A Language record contains the name and various statistics related to a programming language.
Language statistics are updated daily.
- id The unique ID of the language.
- name A short, unique name for the language. Primarily for internal Ohloh use.
- nice_name A human-friendly name for the language.
- category Either code, markup, or build, which indicates that the language is either a “standard” programming language, a document markup language such as XML, or a build script such as a makefile.
- code The total net lines of code, excluding comments and blank lines, written in this language across all projects on Ohloh.
- comments The total net comment lines written in this language across all projects on Ohloh.
- blanks The total net blank lines in this language across all projects on Ohloh.
- comment_ratio A precomputed floating-point value for the percent of lines in this language that are comments, across all projects on Ohloh.
- projects The total number of Projects on Ohloh which currently include at least one line in this language.
- contributors The total number of contributors on Ohloh who have written at least one line of code in this language that still exists today.
- commits The total number of commits on Ohloh which include at least one line in this language.
To get a single Language:
curl http://www.ohloh.net/languages/{language_id}.xml
To get a paginated list of all Languages:
curl http://www.ohloh.net/languages.xml
The Language collection request supports the standard collection request parameters, with the following sort options:
- total Results are sort by the total source lines, including comments and blanks, from highest to lowest.
- code Results are sorted by code lines only from highest to lowest.
- projects Results are sorted by the number of projects, from highest to lowest.
- comment_ratio Results are sorted by comment_ratio from highest to lowest. Results are sorted by the number of Projects, from highest to lowest.
- contributors Results are sorted by the number of contributors, from highest to lowest
- commits Results are sorted by the number of commits, from highest to lowest.
- name (default) Results are sorted alphabetically by nice_name.