A containerized web app to source stories for the Where To Look database.
The webapp/utilities repo is a submodule.
A number of out-of-repo files are required or required for full functionality:
Required API keys
- .env
- webapp/.google_config.json
Various learned models to be served. All are loaded exclusively through app.py (see therein) and stashed in:
- models/
U.S. state geojsons to retrive stories by state or county
- webapp/static_geojsons/us_county_geojson.csv
- webapp/static_geojsons/us_allstates.json
- webapp/static_geojsons/us_evpstates.json
The image service is based a containerized Flask web app. To test the app, run from the top-level directory:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
On AWS simply run in detatched mode:
docker-compose up -d
For Heroku via Heroku container service:
heroku container:push --recursive -a <heroku-app-name>
heroku container:release web worker -a <heroku-app-name>