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Mappings defined in DataCite+DCAT-AP

Status of this document

This document is a draft meant to report work in progress concerning an exercise, carried out at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (Units B.6 & G.I.4), for the alignment of DataCite metadata with DCAT-AP.

As such, it can be updated any time and it must be considered as unstable.


This documents illustrates the mappings defined in DataCite+DCAT-AP, as implemented in the datacite-to-dcat-ap.xsl XSLT.

The background and methodology for the design of DataCite+DCAT-AP are illustrated in a separate document:

DataCite+DCAT-AP: Background & methodology

Table of contents

Prefix Namespace URI Schema & documentation
dc Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1
dcat Data Catalog Vocabulary
dct DCMI Metadata Terms
duv Dataset Usage Vocabulary
foaf FOAF Vocabulary
frapo FRAPO, the Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology
geo W3C Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) vocabulary
gsp GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data
locn ISA Programme Core Location Vocabulary
org The Organization Ontology
owl OWL Web Ontology Language Reference
prov PROV-O: The PROV Ontology
rdf Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax
rdfs RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema
skos SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System - Reference
vcard vCard Ontology
xsd XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition
wdrs Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): POWDER-S Vocabulary (WDRS)
DataCite metadata elements Code list URI Code lists Status
Language Language register operated by the Metadata Registry of the Publications Office of the EU [MDR-LANG] stable
Format File type register operated by the Metadata Registry of the Publications Office of the EU [MDR-FT] stable IANA MIME Media Types register testing

The following section summarises the alignments defined in DataCite+DCAT-AP.

The alignments are grouped as follows:

  • Alignments for 1st-level DataCite metadata elements
  • Alignments for 2nd-level DataCite metadata elements
  • Alignments for identifiers used in DataCite records

The alignments supported only in the extended profile of DataCite+DCAT-AP are in bold.

The mappings illustrated in this section concern the 1st-level elements in the DataCite metadata schema.

These elements specify properties / relationships that, in some cases, can be futher specialised with an attribute denoting their sub-type (e.g., the "type" of resource, the "type" of contributor, the "type" of related resource). For this reason, elements having a "type" attribute have both a default mapping for the element, and a specific mapping for the type. The default mapping is used in the following cases:

  • The element "type" is not specified
  • No mapping is specified for a given element "type"

As a rule, the domain of the mappings is the one corresponding to the ResourceType element (i.e., rdfs:Resource, dcat:Dataset, dctype:Service, or dctype:Event). However, "starred" elements - i.e., elements whose name is preceded by an asterisk ("*") - are those having as domain dcat:Distribution when the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset.

Element Type Mappings Mapping status Comments
Property or RDF/XML attribute Range
Identifier @rdf:about rdfs:Resource (URI reference) testing
dct:identifier xsd:anyURI testing
dcat:landingPage rdfs:Resource (URI reference) testing If the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset
foaf:page rdfs:Resource (URI reference) testing If the resource is not modelled as a dcat:Dataset
* dcat:accessURL rdfs:Resource (URI reference) testing If the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset, the domain is dcat:Distribution
Creator dct:creator foaf:Agent testing
Title default dct:title rdf:PlainLiteral testing
AlternativeTitle dct:alternative rdf:PlainLiteral testing
Subtitle ??:?? rdf:PlainLiteral unstable TBD
TranslatedTitle dct:title rdf:PlainLiteral testing
Publisher dct:publisher foaf:Agent testing
PublicationYear dct:issued xsd:gYear testing
Subject dct:subject skos:Concept testing If the subject is associated with a subject scheme
dcat:keyword rdf:PlainLiteral testing If the subject is not associated with a subject scheme
Contributor default dct:contributor foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
ContactPerson dcat:contactPoint vcard:Individual testing
DataCollector ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
DataCurator ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
DataManager ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
Distributor duv:hasDistributor foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
Editor schema:editor foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
Funder schema:funder foaf:Agent testing

Only for the extended profile.

This element has been deprecated in DataCite 4.0, in favour of new element FundingReference.

HostingInstitution ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
Producer schema:producer foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
ProjectLeader ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
ProjectManager ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
ProjectMember dct:contributor foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
* foaf:member testing

Only for the extended profile

The domain of property foaf:member is class foaf:Project.

The resource is linked to foaf:Project with property prov:wasGeneratedBy.

RegistrationAgency ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
RegistrationAuthority ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
RelatedPerson ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
Researcher ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
ResearchGroup ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
RightsHolder dct:rightsHolder foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
Sponsor schema:sponsor foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
Supervisor ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
WorkPackageLeader ??:?? foaf:Agent unstable TBD
Other dct:contributor foaf:Agent testing Only for the extended profile
Date default dct:date xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Accepted dct:dateAccepted xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Available dct:available xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Copyrighted dct:dateCopyrighted xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Collected dct:created xsd:date unstable TBD
Created dct:created xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Issued dct:issued xsd:date testing
Submitted dct:dateSubmitted xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Updated dct:modified xsd:date testing
Valid dct:valid xsd:date testing Only for the extended profile
Language dct:language dct:LinguisticSystem testing
ResourceType default rdf:type rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
Audiovisual rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:MovingImage testing Only for the extended profile
Collection rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:Collection testing Only for the extended profile
DataPaper rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing Added in DataCite v4.1
dct:type ??:?? unstable TBD
Dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:Dataset testing Only for the extended profile
Event rdf:type dctype:Event testing Only for the extended profile
dct:type dctype:Event testing Only for the extended profile
Image rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:Image testing Only for the extended profile
InteractiveResource rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:InteractiveResource testing Only for the extended profile
Model rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type ??:?? unstable TBD
PhysicalObject rdf:type dctype:PhysicalObject testing Only for the extended profile
dct:type dctype:PhysicalObject testing Only for the extended profile
Service rdf:type dctype:Service testing Only for the extended profile
dct:type dctype:Service testing Only for the extended profile
Software rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:Software testing Only for the extended profile
Sound rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:Sound testing Only for the extended profile
Text rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type dctype:Text testing Only for the extended profile
Workflow rdf:type dcat:Dataset testing
dct:type ??:?? unstable TBD
Other rdf:type rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
dct:type ??:?? unstable TBD
AlternateIdentifier owl:sameAs URI reference testing
adms:identifier adms:Identifier testing
RelatedIdentifier default dct:relation rdfs:Resource testing
IsCitedBy ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
Cites ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsSupplementTo ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsSupplementedBy ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsContinuedBy ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
Continues ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
HasMetadata foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf dcat:CatalogRecord (URI reference) testing
IsMetadataFor foaf:primaryTopic rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsNewVersionOf dct:isVersionOf rdfs:Resource testing
IsPreviousVersionOf dct:hasVersion rdfs:Resource testing
IsPartOf dct:isPartOf rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
HasPart dct:hasPart rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsReferencedBy dct:isReferencedBy rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
References dct:references rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsDocumentedBy foaf:page rdfs:Resource testing
Documents ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsCompiledBy ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
Compiles ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsVariantFormOf schema:isVariantOf rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsOriginalFormOf ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsIdenticalTo owl:sameAs rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsReviewedBy schema:review rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
Reviews schema:itemReviewed rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsDerivedFrom dct:source rdfs:Resource testing
IsSourceOf prov:hadDerivation rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
Describes ??:?? rdfs:Resource unstable TBD
IsDescribedBy wdrs:describedby rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
HasVersion dct:hasVersion rdfs:Resource testing
IsVersionOf dct:isVersionOf rdfs:Resource testing
Requires dct:requires rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
IsRequiredBy dct:isRequiredBy rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile
* Size dct:extent dct:SizeOrDuration testing

If the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset, the domain is dcat:Distribution.

Only for the extended profile.

* Format dct:format dct:MediaTypeOrExtent testing

If not specified with a IANA media type

If the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset, the domain is dcat:Distribution.

dcat:mediaType dct:MediaTypeOrExtent (URI reference) testing

If specified with a IANA media type

If the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset, the domain is dcat:Distribution.

Version owl:versionInfo rdf:PlainLiteral testing
* Rights dct:rights dct:RightsStatement testing If the resource is modelled as a dcat:Dataset, the domain is dcat:Distribution.
Description default dct:description rdf:PlainLiteral testing
Abstract dct:description rdf:PlainLiteral testing
Methods dct:provenance dct:ProvenanceStatement testing
SeriesInformation ??:?? ??:?? unstable TBD
TableOfContents dct:tableOfContents rdf:PlainLiteral testing Only for the extended profile.
Other rdfs:comment rdf:PlainLiteral testing Only for the extended profile.
GeoLocation dct:spatial dct:Location testing
FundingReference frapo:isFundedBy foaf:Project testing

Element added in DataCite 4.0.

Only for the extended profile.

The mappings illustrated in this section concern the 2nd-level elements in the DataCite metadata schema.

These elements, and the corresponding mappings, are grouped in the following classes:

  • Elements with child elements
  • Elements with attributes

Elements with child elements

Element Child elements Mappings Mapping status Comments
Domain Property or RDF/XML attribute Range
Creator creatorName foaf:Agent foaf:name rdf:PlainLiteral testing
givenName foaf:givenName rdf:PlainLiteral testing
familyName foaf:familyName rdf:PlainLiteral testing
nameIdentifier @rdf:about URI reference testing
affiliation org:memberOf foaf:Organization testing
Contributor contributorName foaf:Agent foaf:name rdf:PlainLiteral testing
vcard:Individual vcard:fn rdf:PlainLiteral testing If the contributor type is "ContactPerson"
givenName foaf:Agent foaf:givenName rdf:PlainLiteral testing
vcard:Individual vcard:given-name rdf:PlainLiteral testing If the contributor type is "ContactPerson"
familyName foaf:Agent foaf:familyName rdf:PlainLiteral testing
vcard:Individual vcard:family-name rdf:PlainLiteral testing If the contributor type is "ContactPerson"
nameIdentifier foaf:Agent @rdf:about URI reference testing
vcard:Individual testing If the contributor type is "ContactPerson"
affiliation foaf:Agent org:memberOf foaf:Organization testing
vcard:Individual vcard:organization-name rdf:PlainLiteral testing If the contributor type is "ContactPerson"
GeoLocation geoLocationPoint dct:Location geo:lat_long rdfs:Literal testing

In DataCite 4.0, this information is specified by using 2 child elements - namely, pointLatitude and pointLongitude.

Earlier versions of DataCite use a literal instead.

locn:geometry gsp:gmlLiteral testing
geoLocationBox locn:geometry gsp:wktLiteral testing

In DataCite 4.0, this information is specified by using 4 child elements - namely, northBoundLatitude, eastBoundLongitude, southBoundLatitude, and westBoundLongitude.

Earlier versions of DataCite use a literal instead.

schema:box rdfs:Literal testing
geoLocationPolygon locn:geometry gsp:wktLiteral testing

Element added in DataCite 4.0.

The polygon vertices are specified by using child element geoPolygonPoint. The coordinates of each vertex are specified by using two child elements - respectively, pointLatitude and pointLongitude.

schema:polygon rdfs:Literal testing
FundingReference awardNumber foaf:Project dct:identifier xsd:string | xsd:anyURI testing
awardTitle dct:title rdf:PlainLiteral testing
* funderName foaf:Organization foaf:name rdf:PlainLiteral testing

The "funding project" (foaf:Project) is linked to the "funder" (foaf:Organization) by using property frapo:isAwardedBy.

The domain is foaf:Organization.

* funderIdentifier dct:identifier xsd:string | xsd:anyURI testing

Elements with attributes

Element Textual content & attributes Mappings Mapping status Comments
Domain Property or RDF/XML attribute Range
Subject textual content skos:Concept skos:prefLabel rdf:PlainLiteral testing
@schemeURI skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme (URI reference) testing
* @subjectScheme skos:ConceptScheme dct:title rdf:PlainLiteral testing The domain is skos:ConceptScheme
Rights textual content dct:RightsStatement rdfs:label rdf:PlainLiteral testing
@rightsURI @rdf:about URI reference testing
awardNumber textual content foaf:Project dct:identifier xsd:string | xsd:anyURI testing
@awardURI @rdf:about URI reference testing

DataCite supports the use of persistent identifiers to denote:

  • the described resource, and the related resources
  • resource creators and contributors
  • funders (i.e., the organisation funding the activity from which the described resource has been created)

In DataCite, such identifiers are specified as follows:

  • the identifier
  • the identifier type / scheme name (e.g., ORCID, ISNI, DOI)
  • optionally, the scheme URI (e.g.,,,

In DataCite+DCAT-AP, all these identifiers are mapped to URIs, by concatenating the identifier in the DataCite record with a URI prefix defined for each identifier type / scheme. Whenever possible, dereferenceable HTTP URIs/URLs are used; otherwise, URNs.

Notably, DataCite provides code lists for the types / schemes of identifiers used to denote resources and funders, but no code list is defined in DataCite for types / schemes of identifiers used to denote resource creators / contributors (the specification uses, as an example, "ORCID" and "ISNI").

However, DataCite does not specify a code list for scheme URIs. So, the mapping between the identifier type / scheme implemented in DataCite+DCAT-AP is based on the relevant registries and examples in the DataCite metadata schema specification. No URI prefix is of course used if the identifier is already a URI (as URLs and URNs).

The following table shows, for each identifier type / scheme, which is the URI prefix used in DataCite+DCAT-AP, along with examples of the results of such mappings. As mentioned above, all the identifier types / schemes in the table are defined as a code list in the DataCite metadata schema, with the exception of ORCID and ISNI (however, ISNI is defined in the code list for funder identifier types).

Identifier type / scheme Element(s) URI prefix used in DataCite+DCAT-AP Example Mapping status Comments
Original Transformed
ORCID nameIdentifier 0000-0002-7285-027X testing
ISNI nameIdentifier 0000000121032683 testing
GRID funderIdentifier grid.270680.b testing
CrossRef Funder ID funderIdentifier 10.13039/501100000900 testing
DOI Identifier 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.11.037 testing
ARK AlternateIdentifier ark:/67531/metapth346793/ testing
arΧiv AlternateIdentifier arXiv:0706.0001 testing The URI prefix replaces the namespace prefix arXiv: in the original identifier
bibcode AlternateIdentifier 2014Wthr...69...72C testing
EAN13 AlternateIdentifier urn:ean-13: 9783468111242 urn:ean-13:9783468111242 unstable
EISSN AlternateIdentifier urn:issn: 1562-6865 urn:issn:1562-6865 unstable
Handle AlternateIdentifier 10013/epic.10033 testing
IGSN AlternateIdentifier ( SSH000SUA ( stable Identifier type added in DataCite 4.0.
ISBN AlternateIdentifier urn:isbn: 978-3-905673-82-1 urn:isbn:978-3-905673-82-1 unstable
ISSN AlternateIdentifier urn:issn: 0077-5606 urn:issn:0077-5606 unstable
ISTC AlternateIdentifier A12-2014-00013328-5 testing
LISSN AlternateIdentifier urn:issn: 1188-1534 urn:issn:1188-1534 unstable
LSID AlternateIdentifier testing

LSIDs are implemented as URNs, following the pattern urn:lsid:authority:namespace:identifier:revision

URNs are URIs - no need for a URI prefix.

PMID AlternateIdentifier 12082125 testing
PURL AlternateIdentifier testing PURLs are HTTP URIs - no need for a URI prefix.
UPC AlternateIdentifier urn:upc: 123456789999 urn:upc:123456789999 unstable
URL AlternateIdentifier testing URLs are URIs - no need for a URI prefix.
URN AlternateIdentifier urn:nbn:de:101:1-201102033592 urn:nbn:de:101:1-201102033592 testing URNs are URIs - no need for a URI prefix.