Uses jQuery for implementing new requirements
Includes a index/list resource rendered using jQuery and JSON backend.
- from factions show page, render all its planets (for that faction)
Includes an show/item resource rendered using jQuery and JSON backend.
- from players search page, render the searched player (with their characters and corresponding faction)
Includes at least one has_many relationship in information rendered via JSON and appended to the DOM.
- from factions show page, render all planets (Faction has_many planets)
- from player show page, render all characters (Player has_many characters)
Uses your Rails API and a form to create a resource and render the response without a page refresh.
- from players show page, appends a new character (with name and faction) to a players character collection
Translates JSON responses into js model objects.
A js model object has at least one function added to the prototype.
- JS Player (name, characters) and Character (player, name, faction) models
Contains at least 4 model specs, 2 request specs and one system test that reasonably tests your public api.
- Model specs: character faction planet player Request specs: character_management planet_management System test: character_system
- You have a large number of small Git commits
- Your commit messages are meaningful
- You made the changes in a commit that relate to the commit message
- You don't include changes in a commit that aren't related to the commit message
- Makes use of ES6 features as much as possible (e.g Arrow functions, Let & Const, Class, constructor functions)
- Application is pretty DRY.