diff --git a/lib/dradis/plugins/html_export/engine.rb b/lib/dradis/plugins/html_export/engine.rb
index 5f1cc7a..90fb7dd 100644
--- a/lib/dradis/plugins/html_export/engine.rb
+++ b/lib/dradis/plugins/html_export/engine.rb
@@ -24,16 +24,11 @@ class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
initializer 'dradis-html_export.mount_engine' do
Rails.application.reloader.to_prepare do
- # By default, this engine is loaded into the main app. So, upon app
- # initialization, we first check if the DB is loaded and the Configuration
- # table has been created, before checking if the engine is enabled
- if (ActiveRecord::Base.connection rescue false) && ::Configuration.table_exists?
- Rails.application.routes.append do
- # Enabling/disabling integrations calls Rails.application.reload_routes! we need the enable
- # check inside the block to ensure the routes can be re-enabled without a server restart
- if Engine.enabled?
- mount Engine => '/', as: :html_export
- end
+ Rails.application.routes.append do
+ # Enabling/disabling integrations calls Rails.application.reload_routes! we need the enable
+ # check inside the block to ensure the routes can be re-enabled without a server restart
+ if Engine.enabled?
+ mount Engine => '/', as: :html_export