Releases: folio-org/mod-agreements
Releases · folio-org/mod-agreements
Version 4.1.1
4.1.1 2021-07-28
- ERM-1781 Error on adding coverage to PCI which overlaps with existing coverage on PTI/TI
- ERM-1777 Templated URL not updating on deletion of Proxy
Version 4.1.0
4.1.0 2021-06-15
- ERM-1730 Add renewalPriority to agreement widget definition
- ERM-1724 Reduce running time for StringTemplateBulkSpec integration test
- ERM-1696 Added match terms to WidgetDefinitions
- ERM-1652 Agreement jobs simple search widget definition
- ERM-1651 Agreements simple search widget definition
- ERM-1650 Add unique indexes for refdata tables
- The package resourceCount incorrectly includes PCIs with a removedTimestamp
- ERM-1643 Implemented dashboard interface
- ERM-1632 Remote KB "LOCAL" should be created as read only
- FOLIO-3131: Use https for
- FOLIO-3106 Use https for
- Enable tenant logging
- Harmonize snapshot versions
- Added sample KBs
Version 4.0.1
4.0.1 2021-03-31
- ERM-1616 ERM admin/triggerHousekeeping fails
Version 4.0.0
4.0.0 2021-03-15
- ERM-1567 Cancellation deadline is now non-transient property on agreement
- ERM-1564 Period starting/ending on current date not shown as current period
- ERM-1534 Changed Agreement API to no longer directly expose "current agreement", switching instead to a tag on the period object.
- ERM-1533 Agreement start and end dates should be the earliest period start and latest period end date respectively
- ERM-1457 Extend length of field for monographVolume, monographEdition, firstAuthor, firstEditor
- ERM-1248 If local platform code not set, appears as
when a customised URL is proxied - ERM-1246 Template with null output will fail silently
- ERM-1243 CustomProperty values not duplicated properly
- ERM-1238 Agreements /erm/entitlements endpoint doesn't expand owner when entitlement is external
- ERM-1213 Exporting Resources from Agreement when "All" filter selected does not export all resources
- ERM-1203 Agreement Resources Export contains duplicate resources and incorrect agreement line information
- ERM-1156 Support user access to platform records
- ERM-1157 Implement Platform controller and URLMappings in mod-agreements
- ERM-1185 Add hasMany platformLocators to platform in domain model
- ERM-1079 Unable to delete license without permissions in agreements module
- ERM-1048 Implement "template" mechanism to create URLs for resources based on existing data
- ERM-1108 Add proxied URLs to exports
- ERM-1047 Support for customised URLs at platform level
- ERM-1135 Platform local code field
- ERM-972 Missing permission definitions
- Removed static version from vagrant box for developers
- Feature ii kbplus kb -- Internal tweaks to the KIJPFAdapter
Version 3.0.1
3.0.1 2020-11-06
- ERM-1213 Exporting Resources from Agreement when "All" filter selected does not export all resources
- ERM-1203 Agreement Resources Export contains duplicate resources and incorrect agreement line information
Version 3.0.0
3.0.0 2020-10-14
- ERM-1180 Add @ EnableScheduling annotation in mod-agreements
- ERM-1163 Remove default values from publicationType
- ERM-1154 change name of an agreement with local resource AL fails
- ERM-1147 Incorrect values displaying in "Acquisition method" column in "Agreements for this e-resource" MCL
- ERM-1131 GOKb record numbers in info/error log
- ERM-1117 Adding PCI to basket from /erm/eresources/ view results in different JSON shape added to basket
- ERM-1114 Duplicating an Agreement with Supplementary Documents does not duplicate the documents -- data cleanup service job created
- ERM-1101 Attempt to export All resources in KBART fails
- ERM-1094 Error on saving PCI
- ERM-1093 Fetching an Agreement with a PCI Entitlement gives 500 error
- ERM-1086 Exception being thrown on adding an agreement line while creating an agreement
- ERM-1080 Logging not working after Grails upgrade
- ERM-1070 Support POST operation for creating new entitlements
- ERM-1069 Add an agreement line without a resource
- ERM-1055 Comparison report "overlap" discrepancy
- ERM-1046 Non-phrase searching support for agreements
- ERM-1012 Correct order of fields in KBART export
- ERM-1010 Ensure use of MDC fields is consistent in import job error and info logging
- ERM-1006 "Future" and "Dropped" title lists do not include directly linked PCIs
- ERM-994 Comparison treats two separate resources with same title as the same
- ERM-966 Add "Note" to Organisation link in Agreements
- ERM-952 Process and save package/agreement comparisons
- ERM-948 Enhance eHoldings display in dedicated Agreement Line view
- ERM-943 Separate ERM
publication type
- ERM-932 Add TI "suppress from discovery" field to Agreement resource JSON export
- ERM-904 Update tooling and framework
- ERM-908 Update agreements to Grails 4
- ERM-909 Update docker image to Java 11
- ERM-892 Sample data being used on setup
- ERM-851 Securing APIs by default
- ERM-742 Custom properties: Backend validation not working
- ERM-510 KB Local Admin | Log should include information to identify Record where appropriate
Version 2.3.1
2.3.1 2020-07-03
- ERM-974 Change Organizations lookup URL from /organizations-storage/organizations to /organizations/organizations
Version 2.3.0
- ERM-941 remove time check from remotekb harvest
- ERM-931 Add Agreement Line "suppress from discovery" field to agreement resource JSON export
- ERM-930 Add PCI "suppress from discovery" field to Agreement resource JSON export
- ERM-929 Add Agreement Line tags to agreement resource JSON export
- ERM-925 Add PCI and TI tags to resources JSON export
- ERM-910 Loading titles to local KB as JSON or KBART fails
- ERM-903 Migration scripts has hardcoded diku tenant
- ERM-897 Add support for tags to agreement lines
- ERM-896 Add support for tags to eresources
- ERM-895 Add "Suppress from discovery" property to Agreement lines
- ERM-894 Add "Suppress from discovery" property to e-resources
- ERM-891 Require Agreement Names to be unique (Backend Validation)
- ERM-889 Add new agreement-agreement relationships
- ERM-866 Import of KBART incorrectly generates errors for monograph coverage
- ERM-864 Updates of selected fields fail silently
- ERM-837 Agreement line note does not save and/or retrieve for Agreement lines from eHoldings
- ERM-834 PCI not created when title is too long
- ERM-827 Add support for "Alternative name" for agreements
- ERM-826 RemoteLicenseLink.Status refdata category should be "internal"
- ERM-807 Add Embargo to PCI in Agreement exports
- ERM-800 Add "Embargo" to local KB data model and imports
- ERM-793 Support controlled updating of title instances in agreements local KB
- ERM-786 Agreement supplementary property descriptions are limited to 255 characters
- ERM-775 Use information from siblingInstances in KBART export
- ERM-773 Import service | Missing instanceMedia on import should skip line and continue
- ERM-772 KBART export should use subtype to classify identifier as print_identifier or online_identifier
- ERM-769 Error loading KBART file
- ERM-767 Monograph resources are not exported in KBART format
- ERM-735 Separate refdata categories into "internal" and "user" lists
- ERM-689 Add monograph fields to KBART export
- ERM-685 Support import and processing of KBART in Local KB Admin
- ERM-681 Fetch enhanced metadata for books from GOKb after harvesting
- ERM-547 Interpret GOKb Package Status, Edit Status and List Status
- ERM-427 No way of fetching agreement entitlements sorted by name
- ERM-193 Deleting a License (and possibly Agreement) with a Tag isn't possible
Version 2.2.2
- ERM-858 Postgres sequences out of sync when existing agreement data is upgraded
Version 2.2.1
- ERM-838 Add custom_properties_id to existing subscription_agreement entries (upgrade)