- Translating Art into Technology: Physically Inspired Shading in 'Destiny 2' - Alexis Haraux, Nate Hawbaker (GDC 2018) (PDF)
- The Visual Effects Technology of 'Destiny - Ali Mayyasi, Brandon Whitley (GDC 2018)
- 'Destiny' Shader Pipeline - Natalya Tatarchuk , Chris Tchou (GDC 2017) (PDF)
- The Destiny Particle Architecture - Brandon Whitley (SIGGRAPH 2017)
- Destiny's Multithreaded Rendering Architecture - Natalya Tatarchuk (GDC 2015) (PDF)
- Multithreading the Entire Destiny Engine - Barry Genova (GDC 2015)
- Lessons from the Core Engine Architecture of Destiny - Chris Butcher (GDC 2015)
- Applied Graphics Research for Video Games - Natalya Tatarchuk (I3D 2015)
- Creating Content to Drive Destiny's Investment Game - Natalya Tatarchuk (SIGGRAPH 2014)
- Powering up Destiny's Level Creation and Rendering with Umbra 3 - Hao Chen, Otso Makinen (GDC 2013)
- Destiny: From Mythic Science Fiction to Rendering in Real-Time - Natalya Tatarchuk (SIGGRAPH 2013)
- Lighting Research at Bungie - Hao Chen, Natalya Tatarchuk (SIGGRAPH 2009)