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Activation Point: a vulnerability theory term for the location in code at an attacker's "payload" can be executed, i.e. when the attacker has caused the code to violate the intended security policy. For example, in SQL injection, the code reads an input from a parameter (interaction point), incorrectly checks the input for dangerous characters (crossover point), inserts the input into a dynamically generated query string, then sends the query string to the database server (trigger point), then the query is processed by the server (activation point). See the Vulnerability Theory paper for more details.
Actor: a vulnerability theory term that describes an entity that interacts with the software or with other entities, such as a User, Service, Monitor (e.g. IDS), Intermediary, and others.
Attacker: an actor who attempts to gain access to behaviors or resources that are outside of the software's intended control sphere for that actor.
Authentication: the process of verifying that an actor has a specific real-world identity, typically by checking for information that the software assumes can only be produced by that actor. This is different than authorization, because authentication focuses on verifying the identity of the actor, not what resources the actor can access.
Authorization: the process of determining whether an actor with a given identity is allowed to have access to a resource, then granting access to that resource, as defined by the implicit and explicit security policies for the system. This is different than authentication, because authorization focuses on whether a given actor can access a given resource, not in proving what the real-world identity of the actor is.
Base Weakness: a weakness that is described in an abstract fashion, but with sufficient details to infer specific methods for detection and prevention. More general than a Variant weakness, but more specific than a Class weakness.
Behavior: an action that the software takes, typically as implemented in code or as represented by an algorithm. Could also refer to actions by other actors that are not the system.
CRUD: acronym for "Create, Read, Update, Delete," a model for persistent storage of data that is similar to the resource model in vulnerability theory.
Canonicalization: a behavior that converts or reduces an input/output to a single fixed form that cannot be converted or reduced any further. In cases in which the input/output is used as an identifier, canonicalization refers to the act of converting that identifier. For example, when the current working directory is "/users/cwe," the filename "../xyz" can be canonicalized to "/users/xyz."
Canonicalize: to perform Canonicalization.
Category: a CWE entry that contains a set of other entries that share a common characteristic.
Chain: a Compound Element that is a sequence of two or more separate weaknesses that can be closely linked together within software. One weakness, X, can directly create the conditions that are necessary to cause another weakness, Y, to enter a vulnerable condition. When this happens, CWE refers to X as "primary" to Y, and Y is "resultant" from X. For example, in the named chain CWE-691, an integer overflow (CWE-190) can lead to a buffer overflow (CWE-120) if an integer overflow occurs while calculating the amount of memory to allocate. In this case, the integer overflow would be primary to the buffer overflow. Chains can involve more than two weaknesses, and in some cases, they might have a tree-like structure.
Check: in the vulnerability theory model of error handling, to examine a resource, its properties, or the system state to determine if they align with the expectations of the software.
Class Weakness: a weakness that is described in a very abstract fashion, typically independent of any specific language or technology. More general than a Base weakness.
Cleanse: Use of this term is discouraged in names and descriptions for CWE weaknesses, since it has too many different meanings in the industry and may cause mapping errors. It is not precise enough for CWE's purpose. This decision was made in CWE 1.9. Some entries may still use this term, but they will be modified in future versions.
Cleansing: This term is discouraged for use in CWE.
Cleartext: Any information that is unencrypted, although it might be in an encoded form that is not easily human-readable, such as base64 encoding. Some people use the "plaintext" term to mean the same thing, but "plaintext" has a more precise meaning within cryptography.
Composite: a Compound Element that consists of two or more distinct weaknesses, in which all weaknesses must be present at the same time in order for a potential vulnerability to arise. Removing any of the weaknesses eliminates or sharply reduces the risk. One weakness, X, can be "broken down" into component weaknesses Y and Z. For example, Symlink Following (CWE-61) is only possible through a combination of several component weaknesses, including predictability (CWE-340), inadequate permissions (CWE-275), and race conditions (CWE-362). By eliminating any single component, a developer can prevent the composite from becoming exploitable. There can be cases in which one weakness might not be essential to a composite, but changes the nature of the composite when it becomes a vulnerability; for example, NUL byte interaction errors (CWE-626) can widen the scope of path traversal weaknesses (CWE-22), which often limit which files could be accessed due to idiosyncrasies in filename generation.
Compound Element: an Entry that closely associates two or more CWE entries. The CWE team's research has shown that vulnerabilities often can be described in terms of the interaction or co-occurrence of two or more weaknesses. In CWE 1.0, the only types of compound elements are Chains and Composites, although other types might be defined in later versions.
Consequence: a fault - a behavior that is always incorrect if executed, i.e., conflicts with the intended security policy.
Control Sphere: a vulnerability theory term for a set of resources and behaviors that are accessible to a single actor, or a group of actors that all share the same security restrictions. This set can be empty. A product's security model will typically define multiple spheres, although this model might not be explicitly stated. For example, a server might define one sphere for "administrators" who can create new user accounts with subdirectories under /home/server/, and a second sphere might cover the set of users who can create or delete files within their own subdirectories. A third sphere might be "users who are authenticated to the operating system on which the product is installed." Each sphere has different sets of actors and allowable behaviors. Vulnerabilities can arise when the boundaries of a control sphere are not properly enforced, or when a control sphere is defined in a way that allows more actors or resources than the developer or system operator intends. For example, an application might intend to allow guest users to access files that are only within a given directory, but a path traversal attack could allow access to files that are outside of that directory, which are thus outside of the intended sphere of control.
Crossover Point: a vulnerability theory term for the location in code after which an expected property is violated. This is likely to lead to incorrect actions at a later point. For example, a programmer might use a regular expression to restrict an input string to contain only digits, such as for a telephone number. After applying the regular expression, the string is expected to have the property "only contains digits." If the regular expression is incorrectly specified (e.g. only testing for the presence of a digit anywhere in the string), then after its application, the code reaches a crossover point because the string does not necessarily have the property of "only contains digits." For example, in SQL injection, the code reads an input from a parameter (interaction point), incorrectly checks the input for dangerous characters (crossover point), inserts the input into a dynamically generated query string, then sends the query string to the database server (trigger point), then the query is processed by the server (activation point). See the Vulnerability Theory paper for more details.
Enforce: a general term, meaning to check or manipulate a resource so that it has a property that is required by the security policy. For example, the filtering of all non-alphanumeric characters from an input is one mechanism to enforce that "all characters are alphanumeric." An alternate method of enforcement would be to reject the input entirely if it contains anything that's non-alphanumeric.
Entry: any type of item in the CWE list that has been assigned a unique identifier.
Equivalence: a security property in which two identifiers, inputs, resources, or behaviors have syntactically different representations, but are ultimately treated as being the same. For example, in Windows systems, the filenames "MyFile.txt" and "MYFILE.TXT" are equivalent because they refer to the same underlying file object. The inability to recognize equivalence is often a factor in vulnerabilities.
Explicit Slice: a Slice whose membership is determined by some external criterion that is represented using HasMember relationships between the view and those entries, but not between entries themselves. An example is CWE-635, which lists the CWE identifiers that being used by NVD.
Filter: to perform Filtering.
Filtering: the removal of elements from input or output based on some criteria. This term may apply to removal of elements regardless of security implications.
Graph: a View that specifies relationships between entries, typically of a hierarchical nature. The root level nodes of the view are specified using HasMember relationships. Children are specified using ChildOf or other relationships.
Handle: in the vulnerability theory model of error handling, to modify the execution of the software based on the results of a check for an error or exceptional condition.
ICTA: Interaction/Crossover/Trigger/Activation, an acronym for the vulnerability theory terms for important locations in code artifacts.
Implicit Slice: a Slice that defines its membership based on common characteristics of entries, such as weaknesses that can appear in C programs (CWE-658).
Improper: used as a catch-all term to cover security behaviors that are either "Missing" or "Insufficient/Incorrect." Note: this term is being used inconsistently in CWE, although it has been more clearly defined since CWE 1.2.
Incorrect: a general term, used to describe when a behavior attempts to do a task but does not do it correctly. This is distinct from "Missing," in which the developer does not even attempt to perform the behavior. This is similar to "Insufficient." Note: this term is being used inconsistently in CWE, although it has been more clearly defined since CWE 1.2.
Information Exposure: the intentional or unintentional disclosure of information to an actor that is not explicitly authorized to have access to that information.
Insecure: Use of this term is discouraged in names and descriptions for CWE weaknesses, since it does not provide any hint about the actual error that was introduced by the developer. Some unreviewed entries may still use this term, although it will be corrected in future versions of CWE. This is a general term used to describe a behavior that is incorrect and has security implications.
Insufficient: a general term used to describe when a security property or behavior can vary in strength on a continuous or sliding scale, instead of a discrete scale. The continuous scale may vary depending on the context and risk tolerance. For example, the requirements for randomness may vary between a random selection for a greeting message versus the generation of a military-strength key. On the other hand, a weakness that allows a buffer overflow is always incorrect - there is not a sliding scale that varies across contexts. Note: this this term has been used inconsistently in CWE, although it was more clearly defined beginning in CWE 1.4.
Interaction Point: a vulnerability theory term for the point in code from which input is obtained from the external environment. For example, in SQL injection, the code reads an input from a parameter (interaction point), incorrectly checks the input for dangerous characters (crossover point), inserts the input into a dynamically generated query string, then sends the query string to the database server (trigger point), then the query is processed by the server (activation point). See the Vulnerability Theory paper for more details.
Internal: used to describe a manipulation that occurs within an identifier or input, and not at the beginning or the end. This term is often used in conjunction with special elements. For example, the string "/etc//passwd" has multiple internal "/" characters, or "<SCRI.PT>" has an internal "." character.
Leading: 1) used to describe a manipulation that occurs at the beginning of an identifier or input. This term is often used in conjunction with special elements. For example, the string "//etc/passwd" has multiple leading "/" characters. 2) used to describe the transition from a primary to resultant weakness in a chain
Loose Composite: an informal term for describing a CWE entry that the general public thinks of as an individual weakness, but is actually a disjoint list of multiple distinct weaknesses - i.e., a narrowly-defined category. This is not well-handled within CWE 1.0, although it might be regarded as another kind of Compound Element. An example of a loose composite is "insecure temporary file" - the temporary file could have permissions problems, be used as a semaphore, be part of a race condition, etc.
Manipulation: the modification of a resource by an actor, typically to change its properties. Usually used in the context of software as it manipulates inputs and system resources to ensure that security properties are enforced.
Missing: used to describe a behavior that the developer has not attempted to perform. This is distinct from "incorrect," which describes when the developer attempts to perform the behavior, but does not do it correctly. Note: this term is being used inconsistently in CWE, although it has been more clearly defined since CWE 1.2.
Mitigation: the process of remediating a weakness, leaving the software in a more secure state.
Named Chain: a Chain that appears so frequently in software that a CWE ID has been assigned to it, such as CWE-680 (Integer Overflow to Buffer Overflow).
Natural Hierarchy: the term used in Draft 9 for the Research Concepts View (CWE-1000).
Neutralization: a general term to describe the process of ensuring that input or output has certain security properties before it is used. This is independent of the specific protection mechanism that performs the neutralization. The term could refer to one or more of the following: filtering/cleansing, canonicalization/resolution, encoding/decoding, escaping/unescaping, quoting/unquoting, validation, or other mechanisms.
Neutralize: to perform Neutralization.
Node: another term for a CWE entry, especially used before CWE 1.0.
Permissions: the explicit specifications for a resource, or a set of resources, that defines which actors are allowed to access that resource, and which actions may be performed by those actors. Permissions can contribute to the definition of one or more intended control spheres.
Pillar: a top-level entry in the Research Concepts View (CWE-1000). Equivalent to "kingdoms" in Seven Pernicious Kingdoms.
Plaintext: information that is used as the input to an encryption algorithm, which might contain already-encrypted text. Many people use the "plaintext" term to mean "unencrypted," and others may use "cleartext" to mean the same thing.
Primary Weakness: a weakness that is an initial, critical error (root cause) that can expose other weaknesses later in execution of the software.
Property: a vulnerability theory term for the security-relevant characteristic of an individual resource or behavior that is important to the system's intended security model, which might change over time. For example, user input is initially untrusted; after the system neutralizes the input, when the input is finally processed, it must be treated as trusted. This illustrates the Trustability property.
Protection Mechanism: a vulnerability theory term for a set of behaviors that helps to enforce an implicit or explicit security policy for the software, such as an input validation routine.
Reliance: a security-relevant assumption that a resource has a given property, which can lead to weaknesses if that property cannot be guaranteed. For example, an access control protection mechanism might use reverse DNS lookups (CWE-247) in an attempt to limit access to systems in a particular domain; however, this reliance on DNS introduces a weakness because DNS results can be spoofed.
Resolution: the process of converting a resource identifier to a single, canonical form. For example, code that converts "/tmp/abc/../def.xyz" to "/tmp/def.xyz" is performing resolution on an identifier that is being used for a file resource.
Resolve: to perform Resolution.
Resource: a vulnerability theory term for an object or entity that is accessed or modified within the operation of the software, such as memory, CPU, files, or sockets. Resources can be system-level (memory or CPU), code-level (function or variable), or application-level (cookie or message).
Resultant Weakness: a weakness that is only exposed to attack after another weakness has been exploited; an early link in a chain.
SDLC: Software Development Lifecycle.
Sanitization: Use of this term is discouraged in names and descriptions for CWE weaknesses, since it has too many different meanings in the industry and may cause mapping errors. It is not precise enough for CWE's purpose. This decision was made in CWE 1.8.1. Some entries may still use this term, but they will be modified in future versions. Similar terms in use in CWE may include "Neutralization," "Validation," "Encoding," and "Filtering."
Sanitize: This term is discouraged for use in CWE.
Security Policy: in vulnerability theory, a set of valid behaviors, properties, and resources within the context of operation of a software system. The policy is generally implicit (as reflected in the code, or the programmer's assumptions), but it can be explicit.
Slice: a view that is a flat list of CWE entries that does not specify any relationships between those entries.
Special Element: a general term for a sequence of bytes, characters, or words that is used to separate different portions of data within a particular representation or language. The most commonly understood usage of special elements is in single characters, such as the "<" in HTML, which marks the beginning of a tag. As another example, the CRLF (carriage return / line feed) character is used as a separator between headers in MIME messages, so CRLF is a special element. When multi-part MIME messages are constructed, the boundary string becomes a special element. Special elements are often important in weaknesses that can be exploited by injection attacks. A special element in one representation might not be special in another. For example, whitespace is a special element when executing a command in a shell (since it acts as an argument separator), but it has no special meaning in the body of HTML or e-mail messages.
Sphere of Control: See Control Sphere
Trailing: used to describe a manipulation that occurs at the end of an identifier or input. This term is often used in conjunction with special elements. For example, the string "example.com." has a trailing "." character.
Trigger Point: a vulnerability theory term for the location in code after which the software can no longer prevent itself from violating the intended security policy. For example, in SQL injection, the code reads an input from a parameter (interaction point), incorrectly checks the input for dangerous characters (crossover point), inserts the input into a dynamically generated query string, then sends the query string to the database server (trigger point), then the query is processed by the server (activation point). See the Vulnerability Theory paper for more details.
Unexpected: violating the assumptions of the developer or operator of the software. This is typically used to describe the state of the software, a behavior that was not intended, or a property of a resource that was not assumed to be present. For example, if an e-commerce program allows a user to specify the quantity of items to purchase, and the program assumes that the quantity will be a number, then the string "abcde" is unexpected. A program crash is usually unexpected behavior. Similarly, when a programmer dereferences a pointer, it is usually unexpected if that pointer can be NULL. Attacks often leverage unexpected properties and behaviors, since the developer has not necessarily provided a sufficient defense.
Variant: a weakness that is described at a very low level of detail, typically limited to a specific language or technology. More specific than a Base weakness.
View: a subset of CWE entries that provides a way of examining CWE content. The two main view structures are Slices (flat lists) and Graphs (containing relationships between entries).
Vulnerability: an occurrence of a weakness (or multiple weaknesses) within software, in which the weakness can be used by a party to cause the software to modify or access unintended data, interrupt proper execution, or perform incorrect actions that were not specifically granted to the party who uses the weakness.
Weakness: a type of mistake in software that, in proper conditions, could contribute to the introduction of vulnerabilities within that software. This term applies to mistakes regardless of whether they occur in implementation, design, or other phases of the SDLC.