In a Gatsby theme, one can pass options into the gatsby-config and gatsby-node.
We'll start by turning the gatsby-config into a function, and passing in options as arguments to that function.
module.exports = ({ contentPath = "data", basePath = "/" }) => ({
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
options: {
path: contentPath,
resolve: "gatsby-transformer-yaml",
options: {
typeName: "Event",
The options that were added as arguments to the function above are now provided as a second argument to Gatsby's API hooks.
In the gatsby-node
file, options are passed as the second argument to the API hooks.
Here we can set contentPath
to options.contentPath
, and set the fallback to 'data'.
exports.onPreBootstrap = ({ reporter }, options) => {
const contentPath = options.contentPath || "data"
// ...
We can do the same thing for createResolvers
and createPages
exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }, options) => {
const basePath = options.basePath || "/"
// ...
exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql, reporter }, options) => {
const basePath = options.basePath || "/"
// ...
Because we've converted gatsby-theme-events to use a function export in gatsby-config, we can no longer run the theme on its own.
The function export in gatsby-config.js is only supported for themes.
We need to now setup site to consume gatsby-theme-events and run.
Within site, create a gatsby-config.js file, and within that:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-theme-events",
options: {
contentPath: "events",
basePath: "/events",
When we run this theme through site, we should see an events folder get created, and we should have a page called events containing our event listings.
To test, run the following in the terminal:
yarn workspace site develop
We should be able to navigate to an events page, but we don't have any events displayed yet.
Within the events directory that has just been created, copy over the events.yml file from the other events directory.
After restarting Gatsby development with
yarn workspace site develop
We should see our events displayed on localhost:8000/events.
The URL shows that our config options are being taken into account.