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<link rel="section" href="S3" title="3 Skyrmion dynamics ‣ DCPT-13/17 The dynamics of domain wall Skyrmions"/>
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<p class="ltx_p">Skyrmions <cite class="ltx_cite ltx_citemacro_cite">[<a href="bib#bib1" title="" class="ltx_ref">1</a>]</cite> are topological solitons in
generalized sigma models that include a term in the Lagrangian that is
quartic in the derivatives of the field.
The role of this quartic Skyrme term is to provide a fixed finite size for
the Skyrmion, as revealed by Derrick’s theorem <cite class="ltx_cite ltx_citemacro_cite">[<a href="bib#bib2" title="" class="ltx_ref">2</a>]</cite>.
The original Skyrme model is a relativistic theory in (3+1)-dimensions,
where Skyrmions describe baryons within an effective field theory.
There is also a (2+1)-dimensional analogue of this theory,
known as the baby Skyrme model <cite class="ltx_cite ltx_citemacro_cite">[<a href="bib#bib3" title="" class="ltx_ref">3</a>]</cite>. This is a generalization of the
O(3) sigma model, and has proved to be a useful
testing ground for the study of several aspects of Skyrmions.</p>
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<p class="ltx_p" id="S1.p1.1">Skyrmions <cite class="ltx_cite">[<a href="#bib.bib1" class="ltx_ref" title="">1</a>]</cite> are topological solitons in
generalized sigma models that include a term in the Lagrangian that is
quartic in the derivatives of the field.
The role of this quartic Skyrme term is to provide a fixed finite size for
the Skyrmion, as revealed by Derrick’s theorem <cite class="ltx_cite">[<a href="#bib.bib2" class="ltx_ref" title="">2</a>]</cite>.
The original Skyrme model is a relativistic theory in (3+1)-dimensions,
where Skyrmions describe baryons within an effective field theory.
There is also a (2+1)-dimensional analogue of this theory,
known as the baby Skyrme model <cite class="ltx_cite">[<a href="#bib.bib3" class="ltx_ref" title="">3</a>]</cite>. This is a generalization of the
O(3) sigma model, and has proved to be a useful
testing ground for the study of several aspects of Skyrmions.</p>
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