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This command line tool is designed to help people interact with different sets of AWS profiles and EC2 instances. It allows you to easily switch between multiple sets of AWS credentials and perform the following operations:

  • list EC2 instances on the account, optionally filtered by a "Lane" tag.
  • quickly SSH into a specific EC2 instance using the correct credentials, optionally setting up tunnels to locally access services running on a given instance.
  • copy files to all EC2 instances in a given lane
  • run commands on all EC2 instances in a given lane

Sample Output

$ lanes ls
Current profile: foo
Fetching servers... done
│                       AWS Servers                        │
│ IDX │ LANE │ SERVER  │ IP ADDRESS │ STATE   │ ID         │
│ 1   │ dev  │ dev-01  │    │ running │ i-12341234 │
│ 2   │ uat  │ uat-01  │    │ running │ i-12341235 │
│ 3   │ prod │ prod-01 │    │ running │ i-12341236 │
│ 4   │ prod │ prod-02 │    │ running │ i-12341237 │

$ lanes ls dev
Current profile: foo
Fetching servers... done
│                  AWS Servers                             │
│ IDX │ LANE │ SERVER  │ IP ADDRESS │ STATE   │ ID         │
│ 1   │ dev  │ dev-01  │    │ running │ i-12341234 │

$ lanes ls prod
Current profile: foo
Fetching servers... done
│                  AWS Servers                             │
│ IDX │ LANE │ SERVER  │ IP ADDRESS │ STATE   │ ID         │
│ 1   │ prod │ prod-01 │    │ running │ i-12341236 │
│ 2   │ prod │ prod-02 │    │ running │ i-12341237 │

What Are Lanes?

A lane is basically a logical environment for your EC2 instances. For example, you could have a lane called "dev" for development servers, one called "uat" user acceptance testing, and one called "prod" for production servers.


Manual Installation

  1. Download a pre-compiled, released version from the releases page
  2. Mark the binary as executable
  3. Move the binary to your $PATH

For example:

$ curl -Lo /tmp/lanes
$ chmod +x /tmp/lanes
$ sudo mv /tmp/lanes /usr/local/bin/lanes

To compile from source, please see the instructions in the contributing section.

Arch Linux

There is a PKGBUILD in the AUR to help package and install lanes for Arch Linux-based distributions.


Initializing New Systems

As of v0.2.1, initial configuration is handled the first time you run any lanes command. You may also use the lanes init command.

# initialize a lanes and create a sample lanes profile
$ lanes init

# initialize a lanes and but do not create a sample lanes profile
$ lanes init --no-profile

# initialize a lanes, overwriting any existing lanes configuration (the
# "default" lanes profile will NOT be overwritten if it exists)
$ lanes init --force

Alternatively, you may copy the $HOME/.lanes/ directory from another system where you have previously configured lanes.

Creating New Lane Profiles

lanes includes a helper to create fresh lane profiles:

# create a new profile, prompting for the profile name and AWS credentials
$ lanes init profile

# create a new profile named "foo", prompting only for the AWS credentials
$ lanes init profile foo

# create a new profile named "foo" with "ABCD" as the AWS Access Key ID,
# prompting only for the AWS Secret Access Key
$ lanes init profile foo ABCD

Profiles created with this command will include examples for how to configure individual lanes. lanes automatically switches to profiles created with this command. If you would like to create a new profile without switching to it immediately, use the --no-switch or -n flags:

# create a new profile named "foo", prompting only for the AWS credentials,
# without automatically switching to the new profile
$ lanes init profile foo --no-switch

Editing Lane Profiles

lanes includes a helper to quickly open the configuration for a specific profile in your default editor. Your default editor is determined by the $EDITOR environment variable. If this variable is not set, lanes attempts to use vi.

# edit your current profile using your default editor
$ lanes edit

# edit the profile called "foo" using your default editor
$ lanes edit foo

Selecting Lane Profiles

When executing lanes, the desired profile is determined first by the LANES_PROFILE environment variable. If this is not set, the profile configured in $HOME/.lanes/lanes.yml will be used.

If you wish to quickly change your default profile, you may use lanes switch [new profile name].


# override current profile for a single invocation
$ LANES_PROFILE=demo lanes ls

# override current profile for the rest of the terminal session
$ export LANES_PROFILE=demo
$ lanes ls

# set the default profile to $HOME/.lanes/home-profile.yml
$ lanes switch home-profile

Listing EC2 Instances


# list all instances for the current profile
$ lanes list
$ lanes ls

# list all instances in the "prod" lane for the current profile
$ lanes list prod
$ lanes ls prod

As of version 0.3.0, the list/ls command has a --batch/-b option to disable table headers and borders for easier use with batch operations. It is also possible to show specific columns with the --columns/-c option. Alternatively, specific columns may be hidden using the --hide option.

Using the list command in batch mode can be helpful when writing other scripts to interact with your AWS EC2 instances. For example, here's a one-liner to produce a roster for salt-ssh:

$ lanes ls -c SSH_IDENTITY,USER,IP,NAME | \
    sed "s,~,$HOME,g" | \
    awk '/\.pem/ { \
print $4":\n \
  host: "$3"\n \
  user: "$2"\n \
  sudo: true\n \
  tty: true\n \
  priv: "$1"\n \
"}' > /etc/salt/roster

As of version 0.4.0, the list/ls command also supports dumping the server table in CSV format using the --csv argument.

SSH Into Instance


# list all instances, prompting for the instance to connect to
$ lanes ssh

# list all instances in the "prod" lane, prompting for the instance to connect to
$ lanes ssh prod

Execute Command On All Lane Instances


# list all instances in the "prod" lane, confirming before executing the
# specified command on each instance
$ lanes sh prod 'ls -l'

# list all instances in the "prod" lane, executing the specified command on
# each instance without confirmation
$ lanes sh prod --confirm 'ls -l'

As of version 0.4.0, lanes sh supports running the specified command on multiple machines in parallel. There are three different options to enable parallel execution:

  • --parallel runs the specified command on all instances in the specified lane at the same time.
  • --num-parallel/-n N runs the specified command on up to N instances in the specified line at the same time.
  • --pparallel N runs the specified command on up to N% of the instances in the specified lane at the same time.

As of version 0.4.1, the command for lanes sh does not require quotes (though that's still permitted). Commands can be specified after -- as such:

# list all instances in the "prod" lane, confirming before executing the
# specified command on each instance
$ lanes sh prod -- ls -l

# list all instances in the "prod" lane, executing the specified command on
# each instance without confirmation
$ lanes sh prod --confirm -- ls -l

Push Files to All Lane Instances


# list all instances in the "dev" lane, confirming before copying localfile.txt
# to /tmp/localfile.txt on all instances
$ lanes file push dev localfile.txt /tmp/

# list all instances in the "dev" lane, confirming before copying localfile.txt
# and magic.log to /tmp/ on all instances
$ lanes file push dev localfile.txt magic.log /tmp/

# list all instances in the "dev" lane, copying localfile.txt and magic.log to
# /tmp/ on all instances without confirmation
$ lanes file push dev --confirm localfile.txt magic.log /tmp/


The configuration for this tool lives in $HOME/.lanes/ by default. There are two forms of configuration for lanes: the configuration for lanes itself and configuration for individual lanes in their respective files.

The configuration for lanes itself lives in $HOME/.lanes/lanes.yml by default. Here are the configuration options:

profile: default
region: us-west-2
disable_utf8: false
  name: Name
  lane: Lane
  • profile: default: this indicates that the "lane profile" should be read from $HOME/.lanes/default.yml.
  • region: us-west-2: this is the default AWS region to use when querying EC2 instances.
  • disable_utf8: false: this setting can be used to toggle UTF-8 and ASCII mode for table borders.
  • Name: this indicates that the EC2 instance tag named "Name" will be used to determine each instance's name. Change this if you use a different tag name in your environment.
  • tags.lane: Lane: this indicates that the EC2 instance tag named "Lane" will be used to determine each instance's lane. Change this if you use a different tag name in your environment.

The configuration for an individual lane lives in $HOME/.lanes/[lane profile name].yml by default. Here are the configuration options:

aws_profile: FADS
aws_access_key_id: ASDF
aws_secret_access_key: FDSA
region: us-east-1
      identity: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_dev
        - 8080:
        - 3306:
      identity: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_uat
      tunnel: 8080:
      identity: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_prod
  • aws_profile: the AWS profile to use from ~/.aws/credentials. This does not take precedence over aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key.
  • aws_access_key_id: the AWS access key ID for the lane profile.
  • aws_secret_access_key: the AWS secret access key for the lane profile.
  • region: the default region for this lane profile. If not specified, the region will be determined by the global configuration for lanes (see above).
  • ssh.mods.[lane name].user: the username to use when SSH'ing into an EC2 instance in the specified lane.
  • ssh.mods.[lane name].identity: the private key to use when SSH'ing into instances in the specified lane.
  • ssh.mods.[lane name].tunnel: a single tunnel to setup when SSH'ing to a specific EC2 instance in the specified lane.
  • ssh.mods.[lane name].tunnels: a list of tunnels to setup when SSH'ing to a specific EC2 instance in the specified lane.

Environment Variables

lanes supports a handful of environment variables to quickly change behavior:

  • LANES_CONFIG_DIR: the directory where all configuration is expected to reside. Default: $HOME/.lanes/
  • LANES_CONFIG: the configuration file to use for lanes. Default: $LANES_CONFIG_DIR/lanes.yml
  • LANES_REGION: the AWS region to use when listing EC2 instances. Default: us-west-2
  • LANES_DISABLE_UTF8: set this to any value to use ASCII for table borders. UTF-8 borders are enabled by default.
  • LANES_TAG_LANE: the EC2 instance tag to use for determining which lane an instance belongs to. Default: Lane
  • LANES_TAG_NAME: the EC2 instance tag to use for determining an instance's name. Default: Name


To build and install lanes locally, you will need to have Go 1.8 or newer, as well as Glide to manage the build dependencies.

Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Install dependencies:

$ glide install

Build the binary:

# for Linux systems
$ make linux

# for OSX systems
$ make osx

# for both Linux and OSX
$ make

The resulting binaries will appear as ./bin/lanes_$GOOS_$GOARCH.

If you just want to run the tests:

$ make test

If you wish to contribute changes to the project, please fork the repository, make the changes in your fork, and submit a pull request.


This project is heavily based on The main reason for building this version was to ease the burden of installing the utility on different platforms.