This is a non-exhaustive list of definitions and their creators. If you created a definition but are not listed then feel free to send a pull request on this file with your name and url.
All definitions files include a header with the author and editors, so at some point this list will be auto-generated.
- accounting.js (by Sergey Gerasimov)
- Ace Cloud9 Editor (by Diullei Gomes)
- Add To Home Screen (by James Wilkins)
- AmCharts (by Covobonomo)
- AngularAgility (by Roland Zwaga)
- AngularBootstrapLightbox (by Roland Zwaga)
- AngularFire (by Dénes Harmath)
- AngularJS (by Diego Vilar) (wiki)
- angularLocalStorage (by Hiroki Horiuchi)
- angular-file-upload (by John Reilly)
- angular-spinner (by Marcin Biegała)
- AngularUI (by Michel Salib)
- Angular Hotkeys (by Jason Zhao)
- angular-http-auth (by vvakame)
- Angular Protractor (by Bill Armstrong)
- Angular notify (by Suwato)
- Angular Translate (by Michel Salib)
- Angular UI Bootstrap (by Brian Surowiec)
- any-db (by Rogier Schouten)
- any-db-transaction (by Rogier Schouten)
- AppFramework (by Kyo Ago)
- Arbiter (by Arash Shakery)
- asciify (by Alan)
- assert (by vvakame)
- async (by Boris Yankov)
- atmosphere (by Kai Toedter)
- Atom (by vvakame)
- Auth0 (by Robert McLaws)
- Auth0.Widget (by Robert McLaws)
- aws-sdk-js (by midknight41)
- Backbone.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Backbone Relational (by Eirik Hoem)
- big.js (by Steve Ognibene)
- BigInt (by Eugene Chernyshov)
- BigInteger (by Ingo Bürk)
- BigScreen (by Douglas Eichelberger)
- Bluebird (by Bart van der Schoor)
- Bootbox (by Vincent Bortone)
- Bootstrap (by Boris Yankov)
- bootstrap-notify (by Blake Niemyjski)
- bootstrap.datepicker (by Boris Yankov)
- Box2DWeb (by Josh Baldwin)
- Breeze (by Boris Yankov)
- Browser Harness (by Chris Scribner)
- bucks (by Shunsuke Ohtani)
- bunyan (by Alex Mikhalev)
- bunyan-logentries (by Aymeric Beaumet)
- CasperJS (by Jed Mao)
- CanvasJS (by Mark Overholt)
- checksum (by Rogier Schouten)
- Cheerio (by Bret Little)
- Chosen (by Boris Yankov)
- Chroma.js (by Sebastian Brückner)
- Chrome (by Matthew Kimber and otiai10)
- Chrome App (by Adam Lay)
- CKEditor (by Ondrej Sevcik)
- Clone (by Kieran Simpson)
- CodeMirror (by François de Campredon)
- Commander (by Marcelo Dezem and vvakame)
- configstore (by Bart van der Schoor)
- cookie (by Pine Mizune)
- cookie.js (by Boltmade)
- Cordova (by Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.)
- Cordovarduino (by Hendrik Maus)
- Couchbase / Couchnode (by Basarat Ali Syed)
- Crossfilter (by Schmulik Raskin)
- crypto-js (by Gia Bảo @ Sân Đình). @see cryptojs.d.ts repo
- d3.js (from TypeScript samples)
- dat.GUI (by gyoh_k)
- debug (by Seon-Wook Park)
- dhtmlxGantt (by Maksim Kozhukh)
- dhtmlxScheduler (by Maksim Kozhukh)
- diff (by vvakame)
- Dock Spawn (by Drew Noakes)
- docCookies (by Jon Egerton)
- domo (by Steve Fenton)
- doT (by ZombieHunter)
- dust (by Marcelo Dezem)
- EaselJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- EasyStar (by Magnus Gustafsson)
- Elm (by Dénes Harmath)
- Ember.js (by Jed Mao and Boris Yankov)
- emissary (by vvakame)
- Emscripten (by Kensuke MATSUZAKI)
- EpicEditor (by Boris Yankov)
- ES6-Promises (by François de Campredon)
- Esprima (by Teppei Sato)
- expect.js (by Teppei Sato)
- EventEmitter2 (by Ryo Iwamoto)
- expectations (by vvakame)
- Express (by Boris Yankov)
- express-session (by Hiroki Horiuchi)
- express-myconnection (by Michael Ferris
- Ext JS (by Brian Kotek)
- Fabric.js (by Oliver Klemencic)
- Fancybox (by Boris Yankov)
- FastClick (by Shinnosuke Watanabe)
- File API: Directories and System (by Kon)
- File API: Writer (by Kon)
- Finch (by David Sichau)
- fingerprintjs (by Shunsuke Ohtani)
- Finite State Machine (by Boris Yankov)
- Firebase (by Vincent Bortone)
- Firefox (by vvakame)
- FlexSlider (by Diullei Gomes)
- Flight by Twitter (by Jonathan Hedrén)
- flipsnap.js (by kubosho_, gsino, Mayuki Sawatari)
- Foundation (by Boris Yankov)
- FPSMeter (by Aaron Lampros)
- fs-extra (by midknight41)
- FullCalendar (by Neil Stalker)
- Fuse.js (by Greg Smith)
- Gamepad (by Kon)
- GeoJSON (by Jake Bruun)
- Giraffe (by Matt McCray)
- glDatePicker (by Dániel Tar)
- Glob (by vvakame)
- GoJS (by Barbara Duckworth)
- Greasemonkey (by Kota Saito)
- GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) (by Robert S.)
- gridfs-stream (by Lior Mualem)
- Grunt JS (by Jeff May, Basarat Ali Syed and San Chen)
- Google API Client (by Frank M)
- Google App Engine Channel API (by vvakame)
- GoogleMaps (by Esben Nepper)
- GoogleMaps InfoBubble (by Johan Nilsson)
- Google Geolocation (by Vincent Bortone)
- Google Page Speed Online API (by Frank M)
- Google Translate API (by Frank M)
- Google Url Shortener (by Frank M)
- gulp (by Drew Noakes)
- Hammer.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Hapi (by Hakubo)
- Handlebars (by Boris Yankov)
- HashMap (by Rafał Wrzeszcz)
- HashSet (by Sergey Gerasimov)
- Hashtable (by Sergey Gerasimov)
- HelloJS (by Pavel Zika)
- Highcharts (by damianog)
- Highland (by Bart van der Schoor)
- highlight.js (by Niklas Mollenhauer and Jeremy Hull)
- History.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Html2Canvas.js (by Richard Hepburn)
- htmlparser2 (by James Roland Cabresos)
- http-string-parser (by MIZUNE Pine)
- Humane.js (by John Vrbanac)
- i18next (by Maarten Docter)
- i18n-node (by Maxime LUCE)
- iCheck (by Dániel Tar)
- Impress.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Intercom.js (by Spencer Williams)
- Imagemagick (by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco)
- inflection (by Shogo Iwano)
- insight (by vvakame)
- interact.js (by Douglas Eichelberger)
- Ion.RangeSlider (by Douglas Eichelberger)
- Ionic-Cordova (by Hendrik Maus)
- iScroll (by Boris Yankov and Christiaan Rakowski)
- IxJS (Interactive extensions) (by Igor Oleinikov)
- jake (by Kon)
- Jasmine (by Boris Yankov)
- Jasmine-data_driven_tests (by Anthony MacKinnon)
- Jasmine-jQuery (by Gregor Stamac)
- jDataView (by Ingvar Stepanyan)
- Jest (by Joshua Smith)
- JointJS (by Aidan Reel)
- jQRangeSlider (by Dániel Tar)
- jQuery (from TypeScript samples)
- jQuery Mobile (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery UI (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.Address (by Martin Duparc and Tim Klingeleers)
- jQuery.areYouSure (by Jon Egerton)
- jQuery.autosize (by Jack Moore)
- jQuery.BBQ (by Adam R. Smith)
- jQuery.CLEditor (by Jeffery Grajkowski)
- jQuery.clientSideLogging (by Diullei Gomes)
- jQuery.Colorbox (by Gidon Junge)
- jQuery.contextMenu (by Natan Vivo)
- jQuery.Cookie (by Roy Goode)
- jQuery.customSelect (by tomato360)
- jQuery.Cycle (by François Guillot)
- jQuery.Cycle2 (by Donny Nadolny)
- jQuery.dataTables (by Armin Sander)
- jQuery.datetimepicker (by Doug McDonald)
- jQuery.dynatree (by François de Campredon)
- jQuery.Fileupload (by Rob Alarcon)
- jQuery.Finger (by Max Ackley)
- jQuery.Flot (by Matt Burland)
- jQuery.form (by François Guillot)
- jQuery.Globalize (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.gridster (by Josh Baldwin)
- jQuery.jNotify (by James Curran)
- jQuery.joyride (by Vincent Bortone)
- jQuery.jSignature (by Patrick Magee)
- jQuery.leanModal(by tomato360)
- jQuery.notifyBar (by Shunsuke Ohtani)
- jQuery.noty (by Aaron King)
- jQuery.payment (by Eric J. Smith)
- jQuery.pickadate (by Theodore Brown)
- jQuery.pjax (by Junle Li)
- jQuery.pjax.falsandtru (by NewNotMoon)
- jQuery.pnotify (by David Sichau)
- jQuery.postMessage (by Junle Li)
- jQuery.prettyphoto (by Paul Gaske)
- jQuery.rowGrid (by Vinayak Garg)
- jQuery.scrollTo (by Neil Stalker)
- jQuery.simplePagination (by Natan Vivo)
- jquery.superLink (by Blake Niemyjski)
- jQuery.tile (by Shunsuke Ohtani)
- jQuery.timeago (by François Guillot)
- jQuery.Timepicker (by Anwar Javed)
- jQuery.Timer (by Joshua Strobl)
- jQuery.TinyCarousel (by Christiaan Rakowski)
- jQuery.TinyScrollbar (by Christiaan Rakowski)
- jQuery.tooltipster (by Patrick Magee)
- (by Jeremy Brooks)
- jQuery.Transit (by MrBigDog2U)
- jQuery.Validation (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.Watermark (by Anwar Javed)
- jQuery.base64 (by Shinya Mochizuki)
- jquery-handsontable (by Ted John)
- js-git (by Bart van der Schoor)
- js-url (by MIZUNE Pine)
- js-yaml (by Bart van der Schoor)
- jsbn (by Eugene Chernyshov)
- jScrollPane (by Dániel Tar)
- JSDeferred (by Daisuke Mino)
- JSONEditorOnline (by Vincent Bortone)
- JSON-Pointer (by Bart van der Schoor)
- jsonwebtoken (by Maxime LUCE)
- JsRender (by Kensuke MATSUZAKI)
- jStorage (by Danil Flores)
- jsTree (by Adam Pluciński)
- JWPlayer (by Martin Duparc)
- KeyboardJS (by Vincent Bortone)
- keymaster.js (by Marting W. Kirst)
- Keypress (by Roger Chen)
- KineticJS (by Basarat Ali Syed)
- Knockback (by Marcel Binot)
- Knockout.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Knockout.Amd.Helpers (by David Sichau)
- Knockout.DeferredUpdates (by Sebastián Galiano)
- Knockout.ES5 (by Sebastián Galiano)
- Knockout.Mapper (by Brandon Meyer)
- Knockout.Mapping (by Boris Yankov)
- Knockout.Postbox (by Judah Gabriel Himango)
- Knockout.Rx (by Igor Oleinikov)
- Knockout Secure Binding (by Pine Mizune)
- Knockout.Validation (by Dan Ludwig)
- Knockout.Viewmodel (by Oisin Grehan)
- Knockstrap (by Adam Pluciński)
- ko.editables (by Oisin Grehan)
- KoLite (by Boris Yankov)
- Lazy.js (by Bart van der Schoor)
- Leaflet (by Vladimir)
- Libxmljs (by François de Campredon)
- ladda (by Danil Flores)
- Levelup (by Bret Little)
- linq.js (by Marcin Najder)
- Livestamp.js (by Vincent Bortone)
- localForage (by david pichsenmeister)
- Lodash (by Brian Zengel)
- Logg (by Bret Little)
- Long.js (by Toshihide Hara)
- lz-string (by Roman Nikitin)
- Mapbox (by Maxime Fabre)
- Marked (by William Orr)
- MathJax (by Roland Zwaga)
- mCustomScrollbar (by Sarah Williams)
- Meteor (by Dave Allen)
- md5.js (by MIZUNE Pine)
- Microsoft Ajax (by Patrick Magee)
- Microsoft Live Connect (by John Vilk)
- Minimatch (by vvakame)
- minimist (by Bart van der Schoor)
- Mithril (by Leo Horie and Chris Bowdon)
- Mixpanel (by Knut Eirik Leira Hjelle)
- mixto (by vvakame)
- mocha-phantomjs (by ErikSchierboom)
- Modernizr (by Boris Yankov and Theodore Brown)
- Moment.js (by Michael Lakerveld)
- MongoDB (from TypeScript samples, updated by Niklas Mollenhauer)
- mongoose (by Hiroki Horiuchi)
- morgan (by James Roland Cabresos)
- Mousetrap (by Dániel Tar)
- msgpack.js (by Shinya Mochizuki)
- msnodesql (by Boris Yankov and Maxime LUCE)
- Mustache.js (by Boris Yankov)
- mysql (by William Johnston)
- nconf (by Jeff Goddard)
- needle (by San Chen)
- nexpect (by vvakame)
- noble (by Seon-Wook Park)
- nock (by bonnici)
- Node.js (from TypeScript samples)
- node_redis (by Boris Yankov)
- node-azure (by Andrew Gaspar, Anti Veeranna and Maxime LUCE)
- node-ffi (by Paul Loyd)
- node-form (by Roman Samec)
- node-git (by vvakame)
- node-sqlserver (by Boris Yankov and Maxime LUCE)
- nodeunit (by Jeff Goddard)
- node_zeromq (by Dave McKeown)
- node-tar (by Maxime LUCE)
- node-uuid (by Jeff May)
- notify.js (by soundTricker)
- npm (by Maxime LUCE)
- NProgress (by Judah Gabriel Himango)
- Numeral.js (by Vincent Bortone)
- object-path (by Paulo Cesar)
- ocLazyLoad (by Roland Zwaga)
- OpenLayers (by Ilya Bolkhovsky)
- opn (by Shinnosuke Watanabe)
- Optimist (by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco)
- Passport (by Hiroki Horiuchi)
- passport-facebook (by James Roland Cabresos)
- passport-local (by Maxime LUCE)
- passport-strategy (by Lior Mualem)
- pathwatcher (by vvakame)
- Parallel.js (by Josh Baldwin)
- Parsimmon (by Bart van der Schoor)
- PDF.js (by Josh Baldwin)
- PeerJS (by Toshiya Nakakura)
- PEG.js (by vvakame)
- Persona (by James Frasca)
- PgwModal (by Pine Mizune)
- PhantomJS (by Jed Hunsaker)
- PhoneGap (by Boris Yankov)
- Physijs (by gyoh_k)
- Pickadate.js (by Adi Dahiya)
- PixiJS (by Pedro Casaubon)
- Platform (by Jake Hickman)
- podcast (by Niklas Mollenhauer)
- PouchDB (by Bill Sears)
- PreloadJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- ProgressJs (by Shunsuke Ohtani)
- promise-pool (by VILIC VANE)
- Q (by Barrie Nemetchek, Andrew Gaspar)
- Qajax (by Boltmade)
- Q-io (by Bart van der Schoor)
- q-retry (by VILIC VANE)
- QUnit (by Diullei Gomes)
- Raven.js (by Santi Albo)
- Recaptcha.js (by Brent Jenkins)
- Rickshaw (by Blake Niemyjski)
- Riot.js (by vvakame)
- Restify (by Bret Little)
- React (by Phips Peter
- Redis (by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco)
- Request (by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco)
- Royalslider (by Christiaan Rakowski)
- Rx.js (by gsino, Igor Oleinikov, Carl de Billy, zoetrope)
- Raphael (by CheCoxshall)
- Restangular (by Boris Yankov)
- require.js (by Josh Baldwin)
- rtree.js (by Omede Firouz)
- Sammy.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Select2 (by Boris Yankov)
- Selenium WebDriverJS (by Bill Armstrong)
- Semver (by Bart van der Schoor)
- Sencha Touch (by Brian Kotek)
- sendgrid (by Maxime LUCE)
- SharePoint (by Stanislav Vyshchepan and Andrey Markeev)
- ShellJS (by Niklas Mollenhauer)
- Showdown (by Chris Bowdon)
- SignalR (by Boris Yankov)
- simple-cw-node (by vvakame)
- Sinon (by William Sears)
- SIPml (by Adriaan Groenenboom)
- sjcl (by Eugene Chernyshov)
- SlickGrid (by Josh Baldwin)
- smoothie (by Mike H. Hawley and Drew Noakes)
- (by William Orr)
- (by Maido Kaara)
- SockJS (by Emil Ivanov)
- sockjs-node (by Phil McCloghry-Laing)
- SoundJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- source-map (by Morten Houston Ludvigsen)
- Spin (by Boris Yankov)
- sqlite3 (by Nick Malaguti)
- stampit (by Vasyl Boroviak)
- status-bar (by vvakame)
- stripe (by Eric J. Smith)
- Store.js (by Vincent Bortone)
- stylus (by Maxime LUCE)
- Sugar (by Josh Baldwin)
- [svg-pan-zoom] ( (by [Chintan Shah] (
- swfobject (by rou)
- Swiper (by Sebastián Galiano)
- SwipeView (by Boris Yankov)
- Swiz (by Jeff Goddard)
- TV4 (by Bart van der Schoor)
- Tags Manager (by Vincent Bortone)
- Teechart (by Steema)
- text-buffer (by vvakame)
- text-encoding (by MIZUNE Pine)
- three.js (by Kon)
- through2 (by Bart van der Schoor and jedmao)
- TimelineJS (by Roland Zwaga)
- timezonecomplete (by Rogier Schouten)
- Toastr (by Boris Yankov)
- trunk8 (by Blake Niemyjski)
- TweenJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- tween.js (by Adam R. Smith)
- twitter-bootstrap-wizard (by Blake Niemyjski)
- Twitter Typeahead (by Ivaylo Gochkov)
- Ubuntu Unity Web API (by John Vrbanac)
- Underscore.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Underscore.js (Typed) (by Josh Baldwin)
- Underscore-ko.js (by Maurits Elbers)
- universal-analytics (by Bart van der Schoor)
- update-notifier (by vvakame)
- uri-templates (by Bart van der Schoor)
- urlrouter (by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco)
- UUID.js (by Jason Jarrett)
- Valerie (by Howard Richards)
- Velocity (by Greg Smith)
- Viewporter (by Boris Yankov)
- Vimeo (by Daz Wilkin)
- vinyl (by vvakame)
- vinyl-fs (by vvakame and jedmao)
- WebRTC (by Ken Smith)
- websocket (by Paul Loyd)
- WinJS (from TypeScript samples)
- WinRT (from TypeScript samples)
- wolfy87-eventemitter (by Ryo Iwamoto)
- ws (by Paul Loyd)
- x2js (by Hiroki Horiuchi)
- xml2js (by Michel Salib)
- xpath (by Andrew Bradley)
- XRegExp (by Bart van der Schoor)
- yargs (by Martin Poelstra)
- YouTube (by Daz Wilkin)
- YouTube Analytics API (by Frank M)
- YouTube Data API (by Frank M)
- Zepto.js (by Josh Baldwin)
- Zynga Scroller (by Boris Yankov)
- ZeroClipboard (by Eric J. Smith)
- Parse SDK (by Ullisen Media Group, LLC)