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Resources |
Software Carpentry.
Data Carpentry.
Why are your files and directories a mess?
Getting your project files in order, Hao Ye's Notes on Data Organization in Spreadsheets and R.
Naming Things - by Jenny Bryan
Wilson, G. et al. 2014. Best Practices for Scientific Computing. PLoS Biol 12(1): e1001745. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001745. URL:
White, E.P. et al. 2013. Nine simple ways to make it easier to (re)use your data. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 6(2): 1-10. URL:
Ram, K. 2013. Git can facilitate greater reproducibility and increased transparency in science. Source Code for Biology and Medicine. 8:7. doi:10.1186/1751-0473-8-7 URL:
A data science blog greared towards beginneers with a mixture of R and python content
- Jack Weiss's courses on statistics for ecologists and environmental scientists
- Code to accompany A primer of ecological statistics (Gotelli and Ellison 2012)
- Datasets to accompany The R book (Jones et al. 2022)
- Introduction to Data Exploration and Analysis with R by Michael Mahoney
- free ebook
- Basic statistics using R
- free ebook
- Topics in R Statistical Language (Penn State Open Edu)
- Jason Fridley's R based plant ecology course
- Patrick Breheny courses on statistics for biologists
- Linear Models with R (free ebook)
- Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R by Zurr et al. (free for cofc students)
- Anova
- Ordination webpage
- Amazing resource for multivariate approaches for analyzing community ecology data.
- Anscombe's quartet
- Dynamic Ecology blog posts by Brian McGill related to statistics and data.
- Why AIC appeals to ecologists lowests instincts
- In praise of exporatory statistics
- Ecologists need to do a better job of prediction (4 part series)
- Ten commandments for good data management
- Why ecology is hard (and fun) – multicausality
- Big Book of R: a collection of bookmarked R lessons and demos -
- Free manuals and tutorials provided by R users
- R programming style guide
- by Whickham
- lintr for cleaning up R code
- formatR
- Tryr by codeschool
- Interactive online lesson for learning R basics
- A fairly comprehensive R reference card
- Programming with R by Software Carpentry
- The software carpentry team have some of the best lessons for learning computational tools on the web.
- Five useful R functions for manipulating data
- Advanced R by Hadley Wickham:
- One of the best references for taking your R to the next level
- Colors
- Git and GitHub by Hadley Wickham
- A very nice overview and step by step instructions for using git and integrating it with Rstudio.
- git - the simple guide
- Version Control by Software Carpentry
- Git reference card:
- Git quick reference for beginners
- Git flight rules - for when things go wrong