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Internal flashing with coreboot

Nicola Corna edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 13 revisions

Internal flashing with coreboot

Since you're using coreboot this procedure is much easier than the non-coreboot case. First get a copy of your current firmware (and save it somewhere safe, in case something goes wrong) and check the ME region protections with ifdtool; if you have a laptop run

 $ flashrom -p internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick -c <CHIP MODEL> -r dump.bin

otherwise run

 $ flashrom -p internal -c <CHIP MODEL> -r dump.bin

Now run ifdtool -d dump.bin and check the section

 FLMSTR1:   0x........ (Host CPU/BIOS)

If the lines Intel ME Region Write Access and Intel ME Region Read Access are disabled you're out of luck, you have to use an external programmer to apply me_cleaner (or you can directly unlock the read/write access to the ME region with ifdtool -u dump.bin, but you still need an external programmer to flash the new permissions). Otherwise, if you have read/write access to the ME regions, you can proceed with this guide.

Neutralize Intel ME

If you don't need to recover the space freed by me_cleaner just change the coreboot build option Strip down the Intel ME/TXE firmware (CONFIG_USE_ME_CLEANER) to y, rebuild coreboot and flash it with the usual methods.

Neutralize and shrink Intel ME

If you instead want to recover the extra ROM space (which is a considerable amount of space, ~1 MB or ~5 MB, depending on the firmware type):

 $ python -r -t -d -O out.bin -D ifd_shrinked.bin -M me_shrinked.bin original_dump.bin

me_cleaner should print some output; note the lines

Modifying the regions of the extracted descriptor...
 00003000:004fffff me   --> 00003000:0001ffff me
 00500000:007fffff bios --> 00020000:007fffff bios

This means that me_cleaner has modified the original descriptor with this layout


to this new one, where the BIOS region is 4.9 MB bigger than before.


Three files should have been generated:

  • out.bin, a flashable full image with the original layout (which we don't need)
  • ifd_shrinked.bin, an Intel Flash Descriptor with the new layout
  • me_shrinked.bin, a modified Intel ME image, truncated to fit in the ME region of the new layout

Rebuild coreboot selecting descriptor_shrinked.bin as IFD_BIN_PATH, me_shrinked.bin as ME_BIN_PATH and increasing CBFS_SIZE accordingly and flash the resulting image.

It works!!

Great! If you want to check the status of Intel ME you can use intelmetool in coreboot/util/intelmetool:

 $ cd coreboot/util/intelmetool
 $ make
 # ./intelmetool -m

The relevant lines are

 ME: Error Code              : Image Failure

and (on pre-Skylake platforms)

 ME: Progress Phase State    : M0 kernel load

If it shows an error like

 Error mapping physical memory 0x..... [0x4000] ERRNO=1 Operation not permitted
 Could not map MEI PCI device memory

you just have to run your kernel with the iomem=relaxed option.

It doesn't work...

Don't panic! Just use an external programmer to flash back a working firmware:

 $ flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=10000 -c <CHIP MODEL> -w dump.bin

Everything should be now exactly as before, and the system should boot again. If you really want to have a deblobbed Intel ME firmware you can open an issue on GitHub and look for possible solutions.