Releases: cylc/cylc-flow
A minor maintenance release with 12 fixes and minor enhancements merged since cylc-7.7.1.
Changes include improved job poll logging, suppression of irrelevant warnings, corrected some typos in the user guide, avoid crashing on reloading a restarted suite with no final cycle point set, and fixes for several other rarely encountered bugs.
See for details.
A minor maintenance release containing around 20 fixes merged since cylc-7.7.0.
Changes include suppression of some annoying warnings under old Python versions; corrected X11 forwarding for job log editing via the GUI; correct handling of job polling under PBS when qstat fails to connect to the server;
and a fix for job poll timer reload on restart (bug introducted in 7.7.0).
See for details.
A significant release with 66 new development branches merged. Includes: new "late" task events; FIFO release from internal queues; cylc cat-log
improvements (CLI arguments rationalized, remote operations behind a cylc
subcommand, no orphaned tail processes on remote hosts); dynamic process pool size; improved client/server interface and task messaging; process pool command timeout; improved installation documentation; respect configured delay intervals when polling after job execution timeout.
See for details.
A minor release including a number of fixes made since 7.6.0. These affect the GUI, parameterized tasks, edit runs, and recovery from failed task host select commands.
See for details.
Many enhancements and fixes, to features and efficiency - too many to list here; please see for details.
Many changes and fixes including: arbitrary suite and task metadata items that can be passed to event handlers; new shell function to abort a job with a custom message that can be passed to task failed event handlers; removed auto-fallback to HTTP communications; many validation and runtime efficiency improvements; new task runtime reporting tool; fix cylc cat-log
"open in editor" for remote jobs; ensure that task parameter values are exported, in task job scripts, before the user environment section; and more - please see for details.
Various minor changes and fixes, including: open job logs in your editor; cylc gscan
improvements; pass suite and task URLs to event handlers; efficiency improvements; stepped integer parameters; fix auto (i.e. graph syntax generated) suite-polling tasks (broken in 7.3.0); bundle latest Jinja2 version; and more - see for details.
New Suite Design Guide (separate from the User Guide); stop and hold suites and groups of suites from the cylc gscan
GUI; dummy and simulation mode improvements. See for details.
Fixed two recent GUI bugs (principally broken gcylc graph view in 7.2.0), and some other minor changes. See for details.
New Jinja2 "assert" and "raise" functions for better error handling in suites, plus some minor fixes. Please see for details.