Releases: dicengine/dice
Version 2.0-beta.6
Lots of work on the calibration tool, including more control over the thresholding and making selecting images to include or exclude easier.
Also, fixed the issue #51 with ROIs not showing up on the reference image.
Version 2.0-beta.5
Several changes to the interface are implemented in this version that reflect feedback given on v2.0-beta.4:
Automatically load the input files in a working directory feature added
Removed the spatial resolution tool and replaced it with an uncertainty output field
Enable the user to clear the workspace once images have been loaded
Fixed bug where multiple instances of the executable were fired when run analysis button is clicked
Let the user set the coordinate axis and best fit the stereo points to a plane when stereo is enabled
Allow the user to change the initialization method (also set the default method to USE_FEATURE_MATCHING, which is more robust)
Thanks to everyone who emailed with comments. Please keep the feedback coming. Your comments are helping make this tool better and better.
Version 2.0-beta.4
Fixed a number of issues with the stereo calibration. Added a new white dots on black background pattern for stereo calibration.
Please submit further issues to the github main page for DICe.
Version 2.0-beta.3
Another beta release of the stereo subset-based correlation with the new GUI. The library path issues on Mac OS X should be fixed now, as well as the GUI bugs related to running the analysis. This is again intended for early adopters to test out the code. There may still be some issues. Submit issues to the github page.
The installers have been tested on Mac Yosemite, and El Capitan as well as Windows 7 and 10.
Version 2.0-beta.1
Beta release of subset-based stereo correlation including the new Electron GUI.
There are probably still a number of issues with this beta version, it's intended for early adopters to give the stereo correlation a spin. Submit any issues that come up on the main github page for DICe.
Version 1.0
DICe v1.0
DICe_setup_v1.0_intel_gui.exe - Package installer for the GUI and serial analysis executable on Windows 7, built with the Intel 15 compiler.
DICe_setup_v1.0_intel_serial.exe - Package installer for only the command line serial analysis executable on Windows 7, built with the Intel 15 compiler (no GUI included).
DICe_v1.0-yosemite.dmg - Disk image for both the GUI and command line serial analysis executable on Mac OS X Yosemite.
For other systems, DICe must be compiled from source. We're working on a more platform independent way to deploy DICe for Version 2.
Please report any problems by submitting issues on the DICe github site.
DICe v1.0-beta.18
The installers below include the new beta version of the GUI for Windows 7 and Mac (Yosemite). Give the GUI a test drive and report any issues. Only the 2D, subset-based DIC is enabled in the GUI. Once we have a better feel for what the GUI should look like and how it should operate we will expand the functionality to include more sophisticated algorithms.
Please report any problems by submitting issues on the DICe github site.
Update: Mac (Yosemite) .dmg file is uploaded
DICe v1.0-beta.17
Another pre-release of code intended for user testing before the official release of v1.0 (intended for April 2016). Contains package installers for Windows (serial only).
Intel only for this version as well.
Added global exception handling to the main executable. This prevents windows exiting the main executable before printing the error messages that explain why the program crashed.
Please report any problems by submitting issues on the DICe github site.
Windows Package Installers:
All of versions below can be installed on the same machine, but should be placed in separate folders.
The serial installer (DICe_setup_v1.0_intel_serial-beta.exe) will install the serial version of the code without MPI enabled and no debugging information
DICe v1.0-beta.16
Another pre-release of code intended for user testing before the official release of v1.0 (intended for April 2016). Contains package installers for Windows (serial only).
Intel only for this version as well.
Feature: FORCE_SIMPLEX keyword can be added to any conformal subset definition to use the simplex method even if the correlation method is set to gradient-based in the input files.
Please report any problems by submitting issues on the DICe github site.
Windows Package Installers:
All of versions below can be installed on the same machine, but should be placed in separate folders.
The serial installer (DICe_setup_v1.0_intel_serial-beta.exe) will install the serial version of the code without MPI enabled and no debugging information
DICe v1.0-beta.15
Another pre-release of code intended for user testing before the official release of v1.0 (intended for April 2016). Contains package installers for Windows (serial only).
We're using the intel compiler for this version to improve the execution speed.
Feature: SKIP_SOLVE keyword now accepts frame ids to start/stop tracking
Feature: Much faster cine file reader (8K frames/second)
Feature: Increased default skin factor from 1.2 to 1.8 for tracking algorithm
Feature: Added bicubic interpolant, faster than keys-fourth and more accurate than bilinear
Feature: Filter out failed pixels from the cine files in packed 10bit format
Please report any problems by submitting issues on the DICe github site.
Windows Package Installers:
All of versions below can be installed on the same machine, but should be placed in separate folders.
The serial installer (DICe_setup_v1.0_intel_serial-beta.exe) will install the serial version of the code without MPI enabled and no debugging information