Table of Contents
The openEQUELLA copyright compliance features do not restrict the amount of copyright material that can be contributed to the repository: they do restrict the amount of copied content which can be active at any time – i.e. copyright compliant content cannot be viewed by course users until it has been activated. Any number of resources can be active at a particular time as long as they comply with Part VB of the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (as amended) and the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994 (and subsequent amendments).
The purpose of this guide is to provide content contributors, such as lecturers, teachers librarians and content administrators with examples of the copyright resource contribution, activation, management and reporting process.
Please note that this guide has been developed to best reflect the full capabilities of openEQUELLA and as such may differ in appearance to your own installation and as it is based on Australian and New Zealand Copyright regulations it will have varying levels of applicability around the world. Contact the system administrator for access to extra features or to reconfigure your installation.
Where possible the examples in this guide use the Collections, Contribution Wizards and Power Searches provided in the openEQUELLA Vanilla Institution. (Note: There are no workflows associated with these vanilla collections and hence the resources do not go through a moderation process.)
openEQUELLA enables users to create, manage and search for copyright compliant content such as images, audio, video, packaged content, web links, text, PDF and MS Office™ documents.
In this guide, the user will:
- Contribute resources to the openEQUELLA Digital Repository:
- Contribute a holding resource using the federated search method;
- Contribute a holding resource using the library search method;
- Contribute portion resources.
- Activate the portion resources.
- Browse for activated resources.
- Perform a Power Search to find contributed resources.
- Manage the activated resources.
- Generate a copyright report.
openEQUELLA copyright compliance management involves interrelated collections.
Typically these include two separate holding collections to easily differentiate the types of copyright content and are typically a book collection and a journal collection. The holding collections contain holding resources that consist of information (metadata) about the resource such as book or journal details.
The portion collection stores portion resources that each contain copyright content such as the scanned chapter of a book or article from a journal. During contribution the portion resources are linked to the appropriate holding resource.
In this section the user will contribute a resource a resource to the book holding collection then contribute portion resources that are linked to the book holding resource.
To access openEQUELLA
- Open a browser and enter your openEQUELLA URL (e.g. and log in.
The examples in this section are as follows:
- Contribute a holding resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) to the holding collection (e.g. Books).
- Contribute various portion resources (e.g. Chapters 2 & 4) to the portion collection (e.g. eReserve articles) and link them to the appropriate source resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) in the holding collection (e.g. Books).
Resources that are contributed to holding collections only contain information (metadata). This is typically records of books and journals and includes details such as titles, authors, editors etc.
The first step is to contribute a resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) to the holding collection (e.g. Books). When contributing a resource, for example a book to a holding collection the resource can be added using the following methods:
- Holding collection contribution wizard—allows users to manually add information and contribute a resource to the selected holding collection.
- Remote repository—allows users to search for records from a variety of external sources such as a library database. Information for the resource can automatically be imported into a contribution wizard saving time and increasing accuracy.
Because a holding resource must exist for every contributed portion resource, holding resources can also be contributed during the portion resource contribution process using the following methods:
- Remote repository/Library search—allows users to search for records from a variety of external repositories and automatically import information from Z3950 sources into a contribution wizard for the selected holding type.
- Contribution wizard—allows users to manually add information and contribute a resource to the holding collection for the selected holding type.
Each resource that is contributed is saved in a customised collection and each collection belongs to a category.
To contribute a resource to a collection
- Select Contribute from the navigation menu. The Contribute page displays with a list of categories and collections.
- Select a collection from the list (e.g. Books in the Demonstration category) to display the Contribution Wizard associated with the selected collection.
(NOTE: Holding resources only contain details about the book or journal.)
A remote repository search allows users to search multiple external sources such as university library databases and choose to have the returned results automatically added to fields in the holding collection wizard. Using remote repositories can increase accuracy and is quicker than entering information manually.
To search for source information
- Select Search from the navigation menu. The Search page displays.
- Click the Within drop-down and select the appropriate remote repository (e.g. Books – Libraries Australia) from the Remote repositories category.
The Books – Libraries Australia remote repository page displays.
Select Title from the Where drop-down, enter a search term in the search box (e.g. australian education) then click Search to display a list of search results.
- Select an appropriate resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) to display detailed results.
- Click Import to display the holding collection (e.g. Books) contribution wizard with some fields automatically populated with information returned from the search.
The contribution wizard is used to gather information relating to the contributed resource.
- Enter all required information for the resource being contributed.
- Review the information then click Save to display a confirmation dialog.
- Click Publish to display the Resource summary page.
The next step is to add portion resources (e.g. Chapters 2 & 4) to the portion collection (e.g. eReserve articles) and link them to the holding resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) in the holding collection (e.g. Books).
Resources that are contributed to portion collections contain the content. This is typically scanned or copied extracts from books or journal articles.
When contributing a portion resource such as a book chapter or journal article to the portion collection, it must be linked to an appropriate book or journal source resource in the holding collection.
- Select Contribute from the navigation menu then select the portions collection (e.g. eReserve articles) to display the portion collection contribution wizard.
Portion resources are typically scanned or copied files that can be attached to the resource.
- Select the resource type (e.g. File).
- Click the Add a resource link to browse for and add the scanned or copied file (e.g. Education comparisons.docx). Note that only one file can be attached.
- Enter the Page range (e.g. 12-23). An example is shown in Figure 10.
- Select a category from the Copyright Status drop-down list (e.g. Copyright) to display controls for the selected type.
In the example collection, book chapters or journal articles can be added. Selecting a Book holding type displays different fields to selecting a Journal holding type.
- Click the Add Additional Section button and repeat steps 1-4 above.
- Select the holding type from the Type drop-down list (e.g. Book extract) to display controls relevant to the selected type.
- Click the Add a resource link in the Select Book section to display the Select page with the search.
Existing openEQUELLA holding resources can be selected using the Search, Recent or Browse portlets.
When an existing holding resource cannot be located it can be added using the Contribute options available from the Select page.
- Either:
a. Enter appropriate search criteria (e.g. australian education) in the Search box then click the search button to display the results page, Or
b. Select a resource from the Recent portlet to display the Resource summary page within the Select page.
- Select the appropriate holding resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) to display the Resource summary page within the Select page.
- Click Select Item . The My selections page displays.
- Click Return Selection. The Edit resource details dialog displays.
- Click Save. The Book displays in the Selection table, with Edit, Replace and Delete links.
- Enter the required information in the Chapter Number, Author, Title, Description and From where does this originate? fields, if relevant.
- Click the Save button, then select to display the Resource summary page, with the holding resources details displayed.
- Add at least one more portion resource (e.g. Chapter 4, The inequality debate) to the Rights and inequality in Australian education holding resource.
Typically a portion resource can be activated using the following rules:
- For books—only 10% or one chapter of a book can be activated at the one time. When a chapter number is not entered then the resource can only be activated if its portion size is less than 10% of the book. The chapter number can be a Roman numeral, a decimal and include alphabetic characters, examples such as: vi, IV, XX, table 9.6, Appendix 3, Introduction, 19 fact sheet, 1.10.
- For journals—only one article from a journal can be activated at one time unless multiple articles have the same topic and then they can all be activated.
- Select My resources from the navigation menu.
- Select the holding resource (e.g. Rights and inequality in Australian education) to display the Resource Summary page.
The Resource summary confirms that the two portion resources (Chapters 2 & 4) contributed to the eReserve articles collection are linked to the appropriate Books holding resource (Rights and inequality in Australian education). The Total pages, Total percentage, Active total and, Inactive total, portion percentage and activation status for the holding resource and the portion resources are displayed. In this example, all of the chapters are currently Inactive.
Once portion resources are contributed to the portions collection and linked to the parent holding resource they can be activated.
When a portion contribution wizard includes a resource selector control and the holding resource does not exist, it can be contributed using the following methods:
- Contribution wizard—allows users to manually add information and contribute a resource to the holding collection for the selected holding type. Clicking the Add a resource link in the holding resource selection field, then selecting from the Contribute portlet on the Select page opens the holding resource contribution wizard.
- Remote repository/Library search—allows users to search for records from a variety of external sources and automatically import information from Z3950 sources into a contribution wizard for the selected holding type. Clicking the Add a resource link in the holding resource selection field, then clicking the Search icon in the Search portlet
- Click Search Other Repositories and select a remote repository to search.
The copyright compliance features do not restrict the amount of copyright material that can be contributed to the repository but do restrict the amount of copied content active at any time to that allowed by CAL, simplifying management of copyright materials.
Managed copyright compliant content cannot be viewed by course users until it has been activated for a course.
In this section the user will activate two chapters from the same book against the openEQUELLA 101 course. One chapter is activated, however, the other chapter is not as it violates the copyright requirements.
Any number of resources can be active at a particular time as long as they comply with Part VB of the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (as amended). Content is activated when it is added to a course. Activation is initiated from the Resource summary page of the holding resource or the Resource summary page of the portion resources.
In this section resources are activated from the portion resource summary page.
- Select My Resources from the navigation menu.
- Click on a portion resource to activate (e.g. The inequality debate) to display the Resource summary page.
- Select the checkbox for the portion in the Copyright section, then click Activate to display the Activate attachments page.
- Select the checkboxes for the relevant portions then click the Activate Selected button. (Note: When multiple portions are selected they cannot be activated if their combined size violates the copyright portion rules such as 10% of a book.)
Activation requires that course and time frame details are entered, as the content is only made available to course users for the specified dates.
To link the portion resource to a course
- Select a Course from the drop-down list (e.g. openEQUELLA 101).
- Select Make live from and Make live until dates for the resource to be available online.
- Select a Citation from the drop-down list (e.g. Generic).
- Click Activate to display the Resource summary page with Active portion resource.
NOTE: If the chapter is over 10% of the book the system allows the user to activate it because it is still only one chapter.
Activation signals to the copyright compliance features that content usage is now recorded and copyright compliance enforced.
Activation records the following information:
- Portion resources activated
- Course details including the number of users
- Period of use.
To confirm that the activation triggers are working, another portion resource from the same holding resource needs to be activated. The system should display an error message and the portion resource should not be allowed to be made active.
- Select the My Resources option and select a different portion resource to activate (e.g. Comparing educational requirements) to display the Resource summary page.
- Select the checkbox for the portion then click Activate to display the Activate Attachments page.
- Select the course (e.g. openEQUELLA 101) and Make live from and until dates for the resource to be available online then click Activate .
Because the portion violates both the 10% and one chapter CAL rules a Copyright problem page is displayed.
- Respond appropriately to the message, for example email the content administrator.
- Click OK.
The portion resources can also be activated from the Resource summary page of the holding resource.
Users must accept the agreement conditions to view the portion resource.
A collection can comprise hundreds of resources and an advanced search can be a very useful tool for finding activated resources.
There are multiple search options in the example advanced search, one option or any combination of options can be used to find a resource.
- Select Search from the navigation menu. The Search page displays.
- Click the Within drop-down list and select the relevant advanced search (e.g. eReserve) from the Advanced search category.
- Enter the appropriate search information (e.g. Copyright).
- Click Search to display the results.
Administrators can conveniently control activated resources through the Manage Activations function and the resource’s Copyright page.
All previously activated resources are displayed on the Manage Activations page and the resource’s Activations page. Resources can be deactivated, deleted or rolled-over from the Manage Activations page and deleted from the resource’s Activations page. In this section the user will use the Rollover Activations feature to deactivate an activated resource and then activate it against a new course.
Activated resources can be managed from the Manage Activation page and the resource’s Activation page.
Portion resources having a resource status of Active, Pending or Inactive (when activation has expired) can be managed from the Manage Activations page. Individual or multiple activated resources can be deactivated, deleted or rolled-over.
- Select Manage Activations from the navigation menu. The Manage Activations page with a list of activated resources. The search results can be filtered by Course, Owner or Activation range.
The following operations can be selected from the Bulk Operations drop-down list:
- Delete Activations—deletes the activation and any recorded information for the activation. This option should only be used if a resource has been incorrectly activated as activations that are deleted are not included in the CAL Report.
- Deactivate—sets the end date of active activations to the current date and sets the status to inactive. The period of activation in the CAL report is from the initial date of activation until the date of deactivation.
- Rollover Activations—can reactivate all portion resources that were activated against a course during a given period, against the same or a different course for a new period.
To select activations
- Click the Select button for each required resource.
To roll-over activations
- Select the resources to be rolled-over, then click Perform an Actio. The Bulk actions dialog displays.
- Select Rollover activation from the drop-down list, then click Next. The Rollover activations dialog displays.
Portion resources can be rolled over from one course to another at the end of a course, or during the semester by deactivating them from the old course and adding them to the new course.
- Select a new Course to roll-over to from the drop-down list (e.g. openEQUELLA 202).
- Check the Deactivate existing checkbox if the resource is currently active and the activation period is not due to finish before the roll-over activation begins.
- Select a Start date and End date.
- Click Execute to display a confirmation dialog.
- Click Close to display the Manage Activations page. The activation status will have changed from Active to Inactive and the rolled-over resource status would be Pending.
The activation states include:
- Inactive—not currently activated.
- Active—currently activated.
- Pending—date set for future activation.
- Select the resources to be rolled-over, then click Perform an Action. The Bulk actions dialog displays.
- Select Deactivate from the drop-down list, then click Execute to display a confirmation dialog.
- Click Close to display the Manage Activations page.
- Select the resources to be rolled-over, then click Perform an Action. The Bulk actions dialog displays.
- Select Delete from the drop-down list, then click Execute to display a confirmation dialog.
- Click Close to display the Manage Activations page.
Copyright activated resources are displayed on the holding and portion resource’s Activations page. Resource activations can be deleted from the Activations page.
- Select an activated resource to display its Resource summary page.
- Select Activations from the Details section. The Activations page displays.
- Click the X button next to the required resource then click to confirm.
openEQUELLA generates electronic use survey (EUS) reports that show all activated content for the reporting period. The reports are presented using the Australian Copyright Agency layout in HTML, Word, Excel or PDF format and are appropriate for the Australian Copyright Agency (CA).
Copyright compliance reporting collates copyright usage data recorded by the copyright compliant features and aggregates it by holding resource type.
- Select Reports from the navigation menu to display the Reports page with a list of reports.
- Select the report (e.g. Copyright Agency LTD (CAL) report 2012). A confirmation dialog displays.
- Click OK to display the report’s parameter page.
- Enter the parameters for the reporting period.
- Click Execute Report to display the report listing all activation details.
The reports are presented using the EUS layout in HTML, Word, Excel or PDF format and can be copied into a spreadsheet application.
A number of changes and additions were added to the CAL module for the openEQUELLA 6.3 release. These features are documented below.
Administrators now have the ability to set the Part VB book percentage at a book collection level for their Books collection/s. The default is 10%.
The new option is found on the CAL Licensing page, which is accessed from the Admin Console, Collection Definition Editor. Select the required holding collection (e.g. Books), then click on the Extensions tab. Select the CAL Licensing Configure button.
NOTE: This option must be selected on the holding collection (e.g. Books) CAL licensing page. Setting this on the portion collection (e.g. eReserve articles) won’t affect the percentage.
Note that using the arrows will increase and decrease the current value by one whole number (e.g. 10 to 11) but one decimal place can be manually entered (e.g. 10.5, 12.2 etc.).
A new ACL (COPYRIGHT_OVERRIDE) is available which, when granted to users, allows those users to override the copyright warning which would cause a possible breach of the copyright rule and prevent an activation from proceeding.
When granted, the user is able to choose to ignore the warning and proceed with the activation after entering text to explain the reason for the override. The warning informs the user what the total percentage of activations for the book will be if the user proceeds.
Note that the Continue button is disabled at this point. Once the reason for overriding the copyright restriction is entered, the Continue button is enabled. An example is shown in Figure 3.
A new ACL (EDIT_ACTIVATION_ITEM) is available which, when granted to users, allows those users to edit Activation details. The following list shows which properties can be edited per activation status:
- Status: Pending, Course=Yes, Activate from = Yes, Activate Until = Yes
- Status: Active, Course=No, Activate from = No, Activate Until = Yes
The Edit activation page is accessed from the Activations link found in the Details section on the Resource summary page. It can be accessed from the Book or Journal (holding) record summary page, which lists all the Chapter, Excerpt or Article activations for that holding record, or it can be accessed from the portion record summary page, which will only show activations for that portion.
Click the Activations link to open the Activations page.
When the EDIT_ACTIVATION_ITEM ACL is granted, users see a new Edit link beside Active and Pending activations. Click the Edit link to open the Edit Activation page.
Note that the Course, Activate from and Activate until fields can all be edited for a Pending activation.
Only the Activate until field can be edited for an Active activation.
The Course drop-down list has been replaced with a Course search on the Activate attachments page.
Click the Select Course button to open the Select a course dialog.
Enter one or more characters of the Course name then click Search. Matching results display and one can be selected. Wildcards are not necessary. For example, entering ogy will return any results that contain that string in their name. Similarly, entering one letter (e.g. c) will return any courses containing the letter ‘c’ anywhere in their name.
Activation details are now stored in the portion item’s unified xml, as listed below:
- activation status
- portion UUID
- attachment UUID
- course name
- course code
- activation start date
- activation end date
- citation
The citation can now be displayed on the resource summary page for a portion, in addition to the search results page. Additionally, administration users can choose to use the citation as the attachment display link both on the summary page and in the LMS as an alternative to the attachment display name.
A new option on the Resource Summary Display Template tab of the Display tab in the Collection Definition Editor for the appropriate collection (e.g. eReserve articles) allows users to add the CAL citation to the Resource summary page.
Once the CAL citation for this resource section has been added, it can be reordered to appear in the appropriate place on the Resource summary page using the reorder buttons.
Administration users can now choose to use the citation as the portion attachment display name instead of the attachment title. The citation will then display as the attachment link both on the Resource summary page and in the LMS Course.
The new option is found on the CAL Licensing page, which is accessed from the Admin Console, Collection Definition Editor. Select the required portion collection (e.g. eReserve articles), then click on the Extensions tab. Select the CAL Licensing Configure button.
This option must be selected on the portion collection (e.g. eReserve articles) CAL licensing page. Setting this on the holding collection (e.g. Books) won’t change the display format.
A new ACL is available (VIEW_LINKED_PORTIONS) that allows administrators to restrict who has access to the Links to other Portions section displayed on the portion record Resource summary page.
When upgrading to openEQUELLA 6.3, this ACL will default to be granted to all users (as per current functionality). Revoking this ACL for users results in those users no longer seeing that section on the portion summary page.
Additionally, when this ACL is revoked, users will no longer see the (View portion) link for each portion from the holding record Resource summary page.
A new ACL is available (VIEW_INACTIVE_PORTIONS) that allows administrators to grant the ability to view portion attachments that are not active.
As a standard, only activated attachments can be clicked on to open and view the content. Other portion attachments for a holding record don’t show as a link, and can’t be opened and viewed.
Granting the VIEW_INACTIVE_PORTIONS ACL to users allows those users to open and view all portion attachments regardless of their status (Inactive, Pending and Active) by always displaying them as clickable links.
A new statistic (Pages available for activation) has been added to the holding record summary page which indicates how many pages could be activated before the Part VB percentage had been reached.
A new ACL is available (AUTO_CREATE_COURSE) that allows administrators to grant users the ability to create a course automatically in openEQUELLA when activating items for a course through a Moodle or Blackboard integration selection session.
When a user opens the integration screen selection session from a course section, goes to a portion summary page and selects the Activate and add button, openEQUELLA looks at the course code from the LMS, then matches it with a course code in openEQUELLA. If there is no matching course code in openEQUELLA, a message displays conveying this information, and the user can’t proceed with the activation and addition to the course section. When users are granted the AUTO_CREATE_COURSE ACL, the system will automatically add a course record to openEQUELLA, using the course code from the LMS as the Course Name and Code.
NOTE: When using this feature, Administrators will need to monitor Courses to update automatically created records with required details.
A record is added to the Course table in openEQUELLA with the Course Name and Code being the Course ID from the LMS.
EQUELLA 6.3 introduces enhancements to the activation rollover functionality accessed from Manage Activations.
On the Bulk actions, Rollover activations dialog, there is a new option (Use activation’s current course code) in the Course to roll-over to drop-down box. By selecting this option, all activations selected in the session will be rolled-over to the current course stored in the selected activations.
Additionally, the new option Use dates 12 months from current start and end dates has been added. Selecting this option will rollover the selected activations using the same dates stored in the activations, but in the following year. Once the checkbox is selected, the Start date and End date fields are no longer available for selection.
A new filter (Filter by activation status) has been added to the Manage activations filter options, allowing users to filter by Active, Pending and Inactive activations.
The search results template for Z39.50 searches has been updated, and now shows the following fields, if available:
- Title
- Author/s
- Edition – does not show for 1st editions
- Publisher
- Publish date