This project is designed to test your knowledge of the Java language, and assess your ability to create back-end products with attention to details, standards, and re-usability.
The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your ability to build a greenfield project, specifically a command-line application to score a game of ten-pin bowling. You can find the rules here.
The code should handle the bowling scores rules described in the specs and here.
The program should run from the command-line and take a text file as input
The program should read the input text file and parse its content, which should have the results for several players bowling 10 frames each, written according to these guidelines:
- Each line represents a player and a chance with the subsequent number of pins knocked down.
- An 'F' indicates a foul on that chance and no pins knocked down (identical for scoring to a roll of 0).
- The columns in each row are tab-separated.
Jeff 10
John 3
John 7
Jeff 7
Jeff 3
John 6
John 3
Jeff 9
Jeff 0
John 10
Jeff 10
John 8
John 1
Jeff 0
Jeff 8
John 10
Jeff 8
Jeff 2
John 10
Jeff F
Jeff 6
John 9
John 0
Jeff 10
John 7
John 3
Jeff 10
John 4
John 4
Jeff 10
Jeff 8
Jeff 1
John 10
John 9
John 0
You can find more examples in the tests folder.
The program should handle bad input like more than ten throws (i.e., no chance will produce a negative number of knocked down pins or more than 10, etc), invalid score value or incorrect format
The program should output the scoring for the associated game according to these guidelines:
- For each player, print their name on a separate line before printing that player's pinfalls and score.
- All values are tab-separated.
- The output should calculate if a player scores a strike ('X'), a spare ('/') and allow for extra chances in the tenth frame.
So for the above game for Jeff, the classic scoring would be written:
Your program should print out a similar score to standard out, in the format:
Here is the same output with hidden whitespace revealed:
Your program should be able to handle all possible cases of a game both including a game where all rolls are 0, all rolls are fouls (F) and a perfect game, where all rolls are strikes:
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Carl 10
Unit test: Tests should cover at least the non-trivial classes and methods
Integration test: At least cover the three main cases: Sample input (2 players), perfect score, zero score
- Use Java 8 streams and lambdas
- SRP: Single Responsibility Principle (Classes are self contained. They do the task they need to do and nothing else).
- Liskov’s Substitution Principle: Interfaces (OOP, Swap principle.. Makes the program able to be extended).
- Dependency Inversion Principle: Code should depend on interfaces, no concrete implementations.
- Include well-known libraries and good use of the JDK API.
- Build mechanism (gradle, maven, shell, NO IDE). Program should compile and run out of the box.
- Packaging complete. Zip should contain a readme file explaining how to compile the project, and contain the test text file to check the output
- Project structure: It should be the standard Maven project layout, no IDE specific or custom.
- Keep your code versioned with Git locally.