Follow the guidelines.
Follow the guidelines.
We are using react-styleguidist. Documentation and examples are available here.
Build the doc:
yarn doc
Run the doc on locahost:6060
yarn start
We are using jest and enzyme.
Run the tests in watch mode:
yarn test --watch
Run coverage:
yarn coverage
Then open the file coverage/lcov-report/index.html
in your browser.
Publish on
Run publish:
You need to enter the new version number in the command line. Then the new version must be published on
Publish a development version on
This version WILL NOT be displayed to other in
Run publish:
You need to enter the new version number in the command line.
Append -beta.0
to the current version or increase the beta number.
Then the new version must be published on with the tag beta.
Before adding an SVG file in this folder please clean it using svgo or svgomg.
After optimization, verify you can use it Openlayers using this code sandbox.
By default the svg loader will load the svg file as a react component if you want to load svg file as a base64 data URI use the extension .url.svg :
// Import as a React component:
import NorthArrow from 'northArrow.svg';
// Use: <NorthArrow />
// Import as a base64 data URI (or with an url the file is too big):
import northArrow from 'northArrow.url.svg';
// northArrow = "...."
You could also use others loaders (ex: svg-inline-loader , svg-url-loader ...) . To use these loaders just adapt the extension of the svg file and add the loader config in styleguide.config.js, then you will be able to use it like this :
// Import as an inline svg:
import northArrow from 'northArrow.svginline.svg';
// northArrow = "<svg xmlns='' height='192' ...> ... </svg>"
// Import as an encoded inline svg data URI (or with an url the file is too big):
import northArrow from 'northArrow.svgurl.svg';
// northArrow = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' height='192' ...%3E ... %3C/svg%3E"
In case you want your SVG fits perfectly his parent div you need to remove width
and height
attributes of <svg>
and replace it by a viewBox
property, like this:
`<svg width="192" height="192">`
`<svg viewBox="0 0 192 192">`