title |
Tic Tac Toe |
This chapter presents a program implementing the Tic Tac Toe game. You can play it here using your mouse to select the field where you want to make a move. To start a new game click the “New Game” button. If the game is not over, you can undo your last move (and the computer’s move that followed it) by clicking the “Undo” button.
The code is divided into three modules:
We start our analysis with the TicTacToeModel
module defined in the
TicTacToeModel.elm file. The module contains
several data type declarations.
% TicTacToeModel.elm module TicTacToeModel where
import List ((::), all, filter, head, isEmpty, length, map, tail)
type Player = O | X
type Result = Draw | Winner Player
type alias Field = { col: Int, row: Int }
type alias Move = (Field,Player)
type alias Moves = List Move
type GameState =
FinishedGame Result Moves
| NotFinishedGame Player Moves
The Player
data type represents the two players. The Result
type represents the result of the game — either a draw or a victory of
one of the players. The Field
data type is a record containing the
coordinates (column and row) of a field. The Move
type is a pair of
a Field
and a Player
. The Moves
type is a list of Move
values. The GameState
represents the game state, which can be either
a finished game, which has a result and a list of moves that were
made, or a not yet finished game, which contains the player which is
to make the next move, and a list of moves made so far.
The data types are followed by definitions of several functions. The first one of them takes a player as argument and returns the “other” player. % TicTacToeModel.elm
other : Player -> Player
other player =
case player of
X -> O
O -> X
The moves
function extracts the list of moves from the game state.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
moves : GameState -> Moves
moves state =
case state of
(NotFinishedGame _ moves) -> moves
(FinishedGame _ moves) -> moves
The initialState
function returns the initial game state. We have assumed
that the player X
always starts.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
initialState : GameState
initialState = NotFinishedGame X []
The isFieldEmpty
function verifies whether a given field is not yet
occupied, given the list of moves made so far.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
isFieldEmpty : Moves -> Field -> Bool
isFieldEmpty moves field = all (\\move -> not (fst move == field)) moves
The function uses the all
function, which takes a predicate function
(a function that takes an argument and returns a boolean value) and a
list and returns True
if the predicate returns True
for each
individual element of the list. Our predicate verifies whether the
field of the given move is the same as the field given as argument to
the isFieldEmpty
function. Let’s test the function in the REPL.
> import TicTacToeModel (..)
> isFieldEmpty [({col=1,row=1},X),({col=3,row=2},O)] {col=1,row=1}
False : Bool
> isFieldEmpty [({col=1,row=1},X),({col=3,row=2},O)] {col=1,row=2}
True : Bool
The subsequences
function is a helper function that works on lists,
but is not available in the standard library List
% TicTacToeModel.elm
subsequences : List a -> List (List a)
subsequences lst =
case lst of
[] -> [[]]
h::t -> let st = subsequences t
st ++ map (\\x -> h::x) st
It returns all subsequences of a given list.
> subsequences []
[[]] : List (List a)
> subsequences [1]
[[],[1]] : List (List number)
> subsequences [1,2]
[[],[2],[1],[1,2]] : List (List number)
> subsequences [1,2,4]
[[],[4],[2],[2,4],[1],[1,4],[1,2],[1,2,4]] : List (List number)
Notice how the empty list []
and a non-empty list consisting of the
head h
and tail t
are used as patterns in the case
The playerWon
function verifies whether the given player won,
considering the list of moves made so far.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
playerWon : Player -> Moves -> Bool
playerWon player =
let fieldsAreInLine fields =
all (\\{col} -> col == 1) fields ||
all (\\{col} -> col == 2) fields ||
all (\\{col} -> col == 3) fields ||
all (\\{row} -> row == 1) fields ||
all (\\{row} -> row == 2) fields ||
all (\\{row} -> row == 3) fields ||
all (\\{col,row} -> col == row) fields ||
all (\\{col,row} -> col + row == 4) fields
in subsequences
>> filter (\\x -> length x == 3)
>> filter (all (\\(_,p) -> p == player))
>> map (map fst)
>> filter fieldsAreInLine
>> isEmpty
>> not
The function has one argument (called player
), yet the type
declaration seems to declare two arguments. That means, that the
function takes one argument of type Player
and returns another
function, of type Moves -> Bool
The fieldsAreInLine
helper function verifies whether the given list
of fields has only fields that are on the same line (vertical,
horizontal or diagonal).
The function returned by playerWon
is composed from several smaller
functions using the >>
, which composes two functions together. We
will analyze the individual functions starting from the first one —
— which returns all subsequences of the list of
moves. The next function filters those subsequences, leaving only
those that have three elements. The next one filters them even more,
leaving only those, which only have the moves of the player equal to
the first argument of the playerWon
function. The next one turns the
list of moves into a list of fields by extracting the first element of
each move. The next function filters the list even more using the
helper function fieldsAreInLine
. Finally, the last two functions
verify whether the list which is the result of all the previous
filtering is not empty.
> playerWon X []
False : Bool
> playerWon X [({col=1,row=3},X),({col=3,row=3},O),({col=3,row=1},X),({col=1,row=1},O),({col=2,row=2},X)]
True : Bool
The addMove
function takes a move and a state and returns a new game
% TicTacToeModel.elm
addMove : Move -> GameState -> GameState
addMove move state =
let newMoves = move :: (moves state)
player = snd move
if | playerWon player newMoves -> FinishedGame (Winner player) newMoves
| length newMoves == 9 -> FinishedGame Draw newMoves
| otherwise -> NotFinishedGame (other player) newMoves
The function adds the move to the existing state and then verifies
whether the new situation corresponds to a finished game, either
because one of the players won, or because there is no more place left
on the board. In that case a FinishedGame
state is returned.
> addMove ({ col = 3, row = 1 },X) (NotFinishedGame X [({ col = 3, row = 3 },O),({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
FinishedGame (Winner X) ([({ col = 3, row = 1 },X),({ col = 3, row = 3 },O),({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
: GameState
Otherwise, if the game is not finished, a new NotFinishedGame
value is
> addMove ({ col = 3, row = 1 },X) (NotFinishedGame X [({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
NotFinishedGame O ([({ col = 3, row = 1 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
: GameState
The makeComputerMove
function implements the algorithm used by the
computer to choose the next move.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
makeComputerMove : GameState -> GameState
makeComputerMove state = case state of
FinishedGame _ _ -> state
NotFinishedGame player moves ->
let fields = [
newField = head <| filter (isFieldEmpty moves) fields
newMoves = (newField, player) :: moves
addMove (newField, player) state
The algorithm is very simple, and is not the optimal one. An optimal algorithm would not leave a chance for the human player to win. This algorithm however is not optimal for the game, so the player has a change to win with the computer. The computer simply takes moves from a predefined list. The moves that cannot be performed, because the given field is not empty, are discarded, and the first one of the remaining moves is selected.
> makeComputerMove (NotFinishedGame X [])
NotFinishedGame O ([({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)]) : GameState
> makeComputerMove (NotFinishedGame O [({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
NotFinishedGame X ([({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
: GameState
The makeHumanAndComputerMove
function takes a field selected by the
player, and the current game state, and returns a new game state.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
makeHumanAndComputerMove : Field -> GameState -> GameState
makeHumanAndComputerMove field state =
case state of
FinishedGame _ _ -> state
NotFinishedGame player moves ->
if isFieldEmpty moves field
then addMove (field,player) state |> makeComputerMove
else state
The function first verifies if the next move is allowed to be made on the provided field. The move is not allowed if the game is already finished, or if the field is not empty.
> makeHumanAndComputerMove { col = 2, row = 1 } (FinishedGame (Winner X) [({ col = 3, row = 1 },X),({ col = 3, row = 3 },O),({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
FinishedGame (Winner X) ([({ col = 3, row = 1 },X),({ col = 3, row = 3 },O),({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
: GameState
> makeHumanAndComputerMove { col = 2, row = 2 } (NotFinishedGame O [({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
NotFinishedGame O ([({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)]) : GameState
If the move is allowed, the addMove
is used for adding the move to
the game state, and returning the new state. The new state is then
passed to makeComputerMove
to make the subsequent move by the
> makeHumanAndComputerMove { col = 2, row = 2 } (NotFinishedGame O [])
NotFinishedGame O ([({ col = 1, row = 1 },X),({ col = 2, row = 2 },O)])
: GameState
The undoMoves
function modifies the state to undo two moves — the
last computer move and the user move preceding it.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
undoMoves : GameState -> GameState
undoMoves state =
case state of
NotFinishedGame _ [] -> state
NotFinishedGame player moves ->
NotFinishedGame player (moves |> tail |> tail)
FinishedGame _ _ -> state
The moves are only removed if the game is not finished, and only if there are actually moves that can be removed (the list of moves is not empty).
> undoMoves (FinishedGame (Winner X) [({ col = 3, row = 1 },X),({ col = 3, row = 3 },O),({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
FinishedGame (Winner X) ([({ col = 3, row = 1 },X),({ col = 3, row = 3 },O),({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
: GameState
> undoMoves initialState
NotFinishedGame X [] : GameState
> undoMoves (NotFinishedGame O [({ col = 1, row = 3 },X),({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
NotFinishedGame O ([({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)]) : GameState
The processClick
function modifies the game state in reaction to a
mouse click by the user.
% TicTacToeModel.elm
processClick : (Int,Int) -> GameState -> GameState
processClick (x,y) =
let col = 1 + x // 100
row = 1 + y // 100
if col >= 1 && col <= 3 && row >= 1 && row <= 3
then makeHumanAndComputerMove {col=col,row=row}
else identity
The function uses the standard identity
function, which returns its input
> identity
<function> : a -> a
> identity 4
4 : number
> identity "abc"
"abc" : String
The coordinates of the click position are translated into the
coordinates of one of the board fields. If the click is indeed inside
the board, the makeHumanAndComputerMove
function is used for returning
the state-modifying function. Otherwise the id
function is used in
order to (not) modify the state.
> processClick (150,150) initialState
NotFinishedGame X ([({ col = 1, row = 1 },O),({ col = 2, row = 2 },X)])
: GameState
> processClick (1500,150) initialState
NotFinishedGame X [] : GameState
The TicTacToeView
module defines the drawing
% TicTacToeView.elm module TicTacToeView where
import Color (black, white)
import Graphics.Collage (circle, collage, filled, group, move, rect, rotate)
import Graphics.Element (Element, container, down, flow, layers, middle, right, spacer)
import Graphics.Input (button)
import List (map)
import Signal (Channel, channel, send)
import Text (plainText)
import TicTacToeModel (..)
The drawLines
function draws the two vertical and two horizontal
lines of the game board.
% TicTacToeView.elm
drawLines : Element
drawLines =
collage 300 300 [
filled black (rect 3 300) |> move (-50,0),
filled black (rect 3 300) |> move (50,0),
filled black (rect 300 3) |> move (0,-50),
filled black (rect 300 3) |> move (0,50)
The drawMoves
function draws the moves of both players.
% TicTacToeView.elm
drawMoves : GameState -> Element
drawMoves state =
let moveSign player =
group (case player of
X ->
let xline = filled black (rect 5 64)
in [ rotate (degrees 45) xline
, rotate (degrees 135) xline
O ->
[ filled black <| circle 30
, filled white <| circle 25
playerMove ({col,row}, player) =
moveSign player |> move (toFloat <| 100*col-200,toFloat <| -100*row+200)
collage 300 300 (map playerMove <| moves state)
The stateDescription
returns the text of the message that the user
sees below the board.
% TicTacToeView.elm
stateDescription : GameState -> String
stateDescription state =
case state of
FinishedGame Draw _ -> "Game Over. Draw"
FinishedGame (Winner p) _ -> "Game Over. Winner: " ++ toString p
NotFinishedGame p _ -> "Next move: " ++ toString p
The newGameChannel
function creates a channel for sending messages
in response to clicking the “New Game” button. The newGameButton
creates a clickable button using the button
function from the
button : Message -> String -> Element
The Message
object is created using the send
function, which takes
the channel as one of its arguments
% TicTacToeView.elm
newGameChannel : Channel ()
newGameChannel = channel ()
newGameButton : Element
newGameButton = button (send newGameChannel ()) "New Game"
There are also two similar functions related to the “Undo” button. % TicTacToeView.elm
undoChannel : Channel ()
undoChannel = channel ()
undoButton : Element
undoButton = button (send undoChannel ()) "Undo"
The view
function collects the complete view, by drawing the board
lines and the player moves on top of each other, and the state
description message and the two buttons below.
% TicTacToeView.elm
view : GameState -> Element
view state =
flow down [
layers [drawLines, drawMoves state],
container 300 60 middle <| plainText <| stateDescription state,
container 300 60 middle <| flow right [undoButton, spacer 20 20, newGameButton]
The TicTacToe
module implements the remainder of the game.
% TicTacToe.elm module TicTacToe where
import Graphics.Element (Element)
import Mouse
import Signal ((<~), Signal, foldp, mergeMany, sampleOn, subscribe)
import TicTacToeModel (..)
import TicTacToeView (..)
The module creates several signals and combines them together. The following figure presents how the individual signals are combined together to produce the main game signal.
The first three functions create the basic input signals that are then
transformed into other signals. The clickSignal
function creates a
signal which outputs the mouse pointer position on every click. The
function returns the signal associated with
. The undoButtonSignal
function returns the signal
associated with undoChannel
% TicTacToe.elm
clickSignal : Signal (Int,Int)
clickSignal = sampleOn Mouse.clicks Mouse.position
newGameButtonSignal : Signal ()
newGameButtonSignal = subscribe newGameChannel
undoButtonSignal : Signal ()
undoButtonSignal = subscribe undoChannel
The next three functions transform each of the above signals into a
signal of state-transforming functions. Those signals have the type of
Signal (GameState -> GameState)
. The functions carried by the signal
events will then be applied to the game state.
The newGameSignal
creates a signal of functions that return the
initial game state regardless of the current state.
% TicTacToe.elm
newGameSignal : Signal (GameState -> GameState)
newGameSignal = always (always initialState) <~ newGameButtonSignal
The always
function returns a function that disregards its input and
always outputs a certain value.
> always
<function> : a -> b -> a
> f = always 1
<function> : a -> number
> f 2
1 : number
> f 6
1 : number
It is used twice. The outer always
disregards the ()
values of the
signal, while the inner always
disregards the
current state.
The undoSignal
function creates a signal of undoMoves
% TicTacToe.elm
undoSignal : Signal (GameState -> GameState)
undoSignal = always undoMoves <~ undoButtonSignal
The moveSignal
function returns a signal of state-transforming
functions created by calling the processClick
function with mouse
click positions. The processClick
function is partially applied
here — only its first argument is applied.
% TicTacToe.elm
moveSignal : Signal (GameState -> GameState)
moveSignal = processClick <~ clickSignal
The inputSignal
function merges the three signals described above
into one.
% TicTacToe.elm
inputSignal : Signal (GameState -> GameState)
inputSignal = mergeMany [ moveSignal, newGameSignal, undoSignal ]
The gameStateSignal
uses the foldp
function to modify the game state.
% TicTacToe.elm
gameStateSignal : Signal GameState
gameStateSignal = foldp (<|) initialState inputSignal
Recall the foldp
foldp : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
In our case the input signal has the Signal (GameState -> GameState)
type, thus a
is GameState -> GameState
. The output signal has the
type Signal GameState
, and thus b
is GameState
. We can conclude
therefore, that the function that we need to pass as the first
argument to foldp
needs to have the following signature:
(GameState -> GameState) -> GameState -> GameState
Well, that signature looks like a function application operator
— we can thus use it in the foldp
(<|) : (a -> b) -> a -> b
So, the way how the foldp
function works in our game is that it
receives state-transforming functions as input, and applies each of
them to the current state that it maintains and outputs.
The main
function simply combines the signal of state values with
the view
function from the TicTacToeView
% TicTacToe.elm
main : Signal Element
main = view <~ gameStateSignal
The next chapter presents another game.