"sport\" for years. After June 1, that definition changed.","4775":"Jewish Man Charged With Hate Crime Resurrects Brooklyn's Racial Tension ","4776":"Man Brutally Kills Ex and Her Grandma Because Of Baby's Name: Cops Pittsburgh police say a man upset that his ex-girlfriend wouldn't name their newborn son after him fatally stabbed her 15","4777":"Watch The Brazil-Chile Entire Penalty Shootout ","4778":"What's Your Meeting Brand? Many leaders operate as if their meeting brand doesn't directly affect their professional brand. We're here to argue that they're one in the same. Most professionals spend the majority of their work day in meetings; their perceptions of one another are based on what they see during these.","4779":"James Harden's Glaring Defensive Problem Is Way Worse Than You Thought The perennial All-NBA performer is as good as it gets offensively, but equally poor on the other side of the ball.","4780":"6 Hurt In Shooting, Stampede At Houston Festival ","4781":"What The Raiders\u2019 Move To Vegas Means For The Push To Legalize Sports Betting Gambling advocates believe the NFL's embrace of Sin City could help advance their efforts in Congress and the courtroom.","4782":"How to Find Your Next Super Star Employee The pace of talent-scouting is unpredictable. But once you do assemble a diverse team of high-performers, the culture you establish will be sustainable into the future.","4783":"Women in Business: Judy Walker, Vice President of Marketing, Anago After a short teaching career, Judy Walker worked for Windows on the World and the World Trade Center Restaurants in New York City, where she eventually was promoted to Assistant Director of Sales & Marketing.","4784":"BANKRUPT ","4785":"Simone Biles, Aly Raisman And Jordyn Wieber React To Larry Nassar Sentencing All three Olympic gymnasts say they were molested by the former USA Gymnastics team doctor.","4786":"FIFA On Trial: Qatar\u2019s World Cup Back In The Firing Line By James M. Dorsey Testimony of a star witness in a New York courtroom has revealed new allegations of Qatari wrongdoing","4787":"Mobster 'Whitey' Bulger Says His Life Was 'Wasted' In Letter Penned From Prison ","4788":"Unloose Spring in Your Organization With snow barely a memory, they're wearing shorts, drinking iced coffee, and using the vaguely soggy grass to nap, study, and toss Frisbees.","4789":"Do You Work for a Great Company? ","4790":"Hiker Burned, Two Dogs Die After Leaping Into Idaho Hot Springs A park spokeswoman said drought conditions may be to blame for the dangerously high water temperature","4791":"Volkswagen Executive Gets Max Sentence Of 7 Years For Role In Emissions Scandal \u201cThis crime ... attacks and destroys the very foundation of our economic system,\u201d the judge said.","4792":"Now It's Burger King Renouncing US Citizenship -- Let's Eat Somewhere Else Every single step to Burger King's success was backed and enabled up by our taxpayer-funded American system. Our government is the reason that Burger King is extremely profitable.","4793":"Tiger Woods Misses Cut At British Open Tiger Woods' year went from bad to worse on Saturday when he bowed out of the British Open, missing the cut in two major","4794":"Even More Executives Come Forward To Defend LGBT Rights Eight corporate leaders signed a letter condemning Mississippi's anti-gay law.","4795":"Venus Williams Will Not Face Criminal Charges For Fatal Car Crash In Florida Jerome Barson, 78, who was a passenger in a sedan that collided with the SUV Williams was driving, died 13 days after the June 9 accident.","4796":"Going Against the Flow: Brittany Hodak, Cofounder of ZinePak Brittany Hodak is the co-founder of ZinePak, an entertainment startup that helps celebrities and brands better engage with their superfans.","4797":"Mother Admits Smothering Children, Faces Murder Charges ","4798":"This Is How You Should Answer Questions About Your Current Salary When Interviewing You may assume that a recruiter is just looking to match the minimum needed to get you in the door. While that might happen at sub-par companies, that should not happen at companies with fair, principled compensation.","4799":"Opium Soap, Meth-Filled Cheese: U.S. Customs' Strangest Border Busts ","4800":"6 Fundamentals of Being an Authority in Your Field Being seen as an authority in your field is pretty much your ticket to building a successful business - it is most certainly a requirement to having long term relationships with your clients.","4801":"Brazil Falls to Germany on the Global Stage Clearly, the weight of national expectation had been too great for Brazil's players to bear without the presence on the field of their two leaders to inspire them and hold them together.","4802":"Death Of College Student Who Died In Custody Ruled Homicide ","4803":"Colombia Scores Last-Second Goal To Tie U.S. Women's Soccer At Rio Olympics The tie was enough to advance the Americans to the quarterfinal Friday night.","4804":"Black Man Jailed For Months Over $5 Theft Found Dead In Cell \u201cHe never did anything serious, never harmed anybody.\u201d","4805":"'Sons Of Guns' Star Charged With Rape Of Another 12-Year-Old Girl ","4806":"Former MLB All-Star Esteban Loaiza Nabbed In $500,000 Cocaine Bust Police said they found 44 pounds of suspected cocaine in the retired pitcher's rented California home.","4807":"How to Prevent Summertime Scams Summertime is here -- and that means sunshine and vacations. Most people love summertime, including scammers! Hackers can use this time to take advantage while we are planning vacations or on vacation or just enjoying fun in the sun. Here are some key scams to watch out for this summer.","4808":"Conversational Courage: It's Putting Your Intelligence Into Action! We all recognize the need for courage to start a business, play competitive sports, incur risks in investments, lead a diverse team in competitive markets, or take on an outback adventure. But do we really need courage to have a conversation?","4809":"Watch Peyton Manning And Magic Johnson Play 'Egg Russian Roulette' This game got really messy.","4810":"Wayne State University Police Officer Dies After Being Shot In The Head Rose, 29, was a five-year veteran of the force's canine unit.","4811":"Mom Who Drove Kids Into Ocean Gives Birth ","4812":"Kymora Johnson And Her Cavs Are Going To Play A Game At Madison Square Garden The Cavs weren't allowed to play in their tournament for having a girl on their team. This will have to do instead.","4813":"The Progressive Promise of Today's Technology A digital policy for the new century, tailored not just to the moment but for the future, is vital if we are to unleash economic growth, shared prosperity, and the full potential of technology for citizens and consumers. But such a policy architecture requires a new consensus\u200a--\u200aon privacy, on security, on customer protections, on growth and mobility.","4814":"(VIDEO) Havas Embraces Wave of Big Marketer Media Reviews ","4815":"Tom Brady 'Deflategate' Testimony Released By NFL Players Association The star QB denied any wrongdoing, contesting the report's findings.","4816":"Lifeguard Attacked By Trio, Fights Back Fiercely \"First time something like this has happened.\"","4817":"Cubs Fan Receives Gift Of Front-Row World Series Tickets After 71 Years Of Waiting The 97-year-old was at Wrigley the last time the Cubs were in the Series -- in 1945.","4818":"Uber Is Still Losing Carloads Of Money But the ride-hailing pioneer seems to be slowing the bleeding.","4819":"The Women's World Cup Champs Didn't Get A Sports Illustrated Cover -- They Got 25 Of 'Em A single Sports Illustrated cover just wouldn't do them justice.","4820":"Training Records Released For Tulsa Reserve Deputy Who Shot Unarmed Man ","4821":"The NewFronts Are Essential but Schedule Is a Challenge, MediaLink's Michael Kassan (VIDEO) We spoke with Michael Kassan, CEO of the powerhouse media consultancy MediaLink, at the Monday morning kick-off event for the Digital Content NewFronts, hosted by MediaLink and sponsored by Videology.","4822":"Is The NFL Ready For Michael Sam? ","4823":"Cultures Connect: A Bridge Of Art, Science and Wisdom At the 2014 Alianta Gala Awards ","4824":"Richard Sherman Named 2015 'Man Of The Year' For Seattle Seahawks The cornerback's community service really stood out.","4825":"Man Arrested In 1980 Slaying Of Mother, Daughter The arrest of two others in recent years led cops to Cruz.","4826":"10 Ways to Become a Better Negotiator Next Year As I've coached senior leaders in communication skills for the past three decades, I've had opportunity to observe 10 habits that set successful negotiators apart from their less-successful colleagues.","4827":"Beloved Bipedal Bear Named Pedals Believed Killed By Hunter The upright walking bear had been seen walking around New Jersey after injuring his two front paws.","4828":"Kevin Love Dislocates Shoulder, Slams Celtics Player For 'Bush League Play' It is unclear when Love will return.","4829":"Coach's Super Profound Words: \u2018Ballers Make Plays. Dudes Are Dudes.' Right on.","4830":"Serena Williams: How to Stand Out and Win ","4831":"Happy Workers, Happy Meals: The Strategic Case For Higher Wages At McDonald's If McDonald's can no longer differentiate itself on price or quality, it needs a bold strategy -- or it will go out of business. McDonald's smart move will be to compete on profits -- not by cutting prices, but by raising wages.","4832":"Video Shows Man Holding Gun Before Allegedly Shooting At Police Officers In Ferguson He's holding a gun, but the video doesn't show him shooting it.","4833":"Cousin Of NBA Star Dwyane Wade Killed In Chicago Shooting Nykea Aldridge, 32, a mother of four, was shot in the head and arm by crossfire in Chicago\u2019s Parkway Gardens neighborhood.","4834":"9 Books For People Who Need Job Advice But Hate Advice Books Enjoy!","4835":"Lessons In Being Human At Sleep Away Camp What I learned about business from visiting day at summer camp.","4836":"Goldberg's WWE Return Success Reason Revealed! Backstage Heat Between TNA & ROH! | WrestleTalk News ","4837":"6 Consumer Mistakes You Absolutely, Positively Must Avoid This Summer You've probably already heard a lot of advice about what you should do do this summer -- buy this, vacation there, see that","4838":"California Reaches Deal For $15 Minimum Wage The proposal would give California the highest statewide minimum wage.","4839":"More Millennials Living At Home Reflects How America Has Changed People don't pair off and move in together in their 20s anymore because they don't feel forced into marriage.","4840":"Aunt Of 13 Siblings Locked In California Home Says The Dad Used To Watch Her Take Showers \"Now that I\u2019m an adult and I look back, I see things that I didn\u2019t see then,\" Elizabeth Flores said.","4841":"Deny the Merger: The Collusion of Verizon-Wired & Verizon Wireless with Comcast and Time Warner. ","4842":"Going Against the Flow: Bastiaan Janmaat, CEO & Cofounder of DataFox ","4843":"Here's How Unfair The Tax System Is In Each State ","4844":"Tennis Star Andy Murray Mercilessly Mocks Donald Trump Over Time Magazine Claim \"This tweet is perfection.\"","4845":"No. 16 UMBC Defeats No. 1 Virginia In Biggest Upset In Men's NCAA Tournament History It's the first time in the men's NCAA tournament a No. 16 seed has defeated a No. 1 seed.","4846":"Is Your Messy Desk a Sign of a Cluttered Mind? Are you cluttered or creative if your desk looks like an F5 tornado rumbled through? HR managers in the U.S. are split on their attitudes toward messy desks at the office.","4847":"LeBron James Starts Game Without Headband, Possibly For First Time Ever It's a good look for him.","4848":"Roger Goodell Will Uphold Tom Brady's 4-Game Deflategate Suspension The decision follows the appeal filed by the NFL Players' Association on behalf of Brady last month.","4849":"Ohio State Attacker May Have Self-Radicalized, Officials Say Artan\u2019s actions fit the pattern of lone-wolf militants who carried out other attacks in the United States.","4850":"Wade Proves To Be Better Flopper Than Ginobili ","4851":"Froilan de Dios: Discover Where Your Passion Lies and Where Your True North Points Having started his career in accountancy and law, Froilan de Dios, shares his professional journey that allowed him to work in Philippines' neigboring countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam.","4852":"Shaq Said Best Lakers Could Rout Best Bulls, And Pippen Fought Back 'We would beat em by fifty'","4853":"Davos Awakenings There is a story of catatonic patients who briefly wake up after being injected with a trial drug, before returning to catatonia. The same awakening could be true for the gathering of elite business leaders every year in Davos at the World Economic Forum.","4854":"MAG: Amazon Must Be Stopped ","4855":"Prince Used To Throw Pajama Parties At Magic Johnson\u2019s Movie Theater Magic's story is just classic Prince.","4856":"Canadian Women Accused Of Smuggling $22 Million Of Cocaine On Cruise Their \u201conce in a lifetime trip\u201d may end with a lifetime behind bars.","4857":"A Lesson In What NOT To Do After A Round Of Golf ","4858":"Texas Police Officer Fatally Shot During Traffic Stop The San Antonio police officer was sitting in a squad car when he was shot twice, the city's police chief said.","4859":"Vikings Lose To Seahawks On Heartbreaking Missed Field Goal Absolutely stunning.","4860":"Should the Police Be Armed? The cellphone video \"reality footage\" just doesn't stop. Black men are shot, killed, handcuffed. The shortcomings of their prematurely terminated lives soon become public knowledge, vaguely justifying the shocking wrongness of the officer's action -- always poisoning the grief.","4861":"IBM Watson Is Helping CVS Fight Chronic Diseases Treating patients with diabetes, hypertension or obesity may get easier.","4862":"U.S. Christmas Lights Burn More Energy Than Some Nations In A Year Developing countries face pressure to use renewable energy, but maybe we should unplug our decorations.","4863":"Don't Do What This CEO Did... The executive team is not just a group of people. It is a highly skilled, trained, and experienced collection of individuals that TOGETHER create a powerful force for the company. Make sure you utilize this power for the greater good.","4864":"IMF Boss Urges U.S. To Raise The Federal Minimum Wage Christine Lagarde reckons that higher minimum wages and more family-friendly policies would improve the economy.","4865":"The Most Overlooked Opportunity in American Business Today More than four million positions are vacant right now in the United States. Businesses are looking at a future where their need for qualified people is only growing. The problem is, we're thinking about qualifications in the wrong way.","4866":"LIVE: France vs. Honduras ","4867":"Son Who Lost His Mother In Charleston Shooting Has A Message Of Love What a brave, amazing young man.","4868":"Oh Look, The Bills And Colts Played Outside The Wall In Westeros Field-clearing dragons, please.","4869":"Athlete Bows Out Of Rio 2016 With Olympic-Sized McDonald's Meal \"Now it's time to eat some junk food after months of eating clean!\"","4870":"Bystander Killed During NYPD Undercover Gun Deal Gone Wrong A bystander standing near an armed suspect was struck and killed.","4871":"NFL-Backed Youth Program Says It Reduced Concussions. The Data Disagrees. As increasing numbers of parents keep their children from playing tackle football for safety reasons, the National Football League and other groups have sought to reassure them that continuing reforms are making the game less dangerous.","4872":"Sport and Society for Arete - The National Anthem It has been over a week now since Colin Kaepernick sat during the playing of the National Anthem prior to an NFL Exhibition game. He was protesting discrimination against African Americans and police brutality in the United States.","4873":"Gunmen 'Execute' Ex-Gang Member Months After Obama Commuted His Sentence: Cops The gunmen who fatally shot Damarlon Thomas remain at large, authorities said.","4874":"QUIZ: What Old-Timey Job Is Perfect For You? Traveling back in time sounds fun and all. But there's one, er, reality that Hollywood forgets: Your ass would still have to get a job.","4875":"What Your Social Media Picture Says About You The first cardinal sin of profile pictures is the smirk. Why is this so bad? The smirk is the universal facial expression for contempt, hatred and disdain. So if this is in your profile you are basically telling the world you don't want people to connect with you!","4876":"Los Angeles Could Be One Of The Few Cities The Olympics Can\u2019t Ruin LA organizers have pledged to hold a 2024 Olympics that breaks even financially, and even Olympics skeptics think they might be able do it.","4877":"Tom Brady Destroys Stephen Colbert In A Beer Chugging Contest Colbert never had a chance.","4878":"Here, Finally, Is The Up-Close Image Of Michael Phelps' Cupping Ouch.","4879":"5 Important Leadership Lessons From Kim Jong Un ","4880":"America Added 255,000 Jobs In July This marks the second straight month of strong growth.","4881":"Steelers-Patriots Live Game Updates All the tweets fit to print.","4882":"Seven Steps To Manage Your Fear Of Public Speaking Have you ever avoided a career or business opportunity because it required you to speak in public? Did you ever have a great idea you wanted to share in a group setting but didn't because of your fear of speaking in front of a group of people?","4883":"Kids May Not Be Ready For The World They'll Inherit Here's why one CEO thinks we need to \"teach children, and frankly, adults, how to learn.\"","4884":"Fear the Underdog Tis the season of the bracket buster, the upset story, the Cinderella team. Tis the season when we turn on the TV rooting for no one and, in the final seconds, find ourselves shouting for a team we know nearly nothing about.","4885":"Etsy Won't Sacrifice Its Principles For Wall Street Investors It's committed to creating social good.","4886":"In A Crappy Year, These Sports Moments Brought Us Joy Read this for your own emotional well-being.","4887":"Marlins' Dee Gordon Hits Magical Lead-Off Homer In First Game Since Fernandez's Death Tears streamed down his face as he rounded the bases.","4888":"REPORT: Ray Rice Told NFL Commish In June He Had Hit Wife ","4889":"Hire a Virtual Assistant ","4890":"World Cup 2014 Group Stage Review The World Cup group stage passes again with it usual splendor, perennial giants seemingly collapsed, new chosen ones in their place, the stereotypical upsets, referee gaffes, miscellaneous action, and repeated history.","4891":"The Patriotic Act Of Kneeling Protest is woven through the fabric of American society.","4892":"Jared Fogle, Ex-Subway Spokesman, To Be Sentenced For Sex Crimes Prosecutors are seeking a 12 \u00bd-year sentence, while Fogle's attorneys have asked for five years.","4893":"Marijuana Laws by State Marijuana has been an illegal drug for less than 1\/10th of one percent of the total time it has been used by humans. The pendulum - and common sense - appear to be swinging in the other direction after decades of idiocy. But who knows precisely what will happen if a cop pulls you over and busts you for possession.","4894":"In the Wake of Garner, A Plea for Hope We can talk all we want about provocation and perception. About chokeholds and grand juries. About the militarization of the police. But I want to talk about hopelessness. The criminal justice system is broken, and broken in a way that has harmed communities of color much more than other communities.","4895":"Cop Who Asked Woman To Model Lingerie For Him Gets Job Back Some people aren't exactly happy about him getting reinstated.","4896":"Mom Allegedly Poisons Toddler With Salt To 'Get Husband's Attention' She's accused of feeding her daughter an entire teaspoon of salt.","4897":"Philippines' City of Illusions: Time for an Economic 'EDSA Revolution' What the Philippines needs more than ever is a true economic revolution, one that ensures the Philippines is not only a democracy in formal-political terms, but instead founded upon the principle of \u00e9ga-libert\u00e9: Political freedom built upon an egalitarian economic system.","4898":"The Exquisite Sound of the Moment I was reminded, while working with a client in her home office recently, why I feel honored to do this work. During the second day I provide an extended time to actually work without interruption in completing next actions.","4899":"Study Finds More Than 9,000 Brothels Masquerading As Legit Businesses The \"massage parlors\" can be fronts for human trafficking, Polaris reports.","4900":"Cocaine Worth $60 Million Washes Up On Beach Holdalls containing the drug washed ashore in eastern England on Thursday and Friday.","4901":"Will Content Marketing Replace Traditional Sales? The ZMOT isn't a new discussion point. In fact it has been written about thousands of times with as many different perspectives, but for businesses that are slow to adopt or that still think digital and social are fads, the takeaways are becoming more and more important.","4902":"Friend Denies Phoenix Police Account Of How White Cop Killed Black Man ","4903":"The Isla Vista Shooting: One Flew Under the Cuckoo's Nest I certainly don't want to go back to the days of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but I wonder if our well-intentioned desires have swung the mental health pendulum too far. Would Elliot Rodger or Adam Lanza have revealed their violent intentions during an involuntary mental health hold?","4904":"Walmart Shareholders: Your Annual Meeting This Week Is Rigged Walmart's Board of Directors has been wired against shareholder-driven change since the 1960s. The Walton family controls sufficient shares to bottle up any grassroots initiatives.","4905":"Ex-Vanderbilt Football Player Found Guilty In Gang Rape Of Unconscious Student Surveillance footage showed four men carrying the unconscious victim into a dorm room.","4906":"Man Convicted Of Murdering Adrian Peterson's Son Peterson saw his son for the first time a day before he died.","4907":"How To Convict A Rapist Bill Cosby's guilty verdict is a rare victory for survivors. But it will take a lot more to combat sexual assault myths that run rampant in courtrooms.","4908":"Blake Spilled Water All Over Warriors Fan ","4909":"Arias Trial Testimony Resumes After Weeklong Break ","4910":"Watch This Swimmer Disappear Into Winter Storm Jonas The best of many going off the deep end this weekend ... into a snow drift.","4911":"For Metta World Peace's Birthday, His 10 Greatest Moments A living legend.","4912":"New York Jets: Keys to Victory over the Philadelphia Eagles The New York Jets return home on Sunday, flying high off of their 20-7 victory of the Indianapolis Colts. The Jets are feeling good with their season starting off at 2-0, and they play host to a reeling Philadelphia Eagles team that has begun the year at 0-2.","4913":"Woman In Silicone Injection Death Case Learns Her Fate ","4914":"Exxon Moves To Block NY Climate Fraud Investigation, Cries 'Political Bias' The oil giant is doing everything it can to distract and delay, says the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.","4915":"My 2015 Brand Hero: Warby Parker They are doing almost everything right and studying them offers more lessons in how to launch a stellar brand than shelves of marketing theory and brand guides.","4916":"The Trade Agreement Pinatas Since many traditional Democratic constituencies strongly oppose these deals it is reasonable to ask why the Obama administration is so intent on pushing them. The answer is simple: money.","4917":"Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Calls Colin Kaepernick 'Highly Patriotic' The basketball legend is here for Kaepernick's decision to protest.","4918":"U.S. Figure Skater Adam Rippon Unimpressed By 'Generic' Olympic Condoms More condoms will be distributed at the Pyeongchang Games than at any previous Winter Olympics.","4919":"Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Raping, Impregnating Child Rony Otoniel Mendez's sentence does not include the possibility of parole.","4920":"Vikings Pulled Off A Last-Second Win Over Saints, And Fans Went Ballistic \"Unbelievable!\"","4921":"Like Athletes, Business Owners Need to Learn From the Past Business owners and top executives can also \"watch their tapes\" and gain insight from their stats in order to increase sales and make more money. But a recent survey by Pepperdine University finds that a third or more of small businesses aren't doing basic financial analysis.","4922":"Steelers Star Delivers Violent Kick To Punter's Face ","4923":"Social Impact Investing: The Business Case For Social Impact Education As technology, human mobility, skills gap, resource scarcity and social issues transform the direction of global business, we cannot continue CSR as a \"do good\" quotient; we must now pursue and invest in impactful education as untapped possibilities.","4924":"Missing Daughters Of Slain Texas Woman Found Safe (UPDATE) Police have a suspect in custody.","4925":"The New Millenials: A Thousand Reasons to Believe That the Lost Generation Is Redrawing the Map If you are lost, if you feel overwhelmed by uncertainty, embrace the uncertainty. Uncertainty is another word for opportunity. Open your laptop -- or an old-fashioned pen and paper will do just fine -- and draw your own map.","4926":"8-Year-Old Girl Dies After Drinking Boiling Water On Dare She'd reportedly watched a \"hot water challenge\" video.","4927":"The 'Concussion' Scientist Has A Radical Proposition For Football Treat it like we treat alcohol, voting, cigarettes and sex.","4928":"Ohio Police Dog Jethro Dies After Shootout With Burglary Suspect \"There\u2019s not a doubt in my mind that that dog saved officers\u2019 lives today.\"","4929":"Kroger Under Fire From Gun-Control Moms ","4930":"Man Accidentally Leaves Baby In Car, Calls 911 SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) \u2014 Authorities say a man left his 6-month-old baby in a truck parked at a Metro station in Maryland","4931":"Urban Outfitters' Call For Free Labor Is Just Its Latest Shameful Move Let's take a depressing walk down memory lane, shall we?","4932":"Breaking the Glass Ceiling in the C-Suite Women make up the majority of college graduates in the US and many other developed countries, accounting for more than 40 percent of the workforce worldwide. Despite these numbers, they comprise only a small fraction of c-suite executives and high-level managerial positions.","4933":"Catholic Cardinal's Hawaii Getaway Ends In DUI Arrest \"I regret my error in judgment,\" the high-ranking Vatican official said.","4934":"Abercrombie Is Finally Over Its Bizarre Obsession With Abs ","4935":"LeBron James Transcends Superstar Athletic Profile The decision of LeBron James to return to Cleveland to finish his NBA career and his eloquent rationale will elevate him to the pantheon of American heroes. This strikes a dramatic blow to the \"money is everything\" mentality that has permeated sports.","4936":"Threats. Vitriol. Hate. Ugly Truth About Women In Sports And Socail Media \"It\u2019s time for the forces that carved out a space for women in locker rooms to do the same in our online communities.\"","4937":"Oil Prices Have Hit An 11-Year Low, And That's Exactly What Saudi Arabia Wants Where do things go from here? Nobody really knows.","4938":"Reframing Entrepreneurship I've spent years as a Techstars mentor to over ten programs. I spend my days fostering invention, and I've created a national practice group representing emerging companies. I have wonderful mentors who are entrepreneurs, and I live, breathe, and write about startups, execution, legacy and impact.","4939":"Dallas County To Start Confiscating Guns From Domestic Abusers ","4940":"Exxon Goes After Climate NGOs, Warns Them Not To Destroy Communications The oil giant says its request is \"focused on groups or individuals directly involved in a campaign to discredit our company.\"","4941":"James Corden's Sisters Hilariously Overtake A Busy NFL Locker Room Uncovering the naked truth about American football.","4942":"Suspected Burglars Flee In Car With Their Kids: Cops ","4943":"Armed Officer Assigned To Stoneman Douglas Resigns Amid Shooting Investigation School Resource Officer Scott Peterson was suspended without pay while the Broward County Sheriff's Office investigated his inaction during the school shooting.","4944":"Be a Bulletproof Freelancer: Three Rules for the First Six Months Leaving your daily grind to strike out on your own? Great! Freelance work can be one of the most rewarding, lucrative, and fantastic careers ever. But getting past the first six months is, hands down, the hardest part of freelance work.","4945":"Kaepernick\u2019s 'Loss' With His Collusion Grievance Is Our Gain \"The exclusion of a player with [his] credentials is unprecedented in the NFL. \"","4946":"High School Girls Busted After Hiring Male Stripper For Swimming Banquet And this wasn't the first time it's happened.","4947":"Pete Rose To Enter Cincinnati Reds\u2019 Hall of Fame Rose is the league's all-time leader in hits.","4948":"American Women Take Gold, Silver AND Bronze In First-Ever Paralympic Triathlon The bronze medalist was also the first American woman to lose a limb in combat.","4949":"Charlotte Installs Curfew And Protester Dies After Being Shot During Unrest Video seen by officials and the victim's family has not settled the disagreement over whether Scott was armed.","4950":"Los Angeles Party Shooting Kills 3, Wounds A Dozen An argument at the house serving as a makeshift restaurant preceded the shooting.","4951":"Oregon Heads To The Final Four For The First Time Since 1939 Oregon shot 51 percent for the game while holding Kansas to 35 percent shooting.","4952":"Gun Homicides In San Bernardino Hit Grim Milestone Around 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, a 20-year-old Marine was gunned down in San Bernardino, California.","4953":"If Daily Fantasy Isn\u2019t Gambling, Why Did DraftKings And FanDuel Apply For Gambling Licenses? Well, that's awkward.","4954":"New Vitaminwater Swaps Sugar For Stevia, Grosses Out Fans ","4955":"Donald Trump Reportedly Wants An Ex-Goldman Exec To Be Treasury Secretary Take that, establishment!","4956":"Man Charged With Killing Showering Intruder Bruce Fanning left to get his gun, but didn't call the police until after he shot an elementary school teacher three times.","4957":"Atlantic Coast Conference Moves College Championships From North Carolina The Atlantic Coast Conference on Wednesday said it would move 10 college sports championships from North Carolina, lengthening","4958":"Portland Hate Killer Ranted About Stabbings And Muslims On Facebook Amid Rising U.S. Hate Crime Jeremy Joseph Christian faces a judge Tuesday in connection with the killings.","4959":"'Will From Queens' Cries On Mike Francesa's Show, Is The Perfect Mets Fan Not the hero we deserved, but the one we needed.","4960":"The Toys R Us Flagship On Thanksgiving Was Totally Nuts ","4961":"Death Investigation Of Chesapeake Energy's Aubrey McClendon Finds No Suicide Evidence McClendon's Chevy Tahoe slammed into a concrete bridge one day after he was indicted for violating anti-trust laws.","4962":"Former Manson Family Member Leslie Van Houten Denied Parole By California Governor Van Houten is serving a life sentence for multiple murders, but maintains she was manipulated by Manson.","4963":"13 Olympic Rowers Fall Ill After Competing In Polluted Brazilian Lake \"Obviously we were all concerned because we know the water's polluted.\"","4964":"Killing Tsarnaev Part Two: 'Friends' of Jahar Rally to Save His Life On some social media pages a parallel world exists, where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is viewed as innocent, not guilty; A parallel world where Tsarnaev has achieved near rock star fame","4965":"This Is The Soccer-Themed 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' Parody We Deserve ","4966":"Airline's Safety Video Criticized For Being Too Sexy ","4967":"Is A College Degree Really The Best Investment? The traditional route of college and career has become risky in a tech-driven economy.","4968":"Quarterback Josh Rosen Leads UCLA To Epic Comeback From 34 Down \"It got real bleak at a certain point,\" he said.","4969":"Pregnant Woman Dies After Allegedly Kidnapped By Ex It's believed that Ryan Arnold shot his ex-girlfriend before dumping her body from a moving car while police chased him.","4970":"Fantasy Football Channel Coming To A TV Near You ","4971":"Prison Reform in Maine State Prison Political leaders like President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Rand Paul have been speaking in a unified voice on the need for prison reform. But prison and sentencing reform will require more than talk.","4972":"Why Startups are in the Post-Unicorn Era ","4973":"Police Identify Suspect In Minnesota Mall Stabbing Authorities believe alleged attacker Dahir Adan acted alone.","4974":"Dan Lyons, \"Disrupted,\" and Start Up Culture The first half of the book had me laughing out loud, again and again. The second half had me worrying about current dangers to rational business culture, and our overall economy.","4975":"Two Dead After Shooting At Oklahoma City Airport The victim, Michael Winchester, was the father of a Kansas City Chiefs player.","4976":"Handcuffed Hit-And-Run Suspect Dies In San Francisco Police Custody He was \"incoherent\" and threatening before police caught him, a motorist said.","4977":"Want The Best From Contractors? Deploy Two-Way Onboarding. ","4978":"How to Build a 6-Figure Business While Traveling Around the World It's not everyday you meet someone with the luxury of running a multiple 6-figure online business, while being able to explore the world at the same time. This is why I'm excited to be sharing this interview with Natalie Sisson, who is a best-selling author of The Suitcase Entrepreneur -- a title that she calls herself.","4979":"Now Here's A Donald Trump Position We Can Get Behind Make baseball great again.","4980":"Kings Win The Stanley Cup ","4981":"The Promising Future of Real Estate Crowdfunding The American public's trust in big banks is nearing all-time lows. An increasing number of investors are tired of receiving zero to negligible\u00a0net returns from their local banks. As a result, a higher percentage of investors are seeking new avenues for efficient and transparent investing.","4982":"Uber To Pull App Feature That Tracked Riders After Their Trips Ended The change is in response to users and privacy advocates who complained about how the company collected its data.","4983":"Women in Business Q&A: Donna Moyer, CEO, Preferred HealthStaff Donna Moyer is the CEO and co-founder of Preferred HealthStaff, an in home care franchise that goes beyond the traditional services. Moyer has decades of experience in the health care industry.","4984":"Black Americans Support Colin Kaepernick. White People? Not So Much Even white Democrats are more likely to disapprove of his protest.","4985":"Judge Throws 3 Kids In Juvenile Center For Not Being Nice To Their Dad 'You Have No Manners'","4986":"How Seriously Does Your Nonprofit Board Take the Matter of Ethics? ","4987":"Man Tries To Steal Phone From Female MMA Fighter, Regrets It Instant karma.","4988":"Why It's So Critical For Cities To Desegregate The Rich And Poor Habitat for Humanity's CEO has an idea for how to do this.","4989":"The Day My Son Got His First Karate Stripe Karate is about discipline and control. Life is much the same. My son is going to learn much more than kicking and punching in karate. He'll learn what it means for\u00a0him to be a man. Not just be\u00a0a\u00a0man, but be the man he's supposed to be.","4990":"Sisters Kicked Off Flight Say They Missed Their Father's Death \"I was saying, \u2018Could you please let me go see my dad? Please, he\u2019s dying.\u2019\u201d","4991":"YOLO ATTACK: Birthday Stabbing Turns Party Into 'War Zone' \"People were actually laying out here, in front, stabbed, laying in cars with all their wounds.\"","4992":"Bus Driver Who Killed 3 While Texting Was 'As Childish As The Children He Was Transporting' ","4993":"5 People Stabbed At California University, Suspect Killed By Police MERCED, Calif. (AP) -- A male student stabbed and injured five people as classes got underway at a rural university campus","4994":"Cops Kick Homeless Out Of Largest Encampment In Country ","4995":"Video Released Of Former NFL Player Marcus Vick Running From Cops He pleaded guilty to resisting arrest on July 11.","4996":"Softball Pitcher Turns Assassin In This Game Of Dodgeball WE SURRENDER!","4997":"Little Boy Among 10 Dead, 54 Wounded In Chicago Violence ","4998":"Fire Rages In One Of Chicago's Tallest Skyscrapers, Injuring 5 Flames and smoke poured out of the 50th floor in the John Hancock Center.","4999":"Children, Same-Sex Couple Identified In 'Horrific' Upstate New York Quadruple Homicide The family's bodies were found in a basement apartment one day after Christmas.","5000":"How Successful People Overcome Toxic Bosses Bad bosses contaminate the workplace. Some do so obliviously, while others smugly manipulate their employees, using them","5001":"'It's A Long Story' How Sandusky Got A New Lawyer ","5002":"Two Bodies Found In Suitcases In Grassy Ditch ","5003":"Oklahoma Woman Who Married Her Mother Pleads Guilty To Incest Previously, the mother was married to another child, her biological son.","5004":"2 Michigan Families Claim They Found Nails In Halloween Snickers Bars A firefighter and the mother of a toddler reported tampered treats.","5005":"Remote Alaska High School Volleyball Team Endures rough Landing in Bush Plane En Route to State Tournament The twin-engine Piper Navajo touched down -- and then the left landing gear folded, according to King Salmon airport manager Kyler Hylton, who stood watching with a fleet of fire trucks and ambulances as the aircraft approached.","5006":"Inventor Of Pepper Spray: 'It's Being Misused' \"The culture of law enforcement needs to change.\u201d","5007":"Taking Stock of BlackRock The core problem with this obsession with stock value is that it diverts money away from long-term investments in capital expansion and research and development. The result is a steady decline of productivity which is the key determinant of our economic vigor.","5008":"The 2018 Winter Olympics In Pyeongchang, By The Numbers This year's games are bigger than ever.","5009":"Ferguson Police Officer Shot ","5010":"Police Release Photos Of Charleston Church Shooting Suspect ","5011":"Warren Buffett's Mobile Home Empire Preys On The Poor ","5012":"WATCH: Tennis Star Mirjana Lucic-Baroni Delivers The World's Greatest Motivational Speech \u201cF everything and everybody, whoever tells you you can\u2019t do it!\"","5013":"How to Know if You've Been Blindsided by Data To paraphrase the Scottish poet Andrew Lang, don't use data as a drunken man uses a lamp post -- for support rather than illumination.","5014":"Stephen Curry Sinks 60-Foot Shot At The Buzzer ","5015":"This Is What It's Like To Work For One Of America's Most Iconic Brands For 24 Years ","5016":"A Business Model for Marijuana ith 23 states plus the District of Columbia enacting marijuana programs we are now steam rolling. And what is going to take place next is the final step and watershed moment for the industry.","5017":"If You Want To Save The Planet, Watch This Video The next 20 minutes could change your life","5018":"32 Effective Formats to Package Your Systems Have you ever been frustrated that your staff has ignored the step-by-step systems you created to lead them through a defined process? Well maybe the problem isn't with your staff, but instead it lies with how you packaged the process you created.","5019":"Watch These Pats Fans Erupt On A Plane After Last-Second Victory \"Here we go Patriots, here we go!\"","5020":"Now We Know Why Huge TPP Trade Deal Is Kept Secret From the Public A key section of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement has been leaked to the public. The New York Times has a major story on the contents of the leaked chapter, and it's as bad as many of us feared. Now we know why the corporations and the Obama administration want the TPP kept secret from the public until it's too late to stop it.","5021":"Here's What To Know About The Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Retrial The comedian's sexual assault retrial will hold new twists, even for people who have closely followed the case.","5022":"Adorable Cotton Candy Girl Is The Hero We All Need Right Now Fans tried to have her named \"player of the game.\"","5023":"'Glad I'm alive': Storm Chaser Periscopes Near Deadly Knife Attack \u201c(You) stop to help somebody and they stab you.\u201d","5024":"Suspected Killer Of Little Girl Worked For Police ","5025":"Pistons Coach Talks Dealing With Burnout In The NBA He says back-to-back games have taken a toll on his team.","5026":"You Do Not Need To Buy This Social science points to a few ways that people find lasting, deep satisfaction. None of them require a trip to the mall.","5027":"Sage Steele Gets Justifiably Roasted For Complaining About Airport Protests \"So THIS is why thousands of us dragged luggage nearly 2 miles to get to LAX.\"","5028":"Be Brief or Be Dismissed As a Leader: Six Best Practices Leaders think strategically, understand the critical link between focus and clarity, and appreciate the value of time. So fewer and fewer are inclined to let others waste their time. Brevity has become a basic communication skill for professionals. Here are six best practices as a leader:","5029":"GrubHub CEO Clarifies Comments After Sending Anti-Trump Email To Company He called for those with \"hateful attitudes\" to resign.","5030":"Boston College Honors 9\/11 Hero With 'Red Bandana' Uniform Tribute ","5031":"Walmart Quits Selling AR-15s And Military-Style Rifles Walmart says it will stop selling AR-15s and other sporting rifles, a spokesman confirmed to The Huffington Post on Wednesday","5032":"EEOC Releases 2014 Statistics Harassment training needs to be comprehensive. Long gone are the days of the narrow focus of sexual harassment. Racial, ethnic and harassment based on disability are too common today. Training and policies need to reflect that harassment of any kind is unlawful and inexcusable.","5033":"Twitter Names Former Google Exec As Chairman The company hopes Omid Kordestani can ally concerns over CEO Jack Dorsey running two companies at once.","5034":"'Coward' Murdered Texas Deputy As He Pumped Gas, Sheriff Says \"He runs up... puts the gun to the back of his head and shoots.\"","5035":"National Thank You Month: A Professional Reminder In our digital world, there is something magical about getting a stamped letter with our name written on the front. The best part is that with the right supplies, the entire process takes less than five minutes.","5036":"Gunman Sought In Killing Of Muslim Cleric, Associate In Front Of New York City Mosque Residents are demanding that authorities treat the brazen daylight shooting as a hate crime.","5037":"Why It Might Cost You A Bit More To Get In The Door At Costco Investors predict a fee hike.","5038":"Cops Write Super-Friendly Letter To Wanted Woman \"You don't text, you don't call back and haven't accepted our friend request.\"","5039":"Hacker Blamed For Setting Off 156 Dallas Emergency Sirens Alarms blared for more than 90 minutes as worried callers clogged 911 centers.","5040":"Fan Grabs World Series Home Run From Another Fan To Throw It Back \u201cI just would have liked to have been able to throw it back myself.\"","5041":"Dancing Eyebrows, Amanda Knox, and Jerry Hobbs: Assessing Guilt Based On Body Language Is a Dangerous Game There's no place for such conjecture testimony in the court system or the court of public opinion. It may make for great television but it is not science.","5042":"There Have Been At Least 45 'Craigslist Killings' Since 2009: Report ","5043":"Missed the Tax Deadline? Take These 5 Steps Now A balance owed to the IRS could result in large fines and put a ding on your credit report. So if you missed the tax deadline, be sure to follow these steps to hopefully avoid most of these consequences.","5044":"Tim Cook Not Backing Down From Protecting Dreamers The Apple CEO said he stood with his young undocumented colleagues.","5045":"Bob Costas And His Fedora Are 'Thursday Night Football's Funniest Meme \"Bob Costas' hat just got its own Martin Scorsese biopic.\"","5046":"Thousands Want To Name A Professional Soccer Team Footy McFooty Face Of course.","5047":"NBA Rewards New Orleans\u2019 LGBT Tolerance With All-Star Game Selection Another win for LGBT rights.","5048":"This Photo Of Jen Welter And Sarah Thomas Is Worth Way More Than 1000 Words The two women made history on the football field at the exact same time on Saturday night.","5049":"Nobody Wins When The Final Score Is 161-2 ","5050":"Here's What Companies Need To Do To Get Wellness Programs Right ","5051":"Prosecutors Will Seek Death Penalty In Parkland School Shooting Nikolas Cruz, 19, faces dozens of charges for the Valentine's Day attack that left 17 people dead.","5052":"Man Survives Nearly Driving Off A Cliff Only To Be Hit By A Bus He\u2019s either California\u2019s luckiest or unluckiest driver.","5053":"WWE Payback 2015 - Matches, Card, Rumors, and Predictions This Sunday, May 17th at 8pm EST, is the WWE Payback 2015 PPV event on the WWE Network. Let's talk about all the matches, rumors, and my predictions.","5054":"Teen Behind Laser Cat Yearbook Photo Dies ","5055":"Details Of Cop's Murder Charge Kept Secret ","5056":"Police Dog Dies In Squad Car After Air Conditioner Fails At least six police dogs have died in hot cars in the U.S. this summer.","5057":"NHL Blackhawks' Patrick Kane Lawyers Up Amid Investigation Few details are known about the investigation, including whether or not there is any substance to a reported rape.","5058":"Cops Catch Burglary Suspects Passed Out In Car At Crime Scene Their SUV was reportedly packed full of loot stolen from a construction site.","5059":"Man Who Killed Indian Immigrant Sentenced To Life In Prison \"He was only enjoying a glass of beer with his friend,\" the victim's wife said.","5060":"Father Of Theater Shooting Victim Now Sits In Son's Row At Movies \"We go up and we sit in Alex's row ... and we sit next to him.\"","5061":"Astros' Mike Fiers Pitches No-Hitter Against Dodgers The second no-no in the major leagues in just over a week.","5062":"Mulligan Time: 5 Foolproof Ways to Tap a New Career It turns out, taking a Mulligan, doing it over, is the key to survival in today's convoluted, fast changing economy. If you have chosen to give reinventing yourself a try, make sure you do it correctly.","5063":"Rob Gronkowski Spikes His Way Onto Cover Of 'Madden 17' GRONK SPIKE!","5064":"Tearful Teen Says Prep School Student Raped Her As Part Of Game The teen told jurors she was \"frozen\" when her alleged attacker became aggressive.","5065":"Rush Limbaugh Says Anthem Protests Are Leftist Plot To 'Damage' NFL \"They don't like displays of patriotism, strength, rugged individualism ...\"","5066":"'Weaponized Marijuana' Is Allegedly The New Scary Drug In New York City With a name like that, how could it not spread anxiety","5067":"Argentina Back To World Cup Semifinals ","5068":"The Call For A National Crime And Justice Task Force The creation of the National Crime and Justice Task Force will be a step in the right direction to ensure that the United States government does more to protect human rights nationwide and ensures that policing policies are in line with international human rights standards.","5069":"Citizen's Tip Leads To Capture Of Escaped California Inmates A tip from an observant woman led police to the location of the escaped inmates who had been on the run for more than a week.","5070":"How Business Leaders Can Help Foster Mental Health In The Workplace The U.K. has a plan to bring executives into the mental health conversation. Can the U.S. do the same?","5071":"Man\u2019s Attempt At Using Google To Rob A Bank Backfires Spectacularly William Johnson needed money, so he searched the internet for a bank robbery how-to, police said.","5072":"Peanut Boss Sentenced To 28 Years For Deadly Salmonella Outbreak Stewart Parnell is the first modern U.S. food executive imprisoned for poisoning customers.","5073":"3 Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide At Luxury New Jersey High Rise Michael Stasko allegedly shot wife and daughter dead before turning gun on himself.","5074":"Watch Evacuating Soccer Fans Sing The French National Anthem After Paris Attacks They responded not with anger, but with unity.","5075":"How to Prevent Disputes in Business Relationships? A business entails many types of relationships, all of which are crucial to its success: relationships with suppliers, customers, business partners and employees can all lead the business towards success, or weigh it down and slow it down.","5076":"Inside A Legal, Multibillion Dollar Weed Market ","5077":"The History Of The National Anthem In Sports How \"The Star-Spangled Banner\" became a part of American sports culture.","5078":"Wise Leaders Focus on the Greater Good These leaders are attuned to the suffering of the powerless, and seek to repair that damage by treating or attempting to cure diseases that plague the poor, enhancing the viability of local communities or fighting poverty. And the impacts of their work will matter far into the future.","5079":"Ohio State University Attack Leaves 11 Injured Police fatally shot the suspect, OSU student Abdul Razak Ali Artan.","5080":"The Federal Reserve Leaves Key Interest Rate Unchanged Amid Slower Job Growth The risk of a Brexit contributed to the Fed's decision.","5081":"This Pro Soccer Player Risked His Career To Save A Total Stranger's Life ","5082":"Seahawks To Stand, Lock Arms During National Anthem The team was inspired by 49er Colin Kaepernick\u2019s national anthem protest over social inequality.","5083":"McDonald's Employee Knocks Rowdy Customer Unconscious On Camera ","5084":"Missing Indianapolis Woman Found Dead Near River Jacqueline Watts' body was found less than a mile from her car, which was left running with its flashers on, police said.","5085":"Nonprofit Risk and Crisis Management: Challenges for the 21st Century The nonprofit leadership literature recommends that every nonprofit organization have a comprehensive crisis management plan, but it has little focus on risk. Perhaps nonprofit boards are too risk averse and are really unable to maximize their resources to assist clients?","5086":"Watch O.J. Simpson's Parole Hearing Live Here The state of Nevada could decide Thursday to release Simpson in October.","5087":"City Council Candidate Accused Of Sending 'Obscene' Messages To Lawmaker's Wife \"I hope one of your kids gets raped.\"","5088":"Ronda Rousey Makes Fortune Magazine's '40 Under 40' List Rousey is taking the world by storm.","5089":"Ex-DEA Agent Who Lied About Owning Strip Club Avoids Prison Time He could've faced up to six months in prison for lying about the Twins Plus Go-Go Lounge.","5090":"Golden State Humiliates Cleveland In Game 2 Of The NBA Finals Draymond Green led the way as the Warriors cruised to a 33-point victory.","5091":"Tesla's Patent Release Isn't Crazy or Altruistic Tesla Motors is freeing up its 200 patents to electric car competitors, throwing automotive analysts into a frenzy. But CEO Elon Musk is just following the profitable open source road paved by Salesforce, Facebook and Apple.","5092":"Chattanooga Shooter Obtained Some Guns Legally, Intended To 'Murder' Police: Officials Attack doesn't appear to have been inspired by ISIS","5093":"This Is How Many Perfect Brackets Are Left ","5094":"Tresspasser Enters Schools, Sings Justin Bieber Songs, Police Say Suspect allegedly cursed up a storm as he was being arrested.","5095":"One Way Bernie Sanders Thinks He Could Stave Off Another Financial Crisis He wants to end a conflict of interest in how debt is rated.","5096":"The Biggest Sign That You Should Probably Change Careers ","5097":"The Baltimore Ravens Paused Their Preseason Game To Watch Michael Phelps Win Again The Ravens and Panthers had to pause for the G.O.A.T.","5098":"Michael Irvin Is All Of Us On A Friday Happy Friday.","5099":"Appeals Court Restores $120 Million Award To Apple In Patent Fight With Samsung The two companies will face off again next week at the Supreme Court.","5100":"Women in Business Q&A: Dr. Daria Thorp, President\/CEO, ACD\/Labs Dr. Thorp holds a PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry and a Master's degree in chemical engineering. Daria has over 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, business development and management.","5101":"What Murphy Showed Me on Memorial Day that Every Producer Should Know Like with anything, there's good and bad. Not all firms do a great job at inspiring and setting their producers up for success. Does yours?","5102":"So You Hired A Racist. Now What? The values they harbor have no place in society, let alone our payroll.","5103":"The Remarkable Legacy of Warren Bennis ","5104":"Why Our Trade Deal Disasters March On America at a trade meeting is like some backwoods buyer walking onto a used car lot full of smarmy salesmen with his checkbook out while loudly shouting, \"I'm not leaving here without a car!\"","5105":"5 Cops Busted Lying on the Stand: Just Another Day on the Front Lines When we discover that a police officer has lied, it raises serious questions and concerns. For every falsehood uncovered, how often does one go unnoticed? How often do an officer's lies end up becoming damning evidence against a defendant?","5106":"Von Miller Knows It's Always Been Cool To Be Smart The Super Bowl MVP continues to excel, on and off the football field.","5107":"To the CEO of Aetna: Three More ideas to Reduce Inequality Cynics will point out that while Aetna may be a first mover in the health care industry, the total cost of Bertolini's announcement is chump change. Aetna's profits weigh in at about $2 billion per year.","5108":"Texas Jury Selection Begins In 'American Sniper' Murder Trial ","5109":"Woman Hid Heroin, Oxy Under Fake Butt, Cops Say ","5110":"3 Million Reasons for Small Business Owners to Believe ","5111":"10 Years After Financial Crisis, Our Elites Have Learned Nothing If mortgage debt had not been tied to an asset that was hugely over-valued, there would not have been a crisis shaking the financial system.","5112":"Rival Soccer Fans React To Blasts Postponing Game In Truly Heartwarming Way They showed just how beautiful \"the beautiful game\" can be.","5113":"Golfer Vows To Donate Earnings To Houston, Then Wins Tournament LPGA's Stacy Lewis broke a long slump to earn $195,000 and paid it forward.","5114":"13 Siblings 'Held Captive' By Parents, Some In Chains And Starving, Police Say The siblings, ranging from ages 2 to 29, were found padlocked to beds and malnourished.","5115":"Read This Before Calling Your Boss A 'Nasty Motherf**ker' It's protected, but only in certain cases.","5116":"Big Wave Surfing Finally Gives Women The Recognition They Deserve But the battle for gender equality in sponsorship deals continues.","5117":"Woman Burned To Death Can Testify From The Grave \"She may be the only victim to testify in their own murder trial,\" a defense attorney said.","5118":"Peyton Manning Bids The NFL An Emotional Farewell \"God bless all of you. And God bless football.\"","5119":"LeBron James Has A Great Idea For 'Trainwreck 2' No surprise here: LeBron James wants to be as driven and dominant off the court as he is on it. On a joyride through his","5120":"How to Start a Successful Business With a Family Member We've all heard the same axiom time and time again... Never mix business and pleasure. So what do you do when you decide you want to launch a startup with your spouse?","5121":"A Black Man's Guide To Loving Hockey My wife and my daughter were in the crowd. They didn\u2019t see the goal, so I can embellish the circumstances of me scoring much","5122":"Johnson & Johnson Brings In 'The Bazooka' Johnson & Johnson was fighting back.","5123":"Twitter Has Suspended 1.2 Million Accounts For 'Terrorist Content' The company touts improved in-house tracking tools for steering abusive accounts away from the site.","5124":"Police Confrontation Ends In Cringe-Worthy Tasing (WATCH) ","5125":"American Cities Adding The Most Jobs This Year The U.S. economy added nearly 2.5 million employed workers\u00a0in the last 12 months, a growth of 1.7%. Employment is expanding","5126":"The 'SupraSelf' of Leadership Greatness The \"SupraSelf\"is an extraordinary aspect of who we are and what it means to be a leader. This little known, yet very real part of our personality is capable of producing exponential results in all areas of our lives.","5127":"8 Unsettling Facts About Bad Bosses [Infographic] Bad bosses cost companies millions per year, and the worst part, like snakes (yuck), they're able to slither through their superiors and make it seem like they're doing an outstanding job; however, their good job is coming at the expense of other employees' happiness and well-being.","5128":"The American Way To Grieve Author\u2019s note: This is a revision of a piece I wrote on June 23, 2015, after a gunman killed nine people in a Charleston","5129":"How Crazy Rich You'd Be If You'd Invested in Chipotle, Starbucks And More As an exercise in regret and jealousy, we've dug through thousands of feet of stock ticker tape (i.e. Yahoo and Google Finance) and picked out six food-based stocks that would've been very wise investments.","5130":"Gondolas Could Ease New York's Looming Subway Nightmare RIP, L train. Hello, gondolas!","5131":"Three Hidden Costs of Bad Marketing There are dozens of other bad marketing models, but the crown jewel goes to \"Deceptive Marketing\" where you conveniently hold back truth to make the recipient believe that you are trying to help them.","5132":"This Usain Bolt Fan Totally Wins The Cheering Olympics Maybe pot lids can make a sprinter run faster.","5133":"Man Faces Obscenity Charge After O'Donnell's Daughter Found TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) \u2014 The owner of the home where Rosie\u00a0O\u2019Donnell\u2019s missing teen daughter was found earlier this week has","5134":"'Cowards' Beat Man With Cerebral Palsy, Post Video on Facebook Nikey Dashone Walker and Shadeed Dontae Bey allegedly used the victim's cell phone to film the attack.","5135":"Makers Of Sony\u2019s \u2018Concussion\u2019 Film Tried To Prevent Angering N.F.L., Emails Show When Sony Pictures Entertainment decided to make a movie focusing on the death and dementia professional football players","5136":"Teen Suspect Sought In Disturbing Cat-Throwing Video Ontario, California, police say they have identified the suspect but have not yet found him.","5137":"Holmes' Lawyers Object To Testimony That's Too 'Upsetting' ","5138":"New York Mets Beat Chicago Cubs To Take 3-0 Lead In NLCS CHICAGO (AP) \u2014 Daniel\u00a0Murphy is a contact hitter known for shaky fielding and occasionally getting lost on the bases. This","5139":"What We Can Learn From German Prisons In a country that has only a fraction of our incarceration rate, even Germany's deepest-end prisons are humane and decent in ways that, at least at present, are difficult to fathom in the U.S. context.","5140":"Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle's Home Raided In Child Porn Investigation The home of Subway spokesman Jared Fogle was raided in connection with a federal child porn investigation. \u00a0 NBC's WTHR","5141":"Cops Explain How To Pull Off A Good Halloween Prank Without Getting Arrested Don't go to jail over a practical joke.","5142":"Are You Missing Something Vital from Your Growth Hacking Strategy? While growth hacking is attracting a tremendous amount of attention today, it is frequently misunderstood. Often associated with the acquisition of users through viral means, \"going viral\" is really only one aspect of a comprehensive growth hacking strategy.","5143":"Conviction Stays For Man Who Killed Abortion Doctor ","5144":"In Search of the Retail Location Unicorn Advertisers are tapping into the world of big data to get a much better understanding of who their audience is, what they like and buy and all their psychographic and purchase preferences.","5145":"Be Like a Magpie As you do your job, and do it well, gather everything shiny and useful and bring it back to your nest -- like a magpie. I'm not talking about stealing office supplies. I'm talking about gathering skills, learning how an industry works, and figuring out what kind of team you'll need around you when the time comes to go out on your own.","5146":"One-Armed BMX Rider Uses Genius Technique To Perform Tricks \"Anything is possible, and you don\u2019t need two arms to ride a BMX,\" says Jack Dumper.","5147":"Dear Baby Boomers, Step Aside Some of us were told to go to graduate school, taking on more debt, being advised that this would set us ahead of the competition. And after graduation we found -- and continue to find -- that the economy is still lagging.","5148":"Walmart Gives 500,000 Workers A Raise ","5149":"A 911 Call Sheds New Light On The Peyton Manning Doping Scandal Men in black.","5150":"Philadelphia Eagles Fire Head Coach Chip Kelly Kelly has assumed much of the blame for the Eagles' poor season and missed chance at the playoffs.","5151":"Concern Grows Over Disappearance Of Iraq War Veteran Brenda Jackson \"We want her home and we'll do whatever it takes.\"","5152":"1 Dead, Several Injured In Shooting, Stabbing At Motorcycle Expo Seven people were reportedly taken to area hospitals.","5153":"Someone Shot At A Texas Mosque In The Latest Attempt To Terrorize The Muslim Community The shooting comes amid a frightening surge in anti-Muslim hate crimes in the U.S.","5154":"Las Vegas Shooter Had 50 Pounds Of An Explosive Substance In His Car Tannerite can cause severe burns and \"major blast injury,\" according to the EPA.","5155":"Georgia Kroger Has An Excellent Explanation For Its Unisex Bathroom Simple, honest and to-the-point.","5156":"Cops Charge Man In Arizona Highway Shootings Police say they have connected him to just four of the 11 total shootings.","5157":"Serena Williams Defeats Sharapova For The 18th Match-Up In A Row It looks like only illness or injury can prevent Williams from adding a 22nd major title to her collection.","5158":"Hawaii Developer Under Fire For Segregated 'Poor Door' For Renters The controversial entrance has been proposed across the country.","5159":"New York City Mayor Calls For Pause In Protests After Police Killings ","5160":"This Sad Version Of The Toys R Us Jingle Will Hit You Where It Hurts Sniff.","5161":"Here Is The Most Popular Beer In Every Country ","5162":"Shooting In Central Maine Leaves 4 Dead, Including The Gunman A 4-year-old girl was also found unharmed inside the house.","5163":"#GamerGate, Victimization, and the Role of the FBI The FBI cannot prosecute a case without a victim. If you have been a victim of the anonymous #GamerGate mob, let them know. The National Center for Victims of Crime can help too.","5164":"Woman Accused Of Poisoning Friend With Cheesecake In Identity Theft Plot The suspect, wanted for murder in Russia, targeted a woman who looked like her and spoke Russian, authorities said.","5165":"Charles Manson Reportedly Hospitalized, In Deteriorating Condition The infamous mass murderer is serving a life sentence in a California prison.","5166":"U.S. Corporate Profits On Pace For Third Straight Decline U.S. corporate profits, weighed down by the energy slump and slowing global growth, are set to decline for the third straight","5167":"Police Officer Who Killed Unarmed Motorist Cleared Of All Charges The jurors were shown graphic video footage of the fatal encounter.","5168":"Wall Street Is Starting To Panic About Trump Stocks dropped 1.8 percent Wednesday.","5169":"American Soccer Fans Not Impressed With Gus Johnson ","5170":"Startup Insider: 5 Metrics 500 Startups Partner Edith Yeung Looks for in Mobile-App Startups 500 Startups Mobile Collective Fund Partner Edith Yeung explained 'MO-AARRR', the mobile framework she uses when evaluating mobile app startups, at the Echelon Asia Summit 2015 held last June 23 and 24.","5171":"Tragedy in Ferguson: What Will it Take to Move Forward? The majority population, most of whom pollsters tell us did not believe Officer Wilson committed any crimes, may believe the country can afford to accept things as they are. People of color -- Black men and their families and those who depend on them cannot afford that luxury. They need us to get this right.","5172":"Charting A Five-Year Career Plan Is Pointless Be open to the unexpected.","5173":"NFL Says Anti-LGBTQ Bill Could Cost Texas Future Super Bowls The proposed legislation is similar to the North Carolina law that led the NBA, NCAA and ACC to move events out of the state.","5174":"Get Your Game Plan On It's up to you to be willing to connect with others that are aligned and supportive of your dream; those that are willing to ideate collectively to make the magic happen and enable your dream to come alive.","5175":"So Apparently Not All Russian Track Stars Are Banned From Rio IOC leaves opening for some athletes to compete at Olympics on appeal.","5176":"32-Year-Old Minor-Leaguer Called Up To Lakers Aces NBA Debut \"The crowd, the lights -- it was once in a lifetime,\" Andre Ingram said after scoring 19 points.","5177":"Chinanu Onuaku Shoots Underhanded Free Throws Like A First-Grader It's actually called a \"granny.\"","5178":"Startups Like to Tango The government is working on multiple fronts to build a better future by empowering their citizens to succeed in the new economy: educating for the 21st century, promoting entrepreneurship and the creative economy and innovating for inclusion.","5179":"Of Course Gilbert Arenas Has A Garbage, Sexist Take On The WNBA He made absolutely disgusting comments.","5180":"User Experience: Hygiene or Strategic Differentiator? ","5181":"NBA Players To Start Paying For Retired Players' Health Insurance \"It\u2019s important that we take care of our entire extended NBA family.\"","5182":"21 Times This Year's U.S. Olympic Women's Gymnasts Were Straight-Up Superheroes Not all heroes wear capes.","5183":"Kentucky Governor's Crime Plan: Volunteer 'Prayer Patrols' Roaming The Streets \u201cPrayer WILL change things,\u201d Matt Bevin vows.","5184":"Build Your Own World Cup All-Star Team ","5185":"Gender Diversity on Boards: Good, Bad or Indifferent? ","5186":"Missing Teen's Father: 'There's No Way' She Ran Away ","5187":"Mutual Selection Process ","5188":"Indianapolis Colts Execute The Dumbest NFL Play Of The Season A play-calling snafu lead the Colts to a big loss against the Patriots.","5189":"A Labor Day Call for Equal Pay Every year we celebrate Labor Day to recognize the contributions American workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. And yet every year we fail to adequately recognize a vital segment of our workforce that has been a major part of that success story: Women.","5190":"Supporting The Millennial Mentee: Challenges And Opportunities Chances are, if you working in one of today\u2019s organizations, you find yourself surrounded by millennials. According to the","5191":"Prosecutor Faults Judge After Cop Acquitted In Death Of 2 Unarmed Suspects ","5192":"Police Searching For Missing 'X-Men' Producer Eric Kohler mysteriously disappeared two days before Thanksgiving.","5193":"Judge Clears Dylann Roof To Represent Himself At Sentencing Phase Of Trial Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.","5194":"Officer Who Shot Michael Brown Began Career At Disgraced Department: Report ","5195":"Authenticity Offers Its Own Beauty Authenticity is what turns a pretty picture into a priceless work of art. Likewise it is what people look for -- or should -- in their personal relationships. I believe this holds true for our relationships with businesses as well.","5196":"3 Ways Neuroscience Could Be Used in Your Organization to Improve Your Efficiency, Effectiveness and Productivity This blog post introduces three ways that people's brains are shaping their behaviors. We suggest how organizations can take a revolutionary stance and focus on approaches that deal with the organ that delivers all the results.","5197":"College Football Player Used Drugs Before Texas Police Shooting: Autopsy Does that justify the use of force?","5198":"French Ice Dance Duo Overcome \u2018Nightmare\u2019 Wardrobe Malfunction To Win Silver Medal Making their Olympic debut, Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron also clinched the highest-ever free dance score.","5199":"Teen Allegedly Kidnapped As Infant Reunites With Parents, 18 Years Later \"It couldn\u2019t have gone better,\" Alexis Manigo\u2019s biological father said.","5200":"Disney Removes Confederate Flag From Walt Disney World's Epcot Theme Park Disney has removed a version of the Confederate flag from the Epcot theme park\u00a0at Walt Disney World in Florida, according","5201":"Unease Grows Between Mayor, NYPD ","5202":"Jury Finds Ex-Cop Guilty Of Child Molestation, He Drinks Poison Kelless Twohearts Lory consumed a toxic substance after the verdict was read out.","5203":"Verizon's Quiet Plan To Change Copper Phone Lines To FIOS Verizon customers with copper-line phones who call twice in 18 months for repairs - or live near someone who does - are likely","5204":"Is It Better To Buy Or Rent? ","5205":"Women in Business Q&A: Malyn Joplin, Founder, Made for Pearl Growing up as the niece of Janis Joplin, Malyn Joplin accepted she had deep, significant roots in music history, but constantly struggled to find a deeper spiritual connection to her famous Aunt. A bold move out to California sparked a creative nerve in Malyn and drew her to fashion.","5206":"This Unreal Frisbee Play Is The Ultimate Catch That's the way the pros do it.","5207":"Iggy The Iguana Is The Surprise Star Of The 2017 Miami Open Tennis Tournament Germany's Tommy Haas snapped a selfie with the reptile.","5208":"9 Bad Manager Mistakes That Make Good People Quit If you want your best people to stay, you need to think carefully about how you treat them.","5209":"Video Captures Courthouse Beating Of Inmate Accused of Killing Chicago Child The girl's fatal shooting was one of three child killings in the city in just days.","5210":"Waking Up to the Dollar Signs in Dads This is an image of a \"male parking station\" in a mall in Turkey. A group of men recline on the sofa in various states of tedium while (presumably) their female partners are off merrily flexing their credit cards.","5211":"Baltimore Cop Accused Of Planting Drugs In Body Cam Video Indicted More than 100 prosecutions involving Officer Richard Pinheiro Jr. have been dropped.","5212":"Richard Sherman Explains A Weekly Contradiction In NFL Player Safety Well, he has a point.","5213":"Perspective Leads to Negotiation and Happiness Dissatisfaction, unchecked, is contagious. Like watered weeds, it grows until it overtakes a marriage, a workplace, or an organization. Perspective paves the way for gratitude, negotiation, and ultimately happiness.","5214":"A Death In Police Custody: What Really Happened At Chicago's Homan Square? Jaime Galvan\u2019s family made no sound on the frigid morning when they visited his grave. There were no bereaved memorials, no","5215":"President Obama Does Lightning Pose With Usain Bolt The president met the sprinter during a trip to Jamaica.","5216":"Shelter Dogs Steal The Show As 'Ball Boys' At Brazil Tennis Open Every tennis match should include these pups.","5217":"How to Build a Brand for Your Small Business When it comes to your business, how do you figure out what your brand will be? Businesses should always know how people would recognize their business by developing a clear brand. Is it really just about your logo? No!","5218":"Death Penalty Sought For Man Accused Of Killing 6 In Fire ","5219":"Black Friday Crowds Thin After Thanksgiving Shopping Rush ","5220":"Bodies Of Missing California Veteran And Dog Believed Found; Ex-Husband Under Arrest Retired Army Capt. Julia Jacobson and Boogie disappeared 3 months ago.","5221":"DA Wants To Bar Psychologist's Testimony In Necrophilia Slaying Gregory Graf is accused of killing his stepdaughter and having sex with her corpse.","5222":"Should Banks Be Allowed to Robocall Your Mobile Phone? According to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, it's illegal to robocall a mobile phone number without permission. The American Bankers Association wants to change that, arguing that robocalls will help fight identity theft and other kinds of fraud.","5223":"Why Story Integration Is the Key To The Impact Of A Brand's Social Purpose In a time where everyone has access to the same marketing and social technologies, and new open-source tech and startups pose a daily threat to industry incumbents, a company's values and social-purpose story will be a critical lasting differentiator.","5224":"Why Many Good Mortgage Loans Are Not Being Made The housing sector today is not providing the economic stimulus we had come to expect during periods of economic recovery. A major reason is that the underwriting rules and practices are much stricter today than they were before the financial crisis.","5225":"REPORT: Richest 1% To Own More Than Half Of The World's Wealth By 2016 ","5226":"Selling a House to Buy a House Homeowners sell their homes and buy other homes for a variety of reasons including a need to live closer to a place of employment, to be closer to family, to enjoy a better climate, or simply to upgrade. This article is about finding the best sequence of steps in the process.","5227":"Is Your Business Out of Order? Three Ways to Re-Sequence Your Marketing and Business Development Why do so many business fail, despite having the right stuff? Here's why. Their marketing and business development strategies are out of order and out of sync with the organization's goals and objectives.","5228":"Elizabeth Warren Takes On Uber, Lyft And The 'Gig Economy' Disruption is changing some industries, but she said it's time for worker protections to be disrupted too.","5229":"Defense Has Quietly Been The Guiding Force To Falcons' Super Bowl Run Not to be forgotten, Atlanta's \"D\" continues to shine when it matters most.","5230":"Goodbye To Johan Cruyff, The Man Who Invented Modern Soccer If you love soccer, it's probably because of Cruyff's influence.","5231":"Authorities Say They Have Likely Removed Alligator That Killed Boy At Disney World Resort The alligator snatched the toddler on June 14 as he played at the edge of the Seven Seas Lagoon, a manmade lake at the Walt Disney Co resort.","5232":"Watch Abby Wambach Say Goodbye To Soccer In Emotional Final Game The night ended with the G.O.A.T. literally dropping the mic.","5233":"SHOCK VIDEO: Woman Brutally Beaten In Front Of Her Toddler ","5234":"SmartCheck Your Advisor No one cares as much about your money as you do! That's a simple fact, and to believe otherwise is to also believe in the tooth fairy. While you may like or respect an investment professional's advice , the ultimate responsibility for handling your money belongs to you.","5235":"Can Nonalcoholic Beer Save Big Brewers? ","5236":"Detroit Tigers Pitcher Daniel Norris Played With Cancer All Summer Talk about resilience.","5237":"Millions In Cocaine Delivered To German Grocery Stores, Plus Bananas ","5238":"Survivors Guide to Earth: Police Shootings A shocking report by Amnesty International found not a single state in the U.S. has laws that meet international human rights standards for \"use of force\" by police officers.","5239":"Giants Pitcher Matt Moore Comes ThisClose To Throwing A No-Hitter Just one out short against the rival Dodgers.","5240":"WATCH: Neymar Lifts Brazil Into Round of 16 ","5241":"James Harden Celebrated His Birthday By Giving Kanye Bunny Ears Yeezzzzzzzzzus.","5242":"Camille Cosby Says She Was Almost Dragged Into Court By U.S. Marshals Judge temporarily postpones the deposition of Bill Cosby's wife.","5243":"Airbnb Slapped With Suit For Alleged Discrimination Against Black Guests An African-American man who claims he was subjected to race-based discrimination while using Airbnb slapped the company with","5244":"Jeweler Ordered To Pay $34,500 For Trashing Rival In Fake Yelp Review \u201cHe told the people we were thieves, that we were cold-blooded thieves.\"","5245":"Changing the Corporate Battlefield I collapsed at work. Twice. Once was not enough for the perfectionist in me. But, thankfully that was several years ago. My body forced me to stop, whether I liked it or not. I finally listened and made what I thought at the time were difficult decisions.","5246":"Cops Killed Homeless Man Who Wanted To Surrender: Prosecutor Two officers are charged with murder.","5247":"NBA Game 7 Score Cavs vs. Warriors","5248":"I'm Buying a Wristable Once again Apple has confounded the digibabblists, perplexed their competitors, baffled the analysts, and in general annoyed and irritated all the self-proclaimed digital-first... or is it mobile-first?... or perhaps our proclamation of the day should be wearable-first... experts, pundits and gurus.","5249":"Mom Claims Daughter Was Brutally Beat Up On School Playground ","5250":"Homeowner Fires Arrow Into Fleeing Burglar's Buttocks The thief still managed to escape in a getaway car.","5251":"11-Year-Old Playing With Gun Charged In Homicide ","5252":"Man Exonerated After 30 Years On Death Row ","5253":"'Fed Up' Zara Workers Battle For More Hours ","5254":"Former Atheist Mark Zuckerberg Gets Religion \"I went through a period when I questioned things,\" he posts on Facebook.","5255":"Four-Year-Old Dies In Fire At Site Where Nine Died In 1952 Blaze STEPHEN SINGER, Associated Press A fatal weekend house fire in Massachusetts has eerie similarities with an even deadlier","5256":"Gunfire Erupts In Ferguson After Protester Is Struck By Car Demonstrators were marking the second anniversary of the death of Michael Brown.","5257":"Dollar Charges To 14-Year High, Bond Tantrum In Full Swing \u201cWhat we\u2019re looking at is a broad shift of investment back to the U.S.\u201d","5258":"Two Louisiana Officers Arrested For Killing 6-Year-Old Boy Three days after a 6-year-old was shot and killed by officers in a barrage of gunfire that also critically wounded the child's","5259":"Carly Fiorina Is Exceptional In This One Particular Way She wants a high-powered job. Why don't more women share her goal?","5260":"The Ultimate Guide To Finding A Mentor Steve Jobs had very limited furniture in his first home. Yet he hung a portrait of the great scientist. Albert Einstein. He studied Albert through and through.","5261":"Ahmad Khan Rahami's Dad: I Reported My Son To The FBI Years Ago He later recanted the statement in which he called his son a terrorist, saying it was made in anger.","5262":"Man Who Shot Barber While He Cut Hair Sentenced To Life In Prison ","5263":"Police In Texas Kill Bat-Wielding Robbery Suspect Outside Head Shop ","5264":"Top L.A. Sheriff\u2019s Official Resigns Over Racist Emails The messages made fun of Muslims, African-Americans, Latinos, women and victims of child abuse, among others.","5265":"Sharp-Eyed California Bus Driver Saves Boy Kidnapped From Library ","5266":"27 Reasons The Royals Are Becoming America's Favorite Team ","5267":"Toronto Father Shocked By Racist Message On His SUV: 'Go Back To China' The victim, a Canadian citizen originally from Hong Kong, said he's moving.","5268":"J.J. Abrams Is Doing Something Real About #OscarsSoWhite \"The Oscar controversy was a wakeup call,\" Star Wars director says.","5269":"Father Went From Room To Room Killing His Family, Then Himself Brian Short was the founder of a social networking site for nurses.","5270":"Focus On Profits Is Not Enough For A Great Business It's a lot more productive and a lot less risky to start early in building your record of the positives on social, environmental, and people responsibility, rather than wait and hope never to be caught in an excessive profits scandal, child labor issue, or poor sustainability practice.","5271":"British Gymnast Louis Smith Gets A Perfect 10 In Sexism D-score? Try D-bag.","5272":"Yes, Even The 'Blind' Can Score Against Brazil At This Point ","5273":"The Hungover Football Fan's Guide To The New Year's Day Bowl Games ","5274":"Twitter Doesn't Tire Of Knocking Conor McGregor's Stamina \"Endurance wins. Score one for boxing.\"","5275":"Fatal Alligator Attack In Texas ","5276":"Drew Brees' Foot Injury Didn't Happen Overnight The foot pain New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees experienced Monday was likely to be sudden and excruciating, according","5277":"UK Authorities Disassemble Marijuana Grow Op Found At Legoland Two blockheads were arrested after setting up a green house near Queen Elizabeth II's Windsor Castle home.","5278":"Horrifying Video Shows Road-Rage Machete Attacker Slash Driver's Face Police said the man followed the victim home.","5279":"Baylor University Football Player Convicted Of Sexual Assault He now faces up to 20 years in prison.","5280":"Maintaining an Entrepreneurial Spirit in the C-Suite Adapt, change, or die. No one knows this statement to be true more than the executive teams in the c-suite. They know that when companies stop adapting or changing - they die.","5281":"Central Michigan Upsets With Incredible Hail Mary After Officiating Error The play never should have happened.","5282":"Another Big Step For One Of Holder's Top Accomplishments ","5283":"Judge Throws The Book At Ohio Puppy Killer, Calls Him 'Inhuman' \"Would I like to put you in the dumpster? Yeah,\u201d the judge told Michael Andrew Sutton.","5284":"A's Manager Calls His Reeling Team 'Pathetic' ","5285":"When In Doubt, Slap Another Logo On It A uniquely recognizable logo is the mandatory badge today's brands wield in an effort to reinforce their perpetual supremacy. But really, do we actually need all those stinkin' badges? When is enough too much?","5286":"Manhunt Underway For 2 Murderers Who Escaped NY Prison ","5287":"Apparently No One Hates Their Job Anymore Worker dissatisfaction is soooooo 2005.","5288":"Cheerleaders Win $1.25 Million From Raiders In Wage Theft Lawsuit ","5289":"The Story Behind Ronda Rousey's Floyd Mayweather Diss At The ESPYs Rousey waited over a year to get back at Floyd.","5290":"Softball Coach Groped Players, Offered Porn Connections, Suit Says Adult film actress allegedly invited to practice for \"life-counseling sessions.\"","5291":"How To Design Cities With Fewer Traffic Fatalities Reduce urban sprawl, for one thing.","5292":"The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make At Work Self-awareness is a critical skill in the workplace.","5293":"San Bernardino Police Officer: 'I'll Take A Bullet Before You Do' The officer was evacuating people from the Inland Regional Center, the site of a mass shooting.","5294":"You Can Help Rebuild A Mosque That Was Burned Down In America Members of the Seattle area mosque are \"overwhelmed\" by the support so far. But they need more.","5295":"LeBron James Doesn't Totally Deny The Possibility Of Starring In 'Space Jam 2' \"Guess we'll just have to wait and see.\"","5296":"Steve Nash All But Officially Admits NBA Career Is Over Goodbye, Steve.","5297":"Subway Employee Allegedly Attacked After Denying Man A Sandwich Police haven't said why the man was denied in the first place.","5298":"Yahoo Is For Sale, Maybe For Nothing?!?! The question is whether anyone will pay for the struggling Internet giant.","5299":"Elementary School Principal Fatally Hit By Bus While Saving Students' Lives Two 10-year-old children were hospitalized with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.","5300":"Audemars Piguet -- An Afternoon Talking With Olivier Audemars ","5301":"U.S. Men's Soccer Players Skewer Abby Wambach On Twitter Following DUI Wambach was arrested in Oregon on Saturday after failing a field sobriety test.","5302":"Why Evaluate Performance? ","5303":"11 Moments From The 2016 All-Star Game That Showcase What We Love About The NBA From Kobe to the King and Pop to Pau, Sunday's contest was one for the ages.","5304":"California Boy's Body Found After His Dad Is Extradited To Face Murder Charges Aramazd Andressian's lawyer cautions against \"rush to judgement.\"","5305":"Adam Rippon And Mirai Nagasu's Matching Tattoos Are Our Ultimate BFF Goal Adam Rippon and Mirai Nagasu share a special bond. It\u2019s about more than just being Olympians. It\u2019s about more than their","5306":"Police: Missing Ohio State Football Player Found Dead ","5307":"Empty Vessels \"Empty vessels favor the bold,\" I told my friend. A unique and potentially memorable name, when paired with a quality product that truly meets consumers' needs, can be the most powerful asset a brand can wish for.","5308":"Accused Casino Robber Tried To Disguise Himself With Blackface The cashier assumed the robber was actually white because his skin tone appeared irregular and blotchy.","5309":"Amazon Stock Surge Makes Jeff Bezos Richest Man On Earth His net worth jumped $10.4 billion in a single day to $93.8 billion.","5310":"After Planned Parenthood Shooting, Another American Community Mourns \"We're here to gather together to remember that we're not alone; to remember together we can change the world.\"","5311":"This Is Clearly The Best Perk Of All Time Forget all those other job benefits: this is the one you want.","5312":"Police Search For Boyfriend of Woman Found Dead Near Big Sur Car Wreck Body of Olivia Gonzalez and the couple's two dogs were found by wreckage below Pacific Coast Highway.","5313":"The Passing of Coach Dean Smith He is in us, in the students--he is in our passion and our drive and our love and our character. We strive to achieve balance and success and good-valued morals and happiness in our lives.","5314":"24 European Banks Fail EBA Stress Test: Is a Major Banking Crisis Looming? Since the global economy imploded into systemic crisis in 2008, central banks and regulating authorities in major economies throughout North America and Europe have held periodic stress tests, apparently in an effort to reassure the public.","5315":"Ohio Player Wins $200 Million In Mega Millions Lottery The winning numbers were 17-18-31-35-59. The mega ball number was 9.","5316":"College Student Dies After Choking During Pancake-Eating Contest Her death \"was a tragic accident,\" police say.","5317":"Why Does This Town Have Two Grenade Launchers? ","5318":"Samsung Halts Production, Sales Of Galaxy Note 7 The phone has caused major safety issues for customers.","5319":"Alex Morgan Rips Women\u2019s Soccer League For Bedbug-Ridden Hotels Bedbugs lead to extreme measures.","5320":"Here's Why Christian McCaffrey Is The Next Devonta Freeman The former Stanford standout has all of the tools to become an NFL star.","5321":"Tourists Hit With Blow Darts On San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge One of the darts reportedly sunk two inches into a man's thigh.","5322":"Kevin Durant's Dad: 'It Was Time To Be Selfish' Wayne Pratt gave his son, Kevin Durant, a specific piece of advice before NBA free agency began July 1. He wanted him to","5323":"No, The Brexit Is Not A Good Reason To Mess With Your 401(k) It's best to take a long-term view.","5324":"People Can't For Life Of Them Figure Out Why A Horse Didn\u2019t Win 'Sportsperson Of The Year' What could the reason possibly be?","5325":"Officer's Life Saved When He Shoots Bullet Directly Into Suspect's Gun It was a \"one in a billion\" shot.","5326":"Customer Service and The Happiness Factor Happy employees lead to happy customers, and that is something no organization should take for granted. To foster your own culture of happiness, focus on these five key factors.","5327":"4-Year-Old Girl Dies After Being Left In Car For Hours On A Hot Day Temperatures inside a vehicle can become dangerously hot faster than many people realize.","5328":"BMW CEO Harald Krueger Collapses During Event At Frankfurt Auto Show FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) \u2014 BMW\u00a0CEO Harald Krueger collapsed Tuesday during a news conference at the Frankfurt Auto Show and","5329":"Watch Out NFL, The Packers Have A Hulk ","5330":"TODAY: The Dynasty vs. The Underdogs The New England Patriots will take on the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII.","5331":"Life After Exit: The Founder's Dilemma of What's Next Without a doubt there's an abundance of entrepreneurial advice published about how to start a business, how to rapidly scale it and of course, how to exit it successfully . . . but there's almost no advice for those who've been there, done it and exited.","5332":"My Father, the Late King Hussein, and FIFA I reject the notion that FIFA cannot be reformed from within. The crisis at FIFA is a crisis of leadership.","5333":"Understanding Short-term Dynamics of Order Execution to Minimize Adverse Selection When you trade, do you place market orders, limit orders or a combination of both? Do you or should you care? The answer is yes, you should care, particularly in today's volatile markets, and this article explains why.","5334":"Chipotle Set For Big Push To Win Back Customers Its troubles began after an E. coli outbreak came to light at the end of October, with additional cases being reported over the next several weeks.","5335":"WATCH: Sidewalk Hero Trips Suspect So Cops Can Nab Him He makes sure accused dealer is the fall guy.","5336":"In Search of the Illusive Rosebud The last time that I saw Frank Hickey, we were both around seven years of age, drawing with crayons on the wall of his bedroom. It was allowed. Had I done that in my brownstone, two houses away, I would have been killed.","5337":"Drunk Naked Man Streaks At Women's March, Pays The Price \"It hard to accept, even in your drunken state, you were not aware of it at all,\" judge says.","5338":"LeBron James And Michelle Obama Take Stage To Promote Education Talk about a power couple.","5339":"Naked Man Wearing Ronald Reagan Mask, Sock Caught Prowling Outside Home Video surveillance captured him outside the home of a former \"Jersey Belle\" reality TV star.","5340":"Dad In 'Baby Doe' Case Says Mom Not To Blame For Toddler's Death \"I know with all my heart that Rachelle Bond would never, ever do anything to hurt anybody.\"","5341":"Officer Slain During Violent Weekend In Indianapolis ","5342":"U.S. Swimmer Bentz Says Lochte Played Key Role In Rio Scandal The first account from one of Lochte's companions contradicts the story given by the Olympic champion.","5343":"Here Are Some Of The People Who Could Replace Travis Kalanick As Uber CEO All of the obvious choices also happen to be some of Kalanick's closest advisers.","5344":"Could a LA-Style Threat Assessment Team Have Thwarted the Isla Vista, Seattle or Oregon Shooting Sprees? the department still grapples with the reality that at least half of seriously mentally ill people receive no treatment at all, a situation of possible danger to the entire community and, far more often, to themselves.","5345":"WATCH: Javale McGee Chases Ball, Kisses Woman In Stands ","5346":"Roger Federer Rips French Open Security After Fan Rushes Court For Selfie How is this allowed to happen?","5347":"Concussions Are Having An Alarming Impact On The Academics Of Students ","5348":"Two Baseball Players Synced Up Their Talents For One Sensational Play How many infielders does it take to throw one runner out?","5349":"Budweiser Touts Disaster Relief Efforts In 2018 Super Bowl Ad The minute-long commercial highlights the company's emergency response plans.","5350":"Muhammad Ali's Grandson Shares The Last Piece Of Advice 'The Greatest' Gave Him And it was classic Ali.","5351":"NYPD: Muslim Woman Set On Fire Just Before 9\/11 Anniversary Incident may be considered a hate crime.","5352":"Ryan Lochte Says Good Training Starts In The Bedroom His secret to winning gold is more obvious than you'd think.","5353":"How Big Companies Can Accelerate Innovation Almost every large company understands that it needs to deal with ever-increasing external threats by continually innovating. To ensure their survival and growth, corporations need to keep inventing new business models. This challenge requires new organizational structures and skills.","5354":"Embracing 'Showrooming' You can't fight the Internet and you can't bite the hand that feeds you. Instead, it's time to reinvent retail and embrace showrooming.","5355":"Beyond the Bylaws: A Clarification of Nonprofit Board Responsibilities A nonprofit director's duties may be much more difficult than those of a for-profit board member.","5356":"More to Sell-Off Than Potential June Rate Increase A market in transition can mean only one thing in our current environment. A potential top and the beginning of a bear market or longer-term correction.","5357":"A Knicks' Fan's Open Letter to Santa I am not asking for anything next Christmas. Instead, I want you to give it all away. With the exception of Carmelo, everyone can go. After all it is the season of giving, right?","5358":"'Carpool Karaoke' Will Now Play On 'Apple Music' First Can 'The Late Late Show with James Corden' save a struggling Apple?","5359":"Girls, 10 and 11, Accused Of Plotting To Kill Classmate \"This is not something we commonly see,\" a cop said.","5360":"This Olympic Skier Isn\u2019t Very Good, But She\u2019s Living Her Best Life What Elizabeth Swaney is good at is gaming the system.","5361":"Being Vulnerable in Business Can Be a Good Thing Most of us fundamentally believe if we show the vulnerable side of ourselves, our clients, employees and partners won't want to work with us and our business will be seen as a failure. This is completely and utterly untrue.","5362":"Alabama Beats Michigan St, Advances To National Championship Alabama (13-1) will face No. 1 Clemson (14-0) on Jan. 11 in Arizona.","5363":"Orlando Survivor Angel Colon Meets Police Officer Who Saved His Life Colon, who was critically injured in the shooting, was pulled to safety by Officer Omar Delgado.","5364":"10 Best Educated Cities In America ","5365":"No Jail Time For Fertility Doctor Who Used His Sperm To Impregnate Patients \"Our pain was not acknowledged,\" one of the victims said.","5366":"Ignorance with a Charming Smile A few months ago I wrote a post critical of former NFL coach Tony Dungy's campaign to eliminate marriage equality and to prevent gay couples from adopting children.","5367":"42 Maximum-Security Inmates In Utah Prison Begin Hunger Strike They're demanding the release of gang leaders, among other things.","5368":"Madyson 'Maddy' Middleton, 8, Missing In California, Police Say The girl was last seen riding her scooter outside of a community center.","5369":"Bottom In Sight For U.S. Gas Prices: Survey The end of a months-long slide in gas prices may be near.","5370":"Cody Zeller Shows Why Playing NBA Basketball Is A Bloodsport Ouch.","5371":"How to Improve Your People Skills Learning to solve problems and work with people can be the best way to exhibit class. Remember: Your people skills are your social skills. Define the problem in terms of needs. Brainstorm possible solutions. Select the solution that will best meet everyone's needs.","5372":"Can Capital Be Just? ","5373":"Drug Dealer Who Sold Teen Lethal Amount Of Fentanyl Ordered To Pay For His Funeral The 17-year-old was found dead of an overdose in his home in April.","5374":"North Korea Sanctions Must Target Regime To Bruise Economy ","5375":"11 Easy Ways To Save Money It's not just small change.","5376":"Sure, World Cup Soccer Players Are Hot, But What Happens When You Add Puppies And Kids? This. Because there's more to these attractive men than their good looks. But... also their good looks.","5377":"9-Year-Old And Anti-Violence Activist Fatally Shot During Deadly Weekend In Chicago More than 40 people were shot in the city from Friday to Sunday morning.","5378":"Iraqi Immigrant Taking Pictures Of His First Snowfall Shot Dead ","5379":"Intel Makes Huge Push To Hire More Women And Minorities And it's offering big bonus checks to employees who help.","5380":"Football Players Charged With Attempted Rape Of Special-Education Student ","5381":"Suspected San Diego Shooter in Custody After Hours-Long Standoff The shooter reportedly had a high-powered rifle.","5382":"A Different Type of Attack on Minority Rights in Texas When it comes to the issue of \"minority rights,\" thoughts immediately wander to race, gender, age, or sexual preference. In the state of Texas, there is a different type of minority rights battle at stake and the war over it went all the way to the Texas Supreme Court.","5383":"Washington Coach Takes Heat After Robert Griffin III Concussion \"Leaving Griffin in that game was borderline criminal.\"","5384":"Listen To 911 Operator Help Iman Shumpert Deliver Baby This is really awesome.","5385":"Thousands Of NFL Players' Medical Records Stolen From Skins Trainer In late April, the NFL recently informed its players, a Skins athletic trainer\u2019s car was broken into. The thief took a backpack","5386":"Top 22 Highlights Of The Los Angeles Lakers' 2014-2015 Season Just kidding. They are all lowlights.","5387":"Will Smith Shooting Scene Witness Shocked By Alleged Shooter Cardell Hayes' Calm Behavior Another person who saw the aftermath of the shooting that took former New Orleans Saints player Will Smith\u2019s life April 9","5388":"Walking Away From the Game: A Higher Calling or Just Over It? Alex Rance is in the sweet spot of an already distinguished career as a professional Australian Rules footballer. Rance, 25, a star defender with the Richmond Tigers who was named in last season's All Australian team, also happens to be a Jehovah's Witness.","5389":"New York City Imam Killing Suspect Charged With Murder The suspect was arrested after a hit-and-run accident on the day that the two men were killed exiting a mosque in Queens.","5390":"Camille Cosby Says Husband's Guilty Verdict Is 'Mob Justice' In Bizarre Statement This is the first time she has spoken out since Bill Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault.","5391":"Canadian Snowboarder Wins Olympic Bronze, 11 Months After Near-Fatal Crash \u201cIt feels pretty special to stand on this podium again after everything,\" said Mark McMorris.","5392":"New Leadership Choices: Are You the Leader This Moment Requires? The future of work calls for an overhaul of business and work design. Each company's needs are different, but the overall trend is moving away from 20th-century hierarchies to a wirearchy -- leveraging the power of networks and communities to organize work and responsibilities.","5393":"Always Dreaming Wins Kentucky Derby On Sloppy Track Lookin at Lee finished second at Churchill Downs.","5394":"7 Ways To Spend The Money From Obama's Proposed Oil Tax Too bad Congress is going to kill it.","5395":"Woman Allegedly Attacks Muslim Moms And Babies In Hate Crime That's right -- babies.","5396":"The New World of Cutthroat Apps There's a new crop of apps intensifying competition among brick-and-mortar retailers by giving consumers a faster means of comparison and more advanced personalization. What this means is that businesses have to deal with the linear change of ever-increasing consumer options.","5397":"WATCH 'Too Drunk' Passenger Punch Uber Driver, Get Maced \"Trip's ended.\"","5398":"Men Reportedly Had Plans To Bomb St. Louis Arch And Kill Ferguson's Police Chief ","5399":"Women in Business Q&A: Ursula Morgenstern, CEO Atos UK & Ireland Ursula Morgenstern is CEO for Atos UK and Ireland and Global Executive Vice President, Cloud and Enterprise Software. Atos is an international leader in digital services with annual revenues of \u20ac10 billion and 86,000 employees in 66 countries.","5400":"Explosion At JFK High School In The Bronx Injures 3 Contractors working at night were injured in the blast.","5401":"Olympic Snowboarder Protests Meek Mill's Imprisonment In Unusual Way Tit Stante got the message out during the men's halfpipe.","5402":"Student Killed In Accidental Shooting At Alabama School: Report A second student is in critical but stable condition, while an adult employee was treated and released at the scene.","5403":"Dad Admits Killing Family On Facebook: 'Now My Family Is Pain Free' ","5404":"5 Elements of a Winning Entrepreneurial Mindset We've all got those dreaded \"things\" we need to work on inside our heads. They're those things that seem to hold us back from charging our worth, feeling like we're enough and unapologetically announcing to the world who we are. It keeps us from attracting clients.","5405":"Thief Dresses Like Apple Store Employee, Makes Off With 19 iPhones A man dressed like an Apple store employee waltzed into the company's New York City SoHo location and used the disguise to","5406":"Shared Understanding: Bringing Together Many Voices Using Collaborative Tools and Processes I fell in love with technology when I met my first computer and learned to program. But my husband has no cause for jealousy because my love of technology is instrumental.","5407":"Man Found Adrift In Ocean A Week After Vanishing With Mom Nathan Carman, 22, was found in a life raft off the coast of Massachusetts Sunday. His mother is still missing.","5408":"6 Things Great Leaders Do Differently Great leadership can be a difficult thing to pin down and understand. You know a great leader when you're working for one, but even they can have a hard time articulating what it is that makes their leadership so effective.","5409":"Masked Robber Foiled After Unfriending Victim On Facebook Ryley Smith was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.","5410":"Man Thinks He's Being Put To Death For Preaching Gospel: Lawyers ","5411":"WATCH: NFL Player's Daughter Gets A Heartwarming Pep Talk Before Surgery ","5412":"WATCH: Darvish Gave Hitter Whiplash With Slow Pitch ","5413":"Creating A Culture Of Concussion Safety Requires Teamwork All Season Long, Not Just One Day \u201cIf I can get up and walk away from it, yeah, I\u2019ll probably keep playing,\u201d one player said.","5414":"Koch Nonprofit President\u2019s Anti-Net Neutrality Campaign by Emma Leathley For the past three years, American Commitment, a small nonprofit with ties to the donor network spearheaded","5415":"Report: Muhammad Ali In 'Grave' Condition The 74-year-old boxing legend was admitted to a hospital for respiratory issues earlier this week.","5416":"Ex-Vanderbilt Football Player Convicted Of Raping Unconscious Student Cory Batey faces a sentence of 15 to 25 years in prison.","5417":"NCAA Schools Are Reducing The Punishment For Marijuana Use \"The change was intended to make the policy more rehabilitative.\"","5418":"Serena Williams Desperately Seeks Advice For Her Teething Baby \"It's breaking my heart,\" the tennis champ said of her daughter Alexis Olympia's discomfort.","5419":"Keith Olbermann Not Exactly Thrilled Penn State Getting Its Wins Back \"This is Joe Paterno\u2019s legacy. This is Penn State\u2019s legacy. Football was more important to them than saving children.\"","5420":"Death Penalty Can Be Considered In Colorado Theater Shooting Case The jury will now decide if James Holmes deserves to die.","5421":"REPORT: Russian Hackers Looted Big Bank Data ","5422":"Brazilian Man Hides In SUV's Gas Tank In Desperate Bid To Enter U.S. A 40-year-old Californian was arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle him over the border from Mexico.","5423":"Judge Frees Kids She Sent To Juvenile Center For Avoiding Lunch With Father They're going to summer camp instead","5424":"Dharun Ravi, Roommate In Rutgers Webcam Case, Pleads Guilty Ravi's roommate Tyler Clementi committed suicide after Ravi broadcasted images of him kissing another man.","5425":"Women in Business Q&A: Sandra Rowland, Vice President, Corporate Development and Investor Relations, HARMAN In June 2013, Sandra E. Rowland was named Vice President, Corporate Development and Investor Relations. She leads the teams responsible for Corporate Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions and Investor Relations. Sandra joined HARMAN in October 2012.","5426":"Elderly Woman Fires At Police Robot In Hours-Long Stand-Off: Cops ","5427":"The 5 NBA Rookies You Need To Watch This Season These guys got next.","5428":"He's Grounded! Delta Bans Obnoxious Trump Supporter For Life CEO says all the passengers on the flight were given refunds.","5429":"Newtown Shooter May Have Had Interest In Pedophilia, FBI Reveals Adam Lanza thought children were being brainwashed by adults, and was obsessed with mass shootings, newly released documents show.","5430":"Metadata, Connection and the Big Data Story ","5431":"My Top 5 Quotes From Toronto Fitness Studios That I Apply in Business and Life I have often found parallels that I can draw upon when it comes to fitness, business and in life. During times when I feel stressed, need inspiration or I'm just beaten down, I will always turn to a hard workout.","5432":"Jon Stewart Tackles Michael Sam Showergate ","5433":"Mixed prognosis ","5434":"Pennsylvania Police Chief Accused Of Huffing Air Can On Duty Other officers \"watched as his eyes fluttered and he became unresponsive.\"","5435":"Here\u2019s How Much Money You Need To Afford Rent In Every State For people earning the minimum wage, the answer is \u201cway more than you make.\u201d","5436":"Flint-Like Lead Hazards May Be Lurking In Private Water Wells Across the country, millions of Americans served by private wells drink, bathe and cook with water containing potentially dangerous amounts of lead.","5437":"WATCH: Maui Man Drives Car Through Marathon Crowd ","5438":"Brazil Finally Wins Olympic Soccer Gold And Everybody Is In Tears Neymar cried. And then so did everyone else.","5439":"Mom Links Her Athlete Son's Death To This Football-Related Brain Disease Paul Bright developed CTE after 10 years on the football field.","5440":"Father Indicted After Toddler's Body Found In Crib MEDINA, Ohio (AP) \u2014 An Ohio man was indicted by a grand jury in connection with keeping the body of his dead 1-year-old daughter","5441":"Maria Sharapova Banned For Two Years For Doping Violation The five-time Grand Slam winner plans to fight the suspension.","5442":"NYPD Union Responds To Calls For Reform By Shaming The Homeless Memo calls officials fighting for police accountability \"inept and spineless.\"","5443":"Can Los Angeles Pull Off A Profitable 2024 Olympics? Los Angeles turned a profit hosting the 1984 Olympics. It might be tougher this time around.","5444":"What's Your R.O.T.? The More You Know, The More You Make The other day I was tired. Not just yawn tried, but so tired my head hurt, my feet hurt and everything in between hurt.","5445":"Prison Escapee Appears In Court David Sweat is already a convicted cop killer.","5446":"Friday Roundup: Week Ending November 18, 2016 ","5447":"Video Allegedly Shows Park Ranger Fighting Skateboarder ","5448":"Popcorn Leadership ","5449":"Police Investigating After 8-Year-Old Shoots 10-Year-Old Relative The 10-year-old was taken in \"guarded condition\" to a local hospital.","5450":"Man Attempting To Sexually Assault 2 Women Gets Stabbed: Cops ","5451":"Baltimore Detective Killed A Day Before Testifying\u00a0In Federal Case Against Fellow Cops Baltimore's police commissioner says the evidence suggests Sean Suiter's death was not related to his testimony.","5452":"Man Killed Stepmom While She Watched TV, Police Say The suspect allegedly planned to break his sister's neck before setting sights on his stepmother.","5453":"Woman Allegedly Sprays Weed Killer In 7-Year-Old Girl's Face ","5454":"Google To Start Selling 2 New Watches Android Wear 2.0 refreshes Google's smartwatch offerings.","5455":"The Most Common Financial Mistakes To Avoid Take control of your money.","5456":"'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch To Be Returned To U.S. From Mexico Couch, 18, and his mother, Tonya Couch, were taken into custody on Monday evening in the Pacific Ocean resort of Puerto Vallarta.","5457":"Man Accused Of Masturbating In Car Near Girl Scouts A judge has ordered him to remain at least 100 yards away from any Girl Scout event.","5458":"World Cup 2014: If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Belgium The last time the United States played Belgium was in a friendly match last year when Belgium beat the U.S. 4-2. Since then, Team USA has come a long way.","5459":"Several Injured In Gunfire On Famed New Orleans Street ","5460":"Women in Business Q&A: Julie Yoo, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Kyruus Julie Yoo is a Co-Founder of Kyruus and serves as the company's Chief Product Officer. She was previously the VP of Clinical Product Strategy at Generation Health, where she oversaw the development of the company's clinical programs and data analytics platform.","5461":"How Elizabeth Warren Beat A Student Loan Giant Investors are fleeing Navient Corp. as traders increasingly bet that the company will default on its debt.","5462":"What's Ahead for Reputation in 2015 This year the term reputation was everywhere. It was no longer primarily reserved for corporations and the corporate domain.","5463":"Dallas Killer Wrote Cryptic Messages In His Own Blood At Site Of Standoff, Police Say He left the letters \"RB\" in the building where police killed him.","5464":"Cliff Avril Is Winning On And Off The Football Field He's using the gridiron as a platform to help those who need it the most.","5465":"Jason Pierre-Paul Says He Is Going To Be Back Soon, But Isn't Actually Going To Be Back Soon \"Don't believe the hype.\"","5466":"Rediscovering the NFL's True North It's time for all of us all to act, and to demand much more from those in positions of leadership in the NFL. I also hope that President Obama and Members of Congress voice their views, not to score political blood-score points, but as human beings who are fathers and mothers, who want America to be a place where their daughters don't live in fear.","5467":"Hawaii Man Accused Of Murdering Wife In Front Of Young Daughter The 10-year-old girl was reportedly found hiding in a back bedroom.","5468":"The Selfie Goal Celebration Was Bound To Happen ","5469":"Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy Indicted For 2014 Standoff He was indicted on 16 felony charges, including conspiracy, assault on a federal officer and obstruction of justice.","5470":"'This Man Was Out To Kill': Driver Repeatedly Runs Over Woman At Traffic Light ","5471":"After Honoring Eric Garner, LeBron's Voice Could Have Been Louder After the game James was asked his reason for wearing the \"I Can't Breathe\" T-shirt, and he responded, \"It was a message to the family. That I'm sorry for their loss, sorry to his wife. That's what it's about.\" It appears that James was more interested in playing it safe, unwilling to ruffle the feathers of his corporate sponsors and brands.","5472":"Man Charged In Detox Center Shooting Resented Homeless: Police Suspect told investigators he was tired of cleaning up after \"park rangers.\"","5473":"USA Hockey General Manager Jim Johannson Dies Unexpectedly At 53 He died in his sleep early Sunday morning at his home in Colorado.","5474":"Darren Sharper Faces 20 Years In Prison Under Plea Deal Judge Jane Triche Milazzo rejected the original plea arrangement, saying the proposed nine-year prison sentence was too lenient.","5475":"Here Are The Most-Googled Brands In Each State ","5476":"South And North Korea Gymnasts' Selfie Scores A 10 For Diplomacy \"This is why we do the Olympics.\"","5477":"Affluenza Teen's Mom Is Also Missing Tonya Couch may be with her son, Ethan, the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office said.","5478":"Suspect Captured In 'Ambush-Style Attacks' On Iowa Police Officers Police have identified Justin Martin, 24, and Anthony Beminio, 38, as the victims.","5479":"Women in Business: Robin Goldberg, Chief Experience Officer of the Minerva Project Robin Goldberg is the Chief Marketing Officer of the Minerva Project, a groundbreaking venture to reinvent the university experience for the world's brightest and most motivated students.","5480":"Why Doesn't Sandy Alderson Realize Jon Niese's Value Is So Low? According to FOXSports.com's Ken Rosenthal, the Milwaukee Brewers may have rejected the New York Mets' straight-up offer of Jon Niese for veteran third baseman Aramis Ramirez yesterday evening.","5481":"Michael Phelps Wins 20th Gold Medal At Rio Olympics The winningest Olympian of all time has done it again.","5482":"Probe Launched After Fatal Police Shooting Of Woman Who Threatened Suicide The Broward County Sheriff\u2019s Office said 28-year-old Kristen Ambury was armed. But details of the tragedy remain scarce.","5483":"Family Of Woman Missing For 12 Years 'Fed Up' With Florida Cops Jennifer Kesse's family is filing suit for access to police records.","5484":"Cain Returns in Giants Win It was a pitcher's duel through the first four frames. Matt Cain returned to the mound after his second stint on the disable list this season. Cain was probably the best he's been all season, he retired the first twelve batters he faced and held the New York Mets scoreless through five innings.","5485":"Broken Windows, Broken Trust Twenty years after his son was fatally shot by a police officer, Nicholas Heyward Sr stares out the kitchen window of his Brooklyn apartment, one hand distractedly placed on a stack of newspaper clippings related to the death of then-13-year-old Nicholas N. Heyward Jr, an honors student who loved to play basketball.","5486":"5 Things Customers May Not Tell You Before They Leave for Good If you've never hired secret shoppers for yourself, here are some common messages they have to communicate to their clients. Are these same issues persuading your own customers to walk away without leaving clues?","5487":"Can Chevron Avoid Paying Clean-Up Costs By Hiding Behind Shell Companies? A Canadian Judge Seems To Think That's Just Fine... Everybody knows that you bury a bad news story by putting it out late on Friday afternoon. If it\u2019s really bad, you might","5488":"Man Steals $600 From Bra Of 93-Year-Old In Wheelchair Cops say they've apprehended a suspect.","5489":"4 Unexpected Truths in Entrepreneurship As National Small Business Week draws to a close, there is no time like the present to reflect on the advice I've collected, from life experiences and an incredibly supportive mentor base, in my years as the founder and president of a digital marketing agency.","5490":"Miami Police Officer's Facebook Plea: 'Everyone's Life Matters' \"The oath is colorblind.\"","5491":"LeBron James Sells His Miami Home For $13.4 Million Who needs Coconut Grove, anyway?","5492":"Iggy Azalea Saved Nick Young From Getting A 'BORN REBLE' Tattoo Peak Swaggy P.","5493":"Police Arrest Creepy Clown, Accomplice For Alleged Neglect Of 4-Year-Old Girl 911 callers said the clowns were chasing cars.","5494":"White High School Football Players Accused Of Coat Hanger Assault On Black, Disabled Teammate The victim's family alleges in a $10 million lawsuit that coaches and administrators failed to stop months of racist abuse.","5495":"Man Who Supplied Guns To California Shooters Arrested On Terrorism-Related Charges Marquez was also charged with defrauding U.S. immigration authorities by entering into a sham marriage with a woman in Farook's extended family.","5496":"English Soccer's Governing Body Launches Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry It will examine allegations of children being sexually abused at professional soccer clubs.","5497":"Volunteering Surprisingly Makes You Feel Like You Have More Free Time ","5498":"James Jones And Teammate On Precipice Of Making Sixth Straight NBA Finals We are all witnesses.","5499":"Accenture's US Chief On 'Smart Risk-Taking' And Big Success As the North American chief executive of a major tech firm, Julie Sweet clearly knows what it takes to be an effective leader","5500":"These 2 High School Superstars Are Excelling On And Off The Court Hoops and academics share equal importance for Wendell Carter Jr. and Evina Westbrook.","5501":"The Road Between Employment and Entrepreneurship: From Hating to Loving Vulnerability Last time, I wrote about how traveling the road between employment and entrepreneurship is just one way to grow and develop as a person; to connect with the essence of who you are.","5502":"Verizon Workers To Strike This Week If They Don't Get A Contract It would be the biggest U.S. strike since 2011.","5503":"Deputy Brad Garafola, Killed Protecting A Wounded Officer, Gets Hero's Send-Off The sheriff's deputy was one of three lawmen killed in an ambush July 17.","5504":"Alaska Air Nears Deal To Acquire Virgin America Alaska Air is expected to pay upwards of $2 billion for Virgin America, which currently has a market value of about $1.5 billion.","5505":"Rio Olympics Closing Ceremony Caps Historic, Dramatic And Controversial Games Just like the Games, Rio's closing ceremony will be a memorable one.","5506":"Why Attitude Is More Important Than IQ When it comes to success, it's easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to leave the rest of us in the dust. But new research from Stanford University will change your mind (and your attitude).","5507":"Matt Barnes Views Terrorizing His Ex As Handling 'Grown Men's Business' Jealousy is childish.","5508":"NCAA\u2019s New Sexual Violence Policy Underwhelming At Best The NCAA Board of Governors announced on Thursday they adopted a new sexual violence policy. The policy, adopted after a","5509":"Burglars Ram Truck Into Gun Store, Loot Stash Of Weapons: Police \"Now those weapons are out there,\" the store owner said.","5510":"The Global Economy and the U.S. Real Estate Market Since America is not immune to the impact of global economic and political trends, it may not be the case that the current rosy growth projections will ultimately be realized.","5511":"Missing 'X-Men' Producer Found Safe After Tipster Contacts HuffPost Eric Kohler was found one day after HuffPost received a tip he was in the town of La Paz, Mexico.","5512":"The NCAA Men's Championship Tournament Teams Are Finally Revealed March Madness is officially underway.","5513":"The Terrible Twos ","5514":"San Francisco Police Detain Musician Fantastic Negrito For Allegedly Scalping Outside Lands Tickets If he's proven guilty, Fantastic Negrito vows to retire.","5515":"It's Not Just About the Bagels: Building Employee Engagement (Pt. 3) The Employee in Employee Engagement The very phrase \"employee engagement\" is nothing without the employee. We are all employees, and at times it's easier to blame the employer for our woes without taking a look in the mirror. I've worked with many employees who thought the grass was greener elsewhere.","5516":"Redskins' Thanksgiving Tweet Is More Awkward Than Anything At Your Family Gathering ","5517":"Bungling Robbery Suspects Receive Much-Deserved Dose Of Karma A gusty Mother Nature spoiled the getaway.","5518":"Michael Sam Shows His Support For Missouri's Protests Against Racism The football team was on strike.","5519":"Homeowner Arrested For Murder After Shooting Intruder In Shower: Sheriff Authorities said the homeowner left to get a gun and then shot him multiple times before calling 911.","5520":"WARNING: This Is What Chris Christie Would Like As A Cowboys Cheerleader ","5521":"Man Accused Of Smearing Feces In Woman's Shorts Says 'God Did It' Ekwan Hill, 42, faces charges for not one but two feces attacks against women in Manhattan on Monday.","5522":"That Guy In The Jersey Is About To Propose How much did his buddies pay him?","5523":"Unlikely Coalition Forms To Back Renewable Energy Starbucks, Walmart and others are setting tough new goals for themselves.","5524":"10 Things Smart People Won't Say There are some things you simply never want to say at work.","5525":"The Boy With 46DD Breasts A mother finally discovers what a prescription drug did to her son.","5526":"10 Most Hated Companies In America To be truly hated, a company must alienate a large number of people.","5527":"The Cult Of Wegmans Just Helped The Grocer Beat Amazon ","5528":"Game of the Week: Stanford @ Oregon Marcus Mariota, quarterback of Oregon, currently ranked fourth in our College Football Power Rankings, is looking to win his first career game over Stanford this Saturday.","5529":"16 Photos These Olympians Probably Wish They Could Delete From The Internet These faces deserve gold medals! \ud83d\ude1c","5530":"Hot and on Demand Parking Service ZIRX CEO Sean Behr Shares His 15 Year Entrepreneurship Journey The sharing economy is on the rise. We've seen a big shift in the markets of public transportation and accommodation because of the likes of Uber and Airbnb respectively.","5531":"Oklahoma Woman Beheaded By Fired Coworker: Cops ","5532":"Two Arrested In Slaying Of UCLA Student Andrea DelVesco Andrea DelVesco's body was found in her apartment after the building caught fire.","5533":"Video Expertly Sums Up Why Triple Axel Figure Skating Jump Is So Huge \u201cThe triple axel is a physics problem.\"","5534":"One of the Biggest Leadership Myths: It's Lonely at the Top People think that being a leader means that you always have to be perfect. The belief is that leaders are high up, and, therefore, unapproachable. What if this weren't true?","5535":"Tennis World Would Benefit from a Federer Victory in New York With the U.S. Open set to begin Monday, it opens yet another chapter in one of the most compelling storylines of the tennis summer. That is, of course, the resurgence of Roger Federer to place himself once again among the top contenders in the sport.","5536":"Parents Charged With Homicide In Starvation Death Of Autistic Son ","5537":"8 Companies That Owe Workers A Raise ","5538":"Indiana Beauty Queen Killed In Car Accident The crash happened just weeks after she was named Miss Crawford County.","5539":"The Deficit Is Down and the Deficit Hawks Are Furious Not only is the deficit down sharply from its levels of 2009 and 2010, when it was near 10 percent of GDP, it is below the levels that even the deficit hawks had targeted back in those years. In other words, even if we had followed the lead of deficit crusaders like Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, the deficit would be no lower today.","5540":"Major Police Group: Mandated Treatment Can Help Some Mentally Ill The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) approved a resolution calling for greater use of mandated treatment, commonly known as assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), at their annual meeting in Orlando. Research shows that AOT reduces arrest, suicide, involuntary hospitalization and violence by the most seriously mentally ill.","5541":"Thank You Michael Phelps. Thank You Team USA. Thank you for making my sport relevant. For providing my peers a little insight into why I couldn\u2019t attend their parties","5542":"Nate Robinson Plans To Play In NFL, But It's No Slam Dunk Talk about a game-changer.","5543":"What Are the Best Graduate School Student Loans? Attending graduate school can often increase your long-term earning potential, but also leave you with tens of thousands in graduate school loans. The cost of going back to school, however, often intimidates candidates even before starting the application process.","5544":"Selling Social in the Organization For social media to gain a foothold at a company, it needs a dedicated hub. That means a budget and individuals (whether internal or through vendors) who are accountable to social-specific goals.","5545":"3 Weirdly Accurate Reasons to Stop Saving for Retirement in 2015 If you're making contributions to retirement plans and you don't have these three things dealt with properly, then temporarily stopping those investments is an important part of getting your finances in order.","5546":"Buzzer-Beater Gives Notre Dame Win Over Mississippi State In 2018 National Championship Arike Ogunbowale drained a 3-pointer from the right corner with 0.1 seconds to play.","5547":"Why Rupert Murdoch's Exit at Fox Is Good for Climate Change Science Though it's likely the younger Murdoch will consult his father, who still owns the majority of the company and will continue as executive chairman, on key decisions, the patriarch's departure from day-to-day management could be good news for proponents of climate change science.","5548":"Authorities Confirm Arrest Of Ex-Cop In 'Golden State Serial Killer' Case \"For over 40 years, helpless victims have waited for justice,\" a district attorney said.","5549":"Michael Phelps' Death Stare Is Now A Seriously Intimidating Tattoo \"Seeing him go out and win the way he has has been inspiring to me.\"","5550":"Amanda Knox Says Woman Who Told Boyfriend To Kill Himself Needs Sympathy, Not Prison Much like Michelle Carter, Knox was once cast as a \"femme fatale\" in a high-profile case.","5551":"Package Thief Gets A Painful Dose Of Instant Karma, And It's All Caught On Video That's gotta hurt.","5552":"Is the Eurozone Drifting Apart? It now falls to Europe's politicians to act resolutely to stop the union drifting apart. Their present approach of endless negotiations and compromise formulas risks losing the last vestige of popular support.","5553":"Las Vegas Man Films Burglars In Action The man who filmed the fleeing burglars says it's good to know your neighbors and be willing to ask for help.","5554":"'Drunk Frat Boy' Is Ryan Lochte's New Auto-Tuned Olympic Anthem Warning: You'll be singing this all week.","5555":"Tim Tebow Prays With Plane's Passengers After Man Collapses On Flight Former football star \"met with the family as they cried on his shoulder!\"","5556":"Florida Shooter's Former Friend Says She Reported Him To School 'Multiple' Times Nikolas Cruz \"talked about killing our parents, our friends, boyfriends and girlfriends,\" said Ariana Lopez.","5557":"ISIS Claims Minnesota Mall Attack Was Carried Out By Supporter None of the eight victims were believed to have suffered life-threatening injuries.","5558":"Economists Are Wrong To boil things down, there are really only two roads we can follow in an environment of such as this. The economy will either muddle along at a sub-par rate of about 2 percent until balance is restored, or we go down the path of running up debt in an effort to produce higher growth rates in the near term.","5559":"When Doing Well While Doing Good Could Be Bad For You Inclusive business, or business that pursues opportunities in traditionally unattractive market segments, ought to be a strategic imperative for corporations and investors.","5560":"Only NBA Nerds Will Catch The Joke In This NBA 2K16 Trailer Wait for it ... there he is!","5561":"Why A Top Diversity Adviser Says Quotas Should Be A 'Last Resort' Beth Brooke-Marciniak, EY's global head of public policy, says diversity takes some serious introspection first.","5562":"Google's New 'Low Key' CEO Is So On Trend Sundar Pichai's humility is the new hotness in the C-suite.","5563":"What Businesses Need to Know About Direct Marketing Many marketers seem lost, and one of the reasons is that they have not learned how these new tools fit into the marketing strategy hierarchy. Those that have achieved considerable success have recognized that the Internet and its \"offspring\" are really forms of Direct Marketing. Why?","5564":"Beckham's Adorable Daughter Is Learning To Bend It Like, Well, You Know \"Mia Hamm eat your heart out.\"","5565":"Ferguson Is Rallying Cry For Protests Over Cop Killings ","5566":"Donald Trump Thinks Roger Goodell Is 'Weak,' 'Stupid' And A 'Dope' And he's not happy about that Tom Brady suspension.","5567":"These New York Mets Fans Are Expert Chicago Cubs Trolls How clever.","5568":"Simone Biles, 5-Time Olympic Medalist, Says Larry Nassar Sexually Abused Her, Too \u201cWe need to make sure something like this never happens again.\u201d","5569":"Serena Williams Becomes Winningest Woman In Open History All hail Queen Serena.","5570":"American Airlines Merger Settlement Approved By U.S. Judge ","5571":"Follow live: Colombia vs. Uruguay ","5572":"This Guy Sunk A Half-Court Shot Without Touching The Ball Look ma, no hands. All towel.","5573":"'Welcome To Hell': Rio Police Warn They Can't Promise Olympic Protection And a \u201csuper bacteria\u201d has been discovered to boot.","5574":"Past Is Prologue: Crisis Risk Management Begins Inside As we read about the travails of General Motors and recent foreign-exchange scandals, it's difficult to explain the enduring and elusive challenge that companies and organizations seem to face: the importance of learning from past mistakes.","5575":"The Final 5 Years Now we are about to experience another leap forward -- in the next five years almost every human will be connected by a device to the net. Only those under one may escape being connected, although many of them will no doubt be playing with their parents' devices.","5576":"DeMarco Murray's Death Stare Strikes The Heart Of The Philadelphia Eagles' Season Yes, he's looking at you, Sam Bradford.","5577":"Former Cop Charged After 2 Police Dogs Die In His Care, 4 Years Apart Daniel Peabody, 50, faces felony charges after leaving a dog to die in a hot car and possibly shooting another to death, authorities said.","5578":"Deputy Already Under Investigation For A Shooting Allegedly Shoots Neighbor He reportedly told investigators that the weapon fired accidentally.","5579":"New Video Shows Man Had Both Hands In Air When Fatally Shot By Cops A grand jury voted this week not to indict the officers.","5580":"How Nick Foles Got Back Up The Super Bowl MVP chats with a childhood friend about his unusual journey from NFL backup to star to backup again.","5581":"14 Michigan State Reps Reportedly Heard About Abuser Larry Nassar And Did Nothing Eight young women say they told MSU about the doctor over the course of two decades.","5582":"How Positivity Makes You Healthy and Successful ","5583":"Boston Marathon Bombing Jury To Decide Life Or Death For Tsarnaev ","5584":"Illinois Manhunt Underway After Officer Is Shot And Killed The suspects are considered armed and dangerous.","5585":"Russian Bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva Fails Doping Test A Russian curler had earlier lost his bronze medal over doping charges.","5586":"NBA Star Russell Westbrook Is Very Specific About How He Likes His PB&J Aren't we all?","5587":"Steelers Linebacker Hurt In Head-On Tackle Stands For Pittsburgh Crowd Ryan Shazier, who couldn't move his legs after a severe spinal injury in December, saluted fans at a Penguins game.","5588":"Watch The U.S. Olympic Swim Team Do Their Own Epic 'Carpool Karaoke' Michael Phelps joins in, too!","5589":"3 Dead In Baltimore Shooting, More Than 200 Others Killed This Year Police recovered handguns from two of the victims.","5590":"Developing Emotional Intelligence to Grow Your Family Business Emotional intelligence (EQ) is our ability and capacity to manage emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. What does this have to do with running a family business? Everything.","5591":"Obamacare Shoppers Get Sneak Peek At New Prices ","5592":"'Hatchet Man' Suspect Could Have Ties To Murder Of Teen Hikers, Police Say Cops are trying to determine if the man has links to the February slayings of 13-year-old Abigail Williams and 14-year-old Liberty German.","5593":"WNBA Fines Players For Wearing Shirts To Honor Recent Shooting Victims Standing up to police shootings has come at a cost.","5594":"The Classic 'Masculine' Business Model Works Better When You Add Women How getting away from cutthroat corporate practices can \"mobilize talent, drive innovation and drive transformation.\"","5595":"Steph Curry Bows Out Of Summer Olympics, Citing Injuries -- Not Zika He needs to focus, he says, on getting ready for the next NBA season.","5596":"Brothel Worker Says Lamar Odom Was In 'Pain' The cellphone service along Nevada state Route 160 starts getting spotty about 30 miles outside of Las Vegas. Calls drop","5597":"Major Companies Back Obama\u2019s Climate Regulations In Court Four corporate titans filed a court brief in support of the Clean Power Plan.","5598":"6 Tips for Indian Managers New to America Religion and politics are generally considered off-limits topics in business in America. So what do you talk about over lunch or dinner with your American counterparts?","5599":"LIVE: South Korea Fights Belgium For World Cup Chances ","5600":"Jake Plummer Slams 'Billionaire A*****e' Jerry Jones For Not Taking CTE Seriously \"Shame on him for saying that.\"","5601":"Is Your Life Insurance Dying? Here are five things to ask your agent about your policy right now -- while you still can adjust your premiums to make up for the rising costs.","5602":"Louisiana Prisoner Freed After 41 Years Of Unconstitutional Life Sentence At 16, Tyler was the youngest person on Louisiana's death row.","5603":"The Two Types of Brands (and the Entrepreneurs Behind Them) Recently, I was having a discussion with branding expert David Brier on the sometimes questionable state of brands today. He laughingly mentioned a client who recently asked, \"How did you know? You must have time traveled to know what we'd need.\"","5604":"David Beckham Gives $100,000 To Shocked Family On TV Mom asks, \"Do we get to play soccer with you?\"","5605":"Suspected Burglar Gets Stuck In Chimney, Dies After Fire Is Lit The man was responsive during part of the rescue.","5606":"12 Weird Sports Rules You May Not Have Heard Of Including one that allows fans to use social media to boost a competitor\u2019s performance.","5607":"This Is The Play That'll Give Panthers Fans Nightmares All Offseason Von Miller, you the real MVP. No, like really.","5608":"These Are The World\u2019s Leading Startup Cities Challengers to Silicon Valley include New York, L.A., Boston, Tel Aviv, and London.","5609":"Craig Sager Brings His A-Game To FaceTime Fellow Cancer Patient Sager took time from working his first NBA Finals game to reach out to an admirer.","5610":"U.S. Olympic Committee Tells Athletes To Consider Not Attending Rio Games Over Zika Virus No one should compete in Brazil if they don't feel comfortable going, Olympics officials say.","5611":"Police Arrest Mother Of Newborn Found Buried Alive The tiny infant was hidden under asphalt and loose dirt.","5612":"Golfer's Two-Ball Trick Shot Makes Us Say: How'd He Do That? You'll do a double-take.","5613":"Teen's Alleged Rape Goes Viral And Now She's Speaking Out ","5614":"Coach Pop Was Really Happy To See Craig Sager Back On The Sidelines \"This is the first time I've enjoyed doing this ridiculous interview.\"","5615":"Is 'The World's Most Secretive Company' Opening Up? Apple became the world's most valuable company for a number of complex reasons, including the design genius of its brilliant founder. But when you look under the surface, it is more open than you might think.","5616":"Warriors Embarrass The Lakers To Cement Best Start In NBA History Stephen Curry made everyone look silly. Kobe Bryant looked old.","5617":"Escaped Murderers Could Be Headed For Canada, Authorities Say ","5618":"FIFA Auditor Domenico Scala Quits Over Group's New Powers Scala said he had been undermined a FIFA rule change.","5619":"People Are In Love With This Bicycling, Gold Medal-Winning Couple Laura Trott and Jason Kenny are cruising through life on a bicycle built for two.","5620":"Kid Looks Heartbroken After Not Being Able To Congratulate Sister On Championship A video showing an official preventing the hug between siblings quickly went viral.","5621":"Texas Cop Accused Of Staging His Own Death, May Be In Mexico Officer Coleman Martin bought a raft, cement blocks and rope - but it's all a ruse, police say.","5622":"Has Instant Messaging Become More Annoying Than Email? 5 Steps for More Productive Pinging Instant messaging is probably the type of workplace communication that we put the least amount of thought into. But approaching it more mindfully will help improve the productivity of both you and your colleagues and ease the frustrations that come from mismatched communications.","5623":"Confession: I Loved My Onboarding Experience It's been over a year and a half since I joined HopeLab, and I'm still wistfully thinking about my onboarding experience. Who does that? Well, apparently I do. It's one of my idiosyncrasies, but we'll get to those in a moment.","5624":"The Obama Administration Cracks Down On Payday Lenders It will get harder to trap people in unaffordable debt.","5625":"Creating a New Normal: White Men at the Diversity Table White men could be the most important group to ensuring that diversity and inclusion truly works. By ensuring that they are engaged, interested and invested players in diversity and inclusion conversation America will forge a new normal.","5626":"Hawaii Soldier Accused Of Conspiring With Lover To Kill Wife Sgt. Michael Walker's girlfriend allegedly stabbed his wife to death in their bedroom.","5627":"Financial Journalism: Best of 2014 Good financial journalism stands the test of time, and it is not a sprint; it's a marathon. Bloomberg News has broken story after story about global currency manipulation, bold collusion, and bank managers and crony regulators that continue to reap the rewards of unchecked malfeasance.","5628":"Let's Talk Toilet Paper I once worked in a Fortune 500 paper mill that manufactured toilet paper. The mill produced tons of it. Literally tons of it per day, 24\/7, 360 days a year. The only \"down days\" were Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Labor Day, the day after Labor Day, and the Fourth of July. Civilians were surprisingly curious about the operation. Here are the answers to five common questions.","5629":"Women in Business: Alexandra Knight\u200b, Vice President\/Director of Design\u200b at Korts & Knight, New York Division Kitchens by Alexandra Knight opened their showroom in the New York Design Center in midtown Manhattan. Head Designer, Alexi Knight, was literally born to work in the Kitchen & Bath Industry. Her parents, brother, cousin and uncle have all owned high-end, custom cabinet showrooms. Growing up in this professional environment equipped Alexi with the \"tools-of-the-trade\" necessary for entering the high-fashion world of Kitchens.","5630":"Another Poll: The Continuing, Debilitating Impact of Workplace Stress The sources of work-related stress are pervasive, across many companies. Failure to build more positive management cultures in our organizations will lead to yet more surveys that will cite similar findings.","5631":"Watch U.S. Women's Soccer Pull Off Jaw-Dropping Comeback Over Brazil It all happened in 9 minutes.","5632":"Women in Business Q&A: Martine Ilana, Founder of La Mer Collections La Mer was established in 2001 when Martine rummaged through her jewelry drawer and could not find a simple, stylish and feminine watch to wear. Combining her passion for design, love of quality materials and simple beauty, La Mer Collections was born.","5633":"Wild Scene In Philadelphia After Eagles Win Super Bowl Three people were arrested during the rowdy celebrations.","5634":"What's Musk's 'Missing Piece?' Tesla Insider Shares Insights This evening, Elon Musk announces details of Tesla's new products: not cars, but battery storage for the home and for the business\/utility. So why does Musk call battery storage \"the missing piece\" and why is it so significant?","5635":"Mother Kills Child, Self At Arizona Hospital \"They were seen alive and fine at midnight and then found at 2 a.m.\"","5636":"Mississippi Defeats Oklahoma State 48-20 In Sugar Bowl Ole Miss Victorious!","5637":"Demographics Of Murder Suspect's Police Department Tell Familiar Story ","5638":"Chick Hearn Predicted How Long Kobe Would Play For The Lakers Once again, Chick knows all.","5639":"Brands That Make You Aww ","5640":"BIG Win For The McIlroy Family ","5641":"30 Detainees Suspected Of Using Underground Tunnel To Illegally Enter U.S. Border Patrol agents uncovered the hidden tunnel while arresting the recently smuggled suspects.","5642":"No Charges For Cops Who Killed Man Who Had His Hands Up The officers said they believe they were in \"imminent danger.\"","5643":"Hanging with High Achievers I don't think it is overt, but high achievers have a sixth sense of who is worthy of their most precious commodity, time, and who is looking for instant gratification.","5644":"Alex Poythress Got His Tooth Stuck In The Net During A Dunk Alex Poythress was lucky to not mess up his entire grill.","5645":"UCLA Basketball Players Freed Before Trump Intervened: Report An ESPN investigation found Trump wasn't involved with the students' release.","5646":"But Really ... How Are The Olympics Still Even Happening? The internet wants answers.","5647":"Here's What's Really Holding Back The Economy ","5648":"Disneyland Employee Allegedly Tried To Trade Tickets For Sex With Minor Hotel dishwasher \"was immediately relieved of his duties\"","5649":"Why You Might Finally Be Getting That Raise After All ","5650":"These Are America's Poorest States The United States added 3.2 million jobs in 2014, a greater addition to the workforce than in 2013, when 2.3 million jobs","5651":"Walmart Workers Plan Black Friday Protests Over Wages ","5652":"Tennis Player Agrees To Go On Date After Losing Super Bowl Twitter Bet \"Lesson learned. Never bet against Tom Brady.\"","5653":"Deadly Shooting Spree Suspect Arrested ","5654":"Seahawks Take On Trump's Attacks On NFL By Launching Charity For Equality The Seattle team isn't just using gestures to fight racial inequality. It's using money.","5655":"Let's Take A Break From The Election To Laugh About This Russell Westbrook Quote Every Warriors-Thunder game this season is going to be awesome.","5656":"Investigation Reveals Key Mistakes In Overturned Murder Case ","5657":"Armed Fugitive Disguises Himself As An Old Man To Evade Cops But officers weren't tricked by Shaun Miller's mask.","5658":"Here's A Terrifying View Of A Baseball Fan's One-Handed Catch ","5659":"Why Cruel Leaders Get All the Love Cruel leaders inspire hatred, not love, precisely because they are completely focused on themselves and use others to get what they want. They take what could be a great opportunity to inspire others to be great, and they squander it by being ruthless.","5660":"HARD LESSON: Clueless Fan Learns What Happens When You Celebrate Too Soon Whoops!!!","5661":"Drowning in Profits The story of a private equity firm, a missing pool fence, and the death of a two-year-old child raises troubling questions about how, as a nation, we define security in housing and why, in the midst of what's regularly termed a \"recovery,\" many neighborhoods may actually be growing increasingly vulnerable.","5662":"GM Is Working With Lyft To Build An Army Of Self-Driving Cars The auto giant invested $500 million into Uber's main U.S. rival.","5663":"Intruder Scare In Sean Hannity's Home Leads To Arrest The Fox News host's wife was there at the time.","5664":"Women in Business: Q&A With Victoria Livschitz, Founder of Qubell \"If you have family, make sure it is 100% behind you. Be prepared for a tremendous pressure, stress and financial risks associated with entrepreneurship and take the steps to assure you and your family is ready to deal with them.\"","5665":"AHHHHHH ","5666":"Untold Damage: America\u2019s Overlooked Gun Violence Most shootings with four deaths or injuries are invisible outside their communities.\u00a0And most of the lives they scar are","5667":"Leaders: Legal, Ethical or Right? When people decide to disregard their moral compass as the official business handbook, they begin to make up the rules as they go. Anything can happen, and the situation frequently proves to be a source of conflict.","5668":"4 Dead, 12 Critically Injured In Seattle Bus Crash Four people died and 12 others were critically injured when a charter bus and a popular sightseeing tour bus collided head","5669":"Mother's Day When Your Mom's in Prison Vanessa will hopefully make it, stay out of juvie and be able to reunite with her mother later this year. But what about all the kids who don't make it? Children with incarcerated parents are five times more likely than their peers to end up behind the bars.","5670":"LeBron James: The Negotiation King? LeBron has shockingly decided to \"head back home\" to Cleveland. And no matter your feelings on the situation, there are a lot of valuable lessons about setting your goals and knowing your worth that can be learned from Mr. James.","5671":"Watch A High School Freshman Sink An Incredible 80-Foot Buzzer-Beater WOW!","5672":"49ers Coach Strongly Defends Kaepernick ","5673":"Native American Child Gunned Down By Ashland County Sheriff Deputy Brock Mrdjenovich: #JusticeForJason Unfortunately, many times when brown-skinned people call 911 for help, they get killed instead.","5674":"5 Cultists Arrested In McDonald's Slaying Caught On Tape ","5675":"Leaked Document Shows Strong Business Support For Raising Minimum Wage Whenever minimum wage increases are proposed on the state or federal level, business groups tend to fight them tooth and","5676":"These Photos Show How Little Cuba's Struggling Economy Has Changed In A Half-Century With an economy that has basically stood still for more than half a century, it's often difficult to tell the difference between a present-day photo of Cuba and one that is decades old.","5677":"This Soccer Player Got The Most Genius Punishment For His Sexist Comment Demirbay had to pick up a whistle and head to the local park, refereeing girls' youth teams.","5678":"Vision Matters: Thought-Leadership Strategies for Success Walt Disney knew the power of vision. He created Walt Disney World in his mind and then led others to imagine and support his idea for a revolutionary theme-park experience. This is the essence of visionary thought leadership and the heart of what it takes to create a dream in this world.","5679":"Aaron Rodgers Gives Lineman Box of Chocolates One thing we probably should do with such an elaborate gift is to break it down to what an apples to apples gift might look like if a similar \"boss\" or leader wanted to show holiday generosity to his employees out of his or her pocket.","5680":"Why Is America 50 Years Behind the Times When It Comes to the Death Penalty? When execution ended in my country, a shadow faded. Something grim and primitive was gone. There's still violence and murder in England, of course, but its citizens -- including children -- no longer have to be accomplices in the most premeditated of all killings.","5681":"Man Charged With Driving High Also Really Drunk ","5682":"Moses Was Wrong: Avoid Sprawl, Infill Cities (and Teams) Robert Moses had a bias to build things like parkways and bridges that enabled cars and their passengers in and around New York and especially on Long Island. This led to community-destroying urban sprawl. The better approach is to create higher density, better functioning city centers where people and communities can thrive.","5683":"Stephen Curry Is Way Better Than His Dad At Playing HORSE He took his dad to school.","5684":"When You Weren't Paying Attention Congress Shook Up The Student Loan Market A small change could mean a big improvement for Americans with federal student loans.","5685":"Trevor Noah Calls Out Racial Double Standard For NFL Quarterbacks \"What? Cam Newton doesn't study? That's bulls**t!\"","5686":"Are You Blind to What You Do Best? When it comes to achieving your potential at work, are you making success harder than it needs to be? Researchers estimate that two-thirds of us have no idea what our strengths are, and yet a growing body of evidence suggests developing our strengths at work is key to unleashing our personal and professional success.","5687":"Charles Barkley Attempted To Ride Scooter Like Georgia State's Coach What could possibly go wrong?","5688":"Man Guilty Of Cooking 2-Month-Old Puppy Alive On Stove Buddy the Chihuahua suffered severe burns and had to be humanely euthanized.","5689":"Grand Jury Decides Not To Indict Anyone For Sandra Bland's Jailhouse Death The grand jury reached no decision on whether the trooper who arrested Bland should face charges.","5690":"Russian Sports Minister Begs For Doping Suspension To Be Lifted For Rio Russia's track and field athletes have been banned from competing.","5691":"Billionaire Pleads Guilty To Sexually Assaulting Stepdaughter ","5692":"FBI Hunts 'Spelling Bee Bandit' Who Hands Over 'Robery' Notes Authorities say he's targeted four Massachusetts banks since Oct. 31.","5693":"In-N-Out Ranks Higher Than Apple On List Of Best Places To Work ","5694":"Manhunt Underway For Brothers After Couple's Suspected Murder John Reed, 53, and Tony Reed, 49, are both convicted felons and considered \"armed and dangerous,\" authorities said.","5695":"How to Communicate the Outcome of Your Assignment to Your Boss When presenting the outcome of your assignment, it is important to choose the right elements of the way you handled the assignment. If you don't, you face the risk of being taken for granted, not getting enough credit for the assignment OR just simply taken advantage of your work.","5696":"Fencer Enzo Lefort's Phone Fell Out Of His Pocket Mid-Bout At The Olympics We've officially seen it all.","5697":"Wounded K9 Found 2 Days After Shooting That Killed Arkansas Deputy Kina is recovering from two gunshot wounds she suffered in Wednesday's deadly shooting.","5698":"George Zimmerman Shooter Convicted Of Attempted Murder In Florida Apperson fired a single bullet into George Zimmerman\u2019s vehicle.","5699":"'Sunday Night Football' Looked Like A Halloween Horror Movie The long-awaited Super Bowl rematch got weird.","5700":"Police Suspect Serial Killer In Decades-Old Murder Mystery The New Hampshire killings of an unidentified woman and three little girls may date from the 1970s.","5701":"Why Successful People Never Bring Smartphones Into Meetings Why do so many people find smartphone use during meetings inappropriate?","5702":"5 Reasons to Start Meditating in 2015 Most people that start meditating do it for the materialistic versus spiritual reasons. I know I did. It astounds me to this day the amount of business success that is attributed to meditation, and more importantly, the lessons you can apply directly to the business world.","5703":"Painkiller Lawsuit Against the NFL Will Cause the League a Serious Headache Fresh from tentatively settling the class action lawsuit based on the concussions suffered by its players, the National Football League faces a new challenge that promises to cause the League migraines for years to come.","5704":"Golden State v. Cleveland Cavaliers In NBA Finals Latest updates from Game 1 of the NBA Finals.","5705":"7 Injured When Albuquerque Bus Crashes Through Woman's Home ","5706":"Blake Leeper Wants to Be the First American Paralympian at the Olympics Blake Leeper may be training for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, but he found time to stop by the Samsung Smart Lounge to talk about his goals and how technology can help people like him compete at a high level.","5707":"Hospice Overdosed Patients To 'Hasten Their Deaths,' Former Health Care Executive Admits Federal prosecutors allege Melanie Murphey and others at Novus Health Services in Texas were trying to maximize profits.","5708":"Queens Man Unaware Of $2 Bail, Spends Nearly 5 Months At Rikers Island He could have been free for the cost of a cup of coffee. A Queens man spent nearly five months at Rikers Island \u2014 from November","5709":"Young and Entrepreneurial: Lessons Tip'd Off CEO Akshay Oberai Learned From A Successful Exit We caught up with Akshay on what he learned from his Tip'd Off journey, from the day he started it to the day it got acquired. While admittedly, it was a very hard decision for Akshay and his cofounders to sell Tip'd Off. They just couldn't let go of this opportunity of a successful exit, with their investors and employees in mind as well.","5710":"1 Dead And 9 Injured After Shooting In New Orleans' French Quarter The incident happened just before 1:30 a.m. Sunday.","5711":"Search Underway For Missing Tennessee Toddler Noah Chamberlin The blond, blue-eyed boy hasn't been seen since Thursday, though authorities say there's \"no reason\" to suspect foul play.","5712":"How to Become the George Clooney of Your Office What is this \"it\" thing that some people just seem to have? It's easy to say looks and talent, but \"it\" is more than that.","5713":"You Can't Shop Locally If There Are No Local Shops NEW YORK \u2013 Lifestyles involve having convenience stores within reach -- if you go to work daily, don\u2019t drive around the city","5714":"Judge Says Defense In Freddy Gray Case Can Release Evidence BALTIMORE (AP) \u2014 A Baltimore judge won't prohibit defense attorneys from releasing\u00a0evidence in the high-profile Freddie","5715":"17 Fun Tidbits About Super Bowl 50 That Will Get You Hyped Cam Newton wasn't born the last time a Heisman-winning QB played in the Super Bowl.","5716":"Record Revenue, Undervalued Employees The news that the Pac-12 Conference jumped to the head of the class in 2012-13, earning $330 million in record revenue comes as no surprise. Welcome to the new college sports business model.","5717":"Why ClassPass' Price Increase Is Better For Everyone High prices can weed out those who aren't committed, making a better experience for you.","5718":"Drug Abuse Counselor Sentenced For Driving Drunk With Victim On Her Windshield The woman drove 2 miles with a dying man on her car in 2012.","5719":"Alert Florida Students May Have Stopped A Mass Shooting Some reportedly were warned to skip school or use a \"safety word\" to avoid being killed.","5720":"U.S. Open Final: Djokovic Beats Federer In First Set NEW YORK, Sept 13 (Reuters) - World number one Novak Djokovic overcame a bloody tumble to win the opening set of the best","5721":"Noah's Ark Theme Park Plans To Only Hire People Who Believe Biblical Flood Actually Happened ","5722":"Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Season (AKA Football Season) Starts Today The suicides of several high-profile professional athletes, beginning with NFL player Terry Luther Long in 2005, brought CTE into the public consciousness.","5723":"Women in Business Q&A: Sabrina Parsons, CEO of Palo Alto Software ","5724":"Job Interviewers Can\u2019t Ask This Question In Massachusetts Anymore It fosters pay discrimination and it\u2019s over.","5725":"CEOs Are Waking Up From Obsession With Profits And Facing Harsh Reality A major survey of CEOs shows they're finally taking climate change seriously.","5726":"10 Keys to Turning Business Systems Into More Profit Successful entrepreneurs often start with a \"random\" idea, but they quickly focus their efforts and follow a \"system\" to organize their startup and maximize the clout of their activities. Too many entrepreneur \"wannabes\" never get past the idea stage, or strike out randomly in many directions.","5727":"A Bunch Of Strange Things Just Went Down At NBA All-Star Media Day Hold up, did Gregg Popovich just giggle?","5728":"Kobe Bryant's Justification For Shooting Threes Is As Perfect As You'd Think It's hard to argue with this logic.","5729":"When It's Time To Take Your Business Elsewhere, Here's The Right Way To Exit Can we talk about the end? It\u2019s that moment when you say, \u201cThat\u2019s it. I\u2019m taking my business elsewhere.\u201d And you mean it","5730":"Cam Newton Officially Declares 'The Dab' Dead R.I.P.","5731":"Hero Teacher Stops High School Shooter In Washington State ","5732":"Kansas City Royals Grab 2-0 Lead In 2015 World Series This puts them in the driver's seat heading into Game 3 on Friday.","5733":"LIVE: France vs. Nigeria ","5734":"Why The Recovery Doesn't Feel Like A Recovery Important parts of the economy appeared to be totally stuck in neutral last year.","5735":"Dentist Had Child Porn, Spread HIV Intentionally, FBI Says Dr. John Wolf is accused of trading services for methamphetamine and possessing child pornography.","5736":"Burglary Suspect Found Dead After Being Tied To A Tree \u201cI think he wanted to capture him and have him arrested,\u201d the local sheriff said.","5737":"LeBron Got Video Of The World Cup Final Pitch Invader ","5738":"All-Girls Team Shows 'Em How It's Done ","5739":"New Era Challenges to Growth Challenges to growth are nothing new. But these challenges are now changing with shifts in culture.","5740":"Michael Phelps Prepares For Life After Rio 2016 Olympics Snakes. For as long as Michael Phelps can remember, he's hated snakes. As a little boy, he picked up a rock in his parents","5741":"WATCH: 19-Year-Old Scores Late Winner For Belgium ","5742":"How to Punish Bank Felons When real people plead guilty to felonies, they go to jail. But big banks aren't people despite what the five Republican appointees to the Supreme Court say.","5743":"Scores Injured After Commuter Train Derails In Brooklyn It was the second major accident involving New York City\u2019s commuter railroads in the past three months.","5744":"5 Ways To Avoid Getting Arrested ","5745":"Commissioner Bratton Confirms NYPD Slowdown ","5746":"One Of The Best Soccer Goals You'll Ever See ","5747":"This Triple Play Was So Confusing No One Knew What Was Going On Honestly, neither did we.","5748":"Retirement Community Resident Allegedly Tested Homemade Poison On Neighbors A 70-year-old woman is accused of sprinkling ricin on the food of other seniors.","5749":"What Is the Black Friday Experience Like for Shoppers And Retail Employees? Picture the metaphorical personification of chaos, accompanied by a figurative example of hell on Earth, and throw in some crazy old ladies, aggressive men, bitchy soccer moms, a-hole gamers, miserable husbands, and hundreds of young crying toddlers and babies that shouldn't be up at such ungodly hours.","5750":"Taping Police Interrogations Could Have Prevented This Horrific Miscarriage of Justice We found that interrogators who were told that their sessions would be taped were less likely to use certain high-pressure interrogation techniques such as threatening the suspect and promising leniency in exchange for a confession.","5751":"Ray Lewis On Rice Abuse: \"Some Things You Can Cover Up\" ","5752":"Nightmarish Video Shows Alleged Kidnap Attempt Right Under Mom\u2019s Nose \u201cShe was just screaming, crying. She couldn\u2019t believe it\u201d","5753":"Elite Daily's 25-Year-Old CEO: How He Got Zero to 40 Million Users in Two Years So how does David, CEO of Elite Daily, and his team do it? In a recent interview with Arabov, gives some insight as to the secret sauce of Elite Daily.","5754":"Metta World Peace Hopes To Destigmatize Mental Health Among Athletes \"I don't feel bad about telling somebody I see a psychologist.\"","5755":"U.S. Cycling's Golden Girl Strikes Again By Beating Russian Drug Cheat Kristin Armstrong claimed her third straight gold medal the day before her 43rd birthday.","5756":"BOOM! Stocks Close At Record High ","5757":"Man Calls Muslim Women \u2018Terrorists\u2019 On The NYC Subway, Gets Shut Down In The Best Way \"This is New York City. The most diverse place in the world. And in New York, we protect our own.\"","5758":"Learning From the Masters Jordan Spieth was the runaway winner of the tournament, reminding me that there's much to learn from a weekend of golf. Here are the top five-and-a-half takeaways from a record-breaking Augusta weekend:","5759":"What Content Marketers Can Learn From TV With shows like \"House of Cards,\" \"Modern Family\" and \"Game of Thrones,\" the massive influx of quality TV has ushered the now traditional medium into a second Golden Age.","5760":"Kristaps Porzingis: New York's Next Giant The prodigious 7-foot Latvian might be Europe's biggest megastar yet.","5761":"Flamingo Dead After Busch Gardens Visitor Allegedly Threw Her To The Ground Pinky the flamingo was 19 years old.","5762":"3 Unique and Unusual Tips to Be Financially Fit in 2015 Whenever you read articles on becoming financially fit, you read about budgets, planning, monitoring and other boring crap. Worry not, I won't mention any of these terms.","5763":"E-Cigarette Explodes On Harry Potter Ride, Injuring Girl The 14-year-old sustained facial injuries while riding the Hogwarts Express train at Universal Orlando.","5764":"Cosby Judge Refuses To Recuse Himself Over His Wife's Work With Abuse Victims Jury selection in the comedian's sexual assault retrial starts Monday and testimony is set to begin April 9.","5765":"Hail Mary! Broncos Fan Sacked By Security Guard On Christmas \u201cMerry Christmas, my friend!\u201d","5766":"Staten Island Teen Dies From Asthma While Fleeing Racist Crew Waving Gun Dayshen McKenzie died while running for his life. The black Staten Island teen, fleeing what witnesses described as a mostly","5767":"276 Dogs Rescued From A Single New Jersey Home After Hoarding Nightmare Some dogs were reportedly found inside the walls of the Howell Township home.","5768":"Missing U.S. Marine Vet, Canadian Girlfriend Found Strangled In Belize: Reports Drew DeVoursney, 36, and Francesca Matus, 52, had been missing for nearly a week.","5769":"5 Ways to be a More Positive Leader As one CEO recently asked me: \"Where's the roadmap to becoming a positive leader?\" It's a great question and at present researchers are still exploring exactly what such a road map might look like.","5770":"Officer Charged With Murder In Shooting Death Of Justine Damond Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor killed Damond in July after she called 911.","5771":"Infant Survives For Days Trapped Beneath Dead Father ","5772":"California College Student In\u00a0Stabbing Spree Was Inspired By ISIS And Acted Alone, FBI Says The student stabbed four people and was shot dead by police last fall at UC Merced.","5773":"Will It Matter? The Pope, the Environment and Six Tips The Pope's call to action on climate change has generated much press coverage and applause from environmental supporters across the political and economic spectrums. I too am grateful that the leader of 1.2 billion faithful chose to make such a strong argument for action.","5774":"TSA Seizes 81 Pounds Of Pot At Airport ","5775":"Carmelo Anthony Calls On Athletes To Put Morals Over Money In Response To Recent Shootings \"Take Charge. Take Action.\"","5776":"10 Things I Hate About the Game I Love I have enjoyed a lifelong love affair with baseball. But as passionate as I am about our national pastime, there are some things that need to be changed. Here then is what I hate most about the game I truly Iove.","5777":"Why More Bosses Need To Embrace Napping At Work You heard that right: napping at work.","5778":"Half Of All American Families Are Staring At Financial Catastrophe ","5779":"Cowboys Defense 'More Porous Than The Texas Border,' Says Man In Charge Of Texas Border Statistically speaking, that appears to be true.","5780":"Joba Chamberlain Is Back, Baby The mighty fell hard. Despite once being considered Mariano Rivera's eventual replacement or at least a top-of-the-rotation mainstay, the Yankees decided against re-signing Chamberlain this offseason.","5781":"Inside The Often Hidden Medical Quandary Of Rationing Drugs CLEVELAND \u2014 In the operating room at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Brian Fitzsimons has long relied on a decades-old drug to","5782":"Salvation Army Bell Ringer Accused Of Flashing After Boy Donated Cash The volunteer allegedly exposed himself outside a Food City in Tennessee.","5783":"The Hall of Fame and Dead Kentucky Lawyers It was a session of the Kentucky Bar Association, but it felt like a wake. A reasonably large crowd came to hear about the downbeat topic of attorney suicides. Two years ago, a number of Kentucky attorneys took their own lives.","5784":"The Quadruple Bottom Line: Its Time Has Come Work and organizations are going to be changing more in the next decade than they have in any other thanks to the development of computing and other kinds of technology. When incorporating the new technologies that are being developed into how organizations are designed and operated it is critical that the quadruple bottom line be the criterion against which change is conceived, implemented, and evaluated.","5785":"Berkshire Hathaway To Buy Precision Castparts For $37.2 Billion By Sagarika Jaisinghani and Sweta Singh Aug 10 (Reuters) - Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc said it would buy aerospace","5786":"Police Attacked In Several States In Wake Of Police Killings Officers were attacked in Tennessee, Georgia and Missouri.","5787":"Orlando Gunman's Widow To Be Released From Jail She was charged in January, six months after her late husband opened fire at Pulse nightclub.","5788":"Protesters March In Wisconsin After Unarmed Black Man Shot Dead By Police ","5789":"Labor Day 2014: The Status Of Labor Without question, advanced academics are vital to our future and always will be. But the marketplace is shifting away from academics in favor of practical job skills.","5790":"Inmate Already Serving Life Admits To 2 Other Murders ","5791":"Oscar Pistorius Is A 'Broken Man,' Psychologist Says At Sentencing \"In my opinion his current condition warrants hospitalization,\" the psychologist said of the former Paralympian who was convicted of murder.","5792":"Player Gets Pantsed On National TV, Reacts Like A Pro Few things could be more embarrassing than losing your shorts on national TV.","5793":"Deliver Results Creating Products and Services That Sell ","5794":"San Francisco Police Chief Ousted After Fatal Police Shooting Embattled Chief Greg Suhr submitted his resignation after the mayor asked for it.","5795":"American Youth Are Bombarded By E-Cigarette Ads ","5796":"Jose Canseco Accidentally Shoots Himself In The Hand ","5797":"This Passenger Raised Money To Send An Olympian's Uber-Driving Dad To Rio Darrell Hill's dad can now watch him compete in the shot put event. \u2764\ufe0f","5798":"Pay Raise For Workers; Jobs For Unemployed America needs a pay raise. Now. How we treat the least in society reflects our values. As a nation, we need to ask ourselves","5799":"Even 'Sesame Street' Seems To Have Poked Fun At Deflategate ","5800":"Real Estate Tycoon Arrested Ahead Of Explosive HBO Doc Finale ","5801":"LAPD Officer Who Killed Ezell Ford Had Arrested Him 6 Years Before ","5802":"U.S. Women's Soccer Team Cruises To Opening Victory At Rio Olympics The Americans won 2-0 to begin their quest for a fourth straight gold medal.","5803":"The Advisory Boutique: The Best Big Bank Service Provider Yet The boutique approach presented here combines the advantages and attractiveness of an independent advisory boutique. The boutique benefits from the organization, strength, influence and reach of a major bank.","5804":"'Gentle Giant' Dies After NYPD Cop Puts Him In Chokehold ","5805":"Consistency of Corporate Messaging: The Ability to Look in the Mirror ","5806":"10 Habits of Ultra-Likeable Leaders Becoming a more likable leader is completely under your control, and it's a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ). Unlike innate, fixed characteristics, such as your intelligence (IQ), EQ is a flexible skill that you can improve with effort.","5807":"How To Ask For A Raise If you've never summoned the will to ask for a raise, you're definitely not alone.","5808":"Facebook's New Anti-Fake News Strategy Is Not Going To Work \u2013 But Something Else Might \"Fake news\" = propaganda","5809":"St. Louis Police Officer Shot In The Face While Sitting In SUV The attack occurred hours after a similar ambush in San Antonio, Texas.","5810":"Designer Carolina Herrera's Nephew Killed In Kidnapping Herrera blasts \"carnage and murders\" in her native Venezuela.","5811":"NYPD Arrests Down For Second Week ","5812":"Women in Business: Julie Jakobek, Managing Director and Executive Producer, JA Digital Julie has over 23 years experience in TV, DVD and online productions. Before co-founding JA Digital, she was Head of Multi-Camera at Done & Dusted for a very successful 8 years.","5813":"Exclusive Look Inside The Baltimore Police Investigation Into Freddie Gray's Death ","5814":"Houston Texans Rookie Gives His First Game Check To Harvey Victims The quarterback shows the team's \"cafeteria ladies\" that he won't leave them with a loss.","5815":"Revlon CEO Sued For Alleged Racist, Anti-Semitic And Anti-American Comments ","5816":"UFC's $4 Billion Sale Is The Biggest Transaction In Sports History UFC President Dana White right now: \ud83e\udd11","5817":"Hilariously Angry Courtside Fan Screams 'JUST SUCK IT UP, LEBRON' Unlike previous courtside fans, this woman showed no fear.","5818":"Heineken Rejects Takeover Offer From Beer Giant ","5819":"Banking Doesn't Have To Be A Boys' Club, Bank Of America Exec Says But banks do have to find a way to get mid-career women back into the workforce, according to Anne Finucane.","5820":"Finding the Smoking Gun A junior personal injury lawyer stumbles on the most explosive piece of evidence yet.","5821":"Keith Olbermann Calls For Boycott Of NFL Draft And Pacquiao-Mayweather Fight Olbermann's take is not to be missed.","5822":"Missing Man's Mom Says Anonymous Tip Led Her To His Body Iaron Brooks' mother had publicly pleaded for the return of the 23-year-old's body after he vanished in December.","5823":"Prosecutors Charge Cop With Rape, Assault Of 8 Women ","5824":"Female NYPD Officers May Face Discipline Over Instagram Photos ","5825":"Preakness 2016: Nyquist Looks For Triple Crown Shot Unbeaten Nyquist is the favorite, and is looking to get another step closer to making horse racing history.","5826":"Team USA Wins Third Straight Olympic Gold Beating Serbia In Rio Durant put up 30, most of those points coming in JUST THE FIRST HALF.","5827":"2 Florida Officers Killed In One Of Several Shootings Of US Law Enforcement \u201cLet me be very clear - last night\u2019s violence against our law enforcement community is reprehensible and has no place in our state.\u201d","5828":"Everyone Should Sell Their Fossil Fuel Stocks Clean energy is the future, and it\u2019s the only smart bet for business.","5829":"German City Puts Traffic Lights On The Ground For \u2018Pedtextrians\u2019 Most of us are used to seeing traffic lights above eye level. Whether we are driving, biking, or walking around Boston, traffic","5830":"DJ Played Snorting 'Peppa Pig' Theme To Cops; They Weren't Happy The DJ also made oinking noises over the microphone.","5831":"The Legendary Cristiano Ronaldo Scores A Legendary 'Bicycle Kick' Goal So utterly ridiculous.","5832":"Leadership and Transparency 2015: The Social Media Imperative By the time \"trends\" get mentioned in new year forecast blog posts, they can be a little more \"old\" than \"news.\" Though forward motion is always worth celebrating, change usually happens more slowly.","5833":"Boyfriend\u2019s Ex Questioned In Murdered Dentist Case Police said the woman \"ended a two-year relationship\" with the victim's boyfriend.","5834":"Hardcore Black Friday Shopper Creates Man-Cave Outside Of Best Buy Hey, if you're going to spend five days waiting in line...","5835":"African Nation Slaps Exxon With Fine Nearly 7 Times Its Own GDP This is a fine worthy of Dr. Evil.","5836":"Inconspicuous Man Shaquille O'Neal Was A Lyft Driver For A Day HMMM.","5837":"Arby's Employee Keeps Job After Refusing To Serve Police Arby's apologized and promised free combo meals to Miami-area police.","5838":"Ozymandias An empire, more often than not, doesn't erupt so much as erode. The \"Big Four\", composed of Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray, is no longer the force of nature it once was. But it happened quietly, subtly, the way water wears away at rock.","5839":"Ralph Nader Opens Museum Devoted To Suing Big Business The American Museum of Tort Law will open on Sunday in Nader's hometown of Winsted, Connecticut.","5840":"Donald Trump Is Worried The NFL Is Becoming Too Soft \"Don't make it too politically correct.\"","5841":"Warriors Coach Steve Kerr Says He Used Marijuana For Back Pain \u201cBut it was worth it because I\u2019m searching for answers on pain. I\u2019ve tried painkillers and drugs of other kinds as well, and those have been worse. It\u2019s tricky.\u201d","5842":"How to Pick a Lifestyle Consistent with Your Passion Too many people, young and older, let their career and their lifestyle happen to them, rather than proactively making things happen based on their personal passions, skills, and interests.","5843":"Boxing Legend Jake LaMotta, Real-Life 'Raging Bull,' Dead At 95 Robert De Niro won an Oscar portraying the talent in \"Raging Bull.\"","5844":"Yet Another Sign Apple Is Making A Car Get ready to iDrive.","5845":"When Domestic Violence Becomes A Workplace Issue After two employees were killed, the hospital where they worked decided to tackle the issue head-on.","5846":"International Health Group Drops Partnership With Heineken Over 'Beer Girls' Heineken needs to \"take appropriate action,\" said the group's director.","5847":"It Makes Sense For Urban Outfitters To Sell Pizza. Seriously The struggling retail chain just bought a group of Italian restaurants. The move isn't all that weird, if you really think about it.","5848":"Wait Till You See How This Brooklyn Jewelry Store Owner Fights Off Robbers \u201cThere were a bunch of items on display here that I managed to break on their heads,\" he said.","5849":"Police Say Friendly Fire That Killed Maryland Officer A 'Tragic' Misunderstanding Prince George's County Police Chief Henry Stawinski said he did not believe the officer who fired the fatal shot had deliberately targeted a fellow officer.","5850":"To Create A New Amazon Village, It Takes A Graduate Degree (Or Two, Or Three) Amazon made headlines with its stupendous 1300% \u201cearnings beat\u201d for its most recent quarter that moved the company\u2019s stock","5851":"J.J. Watt Starts His Own Harvey Relief Fund And Raises Money In A Hurry A big man with a big heart.","5852":"Faizolhardi Zubairy: Stretch Beyond Your Comfort Zone for Full Career Growth What's the main formula for career growth and advancement? While there's no one-size-fits-all formula, Faizolhardi Zubairy, Head the Digital Media at PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad, shares his journey.","5853":"Banks\u2019 Embrace of Jumbo Mortgages Means Fewer Loans for Blacks, Hispanics Last decade\u2019s financial crisis left many losers in banking. One winner is the jumbo.","5854":"All The Best Moments From The 2018 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony The games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, drew to a colorful close on Sunday.","5855":"Ridiculous Bat Vs. Pipe Road Rage Battle Gets 'Star Wars' Treatment Unfortunately, the force was weak with these two.","5856":"Forgiving Bad, Old Men In this way those of us who bump up against the challenge of all-out forgiveness could learn to let go while leaving those proponents of pain mentally behind. And maybe then we can forget, and, therefore, forgive; not exactly a proof-back guarantee that a future generation will escape the memories of trauma, but close.","5857":"Happiness Guaranteed: The Backwardness of the American Dream ","5858":"Defeating Terrorism through Design: Think Souks, Not Office Buildings ","5859":"Atlanta Falcons Strike Gold Hiring Steve Sarkisian As Offensive Coordinator The hire is a stroke of genius.","5860":"Chloe Kim Takes Gold For U.S. In Women's Snowboard Halfpipe The 17-year-old wins with a near-perfect 98.25 score.","5861":"Layoffs Near At Carrier Factory 'Saved' By Trump More than 600 workers will lose their jobs in the coming months.","5862":"Coroner To Investigate Police Killing Of Rock Thrower ","5863":"Government Report: No High Speed Broadband Competition: Blame AT&T, Verizon & CenturyLink's Two Decades of Broken Promises. In the last article about broadband I supplied a list of the \"video dialtone\" deployments that were filed at the FCC by what are now AT&T, Verizon and Centurylink to upgrade the utility copper networks and replace these wires with fiber optics wires -- which never happened.","5864":"Athletes Take a Stand for Mike Brown These critiques of athletes are not new. They have been articulated for years, in barbershops, bars, social media, various articles and blogs, by the everyday fan to the most celebrated scholars. But many still are misguided and inaccurate.","5865":"Wal-Mart To Challenge Amazon On Drone Delivery The retailer wants to test drones for its grocery pickup service, which it has recently expanded to 23 markets.","5866":"Minnesota Police Department Trolls One Direction In Anti-Drunk Driving Tweet \"I will find you.\"","5867":"Uber's Value Just Doubled To $40 Billion In 6 Months (Sorry, Haters) ","5868":"Parents Threw Hot Oil On Teen For Refusing Forced Marriage, Cops Say Parents of the Texas teen have been charged with child abuse, and it's \"highly likely\" a man who offered the family $20,000 to marry her will be arrested.","5869":"Starbucks Aims To Use Only Cage-Free Eggs By 2020 We like this announcement a latte.","5870":"Bernie Sanders' Jumpshot Is More Impressive Than His Primary Win This gives \"Feeling the Bern\" a brand new meaning.","5871":"There Are No Internet Headlines To Describe What Stephen Curry Just Did Even in the age of Internet hyperbole, Wardell leaves us speechless.","5872":"Brady vs. Manning: Football's Biggest Rivalry Rides Again DENVER \u2014 Tom Brady and Peyton Manning have a season\u2019s worth of head-to-head matchups in their storied rivalry \u2014 16 previous","5873":"U.S. Luger Emily Sweeney Wipes Out In Dramatic Olympics Crash The athlete was reportedly taken to a hospital for evaluation.","5874":"Content Marketing Guide From the Best Content Director Awardee: Nic McCarthy Today, let's talk a bit more as to where content marketing is headed, what sort of background a content marketer should have to be able to better understand how it works and some tips to move forward.","5875":"Bill Gates, Goldie Hawn Discuss The Importance Of Thriving At 2014's World Economic Forum ","5876":"Roger Bannister, First Man To Run Mile In Under 4 Minutes, Dies At 88 Roger Bannister made headlines around the world at 25 when he ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.","5877":"Trial Opens For NYPD Officer Charged In Death Of Akai Gurley Police Officer Peter Liang is accused of shooting into a darkened stairwell, accidentally killing Gurley.","5878":"I Quit My Job Every Year, And You Should Too Every December 31st, I quit my job. The next day I decide if I want to take the job again for the New Year. It helps me clear the noise and make sure I am 150 percent behind what I am doing and that it is how I want to spend the majority of my waking hours.","5879":"1 Killed After Shooting At North Carolina Mall Police said there was an \"officer involved shooting\" inside Northlake Mall in Charlotte.","5880":"Chipotle Ordered To Rehire Fired Worker Who Joined Fight For $15 The worker was also reprimanded for discussing wages with his colleagues, which is a federal right.","5881":"Police Release Man Suspected Of Killing Joe McKnight \u201cHow in hell do you release someone who killed my brother?\" asked one of McKnight's former teammates.","5882":"Triple Crown Winner American Pharoah Upset At Saratoga Springs The champ was defeated at the Graveyard of Champions!","5883":"Billionaire\u2019s Plan To Sell A Publicly-Owned Airport Is A Lesson In Trumponomics Billionaire Rex Sinquefield usually gets what he wants by spending big. An avid chess player, he poured tens of millions","5884":"Nobody Is That Busy (Even in Silicon Valley)\u200b I assumed that having a full calendar, sending emails late at night and getting five hours of sleep was the rite of passage to becoming not just an executive, but an important executive. But if being crazy busy is a mark of success, how come everybody seems to hate it?","5885":"Summer League Baseball Team Compares Its Gun-Education Night To LGBTQ Night \"You can\u2019t please everyone.\"","5886":"Don't Expect This Record-Setting Goal To Be Broken Anytime Soon GOOOAAAAL!!!!!!","5887":"How Game of Thrones and Startups Are Similar ","5888":"18-Year-Old Confesses To Molesting 'Upwards Of 50 Children' In California: Police Joseph Hayden Boston said he was 10 years old when he began sexually assaulting kids, according to authorities.","5889":"A Super Dangerous Snowboarding Event Just Debuted At The Winter Olympics Big jumps, incredible skill, high-flying acrobatics and ever-present danger.","5890":"Bank Of America Appears To Flip On Firearm Promise With Loan To Remington The bank pledged in April to stop financing companies that sell military-style firearms to civilians. Remington made the Bushmaster rifle used in the Sandy Hook school massacre.","5891":"Lance Armstrong Settles $100 Million Federal Fraud Case For $5 Million The former cycling champion was accused of defrauding his sponsor, the U.S. Postal Service, by using performance-enhancing drugs.","5892":"Madoff Victims' Payout Nears $7.2 Billion, Trustee Says ","5893":"Oregon Shooter Died By Suicide The suicide occurred during a firefight with law enforcement officers.","5894":"11 Secrets To Staying Productive And In Control ","5895":"Ben & Jerry's Just Started A New Political Fight In North Carolina But it has nothing to do with bathrooms.","5896":"Women in Business: Q&A with Gillian Maffeo, Director of Marketing at Wayback Burgers ","5897":"Colorado Shooter's Urge to Kill Could Set Him Free A jury will soon decide whether James Holmes is guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity. Last week, one of his victims, Ashley Moser, took the stand in her wheelchair.","5898":"Woman Who Pulled Over Cop Says Police Union Boss Is Bullying Her Online Claudia Castillo's phone number and other details were posted on social media.","5899":"Vitaminwater Pressured To Pay People Who Thought It Was A Health Drink ","5900":"AB InBev, SABMiller Agree To $106 Billion Merger; Will Create World's Biggest Beer Company AB InBev has been trying for nearly a month to get its hands on SABMiller.","5901":"Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Dresses Up As Super Mario In Wonderfully Bizarre Olympic Finale Tokyo will host the Summer Games in 2020.","5902":"Man Who Intervened In Shooting Of Indian Engineers Delivers Powerful Message Of Hope \u201cI was more than happy to risk my life to save the lives of others,\" said Ian Grillot.","5903":"Chandra Levy Killing: Charges Dropped Against Man Accused Of Murdering Washington D.C. Intern The death of the 24-year-old rocked Washington D.C., and contributed to the fall of a congressman.","5904":"Beating Death Of Transgender Man In Vermont Homeless Camp Leads To Arrests They are to be charged with murder.","5905":"Bank Of America's Poorest Customers To Be Charged For Checking People who once had free accounts may now have to pay $12 a month.","5906":"Report Details 'Major Shortcomings' In Baltimore Police Response To Unrest As rioting erupted on Baltimore's streets in April, the city police Command Center \u2014 where top decision-makers had gathered","5907":"Vegas Trio Hid Stolen Rolexes In Vaginas: Cops ","5908":"Governor: Suspect In String Of Arizona Shootings Arrested The shootings have caused anxiety for motorists using the stretch of I-10, the southernmost transcontinental highway in the United States, which runs through the Phoenix metro area.","5909":"Students Found With Bomb-Making Materials At George Mason University, Cops Say Flames were shooting out of a dormitory window, according to police.","5910":"Imagine A World In Which Nothing Gets Thrown Away It's about much more than just recycling.","5911":"Do Home Buyers Need a Pre-Approval? With bargaining power shifting from home buyers to sellers in an increasing number of local markets, buyers in competition with other buyers are looking for any edge they can get. One possible edge is a pre-approval letter (henceforth PAL) from a lender.","5912":"The Overlooked Way That Companies Can Make Workers More Loyal It stars with cultivating values like kindness and respect as office norms.","5913":"New Mexico Store Bans 'Obama & Other Muslims' We get it, you're racist.","5914":"Ester Ledecka Makes Olympic History With Snowboard Gold She won gold in both the skiing and snowboarding events in Pyeongchang.","5915":"John Cena Wrestlemania 33 Match Revealed? Vince McMahon Unhappy With Goldberg! | WrestleTalk News ","5916":"Secret Fine Print Lets Wall Street Enrich Itself With Retirees' Savings Diane Bucci and her fellow retired Rhode Island schoolteachers were angry about a deal last year to cut their promised retirement","5917":"Human Remains Found In Search For Hannah Graham ","5918":"9 Roadside Assistance Tips to Surviving an Unpredictable or Bumpy Career Road Trip! You may be resilient enough to absorb the shocks, but here are some roadside assistance to ensure you not only survive the trip but enjoy the ride:","5919":"If You Trust Big Corporations, Don\u2019t Read This President Trump recently announced that he\u2019d like to \u201cscale back the scope of federal regulations to the level it stood in","5920":"Man Allegedly Kidnaps Girl He Met On 'Disney Fairies' Website ","5921":"Building A Team That Scales With Your Startup By Ashwini Asokan In the startup deadline world, to think consistently about the nuances of a growing and hardworking team","5922":"7 Human Resources Trends Your Small Business Needs to Know The world of human resources changes fast. If your small business isn't on top of the trends, you could not only experience significant turnover, but also legal ramifications. It's important to know the current trends and legal considerations.","5923":"Shocking Upset Shakes Up Title Race ","5924":"The Cheesecake Factory Phenomenon There's something funny about The Cheesecake Factory. It seems no matter what time you go and no matter which location you visit, there's a wait to get in.","5925":"Macy's Is Starting Black Friday On Thanksgiving For Third Consecutive Year The Black Friday creep continues.","5926":"Georgia Executes Man Convicted In 1994 Slaying Marcus Ray Johnson, sentenced to death for a 1994 rape and murder, maintained he is innocent.","5927":"The 10 Most Popular Stores In America ","5928":"Texas Executes First Inmate With New Batch Of Drugs ","5929":"Like a Bad Neighbor, Chevron Is There The federal agency that investigates refinery catastrophes released its final report late last month on the massive fire, volatile vapor release and toxic smoke plume at Chevron's Richmond, Calif., refinery in 2012 that imperiled 19 workers and sickened 15,000 residents of surrounding communities.","5930":"Hundreds At Harvard Receive Shooting Threats ","5931":"The 2 Numbers That Show How Excited The U.S. Is For The Women's World Cup Once again, the World Cup could change women's soccer in the U.S.","5932":"How Many Of The Hundreds of Thousands Of Untested Rape Kits In The US Are In Your City? Seventeen states have introduced measures addressing backlogs. What about the others? Has your state or city take any action? Does your police department even know how many untested kits exist?","5933":"The Mizzou Football Team Lost It When Their New Coach Was Introduced To put it simply, they approve of the choice.","5934":"Intel Now Hiring Way More Women And You Can, Too! Dear tech companies, you can do this.","5935":"IndyCar's Scott Dixon Reflects On His Latest Championship, Justin Wilson and Driver Safety \"Justin was always looking out for other people.\"","5936":"Two Baltimore Murders Break 72-Hour Ceasefire The city had recorded a record 204 homicides for the first seven months of the year.","5937":"The Potential Problem Looming In Your Retirement Portfolio This case poses a dilemma for senior citizens who seek to protect themselves from being scammed when they no longer have the cognitive ability to make decisions about their investments. If you can't trust members of your family, what should you do?","5938":"Scam Alert! In A Hyperactive Hurricane Season, The Worst May Not Be Over Harvey. Irma. Maria. In a hyperactive hurricane season, the mere mention of these storms evokes fear, dread -- and regret","5939":"These Are The Companies With The Worst Customer Service Every company in the United States claims to care more about its customers than the competition does. Yet polls show that","5940":"Matt Barnes Is Probably Going To Hear More \u2018Derek Fisher\u2019 Chants For worse or for worse.","5941":"Floyd Mayweather, USADA Dispute Anti-Doping Rule Violation Report \"It is simply absurd to suggest that we would ever compromise our integrity for any sport or athlete.\"","5942":"Serial Killer Jailed For Murdering 4 Gay Men He Met Online \"These evil crimes have left entire families, a community and a nation in shock.\"","5943":"Women in Business: Jenny Klatt and Stephanie Wynne Lalin, Founders, Jemma Wynne Passion and creativity were the driving forces that brought Stephanie Wynne Lalin and Jenny Klatt together to launch Jemma Wynne in 2008. Guided by their uniquely sophisticated and chic sensibility, the design duo combines classic polish with relaxed femininity to create their fine jewelry collection.","5944":"Building a Reputation in Your Industry Beyond the Brand of Your Employer The most common question I get from my network is how to grow a reputation in an industry, while also attending to the responsibilities of a full-time job.","5945":"Tragic: Dog Dragged 4 Miles Along Highway Before Being Thrown In Ditch (GRAPHIC) ","5946":"Police: Officer Kills Man Reaching For Gun At California Hospital TORRANCE, Calif. (AP) \u2014 A man brought to a hospital after attacking police was shot to death by a Los Angeles officer in","5947":"Officials Investigate Suspicious Death Of Inmate ","5948":"Personalisation in the Age of the Customer Earlier this year, the Brazilian TAM airlines came up with an ingenious way to improve passenger engagement levels with its inflight magazine. It had discovered that people on its flights spent less than 3% of their time in the air flicking through the magazine and less than 11% could even remember what they\u2019d read.","5949":"Exclusive: Accenture Is the First Big Consulting Firm To Publish Race And Gender Stats For the first time, Accenture on Monday released a detailed breakdown of the gender and ethnicity of its U.S. workforce.","5950":"Increase Sales By Being An Example Of Service Bridget is a project manager for a tech company called Qstream. Her role is essentially to create a strategy to implement technology that has already been purchased in a way that best meets the business needs of the client. She is not in a sales role.","5951":"More Findings Of CTE In The NFL Some NFL players are not waiting to find out what could be in their future.","5952":"Herrick's Turkish Practice Group Strikes Again: Notes to Food and Beverage Companies Looking to Expand Internationally First of all, the authorization for the statute expired in 2003; since then attempts to reauthorize the legislation were undertaken in both the House and Senate which culminated in the act that was passed last month.","5953":"Wrestler In Blizzard Shovels Snow In His Singlet Like It's NBD Because winter deserves a takedown.","5954":"The Poorest County In Each State ","5955":"Alleged Teen Rapist Says He Was Trying To Win Prep School Sex Competition CONCORD, N.H. (AP) \u2014 St. Paul's School boasts a glittering roster of alumni that includes senators, congressmen, a Nobel","5956":"Women in Business Q&A: Lara Fitch, Founder and CEO, Strolby ","5957":"Why We Love to Gossip Office gossip is alive, flowing freely and -- depending on your point of view -- either as natural as casual conversation or a pathogen infecting morale, productivity and even health. Adding to the darker view, gossip may be a special problem for women -- its most able practitioners and, perhaps, its most vulnerable targets.","5958":"Ohio Woman Sent To Prison For School Outburst ","5959":"This PSA Will Be The First To Address Domestic Violence During The Super Bowl \"When it's hard to talk, it's up to us to listen.\"","5960":"Kidnapped Girl, 5, Dies In Shootout After High-Speed Chase ","5961":"Roger Federer Defeats Andy Murray To Reach 10th Wimbledon Final He'll face Novak Djokovic in the final on Sunday.","5962":"Hawaii Teen Arrested For Bringing A Rifle To McDonald's Dispute The boy allegedly displayed the weapon to scare off bullies.","5963":"The Best Teams In Sports... 5 Years From Now ","5964":"Video Shows 'Heroic' Starbucks Customer Taking Down Armed Robber With Metal Chair Cregg Jerri, 58, had been minding his own business in a California Starbucks when the would-be robber walked in wielding a knife and fake gun.","5965":"3 Steps to Create MAGIC in 2015 The new year is here. It is a point in time where many of us stop, reflect on the past year and see what changes could be made in the new year to make the next year better than the previous one. Here are three steps to consider if you want to create MAGIC in the new year.","5966":"Eagles Fans Are Calling On The Pope To Bless Their Quarterback Peace be with Sam Bradford's ACL.","5967":"Why The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau May Die -- And Why You Should Care Since the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau\u2019s creation six years ago, some Republicans in Congress have wanted to kill","5968":"MMA Fighter Mayhem Miller Is Live Tweeting His Own Police Standoff ","5969":"Current NFL Player Announces He's Donating His Brain To Science He's joined by former Seattle Seahawk Sidney Rice.","5970":"Tim Tebow Doesn't Suffer From An Anti-Christian Bias The NFL is clearly a professional league dominated by Christians. If Tebow is struggling, it isn't because he's \"Tebowing\" or bowing down in prayer. It's because he's completing less than half of his passes.","5971":"What's Happening In Baltimore Didn't Just Start With Freddie Gray ","5972":"Gang Used Drone Swarm To Thwart FBI Hostage Raid An official said the drones livestreamed video while they buzzed over the agents.","5973":"Muslim Woman Lied About Being Slashed In Face And Called 'Terrorist' (UPDATE) Police say the woman cut a 2-inch gash in her own face as part of the lie.","5974":"Dylann Roof's Sister Accused Of\u00a0Having Weapons\u00a0At School During National Walkouts On Snapchat, 18-year-old Morgan Roof said she hoped the protests were \"a trap and y'all get shot.\"","5975":"Grand Jury Recommends No Charges Against Atlanta Cop In Killing The panel advocated more investigation of a second case -- a white officer's shooting of Anthony Hill, an unarmed black man.","5976":"Farmer Forced To Dump Insane Amount Of Gorgeous Cherries \"These cherries are beautiful! But we have to dump 14 percent.\"","5977":"Should You Pay Off Your Student Loans With an Upstart Loan? Now, Upstart acts more as a lender and issues personal loans that can be used by the borrower to pay off outstanding debt, help fund your education or pay of your student loans.","5978":"Florida Dope Haul: Seized Heroin Packets Bear Donald Trump's Image Authorities confiscated 5,500 packets in what they say is the biggest haul ever in Hernando County.","5979":"We Can\u2019t Say Drake Caused This 5-Second Violation, But We Can\u2019t Say He Didn\u2019t Either This is not to get confused: Raptors, this defense is for you.","5980":"The 80\/20 View of Anger Anger, like pain, can be instructive. But, like pain, you can have too much of a bad thing. Only a small proportion of anger is useful. When it comes to anger, most of us really are our own worst enemies.","5981":"NFL Suspends Oakland Raiders' Aldon Smith For One Year The NFL dropped the hammer after Smith's fifth arrest in three years.","5982":"Why Successful CEOs Must Think Like the Janitor Thinking like the janitor can have a profound impact on how you are viewed as a leader. This shift in perception can simultaneously increase morale and overall productivity, which leads to an increase in profits.","5983":"How Uber Silences Women After Sexual Assaults Just by using the app, you click away your rights. Now some victims are fighting for change.","5984":"NBA Reporter Who Asked Draymond Green Question About Floods Fired The reporter asked Green to compare the series to recent flooding in Houston.","5985":"Maame Biney Is Now Down To Her Last Shot In The Winter Olympics The first black woman on U.S. Olympic short-track team knocked out of 500-meter event.","5986":"3 NHL Sleeper Teams That Just May Wake Up This Season With the NHL Season Opener just over a month away, hockey fans everywhere are gearing up and placing their expectations.","5987":"13 Aussie Sharks Spotted in Bondi, at Water Polo by the Sea A bull shark emptied Australia's Bondi Beach of people for nearly two hours on Friday, and had its 15 minutes of fame. But by Saturday, it had all but been forgotten in favor of a different breed of shark.","5988":"The Unforgiving Law That Costs Many Death Row Inmates Their Last Appeal ","5989":"Blind Ultramarathoner Will Move You To Go The Distance In New Ad Where heart and high-tech meet.","5990":"Read The Olympics' New Transgender Guidelines That Will Not Mandate Surgery It would open the door for more trans athletes to compete internationally.","5991":"U.S. Economy Adds 173,000 Jobs; Unemployment Falls To 5.1 Percent The unemployment rate just hit a 7-year low.","5992":"Documentary Star Fights Molestation Conviction ","5993":"Sentence Comes Down For Man Who Loaned Gun To Boston Marathon Bombers BOSTON, Dec 22 (Reuters) - A man who lent the convicted Boston Marathon bomber the gun used to kill a police officer three","5994":"No Time to Waste in Letting Public, Lawmakers Know About Fast Track Not everyone is aware of the consequences that a quick up-or-down vote on the 12-nation Pacific Rim trade deal will bring. It will devastate not only wage earners, but their families as well.","5995":"Young People Significantly More Likely To Find \u2018Redskins\u2019 Name Disparaging, Poll Finds But that doesn't mean they think the Washington professional football team should change its name.","5996":"Attackers Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison For Hate Crime Against Sikh Man \u201cI hope that you will learn about me and my community and one day consider me you brother too,\u201d the victim told his assailants in court.","5997":"Sole Russian Track And Field Competitor Suspended From Olympic Games: IAAF Darya Klishina is appealing the decision.","5998":"The Best States To Be Unemployed Unemployment in the United States has steadily improved over the past six and a half years. The unemployment rate today is","5999":"Nationals Pitcher Max Scherzer Ties MLB Record With 20 Strikeouts He struck out five Detroit batters three times each.","6000":"Grambling State's Band Outshines Blowout in Cal's Home Opener If you didn't come to see one of the best bands in the HBCU system, then you were probably reminded that blowouts were only acceptable back in high school or \"pop warner\" football. In the first quarter alone, the Cal Bears scored five touchdowns and forced two interceptions.","6001":"The Agony Of Olympic Defeat In 1 Heartbreaking Image \"I don't think I need to say much more about how I feel.\"","6002":"Brock Turner's Sentence Will Be Even Shorter Than You Think The sex offender and former Stanford student is scheduled to spend just 3 months in jail, where he will be under protective custody.","6003":"A Year After The Sony Hack, A Look At What's Changed -- And What Hasn't The Sony hack was a corporate nightmare that reverberated through Hollywood, the U.S. State Department, the American workplace","6004":"Smart Entrepreneurs Plan Ahead For A Startup Exit ","6005":"Here's How The Cavs Have Bottled Up Steph Curry The two-time reigning league MVP has seen his scoring and assists plummet during the finals.","6006":"Exclusive: Family Of Teen Shot Near Ferguson During Confrontation With Police Speaks Out \"We are not satisfied with the police investigation at this point, but we hold in our hearts that the truth about his death will come to light.\"","6007":"Aaron Kromer Punched Boy In Beach Chair Dispute: Authorities The boy told deputies that the Bills assistant coach threatened to kill his family if he reported the incident.","6008":"Baseball Team Creates In-Stadium Nursing Suite For Moms ","6009":"Why This Major Venture Capital Firm Has No Female Partners ","6010":"4 Digital Productivity Strategies to Boost Your Marketing Effectiveness Time is a limited resource and getting the most out of it is a goal for most people. We all want to make the most of our time, finding more to spend with family, more time to exercise, more time to read, more time to sleep, and more time to dedicate toward our career endeavors.","6011":"Thousands March In NYC To Protest Chokehold Death ","6012":"Please STOP Saying These Ridiculous Phrases At Work ","6013":"Warrant Issued In Case Of Mutilated Exotic Dancer ","6014":"The Better Side of Bettman NHL commissioner Gary Bettman is a controversial figure in many circles. That includes not only among fans and segments of the media, but also among some on the playing and officiating sides of the game.","6015":"Michigan Football Fans Have Beef With Ruth's Chris Steak House Discount Some say they got a raw deal.","6016":"Georgia Highway Sniper 'Idolized' Parkland Shooter, Police Say Rex Whitmire Harbour, 26, wrote that Nikolas Cruz was a \"hero,\" officials said.","6017":"Armed Man On Arkansas State University Taken Into Custody No shots were fired.","6018":"Walmart To Raise Age Requirement To Buy Firearms And Ammunition The retail giant said it's making changes to its gun sale policies \"in light of recent events.\"","6019":"The Devil Is In The Details: How Insurance and Catholic Lobbyists Are Trying to Help Child Predators and Supportive Institutions Behind the Scenes ","6020":"Women in Business Q&A: Meg Sheetz, President and COO of Medifast ","6021":"Grand Jury Indicts Atlanta Officer For Murder Of Unarmed Black Man Prosecutors and the officer disagree over what led to the killing.","6022":"How Investors Pushed Corporates to Disclose Climate Risk in 2016 ","6023":"Florida Man Accused Of Repeatedly Sexually Assaulting Pit Bull A roommate tells police she estimates he abused the family dog 100 times.","6024":"USA Gymnastics Cuts Ties With Training Center Where Athletes Say Nassar Abused Them Karolyi Ranch in Texas served as the USA Gymnastics national team training center for years.","6025":"Why Fancy Headphones Got So Incredibly Popular ","6026":"WATCH: The 'Immaculate Innings' Keep On Coming ","6027":"Stranded Sailor Arrested Immediately After His Rescue It's safe to say he wasn't having a great day.","6028":"Boozing Altitude: JetBlue Pilot Flew Drunk, Blamed Gum For .111 Reading, Feds Say 151 passengers were aboard.","6029":"Vince Wilfork Wants Justice For Friend Killed By Cop \"This week, this is my purpose.\"","6030":"One Down, 999 Still to Go: Building a Better Approach to Business ","6031":"Fiduciary Rule: The Real Agenda There's a powerful agenda behind the opposition to the rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) requiring that advisors to retirement plans be fiduciaries: The securities industry wants to preserve its ability to give conflicted advice. There's a lot at stake.","6032":"Connecticut Man Arrested For Threatening To Bomb Trump Rally: Police Sean Morkys, 20, allegedly posted the threat on Twitter and told a friend to warn relatives attending the event.","6033":"Fleeing Kidnapping Suspect Identified ","6034":"Kris Humphries Scrambles After Puzzling Initial Reaction To Bruce Jenner News Not a good look.","6035":"CVS Pharmacy Buys Up Aetna Insurance In Latest Consolidation Of Pharmaceutical Power How is it legal for the company that sells me my meds to own the company that is supposed to help me afford them?","6036":"Questions That Need Answers Investors should understand that some in the financial media are little more than shills for the securities industry. They dispense advice that will benefit their advertisers, at your expense. Don't be fooled.","6037":"Michael Jordan Suggests To Kobe That He Try And Enjoy Life Bryant's greatest challenge yet: Try to have fun on this terrible Lakers team.","6038":"The 9 Annoying Things That Happen On Every Conference Call ","6039":"What The Hell Was Jimmy Kimmel Doing Behind Manny Pacquiao? No seriously, what the hell?","6040":"ESPN's Cris Carter Thinks 'Dabbing' Dance Is Called 'Bapping' Carter seemed pretty confident that he had the right name for the dance.","6041":"In Which I Scold My Friends and Colleagues ","6042":"10 Reasons Nice Bosses Finish First When it comes to success as a leader, radically tough leadership styles are exceptions to the rule, not the rule.","6043":"Alabama Executes Inmate First Sentenced To Death 34 Years Earlier On May 26, 75-year-old Tommy Arthur died by lethal injection in Alabama\u2019s Holman Correctional Facility, ending a decades","6044":"Car Slams Into 3 People On Massachusetts Sidewalk (GRAPHIC VIDEO) All of the victims are expected to recover.","6045":"Women in Business Q&A: Star Jones, President, Professional Diversity Network Star Jones is President of Professional Diversity Network. A former Senior District Attorney for the City of New York, she previously served as an NBC News Legal Correspondent and Analyst over the last two decades. From 1997 to 2006, she was co-host of ABC's hit daytime show The View.","6046":"You Might Actually Want To Use Amazon Rival Jet.com Now The site is axing its $50 membership fee.","6047":"Adam Rippon Turns Down NBC Contributor Gig The athlete said he was clearing up some news during an interview Monday morning.","6048":"Ray Rice: 'I Understand Why Some People Will Never Forgive Me' In a sit-down interview with ESPN that aired Tuesday, Ray Rice said that he understands why some people will never be able","6049":"How Nebraska Can Return to College Football Greatness Nothing I say here will assuage the pain of being a Nebraska Cornhusker football fan right now. This is especially true after our hugely disappointing loss to the no-nonsense, mistake-free, steady-as-she goes Iowa Hawkeyes on Friday at 90,000-strong Memorial Stadium in Lincoln (Nebraska's 347th consecutive sellout).","6050":"REPORT: Ravens Knew Details Of Ray Rice Elevator All Along ","6051":"Boston Just Hired An Executive To Combat Stress In Poor Neighborhoods She's taking a hard look at racism.","6052":"PHOTO: Royals Pitcher Honors Late Cardinals Player During World Series Game 6 ","6053":"Two Ohio Police Officers Fatally Shot While Responding To 911 Call Officers Eric Joering and Anthony Morelli were met with gunfire upon their arrival, officials said.","6054":"French Open Player Refuses To Shake Hands As Bad Blood Boils Over Hard feelings on a clay court.","6055":"Why Modern Work Is So Boring We have collectively chosen to make work pay more rather than be more interesting.","6056":"Fake Hair Dresser Arrested For Voyeurism FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) \u2014 A man who allegedly traveled around Arizona pretending to be a hair dresser so he could take sexually","6057":"Aliens In Avocado Super Bowl Ad Think We're A Bunch Of Dips But at least we had Scott Baio.","6058":"San Bernardino Attacker's Brother-In-Law Wonders If Killer Was Brainwashed Farhan Khan is desperate for answers.","6059":"Alex Rodriguez Becomes A Dad In Front Of The World The handful of Yankee Stadium infield dirt tucked in his back pocket a was modest compensation for all A-Rod left on the","6060":"Joseph Schooling Receives A Hero's Welcome Upon Returning To Singapore He outswam Michael Phelps and became the country's first Olympic gold medalist.","6061":"High School Decides Against Suspending Football Player For Peaceful Protest The superintendent determined it would be against the law.","6062":"Suspect In Custody After Killing Spree Leaves 8 Dead In Mississippi The alleged gunman was involved in a domestic violence dispute with his estranged wife.","6063":"Suspected Gunman Shot Dead By Journalist Reportedly Identified ","6064":"'Me-ternity' Leave Is A Very Bad Name For A Very Good Idea Don't confuse maternity leave with me-time.","6065":"Wall Street Bounces Back In Day Of Volatile Trade The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 567.02 points, or 2.33 percent, to 24,912.77.","6066":"Listen Up: These 10 Changes to Financial Rules Could Impact You in 2015 Welcome to 2015 -- now is a good time to examine the financial changes that will impact you in the days ahead. And it's mostly good news -- some of these changes can put more money in your pocket in 2015.","6067":"Riley Curry Turns 3, Does The Nae Nae Happy birthday, Riley Curry!","6068":"Texas Hot Air Balloon Crash Kills 16 It is one of the worst such accidents on record.","6069":"California Man Charged In Security Guard Slaying Kills 3 More Before Capture, Cops Say Kori Ali Muhammad made Facebook posts with anti-government sentiments, police said.","6070":"Police Arrest Suspect In Shooting Death Of Auburn Player ","6071":"DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Someone Is Shooting At Cars On A Phoenix Highway Authorities urged motorists to be on guard and report any suspicious activity.","6072":"How Jack Dorsey Can Keep His Chill While Running Two Companies These mindfulness tips apply as much to people working minimum-wage jobs as they do to a chief executive.","6073":"FBI Releases Video Of Oregon Militant's Shooting Death Four people remain at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, ignoring calls to go home.","6074":"The Next Top Prosecutor and White Collar Crime The criminal law punishes and deters. It is also supposed to implement society's moral values. One is that justice is blind: to race, to class, to politics. Nominee Lynch will have the opportunity to end the fuzzy thinking that underlies deferred prosecution agreements.","6075":"Big Data and Online Disinhibition: 'Who Am I?' When I Post Comments Online Big data is not a replacement for behavioral data, such as user and usage data, or psychographic data, which includes information on attitudes, values, opinions and lifestyle.","6076":"Women in Business: Heather Andrus, Senior Vice President of Product Development for Euro-Pro Heather Andrus is the Senior Vice President of Product Development for Euro-Pro, since her appointment in September of 2013. On a daily basis she strives to create compelling products for consumers by understanding the world that they live in, as well as their needs, motivations and desires.","6077":"The Return Of Michael Dell Michael Dell, founder of what once was the leading PC maker, stepped out of the limelight when he took Dell Inc. private","6078":"Willie Cauley-Stein Had The Best Answer When Asked About Sacramento Adorable.","6079":"NFL Player\u2019s Beloved Dog Serves As Groomsman At His Wedding \"I just could not imagine getting married without him.\"","6080":"What Will the Brooklyn District Attorney Do to Achieve Justice for Akai Gurley? As of January, Brooklyn has a new district attorney, Kenneth Thompson. After Michael Brown and now Eric Garner, how will Thompson handle the wrongful-death case of Akai Gurley? Like his predecessor, will he convene a grand jury? Or will he charge the police officer? Pass the case to federal prosecutors?","6081":"Uber, Lyft Drivers Discriminate Based On Race, Gender, Study Finds Beware the driver who's \"flirting to a captive audience.\"","6082":"Hit List Found With 'Detailed' Plot To Attack High School: Sheriff The student involved is now in custody.","6083":"J.R. Smith Allegedly Chokes Teenager After Kid Trash Talks Him \"That's why New York kicked you out, yo!\"","6084":"Dwight Howard Responds To LeBron James' Full-Court Shot With One Of His Own Amazing.","6085":"Odell Beckham Jr. Has Reached The Tipping Point There is a fine line between passion and overzealousness, and Beckham has been toeing it all year.","6086":"Reports: Kevin Love Has Had It With T-Wolves ","6087":"REPORT: Donald Sterling Ruled 'Mentally Incapacitated' ","6088":"Police Kill Hammer-Wielding Man Who Allegedly Attacked Family Luckily, both victims are in stable condition.","6089":"3 Steps to Curating Corporate Training To plan amazing training sessions that yield significant impact, you will need to understand the work your teams are doing in theory and in practice, and create an appropriate array of courses covering what is required, desired and inspired.","6090":"Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Speaks Out Against Ben Carson's Anti-Muslim Comments The NBA champ weighed in on Carson's problematic remarks on HuffPost Live.","6091":"Deadly Stabbing Attack At Maryland Prayer Center A man was stabbed to death and his wife was seriously wounded on Sunday night during an attack at a Korean prayer center","6092":"Mr. Met Loses It, Flips Off Fans After Game Don't tick off the mascot.","6093":"Payday Lender Blocked Access To Customer Accounts, Lawsuit Claims Borrowers were unable to see how much they still owed, the suit says.","6094":"Good Company Man Russell Wilson Plugs Miracle Water As Football Injury Cure Uh-huh.","6095":"Women in Business: Kristin Lemkau, Chief Marketing Officer, JPMorgan Chase \"Be a really good person and be really good at your job. I have a sign that hangs in my home office: 'if you work really hard and are kind, amazing things will happen.' Corny maybe, but true.\"","6096":"Don\u2019t Let Its New Policy Fool You. Morgan Stanley Is A Huge Coal Bank. $13.9 billion in financing between 2009 and 2014.","6097":"Brooklyn DA May Stop Prosecuting Most Marijuana Arrests ","6098":"Former NFL Cheerleader Guilty Of Raping 15-Year-Old Boy ","6099":"Rupert Murdoch, Are You OK? What is the billionaire media magnate trying to tell us?","6100":"Shooting At Washington State Mall Kills At Least 4 A manhunt was launched to find the suspect.","6101":"NFL To Investigate Cam Newton's Head Hits During Broncos Game Newton's father was \"grossly disturbed\" by the barrage of hits his son took during a game against the Broncos.","6102":"Tennis Upset As Venus Williams Loses First Round Singles Match At Rio 2016 She crashed out to Belgian underdog Kirsten Flipkens.","6103":"James Dolan Saved The Knicks From Phil Jackson The worst owner in the NBA did the best thing, for once.","6104":"Latest Jobs Report May Clear The Way For A December Rate Hike The economy added 211,000 jobs in November.","6105":"Donald Trump Can't Stop Attacking Black Sports Figures The president wants athletes to \"stick to sports.\" He's only ensuring they won't.","6106":"Anyone Want To Watch Bill Murray Get Sprayed With Champagne? The star got soaked after his baseball team secured a playoff berth.","6107":"Man Indicted On Murder Charge In Mississippi Teen's Burning Death The announcement comes about a year after 19-year-old Jessica Chambers was found dead.","6108":"ESPN Honors Stuart Scott's Legacy With Touching Tribute Video ","6109":"5 Ways to Get Your Business Ready for 2015 How can you use what you learned in 2014 to help you end the year the right way and improve your business in the year ahead? Here's a checklist to help you boost profits, trim budgets and streamline your company for 2015.","6110":"This Woman Will Watch Your Dogs In A Cool Trailer While You Go Shopping We expect this idea to get extremely pup-ular.","6111":"Shooting At High School Prom Leaves 1 Dead, 2 Students Injured The students were leaving Antigo High School when they were wounded by a suspect armed with a rifle, police said.","6112":"Utah Cop Who Violently Arrested Nurse Is Fired \u201cI have lost faith and confidence in your ability to continue to serve,\u201d the police chief told Salt Lake City Detective Jeff Payne.","6113":"Why the Story of Muhammad Ali's Rebellion Matters Today: Part 1 As we recognize that American sports and culture are not a \"post-racial society\" after all, it's important to look back at the '60s, the era where there was perhaps the greatest change in the relationship between African-Americans and White America.","6114":"On Labor Day: Corporations Deploy Anti-Worker Weapon Instead of picnicking, Steelworkers in six states will spend this Labor Day picketing the gates of a dozen Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI) specialty mills. These 2,200 Steelworkers are not on strike. They never even took a strike vote to threaten a walkout. ATI locked them out of their jobs.","6115":"The Cleveland Browns Have Finally Released Johnny Manziel The Browns selected Manziel 22nd overall in the 2014 NFL draft.","6116":"PBA President Patrick Lynch Faces Leadership Challenge From Unhappy Cops ","6117":"Judge Denies Gag Order In Rape Trial Of Hannah Graham Suspect ","6118":"Sport and Society for Arete -- The World Cup I am not a fan of The Beautiful Game, although I do watch and appreciate its beauty especially when it is displayed by the likes of Lionel Messi. Soccer, as with all games, when played with skill and competence is a beautiful game.","6119":"Matching Organizational Capabilities to Design Execution \"Seat of the pants\" decision-making accounts for 90 percent of an organization's frontline actions, while 10 percent reflects their stated strategic intent. Therefore, those in the organizational frontline trenches might be forgiven for wondering: \"What the heck were they thinking?\"","6120":"Stop Catching Foul Balls While Holding Your Babies, You Lunatics Quite literally, we beg of you: Think of the children.","6121":"Pittsburgh Penguins Defeat Nashville Predators 2-0 To Retain Stanley Cup The Penguins also became the NHL\u2019s first repeat champion since Detroit did it 19 years ago.","6122":"The Future of Workplace Lighting: 6 Lighting Experts Weigh In When done properly, the best lighting design is completely unnoticeable. Yet, when poorly done, lighting can completely compromise the design of a space.","6123":"Cops Didn't Enter Home Where Family Was Murdered Until Hours After First 911 Call HOUSTON (AP) \u2014 Relatives of a Houston couple and their six children who were fatally shot in their home can't understand","6124":"Woman Added Cleaning Solution To Co-Workers' Coffee Machine For Weeks, Police Say Mayda E. Rivera-Juarez is now charged with felony assault.","6125":"Sport and Society for Arete - The Cubs Quest ","6126":"Is the Future of Hockey on Thin Ice? Back in February, the NHL proudly announced that it ranked number 17 on the EPA's National Top 100 list of the largest users of green power. It became the first professional sports league ever to achieve this important distinction.","6127":"When Mothers Kill While it's no surprise some women can behave as badly as men, when a woman is found guilty of a dreadful crime, it's easier for society to accept it by saying, \"Well, she must be crazy,\" -- even if the woman is found to be perfectly sane.","6128":"10 Bizarre Ebola 'Products' People Are Actually Trying To Sell Yes, these items are actually being advertised for sale on the Internet.","6129":"Let's All Remember The Time Someone Asked Sweden's Soccer Coach A Really Dumb Question Don't ask a top coach if she can handle a men's team.","6130":"Tesla's Difficult Month Just Got A Little Worse The Model S maker failed to meet its delivery projections. Again.","6131":"Gun-Toting 'Batman' Caught On Camera Robbing Dollar Store The suspect wore the superhero's famous mask and a \"bat\" shirt for the holdup.","6132":"Need Drugs In Jail? Try Using A Drone A special task force has been set up to try and stop the drones from dropping off contraband to prisoners.","6133":"Mizzou Football Coach On Backing Player Boycott: 'I Did The Right Thing And I Would Do It Again' University of Missouri Coach Gary Pinkel said the protest was an \"extraordinary\" circumstance that made football secondary.","6134":"What Exactly Is Fair CEO Compensation? When you are passionate enough about something, you often don't need a lot in monetary compensation.","6135":"Going Against the Flow: Chuck Cohn, Founder & CEO of Varsity Tutors Chuck Cohn founded Varsity Tutors in 2007 at Washington University in St. Louis. Varsity Tutors is a live learning platform that connects students with personalized instruction to accelerate academic achievement.","6136":"Nurse Charged In Death Of Ex-Trump Adviser H.R. McMaster's Father Christann Shyvin Gainey was arrested after the 84-year-old died of a head injury at a nursing home last month.","6137":"NYC Agency: Over 1,000 Complaints Of Chokeholds In Recent Years ","6138":"This NBA Player Was A Refugee. Now, He's Speaking Up For Those Who Can't. \u201cWe just wanted somewhere where we could have an opportunity to make something out of [our lives].\u201d","6139":"Pilot Error, Dust Blamed For Fatal Marine Osprey Crash In Hawaii HONOLULU (AP) \u2014 A hybrid aircraft that crashed in Hawaii this year, killing two Marines, flew in sandy or dusty conditions","6140":"The Controversial New Argument For The Fed To Raise Interest Rates Some analysts argue that low interest rates leave the central bank ill-prepared for the next recession.","6141":"Grandparents Give Teen Tough Love After Seeing Him On Surveillance Footage They turned 18-year-old Jonathan Ratcliff over to police.","6142":"Why Won't Best Buy Let Me Return This Lemon? Katherine Szczerbinski's Lenovo laptop is a lemon. Can she get the manufacturer -- or Best Buy -- to fix it? Question: I","6143":"Nic Lamb Wins Mavericks Big-Wave Surf Contest The waves were \"Mount Everest meets Niagara Falls,\" he said.","6144":"Man Seriously Injured In Samurai Sword Attack: Police ","6145":"For Some Gay Athletes At The Olympics, Being Out Is A Weight Lifted Team USA's Gus Kenworthy and Canada's Eric Radford speak to HuffPost about their winning outlooks.","6146":"Wells Fargo Execs Behind Sham Account Scandal Forced To Pay Millions Back To Company The bank is set to take back over $180 million in forfeitures, clawbacks and compensation adjustments.","6147":"Police Search For Gunman Who Killed 5 At Mall In Washington State Four women were killed in the attack, and a man who was taken to a local hospital with serious injuries died overnight.","6148":"Budweiser's Super Bowl LI Ad Is A Story Of Overcoming Xenophobia To fulfill the American dream.","6149":"40 Years of Spectacular Chess In 1975, the organizers of the traditional chess tournament in the Dutch coastal town of Wijk aan Zee inaugurated a prize for the most spectacular game. They expected breathtaking encounters, griping contests, and some glamour and charm.","6150":"Great News For Obamacare ","6151":"5 Ways to Boost Your Marketing Creativity Through Your Office D\u00e9cor Your office d\u00e9cor has a direct bearing on your creativity at work. A dull office can mean dull performance; a bright office can bring out brighter ideas and motivation. You might have to start out your career in a \"boiler room\" setting, but as you progress in your field there's no reason you have to be stuck inside a tedious office.","6152":"Woman Stabs Boyfriend To Death After He Bites Her Finger, New York Police Say ","6153":"No Winner In Powerball Sees Jackpot Surge To $1.3 Billion It could be you!","6154":"Deutsche Bank Agrees To Pay $7.2 Billion To Settle Toxic Mortgage Securities Case As part of the agreement, Deutsche Bank would pay a civil monetary penalty of $3.1 billion and provide $4.1 billion in consumer relief.","6155":"Shirley Webb, 78, Deadlifts 225 Pounds Like It's Nothing \"I'm glad that people are getting inspired,\" she said.","6156":"Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion \"We're apologizing for the whole incident,\" his father said.","6157":"Why Management Is Out of Control: Employee 2.0 We are now on the cusp of a new revolution -- something we're dubbing: Employee Rights 2.0. \"Labor\" is breaking free of traditional management structures to experience unprecedented autonomy.","6158":"Slain Maryland Officer Died By Friendly Fire During Station Ambush [UPDATE] Four officers discharged their weapons during the gunfight, but authorities are not yet ready to identify which officer fired the fatal round.","6159":"Orlando Shooter Told Police 'I Did The Shootings' The FBI has released transcripts of Omar Mateen's 911 calls during last weekend's mass shooting.","6160":"Entrepreneurship in the British Virgin Islands with Stedman Graham Now is the time for leadership, change, improvement, growth and the acceptance of new challenges as they continue to emerge. The differentiator is whether you, your workforce and your constituents are prepared with the skills and mindset to meet these challenges.","6161":"WATCH: New NFL Dad Celebrates Fatherhood In The Endzone ","6162":"WATCH: Here Are 3 Ray Rice Fans Explaining Why They're Still Wearing His Jersey ","6163":"Students Chastise CEOs For Failing On Climate Change The chief executives of Apple, Walmart, Amazon and Coca-Cola get called out.","6164":"Duke Comes Out Against Indiana's 'Religious Freedom' Law Ahead Of Final Four Duke University became the latest institution to publicly come out against the \"religious freedom\" law recently passed in Indiana.","6165":"How to Future Proof Your Workplace Technology has enabled us to work anywhere and the locations of work have extended beyond the office building, into a variety of public spaces, fundamentally altering how space is used over time, by blurring the boundaries between corporate, retail, hospitality and residential uses.","6166":"I Was Pranked By Muhammed Ali In 1993, I was a page at NBC in New York. Most of the job was to give tours of the building and seat audiences at TV shows","6167":"Go from Great to the Ideal Job Candidate How can I outsmart everyone else? The answer lies in being able to present a profile of yourself as a candidate who 'checks all of the boxes' off your prospective employer's candidate wish list. So, where do you find this wish list? It's right in the job description.","6168":"John Oliver Takes On The Redskins' Comical Legal Argument He's got a point.","6169":"Vikings Fans Lost Their Damn Minds After Loss To Seahawks The agony of defeat on full display.","6170":"NFL Gets Aggressive In Disputing New York Times Concussion Article The league ran ads on the New York Times website alongside the article in question.","6171":"Army Veteran Faces 120-Year Sentence For Firing 2 Shots Into Air The shots fired by 58-year-old Randal Ratledge caused no injuries.","6172":"Ewan Family To Donate Ex-Enforcer's Brain To CTE Research The hockey world has been increasingly invested in learning about the brain disease.","6173":"Sorry Ellen, But Usain Bolt's Olympic Selfies Are Now The G.O.A.T. He kept it real after winning gold in the 200-meters. Again.","6174":"This Mountain Bike Trail Is Nothing Short Of Terrifying It's all downhill from here.","6175":"Bernard Lagat Loses Historic Medal After Teammate Is Disqualified, Then Reinstated An Olympic roller coaster ride.","6176":"Content Marketing? 3 Things You Should Write Before Your First Blog Post Experienced content marketers know it's more of a \"tip of the iceberg\" game. What the audience sees is only a small fraction of the effort expended by a content marketer.","6177":"KKK Leader's Widow And Stepson Charged In His Death Frank Ancona was shot in the head while he slept, Missouri police say.","6178":"Organizational Excellence Is About Being Perfect Together When organizations work well, they allow ordinary people to do extraordinary things. That's because they can be powerful vehicles for combining our strengths in a way that makes the whole far greater than the sum of the parts.","6179":"Kentucky Fan Gets National Champs Tattoo. Let's Hope It Happens For Him. That's some real confidence, bro.","6180":"Chicago Set To Have Highest Sales Tax Of Any Major U.S. City \"This is not how one rebounds from a three-year recession.\"","6181":"Man Accused Of Shooting At Sheriff Escapes Jail; Said To Be 'Armed And Dangerous' ","6182":"Serena Williams And Novak Djokovic Crowned 2015 ITF World Champions They've now nabbed a combined 11 ITF World Champion titles.","6183":"Sex Offender Freed Because Of Paperwork Mistake ","6184":"Convicted Killer John Modie Captured After Escape From Ohio Prison Modie is serving 18 years to life in prison for the 2002 murder of a 26-year-old woman in Cleveland.","6185":"5 Incredible Reasons We Are Petrified of Cold Calling and Overcoming Them in 3 Simple Steps In all fairness, if you feel you can't breathe when cold calling and your mind gets numb, you are one of us. The regular people. Folks who are normal. With that now made clear, you can take a deep breath and relax.","6186":"Music's Marginal Reinvention: There's More Than Just Streaming It's not clear where all this plays out, but meeting many across the music industry this past year, I saw a clear picture of an industry trying to reinvent itself. And while labels still have an important role, the new equilibrium brings a healthy competitive balance to the market.","6187":"It's Time For The Eagles To Cut Ties With Chip Kelly Philadelphia, at 1-3, ranks 30th in offense and 30th on third down.","6188":"Toys R Us Founder Charles Lazarus, 94, Dies As His Empire Comes To A Close Lazarus was 94 years old.","6189":"Congressional Report Lambasts NFL For Improper Influence Over Brain Study The NFL overreached in a major U.S. government research study on football and brain disease.","6190":"Abercrombie To Get Slightly Less Obnoxious ","6191":"The Economic Recovery Is Super-Sizing Houses Square footage is growing faster now than it did during the housing boom, but the culture of the McMansion may be changing.","6192":"9 Sustainability Lessons from Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro A few weeks ago, I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. During the seven days' climb on the Rongai Route, I thought about the many lessons the mountain was teaching me, lessons that can be applied to implementing a sustainability program within an organization.","6193":"Gregg Popovich Wishes He \u2018Had The Guts\u2019 To Dye His Hair Blond Monday\u2019s events beg the question -- would a blond Popovich really be more fun?","6194":"Bubbles: Are They Back? There has been much greater concern about the danger of asset bubbles ever since the collapse of the housing bubble sank","6195":"Elevate Your Leadership in 2016 My January article offers sixteen ways to elevate your leadership, with the emphasis on who you need to \"BE\" in order to achieve these simple but often neglected \"to-dos.\"","6196":"Kalamazoo Shooting Suspect Switched Cars Amid Rampage Uber driver Jason Dalton crashed his SUV fleeing the first shooting scene and was driving a second vehicle when he was arrested.","6197":"Work Like Obama: Management Secrets From The World's Toughest Job Obama became a master of compartmentalizing his time and focus over the course of his presidency.","6198":"Women in Business Q&A: Kelly Roberts, Historic Mission Inn & Spa Kelly Roberts graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Southern California and additionally earned a degree in law. She is an entrepreneur who invests in Real Estate, apartments and other interesting businesses. Kelly is an equestrian and her hobbies include mixed martial arts and Pilates.","6199":"Mondelez: Why the Choice of a Name Is so Important It has been over three years since Kraft spilt into two companies. The grocery group retained the Kraft brand identity -- calling itself Kraft Foods Group and kept the stock symbol KRFT. The snack foods group held a company contest to create a new name.","6200":"The Truth About Life In 2015 At Stanford, Where 21-Year-Olds Are Offered Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Right Out Of School ","6201":"Lessons of Ferguson: For the Good of Law Enforcement Stats should never be an \"outcome\". The only measure of police success should be the absence of crime in a community and the ability to work with the community to achieve that goal. Period.","6202":"De\u2019Andre Johnson Tells 'GMA' Racial Slur Didn\u2019t Justify Hitting Woman In The Face \u201cIt doesn\u2019t matter. What matters is that I shouldn\u2019t have raised my hand to her.\u201d","6203":"Southwest Airlines Flight Diverted Over 'Suspicious Behavior' Several passengers were \"unruly,\" an FBI spokesperson said.","6204":"3 Habits Killing Your Productivity In our attempt to be better at our jobs, to be more accessible and more open to new opportunities which could be your next big break, you may actually be engaging in habits that are hindering you.","6205":"5 Crazy Things About Monday Night's Historic Kansas-Oklahoma Game We hadn't seen a game like that in decades.","6206":"What's the Deal with Native Advertising? Select advertisers and publishers are giving native advertising a bad rep. But neither party can entirely be blamed for this. Their needs are in constant conflict.","6207":"New York City's East Village Smolders Morning After Building Explosion (PHOTOS) ","6208":"'No Evidence' Of Shooting At Houston's Ben Taub Hospital, Chief Says The hospital was given an \u201call clear.\"","6209":"24 Ways Working From Home Will Destroy Your Soul Home workers heed our warning. We've seen it happen ourselves.","6210":"This Is What 107 Years Without A World Series Title Looks Like Another year, another victory for the billy goat.","6211":"Chipotle Reopening Restaurant Linked To Customer Illnesses The company suspects norovirus was to blame.","6212":"The Biggest Dog Sledding Race In The World Is Having Major Problems. You Already Know Why OK, climate change, this really isn't cool anymore.","6213":"Driver Allegedly Went 1.5 Miles With Man Stuck Through Windshield ","6214":"3 Facts About Email Marketing That Make or Break Campaigns ","6215":"Feds Investigate After Woman Tells HuffPost She Helped Drug, Rob Up To 100 Men: Attorney One man's death is linked to the alleged crime spree.","6216":"Minor Leaguer Leaves Ronda Rousey A Ticket For Every Game His tweets to the UFC fighter are a hit.","6217":"Here's How To Get Investors To Save The Planet A top advisor to big investors says the U.S. needs to tax carbon emissions.","6218":"LAPD Finds Huge Arsenal In Man's Home While Investigating His Death \"Our truck couldn't carry it all. We had to go back and make another trip.\"","6219":"Krugman: We Can Learn From Europe ","6220":"18 Fantasy Football Busts ","6221":"The 5 Types of Fans You See at Every Baseball Game We're approaching the end of August, and, like every year, that means the MLB season is starting to get interesting. Teams are jostling in the standings for playoff positions, and both the drama, and calibre of baseball is starting to increase.","6222":"Man Dies After Telling Police Who Chased Him 'I Can't Breathe,' Sources Say ","6223":"Subway Is Transitioning To Antibiotic-Free Meat The full switch won't be complete until 2025, the company says.","6224":"Child Clings To Life After Brutal Sexual Assault: Police ","6225":"Take Our More Money, Less Stress Challenge! It\u2019s time to stop feeling anxious about your finances.","6226":"Turing Will Roll Back Massive Drug Price Hike After Backlash (UPDATE) CEO Martin Shkreli didn't say how much he'd cut the cost of Daraprim.","6227":"Married 'Cheer Mom' Had Sex With Daughter's Teen Classmate: Cops ","6228":"Stocks Could Suffer As Trump Trade Policy Takes Shape The incoming administration is signaling Trump\u2019s campaign promises to revisit trade deals and even impose a tax on all imports are very much alive.","6229":"17-Year-Old Allegedly Kills Staffer In Escape Attempt From Troubled-Teen Facility \u201cIt was a brutal, vicious, violent, very violent attack,\u201d Garfield County Sheriff James Perkins said.","6230":"Mario Balotelli In Trouble For Offensive 'Don't Be Racist' Instagram Post ","6231":"Want to Fight New Forms of Financial Corruption? Hire Women. Social anthropologist Janine Wedel, author, most lately, of Unaccountable: How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt Our Finances, Freedom, and Security, has spent decades getting to the bottom of how powerful people wield influence. Truth and transparency, she warns, have devolved into a performance art.","6232":"Washington Teen Broke Up With Girlfriend Before Deadly Shooting: Reports The three people killed have been identified as Anna Bui, Jake Long and Jordan Ebner.","6233":"How David Stern's Dress Code Transformed The Modern NBA Star While Stern's decree was intended to protect his own brand in a manner that would make Roger Goodell blush, the dress code has proven to be mutually beneficial. A rule that was so despised has spawned a new financial opportunity for the players.","6234":"Photos Show Destruction After NJ Transit Train Crashes In Hoboken One person was killed and more than 100 people were injured when the train plowed into a platform.","6235":"More Indictments Coming In FIFA Corruption Probe ","6236":"Ohio Man Threatened Historical Mass Shooting At Las Vegas Casino The suspect faces federal charges after making a series of threats to his estranged wife.","6237":"Former Prosecutor Helps Teen Who Was Given Life Sentence Win Release After 20 Years Move follows Florida Supreme Court ruling that some juveniles sentenced to life in prison can be eligible for a new sentence.","6238":"Why Progress Is the Sweetest Thing Many leaders are concerned about how to motivate their employees. They know that engaged workers produce better results, are more creative, and care more for their work. However, which factors that actually motivate and engage their teams have long been discussed.","6239":"Paul George Suffers Gruesome Injury (GRAPHIC IMAGE) ","6240":"The Touching Moment Eli Manning Almost Lost It At Coach Coughlin's Farewell \"Eli, it's not you. It's not you. It's us.\"","6241":"Terry Frei's Tweet About An Asian Winning The Indy 500 Shouldn't Surprise You The business of sport is changing, yet there are those who will persist in their prejudice.","6242":"CSR Communication Goal Should be Impact, not Information Despite the growing investments made today towards external CSR communication, there has been relatively little progress made in evolving the mindset and behaviors beyond the niche to the masses.","6243":"Texas Mother Arrested For Allegedly Burning 2-Year-Old Daughter In Hot Oven The toddler was airlifted to the hospital suffering from second- and third-degree burns.","6244":"NYPD Sergeant Shot In The Face While On Duty In Queens ","6245":"CAABS Drive Workplace Bullying Everyone has a responsibility to collectively work together to prevent workplace bullying to ensure that bullies don't win and targets don't unnecessarily have to deal with abuse or suffer alone.","6246":"15 Tons Of Marijuana Seized At California Border ","6247":"This Is How You Score A Goal From A Skyscraper Nothing like help from above.","6248":"Bulls Derrick Rose Wears 'I Can't Breathe' Shirt At Game ","6249":"Jake Arrieta Pitches No-Hitter For Cubs In 2-0 Win Over Dodgers It was the sixth no-hitter in the majors this season and the second against the Dodgers in 10 days.","6250":"Kenney Bui: The Life And Death Of A High School Football Player Kenny Bui was the first high school football player to die in a month.","6251":"FBI Reportedly Investigating Clinton Foundation A spokesman for Hillary Clinton called the probe \"a sham.\"","6252":"The Company You Work for Is Destroying Your Morale and What You Can Do About It Employees are the largest non-financial drivers of success in a company, and that if leadership was attuned to their employee needs and the culture they have built, it would result in better performance. Bottom line, if they treated you better, they would be even more profitable.","6253":"Patton Oswalt Celebrates Michelle McNamara's Legacy After Arrest In 'Golden State Killer' Case \u201cI think you got him, Michelle.\"","6254":"Here's Maybe The Definitive Way To Pronounce 'Pyeongchang' Now that the 2018 Winter Olympics have started, it's time you learned.","6255":"Blind Judge Makes History, Joins Michigan's Supreme Court ","6256":"Nitwit With The Best March Madness Bracket Didn't Pick A Winner \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29","6257":"Bank Of America Touts Going Green But Funnels Billions Into Fossil Fuels The bank is backing the company building the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.","6258":"San Francisco Vandals Keep Messing With Super Bowl 50 Signs \"It\u2019s typical San Francisco: We don\u2019t like something, we'll let you know.\"","6259":"Why Women Need To Stick Together At Work The real lesson behind one woman's horrifying tale of sexism and shame on Wall Street.","6260":"Game-Changing Plays From Week 3 in the NFL Seattle blew a 17-3 fourth quarter lead and were 99.9 percent likely to win after Steven Hauschka kicked a 28-yard field goal to give the Hawks a 20-12 lead with 1:04 left to play.","6261":"10 Injured As Taxi Hits Pedestrians Near Boston Airport: Police State police say they believe the incident was not intentional.","6262":"Women in Business: Stacy Simpson, Chief Communications Officer, SapientNitro Stacy Simpson is the Chief Communications Officer for SapientNitro, part of Publicis Sapient. In this capacity, she oversees global communications, strategic and brand marketing strategies for SapientNitro, as well as the global corporate communications strategy for Sapient.","6263":"Louisiana Theater Shooter Identified As John Russel Houser Authorities on Friday morning identified the gunman in the Lafayette, Louisiana, theater shooting as a 59-year-old \"drifter","6264":"Parkland School Shooter Indicted On 17 Counts Of Murder Nikolas Cruz faces a maximum sentence of either execution or life in prison.","6265":"Outside Law Firm To Probe U.S. Olympics And Gymnastics Officials Over Larry Nassar Scandal Independent investigators are scrutinizing the institutions that survivors and their families say knew about his abuse but tried to cover it up.","6266":"Penn State Fined Record $2.4 Million Over Sandusky Case Feds say the school violated the law for disclose that Sandusky was going to be criminally charged for sexually abusing children.","6267":"Let's Take A Second To Appreciate Steph Curry's 25-Point First Quarter Curry had a jaw-dropping seven threes in the first period alone.","6268":"Tyson Fury Defeats Wladimir Klitschko, Sings Aerosmith To Wife \ud83c\udfb6 I don't want to close my eyes... \ud83c\udfb6","6269":"3 Questions Every Company Should Be Asking Before Making a New Hire But how do you know if you're bringing someone on board ready to make lightning strike twice? One way to get you closer to finding out is asking these three questions during the interview.","6270":"Amazon Sued For Allegedly Selling Defective Eclipse Glasses Starting on August 10, Amazon began to email customers to issue a recall of potentially hazardous solar eclipse glasses.","6271":"Rooney Grabs a Brace, Manchester United Week 27 Recap United played against Sunderland, hoping to return to winning ways after defeat at Swansea and reestablish themselves in their pursuit of a top four finish.","6272":"Amazon Plans To Warm New Seattle Office Towers With Recycled Heat The company will use excess heat from an Internet data center.","6273":"How to Become a Person of Influence Whether you are looking for a new career challenge, growing your business or starting a new company, becoming a person of influence in your industry can be very rewarding -- both personally and professionally.","6274":"Police Investigate Reports Of Las Vegas Gunman Booking Hotels Near Other Concerts Stephen Paddock's motive for the Route 91 Harvest Festival massacre is still unknown.","6275":"What's Really Behind The Unusual Circles On Michael Phelps' Back It's called cupping.","6276":"Marv Albert On The Knicks, Brad Stevens And The State Of The NBA \"It can give you the chills sometimes,\" he said of his decades covering the NBA.","6277":"NFL Finds 'No Credible Evidence' That Peyton Manning Used PEDs And lots of Pats nation reacted like \ud83e\udd14","6278":"Get Outside: 3 Outdoor Archery Games to Try This Summer Unlike the single-distance, climate-controlled environments of indoor archery, outdoor archery offers an unpredictable mix of terrain and weather at varying distances to challenge your shooting skills.","6279":"Security Video Shows Motel Explosion In Washington State A worker smelled gas and pulled the fire alarm, saving the lives of dozens of guests.","6280":"Sport and Society for Arete-'Concussion' Movie Review Several months ago there was a minor flap over the fact that the National Football League was given the right to delete parts of the film \"Concussion\" before its general release to the public. At the time many, including myself, feared that the NFL would defang the bite of the film. It did not.","6281":"NFL Players Pull Out Of Paid Trip To Israel Fearing They're Being 'Used' \"I want to be a voice for the voiceless, and I cannot do that by going on this kind of trip to Israel,\" Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett said.","6282":"'Active Shooter' At Texas' North Lake College Dies In Apparent Murder-Suicide Police say the gunman fatally shot one person and then killed himself.","6283":"Police Sergeant Helps Bloodied Runner Cross Finish Line The runner had fallen due to exhaustion with about 200 yards to go.","6284":"New Developments In Search For Sisters Missing Since 1975 ","6285":"Women in Business: Mollie Spilman, Chief Revenue Officer, Criteo Mollie Spilman is Chief Revenue Office at Criteo, which she joined in 2014, and leads all commercial operations globally. She has spent 24 years in the media business, with 16 of those years in the digital ad space.","6286":"Feds OK Charter And Time Warner Mega Merger The deal, which still needs FCC approval, would create the second-largest broadband provider.","6287":"Police Officer Kills Man Who Threw Heavy Object At Cops, Cruiser Police said the \"violent encounter\" involved a man who threw a brick or rock.","6288":"'Very Disorderly' Waldo Makes It Easy For Police To Find Him He should have stuck to blending in.","6289":"In City's Poor Neighborhoods, People Wonder Where Cops Are ","6290":"Dunkin' Donuts Is Fueling Our Almond Milk Obsession At Just The Wrong Time ","6291":"HIGHLIGHTS: Germany Delivers Historic Thrashing To Brazil ","6292":"MLB Sports Agent Accused Of Filming His Clients In The Shower Jason Wood allegedly recorded these baseball players without their knowledge.","6293":"Dak Prescott Has Earned The Right To Remain The Cowboys Starter The rookie quarterback has taken the league by storm.","6294":"Wrong Turn Costs Austrian Cross-Country Skier An Olympic Medal \"I had a blackout. I don\u2019t know why I took the wrong way,\" Teresa Stadlober later said of her devastating mistake.","6295":"Ohio State QB J.T. Barrett Suspended 1 Game After OVI Citation Barrett was stopped at a police check point on Saturday morning.","6296":"Oil Baron's Descendants Shame Exxon Mobil For 'Morally Reprehensible Conduct' The Rockefeller Family Fund announced it is divesting from fossil fuels and threw shade on Exxon Mobil in the process.","6297":"In Business, Don't Be Afraid to Shake It Up The bottom line is that the old adage \"If it ain't broke, don't fix it\" has no place in business today. There are many factors that come into play in order to ensure a successful business venture: timing, technology, funding, legislation and more.","6298":"Nassar Judge Speaks Out For The First Time Since Highly Publicized Sentencing \"I support the girls,\" Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said.","6299":"Deputies Fatally Shoot 6-Year-Old In His Home While Firing At Suspect Kameron Prescott, 6, was struck by a stray bullet.","6300":"Self-directed Retirement Accounts and Turnkey Rental Investing The investor who wants to invest in rental property without searching out homes, doing rehab, finding tenants and handling management find this an attractive option. There are advantages to this approach.","6301":"Steve Wynn's $7.5 Million Settlement Reportedly Involved Paternity Claim Dozens of former employees have accused the casino mogul of sexual harassment.","6302":"WATCH: Clowney Destroys Falcons On Back-To-Back Plays ","6303":"Five Cyber Security Takeaways From the Mid-Term elections While not a much-discussed topic during campaign season, federal policy on cyber-security will likely see some material changes as a result of a Republican-controlled Senate. Just how significant those changes will be have yet to be determined, but here are some thoughts on probably outcomes.","6304":"Pilot In Fatal Hot Air Balloon Crash Had Drunk Driving, Drug Convictions The balloon's basket caught fire after hitting power lines and killed 16 people in the crash.","6305":"Kobe Hired A Film Crew And We\u2019re Supposed To Pretend It\u2019s Not A Clue? WAKE UP, SHEEPLE.","6306":"This Is How A 300 Pound Vegan NFL Player Maintains His Huge Size He drinks a ton of smoothies.","6307":"Atlanta Falcons Owner Thinks Government Should Address Wealth Inequality \u201cOne of the great strengths of this country is the diversity and is the inclusion.\"","6308":"My Time as a Philly Juror When my jury summons notice appeared in the mail, all I could do was breathe a sigh of despair. You know how it is: the jury in-take crowds, the lists of instructions to be followed, the canned videos.","6309":"Elizabeth Smart Gave Birth To Baby Girl, Father Says ","6310":"U.S. Figure Skater Nathan Chen Is A Total Mess Again At Winter Olympics \"I'm upset, obviously,\" he said after bombing in the men's short program.","6311":"Trump's Big Economic Policy Address Is Short On Specifics, Other Than Help For Wealthy His attempt to reinvigorate the campaign after a horrible week flopped.","6312":"Shaun White Makes History With Gold Medal Win In Halfpipe He became the first person to win three gold medals in Olympic snowboarding competitions.","6313":"The Great Remix: Why Mergers Are Booming Another day, another merger. Telephone companies, drug companies, drugstores, airlines, hospitals, retail stores and beer. Why?","6314":"Records Show Numerous Complaints Against Officer Who Staged His Suicide FOX LAKE, Ill. (AP) \u2014 An Illinois police officer who staged his suicide to make it look like he was murdered had a troubled","6315":"Shake it Off: What I Learned From a Negative Review You're not going to satisfy everyone, and on some occasions, the customer isn't right, but you should certainly do your darndest to try and find common ground, and head off problems at the pass, without compromising your basic business needs.","6316":"Dog Mauls Owners After They Tried To Dress Him In Sweater: Police It took a tranquilizer gun, beanbag gun and stun gun to subdue the dog.","6317":"Teen Accused In Townville School Shooting Faces Murder Charge After Child Dies Jacob Hall, 6, died from his injuries on Saturday.","6318":"Ireland's Olympic Rowers Return With Another Hilarious TV Interview Paul and Gary O\u2019Donovan risk being dubbed \"Ireland's gift to the world\" all over again.","6319":"Laquan McDonald's Shooting Is Just The Latest Episode In Chicago Police's Brutal History City officials have framed the cop who killed McDonald as one bad apple, but the department has been rotten for almost a century.","6320":"How to Measure Success Naturally When I look to align myself with the concept of success I see revealed in nature, a much different analogy comes to mind. It is that of the life of a rose. It seems to me that the rose has won its place in the Winner's Circle because it has so much to teach us.","6321":"Steve Harvey Is Still Milking His Miss Universe F**kup In T-Mobile Super Bowl Commercial This is how you cash in on a massive mistake.","6322":"1 Dead, 3 Injured After Student Opens Fire At Washington State High School Law enforcement officials said one student died while trying to stop the shooter.","6323":"MLB Pitcher Comes Up With Ultimate Response To Heckler ","6324":"Overpaid MLB Players Prove LeBron James' Is A Bargain ","6325":"CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Suspect Bird-Naps Peacock ","6326":"Argument Between Grandmas Ends In Shootout At Texas Walmart, Cops Say A 55-year-old woman was reportedly left with a gunshot wound to her neck.","6327":"Watch Maria Sharapova Feel All The Feels After Upset Win At U.S. Open It was her first Grand Slam match since her drug suspension.","6328":"'Ritual Killing' May Be Linked To Blue Moon, Police Say \"Our person of interest has some ties to a faith or religion that is indicative of that,\" the sheriff said.","6329":"Suspect Is Killed After Shots Fired In Reno, Nevada Gunman allegedly fired from 8th-floor window onto the street below. One injury is reported.","6330":"University Of Chicago Shooting Threat A Response To Laquan McDonald Video Jabari R. Dean, 21, of Chicago, threatened to kill 16 white male students or staff at the school.","6331":"Work Stress Is A Major Health Problem, Even For CEOs Workplace wellness often does not extend to the executives.","6332":"Virginia Plane Crash Leaves Multiple People Dead The plane reportedly crashed into trees after a botched landing attempt.","6333":"The Slender Man Stabbings: Is Everything About the Suspects Based on Fiction? Twelve-year-old girls are not adults. They are children. But, somehow, with a stroke of a pen, two pre-pubescent tweens -- who can't vote, drive, or serve in the military -- have been transformed into adults for purposes of criminal punishment. But those adults don't exist. Anywhere. Except on paper in a courtroom.","6334":"Hostage Taker Reportedly Blames Trump For Prison Siege \"We know that the institution is going to change for the worse.\"","6335":"FanDuel Tweets That Killing Fantasy Sports Could Lead To Greater Injustices \"If politicians are going to tell you that you can't play fantasy sports, what will they tell you next?\"","6336":"Lionel Messi Says He's Retiring From International Soccer After a brutal loss in the Copa America final.","6337":"'That's What Triggered It': Orlando Nightclub Shooter Revealed Motive To Police Negotiator Hours before Omar Mateen was killed in a shootout with police, he complained about U.S. strikes on ISIS.","6338":"2 Dead, 2 In Custody, 2 On The Run ","6339":"The Export-Import Bank Debate: Tempest in the Tea Party Pot The charter of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank or Bank) must be reauthorized by the end of September. Given the current heated debate it is likely that its fate will not be determined until the 11th hour.","6340":"Boss Of Coal-Hauling Railroad Says 'Fossil Fuels Are Dead' As President Donald Trump works to reverse coal's decline, the CEO of CSX Corp. said his company will stop new investments in transporting the energy source.","6341":"This Is How Fracking Works ","6342":"Police Arrest Suspect in Decades-Old Killer Clown Case Sheila Keen Warren -- now married to the victim's husband -- is accused of fatally shooting Marlene Warren while wearing the creepy disguise.","6343":"Cash Back Incentives: A Winning Strategy for Health Insurers and Consumers Health conscious consumers who have proven their value to insurers over the course of twelve months deserve to receive financial reimbursement for their efforts. Even a year's worth of successful compliance by those patients facing on-going conditions such as diabetes would prove beneficial to patient and insurer.","6344":"Jameis May Have Lost The Rose Bowl, But His Memes Won The Internet ","6345":"'It Doesn't Matter Where You're At -- People Have Guns Everywhere' ","6346":"South Dakota High School Principal Injured In School Shooting The suspect, a student, is in custody.","6347":"Florida Men Charged With Attempting To Support Islamic State The men allegedly expressed support for recent mass shootings, and hoped to join ISIS.","6348":"Rio's Airport Wall Is Full Of Apologies For Ryan Lochte Yeah, we're sorry, too.","6349":"Kobe's New Teammates Were Asked If They'd Heard From Him, And Their Answer Was Priceless Kobe seems really fun to play with!!!","6350":"10 Behaviors That Highlight Your Leadership Ability Based on my years of experience as a new business advisor, I always find leadership to be more important to business success","6351":"Isaiah Canaan's Ankle Injury Is So Horrible, Fellow Players Can't Look Isaiah Canaan suffered a season-ending fracture that will linger in your head for a while.","6352":"6 Summer Scams And How To Avoid Them As the weather gets warmer, mosquitos and ticks re-enter our lives, and along with them comes their larger cousin, the scam","6353":"8-Year-Old Writes Adorable Letter To Make Cam Newton Feel Better \"Dear Cam Newton, I'm sorry you lost, but here is a paper trofy.\"","6354":"Video Shows Armed Burglar Crawl Into Sleeping Family's Bedroom The man clutched a knife in his mouth just feet from their beds.","6355":"StemCells, Inc., and the Quest for a Cure ","6356":"'SNL' Perfectly Sums Up The Perverse Way The NFL Covers Injuries \"No one should ever have to witness something that shocking. Let\u2019s see it again.\"","6357":"Empowering Employees by Investing in Human Capital Top talent -- at all levels -- remains the scarcest resource in corporate America. Over the next 10 years, we will see leaders invest far more thought and effort into developing their human capital.","6358":"A College Basketball Player Purposefully Tripped A Ref Last Night An early candidate for most unsportsmanlike play of the year.","6359":"The Warriors' Secret Weapon Might Surprise You What makes Golden State truly outstanding is its commitment to dominant defense.","6360":"Autonomy: The Self-Driving Car and You We could be forgiven for thinking this is a vaguely interesting gewgaw in a world benumbed by technological gadgetry. The iPhone Six is out, for crying out loud... But like those who scoffed at Karl Benz's strange \"Motorwagen\" in 1900, we'd be overlooking a revolution.","6361":"Amsterdam Airbnb Host Accused Of Pushing South African Down Stairs Is Arrested The filmmaker says he was angry over a missed checkout time and told her \"This isn't Africa\" before shoving her.","6362":"This Season, The NFL Got Political. Roger Goodell Is Still Trying To Pretend It's Not. After a season defined by players' political stances, the NFL commissioner refused to talk politics before the Super Bowl.","6363":"Snoop Dogg Rivals 50 Cent For Worst First Pitch At Padres vs. Braves Game Oof.","6364":"Black Friday Shoppers Can't Start On Thanksgiving In 3 States ","6365":"Cowboys Reportedly Want To Part With Greg Hardy Because Of His ... Partying? It's a bit ironic, to say the least.","6366":"Men Educated At Ivy League Schools Vastly Outearn Female Classmates It has a lot to do with choice of major. Oh, and sexism.","6367":"Miguel Cotto Crushes Sergio Martinez To Win The Middleweight Title A few hours before Miguel Cotto challenged Sergio Martinez for the middleweight championship, Ray \"Boom Boom\" Mancini told me, \"Everyone thinks the way to beat a southpaw is with the straight right down the middle, but it's really the left hook.\"","6368":"An Interview With CEO Ken Dunn (Part One) Ken Dunn is an entrepreneur. Before starting Next Century Publishing, he made millions of dollars through his entrepreneurial efforts. He started Next Century to help authors avoid bad publishing experiences. In this interview, you'll get a glimpse into the life of a busy CEO.","6369":"Houston Astros On The Brink Of World Series Crown After Thrilling, Extra-Innings Win Over Los Angeles Dodgers The Astros, who lead the series 3-2, now have two chances in Los Angeles to win their first World Series since the inception of the franchise 55 years ago.","6370":"Plane Hit Bald Eagle Before Crashing In Alaska, Killing 4 The National Transportation Safety Board revealed its findings about the crash on Wednesday.","6371":"Innocent Bystanders: How Inept Attorneys Enable Wrongful Convictions No attorney who is just a year out of law school should be representing someone when their life is at stake. Everyone should be entitled to effective counsel. My innocence could have been proven from day one if I'd had effective counsel at trial.","6372":"Consulate Worker Accused Of Bringing HUGE Amounts Of Cocaine Into U.S. ","6373":"Boston Mayor's Latest Statements Complicate The City's Olympic Bid He says he won't sign a contract that forces taxpayers to cover Olympic cost overruns.","6374":"Companies With The Best (And Worst) Reputations ","6375":"ANOTHER Baby Dies After Being Left In Hot Car ","6376":"The Hypoglycemic Employee and the Law ","6377":"Mystery Solved: What Happens When There's A Tie In The Olympics? Ties at the Olympics aren\u2019t as rare as you might think","6378":"Toddler's Father Said There Were 2 Gators During Disney Attack: Records The child's dad, Matt Graves, was injured after being attacked by the second gator while trying to rescue his son, emails reveal.","6379":"Serena Williams' Top Home Videos With Her Baby Are All Winners That's one cute 2017 highlight reel.","6380":"32 Data Breaches Larger Than Sony's in the Past Year The Sony Hack was not even one of the ten largest hacks of 2014. Though large, it actually only ranks as the 33rd largest of the year in terms of number of records breached. EBay actually suffered the largest data breach of 2014 (and the second largest since 2005) with more than 150 million records compromised.","6381":"Controlled Explosion Carried Out At Man Utd Stadium After Match Abandoned Nobody was hurt.","6382":"Accused Charleston Shooter Talked About Attacking College: Friend ","6383":"Maurice Clarett, Once A Troubled Star Football Player, Is Now The 'Athlete Whisperer' \"Maurice has a gift.\"","6384":"Redefining Success Success is your net-worth. Your net-worth not being your financial possessions, but your net-worth being the number of lives you've changed. So maybe even instead of calling it just being your \"net-worth,\" it's also called your \"network.\"","6385":"Women in Business Q&A: Stephanie Teuwen President and Co-Founder, Teuwen Communications ","6386":"Amazon Has Best-Ever Holiday Season As Traditional Retail Stays Lukewarm Amazon sold enough men's jeans to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.","6387":"WATCH: Soccer Player Scores Astounding Goal After Letting Ball Touch Ground Only Once ","6388":"Family Of Four Found Dead In Michigan Home \"We'll be on the alert, that's for sure, until we know what really happened.\"","6389":"Washington State High School Football Player Dies After In-Game Injury Kenney Bui was critically injured while trying to make a tackle during a recent game.","6390":"Niccolo Porcella Somehow Survived This Insane Surf Wipeout \"Ouch\" is an understatement.","6391":"Texas Deputy Gunned Down In 'Cold-Blooded' Attack At Gas Station Harris County deputy Darren Goforth was shot in the back multiple times, police say","6392":"Nick Symmonds Says USA Track & Field Exploits Patriotism For Profit \"This is not a hobby for me. This is a career.\"","6393":"Women in Business: Nadia Tarazi, Founder, MicroNourish Nadia is a Multi-Media Producer turned Executive Coach who dramatically improved her own focus and relationship with food through micronutrition, and wanted to help others do the same: she worked with scientists and micronutrient experts to develop the MicroNourish System and online magazine.","6394":"Ronaldo Is America's Unlikely Hero ","6395":"3 Legal Mistakes Every Businesses Should Avoid In order to reduce your potential of contributing to the penalty-based revenue businesses generate for the US government, the following are legal mistakes you should avoid at all costs.","6396":"Courthouse Evacuated After Armed Man Reported ","6397":"Blind Sailor Successfully Sails From Mexico To Hawaii, Crashes On Reef Upon Arrival ","6398":"Man Kills Ex, Her Grandma, For Not Naming Baby After Him: Cops PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pittsburgh police say a man upset that his ex-girlfriend wouldn't name their newborn son after him fatally","6399":"Tampa Bay Buccaneers Create Sexist Website To Teach Women Football The first lesson teaches women what a \"play clock\" is.","6400":"Judge Rejects Requests To Postpone Boston Bombing Trial ","6401":"Spurs End Four-Game Skid Against Kings DeMarcus Cousins sat out with a sprained left ankle and bruised left hip. Without him in the lineup the Kings were unable to contain the San Antonio Spurs who ended their four-game skid behind a revived Tony Parker.","6402":"U.S. Tennis Apologizes For Featuring Nazi-Era Anthem Before Germany's Match \"I\u2019ve never felt more disrespected in my whole life,\" one German player said.","6403":"Disney's Best Ever Example of Motivating Employees The best examples of things that motivate others over the short-term almost always involve surprise and delight. A million years ago I heard this story from Mike Vance about his boss at the time, Walt Disney.","6404":"Target's Grocery Business Is Struggling -- Here's One Way It Could Change Walmart and Whole Foods are already doing this.","6405":"Hilarious Eagle Fan Is Every American Today Instant internet legend.","6406":"WATCH: Rory McIlroy Makes First Pro Hole-In-One ","6407":"WATCH: U.S. Defender's Mistake Gifts Portugal Early Goal ","6408":"Flying Cars or Flying Toilets: What Is the Best Way to Measure Innovation? Commenting on the state of innovativeness, Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and legendary Silicon Valley investor, remarked, \"We asked for flying cars. Instead, we got a hundred and forty characters.\" Really, Peter? Who asked for flying cars?","6409":"Bad Trade Sucker punched by massive, illegally subsidized imports, American steel producers laid off thousands of workers in bedrock communities from Ohio and Illinois to Texas and Alabama. That's in just the past three months.","6410":"Ronda Rousey Finds It Hilarious When Her Body Is Called 'Masculine' Brush ya shoulders off, Ronda.","6411":"Why Jamie Dimon Has a Better Prognosis Than Owners of Closely Held Businesses Not having a written business succession plan is at the very least an underlying cause of business failure. The reality is that the business landscape is littered with leaders and owners who chose to imperil their legacy and family's security.","6412":"Top GOP Congressman Tells Trump To Release His Taxes \u201cYou\u2019re just going to have to do that, it\u2019s too important,\" Congressman Jason Chaffetz said.","6413":"Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor Crosses Finish Line 2 Years Later Rebekah Gregory was among those injured during the 2013 bombings.","6414":"Chicago Shootings Spike Amid Weekend Violence More than 600 people have been shot in the city this year.","6415":"Advanced Advertising: Reality vs. Hype ","6416":"Eight Percent Tax Free With a Government Guarantee Puerto Rico, though it is not a state, has the privilege of issuing municipal bonds. Interest on those bonds is free from U.S. taxes. Typical municipal bonds pay 3 percent returns these days. But Puerto Rico's municipal bonds pay 8 percent or more.","6417":"911 Dispatcher Tells Rape Victim To 'Quit Crying' (AUDIO) ","6418":"Elon Musk's Estranged Father Has Child With Stepdaughter, Says It's 'God's Plan' The young woman was only 4 years old when Errol Musk married her mother.","6419":"3 Walmart Employees Charged With Manslaughter In Shoplifter's Death An autopsy found the man had 15 broken ribs.","6420":"LeBron Is Mr. Popular ","6421":"Who Will Win Out Between the Millennials and Boomers? From a marketing perspective, who will win out between the Millennials and Boomers? In many ways it comes down to cultural dominance, and in this sense Millennials are much more influential.","6422":"Brazil Judge Wants Answers From Ryan Lochte About Alleged Robbery The judge ordered Lochte and a fellow swimmer to stay in Rio -- but Lochte had already left.","6423":"Baby Sitter Gets 14 Years In Toddler's Death She pushed the boy in the face, causing him to fall and strike his head.","6424":"Trial Begins For Cop Charged In Death Of Freddie Gray A verdict is likely to set the tone for the city.","6425":"Sandy Hook Families Want Money From Insurance Of Gunman's Mom ","6426":"Jamie Oliver - Behind the Brand Jamie Oliver is making an impact beyond what most TV celebrities do, from helping reform legislation removing unhealthy ingredients in fast food to community outreach at the local level by helping elementary schools rethink their lunch menus.","6427":"Religious Crimes and Free Speech: From Pussy Riot to Fellatio with Jesus Statuary, the Controversies Keep on Coming Whenever religion becomes involved, sophomoric stunts by 14-year-old boys become no laughing matter to the offended.","6428":"Elon Musk Wants To Bring The Internet To Space \u201cOur focus is on creating a global communications system that would be larger than anything that has been talked about to date.\"","6429":"Elizabeth Warren Wants To Stop The Next Trump University Twelve progressive senators are demanding action against \"universities\" that really aren't.","6430":"LeBron James Dives For Loose Ball, Hospitalizes Golfer Jason Day's Wife Ellie Day stretchered away after 250-pound All Star plowed into her.","6431":"Martin Shkreli's Former Lawyer Convicted Of Helping Him To Defraud Pharmaceutical Firm Acting U.S. Attorney Bridget Rohde said the verdict sent a message to lawyers that they will be held accountable when they \u201cuse their legal expertise to facilitate the commission of crime.\u201d","6432":"Louisville Probing Claim Staffer Hired Escorts For Recruits \"We want to get to the bottom of it.\"","6433":"Missouri Inmate Executed Despite Last-Minute Pleas For Clemency ","6434":"WATCH: TNT Crew & Gregg Popovich Pay Tribute To Sideline Reporter ","6435":"Develop an Acute Ability to Listen What if your point of difference was an acute ability to listen? What would that look like?","6436":"Ryan Lochte Says He'd Be 'The Michael Phelps Of Swimming' If Phelps Wasn't There Gotta sort of feel bad for the guy.","6437":"Family Donates Heart Of 5-Year-Old Girl Fatally Shot While Sitting On Grandpa's Lap ","6438":"Healthy-Looking D-Rose Throws Ridiculous Half-Court Pass Out Of A Trap Derrick Rose is back to doing Derrick Rose things.","6439":"Head Of Uber's Self-Driving Car Effort Steps Down Anthony Levandowski moves to a different job at the company as a lawsuit filed by rival Waymo heads for trial.","6440":"Insider Trading Scandal Rocks Multimillion Dollar Fantasy Sports Industry There is no independent oversight over how the contests are run and whether everyone who enters is on a level playing field.","6441":"The Economy Just Grew Much Faster Than It Was Expected To ","6442":"Kobe Bryant Forgives Lakers Draft Pick For 'Rapist' Tweet Yet another lesson that social media is forever.","6443":"The Evolution Of Stephen Curry: The Man The NBA Can't Take Its Eyes Off Of Once considered too scrawny to compete in the NBA, Stephen Curry has become hoops' biggest attraction. Here's a look back at his journey thus far.","6444":"Entire High School Football Team Kneels During National Anthem \u201cWe haven\u2019t seen this level of athlete activism in nearly half a century. This is a movement,\u201d one expert said.","6445":"Face-Reading: An Advantage in Business Author Jean Haner, an anglo-saxon, married into a Chinese family and her mother-in-law taught her everything she knew about the ancient art of face-reading.","6446":"NFL Upholds Odell Beckham Jr.'s One-Game Suspension The Giants wide receiver will have to sit against the Vikings.","6447":"Woman Found Living With Corpse: Police ","6448":"NY Bar Owner Calls Accused ISIS Wannabe A Panhandler Who 'Caused Trouble' Restaurant owner John Page says Lutchman \"caused more trouble than positive.\"","6449":"Ex-Death Row Prosecutor: 'We Still Deal In The Politics Of Blood' \"I think the death penalty itself should be killed. The whole system is fatally flawed.\"","6450":"Video Platform Maturity & How the Tech Titans Are Shaping Up ","6451":"RNC Finance Chair Steve Wynn Accused Of Decades Of Sexual Misconduct: Report The Las Vegas mogul has been accused of sexually harassing and abusing female employees.","6452":"Hawaii Police Destroy $575,000 Worth Of Guns To Keep Them Off Street But one critic calls the decision \"the height of anti-gun stupidity.\"","6453":"Gap CEO On Why Running Beats Stress \"I get that moment when my head clears.\"","6454":"Remains Found In Lake May Be Woman Missing For 35 Years ","6455":"These Are The Counties Going Hungry In Every State Food is a basic need that many people take for granted. Yet, 48 million Americans face limited access to adequate amounts","6456":"NYC Company Exploits 9\/11 To Sell Concert Cruise Tickets ","6457":"Wrong-Way Driver Dies After Deputy Shoots At Him From Helicopter \"We actually train, the pilots train, to shoot from helicopters.\"","6458":"Dwight Howard Is Finished Masquerading As A Superstar ","6459":"Olympic Skier Fabian Bosch Catches Sweet Hang Time In Viral Escalator Stunt Give him gold, already!","6460":"Whistleblower Statutory Protections Are Frequently Narrowly Interpreted By Courts ","6461":"Couple Ordered To Pay Enslaved Nanny $121,000 After 2 Years Of Work The Texas couple was additionally sentenced to seven months in jail for the abuse.","6462":"Chemistry Lessons for Leaders We are all familiar with the \"chemistry\" factor in relationships and the chemical attraction metaphor; now we are learning that such insights are more than metaphor -- they are reality!","6463":"Will Asian Gas Deal Quash Canada's LNG Export Hopes? Just as the supply of shale gas brought down North American gas prices, so too will the new supply of Russian gas lower prices in China.","6464":"TCU Quarterback Trevone Boykin Arrested After Allegedly Assaulting Police Officer Cops had arrived to break up a bar brawl reportedly involving the player.","6465":"10 People Dead In 'Human Trafficking' Case In Texas Parking Lot Dozens of others found suffering from heat-related ailments in what San Antonio Police Chief William McManus calls a \"horrific tragedy.\"","6466":"Michigan Man Outraged After Getting $128 Ticket For Warming Car In Driveway Taylor Trupiano said he left his car idling for just a few minutes.","6467":"Hard Times and Harder Choices Both Piketty and Clark say that politics, not economics, will determine the future. However, the economy will certainly be a major focus of upcoming election debates in both countries. The real question is, will the electorates in the U.S. and the UK stage a revolt?","6468":"And The First Gold Medal Of The Winter Olympics Goes To ... Skiathlon victor took silver at the previous Games.","6469":"Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1,100 Foreign Workers While touting his hardline on immigration on the campaign trail for the GOP presidential nomination, Trump's companies have been recruiting foreign workers.","6470":"GoFundMe Unwilling To Help Break Up Ciara And Russell Wilson We will assume they are all Pats fans.","6471":"'Japan's Babe Ruth' Hits 1st MLB Homer 2 Days After His 1st Pitching Win Shohei Ohtani's three-run blast traveled nearly 400 feet.","6472":"Former NYPD Cop Pleads Guilty To Drunkenly Firing 14 Shots At Car Victim Joseph Felice was shot six times for no apparent reason.","6473":"This Woman Was Just Banned From An Industry That Once Lionized Her Nine months after a devastating expos\u00e9, things worsen for Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes.","6474":"Obama Chose MLB Playoffs Over Democratic Presidential Debate \"There was a little bit of clicking back and forth.\"","6475":"Super Bowl 50 Box Score Bronocs take on the Panthers at Levi's Stadium for Super Bowl 50.","6476":"Man Accused Of Killing Firefighter Was Mad Over Traffic Delay: Police The firefighters were trying to raise money for muscular dystrophy.","6477":"MLB Trade Deadline Winners And Losers ","6478":"Tom Brady Slowly Backing Away From That Donald Trump Endorsement The Patriots QB attempted to clarify his stance on the controversial reality star.","6479":"Panthers Owner To Treat Entire Staff To Free Trip To Super Bowl 50 He also did it back in 2004, when Carolina matched up against New England in Super Bowl XXXVIII.","6480":"Offering Art Briles Another Coaching Job Sends A Terrible Message The former Baylor head coach oversaw a program rife with alleged sexual abuse, yet he is coaching again, and that is despicable.","6481":"There's A Petition To Rename Robert E. Lee High School After Coach Pop Where do we sign?","6482":"What Should I Do if an Employee Is a Liar? We need to be careful not to assume that individuals are guaranteed to repeat past behavior. Such assumptions can limit a person's ability to learn and grow. But, how can we know if an employee is going to repeat past behavior such as illicit drug use, theft, or bribery?","6483":"Women in Business Q&A: Sheila Rosenblum, Owner of Lady Sheila Stable ","6484":"NFL Arrogance Has Temporarily Made Rice a Standard-Bearer Against Injustice It is arrogance rooted in a linear focus for success that can render one blind to other variables. Hardly a new phenomenon, arrogance can infiltrate all aspects of the human condition, regardless of size or mission.","6485":"Woman Let Uncle With Autism Starve To Death, Cops Say While he starved, she collected his Social Security benefits, cops said.","6486":"Subway Franchisee Says She Told Company About Fogle's Crimes Years Ago She says the company directed her to a global marketing exec, who didn't want to hear about it.","6487":"Preppi Killer Robert Chambers Case Revisted on 48 Hours ","6488":"NYPD Weighs Allowing Chokeholds Following Eric Garner Death ","6489":"Waterproof Advice For Making Your Home Vacation-Ready If you\u2019ve ever left for your summer vacation silently hoping your house would still be there \u2015 and in good working order","6490":"Landlord Accused Of Masturbating On Tenant's Clothes When She Wasn't Home The suspect told police he was in the woman's apartment to fix a hot water heater.","6491":"2 Women Who Took Children To Vandalize An Arizona Mosque Are Arrested The Tempe arrest came after the women posted video on Facebook.","6492":"Jordan Spieth Tries To Photobomb Fans' Picture, Succeeds Nice placement from the No. 3 golfer in the world.","6493":"Big Bank Cracks Down On Controversial Practice ","6494":"Chocolate Companies Warn Of Looming Global Shortage ","6495":"Startup Incubator Teaches Military Veterans in NYC Last weekend, one of my favorite organizations, the Patriot Boot Camp, swung through the Big Apple to throw a three day shindig of startupy goodness. I popped by to check out the action.","6496":"Man Convicted Of Killing His First Family Pleads Guilty To Slaying His Second Gregory Green, who served 16 years for murder, has confessed to another brutal crime.","6497":"2 Female Teens Shot Dead At Arizona High School, Cops Say \"This was not an active shooter situation. We realized that when we got on the scene.\"","6498":"Tesla Won't Let You Use Its Self-Driving Cars For Uber Details of the so-called Tesla Network will be released sometime next year.","6499":"28 Throwback Examples of Native Advertising Native advertising dates further back than you think. Years ago, lots of big publishers and many even bigger brands were doing it, but no one called it native advertising. Bloggers, journalists and advertisers referred to it by a different name: Sponsored Content.","6500":"Novak Djokovic Wins Australian Open Title ","6501":"Teen Accused Of Threatening Police On Twitter ","6502":"Even Peyton Manning's Father Says We All Need To Give Cam Newton A Break Archie said he feels for the young quarterback, knowing just how much a loss like this can hurt.","6503":"Man Pleads Guilty In Boy's Fatal Beating Over Birthday Cake Jacob Barajas, 25, admitted to handcuffing his 9-year-old nephew to a chair for eating the cake without permission.","6504":"8 Recruitment Myths Preventing You From Finding the Best Employees are just as important to a business as the products and services being sold. This is why it's so vital to carry out effective recruitment tactics.","6505":"Volkswagen's U.S. Sales Go Up In October, Despite Diesel Emissions Scandal There is a world in which consumers swiftly punish Volkswagen where it counts \u2014 the coffers \u2014 for its massive, systematic","6506":"This Hilarious Little Kid Must Be The Most Motivational Trainer On Earth Remember the name \"The young Jamaican trainer.\"","6507":"A Simple Solution To America's Woes: Huge Raises ","6508":"Alabama Player Kyriq McDonald Collapses On The Sideline Of Title Game The freshman fell near the end of the third quarter as Alabama was trying to mount a comeback from a 13-0 halftime deficit.","6509":"Officer: Witnesses Filmed Deadly Crash, Didn't Help Victims ","6510":"AOL Lays Off 500 People Most of the cuts will be in corporate units.","6511":"How to Handle a Bully Boss Help, I'm under attack. All of a sudden I can do no right. How did I get into this situation? More importantly, how do I get out?","6512":"The Best Run States In America ","6513":"Rob Gronkowski Dances His Way Into NFL Record Books The 26-year-old now has the most postseason touchdowns of any tight end in league history.","6514":"Devon Still Accepts Jimmy V Perseverance Award On Behalf Of Daughter Leah \"In the five years I've been with you, you've taught me more about life than I could ever [teach you].\"","6515":"United Airlines Defends Right To Block Girls In Leggings The young passengers had to follow a dress code because they were traveling as guests of employees, the company said.","6516":"Top 10 Cities To Find Great Jobs This article was originally published on 24\/7 Wall St.\u00a0 When thinking of relocation, Americans consider an area\u2019s job prospects","6517":"24,000 Uber Drivers May Lose Their Side Hustle Uber is truly a fascinating company. The 8-year-old firm is at once the source of strategy and business model admiration","6518":"10 Ways Freelance Life Is Different Than A Day Job Wouldn't it be grand if you could trade in the tedious predictability of the 9-to-5 grind for 100 percent control of your efforts and the resulting profits, plus the authority to give yourself as much vacation time as you need?","6519":"Salesforce Wants To Give Health Care 21st-Century Customer Service Could this be the key to making health care more like every other service?","6520":"Bayer Offers To Buy Monsanto For $62 Billion Monsanto, which said last week it had a received an approach from Bayer but gave no details, has yet to comment on the offer.","6521":"Suspect Makes Sure He's Caught On Camera During Bizarre Break-In Police say these surveillance images show Ellis Battista paying for his loot.","6522":"Site Of Arizona Uzi Tragedy Had Drawn Concerns Before ","6523":"This Is What It Looks Like To Truly Love College Sports A Rice football player breaks down while reflecting on his four-year career.","6524":"Man Fatally Shot Ice Cream Truck Driver In Front Of Children, Police Say ","6525":"The No Fun League Made Its Dumbest Celebration Call Yet On Vernon Davis Rules are rules, unfortunately.","6526":"Weeks Before Aurora Attack, James Holmes Had University On Edge Though Holmes had \"constant homicidal thoughts,\" he had never revealed specific targets or plans before the attack.","6527":"Police Chief Calls Shooting Of Black Teen By White Cop A 'Tragedy' ","6528":"Sandy Koufax Chose His Faith Over The World Series And Still Won It All ","6529":"Memory, Karma and Desire Every year, around this time, as the United States approaches its national day of commemoration aptly called Memorial Day. I am struck by the nature, the very essence of memory and what it really means, what it can achieve and the flip side -- the deep harm it can catalyze.","6530":"REPORT: Prison Employee Hid Hacksaw Blades In Frozen Hamburger Meat ","6531":"Don't Discount Mental Illness in the Case of Abigail Hanna The case of Abigail Hanna--the pretty, blonde 21-year-old who allegedly kidnapped a toddler she once cared for--has the media fascinated. How can someone like her become, as the Daily Beast calls her, \"the babysitter from hell\"?","6532":"Sam Schmidt: Inspiration to Racing Fans, Inspiration to Us All My connection with Sam Schmidt is personal. Twelve years ago he allowed me to live out a boyhood dream of averaging a 200-mph lap in an Indy car, a risky proposition even for pro drivers. I was just an adventure journalist.","6533":"Devastating French Open Injury Leads To Moment Of True Sportsmanship Player Nicolas Almagro sobbed as he was forced to quit mid-match, but his opponent was there to comfort him.","6534":"Usain Bolt Is Bowing Out As The Greatest Sprinter And The Ultimate Showman The world's fastest man completes his brilliant career the only way he knows how.","6535":"Authorities In Sherri Papini Case Give Conflicting Statements On Alleged Abduction A woman at the local sheriff's office said a hoax had not been \"ruled out,\" but the sheriff later said they believe the abduction was real.","6536":"Truths of a Recovering Overachiever: Redefining the Ideal of Success ","6537":"Esteban Santiago Charged In Fort Lauderdale Airport Attack The FBI said Santiago loaded up in an airport bathroom and came out shooting","6538":"Court Rules Adnan Syed Of 'Serial' Podcast Has The Right To A New Trial But prosecutors could still appeal that decision.","6539":"10 Ways To Be Authentic Online NEVER keep clients in your community - even readers - whose energy you don't like. You don't have to be able to explain why, it's your business, your life.","6540":"LeBron James Rides The New York Subway And Ticks Off A Passenger Aggrieved rider James Michael Angelo later explained his \"Can you not?\" public transit moment.","6541":"Pharmaceutical Companies Hiked Price On Aid In Dying Drug When California\u2019s aid-in-dying law takes effect this June, terminally ill patients who decide to end their lives could be","6542":"Lady Gaga Belts Out The National Anthem At Super Bowl 50 Sing it, Gaga!","6543":"Streaker Crashes Olympic Speedskating With A Message For The World What a performance!","6544":"Canadian Tourist Gives Hawaii Man A Ride, Gets Robbed At Gunpoint A Maui man, caught by cops who tracked the victim's stolen iPhone, was held for trial.","6545":"Brothers Arrested For Child Porn Fantasized About Killing: Cops ","6546":"Amazon May Refund Your Potentially Explosive Hoverboard Officials aren't too confident in the product's overall ability to not ignite.","6547":"Private Student Loan Business Declares War on Borrowers When unemployment, illness or a divorce force consumers to choose between paying the rent or a student loan, private loan servicers insist on full payment. So begins the chronic slide into bad credit, nasty collection calls, and eventual lawsuits.","6548":"New York's Metropolitan Opera Cancels Show After Powder Sprinkled Into Orchestra Pit Police believe someone sprinkled cremated ashes during the second intermission.","6549":"How Mike Piazza Helped Me Come To Terms With Being A Mets Fan He energized not only the franchise, but the fan base.","6550":"Teen Disfigured By Catcaller's Pipe Attack \"I looked down and saw my teeth in my hand.\"","6551":"Chipotle\u2019s Strategy To Win Back Customers: Free Burritos The chain also plans to host a company-wide meeting on new food-safety measures.","6552":"Ta-Nehisi Coates and Mayor Mitch Landrieu Talk Violence in America Is violence a function of our culture? During a recent 2015 Aspen Ideas Festival session, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu (D) and Senior Editor and National Correspondent for The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates explored this complex and provocative question.","6553":"Arkansas Court Allows Execution Drug Hours Ahead Of Lethal Injection The decision came three hours before the state planned to execute Ledell Lee.","6554":"IOC Increasing Water Tests In Rio After Alarming Levels Of Sewage Reported High levels of viruses linked to human sewage were found in the AP's investigation.","6555":"Mets General Manager Sandy Alderson Diagnosed With Cancer Alderson will remain with the ball club as he battles the disease.","6556":"Man Charged In Disappearance Of North Carolina Toddler Mariah Woods, 3, is presumed dead by authorities.","6557":"These 6 Inspirational Athletes Show Us How To Beat The Odds ","6558":"Cop Allegedly Swipes Dead Man's Credit Card To Buy Diamond Ring ","6559":"Barbie May Have Just Gotten Her Toughest Job Yet ","6560":"SCOTUS Ruling Could Spell Big Trouble For U.S. ","6561":"Olympic Officials Lose Keys To Stadium, Pull Out The Bolt Cutters EVERYTHING IS GOING JUST FINE.","6562":"What Happened When One CEO Decided To Talk Openly About Race Tim Ryan got a giant accounting firm to really start listening.","6563":"Bryce Harper, Hunter Strickland Suspended After Bench-Clearing Memorial Day Brawl Along with his fists, the star Nationals outfielder threw his helmet, but it didn't come close to the Giants reliever.","6564":"The Harvard IKB School of Engineering The good people of Dusseldorf, Germany, and specifically the IKB Bank, which specializes in loans to small and medium-size businesses, has kindly endowed Harvard University's engineering school with a gift of $400m. Strangely, though, the Harvard Engineering School was renamed after hedge-fund manager John A. Paulson, not IKB, and thereby hangs a tale.","6565":"Somebody Donated A Cooler Filled With Weed To Goodwill Either it was an accident, or someone was feeling VERY generous.","6566":"Hacking the WIN-Win-Win Business Model The model is simple - you serve the needs of your core customers for free or almost for free. The core customer's activity creates a side-effect that can be harnessed to create value for another set of customers that are willing to pay.","6567":"Michael Sam Says Some Famous Athletes Are Secretly Gay When will we see the next gay NFL player come out?","6568":"The Odd Couple In Today's Office: Millennials Reverse Mentor Baby Boomers The term 'reverse mentor' was coined and first implemented by GE's Jack Welch in 1999 to help executives enter the Internet age. But Tibergien believes this kind of two-way sharing goes beyond its original intent and makes a statement about where vital intelligence comes from in business.","6569":"Woman Impaled By Umbrella While Celebrating Birthday At The Beach Lottie Belk of Chester, Virginia, was 55.","6570":"Why Employees Should Use Collaboration Tools at Work Why should employees use collaboration tools at work? A lot of organizations state that one of the biggest challenges they face is employee push-back. Employees don't want to use the tools and technologies.","6571":"How The Mizzou Protests Demonstrate The Power Of College Athletes \"All of it boils down to athletes standing up.\"","6572":"Even Companies That Sell Tampons Are Run By Men ","6573":"How Millennials Are Changing the Workplace Some people say that millennials are littler narcissists and describe them as the \"me, me, me generation.\" Others, are more optimistic and they realize the importance and opportunity that millennials can bring to the workforce.","6574":"Teen Driver Accused Of Livestreaming Crash That Killed Younger Sister \u201cI f**king killed my sister, OK? I know I\u2019m going to jail for life,\" she said in footage after the suspected DUI crash.","6575":"Ellen Pao Must Pay Kleiner Perkins $276,000 For Lawsuit, Judge Rules ","6576":"Home Depot Admits 56 Million Payment Cards At Risk After Cyber Attack ","6577":"Man Accused Of Decapitating Wife Was 'Trying To Get The Evil Out' Police say the man amputated part of his own arm and gouged out his eye after the attack.","6578":"Russia Barred From Flying Its Own Flag At Olympic Games Closing Ceremony The IOC said two Russian doping violations during the Pyeongchang Games had marred an otherwise clean report card for the Russian delegation.","6579":"Sheryl Sandberg: Peter Thiel will stay on Facebook's board Peter Thiel's seat on Facebook's board is not in jeopardy, despite the tech entrepreneur's secret legal campaign against","6580":"Sport and Society for Arete: The NFL, Women and Sport Roger Goodell is the commissioner of the most popular professional sports league in the United States. This week he demonstrated just how much he learned at the feet of his predecessors, Paul Tagliabue and especially Pete Rozelle.","6581":"Uber's Surge Pricing Doesn't Do What It Claims To Uber\u2019s surge pricing doesn\u2019t necessarily increase the availability of rides. It just makes them more expensive.","6582":"Steven Tyler Gives Skittles' Super Bowl Ad Sweet Emotion Dream on while tasting the rainbow.","6583":"Lindsey Vonn Tweets Fierce War Cry For 'Likely' Last Olympic Downhill Race \"Count on it.\"","6584":"Woman Hospitalized After Being Hit In The Head By Foul Ball ","6585":"Woman In Heroin Deaths Panicky Then Calm, Police Say ","6586":"Beauty Queen Arrested For Allegedly Faking Cancer For Cash One fundraising event brought in $14,000, authorities said.","6587":"Father-Son Duo Accused Of Stealing $72,000 In Health And Beauty Aids ","6588":"Why The Hotel Industry Is Fighting Proposals To Give Housekeepers Panic Buttons Despite tales of sexual harassment and assault, the leading industry lobby sees the devices as a \"fig leaf\" and a \"solution in search of a problem.\"","6589":"Gun Stocks Take A Huge Hit After Donald Trump's Surprise Win Knocked down by friendly fire.","6590":"Baseball Player Called Out For Sexist Tweet About ESPN Analyst The Astros called the remark \"inappropriate\" in a statement.","6591":"Steph Curry's Defender Got A Hand On His Three-Pointer And It Still Went In Obviously.","6592":"Finding a Gifted Translator to Translate Your Important Documents into Foreign Languages Whether you need your website, or an important document such as a marriage license, transcript, contract or other official document translated into another language, it helps to understand what kinds of features you should be looking for.","6593":"Karl-Anthony Towns Carves His Own Path As The Humble Superstar The Minnesota center is a playmaking 7-footer who can dribble, shoot and pass.","6594":"Even Wild Animals Are Hooked On The Winter Olympics \"He's actually waiting on the curling finals.\"","6595":"Police Kill Armed Black Man In St. Louis On Anniversary Of Another Officer-Involved Shooting Protests later broke out at the scene of the shooting.","6596":"Former High School Wrestling Champ Accused Of Rampage ","6597":"Fiji Wins Its First Olympic Gold And Immediately Declares Public Holiday \"We are all proud to be Fijians right now.\"","6598":"A-Rod Apologizes ","6599":"Officer Killed In Hit-And-Run ","6600":"Former Chemist May Have Tainted Thousands Of Criminal Cases ","6601":"Father And Son Cooks Accused Of Stealing $40,000 Of Chicken Wings Paul and Joshua Rojek allegedly took the wings from the restaurant they worked at.","6602":"Man Arrested In Connection With Death Of New York City Jogger Karina Vetrano Police don't believe that Chanel Lewis, 20, knew the victim.","6603":"Chattanooga Shooter's Arrest Video Released \"I don't feel that I should be taken in right now.\"","6604":"Man Buries Date Alive Because He Thought She Was Dead: Cops ","6605":"How Successful People Handle Toxic People To deal with toxic people effectively, you need an approach that enables you, across the board, to control what you can and eliminate what you can't. The important thing to remember is that you are in control of far more than you realize.","6606":"Rikers Island Almost Never Reports Sexual Abuse Complaints: Official Last year, the prison failed to report 98 percent of sexual abuse complaints.","6607":"Woman Fatally Stabbed In New York, Baby Born At The Scene It was still unclear who gave birth to the child or if the victim was the mother.","6608":"Public Universities Spend Millions On Stadiums, Despite Slim Chance For Payoff When Americans tune into Monday night\u2019s national championship game, they will be watching two public universities whose football","6609":"Mexican Soccer Star Rescued After Kidnapping The 25-year-old Mexico national team striker disappeared in his hometown on Saturday night, when he was intercepted by gunmen after leaving a party with his girlfriend.","6610":"Uber Driver Alllegedly Tried Burglarizing Passenger After Drop-Off ","6611":"NDAs Are Stupid (Mostly) ","6612":"In Search for Leaders Who Lead The 21st century organization requires bold leaders who understand they live in a world of opportunity to create and lead others around a shared purpose. Unfortunately, the system is still massively broke.","6613":"Washington State Gunman Killed Wife, Her 2 Sons, Neighbor The man fatally shot himself in front of police after an hours-long standoff.","6614":"LEGO's Girl Problem Starts With Management This summer, LEGO launched a minor revolution. It introduced professional women -- scientists, no less -- into its latest toy line aimed at girls. The new figurines -- called \"minifigs\" by Lego die-hards -- feature a female palaeontologist, an astronomer, and a chemist. They sold out on the first day.","6615":"5 Ways Resilient People Use Failure to Their Advantage Everyone has the ability to build mental strength and develop increased resilience. It's all about the choices we make and the desire to become better. With hard work, we can learn to use setbacks as opportunities to grow stronger.","6616":"Your Favorite NFL Team Doesn't Care About You The Chargers' move to Los Angeles is a reminder that local fans are an afterthought in professional sports.","6617":"5 Ways to Thrive During the Holidays Yes it's that time of year again, the season to be jolly. So why might you be starting to feel a creeping sense of anxiety and even a little bit of dread? The truth is this time of year often finds most of us scrambling. So what are the small changes you can make to help you flourish during this holiday season?","6618":"The One Trait Successful Managers Have In Common A businessman and author shares the importance of empathy in leadership.","6619":"Donovan Mitchell Uses Footwear To Send Powerful Message About Gun Violence The Utah Jazz star said \"there\u2019s a lot of so-called awareness of it, but there\u2019s nothing being done.\"","6620":"Therapists Missed Newtown Gunman's Rage As A Teenager ","6621":"Kerron Clement Wins 400 Hurdles For U.S. Men's First Gold On Track In Rio About time!","6622":"It's All Mental: On the Power of the Mind Although you may have a vision for a company or your body, you still have to embrace and live in the moment.","6623":"Jane Goodall Says SeaWorld 'Should Be Closed Down' \u201cIt\u2019s not only that they\u2019re really big, highly intelligent and social animals so that the capture and confinement in itself is cruel.\"","6624":"Most College Sports Fans Won't Stop Watching If Athletes Are Paid, Poll Finds The effect of compensation on fan interest has been a subject of contention in antitrust lawsuits against the NCAA.","6625":"Two Predictions You Can Take to the Bank ","6626":"Woman Who Had Sex With Boys Said \"Age Is Just A Number': Cops ","6627":"New York City Police Officer Randolph Holder Dies While Chasing Suspect In Harlem The 33-year-old police officer died after being shot in the head.","6628":"Another Times Square 'Spider-Man' Arrested ","6629":"Casino Shooter Found Dead After Targeting 2 Police Officers ","6630":"Global Markets Plunge On Oil, China Fears Queasy investors sent global markets plunging again Wednesday, stomping out recent meager gains and spotlighting fresh worries","6631":"Hurry! Early Black Friday Deals Have Already Started On Amazon Get ready, shoppers.","6632":"Decapitated Woman, Mutilated Dogs Found In Phoenix Home It gets worse.","6633":"10 Steps to Fight Inertia If so, here are 10 actions you can take to dislodge your organization from its conventional thinking rut.","6634":"Long-Sought NCAA Football Practice Legislation Finally Within Sight The NCAA's chief medical officer can see a \"pathway to legislation.\"","6635":"Reinvent Your Business Model or Die One of the key components of transformation and innovation is the business model, and since the ability of companies to transform and reinvent themselves is crucial to their lifeline, I went straight to the source.","6636":"Jabari Parker Says He Fears For His Own Safety Amid Police Shootings Other athletes echoed his concerns.","6637":"Havana's Forgotten Baseball Team Played A Key Role In U.S.-Cuba Relations Once the Sugar Kings were relocated, \"everything went to hell.\"","6638":"Charles Barkley Announces He Will Attend 'Fat Farm' To Lose Weight \"I have become lazy. Number one, I\u2019m not healthy.\u201d","6639":"5 Money-Related Things You Should Do This September Doesn\u2019t it feel great to be so far ahead of the curve?","6640":"Sonia Sotomayor Dresses Up In Support Of Yankees Star Aaron Judge All Rise!","6641":"'Psycho' Daughter Slept And Ate Next To Mom's Corpse For Years ","6642":"Watch Leicester City Players Celebrate The Greatest Upset In Sports History The Foxes were 5,000-to-1 longshots to win the English Premier League title.","6643":"Four Emergency Workers Barred From Duty Following NYPD Chokehold Death ","6644":"Chattanooga Shooter Visited Middle East: Officials CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July 17 (Reuters) - U.S. authorities are investigating travel to the Middle East by the suspect in the","6645":"Report: Alleged Church Shooter Tried To Kill Himself During Attack ","6646":"James Harden's Gummy Beards Are Better Than Gummy Bears Never shave the weird beard.","6647":"Mom Wants Justice For Boy Who Killed Himself After Social Media Hoax Tyson Benz's mother says a 13-year-old girl charged in connection with her son's death is not facing a harsh enough punishment.","6648":"Golf Sensation Jordan Spieth Loses Masters After Horrible Meltdown; Danny Willett Wins Willett is only the second Englishman to win the coveted Green Jacket.","6649":"Lawrence Taylor's Wife, Lynette Taylor, Arrested For Alleged Attack On The NFL Legend \"My husband is a 300-pound linebacker. I didn\u2019t hit him in the head.\"","6650":"Danny Meyer Steps Up And Gives His Workers Paid Parental Leave It's a heartening sign of change in the notoriously low-paying restaurant industry.","6651":"Doctors Said This Teen Would Never Run A Marathon. They Were Wrong. Austin Prario, 19, might be the only person in history with this rare congenital heart condition to finish the Boston Marathon.","6652":"The NCAA Will Keep Events Out Of North Carolina Unless HB2 Is Repealed Keeping the law on the books could cost the state five years of NCAA championships.","6653":"3 NBA Teams Reportedly Stop Staying At Donald Trump Hotels They want \"to avoid any implied association\" with America's next president.","6654":"Seattle Cops Involved In Intense Car Chase, Shootout Caught On Video The suspect can be seen careening up a one-way street in the wrong direction.","6655":"The Future Of Driving, In One Provocative Chart Elon Musk would probably agree.","6656":"Machete-Wielding Suspect Shot As He Breaks Through Door In GRAPHIC VIDEO ","6657":"Virginia Mayor Arrested In Meth-For-Sex Sting An undercover detective created a fake online profile to catch Silverthorne.","6658":"Is Your Nonprofit Board Chair Productive? ","6659":"LIVE: Australia vs. Netherlands ","6660":"Women in Business Q&A: Michele Promaulayko, Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo Health ","6661":"In A 1991 Film, Shell Oil Issued A Stark Warning About Climate Change Risks And much of it has proved to be true.","6662":"High School Football Player With One Hand Breaks Receiving Record Every catch is a one-handed catch for Kris Silbaugh.","6663":"HIGH & BEHIND THE WHEEL? Drug Use Up Among Drivers ","6664":"Big Isn't Always Better Expansion is an important element for a startup. The question is, when? All too often, in my experience, the desire to expand begins to rear its head well in advance of traction and readiness.","6665":"NFL Player Who Lost Cousin In San Bernardino Shooting Speaks Out \"The true terror is that this keeps happening.\"","6666":"How Muesli Queen Carolyn Creswell Changed My Life Forever I still remember sitting right at the back of the Palladium at Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia for the ICMI Women in Leadership Event hosted by Ann Peacock earlier this year.","6667":"Driver Cuts Off Motorcyclist, Gets Exactly What She Deserves Caught on video.","6668":"Here's How Quickly Your 4th Of July Bonfire Could Go Badly Wrong YIKES!","6669":"Women in Business Q&A: Michelle Zatlyn, Co-Founder of CloudFlare Michelle Zatlyn creates products people love. Growing up in Canada, she earned a degree in Chemistry and now applies the scientific method to improving businesses.","6670":"How the Sharing Economy Is Changing Your Halloween Costume Search The emergence of the online sharing economy is giving people still another costume option that a few years ago wasn't available.","6671":"Budweiser's Just Gonna Call Itself 'America' For A While Subtle.","6672":"Rondae Hollis-Jefferson Discovers New York Is A Vast Hellscape Of Sadness, Like All Of Us Have \"Three-bedroom, three-bathroom in New York, you\u2019re paying eight grand. It\u2019s ridiculous,\" the Brooklyn Nets rookie said.","6673":"Ferguson Investigation To Be Completed In Coming Months, Attorney General Says ","6674":"South Carolina Wins First Ever NCAA National Title South Carolina was threatening to run away with the title before Mississippi State clawed back in the third quarter.","6675":"The Secrets of Publishing Success When I started out, an author friend warned me that publishing was a crazy business, and he was right. Ever since my first book was published in 1990, I've been seeing news items about one scary trend or another.","6676":"Amber Alert Issued After Texas Girl Vanishes From Prayer Service A $13,000 reward is being offered for information leading to Kayla Gomez-Orozco's recovery.","6677":"WATCH: Just Put These NBA Rookies In The Dunk Contest ","6678":"Women in Business: Jianna King, Jodi Gallen, Jaysie McLinn, North County Deals Combined, Jaysie, Jianna and Jodi have an immense business background in sales, marketing, business development and operations. Their intricate involvement in the school systems allows the local moms to really make a difference with their new venture.","6679":"The Top 10 Challenges of Briefing Designers One of the biggest mistakes made by clients is that they believe they know their customers very well already. They might see true fans of their product at a trade show but never take the time to experience the true context for the product.","6680":"Phil Mickelson Criticizes U.S. Captain After Ryder Cup Loss ","6681":"Worker's Death Reveals The True Cost Of Our Low-Wage Recovery ","6682":"When the Guilty Are (Wrongly) Acquitted We must talk about the wrongful conviction of innocent men and women, to remind ourselves that we need to look closely at a system that is flawed and will sometimes fail. But in that vein, don't we also need to look at the consequences when those who may actually be guilty are acquitted, particularly when they are repeat offenders guilty of violent crimes?","6683":"Becca Longo Makes History By Earning College Football Scholarship \"I'm just so unbelievably grateful.\"","6684":"Police in Death Penalty States Must Be Required to Record Interrogations The recent exonerations of Leon Brown and Henry Lee McCollum in North Carolina again underscore the need to require police to record interrogations of suspects.","6685":"Uber Could Be World's Most Valuable Start-Up If $1 Billion Fund-Raising Goal Reached Just three months after raising an enormous sum of money from investors, Uber is at it again.","6686":"Pete Carroll, SNL's Leslie Jones and Career Lessons Leslie Jones might have appreciated the comments of ESPN's Colin Cowherd in defense of Pete Carroll the day after the Super Bowl. He spoke movingly about the inability for anyone to be perfect at all times yet the ease and ability of so many others to expect it. He gave Carroll a pass.","6687":"'Disgruntled Employee' Shoots 1 Dead, Takes Hostages In Charleston A man entered a restaurant holding a weapon and reportedly declared, \"I am the new king of Charleston.\"","6688":"Kyle Lowry Thinks Trump's Refugee Ban Is 'Absolute Bullshit' Don't ask him to rephrase it without cursing, either.","6689":"Vladimir Putin Juggles Soccer Ball To Hype World Cup Thanks to generous editing.","6690":"James Blake Says Cop Who Slammed Him 'Doesn't Deserve' To Have Badge \"This officer didn't treat his badge with respect and honor the way we're supposed to.\"","6691":"The 10 Best Marketing Tweets I've Ever Seen While a brand used to have to spend zillions of dollars to get its ad on TV or its logo on a billboard, now social media like Twitter make it possible to reach millions of people quickly, without spending millions of dollars.","6692":"Firefighter Arrested After Allegedly Killing Dogs, Posting Photo On Facebook ","6693":"These 9 Counties Are Running Out Of Water This week, California lifted some \u2014 but not all \u2014 of its statewide restrictions on urban water use. This comes as Lake Mead\u2019s","6694":"Derek Jeter Flawlessly Hustled President Obama In A Round Of Golf A retired ball player duped a sitting president. SMH.","6695":"Four Telltale Signs You a Control Freak and How You Can Get off the \"John Doe Control Freak Show\" The common justification of the control freak is they want to make sure everything is as good or as successful as possible. It's one thing to be concerned and make sure things go well.","6696":"Baylor Victim's Family Member Horrified By Push For Art Briles' Return \"This is a very dirty place.\"","6697":"DJ Fined For Playing 'F**k Tha Police' While Cops Cleared Out Bar Officers say the music represented \"an intentional act... to incite the crowd.\"","6698":"Women in Business: Tracy Benson, Founder and CEO, On the Same Page \"Take all those tapes playing in your head of people telling you what you can and cannot do -- and burn them, along with the subtle fears and insecurities you didn't even know you had absorbed over the years.\"","6699":"LIVE: Nigeria Takes On Bosnia-Herzegovina For Prime Group Position ","6700":"Costa Rica's World Cup Dream Survives Penalty Shootout ","6701":"Greece: A Financial Zombie State Banks in Greece will not open their doors Monday morning. Greece has been moving towards this dramatic final act ever since it was allowed to enter the Eurozone with cooked fiscal accounts in January 2001 -- two years after the euro was launched.","6702":"Coach Affiliated With USA Water Polo Charged With Sexually Abusing Underage Athletes Bahram Hojreh allegedly molested seven girls while working as a coach in California.","6703":"Don't Fall Prey to This ","6704":"EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff's Office Cuts Off Jailhouse Interview After Deadly Raid On Georgia Home ","6705":"Kobe Bryant Feuds With Michael B. Jordan In Spot-On Apple TV Ad \"There\u2019s no decline -- it\u2019s all ascension!\"","6706":"'Women > Winning' Is A Sign Of Change In College Football ","6707":"Can Nonprofits Build on Bill Gates's Business Insights? In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Bill Gates shares some of his convictions about what makes or breaks developing businesses. Based on his vast experience I suggest that many of his insights can serve as models as well as caveats in the nonprofit environment.","6708":"Here's a Photo Of LeBron James, David Beckham And Aaron Rodgers That is all.","6709":"Criminal Justice - There's an App for That The promise of a second impression is to simplify the job search for people with records and to leverage consumer power to either support progressive employers or put pressure on employers who fail to adopt more progressive hiring policies.","6710":"One Of Two Jail Escapees Captured In California After Week-Long Hunt Rogelio Chavez, who rappelled from the Santa Clara County jail using clothes, remains on the run.","6711":"Human Rights Watch Chastises Louisiana For Endangering HIV-Positive Inmates The group denounces the lack of HIV testing and treatment inside parish jails.","6712":"NASCAR Owners Say They Would Fire Employees Who Protest Anthem Donald Trump tweeted his approval.","6713":"Why Tax Collection Scams Are Getting Harder To Stop Leave it to our friends in Washington to take a bad situation and make it worse.","6714":"Officials Say Planned Parenthood Fire In Washington State Was Arson \"This is an appalling act of violence towards Planned Parenthood.\"","6715":"Car Flips 4 Stories From Parking Garage, Driver Escapes Without Serious Injuries The accident sheared off part of a streetlight.","6716":"Week 11 Fantasy Football Focus Here are the up-to-date top three at each fantasy position for the week, a sleeper likely to have a breakout game (generally chosen as the best $\/FP value on daily fantasy sites), a player to avoid (the worst $\/FP value) and some injury situations to monitor heading into the week.","6717":"Tunisian Murder - Causes: Radicalization, Unemployment and Corruption Very high youth unemployment in Tunisia, due in part to substantial corruption, as well as increasing activities by radical Islamic groups all contributed, I believe, to influence the mad gunman, 24-year-old Seifeddine Rezgui, to kill 38 people, mainly tourists.","6718":"Bryce Harper Tells Kids: 'No Participation Trophies' \"First place only,\" the Washington Nationals star says.","6719":"4 Business Mistakes I'll Never Make Again This is your marathon \u2015 not sprint \u2015 moment.","6720":"Federer & Vonn's Swiss Alps Showdown ","6721":"Commuters Brace For Grueling Journeys After Deadly Hoboken Train Crash Falling debris killed a woman standing on the platform.","6722":"Realizing Dreams Whether you're leading a Fortune 500 company, a mom-and-pop store, or an entrepreneurial start-up, realizing personal and organizational dreams can raise (instead of sacrifice) your whole person well-being.","6723":"The SHEvolution Is Coming This trend is changing the world, and I'm thrilled. At first, it tiptoes in quietly. On stilettos. Then suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, comes its deafening blast. Women are rising. Never before have we so aggressively, efficiently, fearlessly and successfully pursued our goals.","6724":"6 Dead, Including 4 Kids, In Mass Shooting Near Houston ","6725":"Happy Kid Dancing To 'Happy' At A Basketball Game Will Make You Happy Kid dances at a basketball game, is amazing at life.","6726":"Star Pitcher Uses Full-Page Ad To Thanks Red Sox Fans ","6727":"Relabeling Your Way to Start Practicing Grateful Living You and I know that there are literally hundreds of reasons to be grateful for. But, in your busy life, it is something that is easy to forget and move to the other end of the spectrum where you start taking things for granted.","6728":"Dad Of Missing 5-Year-Old California Boy Arrested On Suspicion Of Murder Aramazd Andressian is being held in a Vegas jail two months after his child vanished.","6729":"5 Ways to Bring Humanity Into the Workplace Enlightened, successful organizations understand that people are at the core of their success. Decades of experiments have proven that happy employees are better at creative problem solving, which drives engagement and financial results.","6730":"Teacher Accused Of Sending Penis Pics To Teen Girls ","6731":"Sorry Bratton, You Can\u2019t Say Race Has Nothing To Do With This There is no way to prove race played a role in the NYPD tackling James Blake, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't ask if it did.","6732":"From Powder Puff to Powder Keg: The Changing Face of Women Today Much has changed for women. The fact that we have International Women's Day, or that many organizations host Women in Leadership events to empower women, or women feel they can mobilize to effect positive change is testimony to progress.","6733":"Woman Who Filmed Dallas Shooting From Window Was 'Terrified' And 'Confused' \"It was just an endless stream of gunshots,\" she said.","6734":"GM Announces Compensation Program For Victims Of Ignition Switch Crashes ","6735":"Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., Suspect In Phoenix Freeway Shootings, Says He Is 'Wrong Guy' PHOENIX (AP) \u2014 A landscaper who is the suspect in a series of Phoenix freeway shootings told a judge Saturday that authorities","6736":"Man Stabs Fellow Churchgoer During Service For No Apparent Reason, Police Say Billy Lewis is now charged with attempted murder.","6737":"Oakland Warehouse Fire Death Toll Continues To Soar At least 36 people have been confirmed dead in the fire, which started Friday night.","6738":"To Email or Not to Email: Is Email Marketing Relevant to your Businesses' Bottom-Line? If you are not building a strong, reliable email list, you are making a big mistake! How do you expect to generate sales for your products or services and achieve sustainable growth in your business?","6739":"6 Dead After Plane Crashes Into Maryland House ","6740":"These Internal Documents Prove Uber Is A Money Loser Uber, Silicon Valley\u2019s prized amoral unicorn, is presumed to be a financial titan and a sure-thing IPO in the near future","6741":"Why College 'Drunk Sex' = Rape Drinking does not mean someone is \"asking\" to be raped. Drinking does not make it okay to attack another person (something most men are perfectly capable of not doing). Drinking does not cause rapes to happen. The only cause of rape is sexually predatorial behavior; the only people responsible for rape are rapists.","6742":"NFL Player Shares Some Good News About His Daughter's Cancer Treatment Some good news for the Bengals lineman and his daughter.","6743":"Here Are The 4 Teams In The College Football Playoff This is going to be fun!","6744":"Race Car Driver James Campbell Jr. Killed In Crash At Pennsylvania Speedway The death follows another serious crash at a race in Iowa on the previous night.","6745":"MLB Pitcher Punches Himself In Face Really Hard After Blowing Game Astros reliever Ken Giles said he was \"frustrated.\"","6746":"DOJ Moves To Seize Stolen Money Used To Finance 'Wolf Of Wall Street' The DOJ alleges that a production company used millions stolen from a sovereign wealth fund to finance \"The Wolf of Wall Street.\"","6747":"NBA Veteran Graduates From College, Nine Pro Seasons Later ","6748":"Black Friday Crowds Thinner At Malls This Year ","6749":"3 Awesome Super Bowl Storylines That Have Nothing To Do With The QBs Sunday isn't all about Peyton Manning and Cam Newton.","6750":"Chipotle Tweaks Cooking Methods After E. Coli Outbreak \"When you're given a project like this, you look at the universe of hazards,\" said Mansour Samadpour, CEO of IEH Laboratories, which was hired by Chipotle to tighten its procedures.","6751":"Dow Closes Down 588 Points Amid Worries Of China Slowdown U.S.\u00a0stocks\u00a0slumped again Monday, with the Dow Jones industrial average plunging more than 1,000 points at one point in a","6752":"Cop Spends 2 Months Working Undercover At Burger King, Nets 5 Grams Of Weed Many are questioning if the operation was worth the effort.","6753":"12 Daily Habits Of Exceptional Leaders One of the most popular\u00a0Dilbert\u00a0comic strips in the cartoon\u2019s history begins with Dilbert\u2019s boss relaying senior leadership\u2019s","6754":"Baltimore Driver Playing \u2018Pokemon Go\u2019 Crashes Into Police Car \u201cThat's what I get for playing this dumb-ass game.\"","6755":"Millennials Key to 'Start Up' New Economy With the advances in technology over the past decade, the opportunity to attract and keep young talent has been more competitive than ever.","6756":"After Outcry, Football Coach Bows Out Of 'Anti-LGBT' Group Event ","6757":"Black Friday Protests Hit Walmart: 'Biggest Day Ever' ","6758":"Scott Walker Hates Raising Taxes. But If You Own A Sports Team, He'll Talk Walker's backing a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks -- and it's not the first time he supported a tax-financed stadium","6759":"Florida Teen Kills Estranged Father In Home Invasion He saw the man hold a gun to his mother's head.","6760":"Roman Reigns Wrestlemania 33 Plans In Trouble! Kenny Omega Interested In WWE! | WrestleTalk News ","6761":"LeBron James Scores $18 Million Warner Bros. Investment For Entertainment Studio On July 11, 2014, a few hours after LeBron James revealed in a Sports Illustrated letter that he was \"coming home\" to the","6762":"Los Angeles Murder Suspect Mistakenly Freed From Jail, Authorities Say Steven Lawrence Wright was awaiting trial for a gang-related murder.","6763":"J.J. Watt, Jose Altuve Named Sports Illustrated Sportsperson Of The Year On the field and off, they were winners for a city that needed them.","6764":"Asian Americans versus Asian Americans Asian immigrants are disappointed Asian Americans are not more welcoming even as they fear their own children will turn into Asian Americans.","6765":"Martin Shkreli Wants To Be The Only One To Own Kanye's New Album Horrible person still horrible.","6766":"When Commerce Makes Us Want to Puke I'm not so na\u00efve or recalcitrant as to deny the fact that the surest way to wreck the American economy -- to take it from whatever point it sits at today and send it straight into the abyss -- is for us consumers to voluntarily go on a six-month austerity kick, a period during which we don't buy anything except stuff we actually \"need.\"","6767":"Trump's Labor Law Enforcer Freezes Worker-Friendly Reforms Made Under Obama The National Labor Relations Board's new general counsel plans to take a much narrower view of worker rights than his predecessor, a new memo shows.","6768":"Take A Look At These Retro Nike Ads For Women They were published online to coincide with Nike's #betterforit campaign.","6769":"Women in Business Q&A: Elizabeth Scherle, Co-Founder & President, Influenster Elizabeth Scherle is the Co-Founder and President of Influenster, the free and unique digital community of consumers shaping the lifestyle marketplace through user-generated, expert social opinion and content.","6770":"Richard Branson: Virgin Galactic Will 'Not Push On Blindly' After Crash ","6771":"Russell Wilson Dances With A Really Cute Pup. Awwww ","6772":"Woman Killed By Stone That Fell From Church Gargoyle ","6773":"Climate Change Poses A Big Risk To Your Retirement Savings \u201cIt simply isn\u2019t professional for the funds to do nothing.\u201d","6774":"Black Friday Crowds Thin After U.S. Stores Open On Thanksgiving Crowds were thin at U.S. stores and shopping malls in the early hours of Friday, initial spot checks showed, as shoppers","6775":"Family Of 6 Children, 2 Adults Fatally Shot Inside Houston Home The alleged suspect had previously been in a relationship with the mother.","6776":"Lessons for Entrepreneurs From Lee Kuan Yew While there is much to learn from this remarkable statesman and the transformative experience of Singapore that could fill many volumes, I would like to focus in the short space here on a few key lessons that entrepreneurs and companies can take from the founding and rapid growth of Singapore.","6777":"Women in Business: Nazish Aslam, Founder of forWhereiAm Ltd ","6778":"WATCH: Amazing Paper Airplane Toss Hits Soccer Player ","6779":"Ghost Hunting Couple, Reno Man All Died From Gunshot Wounds: Cops Debra and Mark Constantino had appeared on the Travel Channel's series, \"Ghost Adventures.\"","6780":"Video Shows Man Who Sexually Assaulted 4-Year-Old Get Attacked By Inmate He was head-butted several times.","6781":"Snap Tops Expectations In Pricing Of Long-Awaited IPO Snap Inc holds the richest valuation in a U.S. tech IPO since Facebook in 2012.","6782":"Walmart Rolls Out Cheaper 2-Day Shipping In Bid Against Amazon It'll cost you $49 annually, compared to Amazon's $99.","6783":"Sex With the Female Teacher... Don't Tell ","6784":"Miami Beats Duke On Absurd Lateral-Filled Kick Return Did that really happen?","6785":"Human Skull Found Near Hollywood Sign In Los Angeles It's the second time in four years a skull has been found there.","6786":"WATCH: Pacers Star Heckled At His Own Stadium ","6787":"Chris Paul Really Doesn't Like Being Spoken To 'Like A Little Kid' He got ejected after reminding the referee of his adulthood.","6788":"Ukrainian Accused Of Posing As High School Student Faces Underage Sex Charge \"What can I say. I did abuse the system, yes. Yes, I did.\"","6789":"Baseball Players Get To Have All Of The Fun ","6790":"Sheryl Sandberg Warns Of #MeToo Backlash Against Women The Facebook executive is hearing people say this is why you shouldn't hire women. Actually this is why you should.","6791":"Tyler Perry's Alleged Stalker Climbed Through Studio Ceiling ","6792":"Defending World Cup Champions Demolished ","6793":"New York Giants Clean House, Fire Coach Ben McAdoo, GM Jerry Reese The team has just two wins so far this year.","6794":"Wells Fargo CEO Stumpf To Forfeit $41 Million As Probe Launches After Fake Account Scandal The announcement comes after Wells Fargo was hit $185 million in fines over a fake-account scandal.","6795":"Man Vows To Kill His Wife, Employer Sends Her Home A woman in Williamsville, New York, whose husband had vowed to kill her was sent home by her manager because \"she was a threat","6796":"10 Cities Where Incomes Are Growing (And Shrinking) The Fastest Personal incomes grew by 0.8% across the nation in 2013. While some metropolitan areas were among the largest contributors","6797":"New York Martyr Ruben Tejada Receives Hero\u2019s Piggyback Ride In Return Proof that you're never too old for a piggyback ride.","6798":"Saturday's Powerball Lottery Jackpot Now Tops $400 Million It's the 9th largest jackpot in the game's history, officials said.","6799":"Missing Tennessee Girl Constance 'Gabi' Morris Found (UPDATE) The 12-year-old, who also goes by Gabi, was found safe Monday morning in Oakridge.","6800":"Chipotle Slapped With Subpoena Over Virus Outbreak It's tied to an outbreak at a restaurant in California.","6801":"Prep School Sexual Assault Convict Owen Labrie Sent To Prison The case exposed a tradition of sexual abuse at the prestigious school.","6802":"3 Stabbed During Ku Klux Klan Rally In Southern California One Klan member stabbed a counterprotester with the tip of a flagpole.","6803":"Will Multi-Channel Networks Disrupt Traditional Broadcast? Will Multi-Channel Networks ever disrupt the traditional broadcast TV model? The short answer is they already have...","6804":"The 23 Best Reactions To This Very Awkward Photo Of Blake Griffin NOTHING TO SEE HERE.","6805":"Man Allegedly Tries To Rob A Chuck E. Cheese During His Own Job Interview Needless to say, he didn't get the job.","6806":"Mongolian Wrestling Coaches Strip To Protest Olympic Judges' Decision Their wrestler was denied a bronze medal for \"fleeing\" his opponent, believing the match was over and that he had won.","6807":"New York Attorney General Drops The Hammer On Daily Fantasy Sports Sites #finalfantasy","6808":"It's Down To Only One Perfect Bracket Only one bracket left.","6809":"TMZ: Lamar Odom Spent $75,000 At Nevada Brothel Lamar Odom spent a fortune -- $75,000 -- at Love Ranch South in just over 3 days.","6810":"No Man Should Ever Have To Receive A Text Like This From His Child But lots of black fathers in the U.S. have.","6811":"French Open Winner! ","6812":"Wrong-Way Driver Crashes Into Tanker, Igniting Massive Fireball The tanker's driver reportedly escaped with only minor injuries.","6813":"Etsy Is Helping Redefine What Green Buildings Look Like This is what Etsy's *actual* offices look like. Glorious.","6814":"Megan Rapinoe Kneels Again -- This Time As A Member Of The USWNT \u201cThere is a bigger conversation that needs to happen.\"","6815":"George Zimmerman Gun Sells For $250,000 Zimmerman has said he will use the funds to combat anti-police groups and Hillary Clinton.","6816":"Prostitute's Penis Description Sends Pedophile Flasher To Prison \"I have such a small one that I would not want anyone to laugh at me.\"","6817":"Employees in Creative Roles Deserve Strong Managers Too! What if the nature of the employee's job is to be creative and innovative? This requires that an employee be willing to take risks and make mistakes. Should you still manage that employee closely? Should you still tell him what to do and how to do it? Should you still monitor, measure and document?","6818":"Obstacles for Women Reaching the Top: Unconscious Images If tooting your own horn is hard for you (a common thing among women), PRACTICE. Or ask a colleague or sponsor to \"toot\" on your behalf (and do that for others).","6819":"Canadian Pharmaceutical Billionaire, Wife Found Dead In Toronto Police have described the circumstances surrounding the deaths as \"suspicious\"","6820":"If These Ads Work, They'll Be Irrelevant In 5 Years Elon Musk's solar panel company should be competing with other solar producers, not fossil fuel firms.","6821":"Engineer In Deadly 2015 Amtrak Crash Charged With Manslaughter Brandon Bostian faces eight counts of involuntary manslaughter and numerous counts of reckless endangerment.","6822":"Athletes Brace For Effects Of Donald Trump's Order Targeting Muslims International travel could be a concern for players in some leagues.","6823":"The World's First Self-Driving Taxi Fleet Is Prepping For A Test Drive A batch of cars could be ready to test within a year, according to one Lyft exec.","6824":"Road-Rage Shooting Leaves 3-Year-Old Boy Dead, Suspect At Large: Cops The child was sitting in the back of his grandmother's vehicle when he was fatally shot, police said.","6825":"Powerball Jackpot Balloons To $650 Million After No Winner Found The next drawing for what is now the second-largest jackpot in the game's history is on Wednesday.","6826":"Georgia Governor Vetoes Private Probation Bill The bill would have allowed these private probation companies to shield details of their practices from public eyes, while still raking in millions from those they're meant to supervise.","6827":"Meet The 74-Year-Old Great-Grandma Who Coached A 400-Meter Star To Gold \"She's an amazing woman,\" world record-breaker Wayde van Niekerk says.","6828":"Big Business: Buying Fake Instagram Followers Did you know that you could purchase Instagram followers for just a couple of bucks? Social networks are aware of this new phenomenon, and they are clamping down on this questionable practice because some believe it deceives fans.","6829":"How Serious Are You About Wealth Creation? 11 Ways to Let the Money Flow - PART 2 In a conversation about money, particularly when that conversation is geared towards the internal work you need to do to make money, it's very easy to ignore one big and REALLY important thing - if you want to make money you DO need to do the mother-freaking work!","6830":"New Disney World Ride Catches Fire ","6831":"One Way Chipotle Has Completely Revolutionized How We Eat ","6832":"Royals Edge Giants For Win, Lead Series 2-1 If the Giants were hoping to win the World Series at home, the Royals had a different plan. In the best of seven series, Kansas City took a 2-1 lead after edging San Francisco 3-2 for the win tonight. It was a hard fought game from both teams but the Royals came out on top giving both an offensive and defensive effort from the start.","6833":"Orlando Releases Pulse Nightclub Shooter's Calls With Police \"What am I to do here when my people are getting killed over there?\" the shooter asked a police negotiator.","6834":"Eat Smart, Sleep Well, Be Successful As entrepreneurs, we need energy to pursue opportunities every day. But when you burn the candle at both ends, as many entrepreneurs do, you run the risk of burning out -- both physically and mentally.","6835":"After An NFL Season Defined By Black Protest, The Super Bowl Sticks To Sports Agitation is taking a knee, and the league couldn't be happier.","6836":"Ex-Wife Of Former Cowboys Player Claims Team Knew Of Domestic Abuse She details some very disturbing, violent episodes.","6837":"Why Soccer Matters, And Why Your Opinion About It Doesn't For those of you who feel compelled to air your rather dated and utterly predictable anti-soccer sentiments during this World Cup, may I take a moment to remind you of a few salient points...","6838":"Gas Selling For 47 Cents A Gallon As Oil Prices Drop Sharply Just please don't run out and buy a Hummer.","6839":"New Video Shows A Dazed\u00a0Tiger Woods Taking Breathalyzer Tests The golfer reportedly blew .00 on both tests.","6840":"Why Ray Rice Deserves A Second Chance It's time to stop treating Rice like he's irredeemable.","6841":"Guess Who Showed Up At Pittsburgh Steelers' Bible Study? ","6842":"36-Year-Old Accountant Wins Ovation In Emergency NHL Debut Scott Foster stopped every shot as the Chicago Blackhawks' emergency fill-in goalie.","6843":"Why Uber Should Hire A Woman CEO To put it mildly, Uber is the midst of an identity crisis right now. To name a few of its problems, CEO Travis Kalanick recently","6844":"LeBron Attempts To Pull An Iverson On Draymond Green, Fails Somehow, Tyronn Lue ends up on the losing end of this move again.","6845":"Holy Knockoff, Batman! Man Busted For Throwing 'Batarang' At Cops The \"Batman-style throwing star\u201d was found embedded in the front of a Seattle police SUV following a chase, authorities said.","6846":"Nursing Assistant Charged After Posting Nude Video Of 93-Year-Old On Snapchat The most recent in a string of surreptitious recordings by employees of nursing homes and assisted-living centers.","6847":"NYPD Officers Suspended After Witnesses Say They Didn't Check On Woman Later Found Dead The victim's 2-year-old daughter was later discovered crying near her mother's body.","6848":"Sleeping Homeless Man Set On Fire With Fireworks The near-fatal attack follows other violence against the homeless.","6849":"Audi Claims They Planned Use Of David Bowie Song Before His Death The company already had the idea in the works before the singer\u2019s Jan. 10 death.","6850":"Three Victims Shot At Maryland Mall, Suspect At Large: Police The shooting victims - two male and one female - were taken to a hospital.","6851":"Tony Hawk Does First-Ever Vertical Spiral, Defying Age And Gravity Just imagine what he'll be doing at age 80.","6852":"Report: Melo To Opt Out ","6853":"8 Ways Startups Spend Resources Without Adding Value Every entrepreneur I know is short on resources, including time, money, and skills. The last thing they can afford is to waste any of these, but in my mentoring and coaching activities, I see it happening all too often.","6854":"Google Gives Up The Secrets To Creating A Great Workplace The advice is based on research and results.","6855":"Tara Lipinski And Johnny Weir Have The Cutest Olympics Pre-Show Ritual Copy it if you can.","6856":"Radio Host Loses Gig After Calling Chloe Kim 'Little Hot Piece Of Ass' Patrick Connor acknowledged his comments on the Barstool Sports show were \"lame and gross.\" Yeah.","6857":"Duke Student Goes Undercover To Dupe UNC Students Into Praising Hated Rivals Poor, poor kids.","6858":"These Are The Highest-Paying Companies In America $$$","6859":"Gymnastics Coach Deserves A Perfect 10 For Saving Athlete After Uneven Bars Slip You'll flip over this, too.","6860":"There's Something Critical Missing In The Fight For A $15 Minimum Wage Why paid family leave is an essential part of lifting workers out of poverty.","6861":"Ikea Pleads With Teen Pranksters: Stop Sleeping Over In Our Stores It all began with a viral video, \"Two Idiots at Night in Ikea.\"","6862":"WATCH: NFL Player Calls Out Roger Goodell Over Colts Owner 'Hypocrisy' ","6863":"Man Beaten To Bloody Pulp After Allegedly Raping Nephew's Girlfriend ","6864":"Follow Panama: Dollarize Most central banks do one thing well: they produce monetary mischief. Indeed, for most emerging market countries, a central bank is a recipe for disaster.","6865":"Is Your Business Ready for the World's Emerging Middle Class? Is it time for us to rethink how we perceive the global middle class? Currently, more than half of the world's middle class population can be found in the Western world. However, recent reports and studies have consistently shown that the global share of the middle class is shifting.","6866":"California Commuter Train Derails Into Creek; At Least 14 Hurt None of the injuries were life-threatening.","6867":"Women in Business Q&A: Samantha Nicholson, Co-Founder and SVP of Salmon Social ","6868":"McKayla Maroney Says Larry Nassar Abused Her Hundreds Of Times The Olympic gymnast said the now-imprisoned former USA Gymnastics team doctor groomed her with food.","6869":"Jets Chairman Christopher Johnson Won't Fine Players For Anthem Protests \u201cI never want to put restrictions on the speech of our players.\"","6870":"Dawn Braid Is The NHL's First Full-Time Woman Coach \"The bottom line is she gets results.\"","6871":"Florida Mosque Arson Leads To Arrest Of Joseph Michael Schreiber The suspect allegedly posted anti-Islamic material online.","6872":"Flexibility Will Close The Women\u2019s Leadership Gap We remain grossly underrepresented in nearly every industry.","6873":"Protests Erupt As University Looks To Hire Coach Connected To Sandusky Abuse Case Greg Schiano has been accused of covering up Jerry Sandusky's child molestation during his time at Penn State.","6874":"YouTube\u2019s Neighbors Send Stirring Message Of Support After Shooting Walmart employees in the next building used their windows to show some love.","6875":"'Goddess Temple' Leader Says Church Is Not A Brothel; Jury Disagrees \"The body is sacred,\" the defendant's son said. \"That may include the genitals. In fact, I'm pretty sure it does.\u201d","6876":"Sports Legend Lou Holtz Endorses Donald Trump His reasoning: \"I\u2019ve played his golf course, I\u2019ve stayed in his hotel.\"","6877":"This Tom Brady Courtroom Sketch Is Giving The Internet Nightmares Is that really supposed to be Tom Brady?!","6878":"FLASHBACK: Marvin Gaye Delivers Iconic Anthem At 1983 NBA All-Star Game ","6879":"Women in Business Q&A: Michele Marano, Real Estate for the Energy Professional, Champions Real Estate Group ","6880":"Women in Business: Q&A With Kathy Button Bell, VP and Chief Marketing Officer, Emerson ","6881":"Shares Of Hazmat-Suit Maker Spike On NYC Ebola News Shares soared 16 percent on Thursday.","6882":"Position Yourself for Success Heading Into a New Job Knowing your strengths and motivations will help you better create career options that are a true fit for your skills, will allow you to better position yourself in interviews (sell before you buy), and will help you thoroughly assess and effectively mitigate risks.","6883":"Steven Avery, Subject Of 'Making A Murderer,' Has A Christmas Message For His Supporters \"Thank you for believing in me,\" he wrote.","6884":"6 Bystanders Reportedly Shot Just An Hour After Alabama Peace Rally All six victims were bystanders.","6885":"Soccer's Most Memorable Moments Have Never Looked So Snazzy ","6886":"Top Alpine Skiers Shun Team Event At 2018 Olympics A scheduling issue has many athletes backing out of competition.","6887":"Obama\u2019s Wall Street Watchdog Does Little To Protect Investors From Climate Risk Other regulators are stepping up while the SEC ignores climate change.","6888":"Allyson Felix Now Has The Most Gold Medals Of Any Female Runner Ever Golden, girl.","6889":"Washington NFL Cheerleaders Say They Were Required To Pose Nude, Act As 'Escorts': Report The New York Times report comes on the heels of two lawsuits from other teams' cheerleaders alleging discriminatory treatment.","6890":"The Most Hilarious Sports Vines Of 2014 (So Far) ","6891":"Cleveland Browns Bench Johnny Manziel For Partying Too Hard But they let him start during his domestic violence investigation.","6892":"The Run Of A Lifetime This summer during the Olympic games in Rio, Bill Murray suggested that \u201cevery Olympic event should include one average person","6893":"Picking Experts and the Quest for Great Weight Loss Surgery The best way to have a successful weight loss surgery is to treat it like a business project. I have definite goals, measurements, objectives, benchmarks, time frames and a vision on where I want to be within a year.","6894":"Body Of 5-Year-Old Pennsylvania Boy With Autism Found In Canal The boy had wandered away barefoot and without a coat during a New Year's Eve party.","6895":"Kobe Bryant Says 'You Know' Who He's Supporting For President Who could it be?","6896":"You Only Need To Ingest Three Teaspoons Of Rio's Water To Get Sick At that amount, obtaining a virus is a near certainty, the AP says.","6897":"YouTube Shooter Was 'Upset' With Company, Police Say Four people were injured in the attack at the company's headquarters.","6898":"The 3 Ways In Which Strategic Influence Is Different for Women By: Miriam Grobman After almost four years of thinking about advancing women's leadership and talking to hundreds individuals","6899":"Russian Doping Whistleblower Says She Fears For Her Life \u201cIf something happens to us then you should know that it is not an accident.\u201d","6900":"The Window of M&A Opportunity for Transformative Deals Remains Open A broad-based recovery across a variety of sectors driven by the US should see market conditions continue to foster this trend -- making the next 6-12 months an ideal window of opportunity to do transformative deals.","6901":"Suspect Arrested In Road Rage Death Of 3-Year-Old Boy Acen King was shot because his grandmother's car \"wasn't moving fast enough,\" police said.","6902":"It\u2019s Not Always Better To Do It Yourself The self-checkout machines that permeate grocery, home improvement and big box stores are a customer and worker\u2019s worst nightmare","6903":"Women in Business Q&A: Nicole Noonan, Esq., CEO of Novitas US Nicole Noonan, Esq., CEO of Novitas US, is a nationally recognized divorce expert. Crowned the \"Fairy Godmother of Divorce\" by the New York Post's Julia Marsh, Nicole is an advocate for the protection of women and their rights.","6904":"UH OH! Golfers Hit Wrong Balls At U.S. Open ","6905":"Youth Basketball Team Protests Disqualification For Playing A Girl \u201cWhat message does this send to other girls?\"","6906":"Does Your Business Deserve $25,000 Plus Mentoring? ENTER AND YOU COULD WIN! ","6907":"A College Security Officer Said He was Shot By A \"Black Man In A Hoodie.\" Turns Out He Shot Himself This is more than simply filing a false police report. Brent Ahlers, a 25-year-old security guard employed by St. Catherine","6908":"White Ex-Police Chief Who Killed Unarmed Black Man Avoids Jail Time He must serve one year under house arrest.","6909":"Honolulu Man Was Set To Push $400,000 Of Meth On Hawaii Streets He shipped some of it to the islands hidden with a Golden Nugget sweater.","6910":"Geek Squad Has Been Turning Customer Data Over To The FBI For More Than A Decade New documents show the two groups have a deeper working relationship than previously known.","6911":"2-Month-Old Baby, 2 Others Gunned Down Inside Utah Home Alexander Tran allegedly shot 2-month-old Lyrik Poike, her grandmother Heike and another man.","6912":"Parents Allegedly Lock 5-Year-Old In Hot Truck As Punishment ","6913":"Lassana Diarra Plays For French National Team Days After Cousin's Death In Paris Attacks Antoine Griezmann, whose sister survived the attacks, also played for France on Tuesday.","6914":"The LinkedIn of Things Without question, LinkedIn has forever altered the business landscape -- both digitally and in the physical world. Nowadays, so much of what we call business or career development is carried out regularly on this site.","6915":"Officer Shot Own Cruiser In Fabricated Story About Attack The gunman authorities were searching for on Wednesday doesn't exist.","6916":"Florida Man Accused Of Killing Man With Hot Frying Pan Identified By Tats Two years later, he's been captured.","6917":"No Charges For Patrick Kane After Rape Investigation The Erie County district attorney deemed the case \"rife with reasonable doubt.\"","6918":"Cowboys Fan Tweaks Regrettable 'Super Bowl LI Champions' Tattoo Kind of fumbled that prediction.","6919":"Which Corporate Personality Are You: Market Basket or Hobby Lobby? Will your company be one that recognizes a diversity of stakeholders to whom some responsibility is owed? Or one whose shareholders can impose their will on employees and others affected no matter what?","6920":"Corporate's Responsibility Toward Social Sustainability Today we live in a world where technology continues to simplify our lives, making it easier to get things done \u2013 from shopping","6921":"WATCH: Nebraska's Wild, Last-Minute Touchdown Was 58 Yards Of Game-Winning Power ","6922":"The Humanity of the Guilty: A Crime Survivor's Path of Forgiveness In my work as an advocate and writer, I've encountered countless men and women who are incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. There is a particular tragedy to these cases.","6923":"Radioactive Device Stolen From Connecticut Car Has Been Found At A Pawn Shop The device contains sealed sources of radioactive material that police warned could be a danger to the public if manipulated.","6924":"Chuck Blazer, Former FIFA Official, Banned From Soccer For Life By Ethics Committee GENEVA (AP) \u2014 Chuck Blazer was banned for life by FIFA\u2019s ethics committee on Thursday for widespread corruption, finally","6925":"KFC Urged To Stop Routine Use Of Antibiotics On Poultry More than 70 percent of medically important antibiotics in the United States are sold for use on livestock and poultry.","6926":"Men Climbing Yosemite's Dawn Wall Wait For Dark ","6927":"Kings Lose to Raptors, Without Cousins Again The best thing about \"hot\" teams is that they eventually cool off. But unfortunately for the Raptors that didn't happen.","6928":"Patriots QB Tom Brady After Super Bowl Loss: 'I Expect To Be Back' New England Patriots\u2019 40-year-old quarterback is not ready to retire.","6929":"See Why Showboating Chicago Bear Earned Entry Into 'Idiot Hall Of Fame' When will players stop celebrating touchdowns before they're actually touchdowns?","6930":"Details Emerge About Suspected Bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami Authorities reportedly are interested in Rahami's foreign trips.","6931":"The Clippers And Mavericks Are Engaged In An Emoji-Based War For Their Lives THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!","6932":"Shooting Diamonds: Directing the World Series For the players of Major League Baseball, the World Series is the ultimate goal. For directors of MLB games on television, it's a career-crowning achievement. For two decades, two directors have been a perennial postseason dynasty.","6933":"Teenage Girl Who Survived Plane Crash Walked For Days Before Getting Picked Up By Motorist SEATTLE (AP) \u2014 A driver picked up a teenage girl who survived a small plane crash in a mountainous area in Washington state","6934":"Honoring Rachel Robinson, Baseball Pioneer and Civil Rights Activist On Sunday, Rachel Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Reliquary's Shrine of the Eternals. As Jackie's partner, and as the person who has kept alive Jackie's legacy, Rachel has had a significance influence in her own right.","6935":"Software That Helps Travelers and Companies Selling Travel Packages Could Be Promising Many people are inundated with great offers promising huge discounts on a product or service. Then, the recipient of the offer begins reading the fine print. Yes, the offer is valid, but it also requires too much work to collect.","6936":"Wisconsin Boy, 3, Shoots Self In Head With Mom's Gun ","6937":"Teen Who Filmed Texas Pool Party Cop: 'When He Pulled His Gun, My Heart Dropped' ","6938":"3 Arrested In Connection With Shooting Death Of Trinity Gay (UPDATED) The 15-year-old daughter of Olympic sprinter Tyson Gay was fatally shot outside a Kentucky restaurant Sunday.","6939":"Man Opens Fire On Two 'Pokemon Go' Players In Florida The homeowner mistook the duo for burglars.","6940":"The Extraordinary Life -- And Why I'm Scared of It Don't set resolutions. Get clear on your values. Set dreams. Follow them and never give up. Fail once. Fail again. Fail some more. It's scary. But extraordinary is called extraordinary because it's a life outside of the ordinary. It requires going that \"extra\" mile that most people don't bother taking because of reasons I won't go into here.","6941":"Fugitive Polygamist Could Have Been Raptured, Attorney Suggests Lyle Jeffs, one of the leaders of a fundamentalist polygamist church, has been missing since last month.","6942":"Charles Barkley Did The Funniest Little Dance After Villanova Won But the dramatic finish of the NCAA title game isn't every TV analyst's cup of tea.","6943":"1 Dead In Accident At Disney World Racing Attraction ","6944":"Giving in America - a Winning Situation ","6945":"An Even Greater Challenge For The Long-Term Unemployed ","6946":"Pregnant Florida Mom Beats Son, Kills Puppy: Cops ","6947":"Sumo On The Rise In The US ","6948":"Texas Serial Shooter 'Won't Stop' ","6949":"Bitcoin And Ethereum Divergence... ","6950":"Thrilling Daytona 500 Finish A Major Win For Hamlin, NASCAR The official margin of victory is .0010 seconds, a figure that was rounded down from .0011, which was the number that the","6951":"'Trump' Chant Used To Intimidate Latino High School Athletes Why is this not surprising?","6952":"University Of Wisconsin Student Accused Of Multiple Sexual Assaults Dozens of women have come forward about business student Alec Cook since his arrest last week.","6953":"Super Bowl LII: Live Updates From Patriots vs. Eagles Game Watch along with us!","6954":"More Than 500 Pounds Of Explosives Stolen From Train Federal law enforcement investigators are searching in at least three states for more than 500 pounds of explosives stolen","6955":"Man Fatally Shot Outside Courthouse, Suspect 'A Good Guy,' Girlfriend Says \"I don't know what happened.\"","6956":"Man's 'World Destroyed' After Cop Kills Burberry The Service Dog ","6957":"Alphabet's Eric Schmidt Stepping Down As Executive Chairman Schmidt will continue to serve Alphabet as an adviser focused on technical and science issues.","6958":"The Wichita State Mascot Looks Like Donald Trump And It\u2019s Freaking Us Out SAD.","6959":"South Korea To Pay Record $2.64M For North Korea's Olympic Visit The gesture is in hopes of lowering tensions between the two countries.","6960":"WATCH: Dog Attacks Would-Be Gas Station Robber ","6961":"6 Things You Should Never Say During An Interview Now go land that dream job.","6962":"Beyond Work\/Life Balance: Living The Life You Want Despite what the media might tell women, you don't have to choose one way of life over the other forever. You can, in fact, change your mind. You can choose and re-choose the direction of your own adventure.","6963":"5 Lessons In Grit We Can All Learn From Kobe Bryant There is no denying the raw talent and incomparable work ethic that this athlete has.","6964":"Why Jake Plummer And Other NFL Players Are Pushing For Research On Cannabidiol They believe CBD could be an alternative to potent painkillers used throughout the league.","6965":"The Art and Science of Team Optimization The world needs three types of leaders: artistic, scientific and interpersonal. And the world needs them to work together to change feelings, knowledge and behaviors as a team. Their initial joining up or onboarding is one of the crucibles of leadership.","6966":"Young Fan Hopes To Heal Cam Newton's Broken Heart With Her Own Trophy Aww!","6967":"Sandusky Case Bombshell: Did 6 Penn State Coaches Witness Abuse? As many as six assistant coaches at Penn State witnessed \"inappropriate behavior\" between Jerry Sandusky and boys, stretching","6968":"5 Key Essentials Needed for Business Success Looking to start or grow a small business and find some small measure of success? Be sure to keep the following five elements in mind as you go about drafting a game plan -- each essential to achieve your goals for the business.","6969":"Ex-NFL Player Laments Not Knowing About CTE Prior To Football Career According to Tom Crabtree, the league never informed him about the brain disease.","6970":"Officer Who Slit Restrained Dog's Throat To Get $45,000 In Back Pay The pup had escaped from home and bitten a woman trying to read her tags.","6971":"Even Anti-Choice Advocates Doubtful Of Murder Charge In Abortion Pill Case ","6972":"Tsarnaev's Friends Seek Constitutional Rights The United States will be riveted on Dzokhar Tsarnaev when he goes on trial on Nov. 3, 2014, for allegedly murdering three people and injuring 264 on April 15, 2013, when he and his brother Tamerlan allegedly placed two bombs near the finish line of that day's Boston Marathon. Legal experts and scholars, though, might conclude that the first Boston Marathon bombing trial is more legally significant.","6973":"Pharma Giant Finally Spending Its Money On Drugs, Not Tax Dodges ... For now.","6974":"Brexit Could Encourage British Companies To Pollute And Waste More Oof.","6975":"OPEC Agrees To Limit Oil Output For First Time Since 2008 The surprise deal will boost the energy industry, and likely cost consumers at the pump.","6976":"Olympian Dremiel Byers Caught Hunting Deer With Bow And Arrow At Lexus Dealership: Police ","6977":"Notre Dame Football Players Arrested On Gun, Marijuana, Battery Charges One player is accused of being in a bar fight, and then resisting arrest.","6978":"Amazon To Challenge Alibaba In Global Delivery Market In recent weeks, speculation has mounted that Amazon.com Inc. plans to launch a global shipping and logistics operation that","6979":"Police Confirm Another Freeway Shooting In Michigan There is no known relationship between any of the victims.","6980":"Prison Worker Accused Of Helping Killers Escape In Court ","6981":"Honestly, This Lineman-Sized Dancer Beats Any Football Game What's that phrase? Floats like a butterfly, looks like a NFL lineman?","6982":"It Looks Like Uber's Winning Its War With New York Grab the popcorn.","6983":"Some Officers Again Protest Mayor At Slain Cop's Funeral ","6984":"Fraternity And Members Face Hundreds Of Charges In Timothy Piazza Hazing Death Timothy Piazza fell accidentally, but frat brothers are accused of failing to seek help and covering up what happened.","6985":"The J.R. Smith Redemption Tour Reaches Its Peak Meet our country's future leader, J.R. Smith.","6986":"Tom Brady Should See Reduction, Not Vacation of His Penalties \"Deflategate\" is back in the news, and not because Tom Brady's appeal is set for Tuesday, June 23rd. No, it's the report related to the entire investigation that brought the news back to the forefront. And the news, Patriots fans, is good news for Tom Brady.","6987":"Her Husband Killed 49 People In Orlando. Now She's On Trial For Terrorism. Noor Salman is accused of aiding and abetting her husband. Her lawyers say she\u2019s innocent, and is herself another victim of Omar Mateen.","6988":"Fight Breaks Out After Murder Suspect, Witness Put In Same Cell Great job, jail.","6989":"Stunt Biker Danny MacAskill Turns Scotland Into The World's Most Incredible Obstacle Course WOW!","6990":"Amid a Growing Movement to Close Rikers, One Prisoner Approaches Six Years Without Trial Anna has made the trip to Rikers hundreds of times in the nearly six years her son has been awaiting trial. Each time, a","6991":"Rocks Thrown At Police After Killing Allegedly Armed Man ","6992":"Olympic Silver Medalist Gus Kenworthy Comes Out As Gay \"Hiding everything away is so painful. I'm just at that point where I'm ready to open up and let everyone see me for me and I hope everyone accepts it.\"","6993":"How Do You Know You Have A Good Consumer Lawyer? Here Are The Signs Diana Winkler suspected she'd found a great lawyer for her consumer case. The telltale signs were there: His genuine concern","6994":"A Bittersweet Day for the Circus We know the animal rights groups will not miss the elephants in the circus, but our family will miss them. Perhaps a trip to a certain elephant conservation center in Florida is in our future.","6995":"Simone Biles Makes History With 4th Consecutive National Championship She's the first woman in 40 years to match such a feat.","6996":"Curt Schilling Is Heading Back To ESPN, Still Posting Anti-Muslim Filth Some things never change, like Schilling's political views.","6997":"North Carolina Ball Team Threw Retirement Party For Its Bat Dog Miss Babe Ruth will retire after appearing in 649 consecutive games.","6998":"Police Expert Calls Tamir Rice Killing 'Tragic,' But 'Objectively Reasonable' Activists demanded the appointment of an independent prosecutor to investigate the death of the 12-year-old.","6999":"Man's Sad Attempt At Catching Ball Surely A Metaphor For Something But we can\u2019t quite put our finger on it.","7000":"Auto Racing Stars Send Thoughts And Prayers To Justin Wilson's Family After His Death He was only 37.","7001":"Jameis Winston Is Still A Highly Flawed Quarterback The No. 1 overall pick had a disappointing NFL debut.","7002":"Rodgers' 'Fake Spike' Sets Up Game-Winning Touchdown In Final Seconds ","7003":"Heroin Is Cheaper Than Beer And Easy To Get In Pennsylvania ","7004":"It's Time Canada Did Some Long-term Thinking About Oil The Bank of Canada would be wise to consider the future we're heading towards. For a petro-economy such as Canada's, where the energy industry and the country's economic well-being are closely linked, the financial risks associated with the pending battle against climate change are much greater than any cyclical downturn in oil prices.","7005":"Russia's Chances Of Competing In Rio 2016 Track And Field Rapidly Dwindling The world athletics\u2019 governing body just voted to maintain its doping ban.","7006":"Tom Brady Throws Samsung Under The Bus In Latest 'Deflategate' Defense Thanks for nothing, Tom Brady!","7007":"Poppin's 'Work Happy' Slogan Starts With Its Own Employees ","7008":"Uber Just Surrendered To Its Biggest Rival In China It's a $35 billion megamerger.","7009":"America, This Is The National Anthem You Need For Memorial Day Weekend ","7010":"TSA Agent Allegedly Molests Traveler At NYC Airport \"Supposedly he took her into another area using his official position, being in uniform, and she thought it was a part of his official duty,\" an airport spokesman said.","7011":"Remote Work Can Work For Tech ","7012":"Brandon Ingram: 'I Can Be A Versatile Guy And Play Every Position On The Floor' The prodigious Duke product is primed to become an NBA star.","7013":"'I Don't Feel Safe Calling The Police': New Yorkers March Against Police Violence ","7014":"Will The Atlanta Falcons Rise Up Or Shrink Down? Atlanta is about to find out what its Falcons are really made of.","7015":"Ex-Cop Says Baltimore Police Carried BB Guns To Hide Dirty Shootings The weapons were kept in patrol cars \"in case we accidentally hit somebody,\" the former detective testified in court.","7016":"Movie Theater Prank Frightens Many And Injures 3 In California Someone wielding a \"chainsaw\" -- actually, a leaf blower -- decided to ruin everyone's evening.","7017":"Old Habits Die Hard... A Creative Way to Unplug I have a confession to make. As hard as I have tried to unplug, the last thing I do before I go to sleep is check my phone. The first thing I do when I wake up is -- you guessed it -- check my phone.","7018":"'Oohs' And 'Ahs' Turn to Panicked Screams As Fireworks Bombard Crowd In Colorado ","7019":"James Holmes Defense Make Final Appeal For Mercy A woman interrupted the prosecutor, screaming, ''Mental illness is real,\" and, \"Don't kill him, it's not his fault.\"","7020":"Fugitive Dies After Fleeing Police And Getting 'Wedged' Between Buildings Police found roughly a pound of suspected marijuana in his car, though it's unclear what he was wanted for.","7021":"A Father's Day Gift To Our Daughters -- Making The Connection Dads, is the workplace ready for your daughter? Most men today never make the connection that if we as men, as fathers of","7022":"Arianna Joins Payoff To 'Reshape' Financial Services Industry ","7023":"LIVE: Ghana Clings To World Cup Hopes In Match Against Germany ","7024":"Here's A Sign The 'Pok\u00e9mon Go' Craze Can't Last Forever Has the Nintendo stock Pika-peaked?","7025":"DNA, Informant Help Crack 1984 Cold Case Murder ","7026":"Ford Urges Thousands Of Pickup Owners To Stop Driving After New Airbag Death At least 21 deaths worldwide are linked to the Takata inflators that can rupture and send deadly metal fragments inside vehicles.","7027":"Hit-And-Run Rampage Leaves Multiple People Injured Suspect's shirt reportedly read \"Only God can judge me.\"","7028":"All We Know For Sure About The Ryan Lochte Story Is That These Are Good Tweets Confusing story. Funny tweets.","7029":"High School Basketball Player Pulls Off Jaw-Dropping Solo Alley-Oop Tyler Williams said he wanted to \"spice up\" the game.","7030":"Just One-Fifth Of Goldman Sachs Execs Are Women Female leadership at the bank is below the national average.","7031":"Fiery Pileup On Baltimore Interstate Leaves 2 Dead, 23 Injured \u201cIt\u2019s a miracle more people weren\u2019t hurt or killed,\u201d a Baltimore city official said.","7032":"Despite Rulings, Arkansas Governor And AG Vow To Pursue Executions \u201cThe families have waited far too long to see justice, and I will continue to make that a priority.\u201d","7033":"Photographer Gets Absolutely Flattened On The Final Play Of The Game He took one for the team.","7034":"Warren Moon: Marshawn Lynch \u2018Isn't A Dumb Kid' When It Comes To The Media, Won't Retire ","7035":"Massachusetts Policeman Slain, Suspect Killed After Manhunt May 22 (Reuters) - A central Massachusetts police officer was shot to death during a traffic stop early on Sunday, prompting","7036":"Andrew Maraniss' New Book Is a Captivating Read Strong Inside is the story of Perry Wallace, who was the first African-American basketball player in the Southeastern Conference. It's part sports book and part sociological case study. Maraniss is able to emotionally insert the reader into the middle of the country's civil rights movement of the late 1960s.","7037":"The CFPB Is Now a Consumer Complaint Clearinghouse: Will That Help Consumers? Markets for financial services often don't work well for consumers. The trial and error technique that consumers rely on in navigating many markets does not work well when transactions are large and infrequent. Financial firms that expect to see a customer only once may have little incentive to provide good service.","7038":"Poor MLB Announcers Fail To Realize Taking Selfies With Friends Is Super Fun Don't knock selfies at baseball games until you've tried selfies at baseball games.","7039":"Marilou Danley, Las Vegas Shooter's Girlfriend: 'He Never Said Anything To Me' She said the money he sent her before the shooting was to buy a house for her and her family.","7040":"Day Care Under Fire After Photo Of Duct-Tape Restraint Surfaces ","7041":"Monster Energy Vice President Accused Of Sexual Harassment Resigns HuffPost's reporting revealed text messages in which he called a female employee a \"whore.\"","7042":"Liverpool's Steven Gerrard Headed To The U.S. ","7043":"IOC Says Doping Whistleblower Who Fears For Her Life Not Its Problem \"We are not responsible for dangers to which Ms. Stepanova may be exposed.\u201d","7044":"Some Guy At A 'Muslim-Free' Gun Shop Accidentally Shot Himself \"It's like the Clampetts have come to town.\"","7045":"Ex-Cop Gets 19 Years For Filming Sex With Teen ","7046":"Judge Denies Bill Cosby's Request For A Mistrial After Accuser Has Outburst In Court He gave Chelan Lasha a warning and told jurors to disregard her comment.","7047":"California Shooter Killed Wife The Night Before Attacking Elementary School Authorities say Kevin Janson Neal killed his wife late Monday before going on a shooting spree the following day.","7048":"Jeter's Nephew Knows Exactly What To Do ","7049":"Lewis Fogle's Murder Conviction Tossed After 34 Years In Prison He's free, but could still be retried.","7050":"Montana Daycare Owner Attacked While Protecting Kids, Police Say One attacker was allegedly drunk and lacked legal custody.","7051":"Even Just to Celebrate Our Differences: Why We Still Need Sports to Make Peace To many of my friends in the U.S., sports often entail beer on a Sunday night. To some in Africa, it might mean making and playing with a football made from plastic bags. But this is exactly how sports unite by highlighting commonality among those who are otherwise very different.","7052":"Hawks Return To New York For First Time Since Injured Player's NYPD Arrest Thabo Sefolosha did not join the team in New York.","7053":"NFL Hall Of Famer Frank Gifford Had Football-Related Brain Disease Gifford's family had his brain tested for CTE after he died in August.","7054":"My Civic Duty: The Chaos Jury duty is completely inconvenient. Trials can get tedious. There is a lot of waiting around in empty hallways. Yet, the next time I receive a jury notice in the mail, I won't try to get out of it.","7055":"Hyper-Masculinity, Twin Peaks, & Gendered Violence While is it common knowledge that dogs, in particular male dogs, urine scent mark their territories, human males often mark their territories in other forms more noxious and poisonous than urine.","7056":"Strange But True 2015 Marketing Predictions Late last year I reached out to some folks from the world of marketing and advertising and asked them not just for their prediction for the coming year, but to also align said prediction with a pop culture reference in the form of a song title, song lyric, movie title or movie quote.","7057":"Everyone Is Wondering If Steph Curry Will Be Suspended For Game 7 Put on your conspiracy caps. It's going to be a wild ride.","7058":"US Polygamist Busted In Mexico Following Deaths Of Three Young Americans A police raid that included Mexican and American law enforcement officials caught the wanted man, who years ago fled Arizona on pedophilia charges.","7059":"Celtics Try To Scare Love Away By Threatening To Create Horrible \u2018Big Three' If he signs, they swear they'll sign Paul Pierce and Brook Lopez's brother.","7060":"Meet the New Wolves of Wall Street Wall Street is in the midst of some pretty massive changes right now. And I'm talking about Wall Street as it relates to Main Street. I'm talking about how individual investors are being courted (hunted) and cared for (killed) by the new wolves of Wall Street.","7061":"Manny Machado Is Back And Every Baseball Fan Should Be Excited ","7062":"Tim Tebow Homers In Minor League Season Debut, Miracles May Never Cease \"All my sports experiences helped me for moments like that.\"","7063":"How Much Beer The World Drinks, In 1 Interactive Globe ","7064":"Houston's DeAndre Hopkins Says Watching Other Teams Prep For Super Bowl Is 'Bittersweet' The uber-talented wideout shares his frustrations with the season and his hope for next year.","7065":"Marshawn Lynch Pokes Fun Of Super Bowl Play In 'The League' Teaser Simply sub ball for beer.","7066":"Whitey Bulger Auction Brings In $100,000 For Mundane And Peculiar Items Bulger was at the top of Boston's criminal underworld for a quarter-century, then going on the lam for 16 years before his capture.","7067":"Driver Plows Into Pedestrians At Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre Police said nine people were hurt in the crash.","7068":"Four Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide On New Year's Day In South Carolina Another sobering reminder about the nation's problem with gun violence.","7069":"Mom Allegedly Murders Her Children, Stands Outside With A Knife ","7070":"Does Your Writing Reveal Secrets About Your Leadership? Vision, attitudes, and personality generally come through loud and clear in your writing. Your challenge: Make the revelations intentional!","7071":"Cops Seize Cannabis Plant Decorated As A Christmas Tree It was dressed with tinsel, twinkling fairy lights and had a golden angel on top.","7072":"Former NBA All-Star Chris Webber To Teach Course At Wake Forest The \"Fab Five\" player will lead a class on sports, race and society.","7073":"Tennis Pro Mardy Fish Pens Post On His Struggle With Anxiety \"My mind starts spiraling. I\u2019m just freaking out.\"","7074":"Antibiotic Use In Meat Is Soaring ","7075":"Philadelphia Eagles Front Office Foolish to Follow San Fran's Ego-Driven Destruction The question Iggles fans should be asking shouldn't be who won the power struggle? It should be why does a power struggle exist at all?","7076":"How Each Final Four Team Could Win The National Championship Because seeding no longer predicts winners.","7077":"Former U.S. Olympic Coach Under Criminal Investigation Amid Larry Nassar Scandal John Geddert has been accused by multiple Nassar victims of being physically and verbally abusive to his athletes.","7078":"Man Who Believes He Is A 'Werewolf' Who Killed A 'Vampire' Found Guilty Of Murder ","7079":"Oklahoma City Thunder's Dilemma Is Very Real, But It Can Be Fixed Striking a healthy scoring balance has never been a strength for Kevin Durant or Russell Westbrook.","7080":"Ex-Cop Arrested For Fatally Shooting Church Drummer Whose Car Broke Down Nouman Raja was in plain clothes and in an unmarked van when he shot Corey Jones as he waited for help.","7081":"From the Other Side; an Honest Review from Employees Whether we wake up in the mornings loving what we do or not, it is important to remember the people we come in contact with during our day-to-day activities are trying to make a living for themselves and their families as well.","7082":"Tom Brady Sues Over Deflategate And Claims Innocence \"The fact is that neither I, nor any equipment person, did anything of which we have been accused.\"","7083":"2-Year-Old Girl Found Dead In Brooklyn Lake ","7084":"Oscar Pistorius Injured In Prison Fight Over A Phone Call Former Olympic sprinter and Paralympian is serving a sentence for the murder of his girlfriend.","7085":"The World's Largest Renewable Energy Developer Could Go Broke Blame the \"hyper-growth\" strategy.","7086":"Cop Allegedly Steals Nude Photos From DUI Suspect's Phone ","7087":"Pissed-Off Woman Threw Urine At Neighbor's Home, Police Say Jackie VanTyle allegedly stockpiled the body waste in a bucket.","7088":"On Cyber Monday, Consider All The Workers Who Bring You That Stuff What happens after you click \"buy.\"","7089":"The World's Most Miserable Countries ","7090":"Coke Has To Put On The Red Light ","7091":"Mom Sentenced For Disturbing Sex Crimes Against Toddler Son ","7092":"Marketers are Prepping for FIFA Fallout While the extent of the criminal charges are eye-opening, the fact FIFA has shady areas within their realm should not come as a shock. FIFA's dance partners -- marketers, media and governments -- have plenty of cause to be concerned as the storm clouds hovered for years.","7093":"Minnesota Caf\u00e9 Charges 35 Cent 'Fee' To Protest Minimum Wage Hike ","7094":"Children's Bodies Found In Freezer, Mother Arrested ","7095":"Police Catch 'Nonchalant' Gunman Who Killed 3 At Colorado Walmart The suspect entered the store calmly and opened fire, then walked out, police said.","7096":"Floyd Mayweather Defeats Conor McGregor By Technical Knockout In Tenth Round \"He was a lot better than I thought he was,\" Mayweather said.","7097":"Decimate Wall Street In a speech October 20, New York Federal Reserve Bank President William Dudley proposed that a major chunk of pay for all senior executives at a particular bank be forfeited when the bank violates the law.","7098":"90 Years For Man Who Shot 2-Year-Old His brother was sentenced to 70 years.","7099":"Workplace Domestic Violence Legal Standards Continue to Develop A restraining order has been a traditional legal tool in domestic violence situations. However, the restraining order alone (printed on paper) will not physically protect an individual from a determined assailant.","7100":"Trump's Obsession With Chinese Currency Manipulation Is Sooo 2014 It's unclear whether that matters to voters who lost their jobs to Chinese exporters, though.","7101":"Craig Sager Dead At 65 Following Battle With Leukemia The broadcast legend leaves behind his wife and five children.","7102":"REPORT: NFL Star Fined For Using N-Word On The Field ","7103":"PGA President Fired Over 'Insensitive' Comments ","7104":"JJ Watt Joins The Growing Chorus Of Cam Newton Defenders \"Football is a game, it's supposed to be fun.\"","7105":"Parents Abandoned 2-Year-Old Son To Play 'Pokemon Go,' Police Say The father reportedly said \"whatever\" when deputies told him they'd found his child.","7106":"Chipotle Slashed CEO Pay Amid Food-Safety Crisis We\u2019ve seen a lot of Chipotle co-CEO Steve Ells since last fall, when the first in a series of food-borne outbreaks were tied","7107":"92-Year-Old Blazers Super Fan Finally Gets To Meet Damian Lillard Awww! #MerleMetLillard","7108":"Some Benevolent Green Billionaire Should Buy The Whole U.S. Coal Industry Right Now The industry's value has dropped two-thirds in just five years.","7109":"Jeopardy for Both: When a Private Converation Is Taped The dust has begun to settle about Donald Sterling and his strange (is there another word?) \"girlfriend,\" V. Stiviano, although one is not sure we know more now than when this episode began. But what lessons can we learn from the spectacle they -- and it is they -- have caused?","7110":"Michael Phelps: 'I Was In A Really Dark Place, Not Wanting To Be Alive Anymore' For almost five days in the fall of 2014, the most decorated Olympian in history lay curled in a fetal position in his Baltimore","7111":"South Korea's Women Curlers Have Nicknames Like Pancake, Steak And Yogurt And now we want breakfast.","7112":"Germany Sends France Out Of World Cup ","7113":"A Taxi Mishap May Have Inspired Uber's Domination CEO Travis Kalanick has bad history with taxis.","7114":"Sheriff Says Florida Cop Shoved Pills Down Elderly Woman's Throat, Stole Her Dog The sheriff called the deputy's alleged actions \"a disgrace... to law enforcement professionals everywhere.\"","7115":"People Are Freaking Out Over What This Sign Means For The Super Bowl Might not be good news for Denver Broncos fans.","7116":"Yet Another High School Football Player Dies As Death Total Piles Up Luke Schemm was just 17 years old.","7117":"Starwood And Airbnb Are Poised To Take Cuba's Hospitality Industry By Storm The country is expecting an explosion in tourist activity after improved diplomatic and business relations with the U.S.","7118":"Hefty Prison Sentence For Man Who Stole $1.2 Million In Fajitas \"It got to a point where I couldn\u2019t control it anymore,\u201d he said.","7119":"4 Expert Tips For Getting Over Your Fear Of Public Speaking Number 2: Do something physical beforehand.","7120":"Digitally Integrated Skiing and Snowboarding: A How-To Story This is the new reality of skiing and snowboarding. With a smartphone at the center, we have an integrated system of technology that tracks our runs, captures the experience with immersive detail.","7121":"Evan Patrick Cater Charged In 'Suspicious Bacon' Case He was allegedly found face down behind a dog kennel with a gun and \"bacon covered in an unknown substance.\"","7122":"Shoppers Boycott 'Big Bad' Amazon, Head To Walmart.com ","7123":"Which Stores Will Be Closed On Thanksgiving Day 2017? Your holiday shopping can wait just one day.","7124":"Hawaii Man's Stealing Spree Includes 6 Ukuleles, 3 Vehicles: Police Only in Hawaii...","7125":"Johnny Manziel, A Superstar In The Making Mark May 8 on your calendar: The 2014 NFL Draft will be the last time Johnny Manziel finds himself overlooked by the NFL. The former Heisman Trophy winner, drafted 22nd overall from Texas A&M, is a can't-miss superstar who will make every team that passed him over in 2013 rife with regret.","7126":"Chipotle Hires Former Critic To Help Improve Chain's Food Safety The move is part of the chain's effort to rebound from a spate of disease outbreaks that crushed sales, repulsed customers and slashed $6 billion off its market valuation.","7127":"Driver Who Slammed Car Into Vegas Strip Faces Murder Charges Police believe Lakeisha N. Holloway, 24, intentionally mowed down people on a busy stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard, killing one and injuring dozens of others Sunday night.","7128":"Man Kills Waffle House Worker Over Smoking Ban, Cops Say He is in custody with a $2 million bond.","7129":"Why Toxic Chemical Was Found In Tea ","7130":"Service Outages Strike Ahead Of Pacquiao vs. Mayweather Fight ","7131":"WATCH: Baseball Fan Shows No Emotion After Catching Ground-Rule Double ","7132":"Mother Of 3 Fatally Shoots Gang Member Inside Her Home: 'It Was Either Him Or Me' \u201cI hate that someone had to lose their life, but he shouldn\u2019t have come and brought his ass in my house, excuse my language.\u201d","7133":"Guy Catches A Massive 1,368-Pound Marlin Off Hawaiian Coast No seriously, the angler's name is Guy.","7134":"Sacramento Community College Reopens After Fatal Shooting \"It all happened so fast.\"","7135":"You Can Now Access NBA Games Via Twitter And Facebook Posts Buh-bye, competition.","7136":"Skydiver Luke Aikins Makes Jump Without A Parachute Aikins jumped from 25,000 feet without parachute and landed in a net.","7137":"Tennessee Police Officer Fatally Shoots Axe-Wielding Attacker The suspect reportedly threatened the officer with an axe as sheriff\u2019s deputies and public housing officials were serving her an eviction notice.","7138":"Racist Graffiti Scrawled All Over Georgia High School The graffiti included references to the KKK and to Donald Trump.","7139":"5 Success Practices of Ultra-Effective Business Teams ","7140":"Pennsylvania Man Found Guilty Of Murder In Slaying Of Couple ","7141":"10 Most Expensive Wars In U.S. History ","7142":"Jonas Delos Reyes: Proactively Acquire Skills to Reach Your Next Goals Having positive outlook and maintaining an attitude of constantly seeking to learn new skills help in increasing one's chances in getting their career to the next level.","7143":"This Note Left In Robert Griffin III\u2019s Locker Sure Seems Like A Clue To His Future It certainly looks like RGIII is ready to get out of D.C.","7144":"Dale Hansen Calls Out Hardy For 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty\u2019 Remark \"He has been found guilty, a North Carolina judge says he is.\"","7145":"Is It Just Me Or Have Kids Become Extra Suave Recently? Meet Generation Photogenic.","7146":"Beaten Chinese Swimmer Doesn't Like Being Called A 'Drug Cheat' By Winner Sun Yang, who tested positive for banned stimulant in 2014, says Mack Horton's previous comment is a 'cheap trick.'","7147":"Little League Pitcher Totally In Awe After Giving Up Grand Slam Same, tbh.","7148":"Kerri Walsh Jennings Credits Sleep As Her Secret To Success -- On And Off The Court The triple Olympic gold medalist and mom of three balances beach volleyball with family life.","7149":"Missouri Football Players Won't Play Until University President Resigns The players called a protest after a graduate student went on a hunger strike earlier in the week.","7150":"Nine Rules for Effective Online Content Design improvements are usually implemented incrementally, even granularly. Over time, however, the look and feel of advertising can evolve significantly when based on data that fuel content optimization: test, learn, apply.","7151":"Colorado Survivor Recounts Haunting Moment When Gunman Stared Him In The Eye \"I've never experienced anything like that before.\"","7152":"Family Wants Officer Recognized As Boston Marathon Bombers' 5th Victim ","7153":"These Jams From The Slam Dunk Contest Are Even Sicker In 360 You'll be blown away from every angle.","7154":"Japan Swoops In To Nab Women's Mass Speed Skating Gold In a sudden move, Nana Takagi overtook a Dutch skater, who then came in third.","7155":"Colorado Sheriff Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Inmate With Developmental Disabilities Thomas Hanna faces felony charges of sexual assault of an at-risk adult and sexual conduct with an inmate, as well as misdemeanor counts of official misconduct and soliciting prostitution.","7156":"Two West Virginia Towns Evacuated After Oil Train Explodes In Fiery Derailment ","7157":"The Rhythm of the Business Dance: 6 Essential Steps of Pattern Recognition Business and dancing seem like two pretty different animals, don't they? But, they really have more in common than you realize. It can not only help you transform your happiness in the workplace, but focus your mind to recognize patterns and then identify and pursue relevant opportunities.","7158":"\u2018Catfishing\u2019 Over Love Interest Might Have Spurred UVA Gang-Rape Debacle Ryan Duffin was a freshman at the University of Virginia when he met a student named Jackie.","7159":"The Fastest-Shrinking Cities In America ","7160":"13 Political Lessons From Fantasy Football Yes, fantasy football is much more than a game; it's a political science crash course. Now if we could just get more people to play together, then fantasy sports may help us bridge the world's political and diplomatic divide.","7161":"#ExceptionalCareers Series: The $100 Million Choice In making choices, a guidepost is to imagine yourself at the end of your days, reflecting back on your life. And ask these questions -- What are the things that I will regret not doing? What are the things that will cease to be meaningful in the long run? In which category does the choice fall.","7162":"Cops Eye 'Persons Of Interest' In Colorado Mom's Brutal Slaying Amalia Lopez De Mansilla died after she was stabbed nearly a dozen times in the chest and torso.","7163":"Olympians Shut Down Local Fox Anchor Who Said Figure Skating Is 'Not A Sport' Gracie Gold, Vincent Zhou, Chris Knierim and Jeffrey Buttle all waded in.","7164":"Image vs. Substance in Your Self-Made Journey Whether it's driving a clunker, or couch surfing instead of renting your own place, the necessities of making the entrepreneur lifestyle work can look like failure from the outside. But the bridge to success is built with sacrifice; personal and financial.","7165":"The Emerging Markets Housing Bubble While in most advanced economies, housing prices contracted for a prolonged period both during and after the crisis, in emerging markets, housing prices suffered brief declines, recovered quickly and have kept rising since.","7166":"4-time Champ Lance Mackey Joins Impressive Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race Field Mackey is four-time champion of both the Yukon Quest and the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. He is the only musher to have won both races in the same year, with dual wins in both 2007 and 2008.","7167":"Footage Shows Christian Taylor Break Into Car But Not Shooting By Cop But the dealership said there's no footage from the showroom where the shooting occurred.","7168":"How to Forge Winning Client Relationships And be willing to play nice with others. Many of our clients have a range of marketing agencies they work with. These clients are most successful when their marketing programs work in concert and this means the agencies being willing to work together vs. engaging in a land grab for more budget.","7169":"Mom Faces 15 More Years In Prison For Failing To Protect Kids From Abuser, Who Served Just 2 Years OKLAHOMA CITY \u2014 Tondalo Hall, a battered woman whose lengthy prison term in a child abuse case has outraged women\u2019s rights","7170":"Russian Roulette: Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives The sudden dramatic collapse in the price of oil appears to be an act of geopolitical warfare against Russia. The result could be trillions of dollars in oil derivative losses; and the FDIC could be liable, following repeal of key portions of the Dodd-Frank Act last weekend.","7171":"MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred Says League Must Improve Minority Hiring With diversity numbers down, Manfred is calling for a change.","7172":"Major CVS Health Lawsuit Moves Ahead ","7173":"How Super Bowl 50 Became Ground Zero For The Fight Over Homelessness San Francisco's spending on NFL celebrations has ignited protests over its treatment of the homeless.","7174":"Passenger Arrested After In-Flight Yoga Session Turns Violent Hyongtae Pae, 72, reportedly threatened to kill passengers who tried to get him back in his seat.","7175":"What Don Diva Magazine Means To The Incarcerated Guys used to come up to me on the yard and try to convince me that I needed to write about them. They would bring newspaper","7176":"CAUGHT ON VIDEO: World's Grinch-iest Vandal Tries To Kill Frosty The Snowman You're a mean one!","7177":"Before Ball There Was Me The first thought I had when news broke about the alleged store thefts in China by UCLA freshman basketball player LiAngelo","7178":"Wells Fargo Doesn't Want You To Know Its Scandal Isn't Hurting Profits This \u201cmight incentivize people to do more, to make it tougher on Wells Fargo.\"","7179":"Mom Accused Of Murdering Daughter She Placed For Adoption A nearly 3-week search ended when a cadaver dog led police to a burn pile at the family farm.","7180":"5 Bold NFL Predictions For The 2016 Season Because you can't start the NFL season without some crazy.","7181":"Escaped Killer Captured ","7182":"So, It Seems The Shooting Scare At JFK Was Just Usain Bolt Fans Going Wild 911 calls emerged moments after the Jamaican won his third straight 100-meter gold.","7183":"'Paleo-ing' Your Business and Career Is the Key Ingredient for Your Success So what could paleo eating and success in your business and career possibly have in common? Actually -- pretty much everything.","7184":"18 Years Ago, This Pesky Kid Broke Baltimore Orioles Fans Hearts ","7185":"Big Banks Call For 'Strong' Climate Deal Without government action, they say, private investment won't be enough.","7186":"Jared Fogle Gets Over 15 Years In Prison For Sex Crimes By Susan Guyett INDIANAPOLIS, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Former Subway sandwich chain pitchman Jared Fogle on Thursday was sentenced","7187":"Some Pseudo-Statistical Evidence That D\u2019Angelo Russell Should Keep Away From The Kardashians Numbers don't lie.","7188":"Baseball Is Broken: Only I Know How To Fix It Even Springsteen stops the show after three hours.","7189":"Jack in the Box Game Targets Millennials ","7190":"A's Star Had Hilarious Response To Huge Trade ","7191":"Police Horse Dies After Cop Forgets He Tied Him Up With No Food Or Water Police say vets couldn't determine the neglect was the cause of death.","7192":"Michigan St. Edges Iowa 16-13 For Big Ten Title Sparty FTW!","7193":"Justin Ross Harris Sentenced To Life In Prison For Toddler's Hot-Car Death The 35-year-old was found guilty of intentionally leaving his 22-month-old son to die inside a sweltering car.","7194":"DeAngelo Hall Shares Heartwarming 'Mean Joe Green' Moment With Young Fan The injured player received a prayer from a young fan as he walked into the locker room.","7195":"Teens Found Dead Behind Georgia Publix Officers are investigating the deaths of Natalie Henderson and Carter Davis.","7196":"NFL Bans Kneeling During The National Anthem Teams can set their own policies for punishing players.","7197":"Chill Bro New York Rangers Fan Is Very Chill, Bro \"Benjamin Franklin is killing the game.\u201d","7198":"Clemson, LSU, Ohio State, Alabama Top First Playoff Rankings Notre Dame and Baylor are the first two teams currently ranked outside the playoffs.","7199":"The Central Contradiction of Capitalism that Piketty Overlooked While it is true that the long-term dynamics of unequal wealth distribution are indeed unsustainable and unconscionable, a reality much less obvious is buried in the data","7200":"Man Who Shot Wife Dead And Put Picture On Facebook Is Sentenced Derek Medina will spend the rest of his life behind bars.","7201":"Poor Yankees Fan Goes 0-3 For The Night With One Shot To The Face If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then just grab the ball.","7202":"Spinning, Middle Finger-Waving Dodgers Fan Is The Perfect Thing He's the rare symbol for the real Los Angeles.","7203":"NFL Player's Showboating Makes Him Laughingstock ","7204":"Oregon Shooter Asked About Religion, Another Survivor Attests Cheyenne Fitzgerald's recollection is consistent with other witnesses' accounts.","7205":"What Happens If A Goalie Has To Go To The Bathroom? Unlike his fellow NHL players who tailor their game day meals with an eye on fuel and nutrition, Capitals goaltender Braden","7206":"Life Sentence For Dad Who Threw Daughter From Cliff Prosecutors said he didn't want to pay child support; he said she died in an accident.","7207":"Time Warner Cable's Advertised $89.99 Triple Play: Now $190.77. What the F@$#X$!? You can never, ever get the advertised price because it doesn't include many of the fixed costs, like the set top box, not to mention it is littered with pass-throughs of the company's taxes and fees, including the cable franchise fees.","7208":"Christian Pastor Accused Of Repeatedly Raping Underage Sisters Alfredo Huerta Zavala allegedly invoked the \"name of God\" and told the girls he'd been \"chosen by Christ.\"","7209":"MLB Player Killed In Car Accident ","7210":"If You Really Care About Working Moms, Make The School Day Longer Sorry, kids, but your allowance doesn't grow on trees.","7211":"Why Millennials Need to Stand Out (or What I'd Say in a Commencement Speech) Becoming an expert in something so focused allows someone to take advantage of what mega-companies cannot. It allows someone to first become a big fish in a small pond.","7212":"Detective Kills Himself In Standoff After Child Sex Crime Charges Manassas City Police Det. David Edward Abbott Jr. was wanted for allegedly having inappropriate relations with two boys.","7213":"Couple Allegedly Allowed 9-Year-Old To Drive Home Because They Were Too Drunk They were reportedly too intoxicated to do so themselves.","7214":"How to Be an Entrepreneur Who Can See Around Corners Every entrepreneur realizes that change is now the norm, and they have to adapt their business quickly to survive and prosper. In fact, the best entrepreneurs seem to see breakthrough changes coming even before they really happen, and are able to turn them into huge new opportunities.","7215":"Panasonic Just Took A Major Step Forward On Gay Rights Panasonic's refusal to discriminate could help advance LGBT rights in Japan.","7216":"Why The Best Leaders Have Conviction Conviction in a leader is an incredibly valuable yet increasingly rare trait. It's in short supply because our brains are wired to overreact to uncertainty with fear. As uncertainty increases, the brain shifts control over to the limbic system, the place where emotions, such as anxiety and panic, are generated.","7217":"Families Sue Over 2013 Wildfire That Killed 19 Firefighters ","7218":"Thousands Of Fatal Shootings By Police. Only 54 Officers Charged. ","7219":"Social Media Guidelines for Your Employees While social media platforms do create new opportunities for personal expression, communication, and engagement with the team, fans, accounts, potential customers and, let's not forget, media\/bloggers, they also create new responsibilities.","7220":"'Don't Cry for Us, Argentina' as Powerhouse Germany Is First European Team to Win World Cup in the Americas Germany earned its 4th World Cup title but first in 24 years -- titles just don't come easy. In the process, Germany saved more salt being rubbed into Brazil's still fresh wounds.","7221":"How To Find Main Street Investors For Gender Diverse Companies ","7222":"Chattanooga Shooting Highlights FBI Concerns WASHINGTON (AP) -- The deadly shootings at military sites in Tennessee illustrate the threat that FBI officials have warned","7223":"Grizzlies Even Series With Spurs Despite Kawhi Leonard's Stellar Performance \u201cIt\u2019s scary as hell watching [Leonard],\" said Grizzlies point guard Mike Conley. \"He was unbelievable.\u201d","7224":"2 Charged In Alleged Plot To Attack Synagogues, Churches The plot reportedly involved \"shooting or bombing the occupants of black churches and Jewish synagogues\" and \"conducting acts of violence against persons of Jewish faith.\"","7225":"Low-Wage Workers Plot Their Next 'Fight For $15' Strike And now hospital workers are joining the cause.","7226":"5 Conversion Rate Platforms for Generating Leads Where do you go from launching a business website, to acquiring potential customers? It would clearly be a more popular choice to start an online business if the task was as easy as that.","7227":"The Amazing Grace of Stuart Scott He transitioned with amazing grace from the hip young anchor to the established presence to the revered institution in front of us all. It's just so sad that we couldn't see him make that final transition to elder statesman.","7228":"NBA Impersonator Is Back With Spot-On Kobe Bryant Routine Look familiar?","7229":"WATCH: Missing Boy Reunited With Mom After Being Discovered Behind 'False Wall' ","7230":"Keen to Project a Progressive Image, the UAE Picks Its Battles Projecting an image of being politically and culturally on the cutting edge, the UAE carefully picks its battles. Participation in the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State, the jihadist group that controls a swath of Syria and Iraq, has projected the Emirates as a military force to be reckoned with. Soccer is the Emirates' next target.","7231":"Marriott Buys Rival Hotel Chain Starwood For $12 Billion The deal will secure Marriott's position as the world's largest hotelier.","7232":"Le\u2019Veon Bell Becomes First Human To Fly Bell believes he can touch the sky.","7233":"LIVE: McIlroy Tries To Win 2nd Straight Major ","7234":"Close Finishes Highlight Prefontaine Classic A capacity crowd of 13,278 filled Hayward Field on a perfect sunny day with temperature in the mid-70's for the Prefontaine Classic. This year marked the 40th anniversary of Steve Prefontaine's passing and the Diamond League event bearing his name did not disappoint.","7235":"Father Charged After Son, 6, Fatally Shoots 3-Year-Old Brother The children were reportedly playing \"cops and robbers\" when one of the brothers found the gun.","7236":"NFL Champs Open Season With Anthem Fail ","7237":"Dog Patiently Waits For Weeks On Doorstep For Murdered Owner's Return \u201cHe would follow the cars and when he would realize that it was not his owner's car, he would just stand there and look helpless.\u201d","7238":"Server Fires Shots During Steak House Brawl With Customers: Cops The chaos followed allegations that the server \"messed up\" the customer's order, a witness said.","7239":"Barneys Pays $525,000 To Settle Allegations Of Racial Profiling ","7240":"Deadly Tornadoes Rip Through Texas As Floods Threaten Midwest At least 4 people were reported killed.","7241":"Minnesota Coach Jerry Kill Retires After Battling Epilepsy \"I feel like a part of me died.\"","7242":"Paul Krugman: 'Yes, Brexit Will Make Britain Poorer' \"Grieve for Europe ... worry about Britain.\"","7243":"Mets Prospect Is Ridiculously Chill While Catching Flying Baseball Bat This video is wild.","7244":"This CFL Player Takes Unsportsmanlike Conduct To Another Level Duron Carter celebrated by knocking down the opposing team's head coach.","7245":"What Legal Recourse Do You Have As A Victim Of Binary Options Fraud? Binary options fraud is everywhere. The industry has been turned upside down, with many countries banning binary options","7246":"An Afternoon With Peter Lynch As part of the Catholic Speakers Series at the Harvard Business School, Peter Lynch, legendary American businessman and investor, shared his insights, in a conversation moderated by Clarisse Siu, President of the HBS Catholic Student Association, on faith, life and markets.","7247":"Husband Jailed For Using Unsuspecting Wife As $700,000 Heroin Mule The stash was sewn inside eight dresses.","7248":"Aly Raisman Shows Her Mettle In Blasting Airport Body-Shamer \"It's 2017. When will all this change?\"","7249":"Former Raiders Player Anthony Smith Convicted Of Three Murders He faces life in prison without parole.","7250":"Elementary School Teacher Struck And Killed By Roller Coaster He jumped the fence to retrieve his dropped phone and wallet.","7251":"New York Knicks Lock Arms During National Anthem After NBA Bans Kneeling The league recently reminded teams about the rule on standing for the anthem.","7252":"LeBron Speaks Out After Advocates Ask Him To Strike Games To Honor Tamir Rice \"This issue is bigger than me; it's about everyone.\"","7253":"Germany And Canada Tie For Gold In Two-Man Bobsled Race It's the first gold-medal tie in the event since 1998.","7254":"These Are The 7 Men Scheduled To Be Executed In Arkansas This Month An in-depth look at the inmates the state is rushing to put to death.","7255":"Hey, Arizona, Next Time Try Scaphism If we're not ashamed of executing our lowlifes -- strange that rich people never seem to get executed, what's that all about? -- then let the Bible be our guide and let's kill lots of people for all kinds of crimes and let's do it brutally.","7256":"TV Shooter Showed 'Bizarre Behavior' Throughout Volatile Career Vester Lee Flanagan II was fired from at least two stations for conflicts with co-workers.","7257":"Looks Like 'Space Jam 2' Is Actually Going To Happen And with apologies to Steph Curry, it'll star LeBron James.","7258":"Broncos Punter Britton Colquitt Forced To Buy $1800 Super Bowl Ticket For His Week-Old Baby \"There\u2019s no age limit to tickets.\"","7259":"Cops Who Killed Homeless Man Will Stand Trial For Murder \"He was not a threat when they shot him.\"","7260":"The Reinvention of the Cadillac: Daring to Be Different My dad was a loyal Cadillac driver and consumer of the iconic and classic brand. I remember climbing into the soft, plush leather seats with plenty of room to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.","7261":"Death Penalty Amnesty International reminds Texans and the rest of us that America is in very distinct and distinctive company among executors: Only Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and China, 'disreputable peers,' execute more.","7262":"7 Hacks for the Ultimate Sales Meeting There are a few easy ways to improve a typical sales meeting. By following these simple rules that I've found work well over the years, you can help ensure the success of your business meetings -- both the ones you hold with your staff and the ones where you make the actual sales.","7263":"Olympics Snafu Sees U.S. Champion Curlers Receive The Wrong Medals But the blunder did nothing to dampen the history-making squad's mood.","7264":"High School Football Team Forfeits Entire Season Amid OxyContin Scandal Several players are accused of taking the pills before a game.","7265":"Tony Romo Could Be Out For The Season After Re-injuring Shoulder The injury was eerily similar to the one in Week 2 against Philadelphia.","7266":"NBA Says It Might Pull All-Star Game From North Carolina Over Anti-LGBT Law The commissioner says playing the game there would be \"problematic\" for the league.","7267":"U.S. Olympic Committee CEO Scott Blackmun Resigns, Cites Health Issues Two senators were among those calling for his resignation as widespread sexual abuse of athletes came to light.","7268":"The Road Between Employment and Entrepreneurship: Should You Be Traveling This Road The thing about growth is that it's not always easy, and making the transition from employment to entrepreneurship provides a unique set of experiences that can stretch and pull you in a variety of ways.","7269":"Annuities, Experts and My Losing 90 Pounds I was in a coffee shop, having breakfast with my daughter, Angela Luhys, on a week when my weight loss had reached the 90 pound mark since November. While sharing this great milestone with Angela, the guy in the booth behind me was trying to sell an annuity.","7270":"Piketty Is Right: These Wealthy Men Make Billions For Basically Doing Nothing ","7271":"Bombing Suspect's Restaurant Was Late-Night Hotspot, Had 'Friendly Service' Locals called Ahmad Khan Rahami \"friendly.\"","7272":"Park Ranger Found Asleep With Beer Between Legs In Patrol Car ","7273":"Cirque Du Soleil Scraps Shows In Protest Over North Carolina's Anti-LGBT Law North Carolina gets a big \"no\" from the big top.","7274":"57 White Supremacists In Texas Indicted In Meth, Kidnapping Cases One supremacist allegedly \"used a hatchet to chop off a portion\" of a victim's index finger.","7275":"Truckers, Outside Contractors and Urinals Southern California truck drivers at the Long Beach and San Pedro ports, will soon go on a limited two-day 'exhibition' strike to protest what they see as a gross misclassification. Truckers as far away as Savannah, Georgia, are expected to join in the protest.","7276":"Nunes Finishes Rousey at UFC 207, Garbrandt Dethrones Cruz ","7277":"Greg Hardy Unapologetically Denies Domestic Abuse Allegations Photos of his bruised ex-girlfriend suggest otherwise.","7278":"The Dangers Of DIY Legal Raise your hand if you have used a DIY contract template in your business. Raise your hand again if you think you are legally","7279":"Mayor De Blasio Postpones Italian Vacation In Light Of Man's Chokehold Death ","7280":"Surfing Legend Proves He Might Just Be Superman ","7281":"These Stock Photos Show Masculinity Is More Than Biceps And Beer Discarding gender stereotypes, new collections feature male nurses and stay-at-home dads, along with guys who wear makeup and jewelry.","7282":"LeBron James Can Do Anything On A Basketball Court, Like Taking A Selfie With Young Fans The NBA really needs selfie sticks at the scorer's table.","7283":"Lyft and Uber Pull Out of Austin, But Deceptive Pricing Is Here to Stay If you thought comparison shopping was hard with traditional travel companies, just try the sharing economy. Lightly regulated","7284":"Gun Shop Owner And Son Die In Shootout Over $25 Service Charge Investigators don't know whether the customers or the owners started the shooting Saturday afternoon at McLemore Gun Shop near Picayune, Miss.","7285":"Suit Accuses Milwaukee Sheriff Of Abuse Of Power In Airport Incident Passenger claims he was harassed for shaking his head at the tough-talking lawman.","7286":"Judges Slammed For Ranking Adam Rippon Third Place Despite Flawless Performance \"Oh no.\"","7287":"Jake 'The Snake' Roberts In Intensive Care After Collapse ","7288":"Culture Is More Important Than Vision: And We're Seeing It On a National Stage Leadership problems are one thing, but the culture a leader creates has the ability to either accomplish great things, or magnify incompetence. At whatever level you lead, do your best to create a great organizational culture.","7289":"One In 5 American Kids Are On Food Stamps Here's more evidence that the economic recovery isn't benefitting the people who need it most: One in 5 American kids got food stamps in 2014, up from 1 in 8 before the recession.","7290":"Teen Inventor Killed After Rocket-Powered Skateboard Explodes \u201cIt wasn\u2019t meant to go up into the sky.\u201d","7291":"Investigators: 2013 West Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Caused By Arson The disaster killed 15 people.","7292":"Report: Several Black Witnesses Largely Back Up Officer's Account Of Michael Brown Shooting ","7293":"Should Supporters Of The Failed NFL Boycott Over Kaepernick \"Take A Knee?\" ","7294":"Oh, Nothing, Just LeBron James Hitting A One-Handed Full-Court Shot Unreal.","7295":"LAPD Releases Video Of Suspect Holding Gun Before Fatal Shooting Police say the 18-year-old was fleeing in a stolen vehicle, and turned toward officers with a gun.","7296":"Jeff Bezos Gets Rave Reviews From Washington Post Veteran Lally Weymouth said the Amazon CEO has done a \"fantastic job\" with the paper.","7297":"Florida Man Arrested For Keying Swastikas Onto Cars Police also accused the suspect of slashing 100 bike tires.","7298":"Volkswagen May Try To Pay Off Owners Of Diesel Cars FRANKFURT \u2014 Volkswagen is expected to offer cash to the owners of diesel cars this coming week as it steps up an effort to","7299":"Plane Catches Fire On Tarmac Of Ft. Lauderdale Airport At least seven people are being evaluated for injuries.","7300":"Seattle Passes Controversial New Tax On City's Biggest Companies To Combat Housing Crisis Following the council vote, Amazon\u2019s vice president, Drew Herdener, said the company has resumed construction planning for its so-called Block 18 project in downtown Seattle.","7301":"Did Black Friday Boycotts Have An Impact? ","7302":"6 Office Gadgets You Might Be Missing Most office furniture is as uncomfortable as sitting on a rock. If you're going to spend so much time in the office, wouldn't you want your work environment to be more comfortable?","7303":"Photos From The Scene Of The Deadly Truck Attack In New York City Multiple people were killed.","7304":"Two Chicago Brothers On Parole Charged In Murder Of NBA Star's Cousin The pair are described as \u201cdocumented gang members.\u201d","7305":"'Put Mustard On It': Fast-Food Workers Say Burns Are Rampant ","7306":"NBA Let Kia Ruin The Coolest NBA Dunk Ever Proposed The NBA would not allow Griffin to use the car of his choice for the 2011 Dunk Contest.","7307":"Man Scales Ski Lift, Frees Friend Hanging By His Neck Above The Snow The professional slackliner said his skills prepared him perfectly for this.","7308":"Women in Business Q&A: Grete Eliassen, Director of Marketing, Wickr After competing in the 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Grete turned to another passion of hers -- the security space -- joining the Wickr team as head of marketing efforts for the company.","7309":"Olympic Committee Tells Athletes They Can Skip Rio Games Over Zika Fear BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. \u2014 The United States Olympic Committee will provide its athletes with guidance and information about","7310":"New York Challenged Businesses To Cut Their Waste In Half -- It Actually Worked Whole Foods, Viacom and Anheuser-Busch all pitched in.","7311":"Happy Maurice Cheeks Day! As I prepared to write about an act of uncommon decency by a professional athlete, I realized that calling it that was unfair, that it diminishes what happened, because this was simply an act of uncommon decency, period.","7312":"If You Had A Verizon Family Plan In The 2000s, There's Some Cash Coming Your Way ","7313":"ACC Removes Clear Cry For Help Buried Deep Within Football Media Guide \u201cWe sincerely apologize for the offensive error in the media guide.\"","7314":"College Basketball Coaches, Adidas Exec Charged In Kickback Scheme Prosecutors said that high school athletes were bribed into playing for certain schools.","7315":"5 Business Lessons From Corporate Responsibility ","7316":"1 Dead, 4 Injured In Shooting At Florida ZombiCon Event The gunfire broke out just before midnight.","7317":"U.S. Fighter Jets Escort Plane Home After Passenger Threat ","7318":"Oscarnomics 2017: The Brand Value of Awards ","7319":"Uber Drivers In New York Form Labor Association The company insists drivers are independent contractors.","7320":"How to Be Smart In a World of Dumb Leaders If you're an executive or a middle-level manager and you're frustrated with your leaders and managers not working together, you've probably entertained the idea of bringing someone like me, a leadership trainer or consultant, into your organization to help.","7321":"Watch THE Best Catch Of The MLB Season So Far ","7322":"Stanford Wins Rose Bowl With 45-16 Victory Over Iowa The Cardinal had the highest-scoring first quarter in the Rose Bowl's lengthy history.","7323":"Peyton Manning's Friends Are Saying This Is It For The Quarterback In that case, Super Bowl 50 will indeed be his last rodeo.","7324":"How Is Your Small Business Managing Millennials in the Workplace? One of the many challenges small businesses face today is integrating and managing Millennial employees with other generations of their workforce.","7325":"Ronda Rousey Wants To Show You How Ripped She Is For Her Fight Looking lean and mean.","7326":"Startup Insider: Cherubic Ventures Partner Tina Cheng and the Rising Taiwan Startup Scene Today, we're featuring Tina Cheng from Cherubic Ventures. Tina had worked in Silicon Valley tech giants Yahoo and CISCO before deciding to return to her home country Taiwan to become an entrepreneur.","7327":"It's Time To Acknowledge That Parenting Is Real Work Melinda Gates drives home a very important message about unpaid labor.","7328":"Help Us Figure Out What Antonio Brown\u2019s New Haircut Looks Like A Lego man? A Tetris piece? The state of Texas?","7329":"Longtime NFL Coach Buddy Ryan Dead At 82 Ryan had one of the greatest defensive minds in league history.","7330":"The Problem With Your Problem Solver Today's blog has been written while in the midst of an emotional whirlwind. The culprit behind the chaos? An impending, temporary move overseas.","7331":"Women in Business Q&A: Natalie Lehr, Director of Analytics, TSC Advantage Natalie Lehr is director of analytics at TSC Advantage. With more than 15 years of experience as an intelligence professional, Natalie's expertise spans both the government and commercial sectors.","7332":"Accused Planned Parenthood Gunman Ruled Mentally Incompetent To Stand Trial By Keith Coffman COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - The man accused of killing three people and wounding nine others in","7333":"The Culture Club: Hiring Talent That Cracks the Code ","7334":"Here's The Moment Rousey's Friends And Family Realized She Lost So much sadness.","7335":"A PS to Harvard Business Review Blog Post: Boards Can Be Terrible at Their Most Important Job In any organization, top management changes cause staff insecurity and unrest. Old comfortable patterns will be broken. Resistance to change will likely occur. Board members must provide strong support for changes that are needed.","7336":"The FBI Found Tom Brady\u2019s Missing Jersey With A Member Of The Media The league also said it recovered a second Brady Super Bowl jersey from 2015.","7337":"Most Americans Can't Afford A Minor Emergency Just 39 percent of Americans have enough money in savings to cover an unexpected $1,000 bill, according to a new report.","7338":"'Drunk And Racist' Man Curses Out 4-Year-Old As He's Booted From Train The incident cost him more than $1,500.","7339":"Markets Close High Following Strong Economic Data NEW YORK, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Wall Street rallied in a volatile session on Thursday, fueled by optimism after strong U.S. economic","7340":"Should Darren Sharper Be A Nominee For The Pro Football Hall of Fame? The former NFL star has been convicted of drugging and raping multiple women.","7341":"A Glimmer Of Hope In Our Skills Gap Crisis When President Trump introduced us to the \u201cBuy American, Hire American\u201d executive order in April, his electoral base applauded","7342":"Fyre Festival Founder Faces Prison After Pleading Guilty To Wire Fraud \u201cI grossly underestimated the resources that would be necessary to hold an event of this magnitude,\" said Billy McFarland.","7343":"Electric Flash: Green Cars Are Getting Stylish A car doesn't have to be dull and plodding to be green. One wouldn't know that from the proficient, but uninspiring, plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles that crawled off the drawing boards of the major auto companies. But that seems about to change.","7344":"Ex-NFL Player In Custody After Instagram Post Prompts High School Closure The Los Angeles high school said there was \"no imminent threat to our campuses or school community.\"","7345":"Retired Politician Accused Of Molesting 103-Year-Old Former In-Law Nursing home workers tell police they saw it more than once.","7346":"Figure Skater Yuzuru Hanyu Strikes Most Extra Pose For Olympic Group Selfie He brought so much fire to the ice for this shot.","7347":"Algeria Pile Up Goals For Milestone World Cup Win ","7348":"Tootsie Roll CEO Dies At 95 ","7349":"Police Sergeant, Suspect Killed In New York Shootout Another officer was injured amid gunfire in the Bronx.","7350":"Did You Know Trump Made It Easier For Banks To Get Away With Screwing The Poor And Minorities? Let\u2019s start by talking about Republican economic philosophy. To be sure, popular vote loser Donald Trump has not played a","7351":"7 Ways to Build a Community Using Data-Driven Narratives The bottom line: If you can adopt the mindset of what matters to your customers and how you can empower them, then the rest will follow.","7352":"Women in Business: Krissy Lefebvre, Co-Founder, All-Star Chef Classic ","7353":"This Notre Dame Football Walk-On Was Just Surprised With Scholarship All the feels.","7354":"Here's How Much Less Women Make Than Men At Amazon Not much less, Amazon claims.","7355":"Usain Bolt Easily Wins 200 Meters At World Championships He even eased up at the finish.","7356":"10 Least Healthy States In America ","7357":"How Marketers Should Appeal to Women Marketers targeting a female audience need to understand the critical difference between men and women. Namely, women cycle and men consummate.","7358":"Nephew Of Inmate Who Beat Up Jared Fogle Says He Was Seeking 'Justice' For Abused Kids The beatdown came just two months into the former Subway pitchman's sentence.","7359":"JPSO Arrests Girlfriend Of Man Slain By Jefferson Deputies In New Orleans Jefferson Parish authorities on Wednesday arrested the girlfriend of Eric Harris, the man fatally shot in Central City last","7360":"Serena Williams Has Perfected Her Argument Against The Wage Gap Preach, Serena. Preach.","7361":"We Can't Escape The Reality Of Las Vegas Any Longer This is a human issue.","7362":"Designer Of Waterslide That Decapitated 10-Year-Old Boy Seized On Murder Charge John Schooley, lead designer of the deadly Verr\u00fcckt water slide in Kansas, was nabbed at a Texas airport.","7363":"LeBron James Speaks Out After Local Child\u2019s Accidental Drive-By Death \"Accept more from yourselves.\"","7364":"What Yahoo's Marissa Mayer (And You) Should Learn From Disney Leverage your strengths. Whether you are an executive onboarding into a new role, leading a turn around or just looking to accelerate value creation, the answer is almost always to focus on and leverage your existing strongest talents, knowledge, skills, capabilities.","7365":"79-Year-Old Nets Superfan Finally Returns After He Says LeBron James Complained About Him Mr. Whammy finally returns to the Barclays Center.","7366":"New York Medical Marijuana Program Begins -- And No One Is Excited A lack dispensaries and participating doctors will likely cripple the pot program.","7367":"How Your Credit Card Limit Affects Your Ability To Get A Job A credit card buys people more time for the job hunt.","7368":"Ten States With The Most Student Debt ","7369":"How To Change Bad Meeting Culture ","7370":"Florida Woman Bitten By Shark While Inner Tubing ","7371":"Man Pleads Guilty To Killing 10-Year-Old Son \"I killed my son.\"","7372":"President Mistakes 'Jeffersons' For Sanford & Sons' Crime of the Century? Don't Take Obama to trivia night.","7373":"Women in Business Q&A: Tapasya Bali, Co-Founder and COO, YOGASMOGA ","7374":"Pearl Harbor Contractors Killed By Falling Buoy ","7375":"Here\u2019s The Note Aly Raisman Found On Her Bed After Winning Silver \"We love you mama Aly.\"","7376":"Novak Djokovic Wins French Open PARIS (Reuters) - Novak Djokovic joined the tennis greats on Sunday when he downed British second seed Andy Murray 3-6 6","7377":"Three Milwaukee County Jail Staff Members Charged For Inmate's Dehydration Death Terrill Thomas died of \"profound dehydration\" in 2016 after guards cut off his water supply for a week.","7378":"Don't Turn Your Back on Disorder As the police profession and our greater society deal with ways to rebuild (and in many cases build) relationships between the police and its citizenry, I fear that if outsider reformers call for police to ignore disorderly offenses the chasm between the police and the community will only widen.","7379":"Marine's Pregnant Wife Disappears On Way To National Park ","7380":"9 Idiotic Office Rules That Drive Everyone Insane Companies need to have rules--that's a given--but they don't have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at creating order. If companies can rethink their policies and remove or alter those that are unnecessary or demoralizing, we'll all have a more enjoyable and productive time at work.","7381":"This Is Your Job! When I started to work with the sales team, I had a pre-training conference call to help them prepare for our work together. I gave them an assignment: prepare and deliver their \"best\" formal business presentation to a prospective customer.","7382":"Is There More to Life Than Soccer? \"Transformar o Jogo Bonito em Vida Bonita\" ","7383":"Austin Police Officer Caught On Video Allegedly Pepper-Spraying Handcuffed Man The incident, which happened during SXSW, is under investigation.","7384":"America's Children: The Trials of Growing Up in a Police State It's getting harder by the day to tell young people that we live in a nation that values freedom and which is governed by the rule of law without feeling like a teller of tall tales.","7385":"9 Tools for Engineering Growth As technology continues to evolve, so does the way users interact with it, making new and innovative user acquisition strategies necessary as well. Growth engineering requires equal parts marketing, technology and creativity, which is why the best toolboxes are as diverse as they are ever-changing.","7386":"Man Allegedly Kills 4 Puppies Belonging To Former Girlfriend ","7387":"It's Time For Random Street Checks To Stop In a city that for some time has been plagued by an undercurrent of tension, due to \u2018carding\u2019 there was a level of hope, that","7388":"Adrian Peterson: Privacy vs. Community Standards The dramatic circumstances of the Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson cases raise the issue of which aspects of an athlete's private life should be subject to public awareness and judgment.","7389":"5 Kids Shot With BB Guns By 5 Adults And Forced To Watch Sex Acts: Cops ","7390":"Suspect Reportedly Arrested Over Explosives Sent To Washington, D.C. Area The FBI was expected to disclose the arrest on Tuesday, a source said.","7391":"Women in Business: Karen S. Carter, Global Marketing Director, Packaging and Specialty Plastics, The Dow Chemical Company ","7392":"Police Change Timeline Of Las Vegas Mass Shooting Again Officials released a new timeline one day after MGM said their revised timeline was incorrect.","7393":"NYC Schools Punished Students For Being Victims Of Sexual Assault, Lawsuit Claims The New York City Education Department has a pattern of discrediting and punishing victims of sexual assault, particularly","7394":"Meet Amanda Nunes, The UFC\u2019s First Openly Gay Champion The 28-year-old nabbed the belt with a dominant victory this weekend.","7395":"NBA Warriors Curry and Thompson Explode on Central Stage There is a new team on the block in the NBA Finals and they have an electrifying style of play and two fresh-faced stars. This series is the Golden State Warriors' opportunity to play on the national stage and captivate public attention.","7396":"My Biggest Leadership Win: The Day My Life Stopped Working To truly lead in the world and create the results you want in all areas of your life, it will require you to create conscious shifts and become the leader of your future.","7397":"A Warning About Warnings What kind of duty to warn should auto repair owners, managers, and salespeople have? And what kind of responsibilities should they have when damages due to their failure to warn occur for clients who come to them for their expertise and advice?","7398":"Video Shows Police Pepper Spraying 84-Year-Old Woman, Tasering Son Officers pursued the woman's son after he ran a stop sign, police said.","7399":"How The NFL Uses Marijuana To Hide Its Painkiller Problem The NFL will happily suspend stoners to distract the public from its real drug problem: painkillers.","7400":"Ohio State Is Axing One Of Its Football Traditions After Student Death The university is currently attempting to identify the deceased.","7401":"Cleon Daskalakis - Keeper of Goals On and Off the Ice ","7402":"Passengers Aren\u2019t The Priority For United Airlines The airline's tone-deaf public relations response to its most recent controversy demonstrates disregard for customers.","7403":"Can This Organic Food Darling Survive Being Gobbled Up By Big Spam? When an old food giant buys a hip, healthy startup, who changes whom?","7404":"Man Jailed On Suspicion Of Killing Parents Dies After Suicide Attempt ","7405":"The Disruption of Leadership: Implications for Female Entrepreneurship Women entrepreneurs are biologically hardwired to harness time, and tend to care about the communal impact they have on others. That's why we choose our tools wisely, such as the use of social media, which has already changed the world.","7406":"This Could Be Donald Trump's Biggest Lie How rich is he?","7407":"Texas Prisoners Still Face Deadly Heat: Report ","7408":"In Marketing: 1 + 1 Does Not Equal 2 You want those creative folks with innovation flowing through their veins in your company. If you want math and science in all your marketing campaigns and department, you're in the wrong business.","7409":"NFL Lobbyist Opens The Door To New Position On Daily Fantasy Leagues The league doesn\u2019t consider it \u201cgambling\" now, but if its legal status \u201cwere to change, we would change our view of it.\u201d","7410":"Louisiana Cops Arrested For Killing 6-Year-Old Boy NEW ORLEANS (AP) \u2014 Two Louisiana law enforcement officers remained jailed Saturday while their colleagues tried to sort out","7411":"San Diego Police Officer Fatally Shot, Another Wounded The shooting followed a traffic stop, late Thursday night.","7412":"U.S. Olympian Deletes Selfie With Ivanka Trump: 'I Was Tired Of Reading The Hate' \u201cIt was allowing people to spew hate at each other which broke my heart,\" said bobsledder Lauren Gibbs.","7413":"Is Spotify Fair to Musicians? A Chat With Mark Kelly The fundamental question is one of fairness. Are artists being rightfully compensated for their contributions? And what about future artists? Will sufficient incentives exist for them to make music?","7414":"What It Takes to Become a Billionaire You're determined. So what? You haven't been racing naked through shark-infested waters yet.","7415":"Bring The Stanley Cup To Tennessee: Catching Up With Billy Ray Cyrus Internationally renowned multi-platinum recording artist and acclaimed actor, Billy Ray Cyrus, is marking a milestone this","7416":"Two Ways Entrepreneurs and CEOs Mistake Growth for Value Whether in a small or mid-size entrepreneurial business or a major corporation, the CEO sets the vision and direction for the company. But is there real value in the vision? Is the entire company focused on creating that value? Does the company culture support adding value?","7417":"MLB Announces New Domestic Violence Policy Commissioner Rob Manfred will have sweeping disciplinary powers under a policy that also includes education and treatment.","7418":"This Photo Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Corporate Boardrooms A new report says the directors of the largest companies in the world are overwhelmingly male -- and things aren't likely to change much anytime soon.","7419":"Even Siri Knows How Sad The Cleveland Browns Are Siri's got jokes.","7420":"Video From Fort Lauderdale Airport Shows Moment Gunman Opened Fire Without warning, he pulls out a 9mm semi-automatic handgun and fires it repeatedly.","7421":"This Tattoo Proves Lions Fans Never Give Up Hope (And Are Entirely Delusional) ","7422":"MLB Manager Apologizes For Dropping 77 F-Bombs In Epic Rant ","7423":"Fake It 'Til You Make It Please don't. Instead, let me offer you six ways to gain the relationship edge in business and life that don't require you to be a poser. is what I recommend you do -- seek to help, give, assist, empower, and support.","7424":"U.S. Wins Ryder Cup For First Time Since 2008 By Larry Fine CHASKA, Minnesota (Reuters) - Ryan Moore clinched a thrilling U.S. Ryder Cup triumph over Europe on Sunday","7425":"Mining the Gold in Your Discarded Sales Leads I was hired to help an organization that did manufacturing consulting get more business. It was just after the recession of the early 90's, and many of the consultants had lost their jobs with aerospace companies.","7426":"Officer Clashes With Protester After Freddie Gray Decision Video shows the man fall to the ground among a group of protesters as more police rush in and drag away the man.","7427":"NFL Rookie Says He's Giving Back 3\/4 Of His Signing Bonus The NFL rookie said he's giving the majority of his signing bonus back.","7428":"Senators Want The Women's U.S. Open Moved From Donald Trump's Golf Course The USGA should relocate the event because of Trump's comments about women, the senators say.","7429":"James Worthy Got Too Hyped For His Own Good After The Lakers Won \"GET THAT CELTIC A**.\"","7430":"Cops Kill Man With Asperger's After Being Asked To Check On Him He had gained viral fame last year after posting a touching video of his therapy dog.","7431":"6 Unusual Habits of Exceptionally Creative People Day jobs provide more than the much-needed financial security to create freely. They also add structure to your day that can make your creative time a wonderful release. The list of successful, creative minds who kept their day jobs is a long one.","7432":"'DWTS' Entrant Ryan Lochte Says He Made 'A Very Big Mistake' In Rio \"It's something that won't ever happen again.\"","7433":"Can Nonprofit Management Usurp Board Responsibilities? On balance management will always have more information about the organization than volunteer board members. As a result, directors must be proactive in seeking information from management and a variety of other sources, even if they must involve employees other than senior management.","7434":"Innovation in Legal Practice: Beyond the Current Model of Professionalism This crisis of representation is not an aberration. It is a structural feature of the system of lawyer professionalism we have built, and it will not go away until we build a different way to deliver the benefits of law to people in need of them.","7435":"How John Cena's Wrestlemania 33 Opponent Is Chosen... | WrestleSketch #12 ","7436":"Six Dead, 10 Hurt In Baltimore Commuter, School Bus Crash A Baltimore school bus with no students aboard smashed into an oncoming commuter bus on Tuesday, killing at least six people","7437":"Grocery Chains Made A Promise To The First Lady, But They Broke It An AP investigation found that major grocers overwhelmingly avoid building stores in America's food deserts.","7438":"How Much Is A Boss Worth? An awful lot of Americans are skeptical about the value of their nation\u2019s corporate executives. As a 2016 nationwide survey","7439":"Police Raid Pot Club Of Reporter Who Quit Her Job On TV ","7440":"Chipotle Sued For Misleading GMO Claims (Reuters) - Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc's new GMO-free menu claims have lured diners and boosted the burrito chain's stock","7441":"VW's Emissions Cheat Could Kill Upwards Of 59 People In The U.S. Not a victimless crime.","7442":"The Secret to Successful Innovation: Not Being Afraid to Fail To create an innovative culture and climate, managers need to make sure that all employees know that innovation is a job requirement. It should be woven into the fabric of the business and given a prominent place in job descriptions, procedures and performance evaluations.","7443":"The Dallas Cowboys Are Going All-In On Abusive Greg Hardy Because football.","7444":"Man Arrested Over Threats To CNN: 'Fake News. I'm Coming To Gun You All Down.' It has been zero days since President Trump last called CNN \"fake news.\"","7445":"Nailed To The Chessboard For 50 Years ","7446":"Hershey: U.S. Income Inequality Is Transforming The Chocolate Business CEO: \"We are seeing a widening disparity between upper-income and lower-income\"","7447":"NBP Players' Union Responds To Clippers Owner's Alleged Racist Comments ","7448":"Text From Missing Teen's Phone: 'I've Killed Veronica' ","7449":"Canada's Ice Hockey Team Crushes OAR To Set Up U.S. Showdown At Winter Olympics Since 1998, U.S. and Canada have met on every final except at the 2006 Turin Olympics.","7450":"Leading for Success: Setting Critical Success Factors Understanding how we're going to be measured and how success in one's job or department will be defined is important to everyone. And yet, selecting those critical measurements to drive performance and decision-making can be tougher than one might think.","7451":"Pinterest Now Analyzing Pay For Discrimination Against Women Big companies have been doing this for years, and now startups are too.","7452":"Police Arrest Man Suspected Of Vandalizing Colorado Mosque Joseph Scott Giaquinto is suspected of throwing rocks and a Bible through the mosque's glass doors over the weekend.","7453":"The End of Economics Why was the economics profession caught unaware by the financial crisis of 2008? Why did their models fail to predict a recession that very nearly became a worldwide depression?","7454":"U.S. Soccer's No-Win Scenario How can you expect us to get on board with the USMNT when the coach doesn't even believe in them? If I had a chance to counsel Klinsmann on public relations for his team, I could limit it to three words: \"Know your audience.\"","7455":"Why Spain's Poor Fear Goldman Sachs ","7456":"Here's What CEOs Can Do To Earn The Public's Trust Make money, do good.","7457":"UCSB Shooting Suspect Identified ","7458":"Debt Collectors Have Figured Out A Way To Seize Your Wages And Savings ","7459":"Man Shot After Opening Fire On Officers In Ferguson, Police Say Authorities told KTVI, the local Fox affiliate, that one man was shot by police and taken to an area hospital.\u00a0 During","7460":"Chicago Cubs Advance To First NLCS Since 2003 They are hoping to win their first World Series since 1908.","7461":"From 21st to 1st: How Google Won in a Saturated Market As we think about a new idea we shouldn't dismiss existing markets. Often the biggest opportunities are right in front of our face -- whether it is developing a new retail concept or bringing clean water each day to the 2 billion that don't have it.","7462":"An Anonymous Rich Person Is Hiding Money All Around San Francisco ","7463":"Newsweek, ABC '20\/20' Reports Expose Abuse, Torture Of Gay Youths And Troubled Teens \u201cOnce again, Alabama law enforcement has failed to protect children.\u201d","7464":"Michael Jordan Is 52 And Still Draining Buzzer-Beaters Another clutch basket from MJ.","7465":"Step Outside Your Comfort Zone It's okay to be unsure of where you're going. As long as you remain true to yourself and go with your heart, you won't look back. Just remember, even the darkest of times will lead you to the direction or path you're meant to follow.","7466":"Jamaica's Olympic Bobsleigh Coach Quits, Reportedly Threatens To Take Sled The sled threat may jeopardize the island's first Olympic female bobsledders' shot at competing in Pyeongchang.","7467":"PETA Is Not Happy About This Photo Of Dez Bryant With A Baby Monkey This is serious monkey business.","7468":"Mom Of Four Killed In Road Rage Incident ","7469":"Neo-Nazi Chat Logs Reveal Chilling Praise For Slaying Of Gay Jewish Student Members of the hate group Atomwaffen have been linked to five killings in recent months.","7470":"Under Armour Apologizes For Poorly Planned Iwo Jima Shirt ","7471":"'Sideshow' Stunt Stops Traffic On Golden Gate Bridge ","7472":"U.S. Women's Soccer Star Abby Wambach Arrested For DUI \"I promise that I will do whatever it takes to ensure that my horrible mistake is never repeated.\"","7473":"Instagram Champ Lionel Messi Shows Off Jersey From Stephen Curry This is how two really famous athletes congratulate each other.","7474":"Guy Tries To Solve Rubik's Cube Faster Than Usain Bolt Runs 100 Meters Because somebody has to give the sprinter some competition.","7475":"It's Not Only About Domestic Violence ","7476":"REPORT: Jack The Ripper Finally Identified ","7477":"Prosecution Can't Prove Woman Didn't Want To Be Set On Fire, Lawyer Says ","7478":"The Battle Over the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Fast-Track Gets Hot President Obama must be having trouble getting the votes for fast-track authority since the administration is now pulling out all the stops to push the deal. Obama insisted the deal is not secret, but googling \"TPP\" will not get you a copy of the text.","7479":"Take Action Without Overthinking ","7480":"Women in Business Q&A: Sophie Delafontaine, Artistic Director, Longchamp ","7481":"UA 3411: On Being A Randomly Picked Asian In America, when a source of authority says it randomly singles you out, you should always be wary.","7482":"Dozens of Spiked Bats Found In San Francisco, Baffling Police Is it artwork or \"someone trying to be sick\"?","7483":"White Supremacist 'Felt Such Exhilaration' After Killing 3 He took a swig of whiskey after the shooting, but was stunned to learn that he didn't shoot any Jews.","7484":"Why The Maker Of This Hovering Vehicle Won't Call It A 'Hoverboard\u2019 While everyone was going wild over two-wheeled, hands-free scooters, an aerospace company made a real freakin' hoverboard.","7485":"Police Find Body Of Missing Indiana University Student ","7486":"Man Arrested After Woman Seen Knocked In Path Of London Bus: Police A 50-year-old man was taken into custody two days after the video was released to the public.","7487":"J. Crew Will End On-Call Shifts For U.S. Workers Victoria's Secret, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap Inc and other retailers already agreed to end the practice.","7488":"WATCH: Last-Minute Goal Wins World Cup Match ","7489":"Heisman Winner Rashaan Salaam Found Dead At 42 He was a star running back at the University of Colorado in the '90s.","7490":"Our Daily Guide To The More Money, Less Stress Challenge All month long, we'll be here to demystify your financial life.","7491":"Seattle's Vigilante 'Bike Batman' Confronts Thieves, Gets Stolen Bicycles Back \"The only reason I do this is because it's the right thing to do.\"","7492":"No, Obama Didn't Kill Too Big To Fail Despite financial reforms, Wall Street behemoths remain big enough to jeopardize the economy if they fail, regulators said.","7493":"Business Executives: Gain Momentum and Keep it Using Digital Business executives, there are ways to supplement your business process and strategy, and it's up to you to do it. Gaining momentum in today's digital world is so much easier than it used to be years ago. Or is it?","7494":"How Walmart's Bosses Get Rich Off Welfare Abuse Forget about the guy at the grocery store using food stamps to buy lobster. Walmart, the world's largest retail company, is even more dependent on government welfare so it can make jaw-droppingly obscene profits.","7495":"Sex Offender Registries Are Not Really Keeping Your Children Safe: Here's Why The problem is that the politicians aren't advocating evidence-based approaches, and the advocates aren't focusing on the fact that more than 95 percent of offenders on a registry are not going to reoffend with a sex offense.","7496":"'Stockbroker's Bible' Just Told Oil Industry To Accept Its Demise Coming from the Financial Times, that's a sobering wake-up call.","7497":"Want to Change It? Scale It! ","7498":"How To Make A Billion Dollar Drug In 1961, newspapers around the world ran stories (accompanied by horrific images) of deformed babies whose mothers had taken","7499":"Souls of Wisdom It was the end of a fourth day of packed programming at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco where a series of talks, workshops and classes had left me exhausted but deeply inspired by this gathering of conscious business 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