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mc_worker retries too many times and give up too quick when server restart #209

wandermyz opened this issue Jan 24, 2019 · 3 comments


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This might be related to #208 but the discussion there lacks of context so I'm trying to open a new one here.

My goal is to make sure that if I run sudo service mongod restart, my Erlang application can automatically recover from the short glitch. I need this because otherwise any scale in/out or failover will take the Erlang application down. I'm using mongoc as I need to connect to a sharded Mongo Atlas instance in production.

I wrote a mongo_sup.erl to supervise all connections. Each pid that mongoc:connect returns become a child of my supervisor. Also as suggested in Issue 208, I added timeout by myself.

The problem is, when I do sudo service mongod restart, all the mc_worker spawned by mc_pool_sup crashes, but the mc_topology gen_server stays there. So my timeout code won't help at all. And as mc_pool_sup as a spec of simple_one_for_one, 1000, 3600, it'll very quickly retry 1000 times (seems triggered somewhere that I didn't figure out) without any waiting or thread yield and give up, even before mongod restarts. Then after mongod starts again, the Erlang application will no longer retry connecting.

I have to add a timeout code inside mc_worker and then it seems working

init(Options) ->
  case mc_worker_logic:connect_to_database(Options) of
    {ok, Socket} ->
    Error ->
      io:format("mc_worker Error ~p~n", [Error]),
      timer:sleep(5000),  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Am I misunderstanding something and is this the correct way to use this library with mongoc?

The supervisor code

init(Params) ->

    Conn1 = #{
        id       => mongo_local,
        start    => {?MODULE, connect, [
            {unknown, [ 
                {register, mongo_local},
                {connectTimeoutMS, 3000},
                {socketTimeoutMS, 100},
                {serverSelectionTimeoutMS, 3000}
        restart  => permanent,
        shutdown => 5000,
        type     => supervisor,
        modules  => [mongoc]

    Conn2 = ...
    Conn3 = ...

    SupFlags = #{
        strategy => one_for_one, 
        intensity => 10, 
        period => 30},
    ChildSpecs = [Conn1, Conn2, Conn3],
    {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}.

connect(Name, Seeds, Options, WorkerOptions) ->
    RetryInterval = 5000,

    case mongoc:connect(Seeds, Options, WorkerOptions) of
        {ok, Pid} ->
            try mongoc:status(Pid) of
                {ready, _, _, _} ->
                    State = mc_topology:get_state(Pid),
                    lager:info("Connected to ~p, State: ~p", [Name, State]),
                    {ok, Pid};
                Result ->
                    lager:info("Failed to connect to ~p, ~p", [Name, Result]),
                    {stop, Result}
                error:Reason -> 
                    lager:info("Failed to connect to ~p, ~p", [Name, Reason]),
                    {stop, Reason}

        {error, Error} -> 
            lager:info("Failed to connect to ~p, error ~p", [Name, Error]),
            {stop, Error};

        Result ->
            lager:info("Failed to connect to ~p, ~p", [Name, Result]),
            {stop, Result}

The log when I run sudo service mongod restart, where w:tl() is a function try to use mongo_api:insert to insert some records.

11:57:41.549 [info] [<0.352.0>] Connected to mongo_local, State: {topology_state,["localhost:27017"],<0.354.0>,standalone,undefined,undefined,undefined,primary,[],98363,3000,200,[{database,<<"account_dev">>}],[{register,mongo_local},{connectTimeoutMS,3000},{socketTimeoutMS,100},{serverSelectionTimeoutMS,3000}],5000}

(accountserver@yang-mbp-local-skyvm)1> 11:57:51.378 [error] [<0.363.0>] gen_server <0.363.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.364.0>] gen_server <0.364.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.365.0>] gen_server <0.365.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.366.0>] gen_server <0.366.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.367.0>] gen_server <0.367.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.368.0>] gen_server <0.368.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.369.0>] gen_server <0.369.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.370.0>] gen_server <0.370.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.371.0>] gen_server <0.371.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.379 [error] [<0.372.0>] gen_server <0.372.0> terminated with reason: tcp_closed
11:57:51.414 [error] [<0.363.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.363.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.414 [error] [<0.364.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.364.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.415 [error] [<0.365.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.365.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.415 [error] [<0.367.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.367.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.416 [error] [<0.368.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.368.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.417 [error] [<0.369.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.369.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.417 [error] [<0.366.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.366.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.418 [error] [<0.370.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.370.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.418 [error] [<0.371.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.371.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.419 [error] [<0.372.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.372.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: tcp_closed in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.419 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.363.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.420 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.364.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.420 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.365.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.421 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.367.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.421 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.368.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.422 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.369.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.423 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.366.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.424 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.370.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.425 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.371.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.425 [error] [<0.362.0>] Supervisor {<0.362.0>,poolboy_sup} had child mc_worker started with {mc_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.372.0> exit with reason tcp_closed in context child_terminated
11:57:51.426 [error] [<0.361.0>] gen_server <0.361.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.427 [error] [<0.361.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.361.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.428 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at <0.361.0> exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context child_terminated
11:57:51.429 [error] [<0.376.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.376.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.430 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at <0.361.0> exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.430 [error] [<0.377.0>] gen_server <0.377.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.433 [error] [<0.377.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.377.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.434 [error] [<0.379.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.379.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.435 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at {restarting,<0.361.0>} exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.435 [error] [<0.380.0>] gen_server <0.380.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.437 [error] [<0.380.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.380.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.492 [error] [<0.382.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.382.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.494 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at {restarting,<0.361.0>} exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.494 [error] [<0.383.0>] gen_server <0.383.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.494 [error] [<0.383.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.383.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.495 [error] [<0.385.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.385.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.497 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at {restarting,<0.361.0>} exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.497 [error] [<0.386.0>] gen_server <0.386.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.499 [error] [<0.386.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.386.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.500 [error] [<0.388.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.388.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.500 [error] [<0.389.0>] gen_server <0.389.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.501 [error] [<0.389.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.389.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.501 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at {restarting,<0.361.0>} exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.501 [error] [<0.391.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.391.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.502 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at {restarting,<0.361.0>} exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.502 [error] [<0.392.0>] gen_server <0.392.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.502 [error] [<0.392.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.392.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.502 [error] [<0.394.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.394.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
11:57:51.503 [error] [<0.353.0>] Supervisor mc_pool_sup had child worker_pool started with poolboy:start_link([{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,undefined}], [{host,"localhost"},{port,27017},{database,<<"account_dev">>}]) at {restarting,<0.361.0>} exit with reason no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in context start_error
11:57:51.503 [error] [<0.395.0>] gen_server <0.395.0> terminated with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275
11:57:51.503 [error] [<0.395.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.395.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:57:51.503 [error] [<0.397.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.397.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of right hand value {error,econnrefused} in poolboy:new_worker/1 line 275 in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352

(accountserver@yang-mbp-local-skyvm)1> w:tl().
11:58:00.145 [warning] [<0.30.0>] lager_error_logger_h dropped 3243 messages in the last second that exceeded the limit of 50 messages/sec
11:58:00.145 [error] [<0.355.0>] gen_server <0.355.0> terminated with reason: no such process or port in call to gen_server:call(mc_pool_sup, {start_child,[[{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,...}],...]}, infinity) in gen_server:call/3 line 212
11:58:00.146 [error] [<0.355.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.355.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no such process or port in call to gen_server:call(mc_pool_sup, {start_child,[[{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,...}],...]}, infinity) in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
11:58:00.146 [error] [<0.357.0>] gen_server <0.357.0> terminated with reason: no such process or port in call to gen_server:call(mc_pool_sup, {start_child,[[{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,...}],...]}, infinity)
11:58:00.147 [error] [<0.357.0>] CRASH REPORT Process <0.357.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: no such process or port in call to gen_server:call(mc_pool_sup, {start_child,[[{worker_module,mc_worker},{size,10},{max_overflow,10},{overflow_ttl,0},{overflow_check_period,...}],...]}, infinity) in gen_server:terminate/7 line 812
** exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
in function w:tl/0 (src/w.erl, line 152)

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sorry, I don't have much time right now to investigate your problem. But yes, it seems to be related to what you've mentioned.
Will linking topology to your sup help you when restarting?

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Linking topology to my sup doesn't help because topology doesn't crash; only mc_worker crashes.

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