- Build and deployment process
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 30
- Updated the pricing info on the App Store listing page.
- Removed the deprecated API credentials instructions from the settings page.
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 29
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 28
- Moving forward, this app will only support Nextcloud 28 and above.
- Moving forward, this app requires php 8.1 and above.
- Deprecated old remote signing mode and local signing mode.
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 27
- Moving forward, this app will only support Nextcloud 25 and above.
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 26
- Support php >= 7.4
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 25
- Compatibility with Nextcloud 24
- Remote signing now uses eID Easy signing queue functionality and views.
- Old remote signing functionality will be removed in the future versions.