- Get a CoCo/R for your language.
- Describe the following language in EBNF.
- Feed your EBNF to CoCo/R and make it generate a parser and scanner.
The language:
Programs start with the reserved word 'PROGRAM'. Then program name should follow. Program name is an identifier, which starts with a letter, and may contain numbers. Then ';' should follow. Then 'BEGIN' reserved word should follow. Then 'END' reserved word should follow. Then program name, mentioned after 'PROGRAM' should follow. Then the program should end with '.' symbol.
CoCo/R website: http://ssw.jku.at/Coco/
To commit: 0. the ATG file (EBNF representation)
- generated source code.
- note how to compile the source code with your version of CoCo/R. (make me a favour, provide a makefile)