Made for Woohoojin.
A highly robust Discord management bot with a featureset designed around content creation and entertainment.
Hosted on Digital Ocean
Knowers only.
If you've previously run RoboBanana and used a config.ini
file to configure the bot, please run our provided
migration tool
after reinstalling requirements.txt
. This will generate two new files,
and secrets.yaml
, which will be the new configuration files for RoboBanana.
pip install -r requirements.txt
These setup instructions outline the essential steps for initializing the bot and enabling it to respond to commands from Discord clients.
For development purposes it is required to have your own Discord server to test against. Setup your own server by following this guide
By enabling Developer Mode it will become much easier to find the ID/Snowflakes required for the bot to run.
- Open "User Settings" in the client (this will look like a small cog next to your user)
- Advanced
- Toggle "Developer Mode" to On.
Now when right clicking on any element in the client you will be able to copy the ID/Snowflake.
For the bot to run there are a minimum of 4 roles needed.
- Click your server name in the upper-left corner of your server.
- Go to Server Settings > Roles.
- Click Create Role.
- Mod (give this one administrator permissions)
- tier1
- tier2
- tier3
You will also need to add yourself as a member to all 4 roles. Mod must have a capital M.
To create an Application which is required to link Discord to your local code follow Step 1 from this guide. Steps 2 and 3 are not required for this setup.
Copy the config.example.yaml file to be config.yaml. Copy the secrets.example.yaml file to be secrets.yaml. These should remain gitignored.
: This is the token you saved when creating an application.
Anything ending in Channel, or ChannelID will need an ID/Snowflake of a channel. For ease of set up these can all be the same ID.
With Developer Mode on simply right click the channel name and select Copy Channel ID
: Go to Roles, you should see a role there with your bots name. right click the role name and copy ID.
Discord.Subscribers.GiftedTier#Role and Discord.Subscribers.Tier#Role
: As above but now with the relevant role id for tiers.
: ID for the Mod role.
: Right click your server/server name Copy Server ID
/ Secrets.Database
: Replace the values with what you set when running your mysql server
Ensure that you have Docker / Docker Compose installed. Follow the prerequisites of the Try Docker Compose docs. Once this is done, it is highly recommended for convenience to create a .env
file with the following contents:
Then simply run
docker compose up
This will start up the bot and server with hot-reloading enabled. Updates to commands and server endpoints should happen without the need to restart the containers. When adding new commands to the command tree, it is likely that the bot will need to be restarted with
docker compose restart bot
See Server Slash Commands to make sure that commands are synced to your testing Discord server on the first run.
To run the bot locally, there are a few extra setup steps required to get your environment ready.
We highly recommend you setup a venv to ensure that your RoboBanana environment is isolated from other projects you may be working on. Creation of virtual environments
With the venv active install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will also need MySQL and Redis for RoboBanana to connect to. This can be accomplished a number of ways. Reference one of the tutorials below:
- Start the hypercorn server
[RoboBanana]$ ./
2023-08-26 22:20:32 INFO apscheduler.scheduler Adding job tentatively -- it will be properly scheduled when the scheduler starts
2023-08-26 22:20:32 INFO apscheduler.scheduler Added job "keep_alive" to job store "default"
2023-08-26 22:20:32 INFO apscheduler.scheduler Scheduler started
2023-08-26 22:20:32 INFO discord.client logging in using static token
[2023-08-26 22:20:32 +0100] [46277] [INFO] Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-08-26 22:20:32 INFO hypercorn.error Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-08-26 22:20:33 INFO discord.gateway Shard ID None has connected to Gateway (Session ID: ba8b122009a7d9aaa2c387f51f43ab84).
2023-08-26 22:20:35 INFO server.util.discord_client Logged in as my_robobanana#5138 (ID: 1143616097560580116)
Initiate an instance of the Bot:
[RoboBanana]$ python
2023-08-27 13:08:19 WARNING discord.client PyNaCl is not installed, voice will NOT be supported
2023-08-27 13:08:19 INFO discord.client logging in using static token
2023-08-27 13:08:20 INFO discord.gateway Shard ID None has connected to Gateway (Session ID: d34b64a9793cadc830aecd6870fa4289).
2023-08-27 13:08:22 INFO root Logged in as my_robobanana#5138 (ID: 1143616097560580116)
2023-08-27 13:08:22 INFO controllers.temprole_controller [TEMPROLE TASK] Running expire roles...
To import the required slash commands for RoboBanana to work open the file and uncomment the following 4 lines;
# guild = discord.Object(id=GUILD_ID)
# tree.clear_commands(guild=guild)
# tree.copy_global_to(guild=guild)
# await tree.sync(guild=guild)
After running the bot for the first time it is important to stop the bot and comment the lines out again. If this is not done then you may become rate limited by Discord.