int a;
int f ()
static int c;
int b;
{int d; }
int main ()
f ();
struct O
int i;
O f (O o)
return o;
const O& g (O o)
return std::move(o);
O h (const O& o)
return o;
O as f parameter: in function f.
O as f return value: in the expression including f.
O as g parameter and g return value: in the expression including g.
O as h parameter and h return value: in the expression including h.
- 析构函数: 不是. 构造函数: 不是.
- 原因:
\#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { private: A():data(10){ cout << "A" << endl; } ~A(){ cout << "~A" << endl; } public: static A& Instance() { static A a; return a; } void Print() { cout << data << endl; } private: int data; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { A& ra = A::Instance(); ra.Print(); }
class alloc { public: alloc(): destroy(){ delete this;} private: ~alloc(); };
Copy constructor is usually called when:
- New objects are being defined by an existing object of the same class
- Function parameter or function return value is an object passed by value
Move constructor is usually called when:
- New objects are being defined by an rvalue reference(an object that is about to be destroyed)
- Function parameter or function return value is an rvalue reference(an object that is about to be destroyed)
5. What are the benefits of constructors and destructors? Try to declare a class with constructors and destructor.
构造函数和析构函数,一方面是可以为private的部分提供初始值,以免无法访问造成不便;另一方面是保证安全性,通过构造函数来强制或者叫做提示使用者该类的初始化数据类型,而不会造成错误的初始化赋值,同时析构函数也可以很好的防止出现memory leak,下面是一个例子:
class A { int* x; A() { x = new int; *x = 0; } ~A() { if (x) delete x; } }
- It is possible to call constructor and destructor explicitly. For An instance a1 of a class A, we can use a1.A::A() to call constructor explicitly, and we can use a1.A::~A() to call destructor explicitly.
- It is not necessary to call constructor explicitly. If space is dynamically allocated in the constructor, it is shown that calling constructor explicitly will cause a memory leak.
- It is not necessary to call destructor explicitly. If we call destructor explicitly, it may cause the same memory to be released many times which has potential to cause errors.
constructor ();
constructor (int);
constructor a;
constructor b(5);
constructor *c = new constructor;
constructor *d = new constructor (5);
constructor e[5] = {};
constructor f[5] = {(1), (2)};
because numbers are default int type:
a) constructor ();
b) constructor (int);
c) constructor ();
d) constructor (int);
e) constructor ();
f) constructor (int) for the first two and constructor() for the last three.
8. How to define an object on stack(栈)? What about heap? What will happen if you define oversize object exceed your system’s limit?
- To define an object on stack, directly use its type name to define it.
- To define an object in heap, use pointer and new to define it.
- It will cause stackoverflow error.
Generally, when an object is initialized without the use of new/delete (like myObj object(15, “hello”, 5);), the object is placed on the stack and will be destroyed when its scope ends. If we use new/delete, (like myObj* object = new myObj(15, “hello”, 5);), the object will usually be stored on the heap while the pointer is most likely stored on stack. However this is dependent on a couple of things, for example whether the new() operator for myObj is overridden or not. If we exceed the system’s limits we might experience stack overflow which can cause the program to crash.
- Stack:
- Limited size of several kilobytes to megabytes depending on the system and compiler settings.
- Store local variables in functions
- Stack overflow may occur for large array varibles and deep recursive functions
- Heap:
- The size of heap is much larger than stack.
- Heap is used for dynamic memory allocations.
- We do not need to free memory of stack, which will be freed automatically when the end of the object’s life scope is met.
- We need to free memory of heap, otherwise the memory of heap will be leaked, increasing the memory burden.
- In C++ language, memory allocated by pointers and the keyword new is memory of heap, otherwise it is memory of stack.
- Not always. because some objects without using heap memories will be automatically freed by the compiler.
struct O
int i;
O (int i) {}
int main ()
O* o = new O[5];
No. It doesn’t define the default constructor.
To fix this problem, we can:
1、give the constructor a default Argument.
O (int i=0) {};
2、Or just overload a constructor
O (){};