This example is based on the chapters 4.1 through 4.4 from "Why and how zk-SNARK works" (2019). It is designed to reuse the
This example is so simple that the target polynomial has only one root. Otherwise, it uses KZG's setup directly.
def setup( r ):
max_size = 2 # max size of polynomials
t = (FieldElement.X - r) # target polynomial
pk, vk, _, _ = kzg.setup( max_size, t )
return (pk, vk)
The prover is implemented the same as the reference paper. To make the example a bit more interesting, I fixed the left operand l
's value (the parameter a
). The right operand r
is considered the secret witness and the result o
is considered the public statement produced from the prover.
def prover( pk, r, a ):
# compute the witness and statement values
wit = FieldElement.random_element() # witness
stmt = a * wit # statement
print( "stmt:", stmt )
print( "wit:", wit )
# polynomials representing the operation `l * r = o`
X = FieldElement.X
t = (X - r)
p_l = X * (a / r)
p_r = X * (wit / r)
p_o = X * (stmt / r)
h_op = (p_l * p_r - p_o) / t # operational relationship
# commitments
pi_l = kzg.commit( pk[0], p_l )
pi_r = kzg.commit( pk[0], p_r )
pi_o = kzg.commit( pk[0], p_o )
pi_l2 = kzg.commit( pk[1], p_l ) # a shift of p_l
pi_r2 = kzg.commit( pk[1], p_r ) # a shift of p_r
pi_o2 = kzg.commit( pk[1], p_o ) # a shift of p_o
pi_op = kzg.commit( pk[0], h_op )
return (stmt, (pi_l, pi_r, pi_o, pi_l2, pi_r2, pi_o2, pi_op))
def verifier( vk, pi ):
pi_l, pi_r, pi_o, pi_l2, pi_r2, pi_o2, pi_op = pi
# polynomial restriction check
assert kzg.verify_shift( vk[2], pi_l, pi_l2 )
assert kzg.verify_shift( vk[2], pi_r, pi_r2 )
assert kzg.verify_shift( vk[2], pi_o, pi_o2 )
# operation check
assert e(pi_l, pi_r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
It's nice that the kzg
module is reusable at least partially. Those kzg.commit
and kzg.verify_shift
abstract away some math/complexity out of the prover and verifier implementation.
Notice that the kzg.prove
and kzg.verify
functions are not used here. It turned out that the operation check part is specific to each application. It means the setup, prover and verifier code need to be re-built for every application. Thus, it makes sense to use a compiler to generate them from a circuit definition.
By the way, this implementation of verifier actually does not check the pi_l
and pi_o
are correct. This will be fixed in the next optimized version below.
Since the a
and stmt
values are public and we know what the polynomials for l
and o
should be, there is no need to check the commitments for l
and o
. Thus, we can drop pi_l
, pi_o
, pi_l2
and pi_o2
from the proof pi
. Then, the verifier can be simplified as following.
def verifier( vk, r, a, stmt, pi ):
pi_r, pi_r2, pi_op = pi
# polynomial restriction check
assert kzg.verify_shift( vk[2], pi_r, pi_r2 )
# operation check along with the known values
assert e(vk[0], pi_r) ** (a/r).val == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(vk[0], G) ** (stmt/r).val
The operation check needs some explanation. The original assertion was this:
assert e(pi_l, pi_r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
Since we don't have pi_l
and pi_o
any longer, we need to compute them in the verifier. Let's recall how they were computed in the unoptimized prover:
p_l = X * (a / r)
p_o = X * (stmt / r)
# commitments
pi_l = kzg.commit( pk[0], p_l )
pi_o = kzg.commit( pk[0], p_o )
The new verifier could do the same computation:
pi_l = kzg.commit( pk[0], X * (a / r) )
pi_o = kzg.commit( pk[0], X * (stmt / r) )
assert e(pi_l, pi_r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
The catch is that the verifier would now need pk[0]
(the value of G * s
) as its parameter unless it is not! The cool thing about pairing is that the verifier can check the assertion without pk[0]
. Note that the commitment pi_l
equals G * s * (a/r)
(by the definition of pk[0]
and kzg.commit
). Thus, that assertion above can be re-written as following:
assert e(pi_l, pi_r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
(original assertion)assert e(G * s * (a/r), pi_r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
(definition ofpi_l
)assert e(G * s, pi_r) ** (a/r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
(bilinearity ofe
)assert e(vk[0], pi_r) ** (a/r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(pi_o, G)
(definition ofvk[0]
)assert e(vk[0], pi_r) ** (a/r) == e(vk[1], pi_op) * e(vk[0], G) ** (stmt/r)
(similar steps 2-4 forpi_o
Therefore, the assertion in (5) can be computed directly by the verifier without pi_l
nor pk[0]
The examples lack some Zero-Knowledge aspect of kzg.prove
(shifting the proof by a random delta), which needs to be implemented.
Also, the examples are still not quite SNARK, since the simulation of interactive proof is not implemented, yet.