Ensure some basics are installed:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maveonair/helix-editor sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install \ autoconf \ autotools-dev \ curl \ feh \ fortunes \ gdu \ git \ helix \ htop \ httpie \ i3lock \ imagemagick \ iotop \ jq \ libghc-xmonad-contrib-dev \ libghc-xmonad-dev \ nemo \ picom \ pipx \ ripgrep \ scrot \ stow \ suckless-tools \ tree \ xmobar \ xmonad \ xsel pipx install \ cmake-language-server \ ipython curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh
Install Rust, then use Cargo to install the latest release of Alacritty. See
in the Alacritty repo (for that version tag) for the required system packages to install beforehand, and the post-install steps to run (once) after. -
Create a new SSH key pair and add it to GitHub.
Fix permissions on
:sudo chmod g-s /usr/local/stow sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/stow sudo chown root:root /usr/local/stow
Clone this repo and use
to link the relevant config into$HOME
:cd && git clone [email protected]:ecridge/dotfiles.git cd dotfiles stow bash stow git # etc...
fc-cache -f ~/.local/share/fonts
after stowing fonts. -
Clone jeo, compile a Kinesis keymap, and copy or link it into
. -
Make a suitable
command and put it as a Bash executable in~/.local/bin/fixdisplays
, e.g.#!/bin/bash xrandr \ --output eDP-1 --auto --pos 0x1360 \ --output HDMI-1-0 --auto --pos 2560x0 --rotate left \ --output DP-1-1 --auto --pos 4000x440
Set a wallpaper (will be reloaded thereafter), e.g.
feh --bg-fill /usr/share/backgrounds/Some_Included_Image.png