Gameplay: TODO: item/powerup drops: Shield, weapon upgrade, diff ship, lives? TODO: special item/upgrades to clear field between “stages”? TODO: multiple “stages” with different variety enemies TODO: add item drop: change of player ship(req weapon reset?) TODO: variety of enemy ships(diff ships=diff speeds/bullets) TODO: extra lives, and display thereof TODO: implement diff patterns for bullets/enemies to follow based on type TODO: more predictable enemy spawning algorithm TODO: Boss enemies? TODO: end of stage, stage transition TODO: energy bar for a special weapon(right click?) TODO: Track/display high score; local db/file to store
Graphics/sound: TODO: animations upon collisions TODO: sounds - weapons, ship-ship collision, weapon-ship collision TODO: scrolling background, presenting movement/progression TODO: boundaries to player ship: prevent moving off-screen to safety?
Controls: TODO: keyboard/controller control compatibility TODO: autofire functionality has broken click-compatibility.
Menus: TODO: Main menu, stage selection TODO: PAUSE menu TODO: game_over() continue/exit buttons TODO: game_over options button TODO: options menu: adjust music/sound vols w/ sliders/mute chkbox
Misc: TODO: metrics, enemies/s spawned/destroyed, pts/s earned. TODO: port to earlier python version(?) for compilation/easier install
DONE: S_Picture: implement health pools for enemies, bullets DONE: bullet class: add bullet_type, owner(player/enemy), spawn_point DONE: extend player_bullet class into general bullet class. DONE: autofire functionality when holding button DONE: proper enemy size-specific placement # accidentally via collision. DONE: make collision system pixel perfect. DONE: randomly generate enemies DONE: rather than clearing screen on game_over, freezeframe? DONE: weapons fire/collision thereof. DONE: ships displayed/rendered DONE: score displayed DONE: death/game over condition