- Resource Objects
- Common REST Handlers
- GET /api/rest/v1.0/preferences Get a paginated list of recent preferences
- POST /api/rest/v1.0/preferences - Write one or more preferences
- POST /api/rest/v1.0/rulesets - Generate a new RuleSet based on the current snapshot of preferences
- GET /api/rest/v1.0/recommendations - Get a list of association rules from the default rule set
- AuthUser - Needs documentation yet!
There are a few key resource objects described below: Preference, AssociationRuleSet, AssociationRule, Item and Transaction.
A representation of a PreferenceModel
which stores an individial users/session's like or dislike of a specific item.
Name | Type | Note | Description |
item_id | string | required | identifier of item preference is for |
user_id | string | required | identifier of user recording the preference, used for calculation "transaction" set |
pref | boolean | required | true or false of if the user liked or disliked the item |
timestamp | ISO Datestamp | optional | timestamp of when the preference took place. Useful for when batch syncing preferences |
synced_timestamp | ISO Datestamp | output only | timestamp when model was persisted |
resource_id | string | verbose & output only | resource_id for this PreferenceModel |
resource_url | string | verbose & output only | restful url to resource |
"item_id": "item2",
"pref": false,
"timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"user_id": "user2",
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "PreferenceModel"
"item_id": "item2",
"pref": false,
"synced_timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"user_id": "user2",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTg2NTYxOTY1NjI3ODAxNg",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/preferences/UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTg2NTYxOTY1NjI3ODAxNg"
A resource representing a run the RuleSet generation based on the PreferenceModels at the time it was run.
Name | Type | Note | Description |
min_confidence | float | optional | min confidence used to prune rule set is persisted - defaults to .5 |
min_support | float | optional | min support used to prune rule set that is persisted - defaults to .5 |
created_timestamp | ISO Datestamp | required | Timestamp of when RuleSet was generated |
total_rules | int | required | Confidence the rule is correct in the range of [0...1] |
is_default | bool | * output only * | If the ruleset is the default one served up |
resource_id | string | verbose & output only | resource_id for this AssociationRuleSet |
resource_url | string | verbose & output only | restful url to resource |
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleSetEntity"
"created_timestamp": "2017-03-17T04:50:45Z",
"min_confidence": 0.345,
"min_support": 0.45,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81Nzk5MjM2NjQxNzUxMDQw",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/recommendations/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81Nzk5MjM2NjQxNzUxMDQw",
"is_default": false,
"total_rules": 12
Below is the output representation of a AssociationRule
. Note for ant
and con
, the values of the arrays are rule_item_key
which is in the format of "item id:0 or 1" representing a "like" or "dislike" for item designated by item_id
Name | Type | Note | Description |
ant | array | required | Rule antecedant list of rule_item_key strings described above |
con | array | required | Rule consequent list of rule_item_key strings described above |
confidence | float | required | Confidence the rule is correct in the range of [0...1] |
resource_id | string | verbose & output only | resource_id for this AssociationRule |
resource_url | string | verbose & output only | restful url to resource |
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleModel"
"ant": [
"1163:1", "802:0"
"con": [
"confidence": 0.7474747474747475,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlRW50aXR5Hh82NTIwNzkxMTQ3NDc5MDQw",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/recommendations/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlRW50aXR5Hh82NTIwNzkxMTQ3NDc5MDQw",
"rule_key": "3908:1"
An item that has been preferenced. Keeps track of total preferences.
Name | Type | Note | Description |
item_id | str | output only | String ID of the item preferenced |
created_timestamp | ISO Datestamp | output only | timestamp of when the first preference took place. |
latest_timestamp | ISO Datestamp | output only | timestamp of when the last preference took place. |
total_dislikes | int | output only | # of dislike preferences |
total_likes | int | output only | # of like preferences |
total_dislikes | int | output only | Total # of preferences |
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "ItemModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-09-13T16:49:26Z",
"item_id": "31412",
"latest_timestamp": "2017-09-13T17:07:40Z",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZUl0ZW1FbnRpdHkeMzE0MTI",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/items/UHJlZmVyZW5jZUl0ZW1FbnRpdHkeMzE0MTI",
"total_dislikes": 5,
"total_likes": 1,
"total_preferences": 6
A representation of the user/session and all their preferences. This acts as a "transaction" set of data. There will be one entry per unique user_id passed when creating preferences.
Name | Type | Note | Description |
user_id | str | output only | String ID of the user/session |
created_timestamp | ISO Datestamp | output only | timestamp of when the first preference took place. |
latest_timestamp | ISO Datestamp | output only | timestamp of when the last preference took place. |
rule_item_ids | string list | output only | A list of preference keys ("item id:0 or 1" representing a "like" or "dislike") |
total_dislikes | int | output only | # of dislike preferences |
total_likes | int | output only | # of like preferences |
total_dislikes | int | output only | Total # of preferences |
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "TransactionModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-09-13T17:07:49Z",
"latest_timestamp": "2017-09-13T17:07:53Z",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZVRyYW5zYWN0aW9uRW50aXR5HmFkbWluX3N1cnZleV85LjMxNjg4NDA0MjY2MzA2Ng",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/transactions/UHJlZmVyZW5jZVRyYW5zYWN0aW9uRW50aXR5HmFkbWluX3N1cnZleV85LjMxNjg4NDA0MjY2MzA2Ng",
"rule_item_ids": [
"total_dislikes": 1,
"total_likes": 4,
"total_preferences": 5,
"user_id": "user_1234"
REST requests return JSON as their response body. When making a request, the header Content-Type: application/json
is required.
All handlers unless otherwise noted require an Authentication: Basic <token>
header where <token>
is a base 64 encoded string in the format username:password
Users can be managed via the administrative panel.
The requested data will be returned in the results
property of the json body. This may be a list of requested objects (for a collection/list endpoint) or a single requested object (for resource endpoints)
Every response will also have a status
property containing the HTTP status (matching the request itself) as well as a messages
list property which will contain the traceback if there is an exception.
An example of the raw json response body for a collection/list endpoint can be seen below
"cursor": "bGVFbnRpdHkYgICAgIDi9AsMGAAgAQ==",
"messages": [ null ],
"more": false,
"results": [... //list of result objects],
"status": 200
** A Note On Pagination **
The properties more
and cursor
only applied to supported list/collection endpoints and designate if there are more objects than those retrieved. The cursor
property can be passed to the same base url as a query parameter to retrieve the next set of results.
An example of the raw json response body for a resource endpoint can be seen below
"messages": [ null ],
"results": { single response object },
"status": 200
The following query parameters are supported by all handlers
Name | Type | Default | Description |
pretty | bool | false | Format the response json content into an easily readable indented format - useful for debugging. Default false helps save bandwidth. |
verbose | bool | false | Return all properties of the returned objects including those flagged as verbose_only = True. Default false helps save bandwidth. |
All collection/list handlers (unless otherwise stated) support pagination.
The following optional input query parameters are supported.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cursor | string | None | A string encoded with the query params from the previous request's response json body. (See above) |
limit | int | None | Number of results per request to fetch. |
Collection endpoint to return Preference resource objects (sorted by sync_timestamp DESC)
GET /api/rest/v1.0/preferences
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "PreferenceModel"
"item_id": "item2",
"pref": false,
"synced_timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"user_id": "user2",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTg2NTYxOTY1NjI3ODAxNg",
"resource_type": "PreferenceModel",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/preferences/UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTg2NTYxOTY1NjI3ODAxNg"
"cursor": "bGVFbnRpdHkYgICAgIDi9AsMGAAgAQ==",
"messages": [ null ],
"more": true,
"status": 200
Resource endpoint to return a specific Preference Resource
GET /api/rest/v1.0/preferences/:resource_id?verbose=true
"messages": [
"results": {
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "PreferenceModel"
"item_id": "item2",
"pref": false,
"synced_timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"timestamp": "2017-03-12T16:40:26Z",
"user_id": "user2",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTg2NTYxOTY1NjI3ODAxNg",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/preferences/UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTg2NTYxOTY1NjI3ODAxNg"
"status": 200
Persist one or more Preference resource objects. Multiple input objects are supported to allow async updating from survey data or the device after being offline.
POST /api/rest/v1.0/preferences
The body of a POST request must be an JSON encoded array of PreferenceModel
objects. See Preference Resource Object
section above.
"item_id": "i1",
"user_id": "u1",
"pref": true
"item_id": "i2",
"user_id": "u2",
"pref": false}
"messages": [
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "PreferenceModel"
"item_id": "i1",
"pref": true,
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/preferences/UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNTMwMjY2OTcwMjg1NjcwNA",
"synced_timestamp": "2017-03-12T17:48:33Z",
"timestamp": null,
"user_id": "u1"
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "PreferenceModel"
"item_id": "i2",
"pref": false,
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNjQyODU2OTYwOTY5OTMyOA",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/preferences/UHJlZmVyZW5jZUVudGl0eR4fNjQyODU2OTYwOTY5OTMyOA",
"synced_timestamp": "2017-03-12T17:48:33Z",
"timestamp": null,
"user_id": "u2"
"status": 200
POST /api/rest/v1.0/rulesets
No body is allowed
Name | Type | Note | Description |
min_confidence | float | optional | min confidence used to prune rule set is persisted - defaults to .5 |
min_support | float | optional | min support used to prune rule set that is persisted - defaults to .5 |
is_default | boolean | optional | if the ruleset should be made default |
No Body is allowed
The response body results are a list of AssociationRule Resource Object
"messages": [
"results": {
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleSetModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-03-17T15:54:45Z",
"min_confidence": 0.345,
"min_support": 0.45,
"is_default": false,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81NjA2ODIyMTA2ODkwMjQw",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/rulesets/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81NjA2ODIyMTA2ODkwMjQw",
"total_rules": 12
"status": 200
GET /api/rest/v1.0/rulesets
"messages": [
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleSetModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-03-17T04:50:45Z",
"min_confidence": 0.345,
"min_support": 0.45,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81Nzk5MjM2NjQxNzUxMDQw",
"is_default": false,
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/rulesets/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81Nzk5MjM2NjQxNzUxMDQw",
"total_rules": null
"status": 200
GET /api/rest/v1.0/rulesets/:ruleset_id
"messages": [
"results": {
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleSetModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-03-17T04:50:45Z",
"min_confidence": 0.345,
"min_support": 0.45,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81Nzk5MjM2NjQxNzUxMDQw",
"is_default": false,
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/rulesets/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlU2V0RW50aXR5Hh81Nzk5MjM2NjQxNzUxMDQw",
"total_rules": null
"status": 200
Get default AssociationSet's Rules. Returned resources are sorted by confidence
GET /api/rest/v1.0/recommendations
Get Association Rules for a given AssociationRuleSetEntity
based on its resource_id
GET /api/rest/v1.0/recommendations?ruleset_id=:resource_id
The response body results are a list of AssociationRule Resource Object
"messages": [
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleModel"
"ant": [
"1163:1", "802:0"
"con": [
"confidence": 0.7474747474747475,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlRW50aXR5Hh82NTIwNzkxMTQ3NDc5MDQw",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/recommendations/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlRW50aXR5Hh82NTIwNzkxMTQ3NDc5MDQw",
"rule_key": "3908:1"
"status": 200
Get a set of rules from the latest rule set for a given user. This will take into account the user's preferences and return only exact matches for the user based on these preferneces. This is experimental and not in use
GET /api/rest/v1.0/recommendations/:user_id
The response body results are a list of AssociationRule Resource Object
"messages": [
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleModel"
"ant": [
"1163:1", "802:0"
"con": [
"confidence": 0.7474747474747475,
"resource_id": "QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlRW50aXR5Hh82NTIwNzkxMTQ3NDc5MDQw",
"resource_type": "AssociationRuleModel",
"resource_url": "/api/rest/v1.0/recommendations/QXNzb2NpYXRpb25SdWxlRW50aXR5Hh82NTIwNzkxMTQ3NDc5MDQw",
"rule_key": "3908:1"
"status": 200
GET /api/rest/v1.0/transactions
Get a set of transaction/user/session data
"cursor": "CmMKHgoRY3JlYXRlZF90aW1lc3RhbXASCQi57pKgrZ7WAhI9ahRkZXZ-cHJlZi1zZXJ2aWNlLWRldnIlCxIbUHJlZmVyZW5jZVRyYW5zYWN0aW9uRW50aXR5IgRjYXJsDBgAIAE=",
"messages": [
"more": false,
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "TransactionModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-09-13T17:07:49Z",
"latest_timestamp": "2017-09-13T17:07:53Z",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZVRyYW5zYWN0aW9uRW50aXR5HmFkbWluX3N1cnZleV85LjMxNjg4NDA0MjY2MzA2Ng",
"rule_item_ids": [
"total_dislikes": 1,
"total_likes": 4,
"total_preferences": 5,
"user_id": "admin_survey_9.316884042663066"
GET /api/rest/v1.0/items
Get a list of previously preferenced items
GET /api/rest/v1.0/items?items=item_1,item2,item3...
Get a list of previously preferenced items by a comma separated list of item_ids Note: Pagination/cursor is not supported as a query param in conjunction with items query param with .
"cursor": "ClsKHgoRY3JlYXRlZF90aW1lc3RhbXASCQjtysD_rJ7WAhI1ahRkZXZ-cHJlZi1zZXJ2aWNlLWRldnIdCxIUUHJlZmVyZW5jZUl0ZW1FbnRpdHkiA2pqagwYACAB",
"messages": [
"more": false,
"results": [
"_meta": {
"is_verbose": true,
"resource_type": "ItemModel"
"created_timestamp": "2017-09-13T16:49:26Z",
"item_id": "31412",
"latest_timestamp": "2017-09-13T17:07:40Z",
"resource_id": "UHJlZmVyZW5jZUl0ZW1FbnRpdHkeMzE0MTI",
"total_dislikes": 5,
"total_likes": 1,
"total_preferences": 6