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Here we provide benchmarks for reference. We provide all the scripts to replicate these results. Note that some benchmarks were also reported in our paper:

WMT 17 English-German and Latvian-English

We compare against the results for recurrent BPE-based models that were reported in the Sockeye paper.

We first consider the Groundhog setting, where toolkits are used out-of-the-box for creating a Groundhog-like model (1 layer, LSTMs, MLP attention). The data is pre-processed as described in the Sockeye paper (code).

A shared vocabulary can be built with the script. Postprocessing is done with Moses' detokenizer, evaluation with sacrebleu.

Note that the scores reported for other models might not reflect the current state of the code, but the state at the time of the Sockeye evaluation. Also note that our models are the smallest in numbers of parameters.


Groundhog setting

Groundhog setting: configs/wmt_ende_default.yaml with encoder rnn=500, lr=0.0003, init_hidden="bridge".

Systems level dev test #params
Sockeye (beam=5) bpe - 23.18 87.83M
OpenNMT-Py (beam=5) bpe - 18.66 87.62M
Joey NMT (beam=5) bpe 24.33 23.45 86.37M

The Joey NMT model was trained for 4 days (14 epochs).

"Best found" setting

"Best found" setting with a shared vocabulary: configs/wmt_ende_best.yaml with tied_embeddings=True, hidden_size=1024, lr=0.0002, init_hidden="bridge" and num_layers=4.

Systems level dev test #params
Sockeye (beam=5) bpe - 25.55 ?
OpenNMT-Py (beam=5) bpe - 21.95 ?
Joey NMT (beam=5) bpe 26.0 187M


Transformer setting: configs/transformer_wmt17_ende.yaml with 6 transformer layers of 512 units, 2048 hidden size, and 8 attention heads in en- and decoder.

Systems level test #params
Sockeye bpe 27.5 ?
Marian bpe 27.4 ?
Tensor2Tensor bpe 26.3 ?
Joey NMT (beam=5) bpe 27.4 ?


Groundhog setting

Groundhog setting: configs/wmt_lven_default.yaml with encoder rnn=500, lr=0.0003, init_hidden="bridge".

Systems level dev test #params
Sockeye (beam=5) bpe - 14.40 ?
OpenNMT-Py (beam=5) bpe - 9.98 ?
Joey NMT (beam=5) bpe 12.09 8.75 64.52M

"Best found" setting

"Best found" setting with a shared vocabulary: configs/wmt_lven_best.yaml with tied_embeddings=True, hidden_size=1024, lr=0.0002, init_hidden="bridge" and num_layers=4.

Systems level dev test #params
Sockeye (beam=5) bpe - 15.9 ?
OpenNMT-Py (beam=5) bpe - 13.6 ?
Joey NMT (beam=5) bpe 20.12 15.8 182M


configs/transformer_wmt17_lven.yaml with 6 transformer layers of 512 units, 2048 hidden size, and 8 attention heads in en- and decoder.

Systems level test
Sockeye bpe 18.1
Marian bpe 217.6
Tensor2Tensor bpe 17.7
Joey NMT (beam=5) bpe 18.0

IWSLT German-English

We compare the RNN against the baseline scores reported in (Wiseman & Rush, 2016) (W&R), (Bahdanau et al., 2017) (B17) with tokenized, lowercased BLEU (using sacrebleu). Ẁe compare a word-based model of the same size and vocabulary as in W&R and B17. The script to obtain and pre-process the data is the one published with W&R. Use configs/iwslt_deen_bahdanau.yaml for training the model. On a K40-GPU word-level training took <1h, beam search decoding for both dev and test <2min.

Systems level dev test #params
W&R (greedy) word - 22.53
W&R (beam=10) word - 23.87
B17 (greedy) word - 25.82
B17 (beam=10) word - 27.56
Joey NMT (greedy) word 28.41 26.68 22.05M
Joey NMT (beam=10, alpha=1.0) word 28.96 27.03 22.05M

On CPU (use_cuda: False): (approx 8-10x slower: 8h for training, beam search decoding for both dev and test 19min, greedy decoding 5min)

Systems level dev test #params
Joey NMT (greedy) word 28.35 26.46 22.05M
Joey NMT (beam=10, alpha=1.0) word 28.85 27.06 22.05M

In addition, we compare to a BPE-based GRU model with 32k (Groundhog style). Use scripts/ to pre-process the data and configs/iwslt14_deen_bpe.yaml to train the model. This model is available for download here.

We also evaluate using the Transformer. We use 256 hidden units, 4 attention heads, a feed-forward layer size of 1024, and dropout value of 0.3. You can find the settings in configs/transformer_iwslt14_deen_bpe.yaml.

Systems level dev test #params
Joey NMT (greedy) bpe 27.57 60.69M
Joey NMT (beam=5, alpha=1.0) bpe 28.55 27.34 60.69M
Joey NMT Transformer (greedy) bpe 31.21 19.18M
Joey NMT Transformer (beam=5, alpha=1.0) bpe 32.16 31.00 19.18M

IWSLT English-Vietnamese

We compare the RNN model against Tensorflow NMT on the IWSLT15 En-Vi data set as preprocessed by Stanford. You can download the data with scripts/, and then use configs/iwslt_envi_luong.yaml to replicate the experiment.

Systems tst2012 (dev) test2013 (test)
TF NMT (greedy) 23.2 25.5
TF NMT (beam=10) 23.8 26.1
Joey NMT (greedy) 23.2 25.8
Joey NMT (beam=10, alpha=1.0) 23.8 26.5
(Luong & Manning, 2015) - 23.3

We also compare against xnmt which uses different hyperparameters, so we use a different configuration for Joey NMT too: configs/iwslt_envi_xnmt.yaml.

Systems tst2012 (dev) test2013 (test)
xnmt (beam=5) 25.0 27.3
Joey NMT (greedy) 24.6 27.4
Joey NMT (beam=5, alpha=1.0) 24.9 27.7