The app has to live somewhere. A cheap way is to rent your own VPS server, on which you can then also run many other things.
- Click my referral-link to receive your 10$ bonus when signing up. (Please retweet, thanks).
- Sign up, using your credit card (will only be credited when above those 10$, i.e. 2 months of the smallest droplet).
- Confirm email.
This is optional! You can also simply password-protect the SSH access to your droplet. I like SSH keys because I don't have to type my password each time:
- open the Setting ... User ... Security ... page.
- read: 'How To Use SSH keys With Droplets'
- PuTTYgen ...
- 4096 ... Generate ... move mouse
- Save public Key ... Save private key
- 'Public key for pasting into OpenSSH' ...:
Copy, paste into digitalocean 'Add SSH key' form, press green "Create" button
Now we are creating the smallest possible "droplet", with 512 MB RAM, and Debian Linux.
Costs: As long as it exists (i.e. it has an IP address assigned), it costs 0.16 $ per day, even if is switched off. If you want to pause paying, open the admin interface of the droplet: Power it off, take a snapshot, then destroy the droplet. Later, you can continue, using that now ready configured snapshot as the image for a new droplet. Very easy. But for now, let's start:
- Image: Debian 8.2 x64,
Size: $5/month (512MB, 20GB, 1000GB),
Region: New York (close to Europe AND California),
(optional:) Add your SSH keys - Wait 55 seconds
- copy the IP address, e.g. (in my case; of course, you use yours ... )
- You need an SSH client, e.g. Putty.
- IP:, port: 22, Type: SSH
- (optional, if SSH key from above):
- Connection ... Data ... Auto-login username: root
- Connection ... SSH ... Auth ... Private key file for authentication: the *.ppk file that you saved (above)
- (optional): I change the background color for each droplet, to be able to distinguish them
- Session ... Save Session Name ... Save
- Open
Update, and install dependencies, and useful tools This prepares the system
apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get install -y sudo nano lynx tree screen python-pip git
sudo pip install -U pip
sudo pip install Django iptools requests jsonfield coinbase
sudo pip --version; python --version; python -c "import django; print('django '+django.get_version())"
I got: pip 7.1.2, Python 2.7.9, django 1.9.1
Superb. Your server is prepared. Please see now, how to get the app running.
This is a proof of concept project only. If you want to use this in production, I suggest you consider:
- running the django app with uWSGI behind an nginx webserver.
- closing the access with a firewall with e.g. iptables.
- coding more, and better reactions to when your client has paid you, see