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268 lines (221 loc) · 12.2 KB


A gradle template project containing configuration for common architectures including multi project builds, testing with JUnit 5 and Mockito, CI via TravisCI, Coverage via codecov, code climate via codacy and some other useful tools.

Build status

Build Status Test Code Coverage
Master Build Status codecov
Development Build Status codecov

Steps for project generation

  1. Create a new folder, enter it and use gradle init.
  2. Add .gitignore file with your basic project files:
### Project files ###

### Gradle ###

# Never ignore gradle wrapper
  1. Share project on github.
  2. Add README with basic information.
  3. Create a dev branch and protect the master branch.
  4. Visit and enable the builds for your project.
  5. Create .travis.yml in a new branch and configure your build:
### Configure programming language ###
language: java

### Make sure using Oracle JDK ###
  - oraclejdk8

### Disable Email notifications ###
  email: false

### Actual Build Script ###
  - ./gradlew build check
  1. Let travis build and merge into dev as soon as it succeeds.
  2. Add a code of conduct (See in a new branch and merge it into dev.
  3. Add LICENSE file in a new branch and merge it into dev. You may also add the license text to be used as a default file header for all your project files.
  4. Add GitHub issue templates for bugs and feature requests.
  5. Add JUnit 5 and Mockito for testing in a new branch and merge into dev. May look like this:
plugins {

    id 'java'

group 'de.d3adspace'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

allprojects {

    apply plugin: 'java'
    apply plugin: 'jacoco'
    apply plugin: 'maven'

    sourceCompatibility = 1.11
    targetCompatibility = 1.11

    repositories {


    dependencies {

        testCompile group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-api', version: '5.2.0'
        testCompile group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-params', version: '5.2.0'
        testCompile group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-engine', version: '5.2.0'
        testCompile group: 'org.junit.platform', name: 'junit-platform-engine', version: '1.2.0'
        testCompile group: 'org.mockito', name: 'mockito-junit-jupiter', version: '2.19.0'
        testCompile group: 'org.mockito', name: 'mockito-core', version: '2.19.0'

    test {
  1. Add jacoco gradle plugin with apply plugin: 'jacoco' and configure the corresponding task that will generate and aggregate test reports:
task codeCoverageReport(type: JacocoReport) {
    executionData fileTree(project.rootDir.absolutePath).include("**/build/jacoco/*.exec")

    subprojects.each {
        sourceSets it.sourceSets.main

    reports {
        xml.enabled = true
        html.enabled = true
        csv.enabled = true
        xml.destination = new File("${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/report.xml")
        html.destination = new File("${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/report.html")
        csv.destination = new File("${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/report.csv")
  1. Alter your build script to offer coverage reporting to
### Actual Build Script ###
  - ./gradlew build check
  - ./gradlew codeCoverageReport

### Upload Code Coverage Report ###
  - bash <(curl -s
  1. Add status badges to readme:
|             	| Build Status                                                                                                                                              	| Test Code Coverage                                                                                                                                               	|
|-------------	|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	|
| Master      	| [![Build Status](]( 	| [![codecov](]( 	|
| Development 	| [![Build Status](](    	| [![codecov](](    	|
  1. Configure builds for fat jars and dependencies. Our Example ("core" needs "api" at runtime):

Gradle Plugins (We use shadow:

id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '2.0.4'

Configuration depending on what you need. In our case we want to include all dependencies in runtime scope:

shadowJar {

    configurations = [project.configurations.runtime]
  1. Add sonarqube Audits In this case we will use a self hosted sonarqube. You can also use the public Sonarcloud with travis-ci.

We will first add the sonarqube plugin to our build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id 'org.sonarqube' version "2.7"
    id 'java'

To integrate sonarqube into our CI pipeline we add the following build script:

### Actual Build Script ###
- ./gradlew build test
- ./gradlew codeCoverageReport
- ./gradlew sonarqube$SONAR_URL -Dsonar.projectKey=$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN

As our private sonarqube needs authentication, we have to encrypt the login in the travis ci config:

### Environment ###
    - SONAR_URL=
    - SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=gradle-project-template
    - secure: 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
  1. Deployment into nexus

To reuse our library in foreign applications via Maven or Gradle we have to deploy our artifacts into a maven repository. In this case we will use a Sonatype Nexus.

The deployment is managed via the maven publish plugin:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

Let's configure what to publish and where to publish:

publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {

    repositories {

        maven {

            def releasesRepoUrl = ''
            def snapshotsRepoUrl = ''
            url = version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT') ? snapshotsRepoUrl : releasesRepoUrl

            credentials {
                username = System.getenv('NEXUS_USERNAME')
                password = System.getenv('NEXUS_PASSWORD')

The publishing is done via our CI pipeline is configured like this:

### Deployment ###
  provider: script
  script: ./gradlew publish
    branch: master
    tags: true

But the CI still needs the credentials to access the nexus. These are supplied via environment variables. We can encrypt them into our CI config:

### Environment ###
    - SONAR_URL=
    - SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=gradle-project-template
    - secure: 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
    - secure: 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
    - secure: 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