All data relevant for the game (e.g. how much costs building the castle?
What cultures exist? Can my priest overclock his "Wololo?")
are stored in a binary format in the file empires2_x1_p1.dat
The format is described in the huge struct definition.
These data files are basically a huge tree structure. We don't handle cross-references to make this tree a graph in the convert script (like id mappings, e.g. villager has creation sound id 42, sound 42 plays the 1337.wav).
All data values are exported (in Python) to human-readable formats, and get imported by the C++ Engine again. The storage format is completely replaceable that way.
For simplicity the minimal format is CSV
The data will get converted to nyan
, our custom data language.
It's designed to be redundancy-free, well readable and specially optimized for