Create application-dev.properties file by copying the contents of application-prod.properties file.
Set integer rancher.jobExecutor.type according to the enum JobExecutorType: 0 for Light, 1 for Heavy, 2 for Unknown, 3 for Sync_fme, 4 for Async_fme
The appropriate listening queue should also be set via property job.rabbitmq.listeningQueue depending on the type of jobExecutor we want to use
Async fme jobExecutor should be connected with the database, so the following steps should be done before starting the application:
- Create a database connection using docker command
$ docker run --name jobExecutor -p 3314:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yourPassword mysql:8.0.28 - Set existing property spring.autoconfigure.exclude with no value
- Connect jobExecutor with the database setting the following properties
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3314/jobExecutor?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true spring.datasource.username=root spring.datasource.password=yourPassword
- If jobExecutor should work as async fme worker, property enable.fmeScheduler should be set to true so as that scheduled task scheduleFmeAsyncJobsStatusPolling is enabled
dev profile (matches application-dev.properties file) is activated by default, so run
$ mvn clean install -
or if you want to use prod profile (matches application-prod.properties), specify it at build time using the -P flag
$ mvn -Pprod clean install -
Add an environment variable logFilePath with value a path to a folder where log files will be stored. The variable is used in logback-spring.xml.
Add an environment variable queryLogRetentionDays with value the duration in days for which log files will be retained. Log files older than the specified duration will be deleted. The variable is used in logback-spring.xml.
JobExecutorApplication -> right click -> Run
inside app root directory
run dockerhub.sh file
or run the following commands after changing build time
$ docker build -t eworxeea/xmlconv_job_executor:2020-27-10T1500 .
$ docker push eworxeea/xmlconv_job_executor:2020-27-10T1500